High School X

By J J

Published on Jan 21, 2006


(Marvel Characters in this story are property of Marvel and I am only borrowing them for your entertainment.)

High School X Chapter 2

My best friend, the guy I hated most, my family and three people who I knew nothing about were all in the living room. The air was very tense in the house and I was scared as shit with my parents there. My dad looked so hurt that it was hurting me without even talking. The first to speak was Casey. "I'm not going anywhere for some bitch to poke me and see what's wrong with me." Casey like me didn't know the range of her powers and she didn't want to be exploited. The next to talk was Kevin. "I don't care either way. Even though I can't stand either of you, this is a decision we have to make together. Either we all leave here or we go back to school and face them for two more years. And I'm sure it would be better than living with my parents." "Now wait a damn minute," this was the first time my father had spoke and the intensity of his voice scared me, "we know nothing about these people or what they are talking about." "Maybe if you explained this place to us my brother would be able to make a decision." My little sister was always so bright. But I had to wonder why she would be so concerned about this school.

It took them a while to come up with enough evidence to even begin to move us in the direction of going to there "school". They presented us with a lot of information about the school, the teachers, and the students. The thing that really sparked my information was that they said they could help us control our powers. The thing that surprised me was that my family actually seemed to be supporting me. I had heard about some of the reactions of parents when their children revealed that they were mutants but my parents were extremely chill about the whole situation.

"I don't mean to rush your decision... but we do need one," said Ororo," we have a few more stops that we need to make before heading back to the mansion." "Look, Me, Casey, and Jamie need to discuss the privately." It looked like Kevin was really inching toward going to this school, but he also had a point, it was either all of us went or none of us and we would have to face the school until graduation.

As we made our way upstairs I could see that we were all struggling with this decision. We made it to my room and it was quiet for some time. "Look I'm still not sure about this," Casey said. "Those people could be telling us anything and we wouldn't have any way to tell otherwise." I didn't know what to think. My family really wanted me to go this school and try and get some information about my powers and how they could be controlled. "I really think that we need to do this." I said. There was no way around it. This might be our only chance to find out what was really going on with us. I didn't know how Kevin's powers worked but I could feel myself steadily getting stronger and I wanted to know how I could keep them under control. "I need to tell my parents I'm leaving; I need to tell them what's going on." Casey was sitting quietly on my bed and she had tears streaming down her eyes. Her parents were some of the most prejudiced people and on more than one occasion she had told me things they had said about mutants.

While Casey made the call to her parents, Kevin and I were walking down the stairs when I said "Listen, whatever beef we have we need to squash it now. I'm not leaving until I know that it's over." "I don't like fags. I saw you and Ryan at his party and I know what you guys were going to do. I lost my best friend because of you and I hate you for it." "Me and Ryan were friends. We chilled a few times but that's it. He was really tore up about you not being his friend and he left." I knew he didn't believe me but I didn't give a shit. We got to the bottom of the stairs and walked into the family room where my family was waiting. "We're going. But just to see what the school is like and if we don't like it we come back here." "I'm going to get my stuff. I'll be back." Casey had come down the stairs and exited before we could even say anything to her. I knew it was dangerous out there for her with the situation at the school but I knew she would have asked me to go if she wanted me with her.

It was about an hour before Casey came back and when she did she had everything she owned and a few scars on her face. Everyone knew what happened but no one sad anything. "I think it would be best if we left now," Logan said. It was the first time he had said anything all night and his voice matched his demeanor perfectly. I kissed my family and left out the door. I couldn't do much more than that because I couldn't bear to leave my family. We walked to a very nice Yukon Denali truck that would fit the 6 of us comfortably. "We rented this car for this trip so we just need to get to our other source of transportation," said Ororo. I was still very much amazed that we were actually leaving behind everything we knew and venturing into the unknown with people we had only known for a short time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

In the time it took for us to get to our "other source of transportation" there wasn't much being said throughout the car. Normally I would be talking to Casey but with what just happened to her I knew she needed her time to think. Pretty soon the ride had gotten so boring and un-eventful that I dozed off and rested on Logan's shoulder. I figured what the hell if he was taking me away from my home, I could lay on his damn shoulder. As things go as soon as I was truly comfortable they said we had arrived at our destination. "Jamie, Kevin, Casey... this is the X-Jet. The most advanced flying machine to date. Modifications to the hull are made daily and we are always finding ways to improve it's performance," Jean said. I honestly didn't give a damn. The only thing I wanted to do was get to this school so that we could meet this man they called the "Professor".

When we finally did arrive at the mansion I was in awe. It was one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. We finally made it inside and I realized just how tired I was. "Do you think we could see this Professor guy in the morning? I'm beat," I said. "I think that's a good enuf idea,"said Logan. He didn't seem at all interested to be around us. I didn't even know why he decided to tag along. "I'll take you to your rooms." We all followed him further into the house and I just fell more in love with it. It was pretty late, around 12am so I was guessing that everyone was sleeping. "Do you think that me and Jamie can have a room together?" Casey said. I knew she didn't really like meeting new people. "Sorry kid. We don't bunk guys and girls together." "Well you aren't rooming me with that fag," Kevin said. I was getting so sick and tired of his bullshit. "Ok well then you'll have to room with Kurt Wagner. He might look different but he's one of the best men you'll meet." "Who am I going to be rooming with?" I asked. I was extremely glad that I wouldn't be rooming with Kevin because there could be major problems in the near future. "You'll be rooming with Bobby Drake, he's a little cold at first but he'll warm up to you as soon as he knows he can trust you." "Casey you'll be rooming with Rogue. Be careful not to get on her bad side. Her touch could leave you with quite a headache," Logan said as he opened up a door and led me inside. "Try not to make to much noise, and someone will come and get you to see the Professor X in the morning." I don't know how sure I was about being here anymore. From what I heard so far the people here weren't the happy bunch. I'd just have to wait until morning time to see how things go. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --

6.00 AM and I was already up. I didn't know when they planned to come get us but since I was already up I guessed I would just walk around and check this place out. I wondered where my roommate was since I didn't see him when I went to sleep and. I left out of my door and the place was completely empty. I thought at least somebody would be woke but I guess I was the only one. I walked down the hallways until I reached the main stairway. "Who are you?" someone said behind me. I turned around and said, "I'm Jamie. Who are you?" "Bobby Drake. You're supposed to be going to see the Professor. And I guess you're my new roommate." "Yea I guess I am. Where do I go to see the Professor?" "Follow me. Everyone else is already there." We walked through the lobby and down a hallway until we reached a door with a large X on it. We walked in and there were nine people in the room including myself and Bobby. There was Ororo, Jean, and Logan, Casey, Kevin, a girl about our age with brown hair and white streaks, a nice looking guy with red shades on, and in the center of everyone was a bald man in a wheelchair. Since he was in the middle I was guessing him to be the Professor.

"Now that everyone is here we can begin. My name is Professor Charles Xavier and I am the founder of this school. It has been my life's work to help mutants with there powers and change how we are viewed in the general public. Within these walls you will learn about your powers as well as receive an education as if you were in a regular school. What we need to do first is get your powers assessed. We need to know exactly what your powers are and the intensity of them." "I don't think that's a good idea," Casey said. I knew what she was thinking about. The last time we had tried to use our powers to the max we almost killed ourselves. "Maybe we should just take a few classes on control, and then give this assessment thing a try." "That is why we need to see how strong your powers are," said Jean Grey, " we need to know exactly what powers you have and how strong they are so we can decide exactly what classes you need to take in order to try and help you." "I'm down. What if there are powers that we don't know about?" Kevin asked, "Like what if we thought we had one specific power but then all of a sudden there was a different power we were using?" Now he had me wondering... Exactly what powers did Kevin have? And was he like me and Casey where we were always discovering new powers...

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Next: Chapter 3

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