Hogwarts Life

Published on Nov 12, 2023


Hogwarts Life 2

Author's Note: This is a fictional story; even though I do not know Daniel Radcliffe’s true sexual origins nor do I have any rights to the Harry Potter stories or the characters within those stories. This is a complete fictional stories and it also contains sex with minors so please keep this in mind when you are reading it. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it.

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Hogwarts Life Chapter 2

I knew Harry’s birthday was coming up so Colin and I decided to get him something really special. Colin took a picture of me complete naked and we enchanted it so if anyone but Harry saw it they would see a picture of a famous muggle actress. We were careful on how we did it so we wouldn’t get in trouble for using magic since we both were underage. I gave the present to my owl who took my gift to Harry what little he knew that when he would be alone there would be a holographic image of me to help him with his morning woods. I had been seeing a lot of Neville over the summer and we became great friends. Seamus broke up with him due to his mom finding out that he and Neville were in love. He told me that he felt alone and abandon like no one else loved him. I assured him that was not true we had several love making sessions with just me and with Colin as well. But no matter what my heart still ached to be wrapped up inside Harry’s arms and to fill his love again.

Three weeks before school was supposed to start the Daily Prophet told of a break out of Azkaban that Sirius Black has escaped. My parents looked worried and they told me that they both knew Sirius when they went to school and when the word got out that he had killed a bunch of people along with one of their fellow student’s Peter Pettigrew. I sighed and I just couldn’t believe that this was all happening. I asked if Sirius knew Harry’s parents and my mom and dad looked at one another and I knew that they did know Sirius. My dad told me that Sirius and James were inseparable back at Hogwarts. My parents told both Colin and I not to tell Harry though because this would truly be hard for him to take in. Later that day Hedwig through into our kitchen with a letter from Harry, I grabbed the letter and couldn’t believe what I was reading Harry wrote that he was staying at the Leaky Cauldron there was an incident at his Aunt and Uncle’s house. I handed the letter to my mom and she asked if I wanted to go there I told her yes please, and she told Colin and I to pack our things so we can go there. Colin and I ran to our rooms and quickly packed our things and got ready to go be with Harry. My mom told us she would drop us off on her way to work and she handed me some money so we could get a room. I thanked her and we were soon on our way to the Leaky Cauldron. When we arrived I asked Tom for a room for two people and he handed me a key to a room. We went upstairs found our room and put our things in it. We then went to find Harry, we found him walking about checking out the shops at Diagon Alley. When he saw me and Colin he ran up to us and smiled big and first thing he did was thank us for the birthday gift. We asked what happened why he was here and he told us about the incident at his Aunt and Uncle’s house. He then told us about the night bus and running in Cornelius Fudge at the Leaky Cauldron. I asked him if he got in trouble and he told us that was the weird part The Minister didn’t seem mad at all he was completely opposite worried about Harry’s safety.

As we did a little more catching up we stopped by Gringotts so I could get some more money for school supplies and other things if I need them. I made sure I gave Colin plenty as well since he only had a tiny bit of money for himself. Even though he was a month younger than me I looked at him as my little brother and made sure I had time with him. Once we were done at Gringotts we made our way around Diagon Alley and got everything Colin and I would need for our second year at Hogwarts. I broke down and bought myself a broom and had them add an owl perch on it for my Owl Hercules. Colin and I bought new robes for the year, once we were done getting everything Harry suggested we head back to the Leaky Cauldron. We made our way back and I asked Tom the Innkeeper if he knew a way for us to get some pizza. He asked what kind and I told him and he said it will be up in my room by the time I get up there. The three of us made our way to mine and Colin’s room where we found an extra-large pizza with pepperoni, mushrooms and olives waiting for us. We quickly put our things away and we then pushed the two beds together so we had one big bed for the three of us to share.

After we had eaten all the pizza Harry suggested we play a muggle game known as strip poker. He told us the rules and gave us a run down on how to play; well actually it was just me who didn’t know how to play both Harry and Colin knew the game already. Within 5 games I was down to just my socks, Harry had on his shirt and boxers, and Colin had on shoes and socks. The last game I lost and Harry smirked and began to finish taking off his clothes he then pounced me and he and Colin began to tickle me. This led into a three way sucking of one another’s dicks. As soon as I had Harry’s dick in my mouth I couldn’t help but just want to cum right then because I had my lover with me again. Harry and I both shot our loads of cum into one another’s mouths at the same time where Colin shot his load all over mine and Harry’s body. We scooped up his cum and grabbed the cum that was leaking from both mine and Harry’s mouth and swirled it all together. We then each scooped it up with a finger and fed the mixture of cum to one another. We made a pack to one another to always be there for one another when we can.

The three of us fell asleep grasping a hold of another putting Colin in the middle. Harry and I woke up first that morning and we slid out of bed and made it to the shower where we began to kiss passionately. We locked our eyes together and as if our voice was one we told one another how much we loved each other and missed each other. Harry began rubbing my body and kissing me all over and soon got on his knees and began to suck my dick and balls. When I ended up cumming I felt weak in the knees and short of breath. Once I got my bearings straight I slid down onto my knees to return the favor to Harry. He lasted longer than I did and by the time he did shoot his load my stomach felt full and honestly I felt a surge of energy hit my body. I got up and we kissed a long and passionate kiss. I grabbed Harry and began to rub his ass crack with my cock, I then pushed inside of him and Bloody Hell was he tight. He moaned out in pleasure as I began to feed his ass my cock. I pounded his ass for until the water began to get cold and then I shot my load deep inside his ass. Harry then shot his load all over the wall of the shower. We got out and made it back to the bed where Colin was still asleep. Harry looked at me and smiled and I knew what he was thinking so I followed along and we slid the blankets and sheets off of Colin revealing his pure soft naked body. Harry began to suck and lick his balls and I began to lick his soft cock. He turned a little but stayed asleep and moaned out in his sleep. I then began to suck his dick causing it to harden in my mouth Harry had his balls in his mouth and was sucking on each one. Colin woke up and with complete pleasure on his face he asked what we were doing and Harry told him waking him up and having some of his cum. Colin soon couldn’t hold it any longer and he shot several massive loads of cum into the back of my throat and mouth. Once I knew he was done I made sure I kept enough to share with Harry and the we kissed sharing Colin’s cum. We broke and kissed Colin and then got dressed.

We got down to the pub and had breakfast together; we joked and talked about what to do today. Colin looked at us “Has anyone heard from Ron, Hermione and Neville” he asked us. I told him I sent Neville a message before we left the other day telling him we were going to be coming here to stay until school starts. Harry then told us that Ron and his family were visiting his brother Bill in Egypt, as for Hermione she was camping with her family. Later that day an owl came and delivered a letter to me from Neville. It said it had taken quite a bit of convincing and with the help of my mother and father but his grandmother said he could come here and stay until school started. I showed the letter to Harry and Colin and they were both excited. As we were walking around Diagon Alley a boy who I remember riding the boats to Hogwarts with last year waved to us and we walked up to him and he introduced his parents. His name was Christian Linger and he is in Hufflepuff. I couldn’t help but notice the way Christian kept blushing every time he looked up and met with Colin’s eyes. I excused myself for a minute and pulled Colin aside and I told him he should see if Christian wanted to go someplace alone. He caught on quick and we walked back to everyone and comes to find out that Christian’s parents were leaving soon and they were going to let him stay at the Leaky Cauldron with a family friend but they had an emergency and left. I smiled and suggested for him to stay with us and both his parents were happy and grateful. They gave him some money and kissed him good bye, once he left the four of us walked around and I told Christian to relax he is among friends, and I knew that he likes Colin and he turned bright red and said he really does. Harry quickly suggested that I stay in his room and we let Colin and Christian stay in our room. Both of them smiled brightly and I could tell what was going to go on there.

Neville wasn’t due to be at the Leaky Cauldron so Harry and I left Colin and Christian alone to go get him set up in the bedroom. Harry and I went to the potions store and we got all the ingredients we needed for school and I got some to make a special potion. I asked Harry if we can go back to his room and we both left for his room. Once we were inside Harry asked what the other ingredients were for and I told him for an aging potion to make us a little older because there was a Muggle Adult Store I wanted to go to real quick. Harry quickly put two and two together and licked his lips, we made the potion and I tucked them into my coat and Harry and I left the Leaky Cauldron. Once we were outside we stepped into the shadow of a doorway and quickly drank the potion. We soon were both in our mid-twenties, we made our way down to the store and I quickly bought a dildo and some handcuffs. Harry was shocked that I knew exactly what to get and I just smiled and told him you learn things on the internet.

We got back to the Leaky Cauldron and had some nice delicious stew that Tom was serving for lunch. We got some for both Colin and Christian and we made our way up to the rooms. We stopped by my old room and I unlocked the door there we found both Colin and Christian butt naked asleep on the bed with Colin’s dick tucked deep into Christian’s ass. Both Harry and I smiled at one another and we quietly grabbed my things and we took them to his room. Neville soon arrived and he looked like shit we asked him what was wrong and he told us that his cousins love messing with him. We showed him to mine and Harry’s room where we had a big bed, he looked around and asked where he was going to sleep. Harry took Neville by the hand and took his shoulder back off of him and told him with us in the bed.

I took Neville’s other hand and both Harry and I led him to the bed where we began to kiss him passionately. We slid out of our clothes and began to undress Neville. We kissed his body up and down as we took off each piece of clothing. Harry began to kiss and suck on Neville’s cock as I slid his pants down around his ankles. I took of his shoes and socks and pulled his pants off and I then began to kiss and suck on his toes. Neville was breathing heavily and begging us to stop but Harry and I continued. Soon we switched position and Harry lifted Neville’s legs to rest on his shoulders and began to eat out Neville’s ass. I crawled on top of Neville and began to suck on his dick and Neville then began to suck on my cock. I felt Neville began to shake and tremble underneath me and then he fed me his all that his balls had to offer. I then shot my load down into Neville’s throat. As I shot my load into Neville’s mouth Harry shoved his cock into Neville’s awaiting ass. I slid off of Neville and joined Harry to double penetrate Neville’s ass. Neville was moaning and screaming out in pleasure for more. I then took the dildo I bought and shoved one into Harry’s ass and the other end into my ass. We both gasped as we managed to make love to Neville and control the dildo into our asses. Harry and I shot our load together inside of Neville and when we pulled out there was a loud sucking sound and our sperm began to leak out of Neville’s well filled ass. I shoved a butt plug into his ass quickly so he can keep our cum inside of him. The three of us crawled into bed and covered up and fell asleep.

I woke up snuggled between two people who I have really loved. Feeling Harry’s dick snugged nicely between my ass cheeks and my dick was snuggly tucked inside Neville’s ass. I gently pushed Harry’s dick further into my ass and once I felt his dick snuggly clinched inside my ass I began to move my hips up and down so he was fucking me and where I was fucking Neville as well. This woke both of them up and we had another nice long session of love making. Once the three of us shot our loads we got dressed and went to see if Colin and Christian were awake. The bedroom was empty and all of a sudden we heard Ron yelling at Hermione because her new cat Crookshanks was chasing Ron’s rat Scabbers. We ended all laughed when Ron went and dove for Scabbers and ran into an enchanted mop and bucket mopping the hallway. Neville and I went off together for a bit to let Ron, Harry and Hermione catch up. I saw Mr. Weasley who smiled and waved to us both as we left the Leaky Cauldron to roam around Diagon Alley.

It was late afternoon when Neville and I got back to the Leaky Cauldron. I looked around for Harry and didn’t see him anywhere. We made it up stairs and got to our room where I could hear Ron, Hermione, and Harry talking. Instead of ease dropping Neville and I went back down to the pub section of the Leaky Cauldron and got some fish and chips. I couldn’t believe tomorrow we will be heading back at Hogwarts. I asked Neville if he had everything and he said yes, He told me about his book on Magical Creatures Hagrid wanted him to get and I laughed saying yea that book is a bit dangerous; Harry’s book nearly took my right hand off. Once we were finished eating we headed back up to the room and saw the door open. Hermione and Ron were still there but when Neville and I walked in Hermione got up and gave both of us a hug. We talked for a little bit and Ron showed off his new wand, and I jokingly told him not to break this one. This caused a pillow fight to start between the five of us.

It was the official day to head to Hogwarts, as we got on to platform 9 ¾ and you could see that security had been enhanced. Ron, Hermione, and Harry got into one of the train rooms, where a teacher that I knew to be Remus Lupin. He had been at my house a few times for dinner. Since there weren’t enough seats I looked around and gave Harry a quick kiss and I told him that Neville and I will grab the room next door. Half way to Hogwarts the train came to a stop and I noticed the window was beginning to ice over. I began to remember a time at St. Mungo’s when some Dementors came with some Auror’s from the Ministry of Magic to take a man to Azkaban. I remember the room getting very cold and feeling like all hope had left the room. I quickly took Neville’s hand and told him to clear his mind completely and just focus on me. He looked at me oddly and then I began to get that same feeling I had before in St. Mungo’s Hospital. A part of me knew Neville may not be able to clear his mind so I acted instantly and pushed my lips to Neville’s where we kissed. As we kissed the Dementors passed us then I heard Professor Lupin use his Patronus charm and the Dementors left the train. Neville and I got up quickly saw that Harry had passed out from the effect of the Dementors. Lupin looked up and saw me and he smiled and when Harry woke up he gave Harry some chocolate and said he was going to talk to the conductor about what happen. As he left he signaled for me to follow him so I told Neville I will be right back. He asked how I was and how my parents were and I told him okay. He then told me if I can to keep an eye on Harry for him. I smiled and nodded okay and went back to the place where Neville and I were sitting.

When we arrived at Hogwarts Malfoy and his posse began to joke and tease Harry for fainting. I was about to say something when Neville put his hand on my shoulder and told me it’s not worth it. When we got to the dining hall I noticed Professor Lupin and Hagrid was sitting at the teaching staff table. The new first years were sorted into the houses by the Sorting Hat. Once all that was done Professor Dumbledore gave us the run down on things for this year, and I couldn’t help but see the sneer Snape gave when Professor Lupin’s name was mentioned to be the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Harry still looked a little weak and scared and I really was feeling bad for him because I noticed that Draco kept pointing at him and would laugh. I looked around and saw no one was watching so I pulled out my wand and quietly pointed it at Malfoy and made him start sneezing nonstop. Hermione saw the smile on my face and then saw Malfoy sneezing and she gave me the look like you better stop it, so I did. On the way to the Gryffindor Tower I caught up with Harry and I asked if he was okay, he smiled at me weakly and said “I'll okay just need some sleep I think”. I felt kind of hurt because I watched Ron take Harry up to their dorm and I was left at the common room. I sighed and undid my tie and went to my dorm room. All my stuff was waiting for me so I waved my wand and everything went into its place. Colin came in smiling and looking as happy as can be, I smiled at him and then decided I need to go for a walk. So I left them and went out the Gryffindor Tower and made my way to go see Remus.

As I got close to his door to his office I could hear Snape “I have my eye on you Remus and the moment you make one mistake I will make sure you are in a cell waiting for your buddy Sirius in Azkaban”. I quickly went to a corner and hid and watched Snape leave and as soon as I did Remus told me to come out of my hiding spot so I did. He smiled and offered me some Butterbeer and we sat in front of the fire and talked. He asked me what I was doing out and about at this time of the night and I told him I needed to clear my mind. He asked me what was going on and I knew I could trust Remus so I told him about the way I was filling with this whole thing with Harry. He sat his cup down and looked into the fire, and then told me to just be patient Harry has been through a lot. We talked a little longer than he told me I should head back to the tower it’s getting late. I gave him a hug and told him thanks and he smiled and I left.

As I made my way back to the Gryffindor Tower I ran into Nearly Headless Nick and he seemed a bit upset. I asked him what was wrong and he told me that he was denied yet again to join the Headless Hunting Society. I smiled and told him to keep trying do not give up hope. Once I got back into the Gryffindor Common Room I noticed no one was around so I went to go check on Harry. I got to the door and I peaked in and saw Ron pounding his cock deep into Harry’s ass. I backed away and ran up to my room and put a muting spell around my bed and lay down and cried into my pillow. I felt someone sit on my bed and I didn’t even care I told them to go away, but they didn’t. That’s when I felt a hand on my shoulder and someone sit me up and when I looked to see who it was I saw Neville. He didn’t say anything he just pulled me into a hug and held me. I asked him what he was doing here and he simply told me “I was coming from the bathroom when I saw you run past wiping your eyes, and when I got to my room and saw Ron and Harry going at it that’s when I knew why you were crying”. I held onto Neville and when I stopped crying I asked him to stay the night with me in my bed. We slipped out of our clothes and Neville crawled into bed with me and he wrapped his arms tightly around me pulling me into his chest and we fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning I felt relaxed snuggled into Neville’s chest. I began to kiss his neck and chest and Neville began to stir and I could feel his morning wood throbbing against my leg. I looked up to him and smirked and slid down to his nice big dick. I began to trace the vein on his dick with my tongue and he soon began to moan and beg me for more. So I slid his cock into my mouth and began to suck and twist my tongue around his head. I was soon rewarded by Neville’s sweet salty sperm flowing from his balls up to his shaft and out of the head of his cock and down my throat. Neville looked at me and smiled. I told him later he can relieve me of the pressure in my pants but for now we need to get down for breakfast so we can get to the right classes. Neville put on a puppy face and said okay and put on his pajama bottoms and ran back to his room. I went and showered and brush my teeth then headed down to the common room to wait for Neville. I saw Hermione sitting near the fire reading a book. I walked over to her and asked told her good morning. She looked at me then sat her book down “Hey what happen to you last night, I was looking for you to talk to you but you seemed to disappear”. I told her I went to see Remus and she smiled and she accepted that answer.

Ron and Harry came down and Ron looked at me and smirked, it took all I could to not punch him in the face. Harry waved to me and I smiled and waved at him as I watched Ron take him by the hand and lead him out of the Gryffindor Tower. Neville came down shortly after fidgeting with his tie trying to tie it. I took it and tied it for him and he smiled and told me thank you. Hermione must have left for the dining hall already because I didn’t see her anywhere in the common room. Neville and I headed down to the dining hall and had breakfast. I had Herbology first and Neville had it as well. I asked him why he had Herbology and he smiled saying he was taking an extra class of it, because he really likes it. Harry and Ron were sitting across from us and my hatred for Ron was almost at the boiling point because I could tell he was rubbing Harry’s leg with his hand because Harry had a look on his face like he was about to shoot a load. I got up and left the room, I heard Hermione yelling my name but I just kept walking. She must have used the levitation spell on me because I was soon floating not able to walk I turned around and yelled “what” at her. She looked at me like I hurt her and I felt bad “Look Leroy I don’t know what your bloody problem is but do not take it out on me Mister. Now tell me what’s wrong I am your friend Leroy you know you can talk to me” she said waving her wand putting me back down on the floor. I turned to her and motioned for her to follow me to some place where we could talk. We made our way to an empty corridor and I looked at her “I know Harry and Ron are good friends, but last night when Ron took Harry up to their room I felt a bit hurt that’s why I went to go see Remus I needed to go for a walk. Anyways when I finally came back to the Tower I went up to their dorm room to see him and I saw Ron having sex with Harry. Neville saw me running back to my room and he and I did share my bed, but nothing happen except a morning blow job. But this morning the look Ron was giving me and then what he was doing at the table was the last straw, Harry seem to just let him do that with me right in front of him. I am supposed to be his boyfriend Hermione me not Ron” I said to her with tears flowing down my cheeks. She hugged me and told me she would handle it and I better get to my class.

I made it down to the green house just in the Knick of time. Neville saw me and he must have known I had been crying because he mouthed at me what’s wrong, I shook my head and told him nothing. Class seemed to drag that morning and when it finally ended I felt like I had been hit in the stomach I wasn’t feeling good at all. Neville and I walked back to the castle and I told him I would catch him later that I had Astronomy next we said our good byes and I watch him leave for Divination. I made it to the Astronomy tower and took my seat next to Colin and Christian when they saw me they both smiled at me. Class was a breeze since I have read almost every single book on Astronomy ever written, and Professor Sinistra was very happy I knew a lot of the things she was asking the class. When class ended I decided to go to the kitchen and ask the house elves in the kitchen for some sandwiches and butterbeer. They handed me the lunch and I smiled and thanked them. I always tried to respect them and make sure how grateful I was. This was something my parents taught me is to show even the littlest creatures especially House Elves respect. I saw Neville with Harry, and Ron coming down from their Divination class. I put on my front and went to them asked how they are. Harry looked at me and smiled saying he was filling better Ron said he was fine but then I read his lips and saw him say until you came this way. Harry was about to say something when Ron asked him if they can go. I asked them where they were going and Harry told me Ron had a surprise for him, so they will see us later. I sighed and told them I will see them later than, once they left Neville came up to me and told me to go with him to lunch. I told him that I was going to see if Harry wanted to have a picnic but that was thrown out the window. I then asked Neville wanted to join me and his whole face lit up.

We made our way to a nice secluded place near the Greenhouse. Neville told me he comes here to think and have time to himself. I conjured a blanket and candles to appear and we sat down and had our picnic. I asked Neville about Harry and Ron and he looked down to the ground “They have been all over one another since the moment they got to Hogwarts. Today in Divination I could see they were doing something with their hands under the table. I just do not get it Leroy I thought you and Harry were a couple”. I looked away and softly said to him that I thought we were as well. Just then Hermione popped up almost out of nowhere. I looked around and asked her how and she smiled saying she saw us walking this way so she was right behind her. I knew she was lying to me and I will find out how she showed up. I offered her a sandwich and some butterbeer. She asked if Neville and I were now together and before I could answer Neville told her no. I have to admit this day has been bloody shitty but Hermione and Neville helped me out of my rut.

It began to rain so we ended up packing up our picnic and the three of us headed up to the castle. I asked them if they are looking forward to their Hogsmeade visit at the end of the week and they smiled and said yea they are. As we entered I tried to look around for Harry and didn’t see him or Ron anywhere. Harry came down with Ron laughing and joking when they saw me Harry asked me if we could talk I said okay so Harry and I left to go talk. “I don’t know how to say this Leroy but I do love you but I also love Ron. You see I have known Ron since the first time I got onto Hogwarts Express, and we have loved one another since that night. Leroy I am sorry but I can’t love you when I love Ron, Leroy”. When Harry finished I held back the tears and told him it’s okay I understand. I told him I had to go see Madame Pomfrey to learn when she wanted me to start helping in the Infirmary. He hugged me and we separated, when I knew Harry was out of sight I slid down onto the floor and began to cry. I never did go to the Infirmary truth was I knew I was supposed to start after the New Year.

I walked to the Astronomy Tower and sat in the balcony watching the rain come down. As I sat there I could feel my heart breaking inside, because I truly thought Harry and I had something but it was all a lie. I then thought of Neville and how kind and sweet he has been to me. But the true question there was does Neville and I have a future together or do I just stay to myself and not let anyone get close to me ever again. My mind was telling me no don’t let no one into your heart again it will only be broken again while my heart was telling me yes let someone into it to help mend it. It was late into the evening somewhere around 7:30pm when I headed back to the Gryffindor Tower. No one seems to be around yet so I went up to my dorm room. I fell onto my bed and fell asleep quickly. I felt someone shaking me to wake me up and when I opened my eyes I saw Neville. He had a worried look on his face and when I sat up he sat next to me “I have been looking everywhere for you Leroy, you had me worried. If it wasn’t for Colin telling me you were here I was going to go ask Professor McGonagall if she has seen you. Here I saved you some dinner take it” he handed me a plate of food. I smiled and thanked him, I ate my dinner and I then asked Neville if he and I could talk.

Neville and I left the Gryffindor Tower and went to one of the empty classrooms, where we sat down. I looked into Neville’s eyes and he looked into mine “Neville I want you to know how I feel for you. Yea I thought Harry was the right one for me but you always seem to be there when I needed someone the most. To be honest though Neville I am not sure if I can love someone again for a while, but I would like to try with you” I said to him softly. Neville took my hands and looked at me with his beautiful Hazel Brown eyes “I always knew I was different Leroy and that night on the astronomy tower when we made love, that was my first time and honestly that’s when everything became so clear to me that I really liked it and I like you. You can love whoever you want and I will always love you and wait for you” he said as he stood up and planted his lips to mine. I literally felt a surge of warmth and the wall I just put up around my heart begins to crack and crumble down. I pulled from Neville’s lips and I asked him if we can take it slow. Neville smiled and told me that he will go at whatever speed I want him too. We kissed and made out for another hour or so until we both knew we needed to get back to our Gryffindor Tower. We entered into the tower and we walked right into an argument between, Ron, Harry and Hermione. Hermione was yelling at them both of them. Hermione stopped and looked at us and she had an angry look on her face “and you Leroy, I don’t know where the bloody hell you have been but you look like horrible go and clean up” she yelled at me.

I got into my room and saw Colin sitting down reading his book on Transfiguration. I sat next to him and asked how he was doing. He sat his book down and smiled “Honestly things so far are going great honestly; Christian and I are going to have a romantic picnic near the lake tomorrow. But how are you doing” I told him I am okay Harry and I were no longer together, but Neville and I are getting closer. Colin then got up and hugged me “Don’t worry my big brother you truly are loved and you will find it” he said as he hugged me. I wiped the tears from because hear is someone who has had a rough life and yet no matter what he still tries to make the best of it.

I woke up the next morning feeling like I had just fought with some Dementors. As if on autopilot I went and showered then went down to the Dining Hall and ate some breakfast. I hardly touched my breakfast then I went on with my classes by the time I got to the Charms class I was feeling really sick and the next thing I knew I woke up in the Infirmary with Neville holding my hand. I looked around and asked him what happened and before he could tell me Madame Pomfrey came over and checked my forehead. “Well Mister Wright it looks like the fever is down but I suggest you stay put for at least another day, that poison you had in you sure did a number on you, but at least I caught it in time before it did any permeant damage” she said to me then standing up and going to go check on another patient. I looked at Neville and asked him how long had I been out and he told me for about a week. I was dumb founded I then asked him how was I poisoned; he looked at me and said it was in my hot cocoa at breakfast. I let out a sigh because I just can’t understand who would poison me. Neville told me that Hermione has popped in at least an hour each day. I asked him if he had been here the whole time and he smiled and told me pretty much except to shower and go to classes. I looked around and didn’t see Madame Pomfrey around so I took the chance and pulled Neville close to me and locked his soft loving lips with mine. Madame Pomfrey popped up and smiled her then told us to close the curtains so we can have a little more privacy.

I must have fallen back asleep because the next thing I remember was waking up with Neville’s arms wrapped tightly around me. I smiled and just stayed still not wanting to leave his arms. Madame Pomfrey came to the bed and woke us both up and did a final over look on me and smiled “Well it looks like you are going to be fine Master Wright, I do suggest that you try not to overdo it for the next couple days though, Now Mister Longbottom why don’t you go and get your guy here some clean clothes from his room” she said so Neville got up and left to get me some clothes. Madame Pomfrey looked at me and smiled then she looked around “Mister Wright I must say I am very glad you are okay, and Neville I have never seen him this happy and he hasn’t had so many things go wrong for him to end up here in the infirmary. I want you to know that the life you and Neville have for one another will stay between us. I too know how it feels to hide a secret love life. So if you ever need some advice my door is always open to the both of you” she gave me a small hug then got up and went to her office. Neville came back with some clothes for me since it was a Saturday they weren’t school uniform style. I got dress and Neville and I left the infirmary we made it up to the Gryffindor Tower where we ran into Professor McGonagall she smiled and asked how I was doing and I told her I am feeling much better. She smiled and told us to carry on whatever we were about to do so Neville and I went up to my dorm room.

My hormones were going hay wire by the time we reached my dorm room as soon as we got through the door and shut it I was all over Neville. We made it to the bed and I pushed Neville down on the bed where I straddled on top of him and began to kiss him passionately. Ten minutes later Neville broke from our kiss and asked me if we were ready for this and to be honest I wasn’t sure but all I know is I was letting my hormones control my body. Soon I had Neville’s pants and hot tight briefs around his ankles and began jerking his cock off with my hand. When he got hard I stopped and began to slide his nice thick long dick into my mouth flicking the head of his cock with my tongue. Neville was moaning in no time begging me to stop because he hasn’t had a chance to beat one off in a week. I smirked and took my clothes off and then finished stripping Neville out of his clothes. His breathing began to get shallower so I pulled his cock out of my mouth before he was going to cum. He looked at me a bit hurt so I smiled and put my finger to his mouth and straddled over him and places his head of his dick just at the mouth of my ass and then I sat and shoved his cock deep into my ass. It felt so good a little painful because of his size but I didn’t care I wanted him to fill me with his cum. He made love to my ass for another half hour before I felt that hot warm gushing filling fill my ass. I then shot my load all over Neville’s stomach and chest. When we finished shooting our loads I fell on top of him and kissed him passionately. We lay like that for about an hour then we then cleaned up and got dress and headed down to the common room. Neville helped me catch up on the things I missed for that week and by the time the Third year and above students arrived I had everything done and made up.

Hermione came running to me and hugged me tightly until I told her I couldn’t breathe. She let go and gave me some candy she got at Honeydukes Sweetshop. I thanked her and told her she is going to have to fill me in all that has happened while I was in the Infirmary. I then asked if she could look over some of my pages I had to write for a few classes and she was almost jumping with glee because I asked her. I saw Ron come in with Harry and they didn’t even look at me they headed straight up to their dorm room. Hermione caught me looking and she looked at me sadly and told me it will be alright. Neville stayed right beside me the whole time and the three of us talked for a bit while Hermione showed me a few things to fix on my papers. I fixed all the things she suggested and it was dinner time by the time we got done. We went down to the dining hall and everyone at the Gryffindor table seemed happy to see me everyone but Ron. I glanced over at the Slytherin table and notice the evil and angry look Malfoy was giving me. At the table I took some food but I carefully tested each piece with a mouse I found in my dorm room. Thankfully nothing was poisoned so I enjoyed it all. Neville and I held hands under the table the whole time during dinner and it felt so good to know that someone cared about me this much.

After dinner Neville and I went and turned in all my work that I had made up. When we got to Lupin’s office I knocked but no one answered I looked at the moon and knew the reason but didn’t tell Neville, I pulled my parchment out and enchanted it so once I slid under the door it would fly and land on his desk. I looked at Neville and smiled and we then headed down to the dungeon to Professor’s Snape’s office. I knocked and heard him yell enter, I handed him the two assignments and he looked it over and told me that is all and ushered Neville and I out of his office. As we were heading back Malfoy stopped us “Oh look its Lil Nevy and his faggot lover, hey Nevy when you want to have a big boy dick I know some giants who need to get laid” he said spitefully at Neville. I was pissed at this point I waved my wand and had Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle strung upside down and had an invisible gag placed in their mouths. I looked at him with my blood boiling “Let me make this clear Draco, I know ways to make your life a living hell and I suggest you either stop this stuff right now or I will make sure that your own dick can be detached and fuck you in the ass all night long and every single night” I said to him as I waved my wand and let them fall down. Malfoy looked at me and told me that it’s too bad the poison didn’t kill me. I waved my wand again but it was Neville who beat me to the punch he waved his wand and caused them to go flying backwards. They took off running afterwards and I couldn’t help but laugh and so did Neville.

Later that day Neville and I went to the library to work on Snape’s latest assignment. We saw Hermione sound asleep with her head resting on a book. I softly shook her and woke her up and I told her she was really looking tired, I knew she was taking quite a bit of classes so I told her to come with Neville and I and we will all work on Snape’s assignment together. The three of us sat in the library helping one another with the paper and when we were done we headed up to the Gryffindor Tower to get some rest. Before Hermione left for her room I told her to be careful on over stressing her mind with all the assignments she has to do. She smiled and thanked me for looking out for her. As Neville and I headed to our own room we stopped outside his dorm room door and I kissed him goodnight and told him good night and headed to my room. Colin was sitting on his bed practicing charms in the air, I smiled and waved at him and he waved back causing the water he had twirling in the air fall on his head. I handed him a towel and stripped down to my boxers and went to bed.

I woke early because I had kicked my covers off and I was cold. I got up and put some wood into the wood burning stove and grabbed my towel and headed to the bath. To my surprise there was Harry standing under one of the shower heads and it looked like he had been crying. I walked up to him and asked him what was wrong “Yesterday I overheard Fudge go and he said that Sirius Black was my parents friend and he betrayed them Leroy he was their friend, and because of him they are dead” he said to me. I looked down at the floor and sighed “Harry I need to tell you something and when I tell you this I will be breaking a promise I made to my parents not to say anything. My mom and dad knew your parents, they were good friends, and they also knew Sirius and they know Professor Lupin. They told me that your dad and Sirius were inseparable. I am so sorry Harry about your parents and what you found out I truly am” Harry looked at me shocked then he sighed and hugged me telling me it’s not my fault. We both finished showering and went to our separate rooms.

After I got dressed I waited for Neville to come down he made his way down trying to tie his tie. I went over and quickly tied it for him and he smiled and we headed down for breakfast together. Still a little leery of being poisoned again I took small pieces of my breakfast and fed it to my little mouse. When I knew it was safe I enjoyed a nice breakfast with my friends. Neville had Care of Magical Creatures for his first class and I had Defense Against the Dark Arts for my first class. We managed to sneak into an empty corridor where we kissed one another and wished each other a good time in our classes. We left one another but made plans to meet up for lunch and we left to our separate classes. I got into Defense Against the Dark Arts class and Professor Lupin was sitting at his desk waiting for the rest of the class to come in. I waved to him and he smiled and asked me to come to his desk, he asked how I was and I told him I was feeling much better. He handed me my work I had done and told me good job on the assignment. I took my seat and the rest of the class came in. The day seems to go by rather quickly and before I knew it Charms was over and it was lunch time. I found Neville waiting for me outside the dining hall and his face lit up when I came up to him. We walked in and Hermione waved at us to come next to her.

After we ate lunch Neville and I both was able to get some time to ourselves so we went down to the lake and made out. Since we didn’t have too long we made sure it didn’t go any further than kissing. Unfortunately it wasn’t as long of a lunch as we had liked and we kissed one another good bye and went to our separate classes. I got to the green house just in time and like the first half of the day the rest of the day went fast. Neville told me he had Care of Magical Creatures for his last class so I waited for him near the path that led from the castle to Hagrid’s hut. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder and turned around to find Hermione. I looked at her oddly and said to her “I thought you had Care of Magical Creatures with everyone else?” she smiled and me and said “Yea I do you were so umm deep in thought you didn’t see me walk past you”. I looked at her and I could tell she was lying to me but I left it alone. Neville came up talking to Ron and Harry then he saw me and he smiled and waved at me, I couldn’t help but smile and wave back. Ron looked at me and then to the ground and apologized for his behavior and even though that’s why I wasn’t mad at his attitude I was mad he stole Harry from me but I accepted his apology anyways. So the five walked up to the castle together talking and joking around, we were all looking forward to the Quidditch match this weekend Harry said he had practice tomorrow so he will have to skip Divination tomorrow to practice.

After dinner Neville told me he needed to go see Professor Sprout and even though I wanted to go with him I needed to go work on a paper for History of Magic that was due tomorrow. We made arrangement to meet up near the entrance to the Gryffindor Tower and we went different directions. I made my way to the library to look to see if they had any books on my paper. I went and got the books I needed and by the time I was finished with my paper I felt like I was completely warn out. I gathered my things and headed to go meet up with Neville. I found him walking up to the tower at the same time as me. We went to an empty corridor and kissed for several minutes and all the lack of energy I had was gone, I had this surge of energy hit me as soon as his lips met with mine. We finally had to stop kissing because it was starting to get late and when we were making our way to the tower we noticed that almost the whole house of Gryffindor was outside the entrance, I heard someone say they bet Neville forgot the password again. But that wasn’t the case the Fat Lady was gone from her painting and the painting had been ripped. The teachers came running and Filch found the Fat Lady hiding in another painting. She said that Sirius Black was in the tower and this caused a bunch of talk until Professor Dumbledore told us that all of Hogwarts will be sleeping in the dining hall tonight while the teachers search the school. I saw Harry and he looked almost as white as a ghost, we got into some sleeping bags Dumbledore conjured up and laid down for the night. Neville and I slept right next to one another but we ached to be in one another’s arms.

The next day we were all woken up early so the tables could get set up for breakfast. Dumbledore told us that today’s classes were canceled but the Gryffindor Quidditch team will still have your practice. Professor Lupin asked if Neville and I could assist him today with a few things so we went to his office after breakfast. He smiled and welcomed us as we entered and ushered us to sit down on a couch and relax. He told us he had been watching us and he can see the love between us and if we needed a safe place to come to his room is always open. He then handed Neville a present wrapped up in a gold wrapping paper. Neville looked at him oddly then began to open the present, he pulled out a hand carved wooden frame and inside it was a picture of his mom and dad. Neville broke down in tears and hugged Lupin and told him thank you so much. Lupin then told us stories about when he was in school and when he first met mine and Neville’s parents. It was funny hearing stories about how my dad accidently turned himself purple in potions. We talked and joked a little more than Lupin walked with us towards Gryffindor Tower and he told us he would see us later he needed to go speak with Dumbledore.

When we entered the tower it was completely empty no one was even in the Common Room. Neville and I sat down on the couch near the fireplace and talked about us and life in general. We then got up and decided to go for a walk around the outside of the castle. We walked around the grounds holding hands and enjoying the scenery and each other’s company. We found a quiet secluded place near the lake where we laid down in a small grove of trees and began to kiss. Soon we could feel one another’s hard cocks pushing at one another between our pants. We smirked at one each other and began to take our clothes off, soon we began kissing again while laying naked on a make shift bed of our clothes. Neville turned around and soon we began a hot sixty nine session of sucking each other’s dicks. Neville fed me his load first which led me to feed him all my cock had to give to him. To my surprise he kept all my sperm inside his mouth and then used it as a lube spitting it into my asshole and began to rim my ass with his tongue. I was rocked hard in a matter of minutes and I began to beg Neville to fuck my ass. I felt the head of his dick at the entrance of my hole and then he pushed his full length inside of me and began to make love to me. It was a hot steamy session of love making and by the time he shot his load inside of me we both were so tired and worn out that we dozed off with Neville’s dick still tucked tightly inside my ass.

It was nearing sunset when we awoke and we both really didn’t want to move but we reluctantly got dressed and headed back to the castle. We entered the dining hall and sat next to Hermione she smirked and had a look on her face that said “I know what you two have been doing”. The House Elves of Hogwarts out did themselves on the dinner again they prepared Roasted Boar and Turkeys with tons of potatoes, Italian style mixed vegetables, and puddings. Once Neville, Hermione, and I were done with dinner we left together to head to Gryffindor Tower. We sat down in the Common Room where we worked on some work for potions. Neville wasn’t very good at potions but between Hermione and me we had him on the same level as us. When the clock struck 11:30pm we decided to call it a night and we retired to bed. Neville and I gave each other a quick kiss good night and wish each other pleasant dreams and we left to our own beds.

When I entered my room I found Colin crying into his pillow I went and sat at the corner of his bed and put my hand on his back and asked him what is wrong. He told me he was supposed to meet Christian in the Astronomy tower after dinner and when he got there he saw Christian sucking Malfoy’s dick. I was a bit shocked about all this as well because of how much you can see how Christian loves Colin. I told him to try and relax and I will handle it before the Quidditch Match tomorrow. He sniffled and thanked me and fell asleep with tears still in his eyes. I stayed there for a little longer until I knew he had completely fallen asleep before I retired to my bed and fell asleep dreaming of Neville. When I awoke the next morning I looked over to Colin’s bed and saw he was still asleep and when I looked at my clock noticed it was on 5:35 in the morning. I knew the sun wasn’t supposed to rise for another hour so I quietly slipped out of bed and sneaked into the dorm room that was Neville, Harry, Ron, and Seamus slept. I made my way to Neville’s bed and woke him up quietly. He smiled and whispered to me good morning, I told him to get dress and come with me to watch the sunrise. He quickly pulled his covers off and showed me he was completely naked and slipped on some pants and a shirt. We made our way to the Astronomy Tower and we sat and waited for the sun to rise. We kissed and held one another’s hands and we watched the sunrise. It was magical watching it with someone you love, and I wish I could freeze time and stay like this forever. We headed back to Gryffindor Tower and got some clean clothes and showered together.

When we got down to the dining hall for breakfast it was busy and talk about the match today between Hogwarts and Hufflepuff. After lunch I saw Christian trying to talk to Colin but it wasn’t going well. Neville and I walked over to them and Neville took Colin to go talk with him and I grabbed Christian. We went down to the courtyard and I asked him to explain what happened yesterday. He told me that Malfoy told him that he had seen him and Colin kissing and he forced him to suck his dick or he would send pictures to everyone in the school of him and Colin kissing. I was now pissed but what really got me pissed off the most was when Christian told me Malfoy then used a spell Incarcerous to bind him. He then told me that Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle took turns fucking him and by the time they were done Christian said he was bleeding from his ass and if he has been suffering all night with his ass hurting. I really felt bad for Christian so I did the only thing I can and took him to Professor Lupin and he told us that he had something that can help. Christian was scared that a teacher now knew what happened but Lupin assured him that he was safe there in the office. I excused myself and went to go find Malfoy, I found him, Crabbe, and Goyle laughing and picking on a first year Ravenclaw girl about her pig tails. I pulled my wand out and sent Malfoy and his gang flying backwards. Malfoy got up and looked around and when he saw me he looked scared. He and his gang began to take off but I used the same spell he used on Christian. He then spit at my face and asked me what the hell do I want, I told him I know what he did to Christian was sick and I will make his life miserable. Christian and Lupin came down the hallway and saw me punching Malfoy in the face. Lupin stepped in and pulled me off of him. He told me to go to the Quidditch Game and he will handle Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle.

I made it to the Quidditch field and found Neville, Colin, and Hermione sitting next to one another I came over and Hermione scooped over to let me sit next to Neville. When I sat down I told Neville and Colin what I had found out and Colin looked sad saying he needs to go find Christian. I told him where they should be at and Colin left running to the castle. The match was intense and towards the end of the match it came down to who will catch the golden snitch. Harry was heading right to it when he was attacked by some Dementors which caused him to fall from his broom. McGonagall used a spell to catch Harry from falling from to his death while Dumbledore used the Patronus Charm to cast the Dementors out. McGonagall quickly levitated Harry away to the Infirmary while all of us were taken to our perspective houses. Harry was released that night and when he got to the Common Room he put what was left of his broom into the fireplace. He felt bad for what happen at the match and him letting the Dementors cause him to lose the match. We all told him to not feel bad but I could tell by just looking at his eyes he just couldn’t shake it off. We all went to our beds and called it a night.

The school year began to fly by and soon it was spring time and things seem to be going a little better. Hermione was looking completely warn out and every time I asked her what was wrong she would simply just say she is fine. As for Neville and me we were growing closer every single second in the day. We were able to use our secluded area near the lake making love almost every chance we got. One morning I saw Harry looking a bit distraught and I asked him what was wrong, he told me he found something odd on the Marauders Map but he then told me he is okay though. One day as we were sitting there for breakfast Harry had a new broom dropped in front of him by an owl we were all shocked when we saw it was the firebolt of course Professor McGonagall came over and told Harry that they need to take it to make sure it was safe to use.

Soon it was nearing the end of the school year Hagrid got a notice saying the execution of Buckbeak is going to happen this next weekend. I told him how sorry I was but sadly I had too much homework to make it. I watched Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave for Hagrid’s hut. About 15 minutes after they left Malfoy came running in with a black eye and I knew that one of them must have hit him. Things soon began to get weird the Minister of Magic came to the castle and I saw Lupin slip out of the castle with Snape following behind him quietly. I shook it off and didn’t think about it. When it was nearing nightfall I noticed Harry, Ron, and Hermione still weren’t back when Neville and I got to the dining hall. I also noticed Snape, and Lupin were not back yet either. When the full moon began to show the howl of a werewolf was heard and Dumbledore told us too immediately return back to our houses and not to leave. I really began to worry about my friends I told Professor McGonagall that they were still not back. She told me she would handle it but to stay in the Common Room, Neville and I sat next to one another and waited for what seem like forever. Finally near midnight we heard a loud crash coming from the Astronomy Tower and soon after that Hermione, and Harry came in and Harry looked like he had been through bloody hell and back. Hermione looked just as bad and I knew something happened. They soon filled Neville and me in about what had happened exactly and I was not really shocked about it.

The school year finally came to an end and there were a lot of sad good byes when we all got off of the train at Kings Crossing. Neville and I were going to go back to my home and in a week he will be going with his Grandmother back to her house. My dad dropped us off at the house and told us that he and my mom will not be home for work until tomorrow morning. Neville and I put our things in my room and we began to strip our clothes off and had a quick shower. We ate some stew my mom left for us on the stove and then we went to the couch and began to kiss one another. Soon we had each other’s cocks in our mouths and began to suck on each other. Once Neville shot his load into my mouth first it led me to shoot my load deep into his throat, I quickly began to dig my tongue deep into his hole and lubing and spitting into his ass I truly wanted to feed his ass my cock. Soon I had his ass nice and lubed and I slid out from under him and put the head of my dick at the entrance of his asshole and began to push my dick deep into Neville’s ass. By the time I was fully inside of me he began to pump my cock with his ass. With an hour of feeding Neville’s ass my dick I finally couldn’t hold back any longer and I shot several long massive loads into Neville’s ass. He moaned and shot several huge loads all over his stomach and chest. I waited for my cock to soften and I then slid out and I began to lick Neville’s chest and stomach clean.

We went to my bathroom and took a shower and we kissed and ended up taking turns on sucking one another in the shower which led to yet another stomach full of cum. We were both surprised that we even had enough amount of cum to do that. We dried one another off and headed to my room and bed. As we got into bed I pushed Neville’s soft cock right at the entrance to my asshole and he then wrapped his hands around my body. We fell asleep and in the morning I was woken up by Neville making love to my ass and feeding me a load full of his cum deep into my ass. Once we finished I truly didn’t want to let Neville leave me this summer. We talked and decided that we will talk to my parents and his Grandmother if he can stay for the whole summer. We got dressed and went down and found my mom and dad eating breakfast before they went to bed, we asked them if Neville could stay the summer and both of them had no problem with it. My mom wrote his Neville’s Grandmother a letter and sent it out by owl. My mom and dad then told us they were going to go to bed for a while. Neville and I spent the day doing my chores and by the time my parents got up Neville and I had dinner ready. Just as we all were sitting down for dinner my mom’s owl returned with a message from Neville’s Grandmother, the message said that was find that Neville stayed with us but if he got too out of hand to send him home. We were both so excited that he would be here for the whole summer.

To Be Continued…

Next: Chapter 3

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