Hold Me Tight

By E D

Published on Mar 20, 2001


Hold me Tight (Part 4)

By EDW19

Edited by: Copyright 2001

Chapter 10

The morning sun flooded the glass windows and casted a shimmering white light into the room. I woke up finding myself entangled in Bill's strong arms. My right leg was resting between his legs. Days had passed and I had awakened in such position numerous times. Yet, it seemed almost like an eternity had passed and we had been entangled like this before. It was a very natural and comforting way to lie with someone so warm.

I could feel Bill breathing lightly. He had an almost smiling expression on his face as he slept. He looked so peaceful that I didn't want to wake him up. I took the opportunity to admire him. He had a smooth chest and a light golden tan that covered his body. His arms were sparsely flaked with light brown hair. I ran my hand over his arm, and liked the feeling of it. I glanced at this neck, and in dismay, noticed that I had given him a maroon hickey last night.

The covers were thrown back to our waist so I reached out; pulled it over us as I snuggled closer to him. That stirred him awake, as he shifted position to stretch his arms.

"Morning handsome." He said.

I gave him a kiss on the lips and replied. "Morning, you're pretty handsome yourself too."

He moved his arms around me and hugged me tighter to him. Bill gave me a kiss on my forehead and continued kissing downward until he reached my neck. He pulled back and looked at me with a grinning face.

"What?" I asked with a curious look.

"I hate to say this, but I left a big red mark on your neck." He said sheepishly.

"Oh, that's okay, , , considering the fact that there's also one on your neck too." I said with a big grin.

"I guess we're even then." He said with a smile and kissed me. "The boys will have quite a laugh at the office if they see that. If I remember correctly, the last time I had a hickey was in high school."

"Don't worry, you have a whole week left to let me help you heal it." I said with a wink.

"In that case, I better take the whole month off; if you're going to be near me, I'll need lots of healing time." He said with a grin.

We started making out some more, until my stomach grumble.

"We better get up so that I can feed you. I guess we should have gotten up and had dinner last night." Bill said.

"I'm already up." I said as I pulled him closer for a kiss. "You can feed me right now in bed."

"And just what do you want me to feed you?" He said grinning from ear to ear.

"Oh, I don't know. . . maybe some protein, a little milk and sausage." I said giving him a goofy grin.

"Well, that could be arranged." Bill said as he kissed me again.

It was almost an hour past noon before we got out of bed and headed for the showers. We just couldn't get enough of each other. I was amazed that we actually got a shower with all the touching, kissing, and hugging. I was combing my hair when Bill returned to the bathroom to shave. He had a white towel wrapped around his waist. (He looked so cute with his morning beard's growth). I was getting really turned-on watching him lean over the counter and putting shaving foam on his face to shave. And I got a good view of his well-shaped butt. I couldn't resist giving his smooth back a kiss. And continue kissing lower.

Before long, his towel was on the floor, and I was on my knees sucking and licking his beautifully sculpted ass. He gave a loud deep moan as I stuck my tongue in his crack and licked around his pink ring. I just couldn't help but get horny as I licked his smooth butt. Even lightly bit his round buns before licking my way back up his body. My hands moved from his butt to his six-pack. Feeling and squeezing as I follow the contour of his body. I got a good hold of his manhood and started jacking him off. I licked and kiss the back of his neck and ear as I played with his dick. He was moaning and urging me on as I added more speed and jerked him harder.

"Uhhhh, I'm cumming Jason! Ahhhhhhh." He moaned as he shot a wad of cum hitting the mirror behind the counter. I continue jerking him until he got a little limp. He turned around and kissed me—covering my face with some of the shaving foam still left on his face.

"You like that?" I asked while smiling at his handsome face.

"You bet. I love it when you play with me." He with a wink and pulling me closer for another kiss. He started licking my ear and playing with my dick.

"Ahh, I don't think I can cum again Bill." I said .

"Why? Don't you want me to return the same wonderful sensation you just gave me?" He asked.

"I definitely want it, but maybe after lunch. I'm starving."

"Oh, sorry. Let's hurry so we can get back here and have some more sex like wild rabbits." He said with a flash of white smile.

"Can we just order something and eat here?" I asked.

"You want to? We can if that is what you want. But I'd like to take you out so you can see more of the city." He replied as he picked up his electric shaver.

"We can go out later. I've seen so much of this city every morning that I just want a little more privacy if you know what I mean?" I said with a wink.

"Alright. I'm almost done here." He said as he splashed some water on his face.

"Would you like some more sprite?" Bill said as he got up from the dining table.

"Yeah, thanks." I replied and took a bite of my salad.

"So what would you like to do today?" He asked as he opened the can and refilled my glass.

"What do you have in mind?" I replied.

"Have you ever gone sailing before?" He said as he grabbed the seat next to me.

"No," I said. "But I've heard it's fun."

"Oh, its lots of fun. It will take up the whole day, but it's worth it. You might even get to see dolphins if we're lucky." He replied.

Bill reached for a plump strawberry and held it to my mouth.

"Hmm, that's a sweet one." I said. "Thanks."

"Not as sweet as you." He said with a wink.

We were out in the water not less than fifteen minutes before a gail of wind sent the boat flying across the water. It was my first time being in a sailboat, so I was in unfamiliar territory and felt kind of lost on the craft. Thankfully, Bill's been on enough of them to know what he was doing. For the most part, I stayed out of his way, but I did managed to help him get with a few things like, getting the floats off the sides. Bill gave me instructions on steering and adjusting the sails to get the right wind direction. He even let me man the wheel once we left the dock and far from the other boats.

"I think I'll let you take control of the wheel for the rest of the day skipper." Bill said as he placed a cap on my head.

"Yeah, and I'll probably get us lost in an hour." I said smiling at him.

"I'm surprised you don't go to the lake often since Dover is not that far from Lake Haven." He said as pressed his chest against my back to get closer.

"My mother doesn't tan well, so we hardly ever go to beaches, much less lakes, when I was young. These days, I'm too busy with classes to bother with such leisure activities." I said while turning my head to look at him.

He had donned on a gray polo and white shorts. And the black glasses he was wearing gave almost no hint to his beautiful blue eyes. The sight of him, the feel of him right behind me, the scent of his cologne mixed with the cool ocean breeze was throwing my hormones on over-ride. It didn't help either when he casually runs his hands along my arms whenever he had to take the wheel and adjust our course.

"It's such a nice sunny day." I said to him as I leaned back into this chest.

"It's a perfect day for sailing. Maybe we'll get to see dolphins in a minute." He said as he gave my neck a kiss.

"You really know how to plan vacations." I said.

"Especially when I have someone so cute and wonderful to spend it with." He replied.

The rest of the week was pretty much filled with more trips along the coast, sex, lunch, sex, dinner, and some more sex. But we did however managed to take several more walks along the beach before flying back to Dover.

Chapter 11

"I had a great time this week. I'm so happy to be with you." Bill said "Likewise, thanks again for wonderful vacation." I said.

"You're most welcome." He said as he lean over gave me a peck on the cheeks. "I have normal office hours this week, do think you'll have time to spend with me?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" I asked.

"Well, you're starting a new semester, and I don't want to monopolized all your time. I assumed you might want to spend some time with your friends?" He replied sweetly.

"I'll spend time with them in classes and at the gym." I replied. "And I'll got out with them occasionally, but I'll always reserve time for you."

Bill got off the highway and drove toward campus.

When we got to the old brick and glass high-rise, he drove into the parking deck--instead of parking in front of the dorm. Bill followed me to my room, insisting on carrying my bag when he knew fully well that I could do it myself. I had just closed my door when he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Thanks again for spending your break with me." Bill said.

"Thanks you for including me." I said. "I had a great time."

"You're most welcome." He said as he gave me a kiss. "I have to go home and do some errands, so I better go. But do you want to have dinner with me tomorrow?" He said as he grazed his blue eyes on me.

"Sure, I'd like that." I replied.

"Okay, I better get going before they barricade the doors downstairs."

"You can stay here if you like." I said almost not wanting to spend the night without him.

"Sounds very tempting, and I'd take you up on it, but unfortunately, I have some chores to do around my place." He said with an almost sad look.

But he quickly added, "but we'll see each other again tomorrow. I will give you a ring around 3. Are you done with classes by then."

"Yeah, with my new schedule, my last class will be at 2. I'll look forward to your call then." I said as I walked him out the door. "Have a good night Bill."

"Thanks, you have a good night too Jason."

I was in the dinning hall and getting some breakfast when I ran into Steven. We were still in line getting bowls of cereal and milk.

"Hey Steven, how's it going?"

"Hey yourself Man, , , you're certainly cheery for Monday morning. Did you have a good break?"

"It was alright. How was yours?"

"Well, Cindy and I got kind of drunk at the bar Friday night and ended up crashing at her place that night and most of the weekend. I rang you on Saturday to see if you wanted to join us for lunch, but no answer. I didn't bother to leave a message since it's rare that I don't reach you by the third ring." He said with a joking grin.

"So where'd you go during the break? Did you go home? Cindy tried to call you Sunday too but didn't get a hold of you either. She was worried when I told her that you might had spend the break here."

"Well, thanks for worrying about me guys, but I left town to go on a trip with a friend of mine." I really didn't want to talk about it with Steven so I moved to another topic and distracted him from the conversation.

As I picked up my notebook and stuffed it into my bookbag, Steven asked, "You're working out with Cindy and Me later right?"

"I'd like to join you guys, but I meeting a friend of mine for dinner." I replied.

"Anyone special I might know?" Cindy asked with a smile as she joined us.

"Probably not, my friend doesn't even go to school here." I said.

"Will we get to meet this friend of yours anytime soon?" She asked.

I was a little surprised when she asked me that. Then again, Steven did said she was worry about me Friday, so she probably asked him about me today. Cindy has always been nice and seems to care a lot about me. Probably because I hang around Steven and her so much. But she can get into my business sometimes.

"Uhh, yeah maybe." I stuttered. Trying my best to think of something to cover myself. I hate to have to lie since I didn't want them to know about Bill and me.

"Alright, well we're going to get some ice cream now, want to join us?" Steven said after noticing that I didn't volunteer more information.

"I'm going to get started on the home work. I want to have it down so I don't have to dread over it during dinner." I said. "Thanks for asking."

"Your welcome Man, we'll see you tomorrow at breakfast then." The three of us walked out of the class and headed in different directions.

I was a little anxious getting back to the dorm since I was expecting a call from Bill. Right on que, I said the familiar red light blinking on the message machine as I walked into my room.

"Hey Jason, this is Bill. I hate to say this, but I have a ton of work today and will have to stay in the office late tonight. I had planned on us having dinner together, but looks like I'll have to cancel that. Maybe another day? Please give me a ring when you get this message. Thanks."

My heart sank as I hit the reset button. I had wanted to spend more time with Bill. We've only been together for just a little under two weeks, but my feelings for him have been at an incline since we met. A little disappointed, I picked up the phone and dial his office number.

"Bill Morgan," Stated in a deep, but dry cut tone after three rings.

"Hey Bill, this is Jason." I said.

"Hey handsome, how was your day?" He said in a more somewhat warm voice.

"It was alright. Sounds like you had a pretty rough day." I replied.

"Rough day is an understatement. More like being grilled at the devil's hand. I came in this morning to find a foot-high stack of contracts on my desk for my new project. I've been reviewing them since and probably will be lucky enough to get out of here by midnight."

"Sounds awful, but hey, you're a big guy; you can handle it." I said, trying to cheer him up.

"So I'm big eh?" He said in an almost joking tone.

"Oh yeah, I like big guys." I said in a perverted joking voice.

"You like big guys eh? Too bad there's only one of me around. I could use another me to do work around here, so I can play more with you" He joked.

"I think I can handle only one of you." I said.

"Really? You'll have two guys to enjoy." he said in a taunting laugh. "One in the morning and the other one in the afternoon."

"I'm satisfied with just one of you." I replied.


"So I guess you would want two guys to play with eh?" I asked.

"Nah, I only want just one of you too." He said sweetly.

"Well, since you're busy I'll let you go." I said. "Just wanted to return your call."

"Thanks for calling. I'll give you a ring tomorrow and see if we can find a time to get together. Do you think you'll survive cafeteria stuff for just one more evening?" He asked.

"I think I can manage." I said. "I hope you're not too busy to grab a bite to eat yourself."

"I'll probably just get a quick snack out of the lounge. I really have a load of work to finish." He said.

"That's not good, you should not sacrifice your health over work." I replied. "Tell you what, is it alright if I pick up some light dinner and drop it off for you?"

"That's very thoughtful of you, but I'll be alright." He said.

"It's no trouble at all, besides, I'll get to see you at least for a minute or two." I said.

"Well, if you really want to, sure. Got a pen? I'll give you directions." He said.

I placed the takeout orders on the passenger seat and tried to follow Bill's direction to his workplace. It was located in the north business district of the city. Luckily, there wasn't too much traffic going in my direction. In every corner I looked, I was towering glass skyscrapers. I don't drive around the business district too often, so I wasn't familiar with the area, but Bill's directions were clear enough that it didn't too long for me to find the black glass building that house the KPMG office.

I checked in with the security desk and glad that Bill had already called ahead and told them I was coming. I got off the elevator at the eighteenth floor and spotted an office with Bill's name on the door label. After knocking on the door, I reached for the handle and went in.

Bill looked up from his desk as I entered. He had a tired look on his face, but it immediately brightened as he saw it was me.

"Hey Jason," He said as he got up and came toward me.

"Hi Bill." I replied.

I noticed a glass stand with a lamp on it next to me, so I placed the take-out there. Bill wrapped his strong arms around me and gave a big bear hug. I looked up to see two stressed out blue pools reflecting back at me. I stood a little on my toes to be even with his height and gave him a wet kiss. It was a minute or two before we broke apart.

"How long have you been couped up in here?" I asked.

"Too long, and boy am I glad to see you." He said trying to give me a big smile. I returned a knowing smile.

Glancing at his desk, I noticed that he wasn't kidding when he said earlier that he had a stack a foot high. There were papers and reports strewed all over his desk. Even some books, brochures, and more reports stacked on the floor beside his desk.

"Looks like a tornado just went by here." I said.

"Excuse the mess, I don't have time to be neat today." He excused himself.

"No apologies needed." I stated.

"What did you bring me? A whole buffet here?" Bill said as he picked up the bag of takeout.

"Oh, part of it's mine. Decided to grab myself something too." I replied.

I looked around the office some more as Bill opened the bag to have a peek inside. It was a typical office with mahogany desk, bookshelves, and other furnishings. A flat screen monitor and desk lamp sat on his desk. Highback chair and two similar, but the smaller ones faced the desk for visitors. Bill had simple decorations on the walls and there were a few plants to give the place a warm touch. The office would look rather neat if it weren't for the mess of papers and reports.

"Well, I'm glad you got something for you too. Now, you can join me." Bill said as he stuck the syrafoam box back inside the bag.

"Are you sure? I know you're busy, so I just wanted to drop by and get out of your way." I said.

"I could use a break right now, and would love for you to join me." He said as I followed him out of the office and headed toward the lounge.

Next: Chapter 5

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