High School- Expectations

By Joseph Foster

Published on Feb 14, 2007



Growing up in a nice neighborhood, with a relatively normal family and a few great friends to call his own Andrew Kemp was loving his life, but feared what most guys his age feared...Boners...At his age they tend to just pop up, unannounced and unwelcome. Now Andrew has nothing to be ashamed of, though he would tell you different, he stands 5'9 and about 135 lbs he has not an ounce of fat on his body, he had a very defined hidden muscle thing going on, his issue.. He's considered a genius in many respects, he doesn't dress like a nerd, in fact the only thing that makes him even slightly nerdy is his thick rimmed glasses and un-kept hair, but since both of those are so now, I guess he was just ahead of the times.

To continue, as most boys know gym class in a high school can be a godsend, or a blessing from hell. Because, well it's one thing to pop a boner, but a completely different story to pop one in the locker room.

It was a typical day at school, he blended in just fine, with his Abercrombie style and boyish charms, most people got along just great with his... Most people...

"Watch it fag" Andrew was slightly taken aback as this was the first time he'd been called that particular phrase. He noted that the culprit was none other than his long time rival Jason Schmidt, now Andrew maybe slightly undersized, but he's no push over

"Well, well, well look who was given a day off from the funny farm, tell me is it true that the orderlies beat you to make you take your meds, or do they just shove it down your throat, like your used to?" The look on Jason's face went from confident to downright angry

"That was supposed to be a secret.." Jason said with a bitter tone

"Well then maybe you should watch the buttons you press with me, because there are a couple that will make me sing all your secrets like a little birdy."

"Just watch your back faggot."

"Oh and watch the language, I might be tempted to say exactly how you learned the definition of a word you can't even spell." Andrew knew that was below the belt seeing as he was second in their class, a second only to Andrew himself, and Jason's father was all about "Valedictorian or no college, I see no point in furthering the education of a second rate son."

Needless to say the boys had a past, they had grown up next door to one another for their entire lives, hell their parents shared an ambulance to the hospital when they were to be born, they were like brothers, twins from separate mothers. Then when they reached middle school Jason was all about the sports, going for everything besides soccer, his father thought soccer was not American enough, (Yes a jackass and a bigot) for his son to partake in. Andrew was the soccer star and the number one student, with straight A+'s and perfect attendance, he is the kind of kid parents dream of having, while in middle school for Jason sports were everything, and he had mostly As with a couple Bs tossed in, still on honor roll of course, but attendance was minimal. Then when Jason's mother died his father changed and demanded perfection of his only son, if the house, his grades, his attendance didn't reflect who Alexander Schmidt wanted his son to be the punishment would be unspeakable. So with the added stress, even though Andrew was like a son to Alexander, Jason started to distance himself, because Andrew made him look bad, and eventually, that resentment turned into hate, for no seemingly apparent reason.

Andrew aimlessly went through his usual routine, and found a table where he knew his friends would eventually find him, as planned they did about 15 minutes of sitting alone his friends began to form a very crowded table.

His best friend Matt Sage sat beside him, "So buddy you trying out for the soccer team?"

"No I'm gonna give up the one thing that keeps me able to eat this." Andrew said as he took a huge bite of his cheeseburger

"You'll make it for sure, you were like the fucking king of the soccer field back at Graing."

"Don't get too far ahead of yourself, I haven't even tried out yet."

"You're gonna make it dude I can feel it" Matt said as he draped his arm over his best friend.

"And that better be all you're feeling, what are you AHH"

Andrew jumped, "HEY don't do that, you know how much I hate it when you nipple tweak me."

"Just loosen up! What time are trials?"

"3:15, Coach from G Spot said I should go for varsity, but I think I'll just go for freshman."

"Well dude if you try out for freshman you'll make it for sure, but J.V or varsity you have a shot but those guys are probably bigger than you by an awful lot."

"Yeah that's my issue, I am afraid that if I try out they face me against someone too fierce."

"Well you've got my vote baby, I've seen you handle a ball and you've got mad skills, so if you get cut the coach is a fuckin retard.

"Is he now?" a firm deep voice said from behind him

"The coach is right behind me isn't he."

"Well, aren't you the quick one? Would you like to tell me exactly why I am a fucking retard?"

"I meant it in the nicest way, I mean my friend here is a great soccer player and I wanna see him succeed but in order for him to do that he has to make the team and be able to play and in order for him to make the team he has to try out and to make it farther he needs to be approved by the coach so there fore I said that if you rejected him it would be less than smart on your part." Out of breath Matt looked up to see the coach stifling a laugh

"Well son just the fact that you made me smile means you get off without punishment, so Mr. Kemp I hear you're quite the soccer player, your coach raves about you and how I should just place you on my varsity team without so much as a trial.

"Oh sir I'd never ask you to do that, it wouldn't be fair to the other guys, I mean there may be someone much more talented than me out there to make the team I should just try out like everyone else"

"That is very admirable, and I was about to give you a spot considering how much I value the opinion of your coach, he and I have been friends for years and if he says you're a superstar then you are, so here's the deal, when you get to the field you are gonna go right to the varsity practice, the season doesn't start for a few weeks, I want you to wait there for me ok, oh and don't worry our tallest play is only 6'2, so you'll be fine."

"Thanks." Andrew said a little wide eyed

"Did that just happen?"

"Do you mean are you the first freshman in our schools history to make varsity, and did the coach just say you don't even have to try out... then yeah that just happened."

"Holy shit dude, this is crazy, but wait this is all based on my coach not my skills.."

"But your coach was motivated by your skills, and I'm sure the reason Coach Craig wants you to go to practice is so he can see what you got, he won't let you stay on the team if you suck, and my other guess is that if you prove Rogers wrong that he won't be taking his word anymore, so for both your sakes don't mess up."

That afternoon dressed in his practice gear he made his way to the field, it was easy to find the varsity team, as they were the ones who were slightly larger and in school practice uniforms as opposed to store bought gear

"You must be Andrew, I'm team captain."

"and your name is?"

"Oh didn't I tell you, sorry I'm a bit retarded sometimes, Brian Volchok, please no O.C jokes, umm you got a nickname dude that's what we put on our jerseys and refer to each other as"

"Yeah cause that's exactly the first thing that popped into my mind (it was), and I don't really have a nickname but they called me Torch sometimes, cuz our jerseys were orange and I apparently looked like a line of fire when I ran, don't ask me."

"So you're a sarcastic one, interesting nickname, like the Fantastic 4 guy, so Torch it is, our jerseys are red so it still kind of applies."

"Guys listen up, this is the newest addition to our team, he's a freshman."

There was mostly silence with a couple boos thrown in there

"Guys come on, he can't be bad or coach wouldn't have brought him."

"Damn right he wouldn't have " The coach belted from behind them

"Now I didn't just hear my team insult a team member just because of his age did i.. I think I shaped my team to show more respect for someone, especially someone that I HAND PICKED 20 SUICIDES ALL OF YOU!"

Groans were heard, and a couple gestures were made at Andrew

`THAT'S 60 just keep it up guys, we've got all night!!"

"You two come this way."

"Coach why don't I gotta run with them.."

"What, you wanna?!"

"NO, I mean I just..I..."

"Grow a spine Orange County, and there are two reasons you don't have to run, point 1 is that you were respectful to the new member, and point 2 is that you stuck up for him showing a good sign that I appointed a proper captain, understood."

"Can I go back to being Brian or Volchok now, you know how I hate the O.C jokes."

"Well until you learn to stand up for yourself to me, all you're getting is O.C jokes, what the hell is O.C anyway, never mind let's just see what this kid has, we're gonna play a little 2 on 1, us against he newbie."

"First let's test his offense."

The coach and the team captain were both completely astounded when the freshman managed to get past them and score each time.

While running their suicides the team was shocked too.

Jamie one of the main jeerers looked in amazement "He's incredible!"

Greg piped up a little out of breath "Yeah how old is he anyway?"

Hank caught his breath and said "He's a freshman, so he's 14."

Jamie again "We shouldn't have been so harsh, I mean look at him he's better than the coach and our team captain."

Ben yelled out "51"

Nate whined a little "Why did we have to be so...ahhhhh 9 more, all because we couldn't just accept a freshman."

Derek decided to toss in something "Well it's not too late, after we're done we can go apologize and give him a proper welcome."

They all watched as he defended against both of them and didn't allow them to score a single goal.

"Damn kid you're amazing."

"Thanks coach."

"You're definitely gonna be starting, what's your nickname, I should put a rush on your jersey?"


The coach looked at him for a second.. "Oh right Jake told me about that, so you're the line of fire."

"That would be me."

Brian looked at his newest team member with admiring eyes, he felt odd sensations and knew that he was different, he wasn't like the other teammates he felt something stronger than team, he had only felt this for his girlfriend before. He still loved her but this new boy was so striking, he had brown messy hair with some blondish streaks that looked natural, and the greyest blue eyes you've ever seen.

As they made their way towards the building they heard Ben yell "60!!"

So Brian yelled "Stretch out and call it a day guys."

Brian swiped his student after hours entry card and they made their way to the locker room.

So why didn't I see you all day I mean I figured I would have at least seen you once during the day.

"Maybe you looked at me but didn't notice me."

"Well I don't think I would have missed you're eyes, sorry if this sound queer but they are amazing."

Reflexively Andrew closed his eyes and blushed a bit "Thanks I guess. Flattery will get you everywhere."

"I don't mean to sound pervish but I just happened to notice them during practice, and they just took me in."

"Do you hate gay people?"

"No, of course not..why?"

"Because everytime you say something nice to me you say something about queer or pervish, I mean dude, is that necessary? I mean for all you know, some of your teammates are gay, and wouldn't appreciate that kind of talk."

"Are you calling me a homophobe?"

"There's no such thing as a homophobe, because people often confuse hate with fear, a homophobe is someone who fears BEING a homosexual, not the homosexual themselves, and you know what they say, what people hate most about other people what they hate most about themselves, so I guess the question should be, Are you a homophobe?"

"Is that your way of trying to double talk me into admitting I'm gay or something?"

"You just answered every question I had about you."

Andrew said as he walked into the locker room while taking off his sticky jersey

Brian watched as the nicely defined muscles on Andrews back flexed and his cock stirred in his shorts

"Wh-What's that supposed to mean..?"

"It means you're a total closet case trying to hide his homosexuality by using derogatory terms to describe being gay, and those comments about my eyes, not spoken like a straight guy, sorry dude, but you should know your secret's safe with me.

"I'm no... Ok you figured me out, but nobody can know about this."

"Did I not just say you're secret IS safe with me."

"So with all that talk, are you...?"

"Yes I am, and no I am not out. Does that about cover it?"

They headed into the shower and took two heads next to one another, both took this alone time as their chance to check out each other completely

Brian's body was much more developed than Andrew's but they both found each other to be completely beautiful, even their penises, each of them had never thought of another guys penis as pretty but they both were salivating at the thought of the other guys dick.

"You're so big." Andrew said as he placed his around Brian semi-hard cock

"You're not so bad yourself" Brian said while cupping Andrew's balls

Brian couldn't hold back anymore "Can I kiss you Andy?"

"Yeah Bri please kiss me."

Brian nervously leaned his face towards Andrew's, Andrew licked his lips in anticipation, lightly their lips brushed against each other's as soon as they made contact both of them felt a jolt, and they started to kiss harder, Brian lifted up Andrew and place him seated on the short wall separating the locker room from shower room and they proceeded to make out with Brian shafting Andrews ass crack, they heard the door open and loud talking and in that moment Andrew fell off the wall, luckily he fell forward.

"OOMF, fuck I think I'm done with my shower.."

"Don't leave because of us." Ben said

"No I am actually done, believe me I'm less than intimidated by any of you, I've dealt with worse."

"Have you really? Worse than me?" Jamie asked

"Well seeing as you're the tallest one, yes much worse, ANY way I'm clean now so I'll be going."

"Well we just wanted to apologize for the way we acted, you're obviously a great player, we saw you in action earlier, impressive."

"Catch you guys tomorrow."

"Yeah I'm done too." Brian said and followed

"Need a ride home?"

"Yeah that'd be good, why bother my parents."

They got dressed and made their way to the parking lot trudging through the snow that had piled up over the day.

"Help me clean it off?"

"Yeah sure you got an extra brush?"


They got the red truck cleaned off

"Ahh red the color of passion, I like it."

"Thanks I got it for my 16th birthday last year."

"I hope my parents get me something this nice."

"Hop in."

They left the school's parking lot, and started talking without even noticing they Brian started to hold Andrew's hand, as they both unknowingly intertwined their fingers they kept talking.

"So what's your schedule like."

"Difficult I'm taking what most juniors would be taking only on the honors level so I have classes with mostly juniors, the only class I have with freshman is P.E and I'm gonna opt out cause of soccer."

"Do you realize we've been holding hand this entire time?"

"Wow really, it feels so right I barely even noticed."

"Which way now?"

"Left and It's the fourth last house on the left."

"Nice place."

"Well I better go..."

"Wait you have to come in and meet my parents.."

"So soon don't you usually go on a date before that..."

"Well my boy I am still 14 almost 15 but they consider me their baby, since I'm the youngest and they like to meet the people who drive me around, especially in winter, if I let you leave I'll be severely beaten."

A look of terror overtook Brian's face "Dude I'm joking my parents have never even swatted me."

"Oh good.. Well let's go"


"Sweethart, it's kind of late, what kept you?"

"Get the family I wanna tell you all at once in the living room."

"Guys come into the family room for a moment your son and brother has something to tell us."

The rest of the Kemp clan came into the room, there was a man who looked to be about 45 who looked exactly like Andrew, then there was another man he only looked to be 20 or so, was Andrew's twin except for a few years age, and then there was a girl he knew only as "That Kem-something Bitch" compliments of his recently ex-girlfriend who happened to be her enemy, this girl was gorgeous, she had all the features of Andrew complimented with his hair and her mothers rack, no wonder Melody hated her.

"What is it bro we're hungry?" Vance his older brother asked

"Yeah starved and I have a... Well hello there.." Eve said to Brian

"Yes, ok I made the team..."

"Well no shit.." They all said at the same time

"Well wait a second lemme finish, I made VARSITY and I am gonna start the first game!"

His father and brother looked at one another, while his sister and mother covered their mouths in pride.

"Oh honey that's so great, you are great so now you've proved it once again."

"Yeah wow lil brother, I always was happy to point out my brother at the games as the cutest one, and now I have another reason to be better than that Schm^×something Ho Bag.. Oh sorry isn't that your girlfriend?" She said without a hint of remorse

"Not anymore" he said quietly "SON This is amazing how long has it beeen since a frosh has made it to varsity?"

"It's never happened before dad, this is making history in our shitty town" Vance interjected

"Now all you need is a boyfriend and you'll be perfect." Eve added

The family shared a laugh "So son is there a lucky guy?"

Not sure if Brian would be okay with telling them he looked to him and was given approval with a slight nod.

"Well actually, there is..."

"Well who is he?"

"Eve knows him actually, and actually all of you have seen him before, and actually he's standing right next to me."

A look of shock overtook Eve's face then joy appeared, and she hugged he brother, then moved onto Brian "You finally upgraded from that no good bitch, and a major upgrade, but a totally different model, if you so much as dent this one you deal with me, and I have diplomatic immunity, understood mechanic?!"

"I believe my sister said it all, if this car comes back with so much as a gas cap missing, you'll be missing a whole lot more than that."

"Since my kids took care of the threats of violence, I'll threaten the lifetime issues, fuck up with my son and your permanent record will look like a copy of "Moby Dick" on steroids."

"Well now that you're shaking like a leaf how about I tell you, as long as our son is happy, we're happy, and long as all of us are happy our other 2 kids are happy, and as long as their happy, everyone's life expectancy drastically increases, so welcome to the Kemp house, where anything goes except fucking over our kids, would you like to stay for dinner?"

"Well, I'd like to but seeing as I've already been threatened with bodily harm and a ruined life and I haven't even taken your son on a date, I think I need to go home to my room maybe cry, then think, then cry some more, then maybe have my mom hold me until I fall asleep from the fears."

Andrew was holding back laughter because he could tell Brian was just pulling their legs

"oh honey we don't...OH you little bastard you had me going!" Georgia Kemp said grabbing her stomach because she was laughing so hard.

"You'll fit in with us just fine, how about you two setting the table for us, finish up for Vance and Eve.."

"Ok mom."

To be continued.

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