High School Is a B

By Z

Published on Feb 8, 2013


The regular stuff guys, if you are under 18 years do please exit and get out of nifty. If you're of age, then enjoy this story. This is only the first chapter, don't wait for sex stuff right now, it's more of a love story/triangle kind of story. Okay, one more thing, this is my first story so I hope you enjoy it and I waited till I'm 18 and got my laptop to do this, so it's kinda something i've been waiting to do.

High school is a B.... Chapter one

Hi my name is Jayden and I'm a Sophomore at NYU and this is my story when I was a 17 year old senior at the American Community Academy. It's a swanky, prestigious and high-end private school in a middle eastern country (not going to specify, privacy issues). any who a lot of millionaire's sons and daughters attend this glamorous educational institution (fancy words, got to love the private American education), a lot of politician's children went to ACA and so did most ambassador's kids. They all grew up in secluded, luxurious, and perfect bubbles. Almost all of them had drivers and cars to die for. Those who didn't have a personal driver had their mothers, who do absolutely nothing all day long, except for shopping, napping and going to the salons in the prestigious areas of the city which we lived in. It isn't a great city, but it's okay with respect to capitals of surrounding nations. Okay, enough talking about the student's drivers and mothers and cars, and on about me. So I'm Jayden, born and raised in the city we are going to call B. I'm pretty short for my age (5' 4"-- 165cm), but hey no one is perfect, I'm skinny, and I got hazelnut eyes and long, thick black hair that girls are actually jealous of, it sort of has its own wave. Oh, and I'm gay. I've kinda always knew that I was gay, since I was a little boy. I come from a middle class family who can barely afford my education, but they still pay. I was placed in ACA to get into a great college, in our city or abroad, as in London or New York or Boston, even Vancouver was an option. Even as a senior I was very confused about a lot of things, as in where should I apply and to what major should I apply and what do I want to be in life. My entire future depended on this one year. It kinda sucks, but whatever.

In ACA, hot guys were kinda non-existing, not like your typical American high school, usually filled with the hottest sex-symbols. The guys, even the popular ones, were merely decent, some butt- ugly and some just so plain and dull. There was only one guy who had the killer abs, his name was Haden. Other than the killer abs and hot ass, there was nothing. He was a douche bag, just like the other popular and the not-so-popular kids in ACA. He was swarmed with average looking, yet extremely slutty girls and rumor had it that he had a very, very, veryyy hot girlfriend outside of school. That rumor was true, as it was backed up by pictures. She looked like a Victoria's Secret model and had perfect hair and a glamorous lifestyle, all accommodated by her wealthy parents, of course. Anyways, Haden was the obsession of every middle school girl and the dream of every high school girl, because he was the most decent looking guy on campus, plus a six pack. The final year started to roll by and by October I had applied to several colleges in London, New York and Boston. I applied to film schools because that is what I want to do. Or at least I thought that was what I wanted to be, a filmmaker, a successful director with several blockbusters and prestigious awards. The classes were dull. By November I started getting seniorities, it's when you get too bored and tired you don't want to study anymore because in just a few moths you are going to graduate and never come back. I had lots of tough teachers, I took for some reason a scientific track and so most of my courses were higher level Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Math. I didn't know how tough it would be, so I decided to get a tutor. He was a Math high school teacher and was extremely religious (very devoted actually). He was only 22 years old and looked ok, not hot, but just fine. He always wore these jeans that were tight in his crotch and thigh area, he had a little bit of fat over there. Yet it made me very excited because he seemed like a horny bastard. But what made me kind of sad was that only when we talked about women, did he get a boner. Anyways, I had a close best friend who has gone onto Medicine and is incredibly smart, her name is Martha and she is the closest person to me, I confided her with all my secrets, aspirations, dreams and hopes. Although Martha was cynical, she is very supportive of my dreams and of me being a gay guy in such a homophobic environment. Anyways, my story starts in late November...

I was sitting in the computer lab working on my senior project, it was about philanthropy and community service for high school students, see to graduate from ACA you had to pass your finals, pass your senior project and the senior project presentation and finish your mandatory 120 hours, which spanned over your 4 years of high school (30 hours per year). I had done already done around 100 hours so I was pretty close to the required amount. Back to the computer lab, as I was working on my computer, finishing the research part of the project and getting all the necessary resources, someone came walking in. It was Haden, with his group of popular friends following him into the lab. There was class and the teacher finally came in. I went up to her desk before the other students sat down at their computers and requested a permission to stay for 15 minutes more, since I had a free block at that time, and she granted me the permission as long as I stay on the last computer, closest to the door. I have already taken that computer, but as I was returning to my seat I noticed Haden sitting on the computer right next to me, his friends on the other side. As a sat down, his friends started calling him over, bidding him to sit next to them. He refused saying he had some serious work and he needed to do them quickly. I didn't give any attention to that, although I found Haden attractive, I didn't give him a second thought because he is straight with one of the hottest girls in the city as his girlfriend. I pressed back on the minimized tab and started working, suddenly, I felt something brushing across my right hand, a finger or something. I looked over my right shoulder and saw Hayden looking at his screen, his index finger extremely close to my hand. Again, I brushed it off, 'maybe it was accidental,' I said to myself, 'it's definitely accidental'. A minute later, I felt something on my hand, it was his index finger rubbing across my right hand that covered the computer's mouse. That jolt of electricity made me jump a little and I timidly pulled my hand, remaining on the mouse, away from his reach. 'It was accidental', I kept on saying for the next 5 minutes. Suddenly something taped twice on my right foot, and a second later a thigh touched mine. It was Hayden! I was getting freaked out, but in a bad way. My mind started racing with ideas. 'Maybe this was a trick, a prank on me because I'm the gay guy' then my mind went to a more soothing reason 'maybe Hayden is bisexual and he really likes me!' I suddenly closed my tabs, saved the document and logged off my personal school account and quickly moved to the door. I looked over before I exited the room and saw that Hayden wasn't looking at me but at his screen, 'it's by mistake' I said, I kept repeating that as I went down the hall waiting for my next classroom. 'it's by mistake, he didn't mean anything, he isn't bisexual or gay, he is straight'. All these ideas pre-occupied my mind during the class after my free block. I couldn't focus and couldn't wait to get home, but as I got out of class, my eyes caught his and I knew it, 'I have a gay crush on Hayden.'

Okay guys, this is chapter one of my story High School is a B...., hope you guys liked it and I can't wait to start on the second chapter. I can't promise sex yet, but don't you worry steamy parts are coming, and the end of the day this is an erotic love story hahahaha! Okay nifty readers take care and be safe.

Next: Chapter 2

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