High School X

By J J

Published on May 18, 2006


High School X Chapter 4 Thurs, May 18, 2006 (Marvel Characters in this story are property of Marvel and I am only borrowing them for your entertainment.)

Hey everyone. Sorry for the delay but I had some stuff going on. I also had to think of more stuff to write of. I've been trying to search up on more characters in the world of X-Men so that I can add some new characters to the story. I hope I can make this a good story. I am also changing the way the characters speak, it gets a little bulky always using quotation marks, and this way it is easier to understand who is talking to who. High School X

We got to the Main Floor and I came face to face with Bobby. I didn't want any problems with him and I definitely didn't want him to bring up anything in front of Casey and Kevin. I knew people had been talking about what happened and the most accepted story was the I somehow did some mind control on Bobby and forced him to screw me. He didn't seem to want to differ people from this line of thought, so there wasn't really shit I could do. He looked at me like he wanted me to drop dead and I know that the two of them picked up on it.

Bobby: "Professor Xavier wants the three of you in his office."

I could hear the hate in his voice,

Bobby: "NOW!"

I prayed that Casey didn't say anything because she was usually the first person to go off and now with what had happened earlier this was not the time.

Casey: "Watch your fucking tone! We're going..."

He looked at her like he was going to say something, but thankfully he didn't. I just wanted this day to be over. We headed to the Professor's and Bobby was walking behind us so I knew part of the discussion would be what had happened between me and him. We got into the Professor's office and he looked like he had been doing alot of thinking just moments before. There were papers sprawled all over his desk with lots of graphs and numbers. The Professor looked up at us and asked us to sit down.

Professor: "I've been going over the charts from your time in the Danger Room." From the look on his face I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

Professor: "We weren't really able to get a good read of your powers because the session went by so fast. But from what we have seen the power levels are staggering."

He looked very stressed about the situation and it was starting to get tense in the room.

"Sir, I don't understand. You say it like our powers are bad?"

Professor: "That isn't what I am saying. It's just with powers of these magnitudes there are people who would want to use those powers to do bad things. People who would look to use those powers in order for their personal gain."

Kevin: "I don't really think you have to worry about that Sir. We can take care of ourselves but we just really need to learn control. But I don't think anyone would be able to take us out."

Professor: "You may feel that way Kevin but I assure you that there are people even more powerful than you." It was hard for me to digest the information that we were getting. I knew that I had a great amount of power. But for there to be people more powerful than us was just scary.

Casey: "How soon do we have to go back to the Danger Room? I'm kind of scared of that place right now."

Professor: "I think it is best that we teach you to control these powers as quickly and thoroughly as possible. We want to get you back into the Danger Room immediately so be ready to go at 12 Noon."

Casey looked kind of shaken about us going back to the Danger Room but I gave her a re-assuring nod and I saw her calm down.

Professor: "Casey and Kevin you are dismissed. I would like to have a word with the Bobby and Jamie."

I was not prepared to have this conversation. The Professor was not my top pick to have this discussion with.

Professor: "Please have a seat..."

Bobby looked at me like he wanted to kill me and I took the furthest seat away from him. I wasn't scared of Bobby, but I was kind of scared of the Professor. It was very tense in the room and I could tell that the Professor wasn't to fond of the topic.

Bobby: "Sir... We really don't need to have this conversation. We were just messing around earlier."

Professor: "When Rogue attempted to restrain Jamie, he was in so much pain that he projected some of his emotions and feelings. He didn't intentionally try and hurt you Bobby."

"I tried to tell him that but he wasn't trying to hear me."

Bobby: "All of my friends know what happened. No one likes faggots. I might as well just leave now because people are going to be talking about this forever.

Professor: "Bobby what you do... umm sexually is none of your friend's business. It's your personal choice."

"Can I please just go? I've had enough of people always blaming me for shit."

I was tired. It had been a long ass day and I wasn't in the mood to talk about this. If Bobby had problems with me then we could deal with them another time. I had a training session in the Danger Room in two hours and my nerves were shot. Professor: "Jamie this is impor..."

"Sir the only thing I'm worried about is getting this training session over with. I also need a new room. Whatever happened already happened and their isn't anything that can be done about it. Having this talk won't change anything." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------

I was determined to try and make this the best day possible. I was walking to Casey's room to see if she was in there so I could get my clothes. I was getting to the main stairs when I saw a a boy and girl I knew Bobby hung out with. They all looked at me like I was less than nothing but I didn't really mind. They weren't my main concern and I couldn't afford to get into any more trouble.

Boy: "Yo fag. We should kick your ass. There's no telling what kind of mind game you played on Bobby."

Girl: "Shut up Quincy, leave him alone. Bobby obviously knew what he was doing."

Quincy: "Yeah. Whatever. I know if you look at me funny then that's your ass. But then you might like that."

"Maybe I would. But you'll never know."

Bobby must have walked up behind me while I was dealing with his dumb ass friend. I didn't feel like talking anymore but obviously he had other plans.

Bobby: "We need to talk like right now."

"I have shit to do. Besides no one likes a fag and wouldn't want your reputation to get messed up anymore than it already is."

Bobby: "Fine. I'm in your classes so you can talk to me now or later, but we are going to talk."

"Can we at least go somewhere private?"

I thought I was done with this convo.

Bobby: "We can go to our... my room."

He jogged up the stairs and I walked. People were already talking and us walking together would just give them something else to talk about. We made it in the room and all of a sudden I was feeling really claustrophobic. We were to close and it felt like I was about to faint.

"Can you please open the window. It's kind of hot in here."

Bobby: "Sure."

He went to open the window and while his back was turned to me I was trying to catch my breath. I felt like I was hyperventilating and that I was going to pass out or something.

"So what did you need to talk about? You were pretty clear on the fact that you hate me, so I don't really see what else there is to talk about."

Bobby: "I didn't know all that stuff. I just thought you told someone and it went around the whole school."

"Bobby who was I going to tell? The only two people I really know have been in the Med Bay basically since we got here."

Bobby: "I wasn't thinking. I just heard my friends talking about it and I snapped. I thought I was the only one who heard it in my mind but everyone did. Teachers included."

"I would have never done that to you. I was just as weirded out about it as you were." I was getting kind of mad now.

"It's not like it matters anyway..."

Bobby: "What do you mean?"

"I'm the bad guy Bobby. Everyone already assumes it was my fault. I seduced the oh-so popular Bobby Drake, when really it was all you."

Bobby: "I... I plan on telling my friends what really happened."

"Fuck it. Don't even worry about it. Don't you get it Bobby?"

Bobby: "Get what?!?!"

"I'm giving you an out. People already think I did some mind control shit on you. I don't really care because I know what happened. I'm already the bad guy so consider yourself off the hook."

Bobby: "But...."

"Look I have to go. You have your out, just take it. Go on with what you were doing and I'll do the same." ******************************************************************************* ***************************************

I felt like I was in a daze all the way to Casey's room. I had no reason to protect Bobby but I did. I didn't owe him anything. But I did it anyway. People would talk. They always did. They talked when we were back home and they would talk until the day I croaked. If I could spare Bobby then what the hell. I knocked on the door and waited for Casey to open it. I guessed that Kevin was in the room with her since I heard voices, I was hoping that he wasn't though because I really needed to talk to her alone. She opened up the door smiling but when she saw me the smile just left her face. I didn't know what was going on but she moved aside to let me in anyway. Kevin was sitting on the bed and he looked stone faced too.

"Ok... What's going on?

I felt a sharp smack to the back of my head and then Casey just started laying into me.

Casey: "What kind of best friend are you? You don't even tell me that you're getting laid. I had to find out from some giggling bitches around campus."

Kevin: "Dude, I did not know you got down like that. I didn't know you were so fast."

"I'm not. It just happened. I didn't plan it and I wish it never happened."

Kevin was laughing and I felt another smack on the back of my head. I was getting really pissed now, I turned around and Casey was nearly on the floor laughing.

Casey: "So was Mr. Drake any good?"

"I am not talking about this. I'm already in enough trouble. Besides we needed to be downstairs like 10 minutes ago."

We all looked at the clock and realised that we were more than 20 minutes late. I guess my little talk with Bobby lasted longer than I thought. I hurriedly changed clothes and we all got on to the elevator to the Med Bay. Whoever our instructer was, was going to be pissed.

We finally got into the Control Room, greeted by the wonderfully pissed face of Mr. Logan. I wasn't really scared of this guy because I hadn't really been around him. But from what I heard while I was bunking on the couch was that he was a Living God to some and a pitch fork carrying Devil to others. People said he was a hard-ass and some people resented him for it while others deeply respected him for it.

Logan: "Where the fuck have you been? You were supposed to be down here over 40 minutes ago."

Kevin: "Actually it's more like 35 minutes and 25... 26 seconds"

Kevin, Kevin, Kevin. That was dumb.

Logan: "I'm not in the mood to be fuckin' corrected, kid. Your ass is up first. We are going to try a different simulation for you little sissies. You'll be going in alone this time, because the Professor want's a good read. When you've had enough yell 'stop' and the program will end. Get downstairs and you can go down with him, Lil Lady."

I was about to walk down with them when Logan's hand fell on my shoulder stopping me.

Logan: "You can stay up here for a sec, kid. Wanna have a few words with you." I could see Kevin walk onto the floor of the Danger Room and this is how things happened *** ======================================= Danger Room Floor: -

Just as soon as Kevin stepped on the floor the room went pitch black like before, and just as suddenly he was in the park of our hometown. I loved how that shit worked. Anyway, at first there was nothing around but a few people with their kids playing at the park. I didn't know what the point of this was but just when he reached the center of the park he must have heard something. It wasn't obvious to me until I saw three kids coming towards him. It was clear after a second that it was Jeff, Darren, and Jay. It was kind of coincidental because those were the people Kevin used to hang out with.

Ryan: "You played us this whole time you freak."

Kevin: "No it wasn't like that, I didn't want to lose my friends."

Darren: "Now you're about to lose your life freak."

And with that they charged at him. Kevin was just standing there, doing nothin. He didn't put up any kind of defence. Darren was the first person to throw a punch and it landed right in Kevin's face breaking his nose, and knocking him to the ground. Jeff, Darren, and Ryan all started to stomp Kevin and calling him all sorts of names but he just took it.

Control Room: -

"Kevin you have to fight back they'll kill you."

He clearly wasn't listening to him. This program was to real and he thought these were his real friend attacking him.

"Mr. Logan please... Please stop the program? He wont fight back."

Logan: "There aint nothin' I can do. He has to end the program by himself." "But they're killing him."

I was not going to stand by and watch this. If I had to hit every funky looking button on this control panel to stop the program then I would. Just as I was about to hit the first button, Jeff, Darren, and Jay were all flung backward into different directions. Danger Room Floor: -

Kevin was still on the grass, curled into a ball, but he looked like he was starting to get up. The fake Jeff and Darren were the first to get up and they set on Kevin again. I didn't know what happened but all of a sudden Jeff just stopped walking and his hands immediately went to his throat. His face was starting to get very red and I could tell he wasn't breathing. Kevin was up now and his eyes looked slightly glazed over. He wasn't his normal self and he started to look slightly crazy. Darren ran up on Kevin and threw his fist as hard as he could toward Kevin's face, but when it made contact his fist just bounced back sending him falling to the ground. Darren was raised up into the air like he was on strings and Kevin placed his palm on Jeff's chest. I didn't know what was going on until I heard the most agonizing scream ever. Kevin must have been sending very strong pain bolts into Darren and it looked like he was about to have some kind of seizure. Kevin had clearly forgotten about Jay, and it wasn't until it was to late that he remembered him. Kevin was still torturing Darren when Ryan came up behind him and with a hard swing, he hit Kevin in the head with the butt of a gun he had in the waist of his pants. Kevin immediately fell to the floor, holding the back of his head and rolled over on his back.

Ryan: "You think you can play us all this time and then we'll just let you get away with that shit."

Kevin: "I'm sorry. I never wanted you guys to get hurt."

Ryan: "That's bullshit. But it don't matter. Later Days."

Ryan pulled the trigger and I could see the fear in Kevin's eyes.

Kevin: "stop"

Control Room: -

I didn't know if I had heard him right but when I looked over Logan was reaching for a large red button. I looked back at Kevin and Jay and the look of astounishment on both of their faces. I looked between them and the bullet was suspended in mid-air. Logan's hand was still reaching for the button and I quickly knocked it away.

"He wasn't saying stop the program."

Logan: " What the hell are you talking about?"

"He stopped the bullet."

Logan: "That's impossible. No one can stop a bullet."

"But he did!"

Danger Room Floor: -

Kevin was still lying on the ground breathing very hard and Ryan was above him dumbstruck. Kevin quickly got up and teleported away. It was about half a second before he teleported behind Ryan and kicked him in the back knocking him to the floor and out cold. I knew it wasn't going to be that easy and in seconds Kevin was being surrounded by people from our town. The crowd was inching toward him and fighting through the crowd was Kevin's brother who I had gotten into it with on an occasion at school. His brother Warren was a really muscular kid about a year younger than him. I thought he was coming to fight Kevin but instead he stood beside him and fire started to surround his fists. Kevin looked just as surprised as I did but it didn't last long. The crowd advanced and it was an all-out massacre. Fire was being thrown everywhere and people were flying in every direction. I was guessing that Warren's power was fire manipulation and he was using it like a pro. Kevin was doing a different variety of powers and it was all very crazy stuff to watch. Just as they were dispersing the crowd it was like more people just kept coming and coming. I could start to see the strain on both Kevin and Warren's faces and I knew they couldn't hold out much more. One thing about being a mutant it is very taxing on a person's stamina.

Kevin: "We won't win. We can't. It's to many of them."

Warren: "Don't give up. We... we can do this."

They lasted for a few more minutes and then Warren had all he could and he fainted on the ground. He had a ring of fire around them but when he fainted the fire burned out. Kevin was all alone. He started to get desperate and the people just kept coming. He did some kind of psionic blast where he pushed most of the surrounding people back about 20 feet, but more just kept coming. Kevin was clearly getting weaker and his eyes glazed over completely. He started to float up into the air, and was idle for about two minutes while the people bellow shouted out rude remarks about him. A few people fired gun rounds at him but they just bounced off. Kevin cupped his hands together and a reddish light formed around them. His hands started to seperate and I could see that a large orb was forming in his hands. The orb kept growing and growning until it was like he was holding a glowing basketball in his hand. It was about 20 seconds before Kevin ripped his hands away from the orb and a blinding light covered the whole of the Danger Room. The force was so strong that even Logan and I were blown back. We both hit the wall and fell to the ground. We recovered quickly but it was still kind of crazy that if penetrated the Control Room. I got back up and ran to the window and Kevin was still floating above the park and everyone seemed to be suspended in mid-air when suddenly the just hit the ground.The people who were closest looked the worse but everyone was knocked out cold. Kevin's clothes were all ripped up and he was bleeding, but he had won.

Kevin: "Stop!!!"

The program immediately terminated, like Logan said it would and Kevin fell to the ground passed out. I jumped and phased through the Danger Room window and landed a few feet away from Kevin. Casey was running out of the lower dressing room and I could see a bruise beginning to form on her forehead. She was clearly thrown as well. We both came to Kevin's side and carried him to the dressing room. Logan was already down there with Professor Jean Grey.

"He's knocked out cold. Logan, is he going to be okay?" Logan: "He should be. He prolly just needs to rest." Jean: "That was an amazing display of power for such a young mutant. I should go up and take the results to Professor Xavier."

She left to go up to the Control Room and left the four of us alone. Casey got some water and splashed it onto Kevin's face waking him up. He looked really dazed like he didn't know where he was. He went to get up, but pain shot through his body and he laid back down. Casey: "Kevin... you should really take it easy. You really outdid yourself in there." Kevin: "My brother...." "Wh...what about him?" Kevin: "He was a mutant in the simulation. What does that mean?"

I turned to face Logan and he looked slightly uncomfortable.

"Mr. Logan, how accurate are these simulations. Just because Warren was a mutant in the Danger Room doesn't necessarily mean he is one right?" Logan: "They're supposed to mimic real like circumstances. If a person in the simulation shows a particular trait, then it's most likely that it's reality." Kevin: "That's crazy. My brother would have told me something like that."

By now Kevin was up and pacing. He looked really strained and for some odd reason it was tearing me up. I didn't feel anything sexual toward Kevin but I was starting to feel like he was my older brother or something. Clearly Logan wasn't to comfortable with this conversation and he felt it wasn't his place to answer these questions so he changed the subject.

Logan: "It's your turn next, Casey. You need to suit up and get on the floor. Kid, go wash up and lay down. You're gonna need your energy."

Casey walked into the Girl's Changing room and Kevin walked out into the Subbasment Hall. It was me and Logan alone again and suddenly I felt all tense again.

Logan: "Let's head back up to the Control Room, kid."

We headed upstairs and while he was walking back upstairs he started talking to me.

Logan: "I also want to talk to you about what happened earlier today."

That stopped me in my tracks. Why was everyone in my business?!?!

"There's nothing to talk about... Sir."

He spun around and faced me. I guess I had unintentionally raised me and face and he had an angry look and I could tell he didn't appreciate me answering him like that.

Logan: "I think there is. There's alot of talk going around about what happened." "So..." Logan: "The Professor told me that you walked out when he was trying to get to bottom of this situation. Maybe he'll let you walk out when he's talkin', but I'll be damned if you do it while I'm talkin'."

As he was saying this he unsheathed his claws and punched them into the wall next to my head He immediately had all of my attention.

Logan: "You aren't going to disrespect the Professor while you're his house. So now you'll be answering to me." "There isn't a situation Sir. It's already been settled." Logan: "Settled? And how did that happen kid?" "Me and Bobby talked. We settled stuff... and we talked about what happened." Logan: "And what exactly happened? Cuz I've heard different sides of the story, and none of it was from the two of you." "It's not important. I just want to forget it ever happened." Logan: "Consider it forgotten for now."

We finished walking up the flight of stairs towards the Control Room. Jean was there and she was probably waiting for all of us to finish so she could make jus one trip. I felt really light-headed. Casey was starting to make more and more sense to me. This was completely the wrong place for me. I just wanted to go home. I was never a weak person but this place had completely broken me down. I started to tear up, but I blinked them back and focused. My best friend was up and I wanted to see her get loose. *** ================================= Danger Room Floor: -

Casey stepped into the Danger Room and like before the lights immediately dimmed and just as suddenly came back on. The setting was completely different now and it was our local mall. Me and Casey spent alot of time there so it was pretty cool that it was her setting. There were alot of people around and she was just walking through the food court. It didn't look liek anything was happening, until a bottle flew and almost clipped Casey in the head. She turned in the direction of the tossed bottle and saw that it was her mother and father. Hate was etched all over their faces and they started screaming at her. Mom: "Freak. She's a freak."

At first people didn't do anything, but the mall got really quiet. Casey started to tear up and another bottle flew towards her thrown by her father. The bottle almost reached her face when it just stopped in mid-air. She had a determined look on her face and send the bottle full force back at her father. It cracked him and the face and he went down. Mom: "You freak... How dare you?"

Her mom pulled a gun out of her purse and directed it right at Casey. As soon as she fired the shot, casey ran at top speed and ended up right behind her mom. She moved so fast that the bullet was still traveling when she ended up behind her mom. Casey: "You can't hurt me anymore."

And with that she grabbed her mom by the wrist and tossed her as hard as she could. Casey's mom flew about 20ft in the air and crashed into one of the large pillars in the food court. She hit the wall really hard and fell down to the floor. I was pretty sure a number of her ribs were broken, but I didn't really care. I never liked her Mom. It was now that I realised that the people in the mall were surrounding Casey. They started calling her "freak" and closing in on her.

Casey: "I'm telling you all to back the fuck up. Do it now or I get real nasty, real quick."

Some of the people advancing slowed but none of them stopped.

Casey: "You asked for it...."

Casey started to charge up her hands with what looked like electricity. They were really going now and Casey connected her hands above her head, sending a long stream of electricity towards the ceiling. It was almost to the ceiling when the stream split and created like a web over the food court. Electric bolts started raining down on the people and whoever was hit went down immediately. Even more people were getting electrocuted though when skin contact was made. People from all over the mall were coming and immediately set upon Casey. A few people got in close to her and she posed in a defensive stance. The first person to attack was a girl of about 19. She swung her fist at Casey, but Casey dodged it and sent a kick into the girl's stomach. While she was hunched over she kneeded the girl in the face and she was out. The next person was a guy of about 35. He had a knife in his hand and he swung it at Casey. She jumped back, just missed the blade, and then sent an uppercut into the guys nose crushing it. She sent the next few people back with telekinesis and did a swinging kick knocking about 3 people down. The next people to step up were girls from our school. Sasha, Mira, and Ariel never liked Casey. I had seen them fight before and I had to give it to them, they were no joke. Mira and Sasha both did Karate and Ariel had learned how to box from her father. The three of them rushed Casey and just as they were about to make contact they all froze. I saw that their eyes had turned completely black and they were motionless. It was a few seconds before they turned around and started to go after the huge mob. Casey was controlling their minds and their fighting skills was quickly dispersing the crowd. There was still a big group of people for Casey to deal with and they were closing in fast. In a matter of seconds, Casey had formed a spiked ball connected to a chain out of energy particles in the air. She started to swing it masterfully and people were sent flying all over the place. She took out another string of enemies and it wasn't until she saw blood that the loud bang registered in her mind. She looked down and realized that she had been shot in the shoulder, it was only a flest wound, but she looked around and noticed it was her father holding the gun.

Dad: "We should have killed you when you told us you were a freak." Casey: "But you didn't." Dad: "But I will."

Casey didn't allow him time to pull the trigger when it was clear that she invaded his mind. Her father fell to the ground screaming in agony and kept screaming and screaming. While she was concentrating on her father the crowd had backed away. It was clear that they had lost the fight ,but she had let loose the hold she had on the three girls and they jumped on her. It a very intense fight, power-free. Casey was just using the skills she had learned from numerous fights and her older brother to take the three girls on. She was clearly weakening because of the physical strain and they started to get the upper hand on her. She backhanded Sasha who crumpled to the floor and she was left to face Mira and Ariel. Casey: "Two seconds. Back down now, or get it how it comes." Ariel: "Come on bitch. One ass kicking coming right up!"

They were about to approach her when there was a sudden gust of wind. Casey's eyes started to change colors and it looked as if she was powering up for a major attack. I hoped she knew what she was doing and that she didn't wreck the Danger Room again. She started to get a glowing light around her and she was instantly right next to Ariel and Mira. She was moving at lightning speeds and putting her hands out to both of them, a blast of pure white light collided with the both of them sending them soaring across the food court. Casey called "stop", the program ended, and she collapsed onto the floor.

I ran downstairs as quickly as I could. Casey was starting to come to and she looked really sad. I knew that she was thinking about her parents. They were supposed to love her unconditionally and they cast her away because she was a mutant. I tried to console her as best as I could.

"Case, it was fake. It was all fake" Casey: "But it isn't. My parents really feel like that. They hate me. After I see your session, I think... I think I'll go call them. If they want me out of their lives, then I will be. I don't need them."

I guess it was getting to mushy for Logan so he cut in.

Logan: "We have one more session to go. If you're going to watch you need to get up to the Control Room kid." Casey: "Alright. Good luck out there."

Casey. My best friend forever. She was the other half of my heart. She was the only person outside of my family that could calm me down, and hearing that relaxed me all over. I went into the changing room and changed into one of the training suits. I took a quick breather to get myself together. I needed to be as focused as possible. I relaxed as best as I could and then stepped onto the Danger Room floor. ***************************************** Danger Room Floor: -

AS soon as I hit the floor the lights dimmed, which I was getting used to and just as soon as the went out the came back on and I was in the halls of our old highschool. I was scared as hell of being in this place. I was right outside the classroom where me, Kevin, and Casey were "outed". The halls were completely empty and it was weirding me out. I wasn't going to be caught off guard, so I summoned up some energy and powered up my fists. I got to the end of the hallway and had to choices, I could go to the Gym or I could go to the Cafeteria. I chose the gym. The only way the school would be this empty was if there was some kind of assembly. I walked into the room and all eyes fell on me. It was only a second before the whole school was up on their feet and advancing towards me. I saw my two brothers Chase and Chance (twins) inching their way towards the back of the bleachers. The safest place for them was out of the way. Kyle and Jerry were two of the largest guys in our school, they were both on the wrestling team and they were headed right for me. My fists were still charged up and I punched Jerry in the chest, sending him flying back and I uppercutted Kyle who flew several feet away from me. Obviously their wrestling practice had taught them how to tolerate pain because they were both back up in seconds. I realized that this power wouldn't work, so I summoned the power of fire and I sent two fire bombs towards them. It was like a mini explosion and the two were sent flying back. I could see they had bad burns and the two of them were both knocked out. The group was closing in on me and I started to get scared. I let a ring of fire surround me and let it expand knocking several people down and buring a few of them badly. I used my telekinesis to lift several of them in the air and tossed them back. Two guys came out of the crowd and the first guy was behind me and the second guy was in front of me. I swung my foot back and connected with the first guys face, while punching at the second guy. They were both dazed and I did a sweeping kick knocking them both off of their feet. It was pretty easy to get weapons in our school so when I saw a knife jab at my face I wasn't surprised. The knife was being held by this girl named Stacy and everyone knew that she hated Casey, which meant that she hated me. She swung the knife at me again and I used my mind to stop it, snatched it out of her hand, and destroyed it. She looked like she was about to rush me so I reached into her mind and shut it down. It wouldn't be permanent, but it would leave her out for a few days. I was getting ready to clear the rest of the area, when I was hit over the head. I fell to the ground and when I was about to get up to take care of the person who hit me, two globes of fire floated over my head and I heard a loud thump. I got up quickly and looked over and saw the my two brothers were fighting another group of people. This was to unreal. I couldn't let them take the same heat that I did. I was getting tired and I used the little energy I could to pull all of the remaining people towards me. They were all disoriented when they got up and with my last ounce of strength I entered all of their minds at the same time. I had never done anything like that and I felt like I was dying. I started inputing images into their minds causing them to feel pain and sorrow. After they were weakened physically and emotionally by my invasion I shut all their minds off. It was a lot harder than it seemed. "STOP" I had enough. I felt myself slumping over and blacking out. When I came too, I was in the Control Room and Logan and Kasey were standing over me. Casey was sprinkling water on my face so that I would wake up. My head felt like it was on fire.

Jean: "That was a really risky move. Even for a simulation, the thoughts implimented in the program could have driven you crazy." "Unnnhhh!!!" I was to tired to even think. My brain was so tired that I just blacked out again.

When I woke up again, I Was in a new room. It looked much bigger than the student rooms I had seen and I was a bit nervous. The bed was about the size of the one I used to have, but when I looked over there was a much bigger bed. I didn't know who it belonged to, but I wanted to find out. I got up and walked slowly closer to the bed. I saw a wallet on the nightstand and I planned to pick it up to look at the driver's license. But when I opened it, I felt a hand grasp my neck and I was slammed roughly into the wall.

Logan: "DON'T EVER GO IN MY SHIT!!!" "Sorry. I didn't know it was yours. I just wanted to see the I.D." Logan: "That ain't none of your fuckin' business either." By now tears were already running down my face. "I'm sorry I didn't mean anything by it." Logan: "Just don't touch my shit again...!"

He finally let me go and backed up a little. I turned and ran out of his room as fast as possible. He tried to call me but I didn't answer. I just kept running all the way until I got to Casey's room. I didn't even knock. I knew she wouldn't be here and I scanned the area for Rogue before I went in. I started to pack up my shit. Everything I owned, was in two briefcases and I was ready to go. I carried my stuff downstairs and had just reached the door when Casey called out to me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------- Casey: "Hey what are you doing? What's with the suitcases?" "I'm going home Case. I can't do this anymore. Ever since I got here, shit's been falling apart. I just can't, not anymore." Casey: "What are you talking about? Even I'm beginning to like this place. Kevin is finally cool with us. Shit is good." "Not for me Case. I just want things to go back to how they were, before we ever came to this place." Casey: "You mean when we had to hide our powers. When we had to go in the woods just to practice for a little while. We're finally in a good place. We can finally be true to ourselves." "I can't stay here. I just want to be with my family, and not have to worry about tests and people looking at me funny."

Kevin was walking up just as Casey was about to respond. I knew it would happen sooner or later. I had to tell them exactly what had happened so that me leaving would be justified. I told them the whole story. Everything. I told them how after training Bobby asked me if I wanted to get something to eat and just chill. I told them how we were in the shower to "conserve time" and it led to me getting screwed. I told them how Bobby asked me not tell anyone what happened and I said I wouldn't. I told them how I moved all my stuff out of the room, how Rogue stunned me, and how I accidently projected images of what happened. I told them all about the fight and what we talked about in the private meeting. I even told them what Mr. Logan said to me before Casey's session and what happened just a few minutes ago that was my breaking point.

"Casey I want you to understand. I just can't be here anymore." Casey: "But I'm finally comfortable. I finally feel that this place can help us. Jamie please don't take this away from me." "I'm not asking you to come. Casey if this is what you want to do then stay. Kevin me and you are finally getting cool, I don't want you two to be put out just like me. If I don't leave people are going to think the worst of you because of me."

I had the door opened and was leaving when the door slammed back shut.

Casey: "Just give me some time to pack." Kevin: "Are you serious?" "Casey you don't have to do that." Casey: "Give me time to pack dammit. I don't want to hear shit from you."

I was about to open my mouth to speak when Casey just vanished. I felt like shit right about now. Casey finally had some hopes about being a mutant and I snatched it away from her. Kevin: "You are such an ass. You're going to leave just because shit hasn't been going right. The whole time we were home we had to hide who we truly were. Stop being such a bitch. Just because things haven't been going good you're just going to give up." "You don't understand. Yeah we're mutants but at least your normal in that standard." Kevin: "What the fuck does that mean?" "I'm a double negative. I'm a mutant and I'm bi. Two reasons for people to hate me." Kevin: "So fuckin' what? People are always going to hate us. Suck it up!"

Kevin was right, people would always look at me funny. I would be a mutant til the day I died. I would always been bi. "I gotta go talk to Casey."

I ran to the Main Stairs and I was taking them to at a time. I didn't realize someone else was on the stairs until I ran into a brick hard chest. I looked up and it was Mr. Logan. I really did not want to see him. If I wasn't scared of him before, I was scared shitless now. No one had ever jumped on me like that and after reliving my experience telling Casey and Kevin I was still pretty shaken about it. He eyes looked kind of sorry, but he didn't say anything and neither did I. I wormed my way by him and walked until I ended up in front of Casey's door. It took me a second to make sure this was really what I wanted before I knocked on the door. She took a second before she came to the door, I supposed to she was finishing up her packing. She swung the door open and when she saw me a look of disgust surfaced on her face.

Casey: "What do you want?" "I'm not going. I won't do that to you. You always stood by me and now it's my turn." Casey: "But..." "No buts. Unpack your shit. I'm staying here. Whatever happens just happens. I'll face it when it comes."

She hugged me so forcefully that I thought I'd choke. She whispered "thanks" in my ear and kissed me on my cheek. I pushed her off and told her to get unpacked and we would go into town and get something to eat. I knew Kevin was heading back to his room and Casey would be busy for a little while. I one the other hand had some important phone calls to make. I had to little brothers I had to ask some very important questions.

Next: Chapter 5

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