High School X

By J J

Published on Jun 1, 2006


I left Casey's room and headed back to Mr. Logan's room. I knew he wouldn't be in because they had some "business" to take care of, whatever the fuck that meant. I hoped this rooming wasn't permanent because I don't think I could take it. I was officially scared shitless of Logan. I got to the phone and dialed up the house number but no one picked up. I left a message saying how I missed home and that I really needed to talk to the twins.

I hadn't had any classes yet so I had alot of free time on my hands. I decided to go walk down to the Professor's office to see if they had some kind of workout place in the mansion. I wasn't into bodybuilding or anything but Casey and I both took gymnastics for as long as we had been friends. It's actually how we met. We were serious about techniques and what not but we weren't so serious that we sacrificed our social life. Also, our bodies weren't super muscular. She had a very feminine shape and my dick hadn't suffered because of it. We were both the best in our classes but we never did any competitions or anything. I got to the Professor's room and knocked, he said "come in" so I assumed he was alone but he wasn't. In the room with him were Logan, Ororo Monroe, Jean Grey, and Scott Summers. The only person that I hadn't met before was Scott, and he looked super uptight.

"Sir, I can come back later. You're obviously really busy."

Professor: "Jamie it's fine. We really were just finishing up."

I looked around and everyone was looking at me. I was pretty sure they all knew about me, but I guessed alot of people didn't come to the Professor's office this late in the day unless it was super urgent.

Professor: "Jamie what can I help you with? You don't have any classes scheduled until after everyone is done with vacation."

"I just wanted to know if there was an athletic center somewhere around campus. Umm, I don't mind walking but me and Casey do gymnastics so I wanted to keep my skills up."

Jean: "I didn't know that. Maybe one day I can watch you practice. I've always wanted to be able to flip like that."

"That would be cool."

Professor: "They have a pla...."

Logan: "I'll show you where it is. I was headin' that way myself."

"Ummm. Oo-Ok."

Professor: "I almost forgot. It's going to take us a bit longer to get you a room. We are having the West Wing remodeled so it will take a short while longer to get you a room. Logan won't mind you in his room for a bit longer, will you Logan."

He mumbled an answer and was absolutely sure he did mind but now wasn't the time to discuss it. Not with Logan in the same room.

Everyone was walking out of the room and Logan started to leave too so I followed him. I didn't really feel comfortable walking with him, but he offered so I had no choice but to follow if I wanted to know where to go. We walked towards the back of the mansion and reached a descending ramp that lead to a door. I followed Logan through the door and we walked down a sort of hallway until we reached another door. He opened it and we walked inside and what I saw took my breath away. I was never really big on gyms but this one was wonderful. They had all kinds of machines and a section just for gymnastics.


Logan: "Yeah, it's pretty decent."

I didn't know where to start first so I went to the place I came down here for. They had sets of bars, rings, beams, vaults and even a floor display. It was 'Heaven'. It had been a few weeks since I had been to training so I wanted to see if I had lost any skill. I was kicked out of the shcool for fighting and I lost my coach. She was a bitch anyway and was always pissed that me and Casey were better than her other students but we wouldn't compete. Anyway I went to the floor, ran and first did a cartwheel and then did a series of backflips, another cartwheel, then a frontflip resulting in a spiral flip through the air. Damn, I still had it. CLAP, CLAP, CLAP. I turned and looked back to see Logan watching me. All of a sudden I felt self-conscious. I thought he was going to work out somewhere else but he hadn't, he stayed to watch me.

Logan: "That was good kid. You got skills for someone your age."

"You only saw me do a few simple flips. An amateur could do that."

Logan: "I got a nose for talent kid. I bet you were just warmin' up."

"It's been a minute. I got kicked out of my school at home."

Logan: "Fighting...? They don't kick your kind out for nothing."

"He started it. And my Coach was a bitch anyway."

Logan: "You win any competitions?"

"Never competed. Me or Casey. We just wanted to use up some free time."

Logan: "That's a shame. You could have won. Well I got some weights to lift."

"Cool. I wanna get some more practice in before later. Me and my friends are going out."

Maybe he wasn't such an ass. I unbuttoned my pants, and took them off, I wasn't sure if they had a place so I wore my work-out shorts under them.

Logan: "damn"

I thought I heard Logan say something but it was so low I was probably mistaken. Anyway I had on some shorts that were kind of loose. They still kinda showed off my ass though. It's the one of the good things about being in gymnastics you can get a really nice ass and I must admit mine was pretty nice if I do say so myself. But anyway I had to stretch before I did anything so I slowly slid myself into a split position with both of my legs at my sides. I did a few stretches that way and then brought my feet behind me so I was lying on my stomach. I pushed my arms up, like in a push up stance and brought my feet up to where I was supporting my whole weight on my hands and my feet were off of the ground. I slowly raised my lower body up until I was in a handstand position and I rested like that for a while. I was also grateful to gymnastics because it made me very limber, I could duck and dodge almost instantly. I was in the handstand position for a minute and then I seperated my legs and brought them down to where my legs were facing outwards but I was still in a handstand position.

I finished up my warm-up and practiced for about three more hours. When I finished my body was sore as hell. Those few weeks not even training alone were eating my ass up. It hurt to much to even put my clothes back on so I just left my workout shit on and left the gym. Logan had left a little while earlier so I was alone in the gym. I walked out and entered the lobby and walked towards the main stairs so I could get changed. It was around dinner time, so alot of people were in the halls and I was getting alot of looks. I was starting to think changing might have been a good idea because these shorts didn't really hide to much. I was going to go to the bathroom and change when I felt a hard smack on my ass.

Casey: "Damn, advertising the merchandise I see."

"What is this obsession you have with smacking me?"

Casey: "I dont know. (laughing) You're just so smackable."

"That's bull."

Casey: "And what are you doing anyway? You're treating me and Kevin to dinner."

"You and Kevin? When did that happen? And where is the moo-lah coming from? A money tree?"

Casey: "It better not be because if you have one and you're holding out on me that's your ass."

"Whatever. Anyway I need to go shower, and where is Kevin?"

Casey: "Getting ready. I just came from his room...."

"What's wrong?"

Casey: "I saw something."


Casey: "Well I was in his room when he was getting out the shower and I kind of saw his ummm.... you know his stuff?"

"Stuff? Come on Case... you're a big girl. Call it what it is. A dick, cock, woody, hard-on, pussy pounder."

Casey: "You are so gross."

"You act like you're a virgin... and wait why would he just come out of the shower and not cover up if you were in his room?"

Casey: "Well I kind of just went in. The door was unlocked and I just sat on the bed."

"Bad, bad girl."

Casey: "I felt awful and then I looked down. He's packing."

"You say that like he was hard."

Casey: "Well... he was actually."

"Why couldn't I have been there? What did he say?"

Casey: "Nothing really. He just looked kind of surprised."


Casey: "What do you think? I rambled out an apology and then left. It was like he was frozen."

"I miss all the good stuff. I need to go shower."

Casey: "Next time you won't leave my side, will you?"

I flipped her off and went up the stairs. I really needed to shower because I was starting to smell like sweat and people were still looking at my clothes. I made sure Logan was gone before I picked out my clothes, turned the shower on the temperature that I wanted then went back in the bedroom to undress. I was completely naked and stopped to admire myself in the mirror. I really do look good, I had a very nice face (kinda like the actor Michael Ealy from Barbershop), I had a banging body, a nice ass and a nice dick. I was the total package. I was testing the firmness of my 6-pack abs when the door opened. It was Logan and I was shocked, I was sure that he would be downstairs eating with everyone else.

Logan: "You look busy..."

"I fell on one of my landings. I thought I had a bruise somewhere."

Ok I lied. Sue me.

Logan: "You're lying but just put on some clothes or something."

"I was actually getting in the shower."

Logan: "Well hurry it. I got a date tonight."

I hurriedly got in the shower and began soaping up. I wonder how he knew I was lying. Was it that obvious, that I was checking myself out. I'm not conceited or anything I just like to make sure I'm looking good. ok, maybe I'm a little conceited, but I have a reason. I didn't want to take to long in the shower, so I rinsed off, got out, and dried off. My hair was cut into a fade so I just had to give it a few strokes of my soft brush and a little hair oil to give it a nice shine. I wrapped the towel around my waist and walked out the bathroom. I would have walked straight to my room but Logan was on the floor doing push-ups. He got up when I stepped closer and moved back to let me pass. He had already seen everything and I wasn't shy or anything so I just let the towel fall and put my underwear on. I had a nice pair of Dickies' khakis on and a nice Enyce button-up. I was dressed in a matter of minutes and Logan had gotten into the shower so I sat on the bed to wait for him to ask him something. He got out a few minutes later and he came out of the bathroom. He had a towel wrapped around his waist but from what I could see he had really nice muscles. He wasn't cock diesel but he had a nice body. I had to peal my eyes away to even think straight.

"Uh, Logan I don't know what time I'll be back, but if it's really late, do you want me to like bunk on the couch?"

Logan: "No. Just come in quietly. I get pissed when I get woken up."


I left after that to go downstairs. Casey and Kevin were in the tv room waiting for me and I ran and jumped into Kevin's lap.

Kevin: "Get your fat ass off me. You're crushing my dick."

"From what I hear you can take it."

Kevin: "Casey! You said you wouldn't tell him!"

Casey: "I didn't. He must have heard it from someone else."

Kevin: "Yeah right."

"Come on. If I'm paying we need to get a move on it. We have to walk anyway."

The hall was filling with students because dinner had let out and Logan was coming down the stairs with a kind of funny look on his face. We walked to the door and just when Casey was about to open the door she stopped. Kevin and I were on either side of her looking at her with puzzled looks on our faces.

Casey: "Do you guys hear that?"

Kevin: "No."

"Shut up. Listen it's like a.... like a... whizzing noise."

The sound was getting louder and scarier.

Logan: "Get away from the door now."

Just as he said that we heard a loud BOOM and the whole entrance of the mansion exploded. Me, Casey, and Kevin were all sent flying in different directions. The explosion was so big that it sent me flying through the wall of the Mansion's Entrance into the Entertainment Room next door.

I had blacked out and when I woke up I couldn't even think straight I was in so much pain. I had burns on my arms and I had a huge gash on my forehead. It took me about five minutes to focus on something different from the pain and as soon as I relaxed I pulled myself up onto the couch. I slowly made my way back into the Entrance Hall through the hole that I made in the wall. I scanned the room and kids were on the floor everywhere. They didn't look hurt to bad and most were already up. I was looking for Kevin and Casey when someone sped past me and outside. It was Logan and he looked like a totally different person. He disappeared and then I just heard slashing noises and screams from above. I kept looking for my friends and then I noticed Kevin. The explosion had sent him smashing through a glass cabinet and leaving a huge crater in the wall. He was already up so I started to look for Casey again. I walked down the hall a little when I saw her. She was laying on the ground and when I looked closer there was a large piece of wood impaled in her chest. I ran over to her and Kevin was right behind me.

"Oh my God. Casey!!!"

"Kevin: "We have to get her help!"

The wood had was so long that it was coming out her back and chest. There was a lot of blood on her chest. I didn't know what to do and she started to spit up blood.

Kevin: "What are we going to do? We need to help her! Where are all the teachers?"


He started to get really nervous and he couldn't be any help if he was spazzing out.

"Kevin listen to me. I think we can help her. But I need you to calm down and I need you to help me!"

He looked at me and I thought he was about to break down.

"Kevin please! We have to help her. No one is around."

Kevin: "What do you need me to do?"

I had him use his powers to levitate Casey into the air. When he had her up I realized just how much blood she had lost. If we were going to help her we had to do it quick. I had him stop levitating her when she was at my waist level.

"Now Kevin listen to me. This is really important. I'm going to try and heal her, but you need to pull the wood out."

Kevin: "Are you fucking crazy? Have you ever done anything like this before."

"No I'm not crazy. If we don't do something my best friend is going to die, and I'll be responsible. Are you going to help me or not."

Kevin: "If something goes wrong we teleport her to Hank in the Med Bay."

"Ok. I need you to keep her levitated and at the same time slowly pull the wood out. You have to do it slow so that she doesn't bleed out. While you pull it out, I'll heal her."

Kevin: "Are you sure you can do it?"

"What choice do I have?"

With that we set to work. Kevin started to slowly pull the wood impaled in Casey out and I thought of healing. Thinking up powers had never failed me before and I hope it didn't now. Kevin had the end of the peice lower into her chest and a powder blue mist began to form around my hands. I placed my hand on the wound and just thought of Casey being healed. Kevin was still pulling so I wasn't sure if it was working.

Kevin: "Hey it's all out."

"I can't tell if it's working."

Kevin: "Well when I was pulling she was loosing alot of blood. There's none now. I think it's working."

I was starting to get tired because this wasn't something I had done before and she had a very large wound. I kept hearing slashing noises and screams in the backround but I just kept going until I couldn't go anymore and I collapsed on the ground. Kevin sat down beside me and lowered Casey down into his lap. Her color had returned and Kevin lightly stroked her cheek until she stirred.

Casey: "Wha...what happened?"

Kevin: "The door. It exploded. A peice of wood lodged itself in your chest and you were dying. Jamie saved you though."

"We saved you."

She got up and hugged me really tight and then she turned and hugged Kevin really tight and kissed him on the lips. Now was not the time to question what the fuck that was about. We were getting up when there was a loud thud on the ground. I looked and Wolverine had rolled on the ground and was getting up. There was blood all over his shirt and his claws were also covered in blood. I had never seen anything like that before and I felt like I was about puke. I was going to ask him if he was alright when there was a crash and another explosion which knocked him off of his feet. There was a helicopter burning on the ground and the propellers were hitting the ground sending the peices flying in different directions. I thought we were safe until one large peice broke off on the ground and headed right toward us. It was spinning wildly and no one knew what to do to stop it, so I stood up and used telekenesis to stop it. It was really hard to catch because it was going really fast and it stopped just before it hit my body, but it sliced my hand open. I screamed out in pain but it was drowned out by three shots that were fired into the Mansion. I looked and there was a guy pulling off his mask and aiming his gun back into the house. I was so scared that I subconsciously launched the propeller back out towards the guy. I realised what was about to happen and tried to stop it but the propeller was going to fast to stop and it stabbed the guy right in his stomach. There was no way that he could survive that. I saw his face as he was falling to the ground and the image was burned into my memory, probably forever. Logan got back up and the realization of what I did hit me. I killed someone. I was a murderer. I couldn't even think straight. It was getting hard for me to breath and then I started do hyperventilate, my brain was on overload and I passed out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dream: -

"No not again!"

I had been here before. It started to happen after I blacked out in the Mansion entry-way. I took a life and now it was haunting me. What was scary was that the dream kept repeating itself. After it ended it started again. I knew for a fact that I hadn't woken up yet. The dream it was so real that it hurt. I would be walking and end up on this street. Prenctice Dr. had become the scene of my latest nightmare. I would go on the street and would stop in front of a house. 289 Prentice Dr. I knew the street, it was definitely in NY The music was blasting from the house and I was just drawn to it. I got to the back and there were kids and adults all having fun. People were being served food, dancing, playing cards, just having fun. I walked around and everyone just greeted me like I was an old friend. By now I knew it was his family. The dream had been played so many times, I knew every face, name, and what would happen. I turned around and like always there he was. He was a little taller than me at 6'0" (I'm 5'8"), he had a tan and he had cropped hair. He had to be some kind of military guy. Everytime I saw him my heart would drop. He was sitting at the table and he had his little daughter bouncing on his leg. She was about 3 and very cute. I would walk over to him and just as I was about to say something he would look at me and his eyes would change. His mouth would get all bloody and the family would disappear. It was just me and him the same way we were. I would have to watch him die over and over again. Everytime I saw it it tore a piece of my heart away. I was preparing myself to face it all over again but it never came. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Med Bay: -

Jean: "Who the hell were those people?"

Logan: "Theives is my best guess. They see a house like this and it reads money. Blow down the wall everyone is so scared and disoriented they don't fight back. They can just take what they want."

Ororo: "What do we do about the plane? Those men? We have to report this or something."

Logan: "And tell them what? That they blew our wall down and I went up there and sliced them up."

Scott: "Chill out Logan. We have to clean this up and get the kids to bed. They shouldn't be seeing this."

Jean: "What about him? Will he be alright Professor?"

Professor: "I don't know Jean. It's like his mind has been turned off. It's like static, I can't even get in touch with his Astral mind. "

Logan: "Is he dead?"

Professor: "He's very much alive. Just not ready to wake."

I tried to get up but I couldn't. I could hear but I couldn't see. I had to wake up. If I didn't I would be there again. I would be back on the street and I couldn't take that. Not again. I heard them leaving. Maybe if they stayed I could focus on them and not be taken back. I tried my hardest to reach out with my mind. To reach anyone. "HELP ME!!!" Maybe they couldn't help me.

Jean & Professor: Ahhh!

Logan: "What is it?"

Jean: "It's him. He called out to us. It was so loud it caught me off guard."

Logan: "Is his mind working again?"

I felt the Professor and Jean both reach into my mind. It didn't hurt, but it was uncomfortable. It felt like I was being pulled out of a hole. I don't know what happened but the next thing I knew I opened my eyes and I was looking into the eyes of Jean, Ororo, Logan, Scott, and the Professor. I needed to tell them my dream but I couldn't. In the next few seconds I was sleep again. More peacfully this time around. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I finally did wake up it was about 10am and I was back in Logan's room. He was sleeping in the bed and I had the biggest headache ever but I was ok at least. I got up and went into the bathroom and started the shower up. Last nights events had really shaken me up. I had alomst lost my best friend and I had killed someone. While I was showering I came to terms with some things. I was more determined now than ever to learn what all of my powers were. I needed to be able to control them all without even breaking a sweat. I hadn't become ruthless but I was beginning to see that there were dangerous people in the world and this was a dog-eat dog world. On top of knowing gymnastics I needed to know how to fight. I was already a pretty good street fighter but I needed skills and discipline. I got out of the shower and dried off. I wanted to go check in on Casey and make sure that she was all healed up. I walked back in the room with my towel around my waist and noticed that Logan was sitting up now and he was looking at me. Mornings didn't really suit him but he was still a looker.

Logan: "You shouldn't think like that. You're a kid. Don't put the weight of the world on your shoulders."

"What are you talking about?"

Logan: "You should ask Jean to give you some lessons on the whole telepathy things. You broadcast alot of your thoughts when you're thinking. I'm not a telepath and even I heard it."

"Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now. That shit yesterday, everything with Bobby. I've been here less than a week and I'm already regretting coming here, or the decision to stay here. If I was at home none of this would be happening, I wouldn't have killed someone yesterday."

Logan: "You can't think like that. You protected yourself and alot of those kids."

"How do you do it?"

Logan: "Do what?"

"You're ruthless. You kill like it's nothing, like you don't care about the consequences."

Logan: "I was trained that way. I was trained not to care. I'm trying to work on that."

"After I blacked out yesterday, I kept having this dream. I was at a barbeque and it was that guys family. He had kids, a wife, and a huge family that loved him. I took that away from them. Because I was nervous and scared, he's dead now.

Logan: "You did what you had to do."

"Is that how you see the world? In black and white? He did something bad so he deserved what he got."

Logan: "Don't twist my words like that. You don't think that I see the faces of the men I killed? Or the imaginary wives and children they may have left behind? I see that shit everyday."

"How do you cope with it?"

Logan: "I tell myself that I'm doing this for the better."

"Do you believe that?"

I never got an answer. I don't really think he knew how to answer that. I went to get dressed and he told me to meet him in the gym in an hour. I put on some khaki shorts and a plain white tee and headed to Casey's room. It was early so she was probably still sleeping, but I chanced it anyway. I knocked on the door a few times and it was a minute before anyone opened it. It was Casey and she looked like she had been crying.

"Case what's wrong?"

Casey: "Besides the fact that we all almost died yesterday, I got this in the mail."

She handed me an envelope with a letter and pictures inside.

"What's this?"

Casey: "Read it. It's about Morgan"

As I was reading the letter my eyes started to water. It was a letter from Casey's parents.


I will never forgive your father for what he did. But he has my heart forever. He wanted to keep Morgan away from you, but now he'll hate her too. She really takes after you. She has your eyes, your smile, and your \ul powers\ulnone . I had to send you this before your father made it home and I have sent for a friend of mine to bring your daughter to you. You'll hate me but I had to tell Jamie's parents about the daughter you two have. I felt I needed their permission and blessing to send Morgan there. I attached pictures of why I'm sending her. She destroyed her room and I am trying to send her away before your father comes. Please don't hate me. I really do love you. You're father doesn't understand anything different than what he knows. One of those old-timers.

Love Always, Mom.

I couldn't even bring myself to look at the pictures. She was a mutant just like her mother and me.

Morgan. My daughter. The daughter I could never tell my parents about. They didn't know I was bi and they lived for the Bible. Me having a child out of marriage was a huge sin in my house. If they knew I was bi then they would shit bricks. Casey and I have been friends forever and at one time we thought it would be nice to see where things could go. We had sex basically the minute we said we were a couple and Casey ended up pregneant. Her parents were alot more understanding and they let us keep the baby. I told my parents that we had stopped being friends over an argument and for the next year Casey didn't come back to my house. I picked up a 6-hour job and spent most nights at Casey's taking care of her and my baby. My parents knew we were the best of friends and me staying there never bothered me. But now they knew. Everything we did to keep this from them was out in the open.

Casey: "My cell has been ringing off the hook."

"I haven't even checked mine since we came here. I don't even know where it is."

Casey: "What are we going to do? We can't hide a baby here."

"We need to talk to Professor Xavier. If he says that she can't stay here then we leave. I'm sure we could come up with some money. We could get a small apartment and take care of Carmen."

Casey: "Do you regret her?"

"Never. She's the best thing that's happened to me. If I had to do it all over again I can't say I'd do anything different. Do you regret her?"

Casey: "No. But alot of guys wouldn't stick around. Best friend or not."

"I'm glad I'm not alot of guys."

Casey started to get really quiet and I was starting to think something was wrong.

Casey: "I have to tell Kevin. He's probably gonna hate me."

"Why would he hate you? What's it matter to him anyway?"

Casey: "I kinda lied."


Casey: "When I told you Kevin came into the room naked."

"Ok so what didn't happen."

Casey: "All of that happened, I just left out some stuff. When he came out the shower he was surprised and shit. I was staring and then he walked over to me and he like kissed me on the lips. I kinda just stood there and it was nice. Then he pushed me on the bed and we just started making out."

"While he was naked?"

Casey: "Yeah. We didn't do anything, just kissed."

"And now you two are dating?"

Casey: "I don't know. I pushed him off of me and then I ran out of there. I like him alot and he's alot different than he used to be."

I got up to go outside. Me and Kevin were getting to be somewhat friendsbut him and Casey an item.

"We have to go talk to the Professor about Morgan."

Casey: "Are you mad at me?"

"No why would I be?"

Casey: "I say that me and Kevin did something and all of a sudden you get all quiet."

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

Casey: "Hurt? How would I get hurt?"

"Do you not remember what happened before we came here? Why we're all here in the first place?"

Casey: "Yes I remember. How could I forget? I lost all my friends but one. I'm not gonna harbor bad feeling about Kevin. We're all in this together. At least I thought we were."

"You're right. I don't know what I was thinking. Can we just go please?"

We walked out of the room and down the stairs. I didn't say anything to her because I didn't want to start anymore problems. Maybe I was just jealous. At least she may have found someone who might like her back. We got outside the Professor's door and I stopped her.

"Casey I'm sorry. I shouldn't be in your business like that and if you want to get involved with Kevin it's your choice. I'll stay out of it."

Casey: "I don't want you to stay out of it. I just don't want to fell you're judging me. He's a good guy. All I'm asking is that you give him a chance."

"I will."

I knocked on the door and almost instantly it opened. We walked in the room and there was the usual group. Jean, Logan, Scott, Ororo and a few people that I didn't know.

Casey: "Professor Xavier we can come back a little later but we really need to talk to you."

Professor: "We can talk now Casey if you don't mind the other people in the room."

"We don't. But it's kind of a difficult situation."

Professor: "How so?"

Neither of us really knew how to approach the situation.

Logan: "Spit it out already. We don't have all day."

"We have a daughter. Her name is Morgan. She's 6months old."

Everyone kinda caught their breath at the same time. If I didn't feel bad before I did now. I didn't know how they were going to take this news.

Casey: "I got a letter from my mother today. She said that Morgan destroyed her bedroom. I've seen some of the pictures and the room was totaled. My mom is sending Morgan here because if my father found out I don't know what he would have done."

Logan: "A baby? Here?"

"We understand if we can't stay. But she's on her way and if we have to leave we'll want to have that done before she gets here"

Professor: "Leave? That's absurd."

Ororo: "When is she supposed to be here?"

Casey: "I don't know. I just got the letter today and my mom said she sent Morgan away the same night."

Professor: "We really can't have boys and girls in the same room. So you two have to decide who will keep the baby in what room?

Logan: "Ain't no baby sleeping in my room. He'd be better off with the girl anyway."

Jean: "Well isn't that sexist."

Casey: "He's right. I can take her for now and then when you get your room we can alternate.

Professor: "We should get you your own room Casey."

Jean: "I'll take her. We should have a free room up on the Faculty Floor. It seems appropriate that she can have one of those rooms."

I walked out of the room and there was a group of people around the front of the school. The front wall hadn't been replaced so we were seeing outside. They had an electronic barrier that wasn't allowing anyone but students in and there were two women outside who obviously weren't students. I walked over and in their arms they were holding Morgan.

Woman #1: "Are you Jamie?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Woman#2: "We're here on behalf of Casey's mother."

Casey: "Mrs. Gordon. Mrs. Reynolds, I just got my mother's letter today."

Mrs. Gordon: "We got here as fast as we could. She's a wonderful little girl, your father was a fool to treat you like that."

"Can we get you anything? It's a really long drive from Baltimore."

Mrs. Reynolds: "No we want to go see what New York has to offer since we're already out here. And your mother wanted us to give you this. She said to make sure and tell you to open it after we left."

Casey: "Thank you for bringing her. I think I'll right my Dad a letter. Hopefully it might change his mind about a few things."

Mrs. Gordon: "You know you were like the granddaughter I never had Casey. I advise you not to write him dear. I knew you're father's father and he was just as bad. I want you to be safe out here."

Casey: "Yes, Ma'am. I'll call you a little later and maybe you can leave a message with my mother."

While she was driving off I couldn't help the feeling of happiness that was building up inside of me. I had my daughter here with me and I knew everything would be alright.

"Casey why don't you find the room and I'll show Morgan around."

Casey: "Ok. If you see Kevin please just don't say anything to him. I want to talk to him myself."


I couldn't help but shed a few tears. I had my little girl with me and nothing felt better. I was getting a few stares from people, most of them astonished. Everyone knew my experience with Bobby so seeing me with a kid was probably boggling their brains.

...: "She yours?"

"Yeah she is."

I turned around and it was Jubilee. I hadn't seen her since I had left her in the Med Bay and quite frankly I didn't want to see her.

"What do you want? You surprised I got a kid too?"

Jubilee: "I just wanted to apologize, and why would I be surprised you have a kid. Everyone has them now."

"So you haven't heard?"

Jubilee: "Heard what?"

"Never mind. Something happened when I first got here and people are tripping."

Jubilee: "What happened?"

"It was noth....."

Boy: "He had sex with a guy. Bobby Drake to be exact. He did something to his mind that made Bobby fuck him."

I wanted to punch him in his mouth. Everyone was always in my business and it was starting to work my damn nerves.

Jubilee: "Oh that. Yeah I heard about it from some girl in the lobby. She saw you carry me in and thought that she should warn me about you."

Boy: "Well you should listen. He's sick."

"Fuck you."

Jubilee: "Whatever. Do you want to go talk by the Lake?"


We left the idiot standing back where he was. I learned his name was Riley and I planned on taking care of him as soon as Casey got Morgan. We walked and walked just talking. She was a really cool person after we got to talking and I was having a really good time.

"I didn't do any mind control on him. It just happened."

Jubilee: "I know. That guy was an asshole."

"So where are you from?"

Jubilee: "Hollywood. I came here to..."

"Pick pockets?"

Jubilee: "Shut up. (laugh) My parents died a few years ago and the family they left me with I couldn't stand. I made it here and it was all I could do to make money. Then you found me and brought me here."

"It was nothing. Really! And sorry about your parents. I bet they were great people."

Jubilee: "They were. I used to do gymnastics and they were at all of my meets. They were the best."

"You're a gymnast?"

Jubilee: "Yeah."

"Nice so am I."

Jubilee: "Maybe we can practice together some time."

We were just sitting around for a little while not saying anything. It was nice to just enjoy each other's company. I was just thinking about things and Morgan when Jubilee spoke again.

Jubilee: "So Morgan, where's her mom at?"

"Upstairs. It's my best friend Casey. We thought since we were such close friends the most logical step would be to take it all the way and be a couple. Nine months later she had Morgan."

Jubilee: "She's a real cutie."

"It's just good genes. I'm mixed and Casey's Puerto Rican."

Jubilee: "And you're bi? She was cool with that?"

"Yeah I am. And she's cool with it. Are you?"

Jubilee: "I'm from California."

"(laughing) Yeah you are."

We got up and were heading back to the building when there was a twirl of red smoke and then Casey was standing in front of me. She snatched Morgan out of my arms and disappeared again. I put my hand to the smoke that was left and sensed the location. I grabbed Jubilee's hand and we were gone just like that and in a second we were staring right at Casey, Ororo and Jean.

"What the hell is your problem?"

Casey: "I saw Kevin walking outside. I'm not ready to tell him yet."

"What the hell are you so afraid of?"

Jubilee: "Tell him what?"

Casey: "Who are you?"

"She's a friend. Jubilee this is Casey. Casey this is Jubilee my best friend."

Jubilee: "It's nice to meet you."

Casey: "Same. I can't tell Kevin yet. He's gonna think I'm one of those girls."

"Do you want me to tell him?"

Casey: "No. That would be even worse."

"Well you can't avoid him forever."

Jubilee: "I can tell him. It might sound better if it came from a third-party."

Casey: "No it's cool. I really need to do this myself. But thank you for offering."

Jubilee: "No prob."

"Listen. We can tell him together. But we just started being cool with Kevin. There isn't really anything he can say."

This whole situation was giving me a headache so told Casey I would see her later and me and Jubilee left. We continued to walk around and I showed her around the mansion. I didn't know many places but I did know where the athletic center was so I went and got my workout stuff and I took her there. We were just warming up and chatting. We did a few sets and I watched her do some bar work. It was just something about her that I liked. She had a really cute personality, she was funny, wasn't a bitch or conceited. I was in my own little world when she came and plopped down next to me.

"Now you know where this place is. You can do this whenever you want."

Jubilee: "Yeah I need to get back to how serious I was about gymnastics."

Jubilee: "You know I got discharged from the Med Bay right when everything happened yesterday."

"Oh. It was a crazy night."

Jubilee: "You know what's even crazier?"


Jubilee: "That after everything was over and you were passed out, I was scared. We met that one time and for once someone out here was nice to me. I thought that I had possible lost someone who might want to be friends."

"Well I'm not going anywhere."

Jubilee: "I hope not. Who knows what might happen. Might need a man like you to protect me one of these days."

When I looked over at her she was closer than she had been. I don't know why but I learned over and pecked her on the lips. It was quick, simple, and was so perfect. I pulled back and looked at her and she was just as surprised as I was that I actually leaned over to kiss her. Maybe I was tripping but I kissed her again and kept kissing her. Maybe the Xavier Institute for Higher Learning wouldn't be such a drag after all.

Next: Chapter 6

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