Hoodie falls for the enemy

By moc.liam@namehtzda

Published on Mar 20, 2011



"Yo, Tommy boy, this is my brother Michael, Michael this is my boy Tommy".

And that was when I first met the handsome Michael Turner who would eventually change my life, but for the better or worse? Well, your have to continue reading to the find that out. Michael Turner is 27 years old and has the most gorgeous yet insanely cute face I have ever met. It's hairless, but that doesn't stop his cute smile making me literally get rock hard everytime he smiles at me. He's my mate Robert's older brother, and he is a policeman.

And that's where the drama is. Because I'm the complete opposite of a policeman. Infact, I am what a policeman dreads- a chav.

My name is Jake Marshall and I'm 18 years old. I'm meant to be in college but fuck that for a laugh, I'm off out to The Ship pub with my boys Robert, Shane, Andy and Paul. It's owned by Shane's father Sam who always gives us half price booze because he is a total legend man. We're spend all morning wasted on booze and spliffs, then go back to the flat I live in alone and continue drinking, smoking spliff and maybe stick on a porno and whack off a couple a times unless we get a better offer, i.e, someone takes pity on us and lets us fuck em. I'm wearing my Franklin and Marshall black hoody cuz it makes me look even more buff then I usually look, but the hood will be down to show off my black spikey hair that people I'm fucking love to touch. I'm also wearing a pair of Nike jogging bottoms that are about 500 years old but still fit and show off my impressive bulge that everyone pretends they haven't noticed but they so fucking have. Perverts. And of course, I wrap it up with a spray of Joop aftershave that I got for Christmas of my nan, probably the only decent present she has ever gotten me. I still haven't decided what to do with that Kite she bought me last Xmas. I don't have a shave because I'm not that hairy there anyway and plus most people think I look hot with a little bit of hair there. But waxing my chest is a must, and I do it three times a month. I'm insanely hairy for a 18 year old and I fucking loathe it. But on other guys, I think it's rather hot. The tip is to have just to have the right amount- not too hairy but not too little either. Just right.

I'm out as gay to only a select few people. All the people I'm going out with today know I'm a poof only because they walked in on me getting sucked off by the fit homeless guy who wanted a tenner. I agreed, but only if he sucked my dick. He accepted, and I forgot that my dudes were due back from the pub and they walked in on us. But they are cool with it, because I told them I would fuck them up if they didn't.

And believe me, I fucking would.

We arrive at the pub at just midday, and we buy our first pint's of the day and I put on some brilliant Eminem music on the jukebox. It's a pretty good day, and we spend the best part of the day getting hammered. Of course, lightweight Andy is already pissed about an hour after we got into the pub and is trying (but failing) to get off with the rather cute blonde barmaid. We talk, we play pool, we ogle women and Paul tries to set me up with a disgusting looking fella who smells worse then he looks. We get back to my flat at about 6.30pm and are still quite pissed when some of the girls come round, and before 8.00pm has already dawned Robert, Andy and Shane are gettting thier ends away in my bedroom whilst I am stuck in my tiny living room with Paul, who is so drunk that he is trying to text his girlfriend on my remote control. Paul's the only one out of us with a steady girlfriend, but she has moved to Essex for University and he is convinced that she is being spitroated by several Essex guys as we drink. I hate to tell Paul that he is probably right, old Kelly was never one to stay faithful.

I continue drinking beer, and I'm quite a heavyweight but even I begin to feel drunk after several (Ok, 17) beers and as I stand up to walk to the toilet, i fall back on the sofa which csuses Paul to spill booze on his mobile remote and for him to scream at me that I have broke all communcation of his loved one forever. He goes on for ages, so I walk to the toilet and contemplate hanging myself from my shower curtain but decide against it on the fear that there might be too much blood. I dislike blood, but strangely I love the feeling of making other bleed.

Moments later, severals moans and groans can be heard coming through the bedroom wall and Shane can even be heard saying 'Ride me cowgirl' which is so unsexy and quite disgusting thinking of Shane in that way seeing as I have known him since we were both in nappies. Infact, our mothers became friends after they were both breastfeeding on the same bus.

Strange world.

I roll my eyes and Paul starts screaming that Kelly is being fucked by a cowboy, I tell him to stop being so stupid and he literally cries for several moments before I punch him on the arm and tell him to grow the fuck up. He looks at me like I have just murdered his favourite hamster Jessie (yes Jessie, and I'm meant to be the poof) and then admits that he is probably being a little bit paranoid. I cheer inside hoping that Paul will actually stop being a misrable cunt for the rest of the evening, then I begin to moan that everyone is having sex but me.

We drink more beer and Paul decides he is fed up of waiting for Kelly to text him, so he throws my remote out of the window and laughs when he it crashes to the floor. I take his real phone out of his jacket as compensatian. (Hey, he broke my remote! I think it's only fair I get his Iphone in return) and slip it into my own jacket. Louder groans can be heard from the bedroom, and Shane is now screaming 'Oh yes, suck her nipple! Suck her nipple!" which makes me feel dead inside just a little bit.

The evening rolls on and more beer is consumed, more fags are smoked and more lame drunken conversation comes to abrupt halt when Paul decides that he is going to get revenge on his 'cheating slut of a girlfriend'.

So even I am taken aback when the very drunk Paul throws himself (literally!) onto my lap and pushes his massive lips in my face. I pull away from the near kiss and tell him to stop being a knob, and he tells me has always wanted to be with a dude ane now he has the chance he is going to 'take one for the team'. I tell him I'm not taking advantage of a straight dude, and he tells me he is only '99% straight' and then kisses me again. I sigh but eventually get into the kiss when I realise that Paul is actually quite a good kisser despite only having kissed only 2 women before in his life and I'm soon half hard. Paul drunkinly tries to remove my Franklin and Marshall hoodie but doesn't get any success at all, so I take it off for him and he says 'I've always wanted to do this' before he takes my nipple into his mouth and begins to suck it gently, making it instantly erect.

In my drunken state, I push Paul off my lap and try to aim for the sofa but he comes crashing to the floor, only he is isn't angry and just begins laughing and pulls me down on the floor with me. We're kissing again ,more frantic this time, and I remove his Ben Sherman shirt that he bought from the local charity shop. Paul is two years older then the rest of us lads and we became friends with him because his sister Janet used to go out with Shane ( for like 5 days) and for a self confessed pie addict, Paul doesn't have a bad body. It's not as toned, or abtastic, as mine, but it's still hot with a cute fuzz of hair around it. I gently rub my hand over his chest which causes him to groan in excitement and then I pull down his Primark jeans and throw them across the room, leaving him laying on my floor wearing just a pair of green Calvin Klien boxer shorts which are showing of his quite plesant sized bulge. I remove my own trackie bottoms, and am forgetting that I am wearing the same boxers as him, in blue, and he laughs quietly at the co-incidence. But he stops laughing when my hand reaches in and grabs his erect cock. It's big, but not massive, so I'd say around 6.5-7.5 inches. He moans as I gently begin tugging at the cock and tells me to 'toss that dick boy'.

By now, Paul's green boxers have long been disposed of and I massage the tip of his cock with my tounge which makes him loudly moan 'yes fucking boy, do it now' so I shut him by sticking my tounge down his throat. He shuts up, and I continue my mission on beginning to suck off Paul's dick. As my mouth reaches around his girth, and I slowly take his cock into my mouth, the hungry for sex lad somehow manages to grab a cigarette from the table and sparks it up, inhaling it and then blowing the smoke right into my sucking face. But then he stops me, suddenly, and tells me he is gonna cum soon. I tell him thats what I'm aiming for, you complete cock, and continue. He then mutters something about not having had sex for 8 months but I pretend not to hear because I'm too focused on my mission to make Paul spurt.

And spurt he does. He shoots out a hot, sticky load all in my mouth without much warning as he is frantically sucking on a cigarette at the time. He dogs the cigarette out on my carpet (thanks Paul, I'll smack you for that later thanks) and then blows another load in my face after I stop sucking on his meat. He lays back on the floor content and I sit on the sofa and take a swig of beer from the near empty Bud bottle on the table. Moments later, he is joining me on the sofa, completely nude and with spurts of his cum up his chest.

"So" he says drunkingly as he opens another bottle of beer from the table and instantly downs it in record time. "You gonna fuck me now?"

I nearly choke on the little amount of beer that's in my mouth, and ask him 'What the fuck you talking about dude?" and he's like "Stick that" pointing to my nearly flacid cock "Inside this" now pointing to his naked, and slightly hairy, arse. "But.. it's gonna fucking hurt!" I tell him and he laughs.

"Dude, I've done it before"

"What, boy, you done it with another dude?" I'm honestly quite shocked.

"No" he smiles "Kelly's done me with a dildo a few times. I fucking loved it"

I'm honestly lost for words because Paul is the least person I'd expect this massive revelation from. Shane or Robert, yes, because there both sluts who will try anything and maybe Andy because he's admitted to kissing dudes before, but not Paul because.. he seemed so innocent.

"What you waiting for?" Robert says as he sticks one of his own fingers inside his arse "Fuck me. And make it hard, it's been so long and I want it to be fucking amazing".

I'm not one to argue, so I pull down my own boxers and it's Pauls turn to choke on the beer now.

"Bruv.. That's huge.. . How big?"

I grin. "10 and a half inches"

And this time he does choke on the beer.

"You still want to do this?" I ask, because some guys are freaked out by the size of my manhood. And I was aswell, growing up I always thought I was weird. But then most guys at school always told me that I was 'The Dude' for having such a 'massive schlong' that I grew to accept it. And now, I fucking love it.

"Even more so" Paul grins, and I'm 100% convinced this is just the booze talking, but hey, I'm not one to turn down a free fuck so I get right into it. Paul takes me whole in his mouth and I nearly gag him but he somehow manages to fit the whole cock into his mouth. But not without a struggle. We then somehow swap places, I'm sitting on the sofa, massive pole sticking up ready for action and Paul is now standing up, quickly inhaling the last bit of his fag, his own dick suddenly back to life. He stands on the sofa, his legs either side of my body, and gently lowers his arse onto my cock. He starts of slowly and I quickly, but slowly, push a little bit of my cock into him which causes him to groan like I've never heard anyone groan before in thier life. Then he is literally jumping up and down my cock. It's quite impressive, and I do get the feeling his in a bit of pain by the way he is literally biting onto my nipple, but as he rides my dick fast, I begin to thrust fast and hard into his arse. My right hand grabs hold of his dick, which is pointing at my chest, and I stroke him off whilst contining to fuck him fast. His now let go of my poor nipple and is now moaning loudly. I'm convinced that the guys in my room will be able to hear, but I don't give a fuck because I'm so into this shit right now. "Oh fuck yes" he groans "I love this massive cock in my arse. Fuck! Yes, bang me hard bruv. Harder!" and I do. He lets out a load, high pitched groan as his dick spurts a third lot of cum in this half hour right onto my chest. The feeling of Paul's cum dripping down my muscular chest is even more arousing and I find myself getting even harder inside Paul's arse.

"Yeah, you slut, you like it?" I groan as I continue to abuse his poor arsehole. "Shit, I'm gonna blow" I warn and Paul gently pulls himself off my dick and I squirt a massive load of cum all over my chest, hand and sofa. Paul is loving it and licks the cum from my chest, before taking my nipple into his mouth again, before finally kissing me square on the lips. I shoot a 2nd load of cum and this time Paul catches it in his mouth and then kisses me. It feels weird, having my own cum in my mouth, but I swallow it regardless and then we fall back on the sofa. Completely fucking spent.

And then he just says "Thanks bruv. I fucking needed that".

I wake up in the morning and look at the clock. It's 1.00pm in the afternoon and I'm half naked except my Calvin boxer shorts. The room is completely empty, all the beer bottls have been cleared up and someone's smoked most of my cigarettes. I yawn and walk into my room and only Robert is there, sitting on my bed with a huge grin on his face.

"What a fucking night" Robert smiles "Those chicks put on a lesbo show for us, then rode us for hours!". he laughed as I fell onto my bed which stuck of sex and fags but I didn't care. "What did you get up to last night then?"

I remember and smile to myself, but tell Robert a lie. "Nothing, Paul did my head in keep talking about Kelly, so I completely just drunk to block out the pain of his mumbling".

And then Robert laughed. "Bullshit. We heard ya last night. Who knew that Paul liked it up the arse, hey?"

I groan. "Oh shit".

Robert laughs again. "It's cool dude. Paul was quite open about it. Admitted it was a great night, he had a brilliant shag but says that he is still 95% straight".

I ignore the fact that Paul said he was 99% straight the night before and I'm not really bothered. I wasn't expecting it to happen a second time anyway, and Paul is still with Kelly really. I'm not a fucking homewrecker.

"Still" Robert laughed "I can't believe it. Paul took it up the bum, my God!"

"Oh you can hardly talk" I sighed into pillow.

"Shut up bruv" Robert said, but I could tell he was smiling "I done you remember, totally doesn't count".

Yeah, Robert fucked me twice actually. When we was 15 and were mucking around in his room, and last year when he got dumped by Crystal and we had a few too many drink and ended up fucking.

"Anyway" Robert spoke, rapidly changing subject "Everyone's gone now and we're meeting up with my brother Michael today?"

I look up from the bed. "Oh, he's back is he?" I ask.

And Robert simply confirms so by saying "He's back".

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