High School Photographer's Story

By D One

Published on Apr 19, 2011



"You just want me naked" Kelly said.

Travis looked up. It was true of course, but he tried to hide it. He relaxed as soon as he saw his classmate was smiling. He continued to adjust his camera.

"Hey it's simple, you're a jock, you like to show off, girls want to see hunks in the yearbook, so what's the problem?" Travis turned around and stared.

Kelly was naked.

"Uh maybe a towel or something" Travis suggested though he wondered if he could snap a shot without Kelly hearing the sound.

"Go ahead take one for yourself" Kelly smiled and flicked his cock then raised both arms to simulate a muscle builder pose he had seen.

"But it's going to cost ya" he smiled as he covered his genitals.

"Yea how much?" Travis aimed his camera. His own cock was hard in his shorts. He knew the bulge didn't escape Kelly's gaze.

"Blow job, you give me your best bj and you can take all the shots you want for the yearbook and your own self" Kelly raised his arms again revealing his cock, already looking massive was stiffening.

Travis looked around "You serious?"

"We locked the doors. Yea I'm serious. I know you been flirting with me all year. The photos you took of me on the field were hot. Even the guys said so. So, here it is kiddo, get it now before Beth does."

"You mean she hasn't uh you know done stuff?" Travis was suddenly nervous. It was true he had lusted after Kelly ever since freshman year. It was senior year now and soon everyone would go their own way.

"Naw she's a virgin. I guess you could say I am too. So are you probably. Hell none of the guys who brag have done anything" Kelly sitting half way on the stool. "So, it's time"

Travis moved forward and put his camera on the floor. It was an expensive one his Dad had given him when they got divorced. Until then Travis had used a digital camera he bought with his part time job money.

"You uh sure, not goin to tell anyone?" Travis asked staring at the thick cock pointed at him.

"What if I did? Nobody would care now. Hell in a month we'll all be out of here. Nobody will care if you like guys or not...I never did."

"He knew" Travis thought. Only his friend Ben knew he thought he was gay let alone would have given his mouth and butt to Kelly if he had ever had a chance..a chance like this.

Travis knelt, expecting Kelly to push him away or curse him or call him a fag.

"Just cover your teeth with your lips" Kelly said instead. Travis didn't wonder how his classmate knew about doing that.

He put the cock in his mouth before the boy could pull away. But Kelly didn't pull away at all. Instead he put his hands on Travis' head gently.

"Oooh yea, that feels nice, use your tongue while it's inside" he said

Travis moved his tongue under the thickness. He expected some sort of taste but there was none. But the sensation made his already erect cock throb.

"You can take yours out, it's ok" Kelly said moving his hands to Travis shoulder and under the tank top straps. His fingers stroked and massaged as Travis continued to move his head and tongue.

Travis reached for his own crotch and fumbled to unbutton the fly so it would pop out.

"Shit you got a nice one too" Kelly said "I've seen it in the locker room but never seen it hard before"

Travis almost choked. Kelly had looked at his cock. Was he really gay too? Had he wanted to fuck Travis mouth or more before?

"Shit kid you are hungry, take your time, it feels nice" Kelly urged

Travis stroked his own cock thinking it would be nicer if the two could 69 each other, nicer if someone would make a video of them doing that so he could look at it again and again.

"You sure you've never done this before?" Kelly asked as he began to swivel his hips fucking the receptive mouth on his cock.

Travis didn't answer, he couldn't, but he shook his head "no" not sure if Kelly saw him or not.

"Come on you take off your stuff, it's hot in here" Kelly grabbed Travis shirt and pulled it over his head reluctantly accepting the fact his mouth had to leave his cock for an instant.

Travis was now shirtless. His hands pushed his pants down. He wanted to be naked with Kelly just as the many times he fantasized in the locker room.

"You like what you see?" Kelly had asked him one day, maybe a year ago as Travis sat on a bench and stared across the locker room.

"Uh sorry, was uh thinking "he stammered

"Yea I bet you were" Kelly sat next to him and slapped his bare thigh.

"This is what you think about when you jack off in your bed huh?" Kelly laughed.

"Fuck off" Travis said and turned to finish dressing and leave the locker room.

Now a year later he was nearly naked and sucking the cock of the guy he thought was a wiseass.

Other incidents flashed through his brain as the cock opened his throat gradually. There were the winks Kelly gave him now and then.

"Hey good job" Kelly had complimented him during wrestling classes.

The cock felt like it belonged in his mouth. He slobbered over it; saliva escaped the corners of his mouth and dripped down on his very hot bare torso skin.

"Hey if you ever want to try it, let me know" Ben said one afternoon after they had talked and jacked off.

Travis never did, though he wished he had taken Ben's invitation seriously. That way he'd at least know how to do it, let alone know if he really wanted to do it.

Now, he knew he did. The moans and grunts he heard Kelly emit, made it even more fun. He was making the naked stud feel good.

"Shit I bet you're a good fuck" Travis suddenly remembered the day Kelly slapped his bare butt in front of their class after they wrestled.

The others laughed and Travis blushed. He had been pinned by he shirtless guy who straddled him. He had thought about Kelly pulling his legs apart and fucking him then and there. That imagined scenario encouraged more then one orgasm in his bed late at night after that.

He remembered it now. Travis' hands scrambled to push his open jeans over his bare buttocks and down his legs. Somehow he did it without loosing oral touch of Kelly's cock.

"Shit kid you are horny" Kelly said moving his fingers to Travis chest and toying with the two erect nipples.

"I should have let you do this before, hell years before. I could have had a sexslave for years"

Travis wondered what it would have been like if as a freshman he had subjected his fantasies to Kelly's. Would the two of them be able to keep it secret for the four years of high school, would one of their parents discover them? Would everyone in school find out he was gay?

"God kid, you sure you never did this before? You keep doing that and I'm gonna jam this thing in that cute ass of yours" Kelly was either warning, fantasizing or was serious.

Travis didn't stop. He wanted the cock to gush out of its smooth skin tip and flow down his throat.

"Shit, can't wait" Kelly grunted and jammed his cock against the back of Travis throat. He chocked but the goo that was spitting down his throat made him swallow.

"Keep swallowing kid I got lots of this spunk" Kelly said.

Travis moved his head away while swallowing the last of it. Some had spilled out of the corners of his mouth.

"God that was nice" Kelly said "Still got some" he started to squeeze drops from his cock.

Travis pushed the guy's hands away and licked the droplets.

"So you like Kelly's cum huh?" he smiled

"Gotta pee" Kelly left the room without unlocking the door. It had been unlocked all the time. Travis wondered if that was on purpose or not. What if someone had come in and found them naked, him giving Kelly the blowjob.

Kelly returned and locked the door. "We better not gamble" he said

"OK let's do it how do you want me?"


"I promised I'd pose for you, so grab your camera and tell me where you want me."

Travis reached for his discarded clothes. His cock was still hard and dripping precum.

"Naw stay bareass, it makes me feel better. Beside you ain't bad to look at either" Kelly said "nice butt" he added.

Travis aimed the camera and began to collect angles, shots, moves, poses and up-close shots of Kelly.

"OK got enough for the yearbook" Travis said

"Did you get enough for you?" Kelly asked stroking his cock. Travis noted it was hardening again.

"Want me to uh you know take care of that again?" Travis said.

"Just get it hard"

Travis knelt again and licked the length of the flesh he had sucked earlier. He let his tongue travel from the base to the tip. He smacked his lips tasting the precum that it found there.

He lifted the cock and began to lick the boy's balls.

"Shit kid you are having fun" Kelly said

Travis' hands moved up Kelly's thighs and over his buttocks. His finger moved between them.

"Woa kid not getting into that" Kelly said then said "Oh what the hell" his own hands moved Travis hands back to his butt.

"Get me goin Travis, I got a second load with your name on it" Kelly pulled Travis closer to him.

"This is going to be something special" he added.

"OK I'm ready" Kelly finally announced.

Travis pulled his head away expecting the cock to begin to shoot all over him. He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue as a target.

"Naw not that, I got something else in mind. Spit on the monster make it nice and slick"

Travis wasn't sure what was happening but he spit on the cock and his hand and slathered it with his saliva.

"That should do it" Kelly stood and pulled Travis to his feet then pushed him over the stool.

"Don't worry, I'll go slow. You gotta breathe and relax or it will hurt"

Travis realized what was about to happen and he wasn't sure he wanted it. But Travis didn't pull away even as he felt Kelly spread his buttocks.

"Nice ass, always liked your butt" Kelly said as he pushed his flesh into the tightly puckered butthole.

"Shit" Travis said "hurts like hell maybe we shouldn't..."

"Yea it hurts at first but if you relax, your body will become as hungry as your mouth was" Kelly said continuing to push inside.

Travis took a deep breath and sighed. The cock seemed to move further each time he did that.

"Nice kid" Travis heard Kelly's words at the same time he felt the pubic hair against his smooth skin.

"You are a tight one, I'll go slow as I can" Kelly said.

"No fuck me fast, do it you know hard" Travis said. His hand reached between the stool seat and his body to find his cock. It wasn't hard now but he began to jack it anyway.

"Ok kid you asked for it" Kelly said.

Travis wished he had indeed asked for this long ago. His bare chest rubbed on the wooden seat with each jam of Kelly's cock. He felt the boy's fingers grabbing his assflesh and pulling his body with each thrust.

He was being fucked. Travis couldn't believe it. After so many fantasies, so many private times milking his own cock thinking of this and other sex, he was being fucked.

"God kid you are a hot fuck" Kelly said.

Travis wondered if indeed Kelly was a virgin. He seemed to know about blowjobs and fucking a guy's ass. He said he had always liked Travis ass.

"You like it so much why don't you fuck me?" Travis had said that one day after Kelly made a rude comment about his bubble butt in a class they shared.

The class laughed at both of their comments. Kelly was about to answer but the teacher appeared ending their mutual ridicule.

"Now I wish you had done it" Travis said.

"What?" Kelly asked

"Shut up and fuck me jock" Travis ordered.

Kelly laughed and fucked harder. He knew the classmate was having as much fun as he was. He had thought about raping the kid years ago, but knew that wasn't right. He could have privately flirted to see if Travis was seriously gay or just another horny teenager too.

There had been times Kelly's head was full of athletes, coaches and classmates when he satisfied himself in the shower at home. He read articles on the internet saying such thoughts were those of horny guys not necessarily gay ones.

Kelly wondered if his sports career would end if anyone found out. He had a scholarship to State, would that be gone if anyone knew he was fucking another guy now?

He glanced over at the door he had locked. What if someone had a key and came in right then? His body ached.

"Fucking you kid" Kelly said "Cum will fill your guts up" he jammed and spurt with each thrust.

"Shit" Travis almost fell over as Kelly's hips jammed into him. He found footing that braced him against the flesh, muscle and bones that were banging against him. He wished they were on his bed, he laying face down naked his ass available.

"Just lay there" Ben said before straddling him "don't worry, I'm not into cute butts" he slapped them and proceeded to massage his friend. "You gonna do me next don't forget don't go to sleep."

Travis did become relaxed enough to sleep, but his cock was rock hard afterwards.

"I guess you've got enough energy left" Ben turned face down and felt the bare thighs on either side of him. Travis hands explored, pressed and kneaded.

They lay side by side afterwards, both wishing they had done more. But they shared their masturbations and that was satisfying.

"Fuck finally" Kelly lay on top of Travis body. "OK no more left"

He stood up.

Travis stretched as he stood too. "I guess we're not virgins anymore"

"I guess. I gotta shower" Kelly reached for his discarded shorts, shirt and towel.

It was over Travis knew. What they did would never be talked about. Kelly wouldn't acknowledge him anymore probably. He'd go back to his jock friends and those girls who hung around them.

"Just keep those shots to yourself" Kelly said "we made an agreement right?"

"Right" Travis said sadly. He grabbed his own clothes and the camera.

"You want to share a shower?" Kelly asked. He was smiling. "I mean nobody's around"

"Uh sure, I need one" Travis said thinking at least he got to see Kelly naked in private awhile more.

The moved towards the door. Kelly put his arm over Travis still bare shoulder.

"Besides I think I have another load ready and you haven't cum yet have you?"

"Uh no" Travis said.

"We'll have to do something about that" Kelly replied "So Travis" Kelly patted the boys naked butt-cheeks "What are you planning to do this summer?"

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