High School X

By J J

Published on Feb 19, 2006


High School X Chapter 3 Wed. Jan 18, 2006 (Marvel Characters in this story are property of Marvel and I am only borrowing them for your entertainment.)

High School X

"I think the best thing right now would be to get you into some training uniforms and get you into the Danger Room," said Professor X. "Wait! What is a Danger Room? I thought you said you just wanted to test our powers." Casey was always on edge around new people. Hopefully she was wrong this time because I Was thinking the exact same thing. "Danger Room is just a name we gave it. There are programs that simulate live situations like the one you will be placed into. We are just going to have a few programs come out at you and we'll see how you handle it," said Ororo. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Danger Room -------------------- "I don't trust them!" Casey said. "Look Case this is our chance. We can finally find out how to protect ourselves and I have a good feeling about this place." "Well I have a bad one." "Listen, just bear with me. The minute things start to get out of whack, we can bounce. Just please trust me. I need this. We need this." "One chance." "That's all I need."

Through a speaker we heard the Professor, " We are going to start the program now. The enemies will get stronger as you advance. Do not be alarmed, we will end the program if it gets to be to much. BEGIN!!!"

The room went completely dark. It lasted all of a second and when the lights came back on we were in some kind of warehouse. "No Way!" I said. "There is no way we're in some warehouse that fast." "It's the program, remember he said they could make different situations," said Casey. "Look over there. Do you see those guys?" Kevin said. "Come on follow me." We crouched down and slowly made our way closer to where these guys were. "How should we do this?"

"The direct approach," Casey said. And with that she stood up and blasted a fire ball right at the nearest guy. He went down immediately. Since she took it that way, I jumped over a wooden crate and kicked the guy that was closest to me. As he was going up in the air, I used my telekenensis to grab him in the air and I threw him to the other side of the warehouse. Me and Casey were fighting two guys at a time when all of a sudden Kevin disappeared into a puff of red smoke. "Where did he go Case?" "How the hell am I supposed to know?" I must have distracted her because the guy she was fighting slapped her and she flew into a wall.

All of a sudden Kevin burst out of the red smoke again and he took down two more guys coming our way. He was a really good martial artist and he was handling man after man while I ran over to see if Casey was alright. As I was going over there I was blindsided and knocked into a wall. "What the hell?" I got up, grabbed Casey, and thought of the other side of the warehouse and all of a sudden I was there. "Whoa." As I laid her down she started to come to, so I got back into the fight. I didn't know how much this Danger Room could stand but I was surely about to find out. I closed my eyes and in my mind I started to picture fire protecting me. When I opened them I could see a cyclone of fire forming around me, enclosing me and when I looked down my body was covered in flames. Just as I was about to practice with this new found power a blinding white light stopped me in my tracks. I turned around to see Casey floating above the air, I Knew she must have been powering up for something and lost control. I saw a look of pain on her face and then there was nothing. I was nothing. I was dead ........ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ When I finally came to, I was lying in a surgery type room with a tube coming out of my nose and a machine checking my blood rate. When I looked around I saw that both Kevin and Casey were lying in beds similar to mine. I didn't know what had happened all I remember was a very bright light and then darkness. When I got up there was a blinding pain and I almost fell back down. I slowly slipped on some clothes and walked out of the Med Bay. I got a little ways through the basement when Bobby Blake walked out of a door to the side of me. "You're up? They said you might be knocked out for a while!" Bobby said. "What are you talking about? I don't even know what happened, all I remember is a flash of white light." "Well you were only out for about an hour. But your friend I guess she just lost control and she damn near blew up the Danger Room! I was just about to come check on you guys but I see you aren't doing to bad." "Damn, but I didn't know you cared so much." "I dont... at all. They were just orders from Jean." "Yea. Whatever. Well I guess I better let you get on with what you were doing." I really didn't have anything to do but we had never really gotten along since I had been here. " "Hey... I know I've been a jerk since you got here, but do you want to like go and grab something to eat? Think of it as a peace offering." He looked really nervous and I thought it was kind of cute. If he wasn't straight then it would have been nice to see where this could lead. "Aight. I just have to shower and stuff." I was about to walk away when he suprised the hell out of me. "Umm yea... I need to shower too. If we went together we could save alot of time. We're both guys and it's not like you'd be seeing something you don't already have so nothing to worry about." "Well. Ok I guess."

We were walking upstairs and for some reason I was nervous as hell. He was right. I had seen plenty guys in the nude and they had never made me nervous before. We got to our room and for some reason I didn't really want to get undressed. "Hey come on. I'm hungry as hell." Bobby said. "I was just thinking about what I was going to wear." I started to slowly take off my clothes and I realized the Bobby was watching me. Now I had nothing at all to be ashamed about. I'm 5'8", a lean 195 {and most of it is muscle}, and my dick was 5" soft and when it got hard it was around 9" and of medium thickness, and I had what most of the guys I've been with call a bubble-butt. Bobby was about the same height and weight as me but since he was already naked I could see that he was about 4" soft and even soft I could see that he was extremely thick. I walked into the shower and that's when I realized just how small the shower was. "Hey listen. Maybe you should go first, the shower is really small." I didn't want him to be uncomfortable all pushed up on me. "No it's cool. Like I said, I'm really hungry. So come on. You scared or something?" I knew he was teasing me but I was never one to be called scared. "Not at all. I just know that you're a jerk. Didn't want to make you uncomfortable." Before he could say anything I stepped into the shower and turned the water on. He was getting into the shower when he kind of lost his balance and grabbed my waist to keep hisself from falling. When he got his balance I felt his soft dick slide against my ass when he was moving behind me and it made me hard as hell. "Sorry about that," he said. I just didn't know what he was sorry for. Him grabbing my waist or him sliding his dick on me. "Umm... It's no problem. I know you're hungry so we better hurry up and get done." "Yea. You're right." I was so glad that he was behind me because if he could see my front because I was still hard as a rock.

I was almost all soaped up when Bobby said,"Hey do you want me to do your back for you?" Oh DAMN. Why me? "Yea sure. I'll do yours when you finish mine." Bobby took my towel and the soap and was lathering up my whole back when he touched my ass. I didn't want to say anything and I pretty much thought that he would realize what he was doing and go back up. He didn't. "Hey Bobby what are you doing?" "I'm just doing your back for you." I thought he was going to be done soon and that's when I felt something hard on my asscheeks. Now I really got quiet. I didn't know what was going on but he just kept doing my back. The next thing I knew I heard the towel and the soap hit the floor as Bobby moved closer and started to massage my shoulders and his dick started to spread apart my asscheeks. Maybe I was being really naive but I kept thinking at any point that he was going to stop and realize what he was doing. Bobby grabbed my waist and started to pull me back until I could feel the head of his cock forcing itself past my sphincter. I had only been fucked a few times before and as thick as Bobby was I knew why my experiences as a bottom had been so limited. In a matter of seconds Bobby was all the way in me and I was feeling like I was about to explode. At first it hurt like hell but the sensations that were running through me were crazy and I felt like I was about to cum any second. Bobby was starting to work his self in and out of me and it was feeling better and better. He really started giving it to me when I came all over the shower wall. I could feel his dick growing inside of me and all of a sudden he moved up on me really close and I could feel him cumming. The whole thing lasted about 10 minutes but it was one of the best fucks I have had. I was guessing this was his first time with a guy which was probably why he didn't last very long.

I felt Bobby step out of the shower, but I couldn't even move. I was still on a high and my brain was trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. I was moving at a snail's pace but I re-washed my body and got out of the shower. Bobby was in his closet searching through his close and I went and did the same. We were ready to leave in about a half hour after he gassed up his car and everything. "Hey we better get going. We have a curfew and everything," Bobby said. "Yea sure let's go." I was glad that he didn't mention what had just happened so we were on our way out the door. Hopefully with what just happened we could get through eating without any incident. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ We were on our way out to dinner but neither of us was saying anything. It was really tense in the car and my stomach was doing so many flips I didn't even want to hear the word food. Bobby wasn't saying anything and I could tell he was thinking the same thing I was.

"About what happened. I've never done anything like that. I mean I have a girlfriend and everything. I don't know what happened but if you tell anyone I swear I'll kick ur fuckin...." I cut him off and quietly said, "Trust me. No one is going to find out about this. I don't let guys fuck me," Bobby looked like he actually wanted to cry, "Listen I'm not feeling good all of a sudden, you think you can drop me back off at the house?" It wasn't a lie. I really did feel like I had to throw up and I knew he was grateful for what I asked. The only reason he probably wanted to get out of the house was to tell me that. Bobby dropped me off and I just ran up to my room and started packing my stuff, I wasn't leaving but I couldn't room with him anymore. I had all my stuff and went and knocked on Casey's door. I knew she wouldn't be back but I wanted to make sure that Rogue wasn't in the room. I unlocked their door with my mind and stuffed my stuff under Casey's bed. It was something I had been doing for years so even though we were here I wasn't going to stop. I went back in my "old" room and grabbed my pillow and cover and wen't downstairs to lay on the couch. This would have to do for now until I could come up with a story to tell Logan so I could get different room. My mind was so damn full that as soon as my head hit the pillow I was sleep.

It was probably about 7pm when I woke up. I still felt kind of ill but my stomach was really empty. I wasn't a good cook at all and I didn't know who to go to get some food, so I thought I'd just walk around town and see what I could find. I had some clothes with me downstairs, so I went into the bathroom and changed and I was out the door after that. I didn't want to be out to long so I flew to the outskirts of town and from there I walked to the nearest pizza place. I ate a few slices of pizza and paid for them and then grabbed a few peices for Casey and Kevin. I was on my way back up to the mansion and was walking down the street when this young looking girl was heading towards me. Even from a distance I could tell she was pretty, she looked Chinese and she was skating on really nice looking rollerblades. I was trying to avoid running into her but as I was passing she ran into me with her arm and she fell down. "Dammit... I'm really sorry. I thought you were going to stop." I shouldn't have apologized because she should have moved but... "No it's my fault. When I'm on these blades sometimes I just can't stop," we both laughed together and then she said, "my name is Jubilee. You?" I didn't want to tell her my name her being a stranger and all, but she did introduce herself. "I'm Jamie. I just moved to New York." "Nice. Well I better get going, I don't want to miss my curfew." As she was skating away, I felt in my pocket to see if I dropped anything and that's when I realized my wallet was missing. "Hey...give me my damn wallet back." I yelled after her. I started chasing her but she was on blades and I wouldn't be able to catch her unless I used my powers but I couldn't because we were in public. I focused in on the wheels of her blades and using my mind I stopped one of the wheels and she tripped up and as she was spinning in the air she shot out two firework-like bombs at me. I dived behind the wall of the nearest building and after I heard her blades I went to the back of the building and ran as fast as I could until I saw her again. I came out from behind a wall and blocked her way. I could tell that she was shocked, "How the hell..." I grabbed her arm and started going through her pockets. She had so much stolen stuff that it was sad. "What the hell is all of this? What do you go around jacking people's shit?" I kept looking for my wallet, but her pockets were like endless with all the crap I was searching through," I do what I have to do." I finally got my wallet and was about to go when she put her hand on my chest and blasted me back into the building wall. I got up and grabbed her by her neck and slammed her into the wall. I wasn't much for hitting women but I didn't appreciate them hitting me either. I used my powers to put her to sleep and I put her up on my shoulders and headed back to the mansion.

It took me a little while to get back home because I didn't want to risk flying with the possibilty of dropping her so I just walked as quickly as possible to the school. As I was walking through the front door with Jubilee on my shoulder Jean Grey happened to be walking down the main stairs. "Jamie... what did you do? Who is she?" she said to me. "I don't know. She bumped into me in town and stole my wallet, we got into a fight behind a building and I knocked her out after she blasted me into the wall." "Oh my... I've seen this girl before. She's always at the mall. I'll put her in the medical room until the Professor can talk to her." Jean Grey used her telekenesis to raise Jubilee off of my shoulders and she brought her down to the Med Bay. That's when I realized just how tired I was and I was about to go crash on the couch but to many people were in the living room so I decided that today would be the last day that I slept in my old room. I hadn't seen Casey or Kevin yet so I just figured I'd go and check on them tomorrow, I was at my door and I tried to open the door quietly so that if Bobby was in bed I wouldn't wake him. I got the door open and Bobby had some guys from down the hall in his room. I didn't care much I just wanted to go to sleep so I could be out of here tomorrow. "I didn't think you were coming back," Bobby said. "Umm... yea this is my last time in here. I moved all my stuff, but people were downstairs in the living room so I'm gonna sleep in here just for tonight." "Whatever. Make yourself at home 'cuz we are just chilling." I was really tired so I just got in my bed, I heard Bobby and his friends talking but I dozed off soon after that.

It was around 11am when I woke up, and I was groggy as hell. I looked over and Bobby and his friends were sprawled on the floor and on the bed, so I just grabbed the rest of my things and made my way to Casey's room. I was still storing my stuff in her room for now. I knocked on the door and no one answered so I opened the door up and since I didn't see anyone I just walked to Casey's bed and slid my stuff under her bed. As I was getting back up I saw someones shadow behind me and before I could turn around I felt someone's hands on my neck. The pain I was feeling was unbearable and I could feel myself slipping away. When I finally was let go I just past out from the shock that my body was going through.

When I woke up again I was lying in one of the Med Bay beds, and my vision was all blurry. I didnt know what was going on. "I'm in this damn Med Bay to much!" I muttered to myself. I tried to get up and I felt pain all over, and I thought I would pass out again. After the pain subsided a little I looked around to see if I was the only one in here and I saw Casey and Kevin. I didn't know what was wrong with them but they had been in here for 2 nights and I was starting to get worried. My vision was clearing up and I when I looked around I saw that Rogue, Jean, Ororo were in the room. Jubilee was also but she was knocked out. Even though me and Kevin weren't cool I didn't want to see him hurt either. I looked over at Jean and noticed that Rogue looked really scared. "What's going on?" I said. I didn't like that look. "I didn't mean to hurt you," Rogue said, "but I didn't know who you were and it freaked me out. And I tried to let you go but it was like I couldn't let go. I'm so sorry." She looked like she was about to break down. "Naw it's cool, I shouldn't have been in your's and Casey's room. But I had to put some things in there." "What happened with you and Bobby? He said that you weren't staying in there anymore." Ororo said. "It's not important. What's wrong with Casey and Kevin? It's been like two days and they still haven't woken up. Is something wrong with them?" "No they should be coming out of it sometime tonight. Casey's powers went out of control and it put her in some what of a coma. Even though she was out her powers are still active and the need to drain. And Kevin he was just exhausted and he should be alright" Ororo and Rogue were leaving and it was just me and Jean. I was feeling alot better so I got up and was putting on my clothes "Jamie can I talk to you for a little while" Jean said. "Sure. Shoot." "I know what happened between you and Bobby and I know why you left out of that room." I was instantly heated. "You've been reading my mind? How could you do that?" "Jamie chill out. I wasn't reading your mind. You were thinking about it really hard and you were projecting your thoughts. Trust me I'm not the only person who knows and I'm sure the Professor is aware of it." "Fuck. I told Bobby I wouldn't tell anyone and now you're telling me people all over the school might know." I didn't know what I was going to do now. "Listen don't beat yourself up about it. Bobby was part of it too." "Don't try and console me. I don't need it."

I had all of my clothes on and I walked out of the Med Bay. When I got to the Main Floor I could tell Jean and the Professor weren't the only ones who knew. Everyone was looking at me funny, nothing embarrassing for me but it might be a little different for Bobby. He was really popular around school and this could mess all that up for him. I didn't have class until 12 and I thought I'd get away from everything and go outside and just relax. I was starting to agree with Casey, maybe coming here wasn't the best thing to do. I found a tree that was far away from anyone and just say up against it. I was really confused about things that were going on and why all of a sudden things started getting difficult for me. I was dozing off when all of a sudden a dagger shaped peice of ice just missed my head. I looked up and saw Bobby running toward me.

"You son of a bitch. You promised me." With that we got into a full on fight. He covered his fists with a sheet of ice and started throwing punches at me. I wasn't really trying to fight him but he wasn't leaving me much of a choice either. I thought I'd give him a taste of his own medicine and covered my hands with ice spikes and we started going at it. Bobby was a really good fighter and he was fast too. He had me pinned up against the tree and kept hitting me. I was getting fed up fast and I could feel my powers growing inside of me. I tried to get him to stop but he wasn't having it and I lost control. I focused in on Bobby and used my power to push him back. He flew about 20ft and I finally had some room to move around. Bobby was getting up and I pushed him back into the wall of the mansion and pinned him there. I walked the distance of about 40ft to Bobby and I iced him to the wall. People must have heard the commotion and we had a crowd of people watching us. I didn't want to give them anything else to talk about so I just punched Bobby in his stomach and left it at that. I fought my way through the crowd since they obviously thought that the fight was going to continue and I just went back into the mansion.

So far my stay at the mansion had been fucked. F-U-C-K-E-D. I got my ass kicked in a simulator, my best friend was knocked out, got screwed (literally), I got my ass handed to me by some firework-shooting bitch on some rollerblades, and then fought with my old roommate. Yeah my stay here had been absolutely F-U-C-K-E-D. I went to the Med Bay and was hoping that Casey was up. Right now I needed my best friend. I needed someone to talk to, someone I trusted. I thought about calling my mom but we had just left and calling her would just remind her that I wouldn't be coming home anytime soon. I walked in the Med Bay just as Kevin and Casey were both slipping on some clothes. They looked like they had just woken up and I was glad to see that they were both ok. "How long have we been out?" Kevin said. "For about two days. Whatever Casey did really knocked you guys out cold. You alright Case?" she looked like she was about to cry and I felt guilty for making it seem like everything was her fault. "It's my fault we were all even in here. I'm so sorry about this I was just trying to stop them and I lost control. I hope you guys can forgive me." A few tears ecscaped her eyes and I thought I could die. "Listen Case, none of this is your fault. We were all just testing out our problems and things got a little out of hand." I really just wanted to make her feel better so that she would stop crying, my heart couldn't take seeing her cry. "Listen why don't we like change the subject or something." Kevin said. I was suprised he was even interested in talking to the two of us. He had been so cold before. "That's a good idea," I said. "I mean it's not like she purposely tried to blow us all away, right?" Kevin said with a laugh. I thought I was going to have to stop Casey from punching him in the face, but she giggled and punched him in the arm while telling him to "shut-up." Maybe there was hope for this little group of ours after all, I didn't know about me and Kevin but if he and Casey could be civil then that was good enough for me.

Next: Chapter 4

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