Hitting The Piggy Jackpot

By Butt Sniffer

Published on Jul 17, 2023



This fictional story depicts acts of a homosexual nature and includes frank descriptions of piss, raunch and scat. If you are under age or offended by this type of behavior, please do not read any further. If you like the story or have ideas for new chapters, please send me an email: buttsniffer777@gmail.com.

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Hitting the Piggy Jackpot

By Butt Sniffer777

Chapter 1.

Yesterday I had the day off and woke up horny as hell. Usually, I'll rub one out right away watching my favorite shit porn so I can ease the tension and carry on with my plans, but sometimes I like to let the pressure build, especially when I have nothing to do for the day. It was Friday and I had the weekend ahead of me, so I figured it would be a great time to really get my steam up. I hadn't hooked up with anyone for several weeks and needed some hot action, so I figured I'd get myself good and pumped for most of the day and then get an ad out on Doublelist. Hopefully the piggy gods would see fit to send some nasty action my way.

I spent the day checking out some of the hottest videos from my collection, enjoying the nasty action but not touching my hard cock. I'd watch for a half hour or so and then go do something else, all the time feeling myself getting hornier and hornier. This went on six or seven times throughout the morning until by lunchtime I was reaching a fever pitch of hunger for some nasty ass. After lunch I watched an absolute favorite shit video until I couldn't take it anymore, and then I opened Doublelist and got to work on an ad gunning for some nasty hole to eat. DL can be a bit tricky to get an ad to go through, but I'd worked out some wording that always made it past the review bots. I emphasized that I wanted a hot, hairy hole for my rim chair, but I would add clues to let guys know that I was ready to get piggy if the opportunity came up. I was surprised at how many guys picked up on the cues and were ready for me to do what I loved best, licking shitty, greasy holes out with my tongue. I loved DL because there were lots of married guys who used the site, and I knew that no wife or girlfriend would ever be willing to do what I offered. It takes a filthy pig like me to give a guy what he truly craves.

I clicked the Post Ad button around 2 pm and went back to watching porn full-time while I waited to see who responded. Usually, I had poppers with me while I watched, but this was all about building pressure until the need was overwhelming. Fuck, I was pumped for nasty hole!

I purposely didn't check my emails for about an hour. That gave me time to fantasize about who might be out there reading my ad. I'd wonder who saw my headline and wanted to click to see my pics and what I was looking for. For me it's all about getting my mind in the right space, and I could tell that I was entering the zone that went beyond normal hunger for sex. This was about forgetting everything in the world until there was nothing left but me and a man's shithole. Just where I needed to be -- it was time to check responses.

I opened my email and was happy to see some unread messages. I could feel my heart racing a bit as I clicked on the first one. I could tell that a couple of guys had attached pics, but not all. There's always a percentage of responses that are worthless. Either someone trolling or guys who don't bother to read what I'm looking for and just want what they want. Sure enough, the first couple were duds, and I deleted them right away. Then there were a couple from guys who'd responded to me in the past but who didn't float my boat. Fuck -- I'd been super hopeful for scoring some hot guy, and it looked like I was striking out. I sat there and stared at the screen in frustration and moved the cursor to close my email. Instead of closing the program I refreshed my inbox once more, and sure enough, a new message popped in. Awesome! I tried not to get too excited as I clicked on the message, but inwardly I hoped this guy was for real.

The message was pretty minimal. Stats: 6'1", 220, 50 years old, beard, married and looking to get his ass eaten. That demographic was right up my alley, and I sure hoped that he'd want to have my face in his alley. I sent back a pic of myself and asked him to send a pic if he was still interested. I pressed send and walked away from the computer for a few minutes, hoping he'd get back to me.

I grabbed a drink from the kitchen and wandered back in. No response. I hit refresh again and sure enough, there was a message from the guy with a pic attached. I opened the message and clicked on the attachment to see his pic. JACKPOT! The pic was obviously a selfie. The guy was nude, taking a pic of his back and ass in the mirror of his bathroom. Everything was cut off above his shoulders, and the bottom of the mirror cut him off below his ass. This guy was spectacular. He was dark-skinned and beefy, and his back and ass had the most beautiful pattern of fine, black hair. It was clear the guy was in great shape and really muscular, but he didn't look like he had a gym body -- it was the natural beefiness and muscularity of a guy who did physical labor. The hair on his back was a light dusting on his rib cage below his shoulder blades, but it coalesced into a much denser triangle of hair at the base of his spine, right above the crack of his ass. His butt was beefy and full, and it was also covered in a fine dusting of hair. It was clear that it got much denser in the middle, almost as if his shitter was a black hole and the force of gravity was pulling his hairs into his crack. His ass hairs looked greasy in the pic, like he hadn't done much maintenance down there for a while. It was a work of art. My dick was rock hard in my pants, and I couldn't respond fast enough letting him know that I was definitely interested in having him on my face. I didn't care if it looked like I was desperate to get at him, because I was. Fuck, I needed that guy!

After a couple minutes I got a response from him. "Yeah, man -- I'll sit on your face. I'm working, but I'll be done around 5. Not going to have time to clean up -- that cool?"

Was that cool?? WHAT?? "Hell yes, that's cool! Dirtier the better, bud. Bring it on and I'll take care of cleaning you up."

Back came the message, "Yeah, pig -- that's what I figured. Let's see how you do. Where's your place?"

I gave him my address and cell number and let him know that the front door would be open and told him where I'd be set up.

"I know your street, man. I'll shoot you a message when I'm on my way."

Holy shit, the piggy gods were smiling on me big time. Fuck, I was primed! I love my pot and like to get high taking gummies. I took a double dose, mixed myself a small cocktail to take the edge of anticipation off and got my rim chair out and started getting set up.

There's something about that last hour before a trick comes over that's pretty fucking special, especially when an edible is coming on. Bit by bit all thoughts drop away and my mind clears itself of everything save for the fact that some total stranger with a smoking hot body is going to walk through my door, take his clothes off and sit the nastiest, most private, most taboo part of his body right on my mouth. And knowing he was going to be ripe after a day of work was beyond perfect. My mouth watered as I finished my drink and lay myself down under my rim chair. It was still a half hour or so before he was due, but lying under the rim of a toilet seat and looking up through the hole was truly my happy place -- the perfect spot for me to meditate on the nasty shitter I'd be digging into before long. I had my phone next to me to get his message when he was heading my way.

As I lay there, my head began to float and wander, and I knew that my edibles were kicking in big time. I was going to be fucking wasted. I had a fresh bottle of poppers at the ready and had officially entered Toilet Pig Mode.

I was riding my high pretty hard by now. I heard my phone buzz, and the guy had texted to let me know he was on his way. It could have been my sense of time was totally screwed up on edibles, but it only seemed like a minute before I heard footsteps out front approaching the house.

I immediately took a huge hit of fresh poppers just as I heard the front door open. It closed and I heard the lock click, then the sound of boots heading down the hall toward the room where I was set up and lay under the seat. I looked through the hole in the toilet seat to see the doorway framed in the center of my field of vision. As he approached, A handsome Mexican guy appeared in front of me. HOLY FUCK! I knew this guy! Well, not directly, but I'd seen him many times. He did the landscaping work for neighbors down at the end of my street. I'd lost count of the times I'd been thankful for the stop sign right at the end of the street in front of the house where he worked. I knew his schedule and had more than once planned an errand at exactly the time I knew he'd be there -- sometimes working with his son. I would stop at the sign and spend a few extra seconds watching him work every single time. The man was insanely hot to me. A short beard, dark and handsome, with big beefy legs supporting that unbelievable ass of his. And of course, I realized today was his day to work at the end of the street, so he'd only had to drive halfway down the block to reach me.

"Yeah, man -- I thought it was you." He said, looking down at me through the hole. "I seen you drive by and look at me many times. You been wanting to eat my asshole for a long time, right?"

I was not about to tell a lie. I was super stoned and blurted out, "Fuck yea, stud. I've been wanting your hole since the first time I saw you. I need to eat your shitter, man!"

"Que bueno, faggot.", he said. "I gotta piss first. Where is your bathroom?"

"Right here." I opened my mouth.

He looked surprised for a second and then gave me a bit of a menacing grin as he understood what I was offering. I took a huge hit of poppers as he straddled my body and lifted the toilet seat with his boot, just like he would have in a park restroom.

The poppers hit about a second before his piss gushed out of his fat cock and into my open mouth. I was amazed at how accurate his aim was. I gulped furiously to stay ahead of the hefty flow of his strong piss. It was acrid and potent -- he had been working outdoors and probably could have done a better job of hydrating. The taste was amazing! I managed to swallow just about all of it. It's harder to swallow when I don't have my lips around the guy's cockhead to keep the piss from spilling out. I was so turned on I kept drinking and drinking, my eyes locked to his as he filled my mouth with his concentrated urine. Eventually his flow started to weaken, and the last bit ended up on my chest as his load of piss ran out.

He shook his fat, spongy cock a few times to get the last few drops of piss off, and he pulled his foreskin back into place over the mushroom head with a long, deep piss slit. What a fantastic cock and a delicious load of his cider straight from the factory! I let out a huge, low burp that resounded in the room, and I tasted piss fumes as the gas was released. Fuck, I was so ready for his ass now!

"I been working all day so my ass is dirty, man." He said as he started to untie his boots, one at a time. He stood up and looked me in the eye and held my gaze. "You wanna clean it up for sure?" I could do nothing but gawk and nod my head with my mouth hanging open. He unbuttoned his long-sleeved shirt and slipped it off but kept his ripe, sweaty wifebeater and ballcap on. He looked sexy as fuck, his yellowed wifebeater clinging to his beefy torso, his ballcap turned around with the brim behind. His chest was hairy, with a beautiful patch bursting forth from the top of the t-shirt, and his bushy underarm hair was damp and greasy after a day of work. I was right. He kept himself fit through daily labor, and the results were amazing. I practically drooled as I took a deep huff of poppers in each nostril as he undid his belt and unzipped his work pants. He slid them down and stepped out of them one leg at a time, until he stood just to one side, looking down on me.

He was wearing tightie-whities along with his undershirt and socks, or at least his underwear had started out white, but it looked like that time was long past. The crotch was yellowed from all the times he'd evidently not shaken off his dick after a piss. It had accumulated into a large, dark piss stain, and there was a sizeable wet spot to one side from the fresh cider he'd just jettisoned down my throat. His underwear clung to him too, thin and worn, made even more see-through by the sheen of sweat and man-grease that covered him from head to toe. I could smell him from where I lay -- a heady mixture of sweat, shit and pheromones. I was flying high both from the poppers and his own smell. He gave off waves of man odor -- a true macho god.

The toilet seat lid was still up and he looked at me. "Get up from there -- you haven't earned my hole yet, puto cabrón." I scrambled up from the floor, and he grabbed the back of my head. "Take care of my pits, pig. Get them cleaned up for me." He pushed my head into his left pit, and I was in heaven.

The hairy pit was so rank and ripe. It almost felt like I was assaulted by a physical wall of grease and pheromones as he ground my face in. I moaned aloud as he used my head as a towel, wiping his stickiness and odor over every inch of my face, treating me like a rag doll. My nostrils were full of him, and his greasy armpit hair tickled my nose as I took huge huffs of his strong, macho scent. I snorted him in and licked every exposed inch of his armpit, tasting his grease and sweat on my tongue. I felt like I was going to hyperventilate from huffing his fumes so deeply and incessantly. My mouth was full of the sour, complex taste of him.

"That's good enough, fucker," he said as he grabbed me with his other hand and forced my face into his other armpit. It was almost like taking a massive hit of poppers when I inhaled the fresh blast of his pit scent as I got to work under his right arm. Again, I felt completely useless as he wiped himself all over my face and head. I'd never been marked so thoroughly before, and certainly never by a true macho bull like he was. I snorted and licked him, savoring his rank taste on my tongue as he used my face as his washrag.

When he'd had enough, the Mexican stud released my head. "Get on your knees, maricon. I know what you want. It's time for you to really get to work." I got down on my knees next to the bed in the room and sat back on my haunches, looking up at him. "Take a look at this, fucker -- make you hungry?" He turned his back on me and lifted one leg up, resting his foot on the frame of the bed. As crusty and yellowed as his underwear had been from the front, it was no comparison to the filth of the seat of his briefs. The crack was a mass of brown skidmarks, and it was clear he hadn't washed that pair of underwear for a great while. I was swallowing a steady stream of saliva just from the sight of his shitty crack covered by the thin, threadbare layer of rank fabric. "You like that, pig?"

"Fuck yes!", I breathed, practically panting in excitement at the prospect of where my mouth was soon to be. "Can I eat the shit out of your underwear, sir?"

"Not yet, cerdo. Smell a bunch of those faggot poppers and then I'll let you sniff my ass, man. You can smell it, but don't touch anything. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!" I wasted no time in grabbing my poppers, unscrewing the lid and taking a huge double hit in each nostril. The gardener leaned forward and rested one hand on the bed so his big, beefy ass was on display for me. I leaned forward as the rush of poppers overtook my senses, and I brought my face forward as close as I could get to the shitty seat of his drawers without touching him.

"Smell my shit, puto cabron.", he said over his shoulder. "I been wearing these underwears for a couple weeks now. I've been looking for a faggot to clean them up for me."

"Oohhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuccck....", I moaned as I sniffed his underwear-clad ass crack. What a fucking smell! It was so nasty and dank back there. The sour odor of his stale sweat was overwhelmed only by the sharp, dark scent of his accumulated shit. It was so intense and masculine -- a mixture of the sexy, heady odor of this man's natural fumes combined with the smell of a park bathroom. Stale piss and nasty turd fumes told me this guy was an unwiped mess in there. I took in huge lungsful of the sticky, thick air over and over, holding the nasty gas in my lungs and then releasing it back out as I went in for more. PPPFFFFHHHHHHHHTT! My face was hit by a wall of warm, sticky stench as he blasted a dank cloud of gas into my face. I could actually see the skidmarked fabric billow slightly as his gut fumes hit me head on. I gulped in his explosion, sucking and swallowing his rank fart over and over, trying to take as much of it as possible into my body. I couldn't get enough of the stench of his nasty trench, and I breathed in over and over, my nose less than an inch away from this god's shitty underwear.

Eventually, the sexy stud reached around behind himself, grabbing my head and pulling it right into his crack. I found myself buried in the stained seat of his underwear, and I let out an audible moan. The damp, pasty fabric clung to my nose and mouth as he rubbed my face around in his ass. I could feel the stickiness of his accumulated skidmarks being rubbed all over my face. My nose and cheeks were well coated with his mess, and I could tell that his stench was becoming embedded in my mustache and beard. It was difficult to breathe with my face buried in his ample, filthy ass, but I was not about to complain. This is exactly where I wanted to be. I sneaked air in as I was able and lost myself in being treated like my face was his toilet paper. I whimpered and licked at the filthy cotton, sniffing and cleaning whatever he pushed into contact with my mouth. His grip was powerful and he pushed me around with ease.

He chuckled, the true alpha using his plaything however he wanted. "That's what you want, fucker, huh?", he said as he shoved me around in his shitty crack. "You ready to clean mi mierda now?" I groaned audibly as he finally released my head, panting from my inability to get a full breath as he manhandled me like the nasty pig plaything I was. Sweat and drool coated the bottom half of my face as I sat back on my haunches, still panting and licking the nasty slurry from my lips. I looked at his incredible ass at eye level as he started to straighten up. "Take another hit, cierdo. Time for you to eat my shit."

My pulse quickened as I took another deep, double huff of the poppers. The alpha stud lowered his leg from the bedframe, still with his back to me as he grabbed the waistband of his nasty tightie-whities and started to lower them, rolling his underwear inside out as the sweaty, stained fabric moved down his hairy, muscular thighs. He stopped with his underwear just above his knees and spread his legs apart as much as the stretchy cloth would allow. He turned his torso to one side and looked at me, a dominant sneer on his face as he saw me fixated on the incredible sight of him. His beautiful ass was a thicket of shit-encrusted black hair, and I could feel the heat and fumes practically boiling off of him. His messy ass had been pickled in the heat as he'd done his work. The inside of his underwear hung facing me over the elastic waistband stretched between his legs, and it was clear that the skidmarks formed a thick, greasy divide down the center of the seat. I leaned in to get a better look and could see black ass hairs stuck in the mess embedded in his drawers. I took a deep breath in through my nose, ingesting the fumes that rolled out at me from his Fruit of the Looms. My mouth was awash in drool just looking at his drawers, and I quickly took another big hit from the poppers. I was in for a huge, shitty banquet.

"Get my underwears clean, fucker. Then I will sit on your face like you want.", he said to me as I leaned in between his legs and grabbed the taint of his underwear in each hand, stretching the caked-on skidmark right in front of my face. Just as I was about to get to work on the thick skid, the gardener let out a deep grunt and another huge blast of gas was hurtled from his nasty trench. I could feel my face being pelted with flecks of his shit while he laughed at me. "Get going, cerdo.", he ordered, and I quickly brought my face to his underwear, taking a big lungful of his fumes from the seat of his shorts.

At last, my tongue made contact with his crap-stained drawers. Fuck, what an amazing flavor it was! My mouth was flooded with the taste of his caked-on filth as I took a long swipe of the shit, dragging my teeth along the skidmark on the return to get as much of his waste into my mouth at once. I had a pretty sizable lump of turd embedded behind my upper teeth, and I pried it away with my tongue so that I could play with it in my mouth, savoring the delicious taste. His shit was surprisingly mild and rich, and the texture was smooth. I could feel a couple lumps of his digested waste that hadn't completely broken down, and I chewed on those with delight as the shit liquified in my mouth, allowing me to swallow the mess. My tongue was an explosion of flavor, and I went in again and again, taking long swipes of the crap that was stuck to the seat of his underwear. "You like it, fucker," he said as I attacked his underwear with my tongue, pulling the fabric into my mouth so I could scrub it with my tongue and suck the shitty brown juices out, swallowing it all.

It was all I could do to let out a groan of absolute ecstasy. I was riding high on poppers and the muddy sludge of his melted feces that was in my mouth. My brain was so short-circuited that I couldn't even form words, but it was clear to him that he'd found a dedicated shit pig. Over and over, I went back between his legs, sucking the crap out of his drawers until they were a wet, light-brown stain where once there had been a thick paste of his shit. His crap-encrusted shitter winked at me above my head every time I went in for more, reminding me that I wasn't done yet.

"That's good enough, cabron.", he said to me. His tongue-scrubbed underwear fell to the floor as he turned around. His massive cock stuck out like a truncheon, leaking precum from the end. "Get under the chair so I can sit on your face."

He didn't have to tell me twice! I scooted over to the rim chair, took another massive hit and lay down in anticipation of the main event. I lowered myself and pulled the toilet seat over my face. To me there's nothing that's more of a turn-on than having the view from beneath a rim chair. The hot fucking alpha came over and stood where I could see his face framed by the toilet seat. "You clean me good and I'll feed you some carne asada, fucker." I practically whimpered at the thought of getting his dump down my throat. I always loved Mexican food -- I couldn't wait to get it the second time around.

He turned his back to the seat and stepped across my body and stood there for a bit, flexing his ass muscles. I could actually hear the faint sound of popping stickily as his ass cheeks pulled apart and rubbed against each other as he flexed first one side and then the other. The fucker was so filthy -- jackpot!!

I turned my head and grabbed another big hit of poppers, and as soon as I had set the bottle aside, he slowly started to descend. He had a big, meaty hand on each ass cheek and pulled his beefy ass apart so I could get a great look all they way into his shit factory and see just how much cleanup I was going to have to do. Thick, black ass hair encircled his anus. It was tinted a dark red-brown by flecks of shit from his unwiped hole. The ring of hair was matched with an equal ring of stale feces, almost making his shitter the center of a circular target. It sent the message that this was exactly where I belonged -- fuck, what a beautiful sight! He came to a complete stop about six inches above my face and hovered there. "Didn't have no toilet paper today, hombre -- that's your job. You ready?" Without even waiting for a response, he blasted another wet fart all over me, flicking more shit on my face, and he sat down.

My world instantly disappeared, and all I knew was butt hair and shit. My nose was squashed into the center of his sticky, ripe hole as he sat down. My vision was blocked, and my other senses kicked into overdrive. It was difficult to do with my face pressed into his crack, but I managed a deep, slow breath, pulling the smell of his shitty hole right in. The sensation of taking the fumes from his shit and sweat into my lungs invigorated and focused me. Nothing else in the world existed save for the shitty mess literally pushed into my face. I was born to be his toilet paper. The shit smell combined with the rush of poppers had me turned on to the point of absolute addiction. I tenderly kissed his smooth hole, and I could feel pieces of shit stick to my lips as I pulled back a small fraction of an inch. I did it a few more times, taking in the flavor of his nasty, shit-caked hole. Finally, my tongue came out and I gave his anus its first direct lick. Holy fuck, that was amazing! His shit tasted both rank and dark and absolutely incredible at the same time -- so rich and complex. It seemed to be spicier than the crap I'd scraped out of the seat of his underwear with my teeth, and a couple long licks told me that this shit had a lot more texture in it. I could feel and taste lumps that had been meat and chiles at one time, transformed by his gut into some of the best shit I'd ever eaten.

The gardener made a low growl deep in his chest. "Come mi puta mierda, cabron. Eat my fucking shit! You like it, don't you." It was a statement, not a question, and he was absolutely right. I groaned in depraved ecstasy as I turned to the side and unscrewed the cap from the poppers. I took a huge double hit, held my breath and turned back under that meaty, greasy ass. His shitty hole was amazing. As the rush hit me, I started the work of cleaning all the shit from around his hole, taking small clumps of filthy ass hair into my mouth one bit at a time.

All my consciousness had moved to my tongue. There is something especially amazing to me about the feel of a man's coarse butt hair in my mouth. I worked the long, thick hairs around, moistening clumps of adhered shit with my saliva until I was able to pull the hairs through my lips, scraping any crap off. I would perform the same action a few times with every clump until I felt that the butt hairs were clean. I slowly made my way around his whole ass ring, pulling in shitty clumps and swallowing them down. The dank, spicy taste was incredible. The gardener carried on a low conversation in Spanish as I did my work, and though I may not have known everything he was saying, I understood enough to know that I was nothing but his fucking toilet bitch and I needed to wipe his shitty ass clean with my tongue. I had zero problem with that!

Eventually I could tell that the mane of turd-caked hair around his hole was clean. I was still so hungry I could hardly control myself. My tongue aimed for the center of his target. I'd managed to clean much of his wrinkled, smooth hole as I'd worked on his ass hairs, but I went ahead and licked around the pucker carefully, getting every morsel of shit off of his anus. I finally pushed in with my tongue, the first time I'd tried to go deep up his crap tunnel. At first, he instinctively clenched around the tip of my tongue, his natural reaction trying to keep me out. It was almost as if I could read his mind through the movements of his anus around my strong tongue. The subtle play of muscle was incredible as I felt him squeeze the end of my tongue and then bit by bit relax as he started to let me in. Every few seconds I'd feel a strong squeeze as I penetrated deeper, but those spasms abated as he relaxed and let my tongue invade his shit tube as deep as I could go.

The stud's crapper was dirty inside, and my tongue encountered small lumps of turd. Everything I was tasting now had never even had air on it. Talk about fresh from the oven! I dug in and used my tongue to scrape all the inner surface of his shithole, scouring everything I could find and swallowing it down. I alternated between digging in as deep as I could go and then switching to work the outside, my tongue wide and flat, swiping the length of him from the base of his balls to the tip of his tailbone. I was literally his toilet paper and it was my job to wipe him clean.

After a few minutes of long, swiping passes along the path of his crack, my tongue could feel a shift in his ass muscles. Where his hole had finally just relaxed enough to let my tongue get in, it was now clear that his sphincter had gone past the relaxation stage and was bulging out involuntarily, his shitmouth ready to blossom open. "Aaaaaaaayyyyyy....... I think your carne asada is ready, fucker!", he said as I felt his anus push toward my gaping mouth. The dark, silky pucker was dilating open slowly, and I could hear the tell-tale muffled sound of wet snapping as his shit began its exit from his feeding tube. My tongue encountered the blunt, hard end of a fat turd as it emerged and scraped on my teeth as it entered my mouth.

The gardener suddenly stopped pushing and by lowering my head a bit I could make out about three inches of fat, beefy shit hanging suspended from him, his shit hole obscenely stretched around the knobby, firm log. It was beautifully textured, covered by a layer of ass mucus. "Come mi mierda..... come mi puta mierda.....", he intoned overhead, softly repeating it over and over while I blissed out on his waste. My field of vision was completely taken over by the fat turd, and I licked the end, circling it with my tongue and then sucking on the whole tip as my tongue continued to work. It was like having a warm, shitty popsicle in my mouth as I worshipped this man's crap. I finally bit into the first couple inches and broke it off with my teeth. The stud must have felt a change because he lifted up off of the toilet enough to turn slightly and see my face through the toilet seat, mouth full of his nasty feces.

"Que cierdo de mierda.", he said, looking down at me "Fucking shit pig -- you like the taste of that, don't you? Eat it up. Swallow it down -- I give you some more."

I chewed the shit, savoring its texture and its spicy flavor, moaning with pleasure as I feasted -- it did in fact taste like shitty carne asada, bile and ass juices. What a fucking treat! I finally swallowed the big chunk, opening my mouth to show the handsome stud his shit was gone. I kept my mouth open as he sat back down, this time hovering a few inches off of the toilet seat. What an awesome view I had as his hairy shithole started to get puffy and push out again. In a matter of seconds, I could see more hard shit emerging. It was more urgent now, and I could tell that he was past the point of controlling his shit sausage. The descending crap picked up speed as it forced its way into my mouth, hitting the back of my tongue hard and bending slightly from the pressure as my mouth backed up, struggling in vain to accommodate the fecal material that was still leaving his body. As the shit softened very slightly, it started to coil on top of my mouth, covering the lower half of my face with his crap. My eyes were wide open and I tried to maneuver a bit so that my nose didn't get clogged by his turd. Holy shit -- he was burying me in his waste! Fortunately, I could see his sphincter contract involuntarily, cutting the massive dump off just in time.

I felt the sticky slap as the last part of his log land on my jam-packed mouth and hit one cheek. I'd never taken such a big dump to the face at one time. The smell was insanely hot with his huge, steamy pile right up against my nose, leaving my just enough space where I could breathe. The sexy fucker stood up and turned around, grinning evilly at the mess he'd left on my face. "You have all my shit, faggot -- I want to see you eat it up!" He lifted the toilet seat up with his foot and then went to where he'd dropped his pants and dug around in the pocket. He pulled out his phone, came back and punched in his code and pulled up his camera. "Come mi mierda, maricon -- todo mi mierda!", he said as he started to film me.

Fortunately, I was experienced enough to have kept some free space in the back of my mouth so I could maneuver my tongue around the firm, meaty turd that had my jaws stretched wide open. I looked up into his camera as my tongue moved as best it could around the crap in my toilet mouth, licking the nuggety shit and eventually breaking a chunk off of the end. I managed to swallow that down and that gave me room to get down to some serious shit eating. He kept up his quiet commentary of dirty talk, grinning down at me as he filmed. I was nothing but his toilet and he was recording my slow-motion shit flush. The flavor and texture of his dump was so perfect, and I found myself digging into his digested food with an ease I'd never before encountered. It wasn't long before I had most of the fat, knobby crap in my mouth swallowed, and I was able to pull more into my mouth from the pile that rested on my face. I closed my eyes and focused all my attention on every detail of the banquet he'd crapped into my mouth -- I could feel all of the lumps and small pieces of his turd stuck in my teeth as I swallowed more and more of the big stuff. I was his human crapper and I was determined to ingest every bit of the waste he'd dropped on my face.

I opened my eyes and realized that he'd moved the camera close to my face, holding it just inches above my mouth. By this point I'd managed to eat all the shit I could get into my mouth by just opening it and letting gravity do the work to have his crap fall in. I still had a pretty thick ring of shit that lay on my beard and mustache circling the toilet bowl, but I opened my mouth for his camera to show him I'd managed to eat most of his dump. "You eat my shit good, fucking toilet! Eat it all, cabron!" He reached down with his left hand and used his thick thumb and forefinger to push the remaining waste from around my mouth right onto my waiting tongue. "Swallow my shit, faggot!", he said as I chewed and swallowed, until there was nothing for me to do but use my tongue to lick the last little bit from my beard and mustache and eat it down. My tongue explored my mouth, working small bits and pieces from between my teeth and my cheeks, swallowing and gulping down what was left. "Show me your mouth, faggot.", the gardener ordered, still filming me. I opened my mouth to show that it was empty save for the faint reddish-brown stain left after my huge meal. He stuck his thumb and forefinger into my mouth and I immediately closed my lips around them, licking the last few bits of shit from his hand.

He stood back up and looked down at me, finally turning off his video. My stomach was full of his crap, and I felt amazing -- filled completely up by the hot Mexican stud's dump. He grabbed his rock-hard Latino meat and started pumping furiously. He must have been as turned on as I was because it was a mere matter of seconds before he let out a roar and shot a massive load on my shit-smeared face. I reached up with my hand, pushing several big globs of cum into my mouth where I could swallow them down, a perfect dessert for my shitty dinner. "You eat my shit good, faggot! I'm glad we have a toilet to use now when we do work for your neighbor." He turned and started to get himself dressed.

We?? Holy fuck -- I forgot that his son worked with him too a lot of the time! He turned back to me and grinned over his shoulder. "We'll be back!", he said, as he headed to the front door. I heard him pull it closed behind him as he left. I guess I was now the gardener's toilet. What a fucking bonanza!

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