Hold Up Gone Good By hatefulevilscumface

By Steve McSheffrey

Published on Jul 12, 2010



"Will you hurry up, Stefan?" Eddie snapped as he and Teresa headed through the kitchen on their way to the side door. Eddie knew it wasn't Stefan's fault he wasn't done cleaning the grill. They'd had the biggest rush they had ever seen at fifteen minutes to closing and they hadn't even filled all the orders until well past the usual closing time. The only reason Teresa was done with the front end and lobby was that part of that crowd had been her gang banger husband and he had encouraged everyone to take their orders to go. Under any other circumstances Eddie would have felt obligated to tell Ignatius that was uncool, being an hourly manager and all, but Eddie wanted out of here quickly too. Amelia had told him he could stop by if he got off by one and Eddie hadn't gotten laid in a week. Not for lack of trying. Eddie's handsome and tall, with shaggy blonde hair and very blue eyes. His body still has its swimmer's build even though the boy had to give up swim team to work full time after his mother died. Eddie probably would have thrown out the customers if Ignatius hadn't?

While Eddie's gone, Stefan takes his chance to get a little more comfortable. He strips off his polyester work shirt and tosses it aside. That still doesn't help. It's so hot in the kitchen tonight that there's no relief stripping down to wife beater and work slacks. Luckily, Stefan remembers he came straight from school to work and goes to get his gym bag. Just like he thought, Stefan never got around to taking his baggy gym shorts out of the bag. Shucking down his slacks, Stefan wishes for a moment that Eddie would let him work in his boxers but the two have been close friends for so long that Stefan knows Eddie's answer without asking.

Stefan enjoys the coolness for a moment, his mind drifting to what he plans after work too. Substitute Ana for Amelia and Stefan plans to be doing pretty much the exact same thing as Eddie. In fact, thoughts of what this good-looking, dark haired and dark eyed former gymnast would like to do with Ana has him thinking it's not so much a bad thing to wear the shorts. Stefan's eight incher isn't even half-hard but it is tenting a little. Stefan knows that will freak out Eddie but good so Stefan starts fishing around for the shorts but gets interrupted.

"Stefan? Get out here." Stefan rolls his eyes at his friend's impatience.

"I'm changing into some shorts. Hold on, Eddie."

"Change out here. I have to tell you something." Stefan can't imagine what that could be but grabs his shorts and exits the break room and finds out what's wrong without being told.

"Your boss wanted to tell you you guys are being robbed," says the Latin hunk holding a gun to Eddie's neck. He's no more fit than the guys he's robbing but he doesn't have to be. He has the gun. Stefan's eyes travel down to see that Eddie's pants are down to mid-thigh himself and Eddie catches him looking.

"What? I was taking a piss and turns out he hid in the bathroom when we locked up." Eddie reaches down to pull his pants up but is stopped by his captor.

"Your boy gave me an idea, boss man. I want you naked." Both friends respond with a `what?' "You heard me. That way you get no funny ideas about chasing after me. You can't if you got no clothes on, right?" The boys' eyes meet and they know they have no choice. Stefan pulls his T over his head and shucks his boxers off his hips. Except for his combat boots and socks, he's as naked as if this were the gym shower. Eddie unbuttons his work oxford and Diego, though neither will find out his name tonight, helps him out of it, the well developed and slightly hairy chest coming out for viewing for the first time at work. Diego helps with the pants too. Eddie shimmies the loose slacks down, kicking off his work shoes as he does, and Diego assists with the boxer briefs.

What's important to know about Diego, besides he's a fourth generation American whose family has been in this country longer than either Eddie or Stefan's, is that Diego is as gay as they come. He's also as in denial as they come. It's why he's gotten two different girls pregnant and keeps doing stupid things like holding up fast food joints. Diego thinks he has to prove he's a real man to everyone, or at least what his warped view of one is. Most of his friends have figured this out and are just waiting for Diego to figure it out so they can let the poor guy know his being gay makes no difference to them.

Being gay is also why Diego takes advantage of the chance to feel up Eddie's hard, swimmer's ass as it gets exposed, all without ever really deciding he's going to do it. Eddie has the reaction he's always had when another guy makes a pass, completely forgetting this one has a gun.

"Back off, faggot!" Eddie snaps. "I'm not into that fairy stuff." Eddie immediately regrets it, Diego having a gun and all and it's probably good only Stefan can see Diego's face. It gets ugly. What Eddie does see is the hand holding the gun as it swings toward the side of his head. It hurts really bad when it connects and the next thing he knows Stefan is catching him and backing away from the enraged teen. All Stefan manages is to get them into the small manager's office, cutting down even further his and Eddie's chances of escape.

"Faggot? Faggot! You're calling ME a faggot?" As Stefan checks if Eddie's head has been split open he also keeps an eye on the guy with the gun whose face has turned red and is edging towards purple as he gets worked up. Eddie clearly saw the gunman cop a feel but isn't about to say anything. "What about you two? Soon as Iggy's chica is gone, you start stripping. If I didn't interrupt I bet you'd be fucking blondie's ass right now!" Diego can even picture it and ignores the fact that it makes his cock start to get a little hard in his jeans.

"Dude, you know Ignatius, right? It's hot as fuck in here and you know what the guy'd do if we changed with her here." Stefan's sure Eddie will be fine as he lowers him into the office's desk chair so he can concentrate on Diego more. Stefan figures if he just avoids calling their captor a fag ro anything like that, they should just get out of here robbed.

"Bullshit. You and this asshole were gonna do it but I'm gonna prove I'm not such a bad guy. What you two do is your business." Diego sounds so fake calm it scares Stefan. So does the other weapon visibly staining against Diego's zipper. "To show, there's no hard feelings, why don't you two get started."

"What?" Stefan thinks he knows what Diego means but plays dumb to see if he can think of a way out.

"Your butt buddy's all loopy there. Bet your lips around his tiny little dick'd wake him up REAL quick."

"Jesus, dude, we're not gay. I am-" Diego points the gun at Stefan and mimes blowing his head off. "I am going to blow my boss, I guess." Stefan wonders for a moment if this counts as gay if it's that or get shot to death as he shifts the chair Eddie is slumped in against the wall, spreading Eddie's legs apart as he kneels between them. Eddie's soft cock is inches away from Stefan's mouth. Stefan doesn't think he can do what the crazy Latino wants. Then Stefan feels the cold metal of the gun against the back of his neck and the distance between cock and mouth vanish.

Stefan stifles the impulse to gag as his tongue tentatively snakes out and gives him his first taste of another guy's dick. Eddie's dick, Eddie who's been a good friend since grade school and best friend since they started working together. The first taste isn't so bad but Stefan figures flesh is flesh and thinks of how to proceed. Stefan guesses flesh is flesh and starts thinking of how to do this. Stefan's barely been blown but those three occasions are burned in his memory so he decides to just imitate what he liked about them. With any luck, Eddie will stay out of it like this, never get hard, and then the crazy closet case can take the money and leave them alone.

Stefan took Eddie's dickhead in his mouth and started swirling his tongue around, applying just a little bit of suction. He even added a slight scrape of teeth since he had loved it when Beth had done it to him. Stefan still isn't even as grossed out as he expected but he passes that off to the fear. The gun behind him is making sure that isn't going away but Stefan is just as afraid of that lump tenting out the front of Diego's jeans. Suckling on Eddie's soft cock is way less of an ordeal than if Diego decides to shove his hard and dripping hardon down his throat.

Only Eddie's cock doesn't stay soft for very long! Stefan doesn't realize how good a job he's doing but semi-conscious or not Eddie's dick starts to harden from Stefan's mouth work. Stefan does start feeling a bit repulsed but before he can consider acting on that Diego lets out an involuntary groan watching the two white boys in action. Stefan's reminded that his life could depend on blowing Eddie good so decides again to do just that. Anyways, once Stefan's forced past the stigma that a now rock hard cock in his mouth causes, the dark haired boy has to admit that it's not all that bad. Stefan places his hands on Eddie's thighs and begins seriously bobbing up and down his buddy's boner. Stefan is beginning to understand why his cousin Joey is so happy being gay. Every twitch, every incremental hardening of Eddie's dick, even the tangy taste of what must be precum, are all because of what Stefan's doing. It's a form of power and as Eddie's smaller but thicker dick slides in and out of Stefan's mouth, Stefan realizes he's been enjoying this for a bit. If he had any doubts, the eight inches of steel jutting out from Stefan's own crotch would give that fat away.

Of course, even being pistol whipped won't keep a guy down and out when he has a mouth as talented as Stefan's is turning out to be working over his cock. As he drifts back to reality Eddie realizes he's getting the best blowjob of his life. Forgetting the whole scene with their robber for a moment Eddie's first thought is that Amelia's been taking lessons. Then he does remember Diego and his eyes snap wide open. They go wider still when he realizes it's Stefan giving him the greatest sexual thrill he's ever known.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Eddie reflexively tries to get away from Stefan's blowjob but Stefan's so into it by now that he just moves with Eddie, never missing a beat as he continues to vacuum up and down his friend's very hard dick. The lingering wooziness and how damn good Stefan is making him feel coupled with the fact he can't get away finally makes Eddie just relax into how good he's feeling. It's a feeling threatened when he looks over and sees Diego: Their captor has shucked his jeans and underwear and is standing there in just hoody and socks, with a gun pointed at them in one hand and a very large brown uncut cock pointing at them in his other. Eddie is pretty sure now why Stefan would start blowing him while he was out.

"I felt bad I interrupted you guys' fun so I had your buddy start without you," Diego taunts.

"But we've never, ohhhh, done this, shit, that's good, Stef. Like that!" Eddie could almost forget their darker skinned instigator, Stefan's doing so good but Diego moving in close makes that impossible.

"You really claiming you guys have never done this before?" Diego mocks as he watches Eddie start to thrust up to meet Stefan's bobbing down. After a few strokes both are shocked that Stefan is actually deep throating Eddie.

"It's my first time, but ohhh," Eddie moans, "I'm starting to wonder about Stefan." Stefan keeps sucking but uses a free hand to flip them off.

"Then there's something else new you can try," Diego taunts and moves his hooded dickhead right up to Eddie's face. Eddie closes his lips tight as the wet head touches them, a major struggle since Stefan has him wanting to groan and moan constantly, but then Eddie feels the cold metal of the gun against his cheek. Not knowing what else to do, Eddie opens his mouth and the first hard cock ever slides into his mouth.

Diego holds Eddie's head still and starts slowly fucking the blonde's face. Seeing the distress on his best friend's face from down where he's sucking, Stefan picks up his pace, hoping to distract Eddie from the disgust it seems he's feeling. This has a consequence no one could have expected. The more Stefan gets Eddie turned on, the more into sucking off Diego Eddie gets. Eddie's brain short circuits a little on him and the boy starts connecting the effort he's putting into suctioning Diego's long cock with how increasingly good Stefan is making his own dick feel. Eddie proves to be as quick a study as Stefan but doesn't quite match his bud for deep throating.

"Do his balls, man. This is too good to end quick," Diego commands and Stefan follows direction immediately. He spreads Eddie's legs wider and lifts him in the chair more so that he can start going to town on Eddie's balls. Stefan had a selfish motive for obeying. Stefan's dick is the only one not getting any attention and if Diego and Eddie finish too soon Stefan will be out of luck. From the way Eddie moans around Diego's cock Diego and Stefan know Eddie's loving this feeling too. Diego reaches down to grab Eddie's ankle and lifts it up, spreading Eddie further and pointing Eddie's lightly haired hole at Stefan. Diego's started to believe that these two hadn't had sex before and wants to see how far he can make them go.

In his maneuvering, Diego's cock had pulled free of Eddie's mouth. Without any prompting needed, Eddie had reached out and grabbed the throbbing, spit wet dick and guided it back to his mouth. Diego's turned on even more that his cock has so quickly converted Eddie.

"Rim him," Diego commands and again Stefan doesn't hesitate. Stefan dives mouth first onto Eddie's hole and starts eating it out with even more vigor than he did when he returned the favor with Beth.

"Fuck, that's nasty," Eddie groans, pulling his mouth off of Diego but continuing to jack the tool he's been nursing on. Eddie's long since stopped thinking of this as `fairy stuff' and just started enjoying how damned good Diego and Stefan are making him feel.

"Want him to stop?" teases Diego, reaching down to tug on Eddie's still wet cock some.

"Fuck, no. Nasty never felt this good but," and Eddie practically has to pull Stefan's head away from his ass as he speaks and gets up, "this is killing my back. Let me get on the desk." Diego says nothing but Eddie's dick has swung in range of Stefan's face and the still squatting cook can't resist grabbing it. Stefan starts a hard suck on his friend again and this time, Diego moves in and presses his lips against Eddie's. Eddie opens his mouth and the two start deep kissing, even though an hour ago the thought would have disgusted them both. Waist high, Stefan pulls his mouth off of Eddie and starts sucking on Diego's dick. Stefan does this a few times before Diego remembers why they were moving and, lips still locked together, gets Eddie on his back on the desk. As soon as Diego scoots Eddie into position, Stefan is attacking Eddie's ass mouth first again. The rational part of his mind still marvels at how into this they're getting but Stefan's getting more and more turned the more they do so he's going to keep doing more.

Diego for his part is a goner too. He still holds the gun, unloaded but his willing victims have no way of knowing that, but Diego also can only think with his hard dick right now. Not even considering that he's been denying he's gay for so long, Diego loses the hoody and gets up on the desk above Eddie. His legs straddle Eddie's head and his uncut cock dives down into Eddie's waiting mouth. Without even thinking about, without even being ABLE to think about it, Diego then swoops down and takes Eddie's hard cock into his mouth. Its taste is heaven to Diego and while he's not a natural like Stefan or a talented amateur like Eddie Diego is still making Eddie feel pretty damn good. Between Stefan rimming Eddie, and playing a little with Eddie's hole with his fingers, and Diego suctioning his cock Eddie is floating on pure bliss. Sucking Diego's dick feels like a small price to pay for how good Eddie is feeling but the bonus is that it does feel hot having a hard cock invading his mouth and throat and the forbidden taste of another guy's precum is a turn on too.

"Stefan," Diego croaks, his voice raw from the pummeling Eddie's dick has given his throat as the Hispanic boy grabs Stefan's dark hair and pulls him up for a kiss. Stefan's so far gone that the kiss is porn star hot from the get go. Diego shifts positions so he's presented his ass to Eddie to have at orally and Eddie does this without having to be told. Diego shudders in ecstacy while pulling Stefan into a standing position for what he next wants to see. First though Diego has to have a taste of Stefan's bigger cock and is not disappointed by its strength, length, and taste as Stefan starts rapidly fucking Diego's mouth. Stefan is loving it too. Diego might not be the most experienced mouth for the job but this is the first attention Stefan's cock has gotten since this whole weird situation started! Diego continues to slowly jack Eddie and rub the white boy's hard cock against his chest and Eddie never slows down with his sucking on Diego's cock and playing with the hairy ass just past there. As this goes on, Diego moves Stefan into place, kissing him more and pulling him in tight. This brings Stefan's very hard dick right up to Eddie's hole that has been being prepped for minutes now.

"No," Stefan moans into Diego's mouth as he feels his spongy head press tight against the spot where his mouth and fingers had just been but he makes no move to pull away.

"Yes," Diego whispers back, moving to cup Stefan's ass cheeks and pull him forward. Eddie lets out a loud grunt as the head plus and inch or two of Stefan's shaft enter him. Eddie's eyes roll and his breath starts coming irregular as Stefan continues on without Diego needing to urge him on. None of the few girls Stefan's fucked felt this good around his dick. It no longer matter that fucking a guy feels like the last gay thing left to do or that it's Eddie he's impaling. Stefan needs to fuck this ass!

Diego resumes his blowjob for Edie, guessing that Eddie's in a fair amount of pain. Yes, there's discomfort but Stefan did such a good job getting Eddie ready that there's not more than that. Eddie's free to feel the pleasurable parts of being fucked and feel them he does. Eddie nearly cums when he feels Stefan bottom out on him and he has to get Diego to stop so he doesn't. Eddie doesn't think he'd be so cool with getting it like a girl if he climaxes before it's over.

Diego moves to the side and watches for a moment. Diego loves how Stefan looks, his gymnast's body straining as his eight inch cock rams in and out of his buddy's ass. Stefan's handsome face has a sheen of sweat on it and his mouth is hanging just a little bit open. His dark eyes however are completely fixated on what he's doing to the friend he's fucking.

Diego also watches what being fucked is doing to Eddie. The ex-swimmer claws at the desk and arches his back and is moving to meet all of Stefan's thrusts. When Stefan gets all the way in and does it fast and hard Eddie feels a chilling sexual rush all over his body. Eddie's still not one hundred percent cool with getting fucked but his body's on fire sexually so it's not as if he could make a rational decision to stop things now.

It all gets too much for Diego to take and he moves again, this time on top of Eddie face to face. Stefan smirks as he understands immediately what Diego wants. Stefan doesn't miss a beat. Stefan pulls all the way out of Eddie and on his next thrust inward plugs Diego's ass instead. Diego lets out a howl. He hasn't had the prep Stefan gave Eddie but Stefan isn't feeling too charitable towards the closet case that started all this. Stefan wastes no time bottoming out in Diego and starts thrusting in and out hard. It's up to Diego to catch up and he does. Despite the initial pain Diego's hardon never went down and within a minute or two howls are now purrs and Diego is thrusting his ass back to meet each of Stefan's hard thrusts forward.

His hole forgotten, Eddie feels empty below Diego until he realizes the solution is poking him in the stomach. It only takes a little bit of maneuvering around but on one of Stefan's brutal thrusts into Diego, Eddie has things lined up so his best friend drives the Latin cock up his ass. Eddie throws his head back and gasps. Diego is quite a bit thicker than Stefan but once Eddie gets used to it his arousal starts hitting new heights. There's a spot up his ass that Stefan was only hitting occasionally that because of the angle and Stefan's help with thrusting Diego is getting every time. It feels like no time at all for Eddie before he's gripping the edge of the desk tight and gritting his teeth as the most powerful orgasm of his life hits him.

Eddie cums like a fire hose, managing to coat both he and Diego's torsos and one shot even manages to give them both a taste. It's that taste that sets Diego over the edge. One moment he's lost in exquisite pleasure as his ass is filled and his cock sheathed in a hot tight ass. The next Diego has a salty taste on his lips and with a series of violent shudders starts unloading what feels like a gallon of cum deep inside Eddie. Diego's as limp as a dish rag and not able to resist Stefan pulling out of him.

Stefan decided he didn't want to cum in Diego after what's gone on tonight. Stefan wants to give his load to someone he cares about to he rolls Diego off Eddie and crawls up Eddie's body. Eddie's tongue invades Eddie's mouth at the same moment that Stefan's cock drives its way into Eddie's ass again. There's no gentleness at all this time. Stefan needs to cum and cum soon. Eddie doesn't mind. Eddie had feared cumming would make servicing Diego or Stefan a chore he didn't want to continue but he couldn't be more wrong. Stefan's brutal taking of him has Eddie hot and wild in seconds. Eddie even manages to wrap his legs around Stefan's ass to drive his buddy's cock further and further up him. By the time Stefan bites down on Eddie's lip and gives one last shove as far up Eddie as he can go, Eddie's long been hard again already and when Stefan's gasps and moans let Eddie know that Stefan's load has joined Diego's deep in his bowels, Eddie lets loose with another orgasm nearly as powerful as his first.

It takes them a while but the two even better friends slowly come back to reality, Stefan's cock never going completely soft as it stayed lodged in Eddie's ass. Stefan gives Eddie one last gentle kiss and then gets off of him and leaves the office. Eddie worries Stefan is freaking out but he was just going to get their clothes and a few rages to clean up with. Both have noticed they seem to be short one Diego.

"So," Stefan says as he puts on his shorts and wife beater.

"So," Eddie answers, choosing to clean the office with just his boxer briefs and oxford shirt on.

"We gay now?" Stefan asks as he heads back out to finish the very few things he had left to do in the kitchen. Eddie moves a stool there so he can finish paperwork and still talk. Eddie can't let get weird. Well, weirder.

"Nah. Bi maybe but that's cool. You're the person I'm closest to ever. If I'm gonna find out I love being boned, I guess it's good it was you doing it first." Stefan finishes, never taking his eyes off Eddie for long. Stefan's remembering how good Eddie's cock felt in his mouth, how great Eddie's felt wrapped around him, and how awesome Eddie's ass felt around his cock. By the time he's done working, Stefan is so hard you could hang clothes on his dick. Eddie smiles when he looks over.

"Cool. I didn't think I could wait til we got out of here to get fucked again. Lay down naked, employee." Stefan strips in record time and does as told. Eddie's naked too by then and throws a leg over Stefan's middle and guides that long hardon back in where he's wanted it ever since it pulled out the last time. "Stefan, ugh, I think we're gonna be best friends, ohhh, forever now, don't you think?"Eddie asks as he bounces up and down on Stefan's hard cock.

"Whatever you say, boss" Stefan answers as he thrusts up in time to Eddie's movements. "Whatever you say."


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