Holy Shit

By Amanda Sutton

Published on Aug 15, 2023


The Wizard and the Curse of Trans By Amanda Sutton


This is a story involving sex between women, men and crossdressers This story is the property of the author. If you wish to repost or reprint this you may as long as I give permission and you do not profit off of it.

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Hi folks. Before you read this read the other stories Holy Shit I'm a Shemale, Holy Shit I'm a girl and "Holy Shit I'm a Shemale Hooker as this is the final chapter and you won't know what's going on until you read them. If you have read them read them again as I have made changes to all of them.

This story contains sex, sex between transgenders, men, and women. It is for the 18 and over crowd.

This story is the property of the author. You may reprint it as long as you get my permission first and do not profit from it.

© Amanda Sutton.

Myron the wizard stood in front of the High Council. He had on his formal robe for the questioning.

Myron" said the Chairman, "We are concerned about some of the decisions you have made over the past months. We had to already suspend your powers and now must decide whether to reinstate...Myron are you wearing a Grateful Dead shirt?"

"Uh yeah'. He opened his robe to show the "Steal Your Face" album cover.

"You showed up to a High Council meeting wearing a Dead shirt and.... Myron, you smell of pot."

"Uh yeah, figured I would relax before this. Anyone got chips. I would love a Jack in the Box taco. Any of the worlds still have Jack in the Box? I don't think there was a better munchie than Jack in the Box tacos. I think Earth 27 still has Jack in the Box."

"Myron...." Yelled the Chairman.

"Oh, come on Grand Wizard, remember we met doing mushrooms at Woodstock on Earth One. You were so burnt you brought me here."

"Those were great mushrooms... wait that's not the point Myron. There are 50 dimensions in the universe. We are responsible for making sure they are free of black magic. For some reason, all your choices in battling the dark arts have involved changing one man into a woman or transgender."

"Well in my defense, on Earth 23 Savannah Summers won the game and I granted her wish."

"Who the hell put that game in there in the first place? We had to abide by it but really,what moron... Myron." Myron shook his head, though he had an idea who did it.

"But you changed her roommate."

"I fixed that. And her roommate likes being a girl."

"You also released that cursed Trans on Earth 44. This guy as a picture of Bobby/Barbie appeared, is still being sexually used as a tranny..." Myron interrupted.

"The correct term is transgender. And the curse as you call him actually freed someone and took him back for being an asshole."

"And we gave you a simple task on Earth 2. Save the Covid people and you did very good work. But for some unknown reason you changed some guy into a shemale, and everyone is busy fucking everyone in the open. What spell did you use?"

Myron pulled out his IPad. "183.2."

183.2??" said the chairman. "The Changed World? Are you nuts?"

"Well it did change the world." The chairman pulled his hand on his head."That's a spell that the Curse wrote before we kicked him out. This shemale thing with him..."


"Whatever. You need to see what is going on with these women. Make sure they are okay and fix whatever is not. I will grant you powers to correct your mistakes.

And if you fuck up again, I will never let you touch the weed from Earth 1."

"Oh damn, that is the best shit on any world. Okay boss, fix it time."He disappeared in a puff of smoke.

One of the council turned to the chairman. "Why does he always disappear and reappear in a puff of smoke?"

The chairman laughed "I'm fucking with the guy; he's going crazy trying to figure out how to stop it."

Myron appeared on Earth 44. "Barbie" was being fucked in the ass by her Zoom date. Myron yelled ", Trans you are going to be locked in the vault."

"The curse said "Oh, fuck not again."

"Look if you cooperate, I'll get you a joint from Earth 1."

"Shit why didn't you say so". He popped into the room, all four feet of him dressed as a girl. Jerking off. "She realized how she appeared and took her hand off her dick and pulled up her panties. "You had to interrupt? Okay, I hereby lift the curse." He turned to Myron. "I love being dramatic.

Ever since the High Council called me Cursed, I'm going with it."

Barbie turned back into Bobby..

"Holy shit" he said as he pulled away from the guy fucking him. "I'm a man again. Fucking A. No more ass fucks."

"My apologies, the curse gets a little our of hand" looking at Trans.

"Wait, you put the curse on me? Look Tyrion, I'm going to take you are do some dwarf bowling with you." Trans looked at Myron, Myron nodded.

"Okay asshole, you get one more year" and turned him back to Barbie. And the two disappeared.

His date looked at him and said, "I don't know who the fuck those guys were, but I paid my $300 bucks. He pushed Barbie down and began fucking her again.

"And you are an asshole for saying that" he said as he grunted and start pumping.

"Oh hell. . Me and my big mouth."

"Let's see how big" said another guy as they both shoved their cocks into Barbie's mouth.

"Sure I can't finish jerking off before we leave" asked Trns.

"Just stick with me said Myron.

Myron then checked on Earth 44's Andy/Amanda. "The curse of the Trans has been lifted.You no longer have to switch back and forth."

"Uh, who the fuck are you? And why is that little guy beghind you dressed as a girl and jerking off?"

"I am Myron. The little guy is Trans and he ls perpetually stoned..."

"Takes one to know one "yelled Trans.

"Like I was saying he gets stoned and does insane things involving transgenders. Anyway, you are free."

" You mean the asshole is free?" she asked as Amanda as she changed back to a man.

"Sort of."

"What does that mean to me? I liked being able to go back and forth. I wish there were a third option where my dick turned to a pussy if I wanted."

"Okayyy, they gave me unlimited power to fix it but if that is what you want", Lightning struck.

Andy though for a second changed into Amanda with a cock and then changed into Amanda with a pussy. "This is fantastic, I don't know who you are and that's potent weed you smell of, but this is unbelievable. I'm going out tonight full power with a pussy and find out what that feels like fucked there."

Ã"kay, one down, two to go" said Myron. He turned to Trans. "Just stay with me and do nothing. I have to fix a couple of things and if you want the weed just be quiet and do nothing. This thing with turning guys into transgender's has got to stop. I mean, how much do I have to convince everyone you are a curse and not a nut job? Don't know why they can't strip you of your powers."

"I gave the High Wizard a BJ and told him not to change my powers..Okay but I want a full ounce," said Trans. "Otherwise I change some more worlds. Say, would you like a blow job? Turn me into a woman and I will. But I need some height."

"Uh,maybe, in the mean time I have a couple of more worlds to check on."

Amanda and Savannah were in a threesome. Amanda was on top of the guy jumping herself up and down on the guy's cock while she and Savannah made out. "Fuck, yeah, fuck yean" yelled Amanda Oh my fucking god "AHHHH", she fell off the guy panting. God, I love being a woman she thought as she shuttered. This multiple orgasm thing is fucking great. Savannah put her ass up for the guy and Amanda got under and ate her pussy while the guy fucked her ass. Suddenly there was a puff of smoke.

Amanda looked up from Savannah's pussy to see Myron. "Don't you ever knock" said Amanda. I'm fucking naked. And I have cum dripping out of my pussy, she grabbed a towel. "What is it this time?"

"I was charged with making sure you wanted to stay the way you are or if you want to go back."

Amanda grabbed him by the shirt. I swear if you fucking change us you'll get to meet Jerry Garcia very quickly."

"I take that as everything is, okay?"

"Yeah" said Savanah, I need to get this guy back in my ass. Thanks for dropping by, now leave."

"Okay, guess they are happy." He disappeared in a puff of smoke. He popped back in for a second. "Will you stop jerking off and come with me" he said to Trans.

"He disappeared again.

"Who was that guy and why does that smoke smell like pot?" Asked the guy.

"Forget him" said Savannah as she kissed him." Just go back to fucking my ass."

"He must be crazy; I love my pussy," said Amanda. "Let me have some of big cock. We need to have more than one guy at a time. Next time I'm doing two guys, so I get to be the center of attention."

Neal was taking Amanda's ass on Earth 2. Sierra's cock was in her mouth and Dana was sucking her cock Sierra shot a load into Amanda's mouth and Amanda happily swallowed. Jen smashed her pussy into her face and Amanda made Neal, Jen and herself come at the same time. Neal filled up her ass and Dana gave Amanda a cum kiss.

Suddenly smoke in the air."I am back" Myron said.

"Who the fuck are you?" asked Amanda as she covered up her tits and cock. "And who is the little girl in the corner jerking off? Wait, that's a guy, right?"

"Oh shit, I forgot you never saw me here. I sort of cast a spell on the world and somehow made you transgender in the process."

"You mean this was magic after all? I knew that psychic ripped me off."

"Okay, I was never here. I think I have to leave."

"Wait" said Amanda. "If you are so powerful, can you make it so I can switch between having my cock and a pussy?"

"That seems to be popular, so why not?" Amanda thought and her cock changed to a pussy. She then changed it back to a cock."

"Oh, this is so cool" said Jen. "I am going to eat that pussy.."

"And I am going to fuck it" said Sierra.

"Hey Sierra, I get her ass, you can have her pussy, a nice DP "said Dakota. "And Amanda, blow Neal, all three holes filled."

"Oh, this world gets more fun as it goes along" said Amanda.

"Okay, I'm out of here," said Myron. He turned to Trans. "Pull up your panties, will you?"

He appeared before the high Council. "Everything is fixed and good."

"Good? Really. Did you go with the Curse of Trans to Earth one to get weed?"

"Well, he usually is more pliable with some weed."

"YOU dumb idiot. You were supposed to lock it up. When it was on Earth One it changed every man on Earth into a shemale."


"I don't what you call it. He scored two pounds when he was there. When he is stoned we can't find it."

"Two pounds?" sad Myron.

Myron and Trans were laying on the beach on Earth 27,eating Jack in the Box tacos."

"So for one pound you keep quiet where I am" said Trans.

"Deal." said Myron as he fired up a bong. He coughed."Oh, this shit is great,how did you get this?"

"I turned a drug dealer into a shemale. He liked it so much he gave it to me if he could stay this way. Even gave me a BJ."

And Earth One is back to normal?"

"As normal as it ever will be."

Myron sat, munched on his taco and thought. I'm on a break,on a beach,a pound of weed, what could possibly go wrong?

The End

Comments are always welcome Amandasutton403@gmail.com

If you want more of Myron and Trans (or any of the Amanda's) let me know.

Next: Chapter 5: The Wizard and the Curse of the Trans 2

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