Hollyoaks Behind Closed Doors

By Adz Sampson

Published on Mar 18, 2014




Grace Black was a woman of many talents. She was a dab hand in the kitchen but she also knew how to shoot a gun. But mostly, she knew when a man was lying to her. She had a sixth sense for shit like that, and if a man lied to her then she'd know straight away. Which was why her boyfriend Trevor could never keep shit from her because she would know from the look on his face, the way he acted or even by the way he was shirt was worn that day.

Trevor would never cheat on Grace with another woman. He had all he wanted in Grace- she could fuck like an Olympian and if sucking cock was an Olympic sport then Grace would surely have several gold medals by know? No, Trevor would never, ever want the taste of another woman's pussy. Not when he had Grace's ripe at home, ready and wet for him whenever he wanted.

But another guy? Well, that was something different altogether. Sexually, she and Trevor were a match made in heaven. Fucking steamy. But she knew that there was something missing between them. There always had been. And it was down to the fact that she didn't have a penis.

Trevor was Bisexual and Grace was no man. She was all woman, right down to the natural curves and the arse that wouldn't quit. And while she knew that she could pleasure Trevor like no woman ever had before, there would always be a part of Trevor that would want another man's touch in his life. She didn't think he would cheat on her with another guy- he didn't have the balls to do so. Or he wouldn't if he did because Grace would be wearing them as fucking earrings. But until he had the touch of another man again she was scared that there would be a part of Trevor that wasn't hers. She wanted hm whole.

Which was why she knew what she had to do. She had to sacrifise her happiness to appease Trevor. She had to give him what he wanted, if only for a night, then he'd have it out of his system and they could carry on being GraceandTrevor and not Grace and Trevor.

No-one except Grace knew about Trevor's feelings for other men. And she only found out by accident when she found one of his wank magazines in his bedroom when she was cleaning. Cleaning. Snooping more like. But whatever. And she asked him outright. And he didn't lie. Couldn't lie. Grace would know. So he was honest, completely. It started when he was 14 but he never acted on feelings until he was in prison. He'd only had sex with two guys but he knew he was bisexual. He still had feelings for men. He promised he'd never cheat on Grace.

She believed him.

Trevor was a gangster. He'd killed men. He done drugs regularly. He fucked like a duracell bunny. Her father would kill Grace if he ever found out what Grace was planning for her boyfriend. For the love of her life. But she had to do it.

She had to let Trevor have sex another man.


"Let me get this right?" Trevor asked as he sat shirtless in bed with his girlfriend Grace laying in nothing but her underwear "Your gonna let me have sex with a man? Just like that?"

Grace grinned. "Of course it's not just like that. If you fuck another man then I'm allowed more loving in my life".

Trevor turned to look at Grace. "I'm not letting another man put his dick anywhere near you" he stated and he realised how fucking hypocritial that sounded.

"Touché" Grace giggled. And Grace didn't giggle. It just wasn't in her vocalaburly. She was the least giggly person he'd ever met. She was up to something. "But who said anything about another man?"

"Wait.. What?" Trevor asked because he did just hear he correctly? He wasn't go fucking bananas?

She shrugged. "Maybe I should get myself some lady loving. Maybe the touch of another woman is something that's been missing in my life?"

Trevor got aroused at the thought. "Only if you video record it" he laughed and Grace leant forward and kissed Trevor.

She loved him.

That was why she was doing what she was doing.

She shrugged. "We're only doing this on two conditions. The first is I get to pick the man. And secondly- your the only who's going to videotape it because watching you with another guy is seriously going to be too hot to miss".

Trevor laughed. "I didn't know you felt that way?"

"I didn't know you fantasied about having a cock up your arse. It's amazing what we find out about each other if we're honest" Grace stated bluntly "Watching two guys fucking is one of the hottest things around. We're probably members of the same fucking porn websites!" she laughed.

"Would'nt that just be fucking ironic" Trevor replied. He paused for a moment "So what? Your just going to let me have sex with the guy. Why would you do that? What's in it for you?"

Grace leaned up and joined Trevor in leaning against the headboard. "Other then watching the man I love getting sweaty with another dude? The fact that you will be fulfilled. I've always wanted to be enough for you Trevor.. "

Trevor cut her off. "But Grace you are!"

"Don't bullshit a bullshitter Trevor" she replied sternly. She looked at Trevor hard. "I know in most ways I fulfill your sexual needs. But I fulfilled you 100% you wouldn't be wanking over pictures of naked guys in magazines. Or getting wrist injuries watching porn on the internet. It's fine. I'm OK with it".

Trevor was just stunned. "Your seriously the most amazing woman in the world?"

"Well D'uh" Grace replied back to Trevor "Now get under them covers and use your tongue to show me how much you love me".

Trevor grinned at her as he did just that.


Ste Hay was sat in The Loft pondering the past. This is the place where he met Brendan Brady- the man who would always have his heart, but the man who also done some serious fucking damage to said heart. The man stole his heart, took his breath away and ruined his life but yet Ste was still helplessly and madly in love with the Irish man and wished that he was here with him now. He missed him. Brendan done some awful stuff but Ste wished, selfishly, that Brendan was here with him now and not rotting in some bastard jail.

Grace Black sat opposite him, smiling.

That freaked him out. Grace Black didn't smile. She grunted.

"I have a job for you" Grace stated as Ste drained the last of his beer from the glass. He shrugged. He was expecting another job. It's whats to be expected when you lie down with gangsters, so to speak. "But this is a special one".

There was nothing special about dealing drugs. Or selling counterfiet wine. But whatever floated her boat.

"Okay, so I was going to go into a big essay about why I'm doing this but whatever. I'm your boss and you basically do as I tell you, init?" Grace stated

Now Ste was intrigued. A little.

"Basically, tonight Ste Hay, it's your lucky night. You know how your always checking out my boyfriend's arse?"

Ste looked at his empty glass. If he was drinking that right now it'd be all over Grace. "Well, whatever, he has a nice arse. Not gonna lie to you".

"It's a fucking awesome arse" Grace replied "Buns of steel"

Ste grinned at her. She was a lucky woman.

"And tonight it's yours".

Ste paused for a moment. Did he hear right?

"Excuse me?"

She pushed an envelope towards him. Intrigued, he opened the envelope and pulled out a wad of £50 notes.

"I'm confused" Ste stated honestly "Like, really confused".

Grace shrugged. "Your not the brightest bulb on the porch are you pet?".

Ste shrugged becasue he honestly fucking lost right about now.

She sighed. "There's £500 there. Your get another £500 tomorrow. But tonight your going to have sex with my boyfriend".

She disappeared and then returned. Ste was staring at her like she'd' just ran over his grandmother or something. She pushed a beer in Ste's directions.

"I'm not going to sit and explain everything to you. Basically because I fear your stupidness would take over my brain and fry it" she delightfully spoke "But tonight, my boyfriend is at home all alone and your going to pay him a visit. And then your going to have sex with him, understood?"

Ste looked postievely stumped, like he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. This made Grace happy for some reason. But also confused. Because the thought of sex with Trevor should have made Ste cum on the spot. That'd she'd like to have seen.

"You want me to have sex with Trevor?" Ste enquired "But why?"

Grace was bored now. "I already told you peaches that I'm not going to explain nothing to you. But tonight your going to have the night of your life with Trevor. I can gurantee you that. Take the money, I mean it. Although really you should be paying me to have sex with Trevor". She walked off. "Maybe I should think about that" she spoke to herself already forming a new business venture inside her head.

Pulling out of his phone, Ste scrolled through his contacts until he got to Trevor.

He wasn't sure what they were planning. The pair of them must have been planning something. But Ste didn't really care. He was dying from blue balls and if this meant he was going to get fucking laid- then he was going to fucking do it.

"Hope your ready for the night of your life Trevor.. I'm not as weak as you may think ;)". he sent.

Trevor didn't reply back.


Ste didn't know what to expect. Was it even going to go ahead? He still had no idea what the fuck was going on. Maybe he was walking into some sort of fucking trick. He wouldn't put it past them. Grace wanted him to have sex with Trevor, that was all he knew. Did Trevor even know? Was Grace tricking Trevor or something? So many questions and so little fucking time.

Leaving the flat he shared with Dennis, he walked the short way to Trevor's house. Nevers suddenly overtaking him. He hadn't been nervous in a long while, and maybe it was because Trevor was a fucking psychopath or maybe it was just because it'd been ages since he last got fucked. Honestly. He hoped tonight wasn't a set-up. Trevor was fucking hot and Ste had honestly had more then one naughty fucking dream about his 'boss'.

He stood at the door for a while. Fuck. He was shitting bricks! He had to get the nervousness out of the way. He wasn't sure how Trevor would react to him being nervous.

He knocked on the door after a couple of minutes. Trevor answered the door basically immediatly and Ste walked in.

Trevor walked towards the kitchen and Ste followed him. Trevor sat down at the table and offered Ste a beer. He took it. And fucking downed that bastard in one swift movement.

"Impressive" Trevor stated. Ste looked at his boss and saw he was wearing a Blue Ben Sherman shirt that probaby cost more then Ste earned in a fucking year. And a pair of jeans that were tight but not so tight that he couldn't breathe. He had three buttons undone on his shirt showing a fair amount, but enough in Ste's opinon, of skin. Ste placed the bottle on the table, his hand's no longer shaking like he was about to meet his execuctionor.

"Look, Trevor, I'm gonna be honest- Grace basically said we were going to be having sex? Was she fucking joking?" Ste asked. Trevor was holding onto his beer, looking at Ste in a way he hadn't ever been looked at before.. Whether that look was a good thing or a bad thing Ste hadn't known. He wouldn't like to know. "Because she paid me money. And I'm not a fucking prostitute".

Trevor laughed as he placed his beer on the table. But he didn't move. "Grace is a bitch for doing this. I had no idea she was going to do this so soon.. and I had no idea it would be you. No offence or anything Ste but your not exactly.. butch".

Ste was offended. "I may not be butch but I have a fucking dick" he replied back, all nervousness suddenly gone replaced with adraline and horniess? Perhaps. "And I know how to fucking use it".

"I have no doubt in my mind that you could satisfy a man.. " Trevor stated. He paused then continued "someone like Doug.. but I'm a different kind of man. A real man".

Ste walked over to the fridge and opened it, pulling out another beer. "I don't care that you didn't offer me one. I'm fucking have this" he opened it and downed it again in one swift movement. It wasn't affecting him at all which bothered him. "And don't fucking diss Doug because he ain't here to defend himself. Doug may never have been able to quite get the art of being a top.. but I know how to make a man cum".

Trevor picked up his beer and took a long sip of it. He then put it back on the table before speaking. "I don't want to offend anyone" he stated to save face. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?"

Ste placed his second empty bottle of beer on the table and unzipped his hoody to reveal that he was wearing a very tight LaCoste t-shirt that left nothing to the imagination. "No offense or anything Trevor, but let's just skip to the chase, yeah?"

Trevor rubbed his hands. He drained the last of his beer and placed it back on the table. He walked over to Ste and was shocked when the skinny lad pushed him against the wall. "If you say no kissing" Ste spoke "Then I will kick you in the fucking nuts now and walk out of here".

Ste crashed his mouth against Trevor's own. Trevor's mouth opened, and Ste didn't care whether it was to protest about the kissing, and he shoved his tongue inside the older man's mouth. Trevor accepted it. The kiss grew more passionate as Trevor's own tongue entered Ste's mouth and the two were dominatly kissing- there tongues clashing and both of them striving for dominance. As the pair got more passionate still, Ste took the oppourunnity to rid Trevor of his shirt- no matter how hot it looked. Whilst still kissing the man, his tongue still fighting for sole leadership with Trevor's own- he unbuttoned one of Trevor's buttons before sticking his hands inside it, and feeling Trevor's surprinsgly well buff body. Trevor shivered a little at the touch of Ste's ice cold hand but when Ste fondled his nipple, he surprised even himself by letting out a groan of appreciation.

Trevor pulled away from Ste and stopped the kissing as Ste undone more button's on Trevors shirt. He pulled the shirt off Trevor's toned, fit body and threw the unwanted garment somewhere, anywhere. It wasn't needed. Trevor looked at Ste's younger face and was impressed to see that the youngster had 'sex' written all over him. He had a feeling that he would be very fucking tired by the end of the night.

Bring. It. On.

Ste looked at Trevor's muscular body and noticed the tattoo above his right nipple. A letter in chinese(?) writing Ste didn't care for it much. But he moved forward and ran his tongue down the black tattoo causing a second groan of apprecitian from the bisexual gangster. He continued to lick and tease Trevor's tattoo, wetting it, whilst Trevor leaned against the wall getting harder by the second. Ste ran his tongue down from the tattoo to Trevor's nipple and ran his tongue over the tenderness of it. It became hard in a matter of seconds, Trevor clearly enjoying the teasing. Ste placed his wet mouth over the small nub and wet it, sucking it. Trevor continued to groan moans of delight despite himself as Ste teased him in ways he never knew he'd like.

Ste pulled away from teasing his nipples and Trevor had to admit, to himself, that he missed the sensation and feeling of the tongue on it. "Lay down on the sofa" Ste demanded.

Trevor wasn't used to being bossed around like that. But from the jerk from his dick inside his jeans, he apparently liked it.

Ste walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bottle of wine. Trevor looked at Ste like he was fucking mental. Why'd he want a fucking drink at this time? Ste walked back over to Trevor and sat next to the laying Trevor. He opened up the bottle and held the bottle upright. He poured a tiny amount of the liquid onto Trevor's body, causing him to jerk from the fucking coldness of the thing. Then Ste moved the bottle to Trevor's belly button and poured a tiny amount inside the navel. Ste discarded the bottle of wine on the floor and leaned over Trevor's naked chest. He ran his tongue all the way down Trevor's muscular, casually tattooed body. He lapped up the cold wine from the smooth body. Trevor groaned at the feeling. He ran his tongue up the body once more before moving all the way back down until he reached the belly button. He looked up at Trevor's who's eyes were closed before he stuck his tongue inside the bellybutton and lapped up the wine from inside the outie navel.

"Do ya want me to suck ya dick now?" Ste asked all casual like although he would probably cut Trevor's cock off if he said no. Trevor answered by pulling down his trousers in one rapid movement. Ste grinned when he noticied that Trevor wasn't wearing any boxers. He pulled Trevor's jeans off his ankles and threw them across the room. He took in the sight of Trevor's lenghty, pulsating cock and felt like he was going to drool. Trevor lifted his legs up so that Ste could fit his head inbetween his knees. Ste grabbed hold of the cock in his hands and wanked the rock hard cock slowly for a couple of movements before picking up speed. He leaned forward and took the cock in his mouth, slowly wrapping his mouth around the ridiclously large head of Trevor's uncut cock. Trevor let out a sigh of relief at the contact, not realising how both he and his cock had missed the feel of a masculine mouth around it. Ste was being agongisly teasingly, slowly licking up and down the large shaft. He finally got to work on the cock when he took the cock further and further into his mouth, until Trevor realised the head of his cock was literally at the back of Ste's throat. Man, it'd been so long since someone had deepthroated him he felt like he might erupt at any fucking moment. But before he could get to used to it, and boy could he, Ste pulled his mouth from around the cock and looked up at Trevor. "So I know your like the manly man and all that shit, but I'm in charge of you tonight, get that?" Ste replied.

Trevor would never get used to this apparent new found kink of being bossed around by someone who had no right to boss him around. Especially when it came to sex when Trevor was 99% the one in charge. But he was so fucking horny that Ste could ask him to suck off Jack Osborne and he'd probably do it- he'd wash his mouth out with petrol after- but he'd do it.

"Stand up" Ste demanded and Trevor being the massive bitch he was, did as he was told. Ste followed suit. He'd just noticed now that Ste was still clothed. But that didn't last long. Ste got rid of the hoodie was wearing by tossing it too one side and then he pulled off his t-shirt.

Ste's body was beautiful. It wasn't muscular like his own and it was kind of skinny with a little muscle but not too much. He had a dove tattoo on his hip. But he was sprouting a little hair which made him just that little more buffer and Ste didn't seem like the type who would work out in the gym for days on end just to get a bit of muscle. He appreiciated that somewhat. As a man who got his build from his endless running errands and jogging sometimes, he appreciated that. He wasn't someone who spent there time in the gym. Ste didn't take off his jogging bottoms but it was apparent from the hefty bulge that the younger man was sprouting that he was getting off from the situation. That made Trevor's cock twith with delight.

"Bend over the couch" Ste demanded.

Now Trevor wasn't sure what was going on here. He'd never, ever been fucked but his cock was twitching at the thought. Of course he'd fantastised about it. And Grace had once offered to fuck him with a dildo, but he'd never been ready. Or his brain didn't want to accept that. He'd thought it would de-man him. Apparently taking dick was painful. So Trevor liked to think off it as one of the most fucking manly things to do. If taking a big dick was that painful and most men were scared of it, why the hell should he not at least try it and take one for the team? So to speak.

Now Trevor knew he was thinking with his cock and not his brain when he did as he was told and bent over the sofa, grabbing onto the arm of the sofa. He realised now he was sweating somewhat. Nerves and apprehesian bubbling at him. Working it's way up his chest. Ste disappeared for a moment, leaving Trevor bent over the sofa looking like he guessed a prize fool. He returned moments later. "Seems ya not go lube in this house. But I love the porn ya got hidden under the bed. Who knew that Trevor Royale would get off at looking at pictures of Twink sucking cock?" Ste chuckled to himself "But I found this on one of the drawers and not only will it work but it will make ya arse smell fucking ace".

Ste was holding a bottle of Grace's cocoa butter. He poured an amount on his hands before rubbing it on Trevor's arse. Ste then got creative by pulling his hand back and smacking his arse.

Holy shit. His cock jerked like it was a mission to spunk already.

Ste rubbed a little at Trevor's arse. Then he slowly with one finger entered Trevor's hole.

Fuck. It burnt like a fucking bitch.

And he didn't like it.

But he didn't say anything. Ste pulled his finger out and entered Trevor again, this time with two fingers. The pain was horrendous and he'd been burnt on the fucking arm with an iron before. But then Ste twisted his fingers around and hit some kind of spot inside Trevor.

And Holy shit he was seeing fucking stars. His cock went from deflating to rock hard in a matter of seconds. And Trevor let out a noise that would definetely lose him a couple of hundred man points.

Ste kept twisting his fingers around inside Trevor's arse. It was fucking amazing. His cock twitched and he groaned like a little fucking bitch. He was sweating even more now from the sensation but he didn't care. Ste pulled his fingers out and Trevor honestly let out a groan of dissatisfaction from the lose.

"Your loving that ain't ya? Not so manly now are you? Bent over the sofa taking my fingers up your arse. Bet you look fucking hot" Ste taunted him "I can't wait to ride that fat cock of yours". But then he entered Trevor again, and this time it felt like he had shoved his whole fist up there. But afrer a few seconds he realised that Ste was fucking his arse with three fingers.

And. He. Kept. Hitting. That. Fucking. Spot.

Sweat dripping from his head, his body felt more alive then it had in years, and his cock was fucking twitching like a mad man. Trevor realised that all man points were down the drain and he was well and truly Ste Hay's bitch for tonight but he honestly could not give a flying fuck.

Ste kept finger fucking him. And hitting that spot. Trevor kept groaning and moaning like he hadn't before in his life. His arse felt like it was on fire but he'd never felt something so amazing in his life. And then Ste twisted his fingers again and it was game over.

Gripping onto the sofa for dear life, Trevor looked down at his cock in amazement as spunk flew from it hitting the back of the sofa. And he hadn't touched his dick once. Ste kept finger fucking him and spunk kept flying from his cock. His cock kept spurting spunk out of his cock as he moaned loudly.

Falling onto his knees, Trevor groaned when Ste pulled out of his arse.

"Well it seems like you enjoyed that" Ste taunted him as he joined Trevor on the floor.

"You" Trevor groaned as he pointed at the lad sitting next to him "Will be the fucking death of me".

Ste smiled at Trevor. "I've been with a few lads like and no-one has ever came just from being fingered. You should totally get Grace to use her fingers on ya arse more. Straight men have such a stupid distaste of having there arse touched like it's going make you turn into a fucking girl or something".

And Ste was just talking. Talking so much bullshit. That he surprised himself by leaning forward and kissing Ste.

It was a passionate, all tongues and teeth kiss, and Trevor's cock was taking interest again as it started to get hard again. As if he had any cum left! Trevor wanted to mark his mark so when he pulled his mouth away, he sucked on Ste's neck causing the lad to moan with delight. Ste wrapped his fingers around Trevor's wet with spunk cock was pleased to see that the man was getting hard again. He obviously wasn't lying when he said he had plenty of stamina.

Ste was going to have a mark on his neck from the way Trevor was fucking with his neck. But he couldn't give a shit. He'd have some explaining to do but he'd think about that more when he wasn't having his neck throughly tongue fucked by the walking wet dream that was gangster Trevor Royale.

Ste then pushed Trevor away and stood up. Trevor looked up in amusement as Ste pulled down his jogging bottoms and boxers in a swift movement. Trevor was pleasantly surprised at how big Ste's appendage between his legs was- he didn't really see Ste as being someone who had a big dick.

"Fuck all this bullshit" Ste stated as he wrapped his palm around his red-headed dick and slowly stroked. "If I don't get that inside me now, I will kill you". Ste stopped wanking himself and spat on his hands. He bent over the sofa, rubbing the spit into his arse and playing with his hole a little.

Trevor nearly choked on his own spit when Ste started fingering himself. Wrapping a hand around his own engorged cock, Trevor watched in amazement as Ste's finger completely disappeared inside his arse. And Ste was groaning so loud that it went straight to Trevor's dick. And it wasn't a ladylike moan like he'd expect from Ste- it was totally manly.

Ste was all man.

They were just two men who were going to fuck.

Ste stood back up, his face flushed red with desire. His cock pointing straight to Trevor's mouth. He felt bad that he hadn't even given Ste head and he was apparently going to fuck the dude. But he'd make it up to him. Trevor had already decided that he was going to do this with Ste again, and fuck everyone else.

"Get into the bedroom and lay on the bed" Ste demanded. Trevor stood up and walked straight to bedroom. It felt weird that he was going to fuck someone else other then Grace on it but he didn't have time to think about that right now.

Trevor lay on the king size bed, his hand wrapped firmly around his big cock. Ste stood on the bed and faced Trevor. Trevor watched, licking his lips, as the talented younger man stood on the bed and slowly lowered himself down on Trevor's cock. He went slowly at first, but after a few moments to get used to the size and girth of Trevor's impressive sized member, he lowered himself further down the cock. Ste's own cock was pointing out towards Trevor and it would have been rude not to do anything about that.

So he wrapped a hand around it as Ste started to ride his dick. Fuck that felt good.

Trevor leaned up on the bed so that he was closer to Ste. His legs were danging over the bed as Ste ride his dick like he was a fucking pro at it. Ste's fingernails were digging into Trevor's back as he rode Trevor's dick. Trevor decided to thrust into Ste to see what his reaction would be and Ste groaned so loudly that the neighbours would definetly be complaining in the morning.

Moving into another position, Ste was bent over the bed as Trevor plunged into him. Hard and fast.

"Fuck me harder" Ste groaned "Fuck me like it's the last thing ya ever gonna do. Fuck me like ya life depended on it". Trevor's hand was wrapped around Ste's large dick as he pounded into his worker. He did as he was demanded as he plunged in and out of Ste's hole gaping hole. The moans that Ste was making should be fucking illegal. Trevor felt embarrasement take over him as he realised he was going to cum and any minute.

"Man am gonna cum" Trevor stated. Ste didn't say anything. Trevor pulled out of Ste's arse, relucantly, and Ste lay on the bed. He stood over the man and pulled on his dick a total of four times before he came for the second time that night. Pulling on his balls as he came, the spunk flew onto the smooth and sweat covered body of Ste. Ste looked delighted as some literally fell into his open mouth and he swallowed it like it was fucking orange juice.

Trevor collapsed on the bed. Although he was the one doing the fucking he couldn't help but feel like he was the one who was well and truly fucked.

Ste stood over Trevor now, wanking on his own dick. It didn't take the dad of two to let out a loud noise as spunk fell from his dick and onto Trevor's body. Trevor couldn't help but place a finger into the sticky mess on his fit body and put into his mouth.

He shrugged. Not bad at all.

They both collapsed on the bed and then Ste started laughing.

"You know it's kinda not bad being paid to do this" Ste grinned "But next time I can't but feel like it would be even better if I fucked your arse".

Trevor didn't say anything.

Because he knew that Ste was going to fuck him. He didn't have to deny it.

And by looking at Ste;'s face- Ste knew exactly that.


Grace Black looked at the man who was sat next to him. And looked down at the jeans he was wearing.

Hard as fucking nails. Could cut a cucumber hard.

"Seems like you enjoyed the show" Grace quoted Ste as she took in the man's face.

"It's been a while, you know, my dick would get hard over a fucking kitten" the man replied.

"First of all- that is disgusting" Grace reprimanded "And secondly, this was the reason why I called you here. I have a mission for you".

"And If I don't accept?" the man asked, trying to readjust his jeans so Grace didn't notice.

"This is non-negotiable" Grace stated and she smiled at the man.

They had just watched the live sex show of Ste and Trevor. She was impressed at Ste's stamina to take Trevor's dick like a pro. And she loved watching her man plow into another man. Hey? We all have our kinks.

Joe Roscoe was sitting next to her. She had plans for him.

"Your wife thinks you have left her for another woman" Grace stated "She thinks, thanks to your brother Freddie, that you have another woman pregnant".

Joe raged. "I'm gonna kill him".

"Not my problem" Grace stated "But your returning to Hollyoaks. Tomorrow".

Joe was stunned. This wasn't going to be as easy as that though was it?

"My dad wants you dead. He wants me to kill you. But do you know what my father hates more then anything?"

Joe shrugged. He didn't really care to be honest. He just couldn't wait to see Lindsey again.

"Queers. Homosexuals. Poofs" Grace stated "Something about his own father leaving his mother for a man. Sore spot. Don't mention it to him if you want to keep your dick".

Joe was confused as to what this had to do with him?

"I've bought you a place. A flat. And your going to live in it" Grace stated before adding as she took in Joe's place. "With your new boyfriend".

"Eh.. What?" Joe asked, really confused now.

"Easy" Grace stated "Ste Hay will be your boyfriend. You will come back to Hollyoaks after realising you were gay and you bumped into Ste. The back story is up to you. But the fact is that you and Ste, as of now, as in a relationship"

"But I'm not gay and I'm not interested in Ste" Joe stated

"I don't care about that. I beg to differ though. You were pratically drooling when Ste fingered himself on the video. And if you were any harder those jeans would have a fucking hole in them".

Joe sighed. "And what does Ste have to say about this?"

"He doesn't know yet" Grace admitted "But he will do. I'm off to speak to him now and It's gonna cost me. But just to see the look on my fathers face when he realises that not only have I not killed y ou but your like gay now.. it will be so fucking worth it" she relished.

"So we have to act like a couple? For how long?" Joe asked

"Until I say so" Grace replied "And yes your a couple. I suspect there will be plenty of sex but that's up to you".

"Yeah, my dick is going nowhere near him" Joe sighed and Grace just shrugged.

"Look forward to seeing your new flat and your new boyfriend tomorrow" Grace stated.

And she gave it 24 hours before Joe's mouth was wrapped around Ste's quite glorious cock.


So I Started another! This one hasn't been proof read so there WILL be errors. I'm still working on my next EastEnders chapter and i'm nearly done. So expect that sometime soon!!

All comments, suggestions, feedback to swaggerjagger90@mail.com and I hope you like this!!

  • ADZ x

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