By D One

Published on Aug 5, 2006



Trevor hiked over the hills far away from the houses and highways. He took his book, a joint he had stolen from his brother's backpack, a small blanket, a bottle of water and a box of chocolate chip cookies.

He waved goodbye to his mother who was used to these day long absences during the summer. "Bye baby" she said as usual.

Trevor flinched as he always did. He was way too old to be called "baby" but he knew that's how his mother would probably always think of him, the youngest child in the family.

His sister was an adult complete with a baby and a husband the family didn't really like but pretended when they were around.

His older brother was debating which college to grace his presence the following year but besides his cockiness, he was ok. In fact he was better then just ok. Thanks to him bullies in junior high learned quickly to leave Trevor alone.

That is except for David Ryan. He was always around, threatening Trevor, making fun of him in gym class, knocking books from his hands and generally reminding Trevor he was what he was.

Trevor was a book worm, a nerd, a geek and any other word you can think of. He wore glasses and was thin, actually skinny.

His brother was an average guy, into athletics though not a champion in any, pretty popular with the girls and guys and like Trevor good at math.

In fact math was the bond that kept the two of them buddies. That and sex. What Trevor learned about sex he learned from his older brother. It was hard not to since they shared a bedroom. He listened to his brother's early midnight masturbation sessions and asked what he was doing. His brother told him.

Unlike his brother, Trevor never quite got excited about the girls in school, their bosoms or their smiles. But he went on dates with his friends...and had a good time. One of his best friends was Connie.

It was Connie who taught Trevor and his brother how to dance. She hung around the house as much as Alex, one of Trevor's computer buddies. And the three of them could be seen at school events, or on weekends.

Summers however, found Trevor alone. Alex and his family would go on vacations or he would go to music camps. Connie too would always go somewhere, this summer she was working in her father's store.

Trevor would have gotten a job too, but his mother protested saying it was the last summer his brother would be around so he should stay at home. But his brother was rarely around.

Between his part time job and beach trips with friends, he rarely appeared during the day. But as Trevor lay in his bed, big bro would fumble around coming in late at night, and purposely wake him up. They would talk or wrestle around or both until they tired or an impatient parent yelled down the hall.

Eventually Trevor would see the silhouette of his brother stripping down for his nightly chore of whacking off before going to sleep.

Trevor couldn't really complain about his life. True he wished he fit in more at school that he got sweaty palms holing hands with Connie or that he didn't look like such a geek.

And during that special summer, he would go to his quiet place and just think, sleep, read or take out his own penis and jack it till his body convulsed and left him exhausted lying on that quiet hillside far from everyone and everywhere.

So like always Trevor hiked through the grass bathing himself in the quietness of his escape. He stripped off his shirt and shorts..and lay down on the hillside letting the sun warm his nearly naked body. His boxer shorts were his only protection from the rays. He purposely didn't take sun screen wanting instead to tan as much as he could.

As he lay there thinking about Alex and their times together, about his brother and the eventual empty bedroom they shared Trevor sighed. He read awhile and dozed. There was no rush to think about sex or the images that would arouse him to the point his hand would need to go into his boxers.

"Hey oddball!"

Trevor couldn't believe the words. It sounded like David Ryan. He looked up to see the shirtless boy standing there.

"Your mom said you were here" he looked around "nice" he said quietly so unlike his usual brazen bragging voice. "You come here allot?" he asked.

"Uh yea I guess what do you want?" Trevor asked then wished he hadn't been so rude. His brother wasn't there to threaten Ryan if the boy was going to hit him.

"Fuck off" Ryan said in response. "Look fag, I" he sighed "need your help"

Trevor couldn't believe what he heard. It wasn't only the words but they were kind despite the use of the word "fag".

"What did you call me?" Trevor asked remembering his brother's advice to fight back even if just by acting like you're ready to fight.

"Oh" David seemed to be taken aback "oh yea it's gay" he said quiet which made Trevor be at a loss for words.

"Why do you say that?" Trevor asked honestly. He had come to the conclusion that he was either gay or a very late bloomer he wasn't sure. The images in his head when he masturbated often were those of men he saw in magazines or on television. Some images were those of his class mates too but he figured that was because they were the only naked people he saw other then his brother.

"Well you are gay aren't you? I mean you're always looking at me and other guys" Ryan wasn't accusing his tone was actually conversational and serious.

And it was true that Trevor looked at David naked in the locker room from time to time, like some of the others. The image of Ryan in his Speedos in swim class was one he couldn't get out of his head either.

"Uh oh just wondering if you were going to attack me" Trevor "what did you want?"

Ryan crouched next to Trevor. His loose shorts didn't hide his testicles from hanging out or the tip of his penis. Trevor tried not to stare. How easy it would be for him to punch the boy in the nuts or grab them if the guy was going to bully him, he thought.

"Look man I'm in summer school and shit I may fail the damn math class again. So I need help and you're into it right?"

Trevor couldn't believe this kid who had bullied him was asking for his help.

"My Dad can pay you" Ryan waited.

"You want me to help you?" Trevor asked.

"Fuck man if you don't want to that's fine" Ryan stood and started to move away.

"No wait" Trevor said and Ryan stopped. "Yea why not but I don't want money I want something else"

"Fuck fag...er whatever what do you want" Dave crouched once again and once again his genitals hung out his shorts.

"I want you to leave me alone from now on in school"

"Ok ok, I was just kidding you" the boy said

"I want you to apologize here and now for all the times you gave me shit" Trevor added.

"ok I'm sorry" Ryan said.

"Not good enough, I want you to strip off your shorts and kneel and ask me to forgive you" Trevor didn't know where this came from; He hadn't thought about it, the idea just came out his mouth.

"Oh right, I knew you were fag" Ryan stood.

"Ok man back to normal crap then, guess you won't be graduating when I will" Trevor said.

"Oh fuck, ok ok" Ryan whipped off his shorts. He stood there naked.

"But if you tell anybody about this, I'll beat the shit out of you and I don't care if your brother knows it or not"

Trevor was not only enjoying the sight of David Ryan standing there naked but the fact that his penis was expanding. The boy was getting a hard on and that started Trevor's cock doing the same.

"Come on, on your knees" Trevor reminded him.

Ryan was about to say something glib about fags like being on their knees but instead he moved close to Trevor and knelt.

His hardening cock was within reach of Trevor.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole" Ryan said automatically. Trevor saw his eyes looking towards Trevor's boxer fly which his cock had begun to tent.

"I really am man, I just uh fuck man, you're the smart one and I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm stupid I guess, so I just pick on you" he was truly apologizing now.

Trevor couldn't stop his cock from getting hard.

"And for the fag stuff, uh well, shit I look around too, I guess we all do. You know to compare and stuff" his hand was on his cock. "You never know who's got a bigger one of these..shit man you're getting huge"

Trevor adjusted himself and his cock popped out of his boxers.

"Yea it gets that way"

"Christ man, you want to whack off before we do math stuff?"

Trevor was excited. He had never talked this bluntly about his erection with anyone else not even Alex...except for his brother.

"Come on man, I do it all the time with my friends' Ryan said.

Trevor bent forward and pulled his boxers from under his hips and down his legs. Now he was as naked as Ryan.

"Move over" Ryan moved onto the blanket next to Trevor. He didn't avoid letting his legs and body touch him.

"God I'm gonna burst" Ryan said

Neither said anything as they began to stroke themselves. They let their bare legs rub against each other and that made it hotter.

David's hand reached over and touched Trevor which made him jump.

"Relax man you're gonna like this" he said in a whisper even though there was nobody around to hear them, let alone see what they were doing.

Trevor gasped in air suddenly as Ryan began to jack him. Nobody had ever touched his erection or his penis for that matter.

"Do me" Ryan gasped and Trevor did what he was told...soon the boys moved around finding easier positions as they jacked each other's erections.

"Hold back, do do it yet...hold back as long as you can" Ryan said. Trevor tried but eventually he was gasping he was going to cum.

David kept saying "not yet not yet" finally he said "ok now man let's go for it".

It actually hurt, Ryan's grasp of his blood filled cock. The harder he held it the harder Trevor tried to pump his cock.

When the sperm sprayed Trevor, his own gut exploded and they both were letting their adolescent sperm fly..again and again, it hit their faces, chins, arms, chest, stomach, thighs.

Finally both lay there panting while the sun began to dry the wetness from their skin.

"Shit that was hot" Trevor said.

"Yea always knew you were..." Ryan started to say.

"Gay?" Trevor asked.

"No man I was going to say...oh never mind"

"Hey you know you got a nice butt" Ryan said after lying silent for a while "but don't tell anyone I told you that."

"Yours isn't bad either" Trevor said and the two boys were suddenly laughing at their admission as if they had been friends for years.

Ryan turned over, "you think so?" he asked tightened his buttock muscles.

Trevor patted his bare buttocks "sure man, I uh well, guess we compare more then just dicks in the locker room"

"Cool, chicks like a guys butt" David said and then added "guys too".

Trevor didn't respond. He did like Ryan's butt.

"You have a nice cock too" Ryan said finally.

Trevor's cock had never gotten completely soft and now was hardening again. He was lying naked beside another naked guy. He didn't know what to say except "uh thanks".

"In fact if you're ready we can go again" Ryan turned back over and his own erection popped into plain sight.

"Hey follow my lead, do to me what I do to you, ok?"

"uh ok" Trevor said presuming the boy was about to begging to jack him off. Instead Ryan squirmed around and put his mouth close to Trevor's cock.

"Now this you never tell anyone about or I'll tell them you forced me to do it to tutor me" Ryan said but the smile on his face revealed he was kidding.

Trevor couldn't believe the feeling of the boy's lips around his erection. He almost came immediately from the new sensations.

"Come on man no fair, you do what I do" Ryan said then returned to letting Trevor's cock go deep in his mouth.

Trevor moved a bit and got close to Ryan's cock. He had seen it dangling soft in the locker room often. He wondered what it would look like hard and now he knew. He inhaled the odor of Ryan's crotch. It was like the locker room.

Something Ryan did made the fire in his belly suddenly feel fantastic. He put Ryan's cock head in his mouth and the slowly let the cock go further.

Trevor concentrated on the feeling he was getting and tried to do the same thing to the other boy.

He felt Dave reach around and play with his asscheeks and did that to him. He gasped when a finger played with his butthole....it surprised him and felt good. He did the same to Ryan and heard the boy moan.

They lay there in the sun doing what Trevor found out was called 69'ing until he felt the boys sperm flow into his mouth. Trevor swallowed some and let some spill out of his mouth.

He worried about choking on the still flowing sperm but his thoughts were distracted when his own body exploded again and again.

Ryan eventually pulled away and seemed to be choking. Trevor handed him the bottle of water.

"Fuck man we're never going to get to the math this way" Ryan said.

"I don't have any books here and it doesn't look like you do either" Trevor said.

"Should we go back to your house?" Dave asked.

"Naw we can start tomorrow. Have a cookie and let's stay here" Trevor said.

"Yea me too" Ryan's response seemed to match some other unspoken statement. "Besides we can do some other stuff when we're ready" he added.

"Sure why not?"

The hillside was silent. Only insects and birds seemed to occupy the area. There was no traffic sounds and no inhabited houses nearby.

There was only the hillside, the grass, the afternoon sun and two boys discovering themselves and each other.

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