Hogwarts Life

Published on Jan 22, 2023


Hogwarts Life 3

Author's Note: This is a fictional story; even though I do not know Daniel Radcliffe’s true sexual origins nor do I have any rights to the Harry Potter stories or the characters within those stories. This is a complete fictional stories and it also contains sex with minors so please keep this in mind when you are reading it. Thank you and I hope you enjoy it.

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Hogwarts Life Chapter 3

Having Neville staying with me the whole summer was exciting, Colin spent most of the summer over at Christian’s house and things were great. My mom and dad treated Neville just like they treated Colin and me. When my mom walked in on Neville and I in the middle of having sex she didn’t get upset or anything. Even though Neville and I were so embarrassed and couldn’t finish what we started. We got dressed and went to talk to my mom to apologize. We found her reading a book while letting the dinner stir itself. She saw us and smiled then sat her book down and told us to come sit, both Neville and I gulped big time as we sat down next to my mom. “Look boys I want to apologize for walking in on you both. I also want you to know that your dad and I know you both are interment with one another and if you like we can make sure you have your time if you like. Leroy your dad and I have been talking about cleaning up the attic for some time and you know it used to be a bedroom and it has its own bath and sitting area. So I will talk to your dad and see about making that your own place. All I ask until then is to make sure you lock your bedroom door while you guys are having sex” she said to us. Neville and I both were red and we got up and hugged my mom and told her thank you and we will do that. Once that was over my mom told us to go set the table and check on dinner while we are right there.

Dinner was delicious my mom made spaghetti and cheese bread. Neville and I cleaned the table off and did the dishes then we sat and spent the rest of the night hanging out with my parents. The next morning the owls with our new class schedules came along with the Daily Prophet. I looked at the front page as my dad picked it up and almost gasped it said that the death eaters had attacked the campground at the Quidditch Cup match. My dad looked and just as he was about to read the article the fire in the fireplace began to spit and a woman’s face in the fire appeared. It was one of the nurses at the hospital and she told my parents that they are needed immediately at the hospital because more injured people were coming in by the minute. My mom told us she would get a hold of Neville’s grandmother and see if she can take us to Diagon Alley to get our new school supplies and if she can’t she told us she will get Remus to take us. Both my parents left and a half hour later my mom sent a message saying Remus will be taking Neville and I to Diagon Alley and we are to meet both Colin and Christian there. She told me both of them will be coming back with us that way we can all make it to the train station at the same time.

Remus showed up about an hour after my parents told us he would be coming and he looked a little bit worn out. I asked him how he was doing and he smiled saying he will be fine he just has not slept that great last few nights. We made our way to the Leaky Cauldron and went through the entrance to Diagon Alley that way. We met Colin, Christian and his parents at Gringotts Bank where we got some money for all our school books. Remus still seemed a bit out of it so I suggested for him to go back to the Leaky Cauldron and get a room so he could get a little sleep, he seemed very happy about this and left us four alone. We were all getting fitted for our new robes when Ron, Harry, and Hermione came in to the shop. We waited for them to get their robes and the seven of us continued getting our things. We were all discussing about whom our new Defense against the Dark Arts professor would be and then we discussed about what happened at the Quidditch Game. Both Neville and I were shocked when Harry and Ron told us they were there and what happened exactly. When we finally got all of our things I told them I needed to go back to the potions shop because I had forgotten a few things that I need so Neville, Colin, Christian and I headed back to the potion shop and got the things I needed. We met Remus at the Leaky Cauldron and had some dinner there and then he got us back to my house just as my parents arrived back home. My dad fell backwards into his recliner and sighed and my mom sat on the couch they both looked exhausted. Colin and Christian went to Colin’s room while Neville and I made my parents some stew and then we left them and Remus alone to talk.

A couple days later it was time to head back to Hogwarts both my mom and dad saw us off. Neville, Colin, Christian and I were able to find a room to ourselves so once we were seated we cuddled into our lovers arms and fell asleep. When the snack cart came I got us all some snacks and we sat small talking and laughing about things. I was still a bit surprise that Dumbledore had Mad-Eye Moody as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Neville told us that he was going to be helping Professor Sprout a lot this year and he was also looking forward to taking Muggle Studies. When we all got to Hogsmeade station Hagrid were there waiting for the first years like always. While the rest of us got onto the horseless carriages and headed towards Hogwarts.

Once the first years got sorted and the typical rules got said Dumbledore told us this year is going to be a special year because Hogwarts will be hosting the Triwizard Tournament and therefore we will be sharing the school with Beauxbatons Academy of Magic and Durmstrang Institute that will begin after Halloween. We were told the rules would be explained soon to us once the other schools arrive to Hogwarts. Dumbledore then went on to introduce Professor Moody as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. When I saw him something just didn’t seem right with him, I noticed him drinking from a flask and that was not Moody at all. I decided to shake off the feeling I was having. Once we were all done eating the new Perfects were told take the houses to their assigned areas where the each head of the houses will address the first years about sleeping arrangements and how they are assigned. I was excited because this year was the year I could go to Hogsmeade with Neville, he went a few times last year without me but he always came back early because he said it was boring without me. We made our way up the moving staircase with the rest of the house of Gryffindor and since everyone but the first years knew where we would be staying at we left them to have the usual welcome and talk by Professor McGonagall. Colin, I, and a few other third years headed to our rooms and I was surprised to see that we had a couple other third years in our dorm room. I put my things away where they all went and undressed and went to bed.

I woke up early the next morning before anyone else in my room like always and gathered my things to take my shower. What I saw as I entered the bathroom totally discussed me and something that you would never expect coming from students in Gryffindor. Several fifth year students were gang banging on a first year student and calling him faggot, cock lover, dick licker, and the names continued. I ran towards them in the shower and tackled two of them and started pounding my fists into their faces. I felt the other four grab me and before I could do anything the bathroom door swung open with Neville and Harry with their wands out stupefying the fifth year students. I picked up the first year student and Neville came back in with a cloak to cover him up and we took him to the Infirmary. Madame Pomfrey came running to us and asked us what happened and I relayed what I saw. She wrote everything down and then asked if I could help her with the young boy. I smiled and told her of course and I helped her begin to examine the first year. We soon found out his name was Malik Thornkin and he was the son to a nurse who worked in the hospital with my parents. Malik had several tears inside his ass, broken ribs, and a broken tail bone. Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore came in and they were not happy at all, in fact I don’t think I have ever seen Professor McGonagall in the last two years I have been here so red with fury. Neville and I were then told to go get dress and go have breakfast.

As we entered the Gryffindor Tower Harry came and asked us if everything was okay and we told him he will be fine. Hermione, Ron, Harry, Colin, Neville and I went down together to the dining hall to have our breakfast and to receive our schedules on what classes we will have on what days. I noticed I had Care of Magical Creatures up first followed by Divination and so on. Neville, Ron, Harry, and Hermione had almost the same schedule as each other except for Divination Hermione and Neville had other classes. We sat and talked for a little longer until it was time for me to head towards Hagrid’s hut for class. Since Neville, Harry, Ron, and Hermione had Herbology I walked with them for a little while until the path forked and we had to separate, Neville looked around and saw that the five of us were alone and he kissed me telling me he will see me at lunch. I smiled big and told him to be good and don’t upset the plants and he stuck his tongue at me as he and the other three left to the greenhouse. I noticed Hagrid carrying several pails of Flobberworms and I couldn’t help but laugh because they were such ugly things. We were all told to gather round and we sat discussing how to take care of Flobberworms and what to do and what not to do with them. When class ended and I began heading back to the castle I crossed paths with my friends and Neville. The smile and waved as I made my way to Divination.

The rest of the day seems to fly by and even though I only saw Neville just for a few minutes between classes and at lunch but that was enough for me to get through the day. By the end of the day near dinner time we were all talking about our day and classes. I was asked how I like Divination and I told them it was boring as all get out. Hermione suggested that I see if I can try something different I told her I would do that and talk with McGonagall afterwards about it. Neville offered to go with me to McGonagall’s office so once we finished eating we made our way to her office. When we got their McGonagall smiled warmly and welcomed us in and I talked with her about my classes. We decided instead of Divination I will take Study of Ancient Runes and to help me have another Elective I will help in the Infirmary. She then filled us in about Malik and told us he will be returning back to the Tower by tomorrow afternoon. She then asked Neville and me if we would mind bringing him under our wings and help him out. She then began to tell us that she knows about us and so does some other teachers and they are behind us. We smiled and thanked her and headed to the Infirmary to see Leroy and talk with him. Madame Pomfrey greeted us and told us he was awake but not wanting to talk much but we are more than welcome to see him. We walked up to the bed and Malik looked at me and jumped from his bed and hugged me and told me thank you so much. We sat with him for a while then we headed to the tower so we could get some sleep.

The following day seem to drag onward and when it came time to potions I noticed Snape was his ever so cranky self. Neville and I worked on our potion together and we passed because it was the right color and the smoke was correct as well. Ron and Harry had a red smoke and their potion was more like fig pudding color. Hermione and her partner passed, we all burst out laughing when Malfoy’s potion gave Snape a snout. That caused for each house to get points deducted 25 points but it was so worth seeing Snape have a snout. After class was over Neville and I headed down to the Infirmary to go see Malik. He saw us and he looked really happy to see the two of us. As we got there we started talking and come to find out he didn’t live that far from Neville’s grandmother’s house. He told us about his family how both his parents were both half-bloods. We talked a little longer and got him to open up to Neville and I about what exactly happened the morning I found him getting gang raped by the other students. Once Madame Pomfrey gave Malik the okay to leave we headed up to Professor McGonagall’s office so Malik and her could talk. Once they were done the three of us headed to the common room and relaxed for the rest of the night. Hermione, Harry, and Ron came in through the picture entrance and the sixth of us talked for a little while longer until we all got tired and went to bed.

It was nearing Halloween when Dumbledore told us that we will be having the other two schools sharing Hogwarts with us for the Triwizard Cup. It was amazing watching them come to Hogwarts one came by carriages with flying Pegasus’s and the other by an enchanted ship. When they arrived we were told that only those seventeen or older may cross a magical ring that would allow students to put their names in the cup. A couple days later Fred and George made up a potion to make them older and tried putting their names in the cup but they were shot backwards and both given beards and looked really old this caused everyone to laugh. Then Krum from Durmstrang Institute came in and put his name in the cup, I recognized him from the Daily Prophet he was a great Quidditch player. Cedric put his name into the cup and we were all excited he was hot but not as hot as my Neville. The time finally came to draw the representatives’ to play in the Triwizard Tournament. The first name was Fleur Delacour to represent Beauxbatons Academy of Magic; the next name was Viktor Krum to represent Durmstrang Institute, and then Cedric to represent Hogwarts. When we thought the names were finished the cup began to shoot flames up again and then shot out a fourth name, this was not normal when Dumbledore read the name it was Harry Potter’s name. All three schools and all of us students began to whisper about Harry’s name coming out of the Cup. I knew that something wasn’t right about it because Harry looked scared when he was called forward.

Almost all of us in Gryffindor believed Harry about not having someone put his name inside the cup but Ron however was furious and didn’t believe Harry at all. After Ron pretty much ripped Harry a new one in front of everyone Harry took off out of the common room while Ron went to a chair and sat there in his anger. Neville and I told Hermione we will go talk to Harry and she said she will talk to Ron. Malik told us that he and Colin will stay together that way we can talk to Harry and both of Neville and I smiled and told him thanks. We found Harry crying in an empty classroom that was filled with chairs. Neville and I went and sat at each side of Harry and wrapped our arms around him. Harry just sat there and cried telling us that he doesn’t know how his name got in the goblet that he swears that on his parents’ grave. We knew right then that someone wanted Harry dead and this was a way for them to have it done. We comforted him for a couple hours until the three of us were getting really tired. Instead of us heading back to the Gryffindor Tower we transformed the some of the chairs into a huge king size bed. We stripped out of our robes and clothes and got into bed putting Harry in the middle of Neville and me.

I was the first to wake up I could feel arms wrapped around my waist and a morning woody pressing against my ass cheeks. I grabbed my pocket watch I sat on the floor next to the bed we made and saw it was only 5:25am. Since it was a Saturday I knew we didn’t have to be up early for classes. I snuggled Harry’s dick tighter into my cheeks and I heard him moan softly. Neville woke up and whispered to me asking if I was awake. I told him I was and he told me he is really horny and that’s when we got the idea to have our way with Harry. I slipped out from under the covers and pulled the covers off of Harry and Neville and I began to suck on his balls. Soon Harry was fully awake and moaning begging us to just suck him off. So Neville and I began to switch off sucking on Harry’s cock and licking his nipples. Soon we were gifted by Harry’s sperm filling our stomachs. Then Neville and I winked at one another and Neville began drilling his tongue into Harry’s ass. Harry in return began rimming me with his tongue and soon Neville stopped and pushed his hard dick deep into Harry’s ass and I took a hold of Harry’s dick and pushed it deep into my ass. As Neville began fucking Harry, Harry was fucking me. It didn’t take long when I felt Harry filling my ass with his cum and I knew Neville was doing the same to Harry by the sound of Neville gasping.

We laid there with Neville’s dick resting snugged deep inside Harry and Harry still inside of me. We finally got up and then got dressed and made our way down to the dining hall. Dumbledore informed the four Triwizard Champions that they will be interviewed today by Rita Skeeter from the Daily Prophet. Ron still wouldn’t talk to Harry and I could tell it was going to be some hard times ahead for Harry. Hermione was furious with Ron and she made sure he knew it. Hermione left after breakfast, Neville, Malik and I stayed a little longer and talked. Once we were finished the three of us went to talk to Professor McGonagall about forming some type of group for gay males. She sat there for a while and told us she has no problem with it but we must personally go and get Dumbledore’s permission. She sent him a message through the fireplace saying the three of us wanted to talk to him and he told her to have us come up and the password to his office is Butter Pecan. We left McGonagall’s office and headed to the Gargoyle statue that guarded the Head Masters office the password and it moved out of the way revealing the stairway to the office. We entered and were greeted by Dumbledore offering us some tea. We sat and talked to Dumbledore about the group we wanted to form and he happily agreed that it was a great idea. He told us he will bring it to the Head of the Houses and have them bring it up inside each house on a quieter manner. We then left and took Malik to mine and Neville’s spot near the lake.

After sitting and talking we then began to grow hungry as we made our way to the castle we saw Cornelius Fudge head up to the castle steps and go into the castle. We got inside and made our way to the dining hall for lunch. When Krum walked into the dining room I felt my dick stiffen up immediately and I could tell by the tightness of his pants even when he was soft he was well endowed down where it counts. I quickly shook those feelings out of my head because I had the man of my dreams and that’s Neville. Near the end of the day McGonagall pulled Malik, Neville, and me aside and told us that Dumbledore had told the heads of the houses that a group to support gay students is forming so please pass it along. She told us we could meet in an empty class room up on the fifth floor and if we need any teacher to throw some of the pink powder near the fireplace in the classroom. We thanked her and she told us that there might be some students who may not like this group so be on alert. We grabbed Hermione since she was better with charms than the rest of us and headed to the classroom where we set up protected charms to stop students from harming others inside the room. We then put a charm that would cause the person’s wand to fly up and stick to the roof if they draw it on someone. Once we set all the right charms and spells we left to the common room. Neville put up a flyer on the bulletin board about the group and said that it will be kept quiet about who joins and if someone comes into the room with malicious attention will be thrown out of the room and once they get thrown out through the door they will have no memory of what they came their for.

The week after we posted the fliers in each house Neville, Malik, Colin, and me went to the classroom to wait for the rest of the students who wanted to join show up. Around 2:30 we had besides us 4 students from Gryffindor, 5 from Hufflepuff, 2 from Ravenclaw and one from Slytherin. Harry came and everyone seemed okay with that as well. I burst out laughing when Malfoy tried coming in with his buddies while picking on the student who was from Slytherin in fact they were thrown backwards and skidding down the hallway. Neville, Harry and I stepped out of the classroom and pointed our wands at Malfoy and his pals and told them to leave, and they took off running saying this isn’t over. The first meeting went well we decided to have one every two weeks and by the time it was over we had elected a rep for each house and they would be in charge of talking to each house and helping others to help them come to terms and join the group. Once we were finished everything was set and we were all left to our different houses.

The time for the first Triwizard Tournament contest was about to begin thanks to some insight from Ron’s brother Charles we found out it was dragons. During the contest we watched everyone fight their dragon and when it came down to Harry we were all excited. Harry used his wand and called for his broom and when we thought it was over and he had gotten the egg the dragon broke free from its chain and took off after Harry. We watched Harry take off flying towards the castle with the dragon right behind him. Everyone was scared because this was not supposed to happen. What seemed like hours but was really only 15 minutes Harry reemerged with no dragon chasing him and grabbed the egg. We had a huge party in the common room for Harry and we told him to open the egg and when he did it made a horrifying screeching noise. Ron came in and yelled towards Harry and everyone went quiet, Fred got the room back under control and told everyone to go do whatever we normally do because there will be plenty of celebrations to come. I watched Harry and Ron go off out of the common room and I truly hoped it would work out for them. Neville and I told one another good night and gave each other a kiss and then we kissed Malik on the side of the cheek and wished him good night.

The next morning was back to class schedules and today I was excited because it was just two classes today first History of Magic but for the afternoon Herbology and today we are working on gathering herbs inside the Forbidden Forest so that means Neville will be with us since he was shadowing Professor Sprout to broaden his knowledge in Herbology. The funniest thing about History of Magic is the Professor who teaches it is dead he is a ghost. When class was over I made my way through the huge amount of students and found Neville sitting down at the Gryffindor table and when he saw me he waved to me to come sit next to him. When the students from the other school came in we gave them acknowledgement and went back to eating. Once Neville and I finished eating we waited for Malik and Colin to finish and since Malik had potions for the next three hours we walked him to his class and then Colin, Neville and I went down to the Greenhouse. Professor Sprout along with Hagrid were there waiting for all of us to arrive and once we were all there we made our way to the forest. We were all having a good time and we saw some unicorns, and centaurs along with a few other magical creatures. We gathered all the plants that Professor Sprout needed and she was so happy about them and I could see that same happiness in Neville’s eyes as well. We were dismissed once we cleared the forest and given permission to go enjoy the rest of the fall day before it started getting cold.

Neville and I decided to head down to the lake to our spot and once we got there we lay down and cuddled into one another. As we stayed in each other’s arms my mind wandered to Harry and I was hoping he and Ron made up. Neville kissed my head and asked what I was thinking about. I told him and he smiled and told me that there is no way Ron can stay mad at Harry and I agreed with him. We stayed there until it began to get darker and the air was growing colder and we got up and made it back to the castle. When we got to the Dining Hall we found a spot near Hermione, and Malik, I saw Harry and Ron and they looked like they worked everything out. Dinner was served and I was happy to see it was soup and cornbread. Malik, Neville and I headed back to the Gryffindor Tower while Hermione headed to do some homework and research in the library. As we turned the corner of the first floor I caught Malfoy messing with another Slytherin telling him he either sucks his dick or he will use the Imperius Curse on him and force him to do it. I grabbed my wand and so did Neville and me disarmed Malfoy of his wand and stupefied him. Malik ran and got Professor McGonagall; once McGonagall, Snape and Malik arrived I had Malfoy begging me to just let him go. Snape quickly disarmed me and ran to Malfoy to see if he was okay. Of course Malfoy made it sound that we attacked him for no reason but since it was four people’s word against his Snape had no choice but to give Malfoy detention.

McGonagall had us take the Slytherin student to the Infirmary to go have Madame Pomfrey. When we arrived Madame Pomfrey looked at us and just shook her head telling us to go help the student to the bed over in the corner. We got the student to the bed and I Malik wouldn’t let Crammer go. I could see it in his eyes and the way the two looked at one another you could feel the love binding between each other. Neville and I left Malik and the student Malfoy was messing with alone. As Neville and I made our way to the Gryffindor Tower Professor McGonagall called us and asked us to follow her to Professor Dumbledore’s office, we did what we were told and made our way there. We had to repeat exactly what happened and what we saw and he wasn’t mad instead he gave Gryffindor House 100 points to thank us for watching out for our fellow students. By the time we made it back to the Gryffindor common room everyone had made it to bed. Neville and I exchanged kisses and headed to our rooms.

The next day we were told that Professor McGonagall will be teaching us how to waltz. When we were in the room where she wanted us to meet she told us about the Yule Ball. I already knew how to dance so this wasn’t going to be too hard. We took turns learning the proper dance to start the ball off and by the end of the session we were all doing great. After the class McGonagall told us that there were two Gryffindor women who were in love and to be on the safe side we should ask them to dance but let them stay together without suspension being raised. We asked the two and they agreed that it would be a great idea. The ball was scheduled to be right before holiday break. Ron and Hermione got themselves dates and Hermione told us that Krum had asked her to the ball. The ball was awesome most of us danced our hearts out. I noticed both Ron and Harry looked bored just sitting there. Then I heard Hermione get after Ron and then I saw both Ron and Harry storm off. Neville and I didn’t get back to the Gryffindor Tower way past 3am. We danced one slow dance together in the common room then kissed and went to bed.

A couple days later the holiday break had finally come and Colin, Neville, and I were going to be going to my house. My parents told us that Neville was going to be staying with us for now on because his Grandmother felt she was getting too old and couldn’t take care of him anymore. Neville was a bit hurt but this meant that Neville and I would be living together like a real couple. Christian invited Colin over to his parents’ house on Christmas day so he wouldn’t be around for too long during the break. It was night time by the time the train arrived at Kings Crossing, and I was happy to see both my parents waiting for us. We got hugs from my parents and soon we were stepping inside the warmth of my home. My parents had the house all decorated for the holidays and it was beautiful and the smell of apple cider simmering on the stove. We quickly got our things to the rooms and came down and sat with mom and dad in front of the fireplace and told them about school. Dad told us that tomorrow he would like to take Neville to go see his parents tomorrow if he would like too. Neville eagerly accepted and asked me if I could come because he wants to introduce me to them.

It was the next morning and Neville, I, and Colin made breakfast for the parents and we made sure our beds were made as well. When mom and dad came down and sat down to enjoy breakfast. Mom waved her hands after dinner and magically had the dishes clean in no time. My dad took Neville and me to the hospital and Neville showed me to his parents’ room and introduced me to them. See Neville’s parents were tortured with the Cruciatus Curse which caused them to go insane. They still tried to show love for Neville but you could tell that they were not all there at all. Neville introduced me as his boyfriend and they just smiled and looked at the roof, we really didn’t think they got everything we told them but the love was still there. We left the hospital and stopped to get a few things for dinner and some Christmas Presents. As Neville left to go buy me something my dad pulled me aside “Leroy Son I must say that since you and Neville have been together you seem to be happy as you ever have. I must tell you something and that is well your mom and I have a special gift for you and Neville and I hope you will like it” I told him I am sure it will be a great present and he hugged me and we went to go find Neville. Neville was just walking out of a store when my dad and I found him we asked if he had everything and he told us yes so we headed home.

Mom and Colin had some stew and biscuits waiting for us when we got home and it tasted delicious and warmed us up from the cold bitter winter cold. Neville and I cleaned the dishes and brought over some nice hot warm cocoa to everyone and we sat and played games. It began to snow that night and what a snow storm it was thank goodness for magic otherwise we would all have been snowed in. Christmas day was great Lupin had shown up and spent the day with us. We began opening our presents and the gift I cherished most was the one from Neville. When I opened his present I found a chain with a new pocket watch and inside the watch was engraved “our hearts and mind are one and you have my heart forever, Love Neville”. I got up and hugged him and kissed him and he turned beet red. I gave Neville my gift which was a silver ring and inside was engraved “you are my everything, Love Leroy”. Both mom and dad were wiping their eyes from tears of joy. Colin opened his gifts and he began to cry as well because the things he got he said meant more than anything he has ever gotten because it was from his family. Mom and dad called Neville and I over to them and when we got up they handed us a small box and told us to open it together. We opened it and inside the box was a skeleton key and my dad told us that it unlocked the attic so go have a look. We got up and hugged both my parents thanking them both and ran to go see our new room.

When Neville and I turned the key to the attic we were not sure what to expect. As soon as we stepped through the threshold the lights came on revealing that the attic had been turned into our own private suite. My parents had set up a bathroom with a nice big walked in shower and Jacuzzi tub, the bedroom had a nice big four poster king size bed and they had even add our own kitchen. I grabbed Neville and pulled him out of that attic and then I picked him up and carried him through the threshold to our own private loft. We made love to one another like there was no tomorrow for almost five hours straight until we both passed out from exhaustion. Neville woke me up that morning by kissing my neck telling me he had breakfast ready for us. I was about to get dress when he laughed and told me he used our kitchen and we can sit at the table naked if we like. I got up and we sat at the table eating hot warm biscuits, gravy and coffee. I must say Neville is quite a cook. I asked him when did he learn to cook and he said his Grandmother taught him because she hated cooking. We both cleaned the kitchen up and headed to the shower. I began to wash Neville’s back when I felt my dick hardening up and it began pushing against Neville’s ass. Neville turned around and began giving me head. We exchanged blow jobs and shot our loads into one another’s mouths. We finished showering and got dressed and headed down to the rest of his house. Mom smiled at us as we made it to the living room and asked us how we like our new place and we told her we absolutely loved it. She smiled and told us that she was taking Colin to Christian’s house on the way to work and asked if we could take care of cleaning the house up. I kissed her cheek and told of course we can and she thanked us and headed out. Neville and I cleaned the house today and shoveled the snow away from the house. I told Neville I can’t wait to be seventeen and be able to use magic anytime.

The rest of the break went great and the time to go to Hogwarts came at last. We hugged both my parents and told them good bye and we will see them soon. Colin and Christian showed up and were happily walking down the loading platform holding hands. The four of us got into the car and found a room and sat down. The ride back to Hogwarts was relaxing we order some food from the snack trolley and then slept the rest of the way. Once we got to Hogwarts we met up with our friends and Harry told us that he still had to find out what the clue to the next Triwizard Contest is. We told him he can do it he just needs to clear his mind and it will come to him. The couple weeks Harry kept trying to figure it out until finally Cedric gave him a hint about taking a bath in the Prefect’s bathroom. Harry came back a couple hours later saying he had found out that there are mermaids in the lake near the school. Harry told us he just now needed to find something that would allow him to breathe under water. Classes went on and the snow had melted away when Neville came running in to the library saying there may be a way for Harry to do breathe under water. He told him about a plant and told him he can get it for him. The day of the contest Neville had gotten Harry the plant but Hermione was nowhere to be found.

We got to the lake and once everyone was there Dumbledore announced that early this morning something was taken from each contestant and now they must go under water and retrieve it. The contestants got into position and before Dumbledore could say at the sound of the cannon Filch set the cannon off prematurely. Neville and I watched as Harry dived into the water and what seemed like hours but was only a couple minutes Harry jumped out of the water and dove back in. I looked at Neville and saw the scared look on his face that began to relax some. We all waited to see who was going to get first place when we saw Fleur came back up gasping for air and saying she can’t do it. She was handed a blanket to warm herself up. About 5 minutes later Cedric reemerged with Cho Chang. Soon Krum came up with Hermione leaving Harry left in the lake. All of a sudden Ron and Fleur’s sister reemerged but not Harry. All of a sudden Harry came bursting out of the water landing on the platform. Once Harry was looked over Professor Dumbledore called the teachers and judges together. When Professor Dumbledore came back he got everyone’s attention he announced that Cedric is first place winner and seeing that Harry was going to be second but he chose to stay and free Fleur’s sister. So they appointed Harry as second place and Krum in third place. There was a lot of boos then and Professor Dumbledore dismissed everyone back to the castle. Harry came up and hugged Neville told him thank you so much for the help and then he ran and caught up with Ron and Hermione. Neville and I walked slowly to the castle and once inside I kissed him good bye and I made my way to the Infirmary wing to work on my internship there. Madame Pomfrey smiled as I walked in and she asked if I could start with changing the sheets on the beds. By the time it was dinner I was completely wiped out. It took every bit of energy I had left to make it to the Dining Hall for dinner and by the time I reached the Gryffindor table I could barely move. I sat down and Neville asked if I was okay and I told him I was really tired, he took a napkin and wrapped a sandwich and some cookies up. He then took my hand and told me he will help me to the Gryffindor Tower. We got to the tower and Neville helped me up to my dorm room and there he did the most romantic thing he fed me my dinner.

I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up I felt warm arms wrapped around me. I turned my head and found Neville next to me I felt at ease and peaceful. Neville began to stir and I kissed him good morning and he smiled and we laid there kissing one another for several minutes. We finally got up and made it to the bathroom and took a shower. I couldn’t help but feel nothing but lust for Neville and I knew that I really needed to have him today. We kissed one another one more time and we departed ways so we could get dress. By the time I got dressed and made it to the common room I found Neville waiting for me. I took his hand and we made it down to the Dining Hall for breakfast. We saw Harry and he looked like he had a rough night. When I asked him if he was okay Dumbledore got everyone’s attention and told us all that last night Barty Crouch Sr. was found dead. The room broke out into millions of conversations and Dumbledore finally got everyone’s attention again and told us that classes will resume back to normal schedule tomorrow morning that made a lot of us let out a big boo. Once Dumbledore got done talking Neville and I turned back to Harry who told Neville and I exactly what happened and what he felt and how he found Crouch. We talked a little more before I needed to head to the library to do a paper for History of Magic. Neville and I got up and when we were near the castle door we kissed and I watched him leave to go check on his things he has been growing in the greenhouse.

As I sat in the library doing my paper Hermione came down and sat down beside me. She asked me if she could talk to me about something, I of course told her she can talk to me about anything. She looked around and then she looked at me “Leroy I don’t know who else to talk to about this and you are the closest friend I have that I can talk to this about. See I am getting mix feelings from somebody and yet I know he is somewhat with someone else. The problem is this person is constantly making me feel stupid at times. I just don’t know what to do about this Leroy”. I could see the confusion and the frustration in her eyes about everything. I knew who she is talking about so I sat my quill down and combed my fingers through my hair and then I turn to Hermione “Hermione I know you are talking about Ron and by the look of shock on your face I can tell that I am right so here is what you do. I can get you a dose of Veritaserum and yes I know it is illegal for students to have it and that it’s not to be used on students. Get Ron alone maybe a nice picnic in the astronomy tower put a small amount in some butter beer there you ask him about his true feelings. If you don’t want to this now is the time to say so”. She looked down and she bit down on her lower lip I could tell she is thinking about it. Finally she looked over both her shoulders “Okay than let’s do it because I really got to know”. She got up and hugged me and told me thank you. I hugged her back and told her where to meet me. I finished up my paper and made my way to the Gryffindor Common Room. I found Harry sitting down in one of the chairs so starring at the fire. I went and asked him if by any chance I could borrow the Marauder’s map and he smiled and handed it over to me and told me to just make sure I return it back to him.

I looked around near the potions classroom then I pulled out the map and found that Snape was in Dumbledore’s office so I quickly went to his private potion room and found the Veritaserum. I quickly grabbed the empty vial I had in my pocket and put a couple drops in it once I had enough I put it back and quickly made my way to the spot where I would meet Hermione. I found Hermione waiting in the spot where we discussed to meet and I handed her the vial and she smiled and thanked me again. I told her to go and get the answers she needed. I made my way back to the Gryffindor Common room and found Harry still in the chair. I went up to him and gave him back the map and told him thank you. I asked him if he is okay and he told me “I have this gut feeling that something really bad is about to happen. Every time I get these feelings they are always right on”. I sat in the chair beside him “Harry if you know something is about to happen than its time to try and get a hold of someone and talk to him about it” with that I got up and winked at Harry and he knew who I meant. I left the Common room to go meet up with Neville for dinner just as I made it to the first floor Neville came in through the door. He looked at me and smiled I stretched out my hand to him to take and we went into the dining hall to have dinner.

At dinner Neville and I discussed the next meeting for our group and we came up with a time and place. We quickly went to get the okay from Professor McGonagall and she gave us permission to use the same room we used before she then offered to help us with the flyers for all the House Common Rooms. Once we were done making the flyers Professor McGonagall took the flyers and told us he would hand them to the other Professors to have them hang them up. We left her office and went to go set up the same charms as last time. Once the charms and protection spells were cast Neville and I headed up to the Gryffindor Tower to relax. On our way through the entrance to the common room Hermione tapped me on the shoulder and asked if I could talk for a minute. I told Neville I would be right back and he kissed my cheek and told me to not get lost. Hermione and I walked around the fifth floor until finally we stopped and she looked around “so I used the potion on Ron and the feelings I was getting from him are true he does love me BUT he said he also loves Harry as well. I asked him who does he love the most and he told me that he is not sure, Oh Leroy I just don’t know what to do anymore” Hermione broke down crying. I hugged her and told her she just needs to keep trying to show Ron that she loves him. She told me she will and we went back to the Common Room. I sat with Neville in front of the fireplace for a little while until it was time for bed. It took everything we had to not want to climb in the same bed with one another but knowing that we can’t do it all the time we kissed at his door and I watched him enter through the door and I went to my room.

That night I had a dream that something was going to go bad during the last part of the Triwizard Cup. By the time it was time to get up in the morning I had roughly about two hours sleep. I dragged myself out of bed and went through my normal morning routine. When I got back to my room to get dress I found a note on my bed. I opened the note and read it “You are treading in dark water my friend, I know about your dream. Nothing gets pass me and you will not tell anyone unless you want something to happen to the ones you loved...” I took a big gulp of air and I could feel my chest tightening up and my heart racing. I really didn’t know who wrote me this letter and it scared me even more that this person knew about my dream last night. I threw the note into the wood burning stove and got dress. I found Neville waiting for me down in the common room waiting for us to go down to breakfast together. When I got to him he looked at me and asked me if I was okay I told him yea just got a small headache. Neville kissed my head and said to me “there all better”. We got to the dining hall and had breakfast Hermione kept looking at me from across the table and mouthing to me wondering if I was okay. I told her I was fine just not feeling the greatest. Neville and I reluctantly separated to go to our classes and promised to meet up for lunch. Once I separated from Neville and went to my classes I felt like I was on autopilot through the day. Even during lunch I couldn’t stop thinking about the note that was left on my bed. By the time it was dinner time I was feeling sick to my stomach and my head was spinning. I told Neville I wasn’t feeling good and needed to go lay down. He walked me to my room and helped me get undress and into my bed. I fell right to sleep. I ended up having the same dream again that night and this time I woke up screaming; causing me to wake up my fellow roommates.

Knowing I couldn’t keep this to myself anymore I got up and went to go talk to Professor McGonagall. To my surprise as I left the Gryffindor Tower I ran right into her she looked at me “Mr. Wright I hope you have a very good excuse to be out of your bed” she said to me. I told her I was actually coming to find her I needed to talk to her. She looked at me and told me to follow her to her office. Once we entered I told her what I needed to tell her has to be taken carefully because it can affect the ones I love. She looked at me oddly then she pulled her wand out and casted some spells and charms in the room telling me not even Moody can see what is going on in here now. I took a deep breath and told her about the note, she asked me for the note and I told her what I did with it. She got up and told me we need to inform Dumbledore about the note and my dream. I followed her to Dumbledore’s office and she gave the gargoyle the password and we went in. Dumbledore was sitting at his desk when we entered and right away he offered us some tea. When McGonagall told him that we need to talk to him about something but it needs to be talked about privately he waved his wand muting the room and casting the same spells McGonagall did in her office. I told him about my dream and then the note. Once I finished telling him about everything he got up and paced the floor thinking. Finally he stopped and turned to me “Leroy I would like to do something I want to get your memory from you and use the Pensieve to see it” I told him okay no problem. He took his wand to my head and a silver string came out from my head. Dumbledore went to the Pensieve and put it in and he visited my memory. He then looked at McGonagall and told her to get Professor Snape. He asked me to wait in his office with him.

Snape showed up with McGonagall looking a bit upset that he was woken up from his bed. When he saw me he asked Dumbledore what this was all about I was not his student. Dumbledore went into detail on everything that I told him and had Snape look into the Pensieve to verify everything. Snape gave Dumbledore an odd look when he saw the memory and asked if I knew who sent it. I told him I have no idea. Dumbledore waved his wand over the fireplace and I watched some ashes came flying out of it and the letter I burned rematerialized right before my eyes. I watched Dumbledore and Snape perform several spells but nothing revealed who it was. Snape asked Dumbledore if he wanted to get Professor Moody, and Dumbledore said not at this time he needs to be careful who he talks to. He told McGonagall to take me back to the Gryffindor Tower and he told me I was excused from my classes today so I can rest. I told him I was fine I need to be in class so no one thinks something is up. Dumbledore agreed and told me that if anything happens come to him immediately. He told me the password for today was Snicker doodle. I left his office and Professor McGonagall and I went back to the Gryffindor Tower.

I got to my room and grabbed my toiletry kit and went to go take my shower. I got to my room and found Neville sitting on my bed waiting for me. I asked me if I was okay and I told him I was and asked him if he wanted to help me get dress. He smiled big and licked his lips as he saw my dick as I unwrapped the towel from my body. He got down on his knees and began to slide my dick into his mouth. He began sucking and tugging on my balls with his hands causing me to want to harden up even more. Within ten minutes he had me feeling his throat with my cum I collapsed onto the bed as he licked the remaining cum from my dick. He got up and handed me my pants and told me we better get dress and get downstairs for breakfast. We made it downstairs and sat with our fellow house members. Dumbledore announced that next Saturday will be the final challenge for the Triwizard Cup. We all cheered and began to talk amongst ourselves. Since I had potions with the fourth years Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville and I walked to the Potions classroom. Snape looked at us as we came in and told us that he will be assigning us partners today. I somehow ended with Draco and I wasn’t happy at all. Of course since I was good in potions Draco was able to get an Outstanding on the potion and I wasn’t given public credit for it all. The day continued on and soon the weekend was here.

As Saturday morning began to sneak into my room through the window I got up and quietly grabbed my clothes and made it out of my room. Neville and I met each other in the empty common room and we quietly sneaked up to the astronomy tower to finish watching the sunrise together. Once the sun had rose we made our way down to the dining hall and we ate breakfast. Harry, Ron and Hermione and I talked about what we are going to be doing today and we decided to go with the students to Hogsmeade today since it was a trip day to there. We made our ways to Hogsmeade and spent the day shopping and having fun together. When it was time to leave back to Hogwarts we really didn’t want to go. That night Neville spent the night in my bed with me snuggling up against me tightly. I had another dream about the last Triwizard Cup Contest and as I began to feel my body jolt myself awake I felt Neville’s hand comb through my hair and he softly whispered into my ear that everything will be alright. I quickly fell back asleep.

The following week flew by quickly and soon it was Saturday and the last trial to the Triwizard Cup was here. I was sweating bullets that day as we all made our way down to the stands that stood in front of a huge maze. Dumbledore announced that somewhere in the middle the Maze is the Triwizard Cup and whoever gets to it first will be the Triwizard Winner. He told the contestants the rules and soon they were on their way. About twenty minutes into contest some red flares came up and a whirlwind appeared and Fleur came back to the beginning of the maze. Soon more flares came up and Krum emerged leaving Harry and Cedric somewhere in the maze. Almost two hours later Harry appeared in front of everyone with what looked like an unconscious Cedric. All of a sudden Fleur screamed and Harry was crying holding onto Cedric. We then knew that Cedric was dead, and we watched Harry leave with Professor Moody. Soon I saw the staff race after Moody and Harry and later that night we found out that Barty Crouch Jr had been drinking Polyjuice potion to pretend to be Moody. He admitted to everything even the note that was left on my bed.

At breakfast the next morning Dumbledore told us what had happen and that Cedric was killed by Voldemort. There were tons of gasps and conversations going until Dumbledore quieted us down. We couldn’t believe that Voldemort was alive I looked at Harry and I could see the fear in his eyes because he had witnessed firsthand the rebirth of the most feared wizard in the wizarding world. Later that day after a big lunch and celebration we watched the other schools take off back to their schools. I watched Harry, Ron and Hermione from a distance and I couldn’t help but fear what was going to be happening in the near future. Neville came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck causing me to come out of my head. I turned around and kissed his lips while holding him. We left and went to the classroom where we were going to be having our meeting for our fellow gay students. The meeting went with no problems we had a great time talking and we all talked about meeting up with one another during the summer. The boy who was Slytherin was the only one who looked scared to leave, once the meeting was over Neville and I asked him what was wrong and he told us about his father and how afraid he is to go home. We decided to go to Dumbledore’s office and thank goodness we caught him outside his office. We talked to him about the fear the Slytherin had about going home and he told Dumbledore that his father is a death eater and if there is anything besides Mudbloods that he hates it is gays. Dumbledore told him he would see what he can do to help the student he then turned to Neville and me and thanked us and told us to go and return back to what we had planned for the rest of the night.

Neville and I returned back to the Gryffindor common room where we met with Ron, Hermione, and Harry and we studied for the final for Potions the next morning. With the help of Hermione and me we all passed. Neville helped me study for my Herbology even though I didn’t need it and once that was over I turned to the other classes finals. I passed all my classes with Outstanding and so did Neville, Colin did well on his classes but didn’t get Outstanding in potions just an Exceeding. Soon it was time to head to Hogsmeade station to take the Hogwarts Express back to Kings Crossing. When we arrived at the station I told Harry, Ron, and Hermione they should come visit this summer. I could see Harry was still terrified of Voldemort being back so I hugged him and told him to not be afraid to write me if he needs anything. Soon we were at Kings Crossing and Neville, Colin, and I departed ways from Harry, Ron and Hermione. My dad and mom were waiting for us at the entrance and hugged us when we got to them. Little did we know that soon things in the wizarding world would be turned upside down.

Author's Message: Just want to apologize to all my readers for this not being released sooner. Things have been crazy for me and kept me away from writing. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this character and I will try and get the fourth chapter out soon.

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