His Son's Best Friend

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on May 8, 2017



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His Son's Best Friend

It was late autumn in New England. The weather was cold and drizzly. Jimmy Swanson was walking down a secondary road, not really knowing where he wanted to go. He was dressed well enough for the weather, and all he had with him was a knapsack.

Not too many cars were on the road, but each time one approached him, in either direction, he held up his thumb. They all passed him by. The young boy was beginning to feel the weather. He had begun to shiver, when at last a car pulled up, and stopped. The passenger window rolled down, and the driver said, "Jimmy, what the hell are you doing walking this road in this weather?"

The driver could tell that Jimmy didn't recognize him. It was Sam Johnson, the father of his friend, Pat. Actually Pat had once been Jimmy's best friend, probably his only friend. Two years ago, Pat went to a University clear across the country, and the boys did not stay in touch. Jimmy hadn't seen Pat's father in more than two years.

"I'm Sam Johnson," the driver said. "Now answer my question. What are you doing out here in this weather? Where's your father?"

Now Jimmy remembered who the driver was. He also deliberated explaining his circumstances to Sam. Jimmy's father was a musician, who was constantly on the road. Jimmy was all alone in his house most of the time, but he was used to it. The last time Jimmy had seen his father was the prior Christmas, when he came home for three days. Now it was almost Christmas again.

Sam repeated his questions. He could not believe how reticent Jimmy was to talk to him. "Where's your father?"

Finally Jimmy started to tell Sam the entire story. He cried the whole time he was talking. "My dad's a musician," he said. "He's rarely home. It seems that he hasn't made a mortgage payment in over eighteen months. This morning, I got evicted. I guess I'm trying to hitch a ride to the nearest big city where I can look for a job. All I have here are occasional part-time jobs."

"That's terrible," Sam said with concern. "Hop in. You'll come home with me and warm up. You can stay as long as you want, and shack up in Pat's room. I don't expect him home until Christmas."

Sam had the heater on in his car, and it felt wonderful to Jimmy. The warmth of Sam's home was even more inviting. The comforts of home had always been available to Jimmy, and he took them for granted. Now it was ripped away from him, and he realized how precious it was not to be homeless.

Sam's house was a small Cape Cod style. The main floor consisted of a kitchen, dining room, living room, and a small den. Upstairs there were two bedrooms and a bathroom. Sam took Jimmy upstairs to Pat's bedroom. The room was small. It had a standard-sized bed, a dresser and a closet.

"I'll get you a towel and a wash cloth," Sam said. "The bathroom is between my bedroom and yours. In case you were wondering, both bedrooms are the same size. Since we only have one bathroom, Pat and I were never shy with each other. I hope you won't be either, should you catch a glimpse of me naked." Sam started to laugh at his own audacity.

Jimmy had a different reaction. He had a secret which could not be pried from him, even under extreme torture. He knew that he was gay from a young age. Back in the day, when he and Pat had been great friends, he had been madly in love with Pat Johnson,. He was actually glad when Pat went so far away. He was afraid that his lust would make him do something foolish. Now he was going to be alone with Pat's hot dad, who told him that he would probably see him naked from time to time. He prayed that he would be able to control himself. He vowed to be gone before Pat came home for Christmas.

Pat was matriculating at Berkeley University, where he was majoring in finance and economics. He met Mark Hanley on the first day of classes in his freshman year. Mark was his teacher for Econ 101, which just happened to be Pat's last class of the day. It was also the professor's last class of the day.

Pat was nineteen when he laid eyes on Mark for the first time, and Mark was twenty-seven. They were both very handsome men. Mark was gay and out. When he laid his eyes on Pat, he started to erect, and was glad that he was sitting at his desk. He had no idea if Pat was gay or straight, but he knew that he was going to seduce him somehow. Mark made a habit of seducing his good looking male students, no matter what their sexual orientation, and he kept a careful log of all his conquests. Pat was to be another notch on his rifle, so to speak.

Mark needn't have worried about how hard it would be to seduce Pat. Pat had as deep a secret as his former friend, Jimmy. Wild horses couldn't drag it out of him. He was gay, and he had been so in love with Jimmy, that he was frightened at what he might do. He chose a college clear across the country, just to distance himself from the source of his lust. Such is the foolishness of not confiding in your best friend. When Pat laid eyes on Mark, He was instantly filled with his hidden, and forbidden, desires.

By the third week of the semester, Pat would linger after class, and engage Mark in a short, friendly conversation. One afternoon Mark lied to Pat. "I'm in the habit of inviting my best students for a cocktail and hors d'oevres in my home every Friday after classes," he fibbed. Even if you are underage, I won't tell about the cocktail if you won't. How would you like to come over this Friday after class? I live very close to campus. I could meet you somewhere and drive you there."

Pat's heart started pumping away. This was his opportunity. If he only knew what Mark had planned for him. The minute they were alone in Mark's apartment, all pretense was dropped. Mark grabbed Pat, and started to kiss him wildly. Of course, Pat gave as good as he got. "It's my first time," he muttered to Mark, who just smiled.

They undressed rapidly, and of course their eyes wandered to the center of attraction. They were both hard at the moment. Their pricks were pretty much the same size at about seven inches. Mark might have been a smidgeon wider, and he was cut, whereas Pat wasn't. Mark led his young student into his bedroom and right onto his bed. He had planned to begin with a game of sixty-nine, but since Pat was a virgin, he decided to do most of the work, and let Pat remain passive.

His student was on his back, and Mark laid himself down on top of him. He made sure that their cocks rubbed together. Pat began to groan and Mark smiled at him. Little by little he worked his way down Pat's body, and after some time he took Pat's cock into his mouth. Pat's rod was jerking badly, seeking relief. Mark sucked slowly and sensuously, and Pat came after a few short strokes. They were both disappointed at how fast Pat had cum, but Mark reassured him by telling him that he would be more in control of himself the next time they had sex.

He had no idea why he said that. Pat was already an entry in his log, and he usually did not have a second session with anybody. However, he was very attracted to this boy, and now that he knew he was a virgin, Mark wanted the pleasure of teaching him all the wonderful mysteries and pleasures of gay sex. He decided that this time he would make an exception to his once only rule.

After Pat caught his breath, he told Mark that he wanted to do that to him.

"I want to fuck you," Mark said, "but I want you to taste cock first?"

Pat nodded his head and smiled. He went right down on Mark. Foreplay was still in his future. He needed no instruction in how to perform fellatio. He had seen dozens of film clips on the internet, and read enough stories on gay websites. Mark felt himself cumming, so he stopped the boy, and he started to stretch and ream Pat's asshole with his fingers, and with lots of lube. He put on a condom, raised Pat's legs to his shoulders, and slowly started his entry. Resistance was minimal, and Pat kept assuring him how wonderful he felt. Mark came after a very few strokes.

After he came, Mark rolled over so that they were lying side by side. Instinctively they turned and faced each other. They began to kiss and fondle. That was another first for Mark, and he thoroughly enjoyed it. In the past when it was over it was over, but this time, he didn't want it to be over. He was enjoying the afterglow for a change.

"It's Friday night," he whispered in Pat's ear. "Would you like to stay over for the weekend?"

Pat answered by thrusting his tongue into Mark's mouth and kissing him hard. All the time, Mark was wondering what came over him to say these things, so contrary to his philosophy.

Pat not only stayed the weekend, the two men spent almost every weekend together. Mark kept urging Pat to see other men, and he promised he would. In spite of his promise and resolve, he and Mark ended up together more and more. Finally, they had to face the truth. They were very much in love with each other, and eventually Pat moved into Mark's apartment. Now their bliss was not confined to weekends. They could love each other full time.

Sam made a warm, tasty, nourishing dinner for him and Jimmy. Jimmy helped clean up, and then they watched television in the living room for a while. At about 10 PM, Sam said that he was going to bed, since he had to go to work the next day.

"Could I get a ride into town with you?" Jimmy asked. "I'd like to see if I can find some work. I'll do anything."

"Sure you can," Sam smiled at his guest. "I'll pick you up after work, at the same place I let you off."

The next morning Jimmy got up very early. He wanted to shower and shave before job hunting. He went into the bathroom, but he was unable to lock the door. The lock seemed to be broken. He showered and was standing at the sink shaving, when Sam entered the room. Both of them were naked. They checked each other out, of course. Neither was cut, and Jimmy was about four inches flaccid, and Sam was about four and a half.

"Sorry," Sam said, "I need to pee badly," and he started to pee into the commode. The vanity boasted a double sink, so when he was finished peeing, Sam went to the second sink and started to brush his teeth. He smiled at Jimmy.

Every once in a while their hips bumped. It was too much for Jimmy. He turned to Sam and said, "I owe you so much, Mr. Johnson. There must be something I can do for you." As he said that, he moved his face closer and closer to Sam's. Sam knew that something was happening that shouldn't. He finished what he was doing and left the room.

On the way into town, Sam said to Jimmy, "If you want to do something for me, you can help me with the house cleaning."

"Sure thing, Mr. Johnson."

"Another thing. Please call me Sam. Mr. Johnson is too formal. After all we're living together."

"I will, Sam."

He dropped Jimmy off right in front of his office building. When Sam got to his office, he sat down behind his desk. All he could think about was the fact that Jimmy almost kissed him, and by innuendo, he had offered Sam his body. Sam was so aroused, he needed relief. He reached far into his desk, and found a telephone number. It was the number of a prostitute, whose services he had paid for in the past.

He dialed the number, and was glad that a live person answered him, and not a recording asking him to leave a message. "This is Sam Johnson," he said. "Are you free this morning? I'd like to hire you."

"No problem, come right over."

Sam got to the prostitute's high rise, and needed to be buzzed in. He searched the directory, until he found the name that he was looking for. Paul Mitchell.

Paul let him in. All he was wearing was a pair of gym shorts. He and Sam gave each other a chaste kiss on the cheek.

"You haven't been around in ages," Paul said. "Don't I satisfy you?"

"That's the problem," Sam sighed. "I'm not really gay, but you satisfy me like no woman ever has. I'm afraid to be with you. That's why I've stayed away."

"Wow," was all Paul could manage to say.

"I want to ask you something," Sam said. "You know all those wonderful things you do to me? Will you let me reciprocate today?"

Paul broke out into a big grin. "Most of my trade doesn't even want to touch me. Hell, man; you're the best looking, kindest trick I have. I'd be honored if you made love to me. With that, he started to undress Sam.

For the next two hours, they sucked and fucked like two lovers. There was no hint of a prostitute client relationship. They each came twice, once in the ass, and once in the mouth.

When Sam was dressing to leave, Paul said, "That was exceptional, buddy. I almost feel guilty charging you, but hey, a guy's got to make a living."

"You earned every penny," Sam said, and he stroked Paul's cheek.

"I want to say something before you leave," Paul said, and he looked serious. "Believe me, you're not straight, not the way you made love to me. I urge you to come out of the closet. You'll be free to have sex with lots of guys. You might even meet Mr. Right. I may never see you again, but you'll be happy, and that'll make me happy too."

Sam smiled at Paul and gave him a passionate goodbye kiss. It was 1 PM when he got back to his office. He told Jimmy he'd meet him at 5 PM in front of his building. All he could think about all afternoon was Jimmy. He promised himself that if the boy came on to him again, he would respond to his seduction.

When Sam picked up Jimmy, the boy was bubbling with excitement. "When I left you this morning, I started to walk up the street. Three buildings down I saw a help wanted sign in the window of the lobby. I went inside. They have a small store in the lobby that sells newspapers, magazines, coffee, pastries etc. It's open from seven to seven. I met the building manager. He gave me the job of manning the store. He showed me a bus schedule, and the Number Nine bus goes right by your house. It's a long work day, but I'll be able to accumulate some money, and get my own place pretty soon.

The thought of Jimmy leaving him, weighed heavily on Sam.

They made two frozen dinners, and when the kitchen was cleaned up, they sat down on the sofa to watch television. While dinner was cooking, they had both dressed down, and all each was wearing were gym shorts. The sexual tension in the room was growing by the minute. They were sitting very close, and their thighs were touching. Instead of moving away, they hunkered closer.

Jimmy had no idea what he was doing. It was just by instinct that he put his hand on Sam's knee and started moving it upward. The two men looked at each other. They smiled and kissed, and second thoughts flew out the window. Sam grabbed Jimmy's hand and they bounded up the stairs to Sam's bedroom.

Sam was forty-two years old. He had made love all morning, so he was amazed that he could keep up with Jimmy. Jimmy made the same confession to Sam that Pat had made to Mark. "I'm a virgin," he admitted. Sam's smile was bigger than Mark's had been.

Since the next day was a work day, and Jimmy had to get up exceptionally early, they agreed to confine their love making this evening to oral sex. Anal sex would have to wait for another day. Before the week was out Sam had taught Jimmy everything he knew. They had worked passionately to open Jimmy's ass to receive Sam's beautiful bulky cock, and they were successful. Like Paul had predicted, Sam was the happiest guy in Gayville. For the record, Jimmy was right there with him. By now Jimmy knew that he would never move out, and he worried about Pat coming home for Christmas.

When Jimmy came home from work one evening, about a week before Christmas, he found Sam grinning from ear to ear.

"What?" Jimmy asked.

"I got a text from Pat. He'll be home from Christmas Eve to the day after New Year's. Isn't that wonderful? I can't wait to tell him about us, and how happy we are."

"How do you think he'll take it?" Jimmy asked. His voice was full of fear and trepidation.

"Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn. We love each other, we're happy, and he'll just have to deal with it." Jimmy smiled and kissed Sam.

"Besides, apparently he has a surprise of his own. He said that he was bringing his fiancée along. He wouldn't even tell me her name. He said that he wanted to surprise me."

"Hold my hand when we tell him," Jimmy pleaded, "in case he wants to kill me."

Pat and Mark flew to the nearest airport and rented a car. They drove to Sam's house, and Jimmy was shaking like a leaf. Sam wasn't too steady on his feet either. Pat had a key, so without knocking he opened the door and he and Mark waltzed in. They dropped their luggage in the front hall, and Pat ran to his father. Father and son hugged each other until they felt their ribs collapsing.

In the meantime Jimmy was staring at Mark in disbelief. Pat's fiancé was a dude. Pat was gay. The realization of that overwhelmed him, and he became mute, and unable to move.

On his part, Mark was staring at Jimmy wondering who this was. Did Sam have another son?

It seemed like forever before Sam and Pat separated, and finally Pat noticed Jimmy. His eyes filled with tears, and he embraced his old pal. Jimmy hugged him back. "What are you doing here?" Pat asked Jimmy.

Sam grabbed Jimmy's hand. "He lives with me now," he explained to Pat. "We're partners."

"You're both gay?" Pat asked in disbelief.

"Yes, we are, and what about you? You tell me you're bringing home your fiancée, and your fiancé turns out to be a man. I'm confused. Are you gay, and why didn't I know?"

"I kept it a secret, because I didn't want to spoil my friendship with Jimmy. That's why I went to school so far away. I was afraid I would do something stupid."

"I kept my secret for the same reason," Jimmy sobbed, and the two young men fell into each other's arms. Both Mark and Sam felt bile entering their stomachs. Were they going to lose the love of their lives?

Sam for one was not going to let it happen. He separated the two men, and wrapped his arm around Jimmy's shoulder. Very quietly, and seemingly without emotion, he said, "Pat, I love Jimmy very much, and he loves me now. Nothing is going to change that."

"Oh, Dad. Don't worry. I love Mark with all my soul. Nothing will change that either. Rest assured," he added, "we may be a continent apart, but we four will always be family. In fact, next Christmas you come to us. It's a hell of a lot warmer."

"That sounds like a plan to me," Jimmy said, "and the best thing of all, Pat, is that you can have your old room back."

Mark had been standing around too stupefied to contribute any meaningful conversation. Suddenly, he found his voice.

"Group hug," he declared.

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