Hold Me Tight

By E D

Published on Apr 1, 2002


Hold me Tight (Part 5) By EDW19 (JAYATL25@yahoo.com)

Note: Sorry for the long delay guys. I've been very busy and haven't had much time for writing. I also wanted to thank a friend for helping me edit part 4--it was deleted in the submission.

Again, thanks to everyone for sending me their comments, I really enjoyed reading them. I also have finally completed my webpage, and I will post more stories there: http://www.geocities.com/jayatl25/main.htm

Chapter 12

I was in the library closing loose ends to my assignment when I spotted Dave heading in my direction.

"Hey Dave, how's it going?" I asked.

"Alright, hey are you going to join us at the Rez tonight?" He replied. "Steven said he left you a message on your machine about it earlier."

"I've been in here since this morning trying to finish this project." I said. "I'd love to join you guys tonight, but I can't make it."

"Can't make it? What could you be doing that's more fun than going to a place filled with hot chicks?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"A friend of mine invited me over to dinner. Will you tell Steven I said thanks for asking me to join you guys?" I said.

"Sure, will do." Dave said. "Guess I get to have Meg all to myself tonight."

"I'm sure she won't miss me." I said. "Have fun tonight."

"Yeah, well see you later Jason."

"See ya." I replied.

It started to sprinkle so I had to turn on my windshield wiper. I have been looking forward to this all day in the library. Bill had been busy for most of the week. His new assignment kept him late at the office for several nights. We did manage to meet for dinner one evening though. But it was a quick one and we didn't have time for fooling around.

He was involved in some overseas operation and that's what we mostly talked about. Some of the discussions were pretty interesting, but I found myself just enjoying his enthusiastic voice. His intelligence and expertise over the issues just amazed me. If intelligence was an attractive quality, I had highly overlooked that criterion before. Then again, everything about Bill attracted me. From his deep blue eyes, and cute smile to the way he walks; I really can't describe it, but he turned me on in so many ways. I could feel my heart skip a beat or two with just hearing his sweet voice whenever I pick up the phone. I knew I was falling for him. My guts and every fiber of my body said I want him.

I got off the highway and follow Bill's directions. I've seen the familiar building several times before while driving through the area. It was one of those newly built high- rises with mostly glass and balconies. I headed for the parking entrance, punched in the security code that Bill had given me earlier, and drove underground. The parking deck had six floors below the ground, so I didn't have trouble finding a spot to park.

I headed for the elevators in the back, so I wouldn't have to go through the main lobby and deal with the concierge. I could feel the ice cream freezing my hand as I waited for Bill to answer his door. I couldn't stand the freezing feeling, so I switched the box over to my other hand.

As always, Bill had a big smile for he when he opened the door. He pulled me inside and gave me a big hug.

"Glad you could make it, the rain is really pouring." He said.

"Thankfully, there's a parking deck. Or else I would be soaked through since I don't have an umbrella in my car." I replied.

"What's this?" Bill asked when I handed him the package in my hand.

"I didn't know what to bring over, so I figured ice cream would do." I said, "especially when you wouldn't give me a clue as to what you're cooking."

"Thanks, but you didn't have to bring anything."

He said.

"I know, but I didn't want to come empty handed." I said.

"I would be perfectly happy if you just bring yourself." He said with a mischievous grin.

"Wow, whatever it is that you're cooking, it smells delicious."

"I hope you're hungry because I cooked a lot." He said taking the ice cream to the kitchen. "Make yourself comfortable while I put this in the freezer."

"Anything I can help you with?" I said following him.

"Thanks, but I'm almost done. Now, turn around and head back toward the living room. I don't you want you to see the mess in this kitchen." He said with a smile.

I headed back toward the living room and looked around his place. He had a somewhat contemporary taste. Glass coffee table with mahogany trim. And for a guy, Bill was surprisingly neat. Everything was arranged in perfect order; from floral arrangements to pictures frames on the entertainment armoire. What surprised me was that the furniture looked like it just rolled off the manufacturer and was hardly ever used.

"Did you just moved in here Bill?" I asked.

"No, been here for almost a year now." He replied while coming from the kitchen with a drink in his hand. "Why?"

"Thanks." I said as he handed me the drink. "You are so neat. I don't even see dust on the arrangements. And you're a very neat guy."

"Thanks. I did say I travel often. So I'm hardly ever here to make a mess." He replied.

"Who did your decorations, it looks great." I said looking at the paintings on the walls.

"My mother visited me, and she insisted on doing all the decorations. From all the drapes down to the carpet." He said with a shy smile. "Mom always had a knack for neatness."

"Well, she has great taste." I replied.

"Thanks." He said coming closer to give me a kiss. "You ready to eat?"

"Can't wait. The aroma alone is driving me nuts." I said.

"I know something else that will drive you nuts too." He said with a wide grin.

"You are so bad." I said shaking my head.

"I was thinking of strawberries and shortcake, what were you thinking about?"

He asked with raise eyebrows.

"Excuse me handsome, my mind was thinking about something else." I replied with blushing face.

"That's alright, I'm sure you can have that later too." He said with a wink.

I followed him into the dining room, and almost flip when I said what was on the table.

"Wow, this is certainly a surprise." I said staring at the set table with a plate of roast beef surrounded with carrots and potatoes in the center; along with caesar salad and steamed asparagus. "You didn't have to go through all this trouble just for me."

"I wanted too." He said pulling a mahogany chair out for me.

"Thanks." I said while sitting down.

"Your welcome." He replied going to a seat across from me.

While he carved the roast beef, I unrolled the strings from the silk napkin and placed it on my lap.

"Do you cook often?" I asked as I got some salad onto my plate.

"Not too often. I don't get to cook often, so whenever I'm here, I usually try to. I think cooking is fun-especially when you have someone to cook for." He said giving me a smile. "Do you cook?"

"Not at the dorm. It's a lot of hassle since I'm on the fourth floor and have to lug everything I need down to the kitchen. Besides, I'm on the meal plan, so it's just more convenient to head for one of the dinning halls whenever I'm hungry." I replied.

I glanced around the dinning room as I waited for Bill to put some salad on his plate. The room had a more classic look than the living room. Mahogany dining table with six matching chairs. We were sitting at the far end and facing the large china cabinet.

"Where did your mother get this neat painting?" I asked looking at the large oriental painting with scenery of mountains and waterfalls.

"My parents got that during their trip to Beijing last spring." He said. "They usually send me something whenever they go on trips."

"Do you have any siblings Bill?"

"I'm an only child." He said. "What about you? Any cute brothers or sisters?"

"I have a sister that's two years older than me and a younger brother who's still in high school." I replied.

"Where does your sister go to school?"

"On the other side of the continent at Stanford."

"It must be nice to have siblings around while growing up." He said.

"Sometimes, but they can be a pain too." I replied.

"Thanks, but I can get it." I said as Bill placed slices of roast beef onto my plate.

"No problem." He said with a smile.

I was stuffed by the time the main course was over. But my eyes were wide open when I saw Bill bringing out a strawberry shortcake from the refrigerator.

"Now, I know you're going to enjoy this." He said. Putting it on the table. He grabbed a fresh strawberry coated with whipped cream from the top, leaned over the table and fed me with it.

"Ummm, that's good." I said smiling at him.

"Glad you like it." He said while cutting a large slice for me.

Afterwards, I helped him clear the table and put the china in the dishwasher.

"That was a great meal. Thanks again for going to all the trouble and inviting me."

"You're welcome." He said leading me to the couch. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Soft jazz music played in the background as we sat there to let our food get digested. Bill placed his right arm around me and pulled me closer to him. I looked up and saw blue eyes glowing with desire. He leaned closer and gave me a soft kiss on the mouth.

"You are so cute." He said.

"So are you, so are you." I replied as I gave him another kiss.

As we kissed, I got closer and sat right on his lap. I untucked his shirt, reached inside and moved my hands slowly up and down his smooth back.

He picked me up as he got up from the couch and carried me toward the hall. He kicked the door to his bedroom shut, and allowed me to stand. Sliding down the front of his body, I would feel his hard front pressing against mine as my feet tried to find the floor in the semi-dark room.

While still caressing my lips, he unbuttoned my shirt and let it drop to the floor.

Then he sucked on my adam's apple and ran his hot tongue slowly down my chest and toward my navel. With impatience and sense of urgency, he quickly unzipped my khakis and reached instead to pull my rod out. He took the entire length of it in one gulp. I could feel the back of his throat as he swallowed me whole. In quick motions, he played with my dick, sending shivers down my spine and making my legs weak.

I reached down and guided his face toward my lips again, pulling him toward the bed. I turned him around and let him sank onto the bed. I pulled off his pant and hungrily sucked on his cock.

Bill moans and pulled my face toward him. He kissed my lips and rolled me onto the bed. Rubbing my back with his strong hands, he caresses my mouth with his tongue.

Forcing it aggressively into my mouth, and I could taste him combine with sweet mint.

He climbed on top, allowing his hardon to rub against my own. He sent kisses from my lips to my ears. Teasing me with his tongue as he explores my ear lobe.

"I want you Jason," he hissed into my ear.

"I want you too Bill," I replied.

"Are you sure?" he asked looking into my eyes.

"Yes," I barely rasp.

Bill gave me one more kiss on the lips and sent a trail of kissed down my navel, my legs, and then lifted my lips up to kiss my bottom. Using his hands, lips, and tongue, he massaged and played with it until I could do nothing more but almost begged to have him.

He reached for the nightstand next to the bed and fished out a condom. He kissed me again slowly, and easing himself into me. His blue eyes looking longingly into my eyes as if they had fires in them.

"Uhhh, Bill," I moaned.

"Are you alright, am I hurting you?" he asked pulling out quickly.

"I'm, alright, put it in again and hold it still." I replied.

He slowing slip it in again, and kept his whole body very still. I reached for his face, and pulled him down to my lips. We kissed and I rubbed his back, urging him to move slightly.

He moved slowly, looking at me for any sign if he needs to pull out. After awhile, I could feel a strong wonderful feeling as his rod rubbed against my prostate.

Pushing me toward climax.

I grabbed his face, pulling him toward me and kissed him hard. I ran my fingers into his hair, and we moved faster. I could feel him tremble as we reach the point of no return. In an instant, I came onto his stomach, and could feel him inside the condom.

We kept kissing for several minutes before we both collapse onto one another.

He wrapped his arms around me as we settled to sleep.

"I love you Jason," a whisper very softly echoed in the silent room.

"I love you too Bill," hugging him closer as I drifted to sleep.

. . . to be continue. . .

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