Home Fires

By Adam Fields

Published on Sep 8, 2009


I am 67 years old attempting to write stories for Nifty. I welcome your feedback, good or bad. Please let me know what you think. You can send your response to atomman1964@yahoo.com. I hope you have as much fun reading this story as I did writing it.

This story is a sexual fantasy between two men. It is fictional, any similarity to any person is only coincidental. If stories like this offend you, or you are not old enough to read this, then please leave this site now. If you are under 18 years of age in most states you are not allowed to read this story by law.


Adam Fields

It will soon be Labor Day, and then it will be back to school. Bobby and I are eighteen years old and will be seniors in high school. We have known each other since we were toddlers.

Every Labor Day weekend we go up to the cabin with our dads. They both own the cabin, and we go there to secure it for winter. We may not be going up there this Labor Day. Bobby's dad was on the roof, fell off of it, and bruised the muscles in his back. He's been off work, and is having a hard time getting around, so he will not be able to go. We have a new football coach at school and he has schedule practice the weekend of Labor Day. There is no way I can go, I have to go to practice.

It looks like we will have to schedule this for another weekend. Well, that's what I thought, but then what do I know. That was about to change. My dad told me to go get Bobby, he wanted to talk to him. I got Bobby and stayed around to see what my dad wanted with him. He told him he thought the two of them could get the cabin ready for winter. It would just take longer.

I said, "Wow, lucky Bobby."

He gave me the dirtiest look and punched me in the ribs. We all laughed.

Thursday had arrived and Bobby helped me get my dad's RV packed for the cabin. My dad generally gets off work at 8:00 a.m. Today he would be late for he had to attend a meeting. My dad's a cop, and so is Bobby's. Well Bobby's dad is a deputy sheriff, but I still think of him as a cop.

The RV was packed and they left a little after noon. Mr. Allen, Bobby's dad, and I were the only one's home. My mom and Bobby's mom always take a mini vacation Labor Day weekend. They are from the same small town and go home to visit their parents. My dad gave me strict orders to look after Mr. Allen, since he was having problems with his back. I headed over to his house, for I knew it wouldn't be long before my dad would be calling on the phone. I had a key to Mr. Allen's house. This enabled me to come and go without bothering him.

I went in the house and found him lying on the floor, with his back against the couch.

"Are you okay," I asked.

"Hey Jeff," he replied. "I lay with my back against the couch as it helps support my back, and that helps relieve the pain. My only problem is getting up off the floor. It's easy to get in this position, but hard to get out of it."

"That's why I'm here, to help you when you need it," I said. "My dad told me to handle you with tender loving care. If I dont, when he gets home, he will be handling me, and I dont think it will be with tender loving care."

He laughed and said, "That sounds like your dad, but the doctor told me he couldn't help me, so I don't think you will be able to help me either. I just need to relax and take it easy. He gave me a prescription for muscle relaxers, but I hate taking the pills. When I take them, I`m asleep in about ten minutes and they knock me out for several hours."

"Well," I said, "I'm not a masseur, but the old coach always massaged our backs when we had muscle cramps. He showed us how to do it. Why don't you let me give your back a rubdown, maybe it will help you."

He asked me what I thought about the new coach. I told him I hadn't met him, but he must a go getter, since he had scheduled practice before school even started.

He turned over on his stomach and I took off his sweat shirt so I could get to his back. I went to Bobby's room to get some oil. I knew where to find it, he always kept it by his bed.

I rubbed some oil on my hands and started at his shoulders. I kept working his shoulders until he was relaxed and they were no longer tight. I then worked his shoulder blades and did the same thing. I asked him where his pain was located, and he said the lower back. I asked him if I was hurting him at all. He said no, and went on to say that it was a very good hand job I was doing on his back. I thought to myself, I would love to turn you over and show you how good a hand job I can do on your other side.

"If I do anything that hurts make sure you let me know," I said.

He said, "You don't have to worry about that, you'll be the first to know." "I'll be yelling."

"That's okay, you can yell as loud as you want. I just don't want to hurt you," was my reply.

I then worked my hands down toward his lower back. I was moving ever so slowly, relieving the tension a little at a time. He was moaning softly and told me that it really felt good. He was starting to relax all over. When I got down to the waistband of his briefs I slipped my hands in them, rubbing the upper part of his butt, just above his crack.

"Do you want me to take my sweats off?" he asked.

"That would be great," I replied. "then I can work the tension out of your legs."

He lifted his butt up carefully as I pulled his sweats off. He had one nice bubble butt that I had always admired. This was the first time I got to touch it.

I put my hands back in his waistband, but never got to his crack. I simply massaged the upper part of his butt. I kept doing that for the longest time and I was glad he couldn't see me. My cock was bulging in my sweats. I then went to his one leg and massaged it down to his ankles. I even massaged his toes. He was moaning and told me that it felt great. He never had anyone massage his toes. I worked my hand down his other leg, massaging it the same way.

I slowly worked my hands up the inside of both of his legs. When I got to the leg band of his briefs I stopped. I wanted to put my hands inside his briefs, but knew I could not do this since he was the dad of my best friend. I kept massaging his thighs for the longest time. Then I slapped his butt and told him I had to go check for mail. I also had to check Mr. Faircloth's swimming pool. He told me to go ahead, he wasn't going anywhere.

An hour had passed before I got back to him. He was off the floor sitting in a chair.

"Did you have any problems getting up by yourself?" I asked.

"None at all," was his reply. "I just took me a long time to get up, but I wanted to see if I could do it without anyone's help. You sure do wonders with your hands. That massage must have really helped my back, but I have one slight problem. I need to pee, and I need your help getting to the bathroom."

I smiled and said, "That's not a problem at all, I'll be glad to help you."

I had my hand around his waist as we walked slowly to the bathroom.

He looked at me and said, "I hate to ask you, but do you mind whipping it out for me. I'm still not steady on my feet. I'll need you to pull my cock out of my briefs while I stand here and steady myself."

My cock jumped in my briefs as I said, "I have never done this before, but under the circumstances I'm glad to help. It will be easier for me if I pull your jockey shorts down to your knees."

"Sure," he said, "whatever works best for you."

My cock was growing in my sweats. I wonder if he noticed. I pulled his briefs down slowly and let his cock spring out and dangle between his legs.

Having his cock locked up in his briefs made it nice and warm. I grabbed it and told him to fire away. We stood there the longest time while he drained himself. Finally he was completely drained and I shook his cock to get the excess pee off of it. I then pulled his briefs up and put my hand inside them so I could align his cock. I wanted his briefs to show the biggest bulge possible. We headed slowly back to the couch. I asked him how his back was feeling, and he was surprised that it was not as painful as before.

I went and got him some water so he could take his pills. I asked him if there was anything else I could do for him.

"No," he said, "but may I ask a favor of you? Would you mind if I slept in my jockey shorts? When I turn over the sweats don't turn with me. It is very irritating."

I didn't answer, I was too excited to answer. If he only knew how much I was going to enjoy this. He scratched his balls and when he did that my cock started dancing in my briefs.

"Listen," he said, "the pills are going to knock me out in about ten minutes, and I'll be out like a light for about two hours. There isn't any reason for you to stay here with me."

"If my dad finds out I left you alone he'll be all over my ass," I said.

He started yawning. He was right about the pills. It wasn't long before he was asleep.

I sat in the chair so that I would be looking down towards his feet. I didn't want to be looking up to his eyes. That way if he got awake and I was staring at his cock he wouldn't notice.

I had my one leg propped over the armrest of the chair and had my eyes glued to his cock. The TV was still playing, but I wasn't watching it at all. I only hoped his cock would get hard. I was dying to see the bulge get bigger in his briefs.

I waited for a good fifteen minutes and I could see this was going to be a long wait. However, his cock must have itched, for he took his hand and scratched it. He had moved his cock to the side. It was no longer straight in his briefs

After that his cock started ever so slowly moving in his briefs. It was working its way up the right side of his leg. The briefs were not holding it back at all. It made its way up to his right hip and then came to a stop. It had finally reached it destination. Once there it started throbbing. You would have thought it was a beating heart. It was throbbing up and down with a steady beat.

Once his cock started moving in his briefs my own cock became hard. I was leaking pre-cum because I was excited. He wasn't leaking, for there was nothing to get him excited. Hell it sure would be nice if he had a wet dream about now.

I sat there rubbing my cock in my briefs as I watched him. It wasn't long before I saw a wet spot on his briefs. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Was I seeing the wet spot because I wanted to see it? I got off the chair and went over to take a closer look. I was right, he was leaking pre-cum in his briefs. It was a nice steady flow coming out of his cock.

I wanted to touch his throbbing cock, but didn't know what to do. I didn't want him to wake up. I started thinking about what he said about the pills. He would be knocked out for about two hours, so why not chance it and put my hand on his hard cock. I chickened out. I went back to the chair and continued to watch his throbbing cock.

By now my cock was leaking so much pre-cum that it was pouring out of my sweats. I couldn't take it any longer. I got up again, and went over to him. Instead of putting my hand there, I put my mouth on his briefs. I bit his cock through his briefs. I was biting it from the head down to the base of his shaft. I tasted his salty cum; it was delicious. I wanted to keep my mouth on his cock, but I pulled away. I was afraid he might get awake.

Back in the chair I pulled off my sweats. If he got awake and said anything I would just tell him I liked to lounge around in my briefs too. I then pulled the waistband of my briefs down below my balls. I used the pre-cum from my cock as lube. My cock always got very slick when I used pre-cum, and I liked it better than lube.

I started stroking, but did not edge myself. I was afraid he might get awake and catch me stroking my cock. It wasn't long before I shot off all over myself. I was careful not to shoot on the chair or floor. I aimed my cock so the cum would hit my nipples and stomach. I sat in the chair exhausted while his cock was still throbbing.

I got up and went to the bathroom and used toilet paper to clean myself . I washed my hands, I had to do that. If they came in contact with his face he would be able to smell the odor that was on them. And, if he smelled the odor on my hands he would know I was jacking off. Damn I hated washing my hands, I love the smell of my cock on my hands.

I headed back to the chair and kept staring at his cock. I watched it go limp and then get hard again. It was exciting to watch it in his jockey shorts. Finally he got awake and stretched. I couldn't believe that two hours had passed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Fine," was his answer, "but I will know for sure when I try to get up from the couch."

"Let me put my hand behind your back for support," I said.

He got up with ease and I asked, "Where are we going this time?"

"To the bathroom again," was his reply. "I have to take another leak."

When we got there I didn't pull his briefs down, but stuck my fingers through the slit in his briefs and pulled out his cock.

He looked at me and asked, "Why didn't you pull the briefs down this time?"

I said, "I wasn't aware that you were wearing Jockey brand briefs."

"What does the brand of briefs have to do with it?" he asked.

"You don't know," I said. "Jockey brand briefs are designed so you could pull your cock right out. You don't have to dig around for it like you have to do with other brands."

He laughed and said, "Do your thing, I'm glad I'm wearing the brand that makes your job easier."

What I had told him was the truth, but that was not the real reason. I wanted to feel the pre-cum that was on his briefs. It also gave me a chance to feel the pre-cum that was on the head of his cock. If I pulled his briefs down like the last time then I wouldn't have that chance. When he was finished taking a leak I put his cock back in his briefs and we headed to the kitchen.

He sat in the kitchen while I prepared supper. We made small talk, mostly about his son Bobby. After we finished the meal we went back to the TV room. He wanted a drink, he liked rum and cranberry juice, but did not want to drink while he was taking his medicine. Tomorrow if he felt better he wasn't going to take any more prescription medicine, he would take his own medicine.

"Would you like another massage?" I asked. "If so, do you want to lay on the couch or floor?"

Yes was his reply as he laid down on the couch. I started on his shoulders like I had done before. I kept rubbing his muscles in the same slow meticulous way I had done earlier.

When I got to his waistband I inserted my hands down to the top of his crack like I had done before. He started moving his butt all around. I took this as a sign he wanted me to go further with my hands. I rubbed his cheeks and massaged the crack of his ass. He was moaning with pleasure. I pulled my hands out and started on his legs. I worked my hands down to his toes, and gave them another massage.

"Damn," he said, "that sure does feel good when you massage my toes. You will have to come over here every day and do that."

"My hands are good at massaging anything, anytime," I replied.

He grinned and said, "I'll keep that in mind."

I worked my hands up his legs again. I was massaging one thigh all the way up to his leg band. He then spread his legs as far apart as he could on the couch. When he did this I knew he wanted his crotch massaged. I put more oil on my hands and put both hands through his left leg band. I was massaging the left cheek of his ass with my right hand, and my left hand was working on the upper part of his leg. I was rubbing it all the way up to his waistband.

I took my right hand and started rubbing the crack of his ass. I worked it down to his crotch. He was moaning as I did this, but did not move at all. I think he was afraid it would hurt his back. I kept rubbing his crotch and pushed my hand so that it could touch his balls. I kept doing this for the longest time, hoping I was giving him a lot of pleasure.

I went to his right leg and did the same thing. I took my hands out of his briefs and got up so I was facing his legs. I put both my hands through the waistband of his briefs and rubbed the cheeks of his ass. I would move my hands slowly down his cheeks and out his leg band. He did not move at all.

After I took my hands out of his briefs he turned over. He wanted me to massage the front of him. My cock was throbbing in my briefs, but he did not say anything.

He cupped his hands behind his back. I could not help notice his hard cock, and the pre-cum on his briefs.

He said, "Your massaging has made me a little horny. It made my cock hard while you were rubbing my crotch and ass. I see it did the same to you."

I was blushing, I didn't know what to say. I just nodded my head in agreement.

I took his hands from behind his head and started massaging them. I worked my hands down to the palm of his hand and then back up to his shoulder. I did it with his other hand too. After I was through with his hands he put them behind his head.

I rubbed more oil on my hands and started on his shoulders. I massaged them and went over to his armpits. I played with the hair that was there and then moved to his chest. I ran my fingers through the hair on his chest, and then started playing with his nipples, making them hard.

I followed the stream of hair down to his belly button. I played with it and then worked my hands toward his waistband. I put some more oil on my hands and slid my hands through his waistband. I moved them ever so slowly down towards his leg bands. I slid them out and rubbed the inside of his thighs. Then I brought them back ever so slowly. His hard cock was oozing pre-cum out on my arm. I took my arms out from his briefs and licked the pre-cum that was on my one arm.

He looked at me and asked, "Did it taste good? I hope it did, for I love the taste of cum too."

"You bet it did," was my reply. "I would give you a taste, but there is none left on my arm. I'll have to get some more so you can have a taste."

"That's okay," he replied. "The next time you can save some for me."

"No need to wait," was my reply, as I took pre-cum off his cock and stuck my fingers in his mouth.

I then started on his thighs and worked my hands toward his toes. Again I massaged his toes, for I knew he like having that done. I then slowly worked my hands up toward his briefs.

I massaged his right thigh and worked my hands inside his leg band. I started massaged his crotch with my right hand. He was moving slightly. It told me he was really enjoying this. I would rub his balls, and then his cock. I would switch back and forth. I rubbed his cock all the way up to the head. I put my fingers on his piss slit and felt the pre-cum that was there. I pulled his cock back in his briefs to make a nice tent. While it was in that position I ran my hand up and down his cock. I was stroking his cock while it was inside his briefs.

"You had better stop that for I am about to cum," he said.

"What's wrong with that, it feels good when you cum," I said, as I pinched the head of my cock.

"Yes it does, but I don't want to cum in my briefs," he replied, as he licked pre-cum off his fingers.

I took my hands out of his briefs and lifted his waistband up. When I did this his cock sprang loose and slapped into his belly.

I pulled his waistband down below his balls and he said, "Please stroke my cock if you don`t mind."

"Is that all you want?" I said, as I grabbed his cock.

He didn't know what to say. He was a little nervous as I pulled his briefs completely off. He was now nude, lying on the couch, exposing his throbbing cock.

"How old are you?" he asked.

"I'm eighteen just like your son," was my reply. "You dont have to worry, Im not a minor."

"It`s not that," he said, "I don't know if we should be doing this since your dad is my best friend."

I put my tongue on his piss slit and said, "As horny as your son gets, he is probably doing the same thing to my dad."

His mouth fell open, he couldn't believe what he had heard. I couldn't wait any longer, I wasn't going to wait for him to answer. He might back out of this, and I wanted to taste his hot cock. I swallowed his cock and his body jumped a little off the couch. I had caught him by surprise.

I used my teeth to chew on the head of his cock. This caused him to leak more pre-cum. I would then take his cock out of my mouth and lap up the pre-cum out of his piss slit. This way he could see the long strand of pre-cum that was coming out of his cock.

"Do you mind if I take off my sweats?" I asked, as I sucked the pre-cum out of his slit.

"No, I don`t mind," he said, "you might as well have some fun too."

I got up and pulled them off, exposing my hard cock in my briefs.

To my surprised he grabbed the bulge in my briefs and said, "Looks like you are leaking a lot too."

"Well it's all your fault," I said as I rubbed the pre-cum on my briefs.

I knelt on the floor and started my mouth on his cock. I was up and down on it, moving slowly. I didn't want him to cum yet. I wanted this to last as long as possible. I got up on my feet and bent over so I could take his cock all the way in my mouth.

I had it lodged in the back of my throat. You couldn't move it. I moved my head back and forth so the head of his cock could get massaged. I then pulled out of him and licked his balls. He was sweating and breathing heavy. He told me that was awesome, he had never had anyone do it that way. Since he liked it so much, I decided to do it again. This time I kept the head of his cock in the back of my throat as long as I could.

While doing this I got another surprise. His hand was between my legs and he put it through my leg band and was playing with my balls. He then went up to my cock and felt the piss slit. He rubbed all of the pre-cum off it and pulled his hand out and licked his fingers.

"Since you wouldn't give me any pre-cum I had to get my own. It`s very tasty, it even tastes better than your supper," he said, as he continued to lick his fingers.

"When we eat I can always spray your salad." was my reply. "I'll be sure to give you a taste of your cum as soon as you explode. "

"You dont need to bother." he replied. "Im sure I'll get to taste some of your sweet cum."

I couldn't believe what I heard as I started working up and down on his cock. I took it slow for I did not want to hurt him. I didn't know if this was going to hurt his back at all. It wasn't long before he made himself stiff. I knew he was going to shoot. He shot round after round in my mouth. I swallowed it all, I did not let any slip away. I sure was glad he didn't want any of it.

He wanted to know if I wanted to jack off. If so, he would be glad to do it. I turned around and pulled out my hard cock that was dripping with cum. I had shot off the same time he was shooting.

He said, "Damn son you are a stud, you weren't even stroking and you shot off."

I said, " I couldn't contain myself. I was so excited I couldn't hold it. I just shot off the moment I felt your cum hit my mouth".

He grabbed my cock and said, "You're not the only one that gets to lap up the cum. I'm going to make you as clean as you have made me."

He took my cock in his mouth and licked all the cum off of it. He worked his mouth up and down on my hard cock, making sure he got every drop of cum.

I had licked him so clean he didn't need to wash. He had done the same to me. I put his briefs on him and helped him to the bathroom for one final pee.

"Where are you going to sleep?" I asked.

"In the TV room on the floor with my back against the couch," was his reply.

We went back to the TV room and he sat on the couch. I went and got his sleeping bag and put it on the floor so he could sleep on it. I told him I would sleep out there too. If he needed anything then I would be close by and I could get it for him.

He was lying on the sleeping bag with his back against the couch. I turned out the light and started to get on the couch.

"Oh no you don't. You're sleeping down here with me. I need to rest my arm somewhere, and you will make a nice armrest," he said, as he grabbed my leg and pulled me to the floor.

He wasn't going to get any complaints from me. It would be nice snuggled up to him. I would have his cock poking my briefs.

It didn't take long for his soft cock to get hard. It was poking me in the ass. I reached back and pulled it out of his leg band and put it through my leg band between my legs. He didn't stop me at all. He had his hand on my chest playing with my hair. He then moved his hands to my nipples and started playing with them.

I was moving my butt back and forth on his cock. He didn't have to do anything. He was dry fucking my ass while playing with my nipples. He then followed the trail of my hair down to my briefs. He slipped his hands through the waistband and grabbed my cock. It was soaked with pre-cum, the same as his.

His cock felt good on my crotch. It kept oozing out pre-cum and had the hair on my crotch saturated with it. I kept moving back and forth with my ass. While I did this he continued stroking my cock, playing with the pre-cum.

He put his hand further in my briefs, down to my balls. He then started rubbing the head of his own cock while his hand was in my briefs. He took the pre-cum from his cock and rubbed it all over my balls. He went back to my cock and started stroking it in my briefs. It wasn't long before I tensed up. He knew I was going to shoot and he started stroking me faster.

I shot off in his hand and at the same time he shot off in my briefs. We both kept shooting and shooting. We couldn't stop. When we finally stopped shooting he took his hand out of my briefs and put it in my mouth. I sucked the cum off his fingers.

I pulled away from him, and stuck his cock in my mouth. I wanted to get all the cum out of his cock. When he saw me do that he pulled my briefs down and pulled me close to him. He put his mouth on my cock and sucked it dry too. He kept going up and down on my cock after he had sucked it dry. He wouldn't let up. It made me so excited that I shot off in his mouth. He pulled me closer so that my cock was all the way in his mouth. This time he sucked it completely dry.

"That was a nice load you had there Jeff." "I was hoping you would shoot off in my mouth; you didnt disappoint me. I have no complaints, you can shoot off in my mouth again. In fact, tomorrow cant be too soon, but now it`s time for some shuteye," he said, as he scratched his balls.

"You're right, " I replied. "I have to be at school by 7:00 a.m. for practice. Do you want me sleeping on the floor next to you?"

He shouted, "Hell yea, but not in your briefs. We're both sleeping nude."

He finished pulling my briefs off, and I did the same to him. We were lying on the floor like spoons, his hard cock poking my ass. I slid it between my legs and we fell asleep.

Next: Chapter 2: Marks Hot Tub

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