Hogwarts Beginnings

By ku.ca.tnek@02wpj

Published on Jul 1, 2006


Next post guys, I hope I've made the difference between commentary and description clear. Any queries or comments, its JPW20@kent.ac.uk.

I'm still working on internal monologue, I'd like to put that in italic, but it just doesn't work like that. Oh well, its pretty obvious (though I would say that wouldn't I?).

Usuall gaffe: Harry Potter ain't mine, J K Rowling wrote it. Gripping read and I do assume you've read it to be reading this. My story would probably confuse the hell out of anyone who hadn't read it. In that vein this is all LIES, filthy stinking lies, this is, in no way shape or form, based on reality. If, at any point, you feel you can pick out bits that happen in real life (Like people saying 'the' I guess) it's pure co-incidence and you should stop being so paranoid.

We get a little more mear for those reading this purely for a jerk-off. But really, if you've made it this far you should know this is more about Yoni developing, that 'count the legs and divide by two' (to quote Terry Pratchett)


[Nothing of much interest happens for some weeks now, so we shall skip ahead. In summation, the next few weeks consist of more lessons and weekends. Yoni, Harry, Hermione and Ron all become closer. And Yoni's feelings for Ron deepen. In the last day of our `fast-forward' Harry witness' Snape's injury and overhears confirmation that Snape had been around the three-headed dog on the third floor.]

This, for those who don't know, is a Quidditch pitch. Quidditch is a game played with four balls and seven players. One ball is called the quaffle, it is big and red and three of the players (chasers) pass it, one to another, to try to get it through the three tall circular goals at one end of the pitch, the keeper (of the opposing team for those Dodo's out there) tries to stop them. Two balls are called bludgers and it is their job to unseat as many players as possible while the two beaters wield heavy short black clubs to knock the bludgers away from their team mates and towards the opposition. The last ball is the golden snitch, it is small and fast and it is the job of the seeker of each team to catch it. Catching it ends the game and nets the side that caught it 150 points. This usually results in a win since each goal is worth only 10 points. Harry for those who can't see him is the Gryffindor seeker over there flying around looking for the snitch.]

"Budge up there, move along"

"Hagrid!" Ron exclaimed "Greetings" said Yoni distractedly

The three of them squeezed together to make room.

Yoni breathed deeply and inhaled the aroma that was Ron, squeezed up next to him. He looked to see Harry circle the pitch and allowed the excitement in the air to permeate him.

"Could this day get any better!"

Hagrid grinned at him.

"Bin watching from me hut, but its not the same as being in the stands is it. No sign o the snitch yet?"

"Nope, Harry hasn't had much to do." Replied Ron

"Kept outta trouble, though, that's somethin'"

Not long after Harry dived, and, seeing what Harry had, so did the Slytherin seeker but...

"Foul!" screamed the Gryffindors as Marcus Flint deliberately blocked Harry. Madam Hooch backed them up, and the Gryffindors received a free shot at the Slytherin goals, but the snitch had gone.

Dean was yelling about a red card, whatever that might mean, while Yoni simply kept his eyes out for the snitch again. The commentary was amusing though.

"So – after that obvious and disgusting bit of cheating –" "Jordan!" growled professor McGonagall

"I mean, after that open and revolting foul –" "Jordan I'm warning you –"

"All right, all right. Flint nearly kills the Gryffindor Seeker, which could happen to anyone, I'm sure. So, a penalty to Gryffindor, taken by Spinnet, who puts it away, no trouble. And we continue play, Gryffindor still in possession..."

Then, Harry stopped. And his broom started jerking.

Yoni leaned forward with narrowed eyes.

"Surely not..." he muttered and started scanning the teachers. As he focused, his vision seemed to sharpen and the voices around him dimmed down to an insistent buzz. He saw Snape, as he had suspected, muttering under his breath, but he wouldn't be the only one. Yoni kept scanning and part way along he saw Professor Quirrell also muttering.

"So, Snape and Quirrell, one cursing, the other counter-cursing. Yoni stopped focusing, and it was as if someone turned the sound back on. The cheers and yells of the crowd crashed back in, and he was in time to hear

"Come on Hermione" from Ron

Looking round, Yoni saw Marcus Flint score, for, judging from the scoreboard, was the fifth time, and getting ready to score again. A surge of anger flew through Yoni and he contemptuously waved a hand while thinking, more on instinct, Rictusempra. Immediately Flint convulsed over his broom, he circled to the ground, bent over his broom, and collapsed on the ground, consumed by a fit of the giggles.

Looking up he saw Harry was getting back on his broom and, borrowing the glasses from Ron, saw both Quirrell and Snape had stopped.

"Neville, you can look!" Ron said as Neville sobbed into Hagrid's jacket

Once Harry reached the ground, he clapped his hands on his mouth and regurgitated... but it was the snitch that came out. Gryffindor had won. It was back in Hagrid's hut that the subject of cursing Harry's broom was broached. Yoni took no part in the conversation, sunk in though. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something obvious, some clue so large he was underlooking it, as it were. The consensus was that Snape was cursing Harry's broom and Quirrell was counter-cursing it, in an attempt to save Harry's life. Hagrid didn't believe any of it.

Hagrid did reveal that the three-headed dog was called Fluffy and that he, Hagrid, was the owner and that whatever Fluffy was guarding a person called Nicolas Flannel was involved.

The next day, at the end of transfiguration, Professor McGonagall asked Yoni to stay behind for a moment.

"The headmaster has asked me to tell you that he has found a place for you to... retire to...if you feel the need." She said "It is called the Room of Requirement and, while the headmaster has not used it, the House-Elves of Hogwarts have apparently used it for years."

Professor McGonagall paused for a moment, and pursed her lips

"I understand that you have been wandering the school at night, I'm sure that, in your night-time wanderings, you have come across the tapestry of Barnabas the Foolish?" she inquired, slightly pointedly

"Professor," Yoni bowed "I have never been caught wandering the school at night, but it happens that I do know the tapestry of which you speak"

Professor McGonagall arched an eyebrow, she had evidently picked up on the use of the word `caught' "If you pass the wall three times, thinking of what you need, it will appear. Hopefully this will be convenient enough that you can reach it as you need to."

Yoni bowed once again "My thanks to you and my service to the Headmaster. I should be going now, for my next lesson."

The rest of the day passed peacefully enough. Yoni didn't tell the other about the room of requirement. Indeed, they knew nothing about Yoni's reduced humanity. Yoni waited for nightfall and, despite his having homework which he usually did at night (quieter, more peaceful, he could almost pretend he was at his manor again, especially with the house elves cleaning up around him, and fetching him drinks when he asked for them.) he set off into the castle.

Moving around the castle at night was surprisingly easy. He had discovered that he could hide in shadows extremely well, and used this trick whenever he needed to, which wasn't often since everyone seemed to make so much more noise at night. A few teachers were always patrolling. The ghosts were a problem, Yoni wouldn't hear them coming, and Filch's knowledge of the school passageways had almost caught Yoni out a time or two. However, by observing Filch and exploring, Yoni had found a fair number of `shortcuts' himself and the ghosts were usually in pairs talking anyway. Except for peeves, but Yoni had his own way of dealing with him.

"Weird little Wiccatta!" exclaimed Peeves

"Hello peeves, how goes the troublemaking?" inquired Yoni

"Blooming as usual." Smirked peeves "and is weird Wiccatta on another night-time stroll? To where one wonders?" asked peeves in an overly sweet voice.

"I thought I'd sneak into professor McGonagall's room and put some spiders in her bed." Said Yoni lazily

"Oooh! What a wonderful idea!" crooned Peeves

"You like the idea?"

"Oh yes, I imagine her shrieks would be quite ... erm ..."

"You can say funny peeves, but why don't you do it then? I'll think of something else to do. Hmmm, I haven't done anything to Trelawney"

In such ways did Yoni keep Peeves from reporting him to Filch. It was a tenuous arrangement. Peeves knew that Yoni hadn't pulled any pranks, but as long as he was amusing Peeves, Yoni was safe. He hurried on to the Room of Requirement.

Reaching the right corridor, he looked at the wall opposite. What he needed... What he needed was to know what he was and how to deal with it. Focusing on this he paced up and down three times. Turning he saw an imposing granite entryway. Carved with grotesque friezes, the whole thing screamed `Goth' at the top of its voice. Metaphorically speaking.

Yoni pushed it open.

Inside was what looked like a natural chamber, but it was carved here and there. It was as if the person doing the carving had a concept in his mind smaller than the natural space, but where the walls, or stalagmite's and stalactites intruded into this he carved. The carvings were mostly a continuation of the ones surrounding the door, but on the floor was a huge pentagram surrounded by candles, and on the walls (where they were carved) were others, of different shapes and colours.

On the wall to Yoni's immediate right was a set of carved bookshelves running the length of the room. None of the books had titles, and they all seemed to whisper, as if talking.

"You've come" boomed an echoing voice.

Whirling Yoni saw that the pentagram on the floor was no longer empty, but contained a huge black horned demon. It looked like a classic demon; bipedal, if topping eight meters, bulging muscles, two horns, a wave of black hair falling to partway down his back. He was also naked and obviously well-endowed.

"You want to know what you are" the demon continued.

"How do you know?"

The demon smiled "Chardanassar knows all little one. You are a demon spawn, a half-demon. Your father opened up a portal into out world, but in such a way as to cause an explosion. You survived by drawing within you the essence of that swirling around you. Wizards nowadays do far less than they can. I can teach you to reawaken the old powers, to control what you have taken. In the end I can show you how to control everything you wish to. Yourself and those around you."

At this the demon gestured and one of the pentagrams on the wall flashed a deeper black and a picture of Ron appeared. Naked, he was kneeling to Yoni.

Yoni looked, he could feel a part of himself yearning to accept, to take what this demon offered, but another part screamed caution. He looked behind him, there was no door.

"This placed" Chardanassar continued, correctly interpreting the glance "Is halfway between your world and mine. Usually we have to be summoned, but you didn't know how. The magic of the room you were in did it for you however, and shaped this place for your convenience. I have as much power as you here. I do not wish the door to be present and it is not. You wish to learn, I can see that. You wish to know how to control yourself. In truth you need to learn what I can teach or the demon within you will fight you, struggle against you. That would result either in your death or the death of your friends, and make no mistake; I do not do this out of the goodness of my heart." The demon smiled

"If you do not control yourself, wizards will realise demons exist once again. The angels' will get involved. War will erupt, with humanity caught in the middle. I do not want a war with heaven. You don't want a war at all. You must learn to control yourself, and only I can teach you. You cannot learn on your own.

Yoni looked at the demon, and back at the picture, it had changed now, acting more like a movie, Ron was chained up, with a gag in his mouth and Yoni was whispering in his ear, caressing him. The two of them seemed very excited.

"I do not trust you demon, but I will listen." Yoni looked him straight in the eye. "I will listen to what you have to say"

Next: Chapter 5

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