
By jaken

Published on Nov 25, 2003



Author: jaken, jaken@email.si, from Slovenia

Thank you for your emails!

Please ignore the mistakes!

Story involves sex, domination, joy and satisfaction!

Do not read if you are not allowed to by some authority. If you are offended by sex or/and (sexual) abuse among men even when written you do not have to read.

In a story safe-sex in not as important as in real life!

Story is fictional.

-------------------- DESTRUCTIVE PROGRESS --------------------

I did not know what to do, where to look, where to hide. I covered my cock and looked around trying to find a friendly look. They started laughing at my shaved crotch and some mentioned the bruises on my back. I noticed Mr. Rigory was unsure of the bruises and felt uncomfortable.

"That's enough! Leave him alone!" Mr. Rigory said.

"Look at him, he's a freak!"

"Give him his clothes back!" Mr. Rigory said.

Boys started shouting


"Here, take your pants!" I moved towards the boy holding them still hiding my crotch and when I approached him he threw them to another boy standing at the other side. "Catch!"

I turned and almost ran to the other side. It was fun for them and they started playing with me for a while. I so much wanted to get the clothes that I tried to catch them with both hands.

"Look! He has no pubes!"

"Catch Fido, catch!"

"You've been a bad boy?"

"Dad beat you up?"

I did not care for what they were saying. I felt so degraded. I looked at the boys "Please, give them back!" till I finally caught my pants and pulled them on. I never felt so happy wearing them before. I did not care of showing my chest to them and stopped trying to get the shirt and shorts.

Deman was standing at the door and was just observing. I saw a smile on his face showing satisfaction. I felt I was coming to my senses though I was in just too short pyjamas pants in the middle of the boys, all dressed nice laughing at me. At that point I knew I was just a low-life to all of them and I felt that way, too. They threw the shirt and shorts to the floor and I went to my knees picking them up.

"OK boys. Time to leave! Everybody out!"

I tried to get to my feet but they kept pushing me down. Some would kick me or just spit on me. Deman left as well.

"Look Vik. I apologize for the boys' behaviour. Sometimes they just get out of control."

I was still on my knees, held my shirt and shorts in my hands and looked up at him. I respected him. I felt his authority around here and I knew all of these didn't need to happen.

"Yes Sir. Thank you for helping me out."

"No problem. Get dressed."

I stood up and put on the shirt. I did not want to show my crotch to him again and just held the shorts in my hand and looked at him.

"Your underwear, too. You should not be without underwear around here!"

I started pulling the pants down and turned away from him a bit.

He watched me all the time, dressed in black jeans and a shirt. When I was done I looked at him admiring his outfit; I almost envied him the authority he had. I would like to have had the power to chase the boys away, but I was too weak. Day by day they seemed more and more superior to me and getting humiliated in front of them all took all my pride away. I had no self-consciousness; I just awaited the next command.

"Now you can have something to eat and then you better get to work. And stand straight when I am talking to you!" He pulled me by the shirt-collar and put my hand aside my body. "You can be thankful to the boys. They've made it possible for you to keep the job so do not disappoint them. If I will get to many complaints about your work I will be forced to replace you."

"Yes Sir. I will do everything I am told to. I will not disappoint you, Sir."

"You get up at 4 am in the morning. Jim will know what you have to do and he will also wake you up. You just do what he tells you to. You will get a schedule soon. I promised it to you a few days ago I will stick one to the door in the basement as you sometimes seem to forget what you have to do."

I looked meekly at him and felt his superiority. I felt guilt for what I've already made wrong and whatever I possibly could do in the future. I stood still in the position he put me in and did not dare to move much.

"Hey, Greg. Bring our cleaner-boy something to eat. He will clean this place up afterwards."

"I don't want him in here! He should eat outside as he's had for now. He's too dirty for the kitchen!"

Mr. Rigory looked at me and pulled me by my shirt closer to him. "He does smell a bit, yes. What do you suggest? He is supposed to clean the kitchen."

I was so hungry and thirst, too. I felt down hearing how Mr. Rigory spoke of me. Few seconds earlier I felt protected by him and he looked so great but now I started disliking him, but the humiliation he was giving me in front of Greg put me to where I belong.

"Please Sir. I can bring something from home to change when cleaning the kitchen. I haven't had a meal in a day."

"Silence!" He grabbed my ear and pushed me out of the room and I waited standing at the table where I usually ate. After a while Mr. Rigory came out.

"You will get something to eat now. Wait here as you are."

"Thank you, Sir."

I was so happy. I did not even care what food I'll get. In 10 minutes or so Greg brought me the food and I started eating it using my hands. The meal looked nice. I surely did not get scraps today.

I saw boys returning to the kitchen and they looked at me and made jokes about seeing me eating with my hands. Four of them stood behind me and shoved my head into the food I was eating and shook the salad over my shaved head.

"Please guys, leave me alone." I looked at one of them with my face covered with the food and begged more "I haven't had a meal for some time."

"Right! So you better eat everything up!" The boy had darker skin, short black hair and he was shorter than me. He pushed my head down "Start eating then! Open that faggot mouth!"

I started getting the food inside my mouth and tried to lean on my hands but two boys pulled them to my back and held them. The guy pulled my head back and the other one started pushing the food up my mouth.

"You better swallow it down you disrespectful little faggot! Here!" He pushed more of the meat inside my mouth and tucked it in with his fingers.

I was afraid of them. I could not move and tried to do as they wanted. It was difficult swallowing the food so fast and I started to choke.

"Hey hey! You better not throw up!" The guy put his hand over my mouth and held them closed. They lifted me up and dragged me inside the toilet. The urinals were the best option for me getting some water so they pushed me under one making me lick it and drink the water.

"Here's enough water for you so you better not say you are thirsty." They flushed it several times pushing my head against it the whole time. I tried to swallow it all sticking my tongue out and they just laughed.

"What's going on in here?!" Greg opened the door that lead to the kitchen. The boys dropped me and left the toilets. I was sort of sitting on one side and tried to get up when Greg approached me from behind and grabbed my neck. "You are a piece of shit. I really don't like you. You only make problems and irritate the boys. Get out of here and return the plate!" he kicked me in my thigh and left.

I got to my feet and washed my head a bit and cleaned the uniform some. I smelled of vinegar. I went outside and cleaned the table. I found my flip-flops inside the plate covering some of the food. I was too hungry not to eat the food. I put everything inside my mouth and started cleaning the table then went to my knees and picked some pieces of the food off the floor and put them into my mouth as well then wiped the floor.

Don came from behind and kicked my ass. "I knew something was wrong with you. You proved it to us today you freak!"

I looked up at him from almost under the table. My look instantly became inferior seeing the hot boy standing over me. I tried to get up "I have work to do" but he pushed the chair pushing me under the table then leaned over it and looked down at me.

"You are not done before I say so. You are nothing around here and you should start accepting it." he left.

I actually did not know where to start so I went to Mr. Rigory's office and waited.

"I thought you will need assistance." He called for Filip, the guy that showed me around the first time. "Take him to the gym and make sure he does not disturb if anyone in there. He has to clean everything, equipment, floor, everything there is to clean. Ask the boys what needs to be cleaned if you feel needed. In the storage room he should find something to clean the equipment."

"Follow me. I guess you already know where the gym is but it seems you need some kind of supervision. Go get the tools you need. Faster!"

I almost started running and the boy stood still and looked at me. It was difficult to run with the flip-flops not making too much sound. I returned carrying everything I thought I needed and approached the boy. He already spoke with few other boys, one of them helped holding my hands back earlier. I stopped and waited as they were having a conversation holding the buckets.

After a while Filip looked at me. "You dumb or something? Get them filled with water."

"This one really needs help."

I was heading outside and listened to their remarks.

"Look at his feet! He thinks he's on holidays!"

"Maybe he needs a medical treatment"

"No, I just think he needs to be disciplined and educated. He's one of those fools that need help."

I could not say anything to them. I returned carrying the buckets. I put the rags at my waist as Deman did it once and again waited for the boys to notice my existence.

"Are you able to follow us?"

"Yes guys!"

"You think he knows what follows means?" the guy approached me and pulled my eyelids apart then spat on my eye. I almost dropped the buckets then they started walking. They led me upstairs and they talked all kind of stuff. The two workers were painting the wall and I had to carry the buckets by them two times then the boys stopped and started talking to them. I put the buckets to the floor. They were heavy and my arms hurt.

Filip noticed "Pick them up. You want to dirty everything again? He's so dumb! Don't mind the floor he knows how to clean at least." The two guys looked at my appearance and laughed. Slowly we went downstairs inside the gym.

"You will be barefooted in here. Show us your feet."

I lifted one foot and it was dirty.

"Ohh. Disgusting. You really are a pig."

"I have an idea. Wait."

One of them went out and returned in no while with two plastic bags and a piece of rope. "Here. Put your foot in here and tie it round your leg. "

I did as I was told. I stood in front of them with two plastic bags over my feet and holding the buckets.

"I think this will do."

"Let's get him inside."

The boys led me inside holding me by my neck and shoulder. Inside were Deman and Hun working out and a guy doing exercises.

"Get to work! First clean the fitness machines no one is using. He gave me a special detergent for that. "You can read or should I explain to you how to use it?"

Deman was in just his tight red shorts. I admired his muscles and his sweaty body. I could smell him. I wanted to kneel in front of him looking up to him making exercises and wiping the sweat off his body with my bare hands when one of the boys slapped me. "Get to work!"

"Hey Filip. Why don't you read the instructions to him and show him what to do. We don't want him to ruin anything, do we?" Deman said.

Filip did not know what to do. He felt angry at Deman at once but then took the spray. "First you have to clean everything with a wet cloth. "He pulled the clean one from my waist then threw it in a bucket. "Wrung it!"

I went on one knee and wrung the cloth then tried to get up.

"No. Stay this way. It's better. Then you wipe the whole machine with it." He started wiping my shaved head, my eyes, my cheeks. "Then you take the spray and spray it over the leather. He started spraying over my head "and wiping it off with a dry cloth. You don't seem to have any! Never mind." He pulled my shirt up from behind and polished my head.

Guys laughed and enjoyed. I heard Deman smile. "I could not think of such a clear example! I guess he'll remember!"


I saw Filip looking at Deman and both smiled to each other. Filip was older than other boys. Maybe round 19 or 20. He had deep blue eyes and strong eyebrows, very nice lips and strong brown hair. He was tall, like 185cm, slim body, maybe he would need a few more kilos, but he looked ok.

"Get to work!" that was Deman. I instantly started wringing the cloth and cleaning the first machine that was free. They had like 10 machines all together. Deman was doing butterfly- exercises (?) for his chest muscles. I remained on my knees as I knew that was the position for me.

The guys would supervise my work and tell me what I forgot to clean.

"His head really shines nice! He should do that more often!"

"What you think Deman?"

Deman got off the machine and approached us all sweaty with obvious bulge in those tight wet shorts. I knew he loved to show off and he was just the guy for it. I looked at him admiring him and feeling his superiority. I was unsure if I have made a mistake and it make my look humble and devoted. I continued my work and wanted to smell him and lick his sweat. He wiped some off his body and spattered his sweat over my body and grabbed my head with that hand.

"Yea, it really shines!" As if he would know I needed his smell over me he sat on my shoulders and grabbed me under my jaw and raised my head. I felt his wet shorts on my back and saw that the guys were a bit unsure of what was going on. He put the rag I had at my waist inside my mouth like a yoke.

"You like it boy? You like your shiny head?" I felt him pushing my head up and down, nodding.

I mumbled "Yes Boss."

Deman was the only person I would call Boss. Yes, others did order me around but he was my Master. The guys also realised the relationship as I always showed him respect in front of anyone.

He got off of me and left the rag inside my mouth. I looked at him and wanted to thank him. The boys laughed at me, made jokes about the rag in my mouth.

"Take the rag out."

"Thank you, Boss."

"Now get to work! I think he knows what to do now, don't you think, boys?"

The whole time Hun did not even approach us. He just continued working out, lifting weights lying on a bench. The boys left me do the work and talked some more. I tried not to hear what they were talking about. It seemed easier to me. Finally everybody but Deman and Hun left and the guy that was doing exercises.

Deman stood at Hun's head and helped him lifting the weights driving his strengths to the limits. I could not help but to look at Hun's crotch as his legs were spread and he wore nothing but the shorts. It was obvious when he put the last bits of energy in lifting them; all his muscles would tense and he would spread the legs more lifting himself on his toes.

Deman saw me looking and I quickly focused on my work. I was afraid of the consequences in case I should not have looked at Hun.

Hun stood up and over me. I raised my head and looked ad his crotch. He smelled nice. He wore blue shorts and white Tshirt, sneakers and no socks. "I know you were watching me!" he grabbed my polished head and squeezed hard. "I can crush your skull right now! You better say the truth!"

My heart bumped. I was never so afraid. I think I even believed in the power he described. "Please Hun. I am sorry. I will never do that again!" he squeezed harder. "Please. I am sorry I was looking at you.

Hun pushed me away "what a freak!" he lied on the bench again and continued with exercises. The third guy looked at me in a weird way and left the gym. So did Deman and Hun saying nothing.


Later I went to my room in the basement. I was so tired. I was working for 17 hours and was exposed to all the boys. I knew situation will get more intense and that the boys gained extra power over me. I sat on the mattress I had and had no other belongings. I could not even cover myself during the night.

A pain of a kind was entering my mind and spreading through the body giving it pleasure in the sadness, and joy in consuming the energy that needed to get out. Tears started running down my cheeks and I saw Deman and no one else, nothing else. Just Deman. I could smell him, touch him with my thoughts. I was kneeling and hugging his thighs and giving him all my love in a firm grip.

I realized the emptiness surrounding my being. There was no door to shut my room. I needed a closed space, a closed room for my privacy. The freedom was to be locked away and hidden so I could balance.

The walls were disappearing. There was just one dimension I could sense; not even myself.


Maybe everything was just a dream, and I dreamt of sadness. I felt skin touching my cheek, I felt weight of a body lying over me. As I slowly came to my senses I was turned on my stomach with my legs were spread a bit. I could smell him everywhere. He gagged my mouth with his shorts. I realized I was naked from waist down and felt his jeans rub over my ass. He put my hands behind my head and started licking my back. It still hurt from the punishment I received and the saliva made it ache but the soft touch of his tongue drove the pleasure to my mind.

Suddenly I felt his fingers enter my asshole and pulling out the condom, it was in there for the whole day, and putting it under my nose. He wrapped his hands under my armpits and over my neck pushing my head down into the mattress then inserted his tool. I felt his precum easing the pain but he kept on pushing. My body shivered in pain but his touch was gentle and firm. He squeezed me hard as he pushed it inside all the way and I screamed in the gag.

I tasted his salty sweat and tried to suck it out of the shorts while he fucked me. He started fucking me with a rhythm and I was moaning in pleasure and pain.

"It is just how I want you. If you can not handle it you can leave now." He used my car keys and scratched with one of them over the bruises. I screamed so hard in the shorts and had no power to get up.

He threw the car keys in front of my eyes then used the house keys the same way. I was crying and he kept fucking me in the same rhythm.

"Get up! Leave if you are afraid!" the fucking continued and I felt him shooting the load up my ass and bumping it like crazy.

----------------------------- Author: jaken, jaken@email.si

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Next: Chapter 15

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