
By Zaggy Norse

Published on Dec 22, 2020



Keywords: gay, centaur, minotaur, transformation, incest, rural

Pavel the minotaur is spending the summer at his centaur uncle's farm to put on some muscle and try to become more of a stud. That'll work out far better than he can imagine.

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"Make sure you ride him hard, Erian. Boy needs to learn the value of honest work." I blushed, looking down and shuffling a hoof against the packed dirt. Laughter erupted from the two males standing next to me, and my blush only intensified when my father's enormous arm tucked in around my shoulders and tugged me towards him. I felt his hand squeeze my shoulder, reminding me that he was only teasing, and I smiled wanly. "That's the only sort of work we got here, Lanto," my uncle replied. He slapped a hand against his chest, and the firm sound echoed off the wall of the nearby barn like a muted gunshot. "Honest work, but hard--and hard men to do it." "Sounds perfect." Dad pulled me inwards again, and I lifted my head shyly to look into the older minotaur's smirking face. "Can I tell Uncle Erian what you told me, son?" he asked gently. "About working here?" "Uh..." My shame wanted me to say no, but that would only be more embarrassing. "Okay." My father looked at his brother. "He asked me what he had to do to get muscles like me," he related, "and I told him 'Work on a farm every summer'. And he said, but we don't have a farm. So, I said, Uncle Erian does, why don't I ask him? And he said..." If my father's grin had been any wider, the top of his head would have fallen off. "He said, 'I don't just want to spend a summer riding Uncle Erian.'" The brothers exploded into peals of near-hysterical laughter. My blush, having covered my face, began spreading down my neck and chest. It had been a foolish thing to say, and in retrospect, it was pretty evident that centaurs did not need to be ridden to do manual labour. But retrospect is a pool of perfect clarity - and Past Pavel was an awkward idiot. "Sorry," I mumbled as the laughter faded to chuckles and the occasional amused snort. "It's fine, Pavel," my uncle said kindly, his calm, rich baritone making me feel somewhat less of a fool. "We're just teasing you." I lifted my head to look my uncle in the face. Even at six feet, I had to crane my head to match the centaur's gaze. "I blame your dad, actually." "Me?" my father said in surprise. "Yeah! Clearly, you've not given him enough opportunities to be around the centaur side of the family." "Oh, psh. He sees you every holiday." "Once a year? Barely enough time, Lanto. We're not like minotaurs. You can't summarise us with a thirty-minute primer on mazes and kidnapping of princesses. It takes weeks to cover our noble, magnificent, shining, exceptional history..." My father rolled his eyes at the well-worn joke, his arm dropping from my shoulders. "Or I can throw an apple at you, horseman, and make you lose your train of thought entirely," he retorted. As my uncle stuck his tongue out at his brother, Dad grinned and turned to look at me. "Time for me to head home. You do whatever Uncle Erian tells you, alright? Farms aren't a playground, there's dangerous equipment." "Yes, Dad." He slapped my back with a huge, meaty hand. "There's nothing like a summer of farm labour to put some bulk on, son, "he said. "You'll see: three months from now, you won't even recognise yourself." The thought made my heart speed up, and I nodded in excitement. "Yep. Guarantee it," Erian drawled, and my father stabbed a finger at him. "Think you can ensure my son doesn't lose any limbs, horseman?" Erian hummed thoughtfully for a moment, one hand on his chin. "Probably, "he confirmed. "At worst, a couple fingers." "Good enough." Dad kissed the top of my head, right between the horns, and gave me a long hug. "Have fun, Pavel," he said with a smile. "See you in a few months. And don't give your poor uncle the silent treatment for three months, alright? God knows he needs something that isn't a tractor or a stalk of corn to talk to for a change. Come out of that shell of yours a little." "Okay," I said noncommittedly. Dad gave me a final pat on the back and walked back to his car. My uncle and I waved him off as the car bounced along the dirt, heading to the main road, many kilometres away. Once the sound of the motor disappeared into the hum of cicadas, I let my arm fall and turned back to face my uncle. I'd had plenty of time to study Erian while he and my father caught up on their lives. I was used to seeing him in what he always called "city clothes" when he attended family events: hair in a neat ponytail, a button-up shirt--sometimes a tie--and an impeccably groomed lower half. But out here on his own farm, he clearly had a different dress code: half-naked. "Fully naked" was probably more accurate, but that sounded uncomfortably erotic, even in my own head, so I stuck with half. Whatever you called it, it looked the same: a shirtless human upper half, with powerful, sun-bronzed arms crossed over an equally impressive chest, and a hard-worked equine lower half, fetlocks dirty with mud and leaves, hair unbrushed and coated with dust, muscles bunching under the skin whenever he moved about. The hair cascading down his shoulders was probably dark blonde at the roots, but the sun had long since bleached it to the colour of wheat. I could see pale hair of the same colour between his broad pectorals, running down the centre of his belly to meet the start of his equine half, where the tanned human skin blended into an incredible, nearly pearlescent buckskin coat that made him seem like he'd been picked up by the waist and dipped into a vat of oiled honey. Only the soot-black hair of his tail and fetlocks broke form, but it was impossible to say they didn't look excellent on him either. All in all, Erian was a very handsome gentleman. He looked every inch the farm-owning centaur--as much as I looked every inch the gangly, shy, barely-not-a-teenager minotaur. "So," Erian said at last, uncrossing his arms and resting his hands on his hips, showing off a little of the golden fuzz he had under each arm. "Guess we'd better get you settled, Pavel. You brought everything you need, right?" I picked up the large rucksack I held between my feet and hefted it onto my back. "Everything on the list, Uncle Erian." "Oh, no need for that, son," the centaur said dismissively, swishing his dark tail. "Just Erian is fine. You're gonna make me feel like an old man." Erian was my father's younger brother, so he would be just shy of forty, I guessed. "Okay...Erian." It felt weird to say. "Heh." The centaur paused as if expecting me to say more, and when I didn't, he coughed and turned towards a house, gesturing me along with a hand. "This way, son." I followed him, and as we walked, he talked. "So. Did you dad tell you what I do here?" "He said you farm...uh, stuff." Erian rolled his eyes. "His command of agriculture is as strong as ever, then." The centaur waved an arm expansively over fields of crops stretching out in all directions around us. "I do farm stuff, as he put it. Lots of different crops, all heavily automated. There's not much an individual can do for most of the year except check chemical samples and refill hoppers and wait to run the harvesting machines. That's boring. It makes money, but it's boring." He paused again as if to allow me to interject, but I said nothing, and he continued smoothly. "So, to keep me from going mad with boredom, I have a little manual operation on the side. Nothing much, just one field --but it's all done by me. Gonna put kale in there this season." He turned his upper half towards me as we walked and proudly slapped his chest. "No machines, no automation. Just hard centaur work, all the way from planting the seeds, to ploughing, to weeding, harvesting. Costs a lot more than the mass-produced stuff, of course--but, wouldn't you know, there's always someone willing to pay for unnecessarily complicating the simple things. So: that's what you'll be helping me with this summer." He spread his hands wide and grinned. "I call it: Erian's Homegrown." "Okay. Cool." My uncle smiled at me. "I know you don't know anything about farming, so I'll explain everything before we do it..." As my uncle explained more about how the next three months of my life would be organised, I merely nodded, taking everything in in silence as we approached the odd-looking house. It resembled a regular house that had somehow expanded and shrunk at the same time. The doors were much taller and broader than usual, and the windows set further up the walls, but the roof was only a little higher overall. There must be hardly any ceiling. Erian didn't have to duck as he pushed the front door open, and I followed him in, feeling like I'd lost a few feet of height. The interior was just as odd as the exterior: no furniture filled the open space, and apart from a kitchenette to one side and an ordinary-sized door towards the back, it was bare. Erian clopped towards the door at the back, then turned and gestured to it. "So, you'll be in here." He waved vaguely at the emptiness we stood in. "This is just so I can, you know...move around. Heh." I nodded, and he stared at me for a moment, then looked back at the door. "There's a bed and some cupboards and whatnot in there, plus a bathroom. I've not had visitors for a while, and I can't get in there to check, of course, so it might need a bit of a sweep and a wipe-down." He pointed at a tall cupboard to one side. "There's brooms and such in there. But you can do whatever you're happy with, alright? Treat it like your home while you're here. I just need you to keep it clean since, like I said..." He gestured helplessly at the regular-sized door. "Can't exactly get in to clean up after you. But I'm sure you're a neat kid, aren't you?" "Yes, Unc--yes, Erian." He gave me a smile. "Great stuff. Meals will be out here; I'll do all the cooking, so all you need to do is eat. Three generous helpings a day. You might not think you have an appetite, but you'll be ravenous after a day of hauling things around for me, don't you worry." He clapped his hands together and took a final look around. "I think that's everything for now. So--I'll see you out there in a moment? Just drop off your things, and we'll get right to work." He clopped towards the front door. "Don't be too long: you can help me attach my plough harness. The damn thing takes forever by myself." "Okay." The door swung open, admitting a suddenly blinding beam of sunlight, and then closed behind the large equine rear. I had a brief look around the bare living area, then hurried through the door at the back to my room. My accommodation was spartan, but comfortable enough. I tossed my rucksack on the bed, shucked off the jacket I'd put on against the morning's coolness, and headed back out. The first afternoon was hot, intense, and deeply exhausting. Helping Erian get the ploughshare's straps affixed around his upper body was the work of almost fifteen minutes with the both of us; I couldn't imagine how he did it without help. By the time we were done--leather harness slung across his lower half and held in place with another sub-harness around his midriff and chest--my arms ached, and I'd twice drunk deeply of the water pump nearby. Erian watched me with an amused look when I returned the second time, water droplets splashed over my face and my chest still heaving for air. "Told you. Hard work." I could only nod in response, one arm resting against the rough wooden fence surrounding the Homegrown field, my silence required by my exhaustion and not my personality for a change. Erian tucked his thumbs into two loops of hessian that stuck up from the strap that ran across his pecs and grunted, his legs tensing, upper body leaning forward, muscles bulging abruptly beneath every part of his skin. He lifted one front leg, and after a few more seconds he started to move forward, and the plough began tearing into the earth behind him. "You can take a short break," he called to me, "but then I want you to head on over to the barn and look for some big white sacks with a flower symbol on them. Carry five of them over here. We'll spread them after I'm done." I nodded again, still panting, and watched my uncle work as I wiped the sweat from my brow and waited for my heart to stop doing an impression of a hummingbird. The centaur at work was an awe-inspiring sight. His powerful body, once up to speed, moved as though the two hundred kilograms of metal it dragged was nothing but a distraction. Legs as thick as small branches slammed into the earth one after the other, his hooves kicking up a puff of dirt with each impact. Though his arms were doing none of the labour, they flexed against the hoops he clung to as if willing the rest of his body along. His face stared resolutely down, and in minutes he was shining with sweat. The way it caught in his chest hair made me stare in admiration--and then quickly look away when I felt an unexpected stirring in my pants. Erian noticed--but, thankfully, misunderstood. "Don't think you can get out of work by pretending you've forgotten about it!" he called, grunting in between the words as he tugged the plough through a particularly recalcitrant section of dirt. "Break time's over. Start carrying the sacks over here." "Okay." It was only much later that I got to flop down onto my bed, feeling exhaustion like my very bones were made of it. We'd composted the entire field after Erian finished ploughing it, but there'd still been light left--"it's usually dusk before I'm done with this! Let's crack on!"--and my uncle had decided we could use the time to move the seed bags out in anticipation of the next day. That at least had been simpler: hefting the impossibly heavy bags onto the centaur's back so he could walk over to the field and shrug them off into a messy pile. But the masses involved had forced me to use parts of my body that must have been invented only hours before, and now I simultaneously felt like my limbs had turned to jelly and didn't exist. I'd never felt anything like it. Belly full of the hearty dinner I had wolfed down in record time, I fell into a deep sleep. So passed my first month at the farm: a cycle of hard labour, big meals, and deep sleep. After the first week, I stopped paying attention to the calendar. The rhythm of the work was...comforting. A simple pattern. And the work...well, easy is the wrong word. I had never worked harder in my life. But it didn't require me to apply complex thought--only my body. Things even stopped hurting after a few days. And after a few weeks, they were noticeably more manageable. I was hefting bags with one arm that I'd barely managed to lift with both when I started. The clothes I'd brought with me began to get tight in exciting places: across the chest, under my arms, around my thighs. I began looking at myself in the body-length bathroom mirror every time I got out of the shower. That wasn't something I'd done before. I'd always been ashamed of my beanpole body, but before my very eyes, day by day, the beanpole got buffer. I could flex an arm and actually see a bicep! I could run a hand down my belly and feel flatness, with the promise--the reality!--of hard muscle below. And...it made my dick bigger. Not really. It was probably just a bit of extra shaft exposed by the retreating chubbiness. But it felt like it was bigger, and that...did things for me. I'd stroke myself as I flexed in the mirror, impossibly turned on by my hardening, growing body. Six inches just looked better against a backdrop of developing, hard muscle. I'd jerk off rapidly as my free hand explored my own body, now cupping my balls, now squeezing a firm ass-cheek, now stroking one of my horns. I was becoming the sort of guy I'd lusted after for years: a stud. And studs attracted studs, I knew. When I got home again, I wouldn't need a mirror to find a hard body to admire--or a tight ass to fill and fuck... I'd grunt and blow my load across the mirror, splattering my reflection with watery bull semen. I'd pant and stare, satisfied--then wipe it up carefully. Erian might not be able to get into the guest quarters, but I didn't want his next visitor to report back about what a dirty boy his nephew was. It was six or seven weeks in when I came out of my room one evening to find Erian cooking dinner. He was making what he'd told me was a personal favourite of his: mac and cheese with bacon bits. Simple, but creamy and rich. He got the cheese from a neighbour, and it was better than anything I'd ever found in a store. I leaned against the counter, mouth already watering, and crossed my arms--only to hear a ripping sound behind me. "Uh oh," Erian said, glancing across at me as he stirred the pot. "Well, was bound to happen, the way you've been filling out." I reached in dismay behind myself, my fingers finding a massive tear in the fabric across my shoulders. "Damnit!" I sighed. "I only brought five..." "Better treat those other four as write-offs too, I'm afraid." Erian half-turned towards me and gestured at his nude human half. "This is better for farm work anyway. Nothing to constrict movement." "Maybe I can go into town on Friday and get some--" "Naaaaah." Erian erased my plan with a hand-wave and a simple word. "Waste of money. The sun will be good for your fur anyway. Go on." I paused, feeling unsure for a second...and then reached down to lift the torn shirt up over my head and horns, balling it up in one hand and then lowering it to rest semi-casually against my crotch. There was nothing exactly weird about this. Erian was shirtless all the time, of course, and I'd been shirtless many times already, when the day got especially hot, or I'd taken a quick dip in the pool. And he was family. He didn't care. It was more...me. Farm work had another effect on me, I had discovered, apart from making me get fit: I was horny all the time. All the time. I might have thought I was horny before, but that had been nothing. I had a semi most of the day now, absolutely not helped by the sensation of my cockhead rubbing against my pants as I exerted myself. The nightly admiration of my growing form filled my head with exciting ideas of what would happen when I got home. And Erian was...complementary. In an entirely avuncular way, I was sure. Just trying to boost my self-esteem, but...still. I mean, I liked it. Like, a lot. But I'd never had compliments of that sort from anyone before. And he was a very handsome male, complimenting me on my body at least once a day. While my libido quietly exploded behind the scenes. I like to think it was...inevitable. I mean, I...well, just once. Maybe twice. A couple of times, perhaps. I'd lie in bed, jerking off--again--and maybe I'd have his body in my mind when I did it. Not like him him, not my uncle, not his face, just...the body. That powerful form, roped with muscle, sun-tanned and sweat-soaked, with legs like tree trunks and that huge ass and... Horsecock. It was the nature of his form. He couldn't really hide things, and we worked in awfully close proximity. I'd politely act as if I didn't notice, but it was impossible not to steal a slightly jealous glance here and there. Just seeing what he was packing. Out of male, uh, male interest. And what he was packing was...well, he certainly ticked all the boxes for what made a stallion a stallion. Two enormous testicles sat between his thighs like fat, full fruits, framing a large, rumpled sheath. More often than not, an inch or two of pink horse penis would be slipped from that sheath, casual as can be, thick as my wrist. He had explained that early on, as if afraid I'd misinterpret it. It seemed the muscles used to retract it took some level of concentration. When he focused on another task, his body interpreted that as permission to cut corners elsewhere, and he ended up waggling dick at the world. But that was nothing compared to the first time he'd needed to take a piss and had awkwardly apologised and walked to the far side of the barn, out of sight, leaving me to stand around and imagine my uncle pissing like a...well, racehorse. When he'd returned, I'd assured him he didn't need to keep doing that, and after a minor escalating awkward-off, he'd smiled and thanked me. To put him at ease, I started pissing in the open too. If he ever glanced across out of an equal sense of male curiosity, I never noticed. What I did notice was that when he pissed, he dropped a couple more inches of cock than usual, and they stuck around for a few minutes after he was done. If I picked my time right, I could pause for a breather and run my eyes across the world before me, and happen to get an eyeful or five of what looked to be eight or nine inches of clean stallion cock hanging from between my uncle's legs like a horny flag, jiggling and swinging about as he exerted himself. I could only imagine how many more inches he had tucked up inside himself...and so I did. Erian was extremely well-endowed, and I was a teeny bit jealous of him. So, the balled shirt remained casually not casually in front of my crotch that evening, in case any of those awkward thoughts cropped up as the warm evening air teased my bare skin. I'd just jerked off after a shower, so I could only hope my needs would be quiescent until we finished dinner. Then I could return to my bed and-- "The boys are really gonna love you now, huh?" Erian said. I started. "Huh?" "The muscles." He nodded in my direction. "It's why you came here, right? Like you told your dad." He smirked. "Sexy muscles to pull the sexy guys?" "Oh." Despite the promise to my father, I'd not become noticeably chattier over the last few weeks. Erian seemed to understand, though, and was happy to chat enough for both of us with only the odd word or response from me. But despite the easy compliments he handed out, he'd never brought up my love life. I felt my two old friends, awkwardness and self-consciousness, begin their exhausting duet inside me...but then I did a double-take. I didn't have to be self-conscious anymore! Erian was saying I looked hot, and that other guys would think the same. That was...good. I smiled back. "Yeah." "You'll be peeling them off with a spatula the moment you get home, I bet. Lots of guys have a thing for fit farm boys, too, so make sure to mention you worked on a farm. Always worked for me." I blinked. I saw Erian infrequently enough that I'd never considered it, but was he saying he was...? He answered the question just as I formed it in my head. "Oh, yeah, you probably don't know, but your uncle's a fan of dick too." He grinned. "It might sound silly, but I was a little proud when your dad told me you'd come out. Seems it doesn't matter what breed you are, there's one family gene that can't help but show off, huh?" He snapped his fingers in a genuinely awful approximation of a sassy move, and I chuckled. "Dad never mentioned...but that's cool. Nice." "Oh, you know how he is. He doesn't think it's worth mentioning, most of the time. Just part of who someone is." That was true. Dad had been incredibly supportive when I'd come out, and I'd love him forever for that. "I think he only told me to make sure there wasn't some secret thing he needed to start doing to make you feel at ease. I told him to do two things: not to pry into who you were fucking or dating, and not to try hooking you up with every gay guy he knew." Erian shot me a glance and a smirk. "I hope he listened to me." I nodded. "He did. He's been great." "That's good. Glad he's made it easy for you." He pulled dinner off the stove and began dishing it up into two shallow bowls before handing me one. We both ate standing up; it felt awkward for me to sit while Erian stood. "Of course," he mused, after chewing on a mouthful of mac, "I'm not your dad, and I'm a curious old fag who loves a good bit of gossip, so: who've you been fucking, Pavel?" I choked, coughing loudly, and a piece of noodle flew clear across the space between us and landed on my uncle's belly before I could raise a hand to cover my mouth. Erian stepped closer and gave me a couple of firm smacks on the back before peering down at me. "You okay?" I nodded, clearing my throat and breathing deeply. "Yeah. Thanks." "Sorry. Probably should have waited until after dinner." "Hehe." I stared down into my food. I could probably ignore the question, but Erian was charming. He'd only been nice to me, and he really made me feel at ease. And him also being gay made me think he might understand. "It's fine. I'm...I haven't." Erian nodded calmly. "That's cool. I'm sure it'll happen when you're ready." "No, I...I mean, I am ready. Super ready." It felt a little naughty telling my uncle these things. But also liberating. "I just feel kinda..." "Scared?" "A-ashamed," I murmured. Erian cocked his head. "You? Come on, Pavel, you don't need to be ashamed. You're a great guy! What's not to like?" I set the bowl of mac aside, rubbing the back of my head with one awkward hand as I stared just off centre of my uncle. "I just feel...felt...scrawny. Like, all the other guys are so big and buff and even Dad's so strong, and I was just...thin." "Well, you're not like that anymore," Erian pointed out. "I mean, I think you're even stronger than your dad now. I could see he's started going to pot in his middle age." He thumped me on the back again. "You've put in the time, son, and it's paid off." The compliment felt good, like it did every time. But the next bit was a bit harder. "Thanks. But I also feel...small." "You're not small! Look at those biceps! And I bet those legs could pull the plough as fast as I--" "Not...not like that." Erian fell silent, regarding me with his intense hazel eyes, before putting his food aside and giving me a caring look. "I understand," he said, and the pathos in his voice made it clear he did. "In some ways, guys can be pretty shitty. But I can tell you two things, stuff I've had to learn over the years too: one, that size doesn't matter nearly as much as the people you listen to think it does, and two, that the people who do think that are the minority. There are lots of great people out there who will take you as you are because you're you, not because of what's between your legs, alright?" "Easy for you to say," I mumbled. I couldn't stop myself. "Yes," he said straightforwardly, "it is. Precisely because of that." "...what do you mean?" Erian sighed and scrubbed one hoof against the floor. "When I was younger, I used to live in the city. I never had trouble getting dates. I just mentioned 'centaur' in any app, and guys were throwing themselves at me. I thought it was pretty great...at first. But I started to realise people weren't so much interested in me as in my dick. They just wanted..." He broke off, then continued. "And it's not exactly easy, you know. Quadrupeds and bipeds are Lego and Tyco. Some stuff you can do, some you can't. But they'd find a fucking way, excuse the pun." He sniffed. "Point is: I had a lot of sex. And looking back, I don't think any of it was because of who I am. And that's probably fine for some people, but not for me. Partly why I ended up out here." Perhaps it was the emotion of the retelling, or whatever erotic memories flitted through my uncle's mind as he told it, but the close air of the small house had become enriched with a new scent by the end of it. It was one I'd noticed out in the fields and studiously ignored, but there was no ignoring it this time. Earthy, even slightly bitter, and thick with horse musk: my uncle's cock had dropped, and the smell of it was everywhere. I saw it swaying out of the corner of my eye, and though I kept myself from gawking like a tourist, I had to press the shirt a little closer against my crotch to control the swelling. Smells had always done good things for me, and Erian smelled... He smelled really good. "How big are you?" I blurted, curiosity overwhelming my discretion. "Twenty-four," he said calmly. "Shit!" "Heh." He paused for a moment. "Any other questions you want answered? I know guys are always curious." He smiled. "Don't be shy. You can ask me anything." "Uh..." My heartbeat sped up dramatically. I'd never really spoken to anyone this casually about sex or sexuality before. It was quite a thrill. "Do...uh...do you jerk off? Can you?" "Oh, yes. I mean, I can't reach my penis, obviously. But I do a thing where I get hard and flex it, and it slaps up against my belly. Feels...pretty good." "Oh, cool." "Also got a few toys." "Toys? Centaur toys?" My imagination ran wild. "Woa." "Hehe. All breeds need to be able to have some quality alone time, right?" "Right." I'd never even considered that quadruped breeds also needed...help. "Do you mind if I ask you things?" he asked gently. The throb in my cock was almost painful. "No. Sure. Go ahead." "How big are you?" Not as big as you. "Um. Six." A sudden snort made me blink in surprise. "And you're worried about being small?" he said. This was new information to me. "But...I read that seven and a half..." "Seven and a half!" Erian gaped at me. "Where did you read that? Baseless Estimates Dot Com?" A funny feeling formed in my chest. "What's... what's average?" "Five and a half? Around there. Maybe less. No way it's seven and a fucking half. Too many self-reported lengths by size queens, I think. Or sex-ed has become useless in schools these days." I didn't know what to say. "So I'm...normal?" A firm bar in the cage that was my self-consciousness wavered, and then evaporated. "Well, firstly, like I said: size doesn't matter. There's no 'normal', there's a spectrum. Don't ever forget that. But yes. Seems like your dick is as average as they get, Pavel." I mused on that as I picked up my dinner and kept eating. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my uncle's penis retreat into his body, and the scent of it faded from the air as we completed our meal. Erian finished first and tossed his bowl into the sink before clopping over to a high cupboard. He reached in to grab something, and turned back to me with eyebrows raised, holding a bottle of rum. "There's nothing urgent to do tomorrow, so maybe we can cut loose a bit tonight. Wanna help me finish this before bed?" Bed was a long time coming. The rum loosened up my throat, and Erian and I started talking about...just everything. He told me stories about him and my dad growing up, and I told him about my plans for the future. We circled back to talking about sex at least twice, and he told me an embarrassing story about his first sexual encounter that had me crying with laughter, but also pleasantly aroused. When we finished the rum, we moved on to brandy, and then beers. Erian started swaying, and if you've never seen a quadruped drunk, I highly recommend it. He got flushed and smiled a lot, and gave me plenty of compliments about my body. Telling me how well I'd do when I got home. I felt great. Eventually, we bid each other goodnight in the wee hours, and I collapsed into bed, expecting to drift off in moments. But alcohol makes me horny, and I couldn't stop thinking about the things my uncle had said that night. He was just...he was great. And fun. And...hot. My newly upgraded average penis poked into the bedding, and I turned onto my side to let it out of my boxers, then grabbed it with a hand to try to calm it. A few strokes made it clear it wasn't going to settle for that tonight, though, and I sighed and pressed my face into the pillow. "Just let me sleep," I said thickly. No, said my penis. It didn't want to sleep. It wanted me to remember the lovely smell of centaur penis, and call to mind the one direct, full-size view I'd gotten of what must have been fifteen flaccid inches of shaft hanging from his sheath like an exotic forbidden fruit. It wanted me to imagine the scene my uncle had laid out of his first encounter, with a fox's mouth barely able to fit his cock, and almost choking on the torrent of cum his nervousness had pumped out in seconds. It wanted to imagine being pressed against that monstrous equine member for comparison, to see its perfectly acceptable length directly compared with the most magnificent male member in existence: the cock of a centaur stallion. It must have been half an hour of wild erotic thoughts later when I heard sounds outside my bedroom. I was used to Erian waking up at night and going outside for a piss, but this was different. They were slow and careful sounds, as if he was deliberately trying not to make noise. That wasn't how Erian usually was...and even more unlikely given how much we'd drunk. But a colossal centaur could only do so much to keep quiet, even when sober--and I had not left Erian anything like sober. A gentle creak of a cupboard being opened was followed by soft scrabbling, and then aggressively slow hoofsteps towards the door. My interest was piqued--but when I heard the front door barely creaking when opened, as if being opened extra-slowly, it took on full form. My uncle was being sneaky for some reason. He was allowed to be, of course. It was his farm, after all. I should let him be. But... I got up and followed him. There was only a sliver of moon in the sky, and I could just barely make out my uncle's form heading across to the barn with something large in hand. He tugged the doors open and went inside, and I exited the house and followed, my erection tenting my boxers as if pointing the way. My drunken brain didn't really know what it was doing, but if my uncle was being so cautious, I figured it was something he didn't want me to see. That excited me, and I wanted to know more. I heard something heavy being dragged around before I got to the barn. The doors were still open, and with only a single light on inside, at the back, I could easily slip inside and hide behind a tractor while I watched what was going on. Erian was grunting and huffing as he pulled what looked like a false mare out from a dusty corner, where it had been covered with a tarpaulin. My pulse sped up at the sight, my imagination only able to concoct one reason for him to own one of the equine breeding aids. Was this what he'd meant when he said he had "toys"? My hands shook a little with excitement. The alcohol clearly had the same effect on him as on me, and he'd decided to take matters into his own hands. As it were. When the false mare was in place, Erian turned to the side and picked something up. I didn't quite understand what it was at first, until he brought it fully into the light. Long and translucent, hollow, with a round opening at one end...I had to swallow my gasp of realisation. Erian cradled an equine fleshlight, the entrance lovingly modelled on an ass precisely like his own: puffy, and deep, and begging to be penetrated. His cock dropped as I watched him fondle the item, growing even longer than it had been in the house...and then it started hardening. Twenty-four inches indeed: Erian's prick was enormous, the skin a deep pink colour that somehow perfectly fit his golden coat. It swung around beneath him as if it had a mind of its own, then lifted a little and dropped back. Precum drizzled from the tip, all over the barn floor. I could hear his hoarse breathing, and my boxers had grown even tighter. I couldn't look away. This was weird, and a bit wrong. But so hot. So very hot. Erian grabbed the side of the false mare and pulled the upper half open on a hinge, placing the fleshlight into a seating inside that perfectly aligned the toy's entrance with the hole in the rear of the mount. He lowered the top again, and just like that, he had a false stallion, ready to go. He stuck two fingers in his mouth and then circled the translucent silicone doughnut with them, his free hand rubbing his belly and pecs as he did so. His mouth hung open, tongue running over his lips, seemingly just enjoying the sight of what was to come. Then I saw his muscles tense, and his upper half pushed into the air as his back legs stepped forward, letting his front legs thump down onto the object and perfectly positioning his cock for entry into the toy. He wasted no time, thrusting forward hungrily with a well-practised motion. His dick found the toy's hole and squeezed in with a wet sound, slipping in so easily that I had to assume he'd lubricated it back in the house. Even so, the toy could not accommodate all of him. Behind his medial ring, my uncle's erect member was so thick that it could not fit into the faux stallion ass. The skin bunched up, veiny and crimson-dark, straining to enter but unable to. Only--only!--eighteen or nineteen inches of horseprick filled the toy. I watched the silicone swallow my uncle's massive horsecock and felt my cock throbbing. I didn't possess a dick even half as big as Erian's...but the knowledge that I now had musculature enough to fuck another male as powerfully--as relentlessly--as that made me feel a deep thrill. When I allowed myself to imagine that male being a huge, muscular centaur like my uncle, the thrill only escalated. As Erian's thighs pumped his dick in and out of the toy, his hands found his nipples and gripped them tightly, pulling a lusty snarl from between his gritted teeth. He didn't go in for dirty talk, it seemed, just dirty sounds. In between the snarls, he grunted, and wheezed, and even made an approximation of an equine's whinny--all of them merely flourishes atop the constant plap, plap, plap of his swollen cock plunging into the equine sex toy as his balls swung back and forth beneath him like massive, suspended weights. His eyes clenched shut, head lifted to the ceiling, his upper half oddly still as his lower half flexed and bunched and filled the false stallion with centaur cock. Erian had no desire to stretch the encounter out more than he had to. Not even two minutes in, I heard his voice tense, his snarls transforming into heated, needy pants. His balls ceased their mad swinging as they rose towards his body, and his rear hooves scrabbled forward a little more, trying to push the last inches of cock into the toy. A spasm suddenly ran across Erian's body, leaving him tensed in its wake, eyes now wide, locked onto the ceiling, mouth open--only choked sounds emerging--and hands frozen in a rictus by his sides. I saw the colour of his cockflesh darken yet more...and then it pulsed, a massive throbbing action accompanied by a ragged outrushing of breath. I pushed a fist against my mouth to contain my moans as I stared in awe at the sight of my uncle's orgasm. It was as if his cock had transformed into a living machine, a force of nature. Each pulse was no doubt expelling another tremendous spurt of thick centaur semen into his mute mate. I had to imagine the sheer size of the loads his massive body would produce, and my imagination ran riot. I visualised the toy filled to overflowing with semen, leaking out into the interior of the mount: one false horse well and truly bred by another. When it ended, after eight or ten giant pulses, Erian seemed to collapse a little. His head lolled down, and his arms hung loose as he breathed deeply of the muggy, musky barn air. With a small groan, he pressed back from the false stallion, extracting his member from the toy inside it. He had softened just enough that it no longer stood erect under him, but still hung at full length when the massive flare breached the silicone doughnut and allowed it to drop down between his legs. I could not believe the size of him. His flare was as large as one of his hooves, twice the width of the shaft directly behind it. The entire length was coated in semen, and more bubbled free of the hole in the false stallion now that the mass plugging it had been removed. Erian stared down at the cum oozing free for a moment, his thoughts seeming far away--and then he shook his head, turned around, and clopped out of the barn with only a mildly unsteady gait. I shrunk down behind the tractor to remain hidden, and only when I heard the door to the house open and shut, did I stand up and approach the false stallion. The barn air was rich with the scent of my uncle's issue, and as I grew closer, the strength of it made me lightheaded. Whatever sex hormones centaurs possessed, they were more potent than anything I'd smelled on other males. My erection--painfully hard, long since--felt like a hot poker in the cooler air as I loosed it at last, pulling back on my foreskin and wiping a thumb over the precum that had gathered under it like glistening need. I licked it off absently, eyes locked to the hole in the false stallion where a silicone equine sex toy's gaping hole sat, oozing semen as thick as cake batter and the colour of rich cream. My thumb ran over my lips and then extended, reaching for the toy, shaking a little... Screw it. I grabbed both sides of the false stallion and thrust my face forward like a starving man, burying my muzzle in the sex toy and slurping, instantly swallowing a generous mouthful of centaur semen. The flavour was electric, erotic, utterly new and instantly addictive. I whimpered in shivery excitement and swallowed, feeling the fluid slide down my throat like a hot, thick soup. The toy was still body-warm from my uncle's presence and well-loosened by his girth. I pressed my muzzle deeper with a moan, semen filling my nostrils as I gulped down air and gobbets of cum. It was delicious; far better than my own, on the odd occasions I'd tried it. I pulled my nose back, wrapping my lips around the toy's entrance and sucking deeply, swallowing the amazing stuff as fast as I could, almost choking in the process. My eyes rolled back into my head as I felt my belly fill with it. The warmth, the taste, the volume...it was beyond compare. My uncle was just as productive as his size and species had led me to imagine, and I sucked out every drop of the river of spunk he'd pumped into his toy. When nothing but air accompanied my sucking, I broke off and fell to the ground with a thump, head swimming. My belly gurgled and I panted, still able to taste the rich, masculine flavour on my tongue. My eyes fluttered closed and I took my hard dick in hand, calling to mind the sight of my uncle fucking his toy...but replacing him with myself. Imagining pumping my cock into a tight equine passage, feeling it clenching around me and squirting my seed deep inside. In seconds, my body crested, and I muffled a scream of pleasure as my balls thumped up against me. I shot the most powerful load I could remember as I let myself imagine fucking my big, handsome centaur uncle. It was wrong, it was dirty...and it made me hornier than I'd ever been in my life. I let the fantasy take over and lost myself to it. The coolness of evaporating sweat brought me around, my mind clearing. Insects chirped in the night, and a warm breeze blew in through the open barn doors. I gingerly climbed to my feet, one hand on my full belly, and stared out at the house in the distance. No lights were on, and the front door was shut. Erian was back inside now. Damnit. I couldn't just saunter in past him stinking of cum. I crept up to the house, sneaking around from the side, and found the bathroom window on the far side. It would be a tight fit even without a full belly; as it was, it took me almost five minutes to get myself through it, and only a last-minute grab for a curtain stopped me landing with a guilty thump when I finally made. But at least I was in. I took a moment to breathe deeply and calm my racing heart, then got back into bed with a sigh. With the needs of my cock now fully quieted, only the gurgling of my stomach accompanied me as I fell asleep to thoughts of centaur cocks. "Good morning!" Erian said as I came out of my room the next morning, shaking my head to one side to get shower-water out of my ear. I'd woken up sticky and stinking of sex and had taken a vigorous shower to wipe all traces of my night-time activities from my body. I smiled weakly. "Morning." Erian grinned at me. "No worse the wear for last night, huh?" "Heh. Uh...seems so." "Ah, to have the metabolism of youth again." He passed me a plate heaped with waffles. "I was ravenous this morning, so I made more than usual. Hope you're hungry." The sight and smell of the food made my stomach rumble as if I hadn't eaten in days. "Very." I grabbed the plate and started gulping down hot waffle pieces dripping syrup as my uncle looked on in amusement. His amusement turned to surprise as I vacuumed the plate clean in record time, then looked up at him awkwardly. "Uh...got any more?" Three full plates of waffles later, my uncle was looking concerned. "Pavel," he asked, "are you feeling alright?" I still felt hungry, in truth, but I could see the bag of waffles was empty, and I didn't want to worry my uncle further. "Sure," I said. "I guess I get hungry instead of hangovers?" He nodded slowly. "Seems so." He stared at me for a moment longer, then chuckled and patted my back. "Well, we'd better work doubly hard today to burn off all those calories. Let's get to it!" We stepped outside, heading to the field, but when Erian noticed the still-open barn doors, he stopped dead. I pretended not to see where he was staring, and just said casually, "What's up?" "Uh..." He looked away, shaking his head. "No, nothing. Just something I...hey, can you go and start checking the crops for cabbage worms? I'll be right there." Before I could answer, he hurried away towards the barn. I hid a smile and headed to the crops. I had no desire to embarrass Erian; if anything, I was glad he had a way to pleasure himself, all alone on the farm. I was halfway along the first row of kale when I heard my uncle's hoofsteps returning. "Clean so far," I said, turning to look at him--and freezing at the look in his eyes. My pulse began racing as I tried to decide what it was. Fear? Confusion? Panic? Whatever it was, the intensity of it made my legs weak. I took a step back. "Erian, what--?" "Pavel," he said hoarsely, "what did you do?" His hands were shaking, I noticed, and his fetlocks too. He was...scared. "What's wrong?" I said, my voice squeaking out. "I didn't--" "Pavel, I need to know," he said urgently, clasping his hands to stop them shaking. "Did...did you...?" He closed his mouth, opened it again, closed it a second time. My eyes were wide, and his next words came in a rush. "The toy is empty now, but I know I filled it last night and there's nothing on the ground underneath except..." He couldn't say more, but I imagined the next words. Except for a small, sad splash of bull cum. "I...I..." My guilt must have been writ wide on my face because he squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, wringing his hands and cursing like a sailor. "Fuck. Fuck! No, no, no! Pavel...oh, fuck me, no...!" "I'm sorry," I mumbled, trying to crawl inside myself. Every piece of fantasy I'd indulged in during the last few weeks suddenly jumped to the forefront of my mind, like evidence at a trial. It was disgusting. I was a pervert, and I'd been found out in the most shameful way imaginable. I'd eaten my uncle's cum! He was mad, and he was going to tell Dad, and that would be the last time I ever saw him--if I was lucky. I couldn't imagine what Dad would do to me himself... "Take your clothes off, Pavel." There was a terror in his voice that made my stomach drop. "W-what?" I stuttered. "Now!" My uncle's hands clenched, his expression determined. "Everything! Get it off now! Do it!" This was not a punishment I had expected. "I...please, Eri--Uncle Erian, I'm sorry..." "Pavel!" he screamed, pushing his massive form into the air, and slamming down onto the ground between us with both hooves, making me take another step back in fear. "Do it! There's no time!" I opened my mouth to apologise again--but instead clapped my hands to my thighs as fiery pain shot through them, bone-deep and hot as a sun. I screamed in agony and barely felt my uncle grabbing one of my arms and lifting me bodily off the ground with a strength I could not have imagined he possessed. "Get your jeans off, boy!" he screamed into my face, one of his hands gripping my belt and pulling at it, ripping the frame and prong free of the cured leather in a single motion as I hung, suspended and stunned, by a single arm. He continued pulling, dragging the belt free of my waist and hurling it aside, then grabbing the front of my jeans and trying to tear those off as well. He managed to pull the button free as though it was embedded in paper...and then he dropped me. I collapsed into a heap on the ground. "Pavel!" he screamed down at me. "Listen to me! Get your fucking jeans off now! Pavel! I can't pull them off! PAVEL!" Aftershocks of pain echoing through my body, I began crying and blubbering, confused and terrified by the lurching switch in my circumstances. The agony in my hips had faded a little, and as my uncle continued screaming at me to remove my pants, I began shaking violently. Blind panic set in; a terror that Erian was doing this to me--somehow--and that if I didn't obey him, terrible things would happen. Barely able to see through my tears, I fumbled at my loosened jeans and underwear, pushing them down to the middle of my thighs just as the fire in my hips returned, redoubled. It stabbed even deeper this time, as if every nerve between my groin and my spine had been set on fire simultaneously. My back arched and I grabbed my hips as my lungs emptied themselves in a primal, desperate scream. The pain locked my fingers into claws, and I scraped my fingernails desperately along the exposed skin of my thighs and hips, trying to reach the pain, to reach it and tear it out of me and make the agony stop. The fire, uncaring, grew. It rose my spine and spread along my ribs like the fingers of some molten beast, clawing its way along my bones and transmuting my flesh into suffering. I grabbed my chest, squeezing the muscles between my fingers and pulling at them, trying to physically remove them from the source of that deep, chthonic burn. My throat was already raw from screaming, but I couldn't stop, even though every breath I dragged into my lungs only seemed to inflame the fire inside me further. I twisted and contorted on the ground like a subterranean worm dragged into the light, wracked by pains whose origins seemed to be every nerve in my body. My screams grew weaker as my lungs started to disobey me, and I grew lightheaded as I struggled to breathe. "Fuck, fuck fuck...breathe, Pavel...keep breathing, boy, please, as much as you can, don't stop... I'm sorry it hurts so much, I'm so fucking sorry..." Erian's voice was tight and quivering, full of fear and uncertainty. Please stop this, I wanted to beg him, but my throat had seized. I scrabbled along the ground towards him, one hand finding his hoof and gripping it in mute supplication, pulling myself onto my back to look up at his pale, sweaty face. He stared grimly down at me and made no move to aid me. WHY, I wanted to scream, but all I could do was lay there, helplessly, as the fire inside me turned my bones to jelly. I could no longer move my legs; in fact, everything below my chest was numb. I was paralysed. I was dying. All I could do was weep and wait for the end, as my vision blurred to darkness and my brain screamed for oxygen. But instead of dying, I was remade. Like a switch had been flipped, the pain disappeared. I heaved, eyes flashing wide, and dragged a full breath into my lungs before coughing spittle all over myself. Something...lurched inside me. I stared down, agog, at my still-numb legs as they started growing, the thighs thickening and the lower legs extending away from me. My loosened jeans were dragged down at first, but then got stuck against the swelling flesh, growing tauter until the denim simply tore apart to reveal thickly muscled, dark-haired legs that looked vastly different from my own. My feet had followed the growth down, but as my upper thighs finished expanding, my hooves started to twist, twisting around in a bizarre fashion that let me ankles grow longer and bend, beginning to form a...fetlock? A sudden pressure against my back made me whimper and pull myself onto my side, looking over my shoulder to see what was happening. A mass was extending itself from just below my spine, taking my ass with it. It grew impossibly fast, expanding along the ground away from the rest of me and taking on dimensions many times those of my old body. Two hard nubs emerging from the underside that quickly became hooves and started to grow down confirmed the growing suspicion my disbelieving eyes had let me form. I was becoming a centaur. A tickling sensation between my legs--my front legs--pulled my attention next. I looked down in horror as my penis and testicles, revealed by my shorn jeans, shrunk and disappeared: absorbed right back inside me. "No, no," I moaned in despair, but the process was already complete. The smooth hardness of my belly now continued without interruption between my front legs and underneath me. I had been neutered. But that nightmare, thankfully, barely lasted a few seconds: a similar tickling, only much more potent, blossomed between what was now my hind legs. Heart hammering, I turned to look across the powerful curve of a stallion body --my body!--to find a wrinkled equine sheath growing out from my belly, complementing two huge, soft horse balls that already nestled in the crevice between my legs and stomach. My equine legs, and equine stomach. The transformation had been complete for a while before I realised it, engrossed as I was in looking at every part of my new form. My breathing was shallow, my mind lost in a sea of questions, wonder, and disbelief. I kept staring at my new genitals, almost daring them to vanish before my eyes and prove this all some messed-up dream. But they remained, and when I tentatively reached out with new-found muscle memory to tug upon them, my balls obediently jiggled in their sack. I gasped, hand to my mouth, and did it again. And again. I could feel their mass: how my muscles strained to pull against them, how they dropped back down when I let them. My own pair of fat, full fruits. And above them, retracted within my body, long and soft and waiting... I unclenched something inside myself, and my horsecock slithered forth. The skin of it was like dark satin, glistening in the sunlight. Even soft, it was at least twice as long as the cock I'd had before, and who knew how much thicker. The tip, a swollen bulb of flesh similar to the glans I'd lost, had a pisshole big enough for me to fit a finger in and was surrounded by a proud, nubbed ring of flesh. The shaft thickened along the length until it reached the medial ring, after which it became much thicker and then vanished into the folds of the gorgeous, slightly hairy sheath I'd grown. When I flexed, the entire thing pulsed in a smooth motion that made my mouth water and called to mind the sight of Erian's cock pulsing as he'd fucked his sex toy. Those thoughts ignited my arousal, and my new cock obediently began thickening, growing firmer as blood filled it, showing off the thick veins snaking across the skin and the massive heft it could achieve. I was entranced and delighted. I still had no idea of what had happened in the last few minutes, but this...this was not an outcome I was unhappy with. And beyond the fantastical physical changes, I could feel a new drive within myself. Similar to one I'd had before, yet different. I'd always felt desire for males, and to mate with them. This was that, but...more. I didn't just want to be with a male: I wanted to mount them. I wanted to push my body up onto them, to feel their warm body beneath my belly, and grip them with my legs and drive my enormous length, my tremendous new stallion cock--hard, ready, eager --into them with all the force a rutting centaur could manage... Just like Erian had done to his false stallion. I may have sat there for ages yet, and who knows what I might have done to--with--myself if Erian hadn't coughed delicately behind me. The spell broke, and my head snapped around to look up into my uncle's eyes. The terror I'd seen there before had vanished, replaced by concern...and something else that disappeared the moment I looked at him. Something more primal. He extended a hand to me in silence. I grabbed it and used it to pull myself to my feet, struggling only for a moment as four feet fought to occupy the space I still expected to be filled by two. When I was upright, Erian's hands dusted down my exposed shoulders and chest, and if his fingertips lingered a little longer as they brushed over my nipples, it was hard to say. Certainly, he chose not to meet my eyes directly. He looked everywhere else but at me as I stared at him, filling my lungs with deep breaths and considering the mental changes my transformation had wrought. I had never seen Erian from this perspective before. As an equal. He had always been the towering centaur in my life. But now I stared at him directly, and the little tricks of perspective my old viewpoint had played were eliminated. I was no longer staring at a smooth expanse of horsehair and human belly, with a genial face looking paternally down on me. I stared straight into a centaur's face--a fellow centaur, now--and saw a visage only barely lined by age, sun-soaked and handsome as any male I'd ever seen. The new drive awakened inside me liked what it saw...and I felt it indicating its approval under my belly. The desire to breed...to mount and cover and fill...was a new fire within me, and it didn't give a shit that Erian was my uncle. It just knew that Erian was a centaur. And centaurs, my new body told me, had to be bred. My head swirled with a giddy wine, and out of it came a new Pavel. "I watched you breeding your toy," I told Erian. He squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head and looking away as I kept speaking. "When you finished, I went to look at what you did, and everything smelled of you, and..." "Pavel..." he said hoarsely, the note of warning in his voice somewhat diminished by the husky croak he delivered it in. I spoke over him. "It was so hot, Erian. You're a stud, you know that? You fucking must. Your fresh cum looked so fucking delicious, oozing out of that stallion hole. I drank all of it." He waved his hands, trying to silence me, his frown more desperation than anger. "No, Pavel, no...you shouldn't..." "It's done, Uncle," I told him. I pointed at my new lower half. "Is that why this happened? Your cum? Is this what all those guys wanted from you back in the day?" He dropped his face into his hands, still shaking his head. "Oh, fuck me," he moaned. "Your dad's gonna fucking kill me..." "Erian," I said firmly, "forget about that." I reached out a hand to cup his face, and he jerked back as if it was made of lava. I paused, then cupped it again, and this time he let it stay. I turned my body to the side, to let him see the stretch of my equine form and the thick cock bobbing underneath it. I saw his eyes snap to it and then fly away. "Don't you think I'm hot, Uncle?" I asked. His look was agonised, but I saw the flash of lust behind it and grinned at his despair. "Pavel!" he cried. "No! This...this isn't you! You're a good boy, a quiet boy..." "I'm neither now, Erian," I told him. I let my hand stroke down his face and neck, resting on his chest. "I'm a centaur, like you. Because of you. And I can feel so...many new things." I stepped a little closer, barely two inches separating our faces now. "Four legs feels strange, but they're so powerful. I can feel all my muscles, eager to run. And my new tail is a lot hairier. Fun to swing around." My uncle could not have looked more torn. "Pavel," he begged me, "you need to rest. The transformation kicks everything around inside you. You need to sleep this off..." "My cock's so fucking big now, Uncle," I breathed, wafting the words and my smell into his face. "I can't sleep that off. Can you see it? Look between my legs, Uncle. I don't mind. Mmmmh...fuck, it's gorgeous. I've got a real horsecock now. Just like you." I smiled at him. "In a way, you gave it to me." Erian looked stunned by that realisation, and I took the opportunity to rest another hand on him. "Is this why you kept complimenting me, Uncle?" I crooned. "All these past weeks? Saying nice things about my body?" The blood finished draining from his face, and I knew I was right. "Did you enjoy watching your minotaur nephew get all hunky? And telling him about your sex life? Is that why you had to go and unload into that toy last night? Too many dirty thoughts about my muscles and my cock?" "P-Pavel..." His voice was so breathy, I could barely make the words out. Not that it mattered now. He'd been as much of a perv as I was, all this time, and the air between us now stank of stallion musk. "I really enjoyed watching you fuck, Uncle," I told him. "Your pink dick is magnificent. I dreamed about it almost every day when I masturbated. Did you show off for me in the fields, too? To keep me horny? I hope you dreamed about me too, Uncle. Did you dream about fucking your hunky minotaur nephew...?" I leaned in, right next to his ear. "Or did you dream about him fucking you?" Erian was shaking a little, and I stroked his chest to calm him. "Do you feel the same things I do, Uncle? It's all new to me, but you've lived with it all your life. That feeling...that need to mount." I licked his ear suddenly, feeling him jerk at the wet touch. "False stallions can't mount you, Uncle," I husked into his ear. "But I can." His breathing grew ragged, and I could smell his arousal in the air, just as in the barn the night before. "Do you think my cock is as big as yours, Uncle?" I asked. "Be honest." "...bigger," he croaked. He pressed a hand to my chest, gripping my pec and stroking along my muscles. "Your cock's bigger than mine, Pavel... it's so big..." "Oh? Maybe it's the bull in me. Added a few more inches of girth and length to my thick...fat...sexy...horny...horseprick." I squeezed one of his nipples on each word like I'd seen him doing to himself while fucking his toy, and his body turned to putty under my hands. "I'm a double virgin now, Uncle. I've never had sex, and I've never fucked with this body before. You could be my first." I ran my tongue along his earlobe again, and lifted one of his hands to my head, wrapping it around my left horn. "Do you want to be my first, Uncle?" "...yes." The desperate need in his voice was so hot. I felt my hard cock slam upward into my belly, the echoing slap announcing my intent better than any words could. "How long has it been since a centaur mounted you, Uncle?" "Too long. Oh, God, too fucking long..." I slid my hands down his sides and pulled his upper body towards me, kissing him deeply. His hands gripped my horns, pulling my head down towards him, which drove me mad. His need was infectious, and I couldn't wait any longer. "I watched closely when you fucked your toy, Uncle," I murmured. "Is that how you want me to fuck you?" "Please, Pavel. Oh, fuck, please, yes...fuck me like that..." "Then turn the fuck around and show me that tailhole." The centaur let go of my horns and spun around. I saw his erect cock swing madly under him as he turned. Then his ass was being presented to me, dark tail already whisked aside, his plum-pink tailhole loose with need, repeatedly flexing at me like a mouth begging mutely to be filled. The drive inside me to mount, mount, mount was going berserk, and I had just enough self-control to rest a hand on my uncle's equine haunch and wonder if I was really going to do this. Was I going to fuck my centaur uncle, here and now? I grinned, bent my front legs a little, and jumped. My mass thudded onto Erian's back and earned me a hungry groan from my uncle. "Put it in me, Pavel, please," he begged. "I need to feel you in me. Fuck me, Pavel, don't wait, fuck me now, I need this...fuck me, you stud, you're so hot, I want to be yours..." I grabbed my uncle's shoulder and grunted assent, shifting my rear around as I tried to line my cock up with his asshole. It was harder than I expected, and I growled in frustration as my precum-slickened flare slid over every inch of my uncle's rear apart from where I wanted it to. When it finally caught on the flesh of his hole, my grip on his shoulder tightened. I pulled his upper body backwards as my hips thrust with all their power, driving all of my length into Erian with minimal resistance. His neediness had made him loose and easy to penetrate: like a slutty mare, hungry for cock. I fed him what he wanted with glee and lust, savouring the warmth of his deep, textured tunnel against my firm cockflesh. The equine penis throbbing between my legs was so large, I could actually feel the difference in temperature between his ring and the spot twenty-six inches deeper inside where my pulsing flare was spreading him open with every thrust. The centaur's insides felt amazing; nothing like my hands, or any toy I'd ever tried. On top of that, I was still adjusting to the sensitivity of my new cock, and the magnificent, dominant feeling of being...a stallion. Sensations assaulted me, all of them wonderful, and I had to grip both of Erian's shoulders to keep myself from just collapsing forward under the torrent of pleasure. Thankfully, my body knew what to do without me directing its every move, and my muscled hips thumped and pounded my meat into my lucky uncle as I clung to his shoulders and listened to his snarls and moans of pleasure. I slid one hand around to find a nipple and grip it tightly, making his body clench around my cock and causing me to cry out in ecstasy as my thrusts found fresh, hot resistance. "You're so fucking big," Erian moaned. I slipped my hand up and tucked two fingers into his mouth, letting him suckle hornily on them. "Don't stop fucking me, Pavel," he slobbered. "I fucking love it. I just want more, give me more...harder, faster...breed me like your mare..." I gripped his nipple again with my spit-slickened fingers and felt him clench around me again, crying out gutturally. "Stay tight for me like that, Uncle," I rasped, "and I'll never fucking pull out of you." Erian's moans escalated in intensity, matching my thrusts. Each push buried me to the hilt inside of him, sending my balls swinging under me with a wonderfully heavy feeling. I had no idea what volume my huge new testicles could produce. Still, if Erian was a baseline, I would fill the centaur under me with so much cum that he would be making sloshing sounds with every step he took for a week. I pulled his upper body towards mine again and panted this image into his ear, feeling him shudder under me with unrestrained eagerness. "Fuck yes, Pavel," he gasped, "fuck your cum into me, breed my ass, make me leak for days." "That what you want, huh, Uncle? You want your hot nephew's thick centaur cum drooling out of your well-fucked hole for days?" Just saying it was exciting me beyond the point of no return, and I gripped him tight and forced my hips to pound faster. The stamina of this new form was far beyond what I was accustomed to; my old body would have been a limp dishrag by now. "Tell me you want it, and I'll give it to you..." "Yes, Pavel, fuck, fuuuck, yes, please, that's what I want...I want to be bred, I want to be fucked by my nephew, I want to be his bitch..." I wrapped my arms around him, using the extra leverage to pour all of my body's power into ramming my horsecock as hard and as deep into him as possible. I was close, I knew: my balls had risen, my flare felt like a swollen bomb on the end of my cock, and I was moments away from cumming. "Fuck your hot ass, Uncle," I moaned, my face pressed against the sweaty small of his back. "Fuck your sexy body and your big dick and your tight ass and your gorgeous face and...ffffffffffffffuuuu--!" My arms clenched like iron girders around my horny, needy uncle. From a place right beneath my cock, a sensation at once extraordinary and painful grew. My balls were aching, and I grimaced and cried out as I felt the feeling move, rising along my cock until half of it tingled, and then suddenly encompassing the rest, making my entire length hyper-sensitised. My balls sucked up against my body, and I felt something pull out of them and rocket through the base of my cock: a huge mass that shot along my full penile length and burst from the tip in an explosion of blood-hot fluid that instantly surrounded my flare. The heat was like a catalyst for my atavistic need to cum, to cum, to cum--and to never stop cumming. My orgasm blossomed into its full power; a raging torrent of pleasure centred on my massive prick. The waves of bliss that had been battering my mind since we began fucking, spiked; I almost fainted. Another blast of cum shot along my cock, and another colossal load spurted into my uncle's willing ass. Carnality took over, and my brain screamed in delight as I bred a centaur, fulfilling my newest and most primal desire: to rut like a stallion and breed a horny male. Erian's cries as I pumped him full of my seed were wordless; joyful. I only saw later that he'd cum at some point too, absolutely soaking himself and the ground beneath with his fantastically thick seed. All I knew at the moment was that he was shuddering every few seconds, like me, and whimpering, and drooling onto my arm, and breathing so hoarsely it sounded like his lungs were made of steel wool. Part of me knew that it was because of me: of what I was doing to my uncle with my body, that I was using my dick and my strength and my fucking studliness to take this centaur--one from my own family, a blood-tie--to a point beyond regular pleasure, and that he would never forget this day. The rest of me just knew that it was the hottest thing I'd ever done in my entire life. Whether it was my new body, or the horniness I'd been building for the weeks on the farm, or both, I don't know--but I pumped sixteen huge squirts into Erian that day. I lost track of the count almost immediately, but Erian counted every single one and told me the total later with a proud look. When my arms finally let me unclench them and separate from my uncle's body with a sticky, sweaty schlop sound, I had bred him with an intensity only a centaur stallion could manage. We panted together for a while, not speaking, merely letting the post-orgasm high fade while we were still mated. Eventually, my uncle squeezed my hand, and I pulled myself back, dragging my cock free of his body in a torrent of centaur jizz. My flaccid penis slapped heavily against my rear legs and I jumped a little; it was still massively sensitive. A quick tensing of a muscle pulled it back up into me, and I was left staring at the giant, amazing mess I'd made of my uncle's tailhole. I reached out with one finger to scoop up some of the cum that had escaped him and tasted it. "I taste like you," I told him with a chuckle. "Heh." My uncle turned to look at me. "Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I guess." "The apple was cock-deep inside you moments ago." "Apple? Fuck that. Your flare felt like a fucking watermelon. Shit..." Erian seemed to realise what we'd done, looking down and pondering. "That was so fucking hot, Pavel, but..." He left the sentence unfinished, shaking his head and looking off into the distance. "Lanto is going to lose his shit." "I'll tell Dad," I assured him. "I'll just say it...just happened." Erian snorted. "He won't fall for that. He knows how it happens." "Well, fine. I'll...say I met a centaur in town. We hooked up. I got changed." I shrugged. "I dunno. We've got six weeks to think of something." I sidled up to him, or at least as much as a huge, equine-bodied minotaur could sidle. "Don't have to worry about that now. We'll figure it out. What matters is..." I slid a finger around one of his nipples. "Now we can plough the fields in half the time." I put on a devilish grin. "And I can plough you in between." Erian giggled disbelievingly. "Fuck...Centaur Pavel doesn't have any awkwardness left, huh?" "Guess all he needed was a monster cock and a warm place to put it." "I told you, size isn't everything." "You can remind me of that the next time I'm flare-deep inside you." Erian giggled again. "Fuuuuck me. What sort of monster have I made?" "The sort of monster that's going to breed your ass like a fresh spring field for the next six weeks." I saw Dad's eyes through the windshield, wide as dishes, when he was still a hundred yards down the road. He accelerated, then skidded the car to a halt on the loose dirt and almost fell over himself as he leapt out. He raised his hands in disbelief, clutching his horns and staring at the tall, muscular centaur that used to be his son--before turned to Erian with an incredulous expression and a slightly hysterical voice. "Erian?! What? The FUCK? Happened here?" Erian sighed. "Sorry, Lanto." "Sorry? SORRY?" my father screeched. I stepped closer, putting a hand on my father's shoulder. "Dad," I said, "please. It's not his fault. It's mine. I was in town, and I met--" My father swung a furious glare onto me, knocking my hand off with a fist. "Like shit it's not his fault. This doesn't just happen!" He turned back to his brother. "I mean...now? Him? I fucking begged you, for years...but my kid's here three months, and he's all centaured up?" I blinked. "What? What do you mean, 'begged him'?" Erian looked down at the ground and shuffled a hoof. "It wasn't on purpose, Lanto," he mumbled. "The boy...shit." He frowned. "I'd... I'd been masturba...fuuuuuck." He threw his head back, eyes closed, and took a deep breath. "I was fucking a sex toy, alright? And Pavel saw me and he...drank my cum after I left. All of it. And it was too much for me to halt the transformation." There was deadly silence for a moment, and my father's body slowly swivelled to look back at me, eyebrows raised. "Is this true?" he asked, his voice tight. I gulped. "Um...yes." My father released a long breath before kicking the ground with one hoof. "Well. Shit." "Sorry, Lanto," my uncle said. He looked genuinely despondent. "I was gonna do you, bro. I promise. It was an accident." My father waved him down. "I get it, Erian," he sighed. "I guess. I understand." "I still fucking don't," I said, and my father raised another eyebrow at my uncharacteristic language. "What's going on?" My father glanced at Erian. "What, in six weeks you didn't have time to explain?" "I... wasn't sure if you..." Dad raised a hand and met my eyes. "Pavel," he said levelly. "Your uncle and I used to fuck when we were teenagers. He had a thing for bull cock, and I had a thing for making him cum like a burst fire hydrant. But what I really wanted was to be centaur--except he wouldn't let me. Like a fucking dragon he was, hoarding his cum. He promised he'd do me one day, but now..." I tried to keep abreast of the tsunami of revelations. "Wait, what? You used to fuck Uncle Erian?" I looked at my uncle. "Is that why you wanted me to fuck you?" "He what now?" my father interjected. Erian looked at the two of us. "I mean..." he stammered, "your son is...I mean, we've..." He blushed, the crimson flush oddly attractive on his handsome face. "We've...been fucking. A lot. A whole lot." He hurriedly kept talking as my father's eyebrows took another visit to his forehead. "So, um, I mean, the kid's clearly fine with...family." My father looked back at me with a newly appraising expression. I didn't know what to say, but the sight of my father's eyes flicking down to look between my legs and back up at my face gave me a warm, excited feeling inside. "Have you now?" he said thoughtfully. "And...how would you rate your uncle's ass, son?" "Best I ever had," I said simply, and my father's expression shivered, and then broke into a giggling laugh. "Holy fuck," he giggled, slapping one thigh. "What a fucking..." He shook his head disbelievingly. "Good fucking grief." He looked between the two of us. "So, you two have been up here, fucking like sex-crazed studs, for three months?" "Well...six weeks. More or less." I felt a surge of hopefulness. "Do you...want to join us, Dad?" My father sighed. "Oh, fuck, son, would I ever. But each centaur can make exactly one other centaur. That's it. Doesn't work after that. You can guzzle centaur cum like it's the fucking spring melt off the Rockies: no transformation for you. So Erian's all used up now." I blinked. "Oh. Uh...I didn't know." "I mean," Erian said suddenly, his tone thoughtful, "wait a second. I can't turn you, but...I mean, if you two are...into each...." He trailed off as my father and I turned to one another: the older, grizzled minotaur regarding his young, virile centaur son. We said nothing for a moment, and then my face split into a wide grin. "It's honest work on the farm, Dad, but hard--and it needs hard men to do it." "You little...fucking..." My father shook his head, a wry smile on his lips, and the beginnings of a bulge growing in his pants. "How hard's your work, boy?" "About twenty-six inches." My father licked his lips. "Fuck me," he murmured. "With pleasure," I quipped. "If you think you can handle a centaur. Daddy." My father glanced across at my uncle with lusty eyes. "Oh, I can handle a fucking centaur, boy." "Then get those clothes off," I husked," and join the club." We never did harvest the kale.

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