His Proxy Wife

By Mister J Author

Published on May 2, 2022



His Proxy Wife By Mister J

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Description: No one in Miguel's family knows he's gay. It's been hard keeping it a secret. And his lust for his twin sister's hot husband is making it even more difficult to hide. He thought no one will ever find out. But an encounter in the middle of the night changes things.

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----- "Hey, monkey." I smiled, standing outside the open front door.

A loud squeal came out of my twin sister. Her body vibrated as she grinned from ear to ear.

I stepped through the doorway and we wrapped our arms around each other. Her high-pitched sound on my right ear made me recoil but I didn't let go.

We separated but she held my hands. "I miss you so much, monkey."

"Me, too. I'm so happy to see you. It's been a long time."

"I know. Three years," the grin never left her face.

I raised our arms wide. "Let me have a good look at you. What's changed?"

Maria let go of my hands and took a step back. Her dress swayed. She held her big belly while pouting like a supermodel.

I crossed my arms on my chest and my index finger tapped my lips. I pretended to scrutinize her body. "Monkey, I know I'm not a doctor. But I think you should have that looked at. It wasn't there before." I pointed at her bulging midsection.

She slapped my shoulder. "I'm seven months pregnant, you idiot."

"Oh, so that's what it's called."

We both exploded in laughter.

I held her chin and looked at her face. It felt like I was looking at a mirror and seeing a female version of myself looking back.

She looked back at me with a big smile.

I touched her black pixie cut hair with my fingers. "I love your hair. You look absolutely gorgeous." I leaned in and kissed her cheek.

"Aww. Thank you." She reached for my man bun. "You don't look so bad yourself."

"Are you kidding me? I woke up like this." I waved my hands over my body.

"I'm not going to dignify that with an answer." She laughed. "Come in. Leave your suitcases near the stairs for now and get in the kitchen. I have a cold glass of lemonade waiting for you."

I rolled in two large suitcases and left it in the foyer. On the way to the kitchen, I took note of what changed after the renovation.

They installed double doors on one side of the living room wall. Outside of it, what used to be a yard was now a swimming pool.

I passed by a wall mounted with different picture frames. Most of the pictures were of my sister and a giant hunk of Irish muscle named Brian.

"Miguel, what's taking so long?"

I left the gallery viewing for later and entered the kitchen.

The sound of ice clinking on glass greeted me as she slid the lemonade towards me.

I downed half of the tall glass before setting it on the marble island. "Where's your husband? Did he lose track of time admiring himself in the mirror again?"

She guffawed. "That happened once. You're not gonna let that one go, are you?"

"Nope," I grinned. "So, where is he?"

She glanced at the clock on the wall. It showed four pm. "He'll be back soon. He went to buy ingredients I need for the adobo I'll cook for dinner later."

I rubbed my palms together. "Yum, my favorite."

Maria smiled, "I know. I haven't cooked it for you in ages."

Then the back door opened.

"Speak of the devil," she said.

"Hey, man. Long time no see." Brian's baritone boomed as he set the groceries on the counter. The tight sleeveless shirt showed off his bulging arms. His entire left arm covered with tribal tattoos.

I went around the island and extended my right hand. "Hey, Brian. Nice too see you again."

He grabbed my hand with his giant one and pulled me into a hug. "None of that shake hands bullshit. We're family. We hug."

My face and entire body smooshed into his tree trunk of a torso as he wrapped himself around me. I felt the big bulge in his jeans pressing into me.

"I missed you, man."

My response got muffled by his body, "I missed you, too."

Good thing he let go of me just in time before he felt my semi hard-on.

Maria reached in one of the grocery bags and brought out what Brian bought. "He's even happier to see you than I did," she laughed.

We stood there with Brian's arm still around my shoulder as I breathed in his manly musk. "Anyway, I'm beat. Would it be okay if I take a short nap? Just show me the dark corner of the basement you prepared for me and I'll let you two do your thing."

My sister looked over her shoulder. "Hey, I'm not going to let my brother sleep in the basement."

"Well, technically, it's a den," my brother-in-law objected.

"Whatever. I'm not letting you sleep there. You're staying in the guest room. Hon, could you show him where it is? I can take care of these."

"Sure." Brian leaned in and kissed my sister. His full red beard didn't get in the way of their lips.

I escaped under his arms and went back to finish off my glass of lemonade.

"Where are your stuff?" He stood right next to me. His 6'4" dwarfed my 5'10".

I'm no stranger to the gym. But my lean-muscled body had nothing on Brian's bulk. I looked up at him. "In the foyer, near the stairs."

"Let's go." He walked out of the kitchen. The tight jeans clung to his ass and thighs like it's form-fitted for him.

I looked away from his rear end before my sister saw and followed him back to the foyer. "Later, monkey."

"Later," her voice faded.

We reached my suitcases and he immediately picked both up. It looked like it weight nothing.

"It's okay, man. I can do it myself. Just tell me where the guest room is." I tried to grab the handle of one suitcase.

Brian didn't let me. "You're a guest in this house. Just follow me." He started up the stairs. "The guest room's this way."

I watched the perfectly formed ass as we ascend the stairs. It took every ounce of my willpower to keep myself from reaching out and fondling it.

We reached a long hallway at the top of the stairs and then stopped at the first door on the right.

"What time did you get here?" He put one of the suitcases down before opening the door.

I took the suitcase from the floor and went in. "About fifteen minutes ago."

He followed and set the suitcase next to the bed, where I put the one I brought in.

"So, the bathroom's next door. The rooms at the end is our bedroom and the nursery. If you need anything, just let me know."

I nodded and extended my hand. "Thanks, man."

"What did I say about family?" He pulled me into a hug again. After he released me, he left and closed the door.

I dropped like a log on the mattress. Then I laid on my back and reached for the hard-on my brother-in-law caused. I lifted my head and said to it, "This is gonna be hard for both of us."

After an hour nap, I woke up, took a shower, and went down to look for my sister. "Monkey?"

"In here," she yelled from the kitchen, drowning out the sound of chopping.

I hurried to the kitchen and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"Had a good nap?"

"It was alright. Although, I will feel more rested after I get the full eight hours. Anything I can do to help?"

"How about you cook the rice?" She stopped chopping and looked at me. "You still know how to cook rice, right?"

"What kind of Filipino do you think I am?"

She chuckled and went back to chopping.

I took the pot from the small rice cooker and put a few scoops of rice from the container. "By the way, I really appreciate you letting me stay here. I promise it's just temporary until I find an apartment."

"Of course." She went to the stove and fired it up. "You're always welcome here."

"If only the software company didn't insist I start immediately, then I wouldn't have moved here without an apartment first," I explained as I washed the rice on the sink.

"There's no rush. You being here is a good thing for me, too. I get to spend more time with my monkey after not seeing him for a long time."

"Aww. So sweet." I kissed her cheek when I passed her on the way back to the rice cooker.

The aroma of sauteed garlic and onions filled the kitchen. "And I'm happy we're finally living in the same city."

I turned the rice cooker on. "Rice is cooking. What else do you need me to do?"

"No, I'm good. I'll just put this chicken in and let it cook while we catch up." She pointed at the fridge. "Beers in there. Help yourself."

I got myself a bottle and sat on the wooden stool next to the marble island. A soft hiss escaped when I twisted the cap and then took a swig. "Do you know anyone who knows a good apartment I can rent? To be honest, I was not able to do research before moving here."

"I would have to ask Brian if he has contacts in his construction business who can help." She put a small bowl of peanuts between us and sat across from me.

"It would really help me a lot." I picked up a few nuts and popped them in my mouth.

"So, are you seeing someone?" her eyebrows wiggled.

I choked on one of the peanuts and had a drink to wash it down.

"Oh, crap. Are you alright?" she reached over the island and squeezed my arm. Look of concern all over her face.

I coughed as I set the bottle down and regained composure. "I'm good," my voice strained from the peanut going down the wrong pipe.

"Are you sure?"

My head nodded and took another swig of beer.

"Hold that thought. I need to check on the chicken adobo." She got up and went to the stove.

Her question caught me off guard, that's all. But it's not like I didn't expect the question to come up. She would eventually ask about my love life.

As much as I didn't want to hide anything from my twin sister, I had to. I've been walking this earth for thirty years and I still didn't want people I love to know the gay side of me.

While I thought of an answer to satisfy my sister enough to let it go, my brother walked into the kitchen.

Brian was wearing nothing except a skimpy navy blue boxers, his V-cut abs showing. It didn't hide his bulge at all. He might as well walk around naked.

"Hon, put some clothes on. We have a guest," she scolded while stirring the pot.

He took a beer from the fridge and twisted the cap. "Miguel doesn't mind." My brother-in-law gave me a wink and knocked the bottle back.

"Yeah, I don't mind." My head turned away but I still saw him in my peripheral vision. Fuck. Brian had no idea the effect he had on me. As soon as I saw the wink, the blood rushed to my dick. I shifted on my seat and hoped it didn't show in my black sweat shorts.

Every inch of his body showed masculinity. The big, hard muscles. The hairs on his chest. The beard. Even the tattoo sleeve on his left arm. It all screamed 'Man'.

Brian set his beer down on the island close to me and went to Maria. "How much longer, hon?"

"Not much." She used a spoon to scoop up some of the sauce. "Here, taste this."

My view of him was on his side, so I clearly saw the bulge of the monster hiding in his boxers. I gripped my bottle and took a swig. My eye never left his front.

"Tastes awesome." He looked my way.

I dropped my head quickly and hoped he didn't see which part of him I was looking at.

"Taste this, man." Brian took the spoon from my sister and scooped more of the sauce. He walked towards me and extended the hand with the spoon. The other hand cupped underneath to catch possible drippings.

I tried to take the spoon from him.

"No, just open your mouth. Careful, it's hot."

I looked at him while I blew on the spoon. Then I tasted it. "It's delicious, monkey. Just like the way you used to make it."

Brian took the spoon and dropped it in the sink. "I didn't like adobo when I first dated your sister. But now, I can't get enough of it."

"She makes the best adobo ever," I added

"Aww, my two boys," her face beamed as she went back to her seat. "So, where were we?"

My brother-in-law followed her and stood on one side of the island between Maria and myself. His bulge almost touching the edge. He got a few peanuts and popped it in his mouth. "What were you two talking about?" he said while chewing.

"I asked him if he's seeing someone."

I crafted a story off the top of my mind. "I was, but we broke up before I moved here. She wanted to do the long distance thing. But I don't think that arrangement would have worked."

"So, you're single," she had a big grin. "That's perfect. I can set you up with one of my friends."

"I've been here barely a day and you already plan to set me up." I wiggled my hands. "No monkey. No setups."

"Why not? All the more reason to go out and meet people." She reached and touched my forearm.

"I don't have time to date right now. The move here is overwhelming enough." I brought the bottle to my lips and finished it off.

Brian went to the fridge and got another beer. He opened and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I grabbed it and took a sip.

"You could at least go on a couple of dates," my sister insisted.

"Hon," my brother-in-law said as he stood behind me. He grabbed my traps and massaged them. "My buddy here doesn't need his sister's help finding dates. He's hot and won't have problems finding one.

I was not able to respond because I felt Brian's soft dick press into my back. Combined with his strong hands on me, heat rose up and I started sweating. My only way of making everything look normal was to take my beer and drink a big gulp.

My sister gasped, but smiled, "I married a traitor. Aren't you supposed to be on my side?"

He chuckled and squeezed. "We bros stick together. Miguel here knows I got his back."

In more ways than one, I thought to myself. I hoped my face didn't turn red. "He's right. I can find dates myself, monkey."

"Come on. For me?" she flashed me her puppy dog eyes.

When we were kids, she always used her eyes to get what she wanted. And I was always a sucker for it. My resolve crumbled. "On one condition."

"Name it."

"I'll only date the ones Brian thinks are okay. I'm sure he already met who you'll be setting me up with. I'm more comfortable with that." I ate a few nuts and washed it down.

Brian sat on the stool next to me. His hairy legs touched mine and stayed there. "See hon. I told you. Bros," he pointed back and forth between me and himself.

I rested my elbows on the island to try and hide my crotch. Oh, God. Please don't let him see my hard on.

"Deal. You into redheads, right?" she asked.

Hairy redheads built like a tank.

"Ooh. I know someone. I promise. You won't regret this." She got up and turned the stove off.

"Believe me. I already am." I downed the rest of my beer.

I ate too much of my sister's adobo. As I laid in bed, I felt like slipping into a food-induced coma. But before it happened, I needed to prepare for bed.

The email notification chirped on my phone.

I grabbed my phone from the night stand and got out of bed. Took the towel I used earlier and draped it over one shoulder as I left for the bathroom.

As I finished sending a reply to the email, I looked up and the bathroom door was halfway open. Inside was my brother-in-law with his huge dick out of his boxers.

Earlier, I already knew his was big as it pressed into my back. But seeing it out of its cloth prison left me in awe.

I stopped and hurried to get my back against the wall before he sees me.

Everything was silent. Except for the trickle of water hitting the toilet.

My heart pumped faster as I held my breath. Desperate not to make any sound and let him know I was outside. I slowly peeked at the gap and watched as my brother-in-law peed.

His eyes were closed and his head leaned back while holding his fat dick steady.

I had half a mind to barge in, drop to my knees, and swallow the damn thing whole. Forget about him being my twin sister's husband, who is straight.

Then without warning, Brian turned his head towards the door.

I snapped back against the wall without making any sound. The beat of my heart pounded against my chest and sweat dripped from my forehead. With my eyes closed, I prayed he didn't see me.

The trickle of water didn't stop.


All this time, my hard on never subsided. I brought my hand to the tent in my shorts, gripped it, and squeezed. A silent moan escaped me. Without taking my hand off, I peeked again.

As I stroked myself, my email notification sounded.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I turned around and about to bolt back to the guest room. But I froze in place when I heard his voice.

"Miguel? Is that you, man?" The sound of the faucet started.

To be continued...

--- Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MrGayrotica

For other books by Mister J: - https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/mrgayrotica - https://www.amazon.com/Mister-J/e/B08KFVTBLJ

Other books include: - Fuck Buddies - Pounded by the Bodybuilder - Derek's Buddies - Santa's Punishment - The Bro Code - Jocks on Lockdown - Seduced by a Kapre

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