His Partner's Permission

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Sep 22, 2019



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His Partner's Permission

Michael and Robert had been happily partnered for five years. They loved each other deeply, and did everything together. They shared their friends equally, as well. The one near exception is that Mike had a best friend. He and Benjamin used to do everything together from childhood to adulthood, and they often still did. Ben would accompany Mike and Rob on many of their social outings.

Mike felt that he and Ben had a very special relationship, so he was reluctant to share Ben's extra close friendship with Rob, but of course he did. Rob didn't mind at all. In fact, he was grateful. Ben was a drop dead gorgeous Latino, and Rob had serious hots for him. Ben's relationship with Mike had always been strictly platonic, but Rob would not have said no to a three way. He kept his desire totally bottled up. He loved Mike too much to risk that love for lustful sex.

Mike was a well-heeled orthopedic surgeon. Once a year he joined with other doctors to go on a medical mission to some third world country. He donated his time, and the cost of the trip, to Doctors Without Borders. He paid all his expenses out of his own pocket.

Rob was just returning home after dropping Mike off at the airport for his annual missionary trip. This year he was going to Guatemala. As he put his key in the door, he heard his cell phone ringing, and he answered it the moment he entered his apartment.

"Hi," he heard Ben's cheerful voice.

He assumed that Ben was calling for Michael.

"Hi Ben, Mike isn't home. He's on his way to Guatemala"

"Tell me something I didn't know. I called to speak to you."

"Well, here I am. Fire away."

"I don't want you to be lonely so I'm taking you out to dinner tomorrow. I won't take no for an answer," Ben said adamantly.

"I guess I can't say no then," Rob said with a smile in his voice.

"You got that right, Babe. I'll pick you up at 6:30."

The next evening when Rob got home from work, Ben was waiting for him at the front door. It was only 5:20 PM.

"I thought you were picking me up at 6:30," Rob said.

"Yeah, but I figured you would want to shower before going out, so I came to shower with you."

Rob was stunned. "No, no, no, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Yes, yes, yes, I think it's a great idea. Take out your phone and call Mike. I spoke to him just before I got here, and he wants to talk to you."

Mike answered on the first ring. "Hi Hon," Rob said. "How was the trip?"

"Very uneventful. Is Ben at our apartment yet?"

"Yes, and this is very embarrassing."

"I know. Don't be embarrassed. He wants to have sex with you. He's really hot for you, and I know you feel the same way. I'm giving you permission to have fun and fuck your brains out. I love both of you."

To say that Rob was overwhelmed with shock would be an understatement. "Why are you doing this?" he asked.

"Because I love you, and I know how much you want to do this. Ben has confided in me that he feels the same way. Once you and he have broken the ice, he wants to do a three way when I get home. I told him I'd think about it. All these years we've been friends we never touched each other, not even after we both admitted to being gay. Now stop procrastinating. Go have fun with him. That's an order. Ciao."

Rob's fantasy could come true if he allowed it to happen. He disconnected his call, and smiled at Ben. "I guess that we better have sex," he said to Ben. "It's Mike's orders."

Ben smiled. "No sex," he said. "I'm going to make love to you and you're going to make love to me. Don't you know how much I love you two guys?"

Ben grabbed Rob and started to kiss him. Rob responded and began to get an erection immediately.

"Here's my plan," Ben said. "We'll play a little in the shower, but then we'll go to dinner. Tomorrow is Saturday. We'll start to make love tonight after dinner, and keep on going all day tomorrow."

"Don't you think your plan is a little ambitious for two thirty-something old men?"

"Not at all. You and I have waited a long time for this. I think we'll both be up to the challenge."

They had seen each other naked on several occasions, but they were hard now, and it was a new experience. Rob drank in the sight of Ben's fat, beautiful 7" uncut cock, while Ben was committing Rob's thinner, 8" cut cock to memory.

They did play sexily in the shower, but used all their willpower not to have orgasms. Rob was bursting with excitement. Nevertheless, at dinner, he said to Ben. "Listen Ben, no sex, no love, until we discuss this. I have questions, and I need to clear the air."

"Okay," Ben replied, "but let's not spoil dinner. We'll talk about this when we get home. I see that I need to convince you that it's a wonderful thing for us to do."

Ben squeezed Rob's knee under the table, and Rob discretely removed Ben's hand from its resting place. The truth is they both wanted to make love to each other, but Rob was still finding the whole thing rather bizarre.

When they got home, Rob motioned to the sofa and they sat down. Ben started to put his arm around Rob's shoulder.

"No!" Rob said. "We need to talk."

"Okay. Why are you holding back? I want to make love with you so badly."

"Here's the thing," Rob said. "If I ever so much as looked at some guy, Mike would ream me out. He's really a very jealous person. I have to wonder why the sudden change in his attitude."

"I don't think his attitude has changed. He'd still ream you out for ogling other men, but I'm an exception. He knows that we three have a special bond."

"Of course," Rob said, suddenly enlightened. "We do have a special bond. Mike loves us both, but he's totally conflicted. He wants to show us how much he loves both of us, so he's encouraging us to make love. Then, when he gets home, he'll have grounds for the three of us to make love together. Shit, Ben, Mike wants us to have more than three way sex. I strongly believe that he wants us to be a three man household."

Ben thought for a while, and then he said, "Wow, Rob, that's heavy stuff. For a fact, I would love it, but how do you feel about it?"

"I never realized how much Mike wanted to make love to you. You guys have always been platonic. I guess he didn't know how to tell you. If we don't come to a domestic understanding about the three of us, I could lose him. One or both of us could lose him. I couldn't bear that. I'm with you. I would love it too."

"Then let's get to bed before my blue balls explode."

"Yes, let's practice making love," Rob said. "Mike and I already make love. When he gets home we'll complete the triangle."

"It's going to be the best daisy chain ever."

"It's going to be better than that," Rob observed. "Every night we can alternate being lucky Pierre."

Ben laughed and dragged Rob into the bedroom. They did indeed make love that night. They were slow and sensual. They didn't rush anything. Their lust for each other was incidental; only their love was evident.

That night, they indulged in oral sex. They kept each other from cumming until there was no stopping the inevitable. They each swallowed the other's full loads. They fell asleep clutching each other tightly.

In the morning Rob made a breakfast of coffee and toast. Neither man was really hungry. After breakfast they rushed back to bed and had unprotected anal sex. Again they went back and forth until they could no longer control themselves, and they came high up each other's bowels.

After they both settled down, they lay side by side fondling each other. Rob whispered in Ben's ear, "I really do love you. If Mike wants us to be a threesome household, I'm all for it too."

"I appreciate that," Ben said, "but let's be cautious. We're only guessing at Mike's motive for giving us permission to make love to each other. I also want to point out that he said have sex, not make love."

"Yes, let's go slow. We'll feel him out."

Mike's plane arrived at JFK from Guatemala at 11:15 PM. He told Rob not to bother to pick him up because it was way too late. He said he would take a cab from the airport. When he got home it was past 1 AM. The house was dark. For fear of waking up his partner, Mike stripped naked in the living room and crept stealthily into bed. As he did, two voices yelled out, "Surprise!!" At the same time Rob turned on his bedside lamp.

Mike was standing there, staring at both of them. He was grinning from ear to ear. "You guys did get together," he said with a slight sob."

"I've been staying here the whole time you were away," Ben said. "Rob and I have decided that we three love each other equally, and we want to give living together a try. In fact, I've moved most of my stuff in already."

"Why are you standing there stark naked," Rob asked, "and not climbing into bed with us? We've been apart for ten days don't you want to make love to me, to us?"

Mike didn't answer. He jumped into bed and none of them got much sleep that night. Only Mike got to be the man in the middle that first time as a threesome, but that would be remedied very shortly.

The next day they were having breakfast together, and Rob asked, "Mike, why did you push for Ben and me to make love?"

"Somewhere along the line, Rob, I began to realize that Ben might find a companion, and I wouldn't see much of him anymore. The thought of that really saddened me, and I realized I loved him as much as I loved you. I never wanted to have to choose between you, so I hatched up this little plan."

"Well," Ben said, "your scenario worked. I swear, I love both of you, and I promise there will never be jealousy between us. Can we all agree to that?"

"Of course," Rob said.

"Group hug," Mike begged, holding open his arms for his two partners.

Their arrangement may not have worked for everyone, but it worked very well for them. As Ben had predicted, there was never any jealousy between them, only love.

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