Home Is Where the Heart Is

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on Apr 4, 2001



Title: Star Trek: Home Is Where The Heart Is (celeb F/F)

Author: John O'Connor

Email: lushcoltrane@yahoo.com

Rating: NC-17.

Pairings: Janice Rand/Christine Chapel.

Category: First time.

Date: 4 April 2001

Series: None.

Website: http://www.ma-at.net/Sam-and-Janet-God/

Disclaimer: "Star Trek", it's characters, locations, etc are copyright Paramount Pictures. No infringment for profit is intended. This is strictly for fun.

Summary: Janice Rand's return to Star Fleet Command allows her to catch up with an old friend.

Notes: 1) This takes place sometime before "Star Trek III: The Search For Spock." 2) This is an entry in the Round 2 for the femme_fuhq_fest. (Other great "Star Trek" stories can be found at geocities.com/femme_fuhq_fest) _______________________________________________________ Home Is Where The Heart Is

The shuttle settled onto the landing pad so smoothly the passengers barely noticed. As the crew prepared to open the portside hatch, the pilot said, "Welcome to Earth."

"I was under the impression that we'd have to buck a typhoon over the Pacific," Commander Janice Rand commented as she stepped into the bright sunlight.

The pilot, who couldn't have been more than 25 standard years old, shook his head, "No, I saw the meteorological report before we left Space Dock and took the Northern Flight Path. It usually takes a little longer but we got lucky. There isn't much traffic today."

"Well, thank you. After that cosmic storm near Tau Ceti, I can really appreciate a smooth flight," Janice responded. 'God, was I ever that young?' she thought.

Taking her case, the newest addition to Starfleet Headquarters headed for the ground transport terminal. It felt good to be back on terra firma. 'Literally,' she thought with a smile.

As she looked around the landing field, she could see the South Tower of the Golden Gate off to her left. It rose proudly into the nearly cloudless sky. It was good to be home.

Reaching the subshuttle station, she waited for a free car and ordered it to take her to Starfleet Communications. The podcar zipped down the transit tube and under the Bay to old Oakland.

As Janice stepped up to street level, she looked up at the new building that would house the Communications Division. The exterior of the office tower was nearly complete. The face of the building was adorned with the stories-tall Starfleet emblem.

Smiling, Janice remembered the day when she was in Officer Candidate School and it was announced that Starfleet would adopt the old Enterprise insignia for fleet-wide use. She was filled with pride that she had served aboard that ship with that crew.

The current location of the Comm Division was down the block in an old post-war 21st-century relic. The old steel and glass building was not more than fifteen stories high and looked quaint, at best, in comparison with the new structure looming to the north.

As she entered, she could see the signs of age in the structure. There were water stains on the ceiling and the walls. Some of the rooms seemed to give off the musty smell of age, even with the newest air-conditioning equipment.

As Janice reached the Division Commander's office, she was shown right in. Sitting at the large desk was Admiral Janet Carter, an petit woman with long brown hair streaked with grey and a large brown eyes.

She smiled sunnily and extended her hand. "Welcome to the Comm Division, Commander. I trust you found you're way here with little difficulty?"

Returning the handshake, Janice nodded, "Yes, Admiral. I'm excited to be here."

"Well, hopefully, the condition of this dinosaur of a building won't put you off too much. We should be able to move into our new facilities by the first of the year. With that in mind, upkeep here isn't as much of a priority as it once was." Indicating a chair, Carter said, "Please sit, Commander. I don't stand too much on formality here. Well, not unless some brass hats from HQ show up. Anyway, I've looked over your service record. Very impressive. >From a yeoman to a full commander in such a short time shows me that you are someone very committed to the service. If I may ask, why did you choose communications as a specialty?"

Janice thought for a moment and then said, "I guess I was impressed by how important communications are to starship operations. When I was with the Enterprise, the communications officer was quite willing to teach me about subspace and the various components needed for communciations, intra- as well as inter-ship." Janice suppressed a smile but she didn't add that Nyota Uhura had taught her many other things not covered in regulations.

"Commander, I don't stand much on formality here, as I said," Admiral Carter said. "While you will be working with Captain Owens on the new Argus Array, if you feel the need, my office is always open."

Making her way down to a lower floor, Janice came to the Argus Array Development Group suite. Stepping inside, she saw several people working with holosimulators. Asking one of the technicians, she was directed to the group leader's office.

Knocking on the jamb of the open door, she was waved in by a man in casual clothes taking on a vidlink. "Yes, Ah understand the problems dealing with e-liquids in zero grav. Just work out the details. Ah have complete faith in yew and yer group, Stan."

She took in the rest of the office. Behind the desk, the broad window showed the new Comm Division building being erected. On one low cabinet to her right was a scale model of the Argus Array. There was a reproduction of a Remington sculpture on another cabinet. The walls were covered with 2D photos of Old West scenes.

Turning her attention to Owens, she saw he was wearing blue denim pants and a faded blue work shirt. He had his boot-clad feet up on his desk as he talked over subspace with one of the construction team leaders.

Turning to his visitor, the man smiled, stood, and said, "Ya'll must be Commander Rand. Ah've heard good things about ya from yer former captains. Welcome to the Argus Group." He shook her hand firmly.

"Thank you sir," Janice replied, smiling at the heavy accent she heard in his voice. It brought back memories of the party several years ago when James Kirk made admiral and Doctor McCoy had a few too many mint juleps. "I'm happy to be here, Captain."

"Call me Buck. Muh daddy had a thing for classical music from the 1900s and some o' the better country musicians. Anyway, ah know ya've met with the admiral. Ah hope ya understand that we don't worry too much about the niceties of rank and such like heah. If ya don't feel much like comin' in uniform, that's alright with me. If ya do, jest wear some smell good come summertime."

Janice looked down at the red jacket and black slacks of her uniform. The jacket could get quite warm, especially when the weather turned hot. Much as she loved to wear the uniform, she didn't think she'd mind coming to work on a daily basis in civvies.

As they discussed the new comm system they were going to be working on, Janice felt more and more comfortable. She knew she'd get along fine here, if everyone was as easy going as Buck.

At the conclusion of her brief introduction and tour of the group, Janice was directed to the nearest BOQ where she could stay until she located someplace more permanent. With orders to report at 0800, Janice left Buck's office. She collected her bags from the anteroom of the outer office and headed for the street again.

She headed for the subshuttle and had to wait for a free podcar to take her back to the San Francisco side of the Bay. Once there, she walked the four blocks to the BOQ set up near Headquarters.

It was another older building but in better shape than the Comm Division's current home. At the front desk, an officious lieutenant hardly looked at her as he consulted the computer. "Sorry, Commander Rand. No singles available. I can put you in with another officer, but that's the best I can do."

Sighing and thinking she had to start looking soonest for her own place, she agreed. As she took the turbolift up to her floor, she hoped her roommate wouldn't be a real pain like her first cabin mate when she made ensign. God, but that man seemed to forget where the sonic shower was half the time!

Opening the door of her newly assigned quarters, Janice was pleased to see a relatively spacious sitting room with doors leading off both sides. As she explored further, she discovered she had her own bedroom and only had to share a small kitchen and the sitting room. Each bedroom had it's own bathroom too. With real showers!

Noting that the left room had been taken, she threw her bag on the large bed in the room to the right. Janice took off her jacket and went to turn on the water in the shower. As it heated up, she removed her boots, slacks, and the turtleneck shirt.

Standing and stretching in front of the bedroom mirror, she looked at her reflection. Standing in her underwear she couldn't deny she wasn't a twenty-year old yeoman anymore but she was in pretty good shape she decided. As she pulled off her underwear, she turned in the mirror. 'Hmm...no sagging...not too much wear and tear on the old bod...' she thought.

Not being too vain, she stopped her personal inspection and went into the bathroom and stepped under the hot stream. It was almost a sexual rush for her after all those months of sonic showers. What she wouldn't give for a leisurely bath, though. Something to consider when she started to look for her own place.

Standing under the gentle cascade, she washed herself. Janice smiled when she discovered she was wet and not from the water. She realized she would have to do something about that as she turned off the water and dried her lean frame.

As Janice rubbed the towel across her body she felt her nipples harden and a warm dampness beneath her blond tuft. She tossed the towel aside and walked into her room.

As she crawled onto the bed and slid her right hand between her legs, she pinched her left nipple with her fingers. Just as she began, a voice called from the sitting room, "Hey roomie!"

Janice stared in horror at the open door between her bedroom and the sitting room. A familiar form stepped into the doorway before she could do anything about the compromising position she had placed herself in.

Christine Chapel, MD, stood with her mouth hanging open as she saw her suitemate laying naked on her bed obviously pleasuring herself. She began to mutter an apology and back away when the woman on the bed yelled, "Chris!"

As the nude figure jumped up and grabbed her in a tight embrace, Christine was completely nonplussed. Who was this woman? Why was she hugging her like they were old friends?

The strange blonde pulled back and smiled just as recognition flared in Chris' mind. It was Janice Rand!

With that thought, Chris returned the embrace, Janice' self-indulgence forgotten in the pleasure of seeing an old friend.

They both began to talk at once. "How are you?" "What are you doing here?" "I'm assigned to Starfleet Medical." "Communications!" "You look great!"

The last comment reminded the women that one of them was still bare-assed naked. Janice blushed and turned to grab some clothes from one of her bags.

Chris, equally embarrassed at finding her friend playing with herself, smiled and said, "I think I'll wait out here. Yeah, I think I will."

In less than two minutes, Janice walked into the sitting room wearing a casual blue shirt and loose khaki slacks. Chris stood and hugged her friend again.

They sat at opposite ends of the short couch and started to compare notes and catch up.

"Janice, the last I heard you were on the Raleigh."

"Yeah, but a couple of standard months ago I was promoted to full commander and the Powers The Be decided I should be reassigned. The Raleigh already had too many senior officers... What about you? I thought you were still on the Enterprise?"

"Haven't you heard? It's going to be decommissioned and they've already started reassigning the crew." The reminder of the great ship's fate cast a momentary pall on their happy reunion.

Chris looked up and said, "I've been assigned to Starfleet Medical."

"Great! Here? Headquarters?" Janice asked excitedly.

"Is there any other Starfleet Medical?" Chris smirked.

After several minutes more catching up, Chris paused and said, "I don't know about you but I'm famished! Care to join an old friend for dinner?"

"Love to!" Janice jumped up, "Just let me get some shoes on. I'm starving too!"

Chris, who had been in the BOQ for a little over a week and knew her way around, took Janice to a quaint little Szechuan restaurant in New Chinatown.

As they shared steamy, spicy Oriental food, they continued to catch up with each other's lives.

"So, after the whole thing with Kahn, and the...um, Spock's uh, death, I am really not too sorry to leave the Enterprise."

Janice reached across the table and took Chris' hand. "I'm sorry, Chris. I know how you felt about..."

Chris shook her head as she grasped Janice' slender hand, "No, I haven't felt that way for a long time. But he is..." She swallowed and blinked several times, "He was a good friend. I will always miss him."

Again, a somber mood intruded on their reunion. Too much tragedy that affected them, on different levels.

Although Janice hadn't been on the Enterprise in a few years, not since her brief posting during the V'ger encounter, she had never really left the ship in spirit. Not since the day she had first been assigned as a naive, young yeoman with an impossibly tall hairdo.

Smiling at the memory of how much trouble she went to with that checkerboard pattern and how ludicrous it looked to her in retrospect, Janice shook her head. "Remember my hair?" she asked as she unconsciously ran her fingers through the loose blond tresses.

"That cross-weave? Oh God!" Chris started to giggle.

"Hey! Don't laugh! You had that silver thing going," Janice laughed.

"Yeah, trying to look older and wiser than I really was. Doctor McCoy always told me to wash go wash it out. I always had to tell him it was a molecular treatment and wouldn't wash out. It had to grow out." Chris also fingered her hair. It was an ashy blond now and she also wore it loose over her shoulders. "I went back to being a blonde after you left the ship. It took that long for the bonded hair to grow out."

"Wouldn't it be great if Nyota was assigned planetside?" Janice asked, reminded of her youth on the Enterprise.

Chris smiled, both at the change in subject and as she remembered the lovely Nyota Uhura. She wouldn't mind seeing her dusky sometime-lover again. She then looked directly at Janice while she decided whether to share that tidbit with her. Making her decision, Chris asked, "Shall we head back? I have some Romulan ale that Doctor McCoy gave me when we all split up..."

"Hmm...I haven't had Romulan ale in quite a while! Let's go!"

Back in their suite, Janice sank onto the couch while Chris got the bottle from her room. "I left it in there until I knew what kind of person my roommate was going to be," she offered in explanation.

Sitting on the couch and pouring two generous glasses of the electric blue liquor, Chris handed one to Janice. Clicking her glass with Janice', she offered, "To old friends, those lost to us and those returned..."

Janice gave her friend a slightly sad smile and nodded before tossing off most of the glass.

As the liquid fire burned into her head, she fell back on the cushion. "Wow! I forgot what a kick this stuff has!"

"Yeah, better watch it! Don't want to show up your first day with a Romulan hangover!"

They sipped the next glass. Chris looked out the window at the view of the dark Bay and set her glass down on the table next to the bottle.

"Janice, were you aware that Nyota and I were lovers?"

The bluntness of the question cut right through the haze slowly spreading through Janice' head. Trying to sound unimpressed, she asked, "Lovers? Really? Interesting."

Chris looked at her friend and nodded, "Yeah, for several years. We first got together a few months after you left the ship. She was a big part of the reason I finally was able to give up on my hopeless fantasies about Spock."

Janice sat forward and touched Chris' arm, "I'm glad. She's a wonderful person and I'm sure she was a great comfort to you."

"Janice, can I ask you a question?" Janice nodded. "Nyota never said anything but I caught hints that you and she..."

"Were we lovers?" Janice asked for Chris. "Well, I don't know if you could call it that. We got together briefly a few times before I left for OCS."

Smiling nostalgically, Janice went on, "She came to me when I was really upset one night. I finally realized that Jim Kirk would never love me. Not the way he loved his ship. She held me as I cried and somehow we began kissing and..."

Chris nodded, "That was the same way with me. It was shortly after Spock broke his arranged marriage. She came to me to comfort me and well..."

"Maybe that's her way of seducing other women," Janice joked.

"Yeah, what a ploy!" Chris agreed with a laugh. "I may have to try that myself!"

Janice looked closely at Chris, "Should I start to cry?"

Chris didn't say anything, just leaned towards Janice and gently kiss her. It was just a light brushing of her lips against Janice' lips. But she felt a little spark at the contact.

Eyes wide open, Janice smiled, "Wow, that was really...that was nice."

Chris leaned towards her again and kissed her a little harder. This was a longer kiss and they both slowly opened their mouths almost simultaneously, their tongues slowly exploring.

Janice lay back on the cushions, drawing Chris down with her, their lips never parting. The doctor's hands moved gently over the other woman's clothed body, exciting Janice in a way she hadn't been in years. The communications officer's hands began their own feverish exploration of the woman laying on her.

After a several minutes, Chris broke the kiss and looked down at her flushed lover. "My place or yours?" she asked smirking.

Breathing heavily, Janice managed to say, "I don't care!"

Chris stood and took Janice' hand, leading her into the doctor's bedroom. As they stood by the bed, they took turns removing the other's clothing until they were both as naked as Janice was when Chris walked in on her earlier in the day.

Janice smiled and whispered, "I've always wanted to see you naked. You're beautiful, Christine!" She reached out and cupped one breast, rubbing her thumb across the hardening nipple. Her other hand snaked around Chris' neck as Janice pulled her into another pasionate kiss.

Chris, who knew she didn't have the figure she did fifteen years ago, was still proud of the care she had taken of her body. When she heard Janice' words, she felt a rush of pride and excitement. To know she turned on this lovely woman in her arms was so arousing.

Back on the Enterprise, Chris had tried to make it a point to be in Sick Bay if Janice came in for a physical. She had always wanted to see and touch and taste the young woman. Now, a decade and a half later, she finally was getting her chance.

Chris reclined on the bed and Janice lay on her side next to her. The communications officer's hand lightly traced patterns on Chris' bare skin, never touching the more sensitive organs. Not yet...

She leaned over and forcefully thrust her tongue into Chris' mouth, the doctor's tongue responding happily. Janice let her body slowly fall onto the doctor's as she began to rub her body on Chris.

Nipples brushed against nipples, pubic hair slid against pubic hair creating little sparks of static electricity that shot right to their cores. Janice slid her thigh between Chris' thighs and rubbed against the older woman's sex. Chris responded with a guttural moan into Janice' mouth as she began to grind her leg into Janice' mound.

Both women felt the moisture flowing from the other onto their thighs. Soon, the natural lubricant was aiding them in their rocking, fucking motion. They began move faster and faster, inadvertently matching the other's pace.

Both women climaxed within moments of each other, yelling out their pleasure. As the waves of passion crested, Janice fell limply onto Chris' sweaty, hot body.

Tenderly kissing Chris, Janice quietly said, "Thank you. That was worth waiting for..."

Chris looked at Janice questioningly so Janice explained, "I've wanted to be with you since I first met you all those years ago. I never believed it would happen."

Chris stared at Janice, "You wanted to...back on the Enterprise? Damn!"

As Chris started to chuckle, Janice, looking puzzled, asked, "What's so funny?"

"Did you ever wonder why I was always there for your physicals?"

"Well, I just assumed being Head Nurse...Oh? Oh! Well, why the hell didn't you say anything? With that whole Spock thing, how was I supposed to know?"

Chris shook her head, "Oh, never mind! Just kiss me!"

Janice happily complied starting with Chris' mouth and moving down her body, planting wet kisses along the soft, bare skin. As she tongued the doctor's nipples, Chris arched her back as little shocks passed through her body.

Janice let her fingers lead the way and began to play with the short, curly hair at the juncture of Chris' thighs as she continued her oral tour of the woman's body. Pausing to french kiss Chris' belly button, Janice slid one finger along the outer edge of Chris' pussy. She was practically dripping!

Crawling between Chris' outstretched legs, Janice gently parted the wet, glistening folds beneath the blond patch. Chris looked up and shook her head, "No, together!"

Janice smiled at her and moved back up on the bed. Positioning herself so that her legs were on either side of the older woman's head, she lowered her hot pussy onto Chris' ready mouth.

Gasping as tongue touched labia, Janice threw her head back for a moment before lowering herself to taste the nectar oozing out of Chris' slit.

Both women fell into a natural rhythm of licking and nibbling at the sweet flesh before them. What one woman did, the other copied. If Janice stuck her tongue deep into Chris, Chris shoved her tongue as far as she could into Janice. When Chris slipped her finger into Janice, Janice slipped her finger into Chris. Both of them and neither of them took the lead in their lovemaking, all they were concerned with was pleasuring their partner.

As they concentrated on their lover's sex, each woman experienced several small orgasms. Each little explosion of pleasure only heightened their passions.

One of the women, later they could not agree who, wrapped her lips around the other's clitoris and began to apply a steady suction. The other woman reciprocated and added her tongue, flicking lightly across the tip of the clit and swabbing it around the flesh at it's base.

Sliding more fingers into each other while maintaining the suction, each woman fell over the brink and cried out her explosive orgasm into the other woman.

Falling away from Chris, Janice rested her head on the other's thigh as she slowly recovered from the powerful orgasm they had shared. She finally crawled up and kissed Chris, tasting herself on Chris' lips and tongue.

"That was fantastic!" Chris declared hoarsely.

"God, it was!" Janice agreed as she lay her head on Chris' soft breast.

They dozed off in each other's arms only to awaken later and pleasure each other again.

Waking to the sun rising over the Bay, they shared a light breakfast. As the women talked and giggled over their plates of mixed fruit and breakfast rolls, Chris said, "Janice, I know you don't have a place yet. I'm moving into a large studio over in Marin by the end of the week. Join me?"

Janice nodded. "I'd love to. On one condition..."


Janice leaned over and whispered into Chris' ear and the doctor sat back smiling. "I think that can be arranged. And more..."

When Janice reported for her first day, she was exhausted but happy. She finally felt at home for the first time in a long while.

The End.

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