
By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Feb 16, 2014




Philip Gray was a manufacturers' representative, and top salesman, for several bridal dress companies. He also sold bridesmaids and mothers-of-the bride lines. His territory was most of the east coast of the United States. His work required him to be on the road at least forty-five weeks a year. Therefore, he had little chance to establish a relationship with anyone. His life on the road was empty and meaningless, outside of his work.

One night, when he was still rather a rookie in his trade, he was alone in his hotel room in Manchester, NH. He got out his laptop and opened to one of his favorite gay porn sites. An ad on the home page caught his eye. It was for a website where `escorts' could be hired for the night. He clicked on the link.

He was urged to type in his location, which he gladly did. A list of a dozen escorts in the Manchester area popped up. He clicked on all of them. Each `escort' had his own page, candidly describing his attributes, and showing a picture of himself scantily dressed.

After viewing all of them, Phil clicked back on the third listing. He liked what he saw. The man seemed to be more mature than the others, maybe even older than Phil's twenty-seven years. His name was Thomas (no surname), and his package was clearly defined through his boxer shorts. If the picture was real, he was very muscular, tall, and good looking.

He clicked on an icon titled, "Contact Me." He now had an opportunity to send Thomas a message. He typed in, "I'm interested in engaging your services for tonight if you are available. I'll be here one night only."

He went to the bathroom to pee and when he returned, he found a message from the escort. They messaged back and forth, agreeing to meet in the hotel bar in forty-five minutes. Thomas described what he would be wearing --- jeans and a woolen plaid shirt.

Phil recognized him immediately; he was at the bar, sipping a drink. Phil suspected it was a coke. The hooker looked just like his picture, and appeared to be just shy of thirty. He was very handsome, and Phil's cock began to misbehave. He approached Tom and stuck out his hand.

"Thomas," I presume.

Tom returned the handshake, and the two men sized each other up. Aside from both of them being in their late twenties, they could have passed as brothers. They were both nearly six feet tall, straight brown hair, sensuous, seductive brown eyes, very muscular, and enchanting smiles with movie star looks. They would find out later that they were both cut, about four inches flaccid and about seven inches when very hard.

"May I buy you a real drink?" Phil asked, eyeing Tom's coke.

"Sure: a vodka tonic, if you don't mind."

"I don't mind at all."

After they got their drinks, Phil led them toward a small, unoccupied table in a far corner of the bar. He was interested in getting his rocks off, so he didn't waste any time. As soon as they were seated, he said, "Your ad says $300 for two hours and $500 for an all-nighter. What do I get for my money?"

"You get anything your little heart desires, or should I say, your cock desires? The only thing that's a no-no for me, are any of those choking tricks that are supposed to enhance your climax. They're dangerous, and I draw the line."

"That's fine with me," Phil smiled at Tom. "I have to go to work in the morning, so let's just go for the $300 this time."

"This time? Are you planning on calling on me again?"

"I'll be back here in another six months with my winter line. If you are still in business, and do right by me tonight, I'd say there's a chance we might see each other again."

They finished their drinks and made small talk. Phil was surprised at how easy it was to talk to Tom. He seemed to be very well educated, and Phil was pleased. He hadn't expected that at all.

When they finally entered Phil's room, and locked the door behind them, Phil put $300 on the bureau. "It's yours when we're done," he said in a very business-like tone of voice.

Tom nodded and began to undress. "Let me earn my fee," he said warmly, smiling his disarming smile at Phil. That smile did it. Phil was suddenly as hard as he was ever going to get.

"You smell like a bouquet of roses," Tom said, "but would you mind showering with me first, anyhow? Most of my clients have been working all day, when I visit them, and really need to freshen up. I can't do my best work if they aren't squeaky clean. I hope you aren't offended by my asking you to shower...with me." "Not at all. I've been around the block often enough myself, and I know what you're saying." In no time at all, they were both naked.

Even though it was Phil's room, Tom seemed to take over, and Phil was happy to let him. He took Phil's hand and they went into the bathroom. It was Tom who turned on the taps and got the temperature to his liking.

Before they stepped in, Tom asked, "What's your preference, Phil? Do you want me to do all the work, or would you like to reciprocate in some or all of it." "I want to do everything to you, that you do to me. I get as much pleasure, maybe more, in giving as well as receiving."

Tom smiled that smile again, and Phil pulled him under the shower head. They stood under the cleansing waters for a short while, smiling at each other, not doing a thing. Finally Tom leaned in, and with open lips, he began to tongue his client. Phil was surprised, but he responded immediately. The two men began to kiss as passionately as any two lovers ever had. Phil was shocked at himself. He never thought that he could, or would, kiss a prostitute, but here he was --- doing it and enjoying it.

Phil grabbed the soap and scrubbed his hands thoroughly. He then handed the soap to Tom, and groped for Tom's cock. Seconds later, Tom was fondling him, and now their kisses got even more passionate. Phil felt a soapy finger entering his ass. It seemed that Tom was ambidextrous. He was finger-fucking Phil, while he fondled his cock.

Phil began to purr when he felt Tom's lips on his ear. Tom whispered, "It's never been like..." Then he stopped in mid-sentence. He had been about to talk to Phil as if they were lovers, and he realized that it was wrong and unprofessional. Phil was aware of this short, awkward moment, and chose to ignore it. He didn't want to spoil the pleasure Tom was giving him.

Phil changed the subject by saying, "I'd like to fuck you right here, but it'll be more comfortable in bed."

Tom agreed. They finished showering, dried their bodies, and holding hands they got into bed. Neither realized that they were gripping their hands tightly. In bed, Tom climbed on top of Phil and they continued their impassioned kissing. Little by little, Tom worked his way down Phil's body. He suckled his neck, his ears, his nipples, his innie and finally Phil realized that Tom was kissing his pubic area, and zeroing in on his target.

Finally there it was. A moist, hot tongue was slathering his cockhead. He began to writhe in ecstasy, as his balls began to shrink. Tom pulled away immediately, letting Phil's passion subside. He grabbed for a condom on the night stand, which Phil had wisely left there after he engaged Tom's services. He handed it to Phil.

"How would you like to fuck me," Tom asked.

"On your back. I would like to see your face when I'm doing it."

Tom got out of bed, and reached into one of the pockets of his jeans. He extracted a tube of KY Jelly, and proceeded to coat Phil's sheathed cock. He generously greased his own ass, and lay prone on his back. Phil was thinking that if he didn't enter Tom soon, he'd explode. Without further ado, he placed his cock at the entry to Tom's love canal. His impulse was to thrust right in, but he didn't want to hurt Tom, so he went in slowly, a little at a time. Tom kept sighing, and Phil hoped it was genuine, and not a prostitute's pretense.

He came rather quickly, and fell limply on top of Tom. Again, they resumed their kissing. It seemed the natural thing to do. By now, Phil was not surprised that he was kissing a hooker. In fact, he wasn't thinking of Tom as being a hooker, but rather as a lover.

They lay like this for a while. Tom kept running his hand up and down Phil's back. It was so soothing that Phil found himself falling asleep. He sure didn't want to pay for an all-nighter, so he roused himself.

"I want to suck your cock, and then I want you to fuck me," he said, resuming his business-like voice. Tom was happy to oblige. Most of his client's did not wish to get fucked.

Phil didn't bother with preliminaries. He went directly for Tom's cock. As he went down on it, he thought, "It's so beautiful." He brought Tom to the brink, and stopped. Tom put on a condom, and greased it. He also did the honors of greasing Phil's ass.

After Tom entered him, Phil murmured, "Please make it last as long as possible." Tom was a pro, and he delayed his orgasm much longer than Phil had. Eventually, he could hold back no longer, as he felt his orgasm erupting, he was aware that Phil was having another climax. His cum was squishing between them. Tom collapsed on top of Phil. When they felt that they had the strength to separate, Tom scooped up a small amount of Phil's cum with a finger, and swallowed it. Not to be outdone, Phil scooped up some also, and swallowed it also. That made them both laugh.

Suddenly Phil's business voice returned. "Clean up, get dressed, take your money, and leave."

Tom could not believe how quickly Phil's demeanor had changed. One minute they were acting like lovers, and the next minute Phil was kicking out a prostitute, as if he couldn't tolerate him.

"Sure," Tom said with a slight sneer. Anything you say." He washed, dressed, and put his money in his pocket. He left his business card, where the money had been.

As he was leaving, he asked, "Will I see you again."

There was a plaintiveness in his voice, and Phil softened. "I don't know. Maybe. We'll see," he said.

Tom smiled at him, and left the room.

A few days later, in another city, in another hotel room, Phil was getting hornier and hornier. Since he had left Manchester, Tom was constantly on his mind. He wanted to erase the hooker from his head, but try as hard as he might, Tom's image constantly appeared to him.

He had resisted calling another `escort' for the past few days, because they were too expensive. He decided that if his fortunes remained the same or increased, he would go for it at least once a month. As an alternative, he would have to make love to himself.

Almost without conscious thought, Phil opened his laptop and went to his Email. He retrieved Tom's business card from his wallet. When he had first seen the card on the bureau, he had thrown it in the trash. Later he thought better of it, took the card out of the basket, and put it in his wallet. The card read:

Thomas Hanson 201 Sycamore St. Manchester, NH 555-1234 tommy@nhu.edu

Phil was shocked. Tom had an academic E Mail address. He knew that Tom appeared to be well educated, but this was a shocker. He wanted to call him, but wasn't certain what to say, so he decided to send him an E Mail.

Hi Tom: Phil here. I hope you remember me. We had a go at it about a week ago. I'm in Portland, ME right now. I think I failed to tell you what a great time I had with you. You sure know how to make love to a guy. You could give lessons. I just wanted to thank you, and let you know that I'll be back in Manchester in April. I sure hope we can get together. I'll only be there one night so I'll be in touch in advance. Do you mind sharing something with me? How come you have an academic address?

He hesitated a long time before he hit the send button.

After transmitting the E Mail to Tom, Phil couldn't bear it any more. He went on line and engaged another hooker. Again he met the man (boy) in the hotel bar. The kid was good looking enough but Phil did not believe he was over eighteen. The first thing he did was card the `escort.' It turned out that he was twenty. He only charged $100 for two hours. He wasn't worth more. He was rough, and actually hurt Phil when he sucked his cock. He was hurting so much that Phil told the boy to fuck him, because he was afraid to fuck the hooker. The kid came so fast, Phil didn't have time to get any pleasure out of it. He sent the boy away, just as he had dismissed Tom. The difference was that the poor kid couldn't wait to get out of there.

Over the next five months, Phil engaged a prostitute five times with varying degrees of satisfaction, or non-satisfaction. His experience in Portland was so bad, that every hooker he hired after that, was better, but none of them matched up to Tom. Regretfully Tom never answered his E Mail.

Phil's memories of his short time with Tom began to consume him. The joy he experienced magnified itself every day. As his next visit to Manchester approached, Tom decided to make one more attempt to reach Tom. He only had five days left to set up a date with him. He decided to engage him through his web site, just as he had before.

He clicked on `Contact Me' and sent Tom a note asking him to meet him at the bar in his hotel five evenings hence at 6 PM. Two hours later, he got an answer confirming their appointment. It was accompanied by a note disclosing his fees. It was almost as if Tom didn't remember him. Phil was totally deflated.

It was all Phil could do to function at his job over the next few days, but at last it was time for him to go to the bar for his rendezvous. He saw Tom at the bar, and had to restrain himself from charging at him. Tom did not seem to recognize him, so he put out his hand and identified himself.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Tom," he said.

"You don't remember me, do you?" Phil asked, totally crestfallen.

"No, should I?"

"There's no reason why you should," Phil said sadly. "I'd like to pay the fee for an all-nighter," he added.

"I came straight from work, my day job that is," Tom announced. I'm starving. How about you? Have you had dinner?"

Phil shook his head. He hadn't even given a thought to eating anything but Tom's cock.

"How about I treat you to dinner, seeing as how you'll be paying me a hefty fee?" Tom smiled at Phil for the first time, and of course, Phil wanted to cry.

"I'd love to have dinner with you," Phil sighed, and they headed to the hotel's dining room.

They were just served an appetizer of grapefruit halves, when Phil decided to come right out with it. "Tom," he asked, "don't you remember me? I engaged you about six months ago in this very hotel."

"Really? I can't say that I do."

"I even sent you an E Mail a few days later telling you how great you were, and thanking you for the experience."

"I often get letters like that. I can't remember every client, and I certainly can't answer all the mail I get."

Phil was getting depressed, but suddenly he got the feeling that all this banter wasn't ringing true. He stared at Tom for a moment and asked, "Are you pulling my leg?"

Then came that smile again, that devastating smile that melted hearts every time, especially Phil's heart.

"Of course I remember you, you big oaf. I never got emotionally involved with a client until I met you. I was terribly confused when I realized that I had fallen in love with you. I tried to ignore you, hoping I would get you out of my system, but it didn't work."

"I'm glad about that," Phil said, taking Tom's hand. "But why are you doing this? You are obviously an educated man. You have an academic E Mail address."

"Let me fill you in. I'm working on my doctorate in mathematics. I'll be graduating next month. I was lucky enough to get work teaching a couple of undergraduate courses. That stipend and student loans were paying for school, but I had no money for living expenses.

"One of my professors is gay, and we had a social relationship outside of school. He's an exceptionally good looking older guy. One day I told him that I might have to drop out of the doctoral program, because I couldn't afford it. He admitted to me that he had achieved his goal by making extra money as a hooker. He told me that in his day he had to hang out on street corners, but now I had access to the internet.

"Needless to say, I was stunned. I asked him how he could do such a thing. He said that he enjoyed sex, and was giving away a lot of it for free. It made good sense to him to charge for something he was very good at. When he got his degree, he quit, and now he's in a loving, long-time relationship.

"I took his advice, and set up a website. I was in business for about a year, when I met you. I lived very frugally, and only needed to turn one or two more tricks to achieve my financial goal, when you first contacted me." Tom squeezed Phil's hand when he said that.

"I knew that I had fallen in love with you that night. I was devastated when you threw me out, and I was confused to a point where I lost concentration at school. I had to put you out of my mind, so I ignored your attempts to reach out to me.

"I tried to shut down my website, but I had paid in advance. My advertisement would be on line for nine months more, unless I paid a very hefty disconnect fee, which I couldn't afford. After a while I was glad it was still there. I ignored possible business clients, and prayed that when you came back to Manchester, as promised, you would contact me through that medium. My prayers were answered."

Phil's chest started to heave in a semi-successful attempt not to cry. "Are you telling me that you love me too?"

"That's what I'm telling you. I knew that if it was real between us, and I continued to ignore you, true love would find a way...and it did."

"I'm too happy and excited to eat now," Phil declared.

"Well you better eat. I gave my credit card to the waiter when we were seated. I didn't want you to get any fancy ideas and try to pay. I told you that it was my treat."

"Then what should I do with the money I was going to pay you?"

"Good question. Put it away for the honeymoon we are going to take after I graduate. We'll need it, since my teaching job at the university won't start paying me until the fall semester begins."

When they entered Phil's room, they embraced lovingly and passionately. They held together for a very long time, kissing and fondling. When they finally separated, they stripped quickly, dropping their clothes on the floor. They grabbed hold of each other and crushed their hard cocks together.

"I've been dreaming about this for six months," Phil moaned.

"Me, too."

"I can't be subtle," Phil said as he dropped to his knees, and engulfed Tom's cock in his mouth. It tasted even better than he remembered.

"Stop," Tom yelled. "I don't want to cum so fast."

Phil let go of Tom's manhood for just a second. "Cum," he yelled. "We have all night, a lifetime, to make love." Indeed they made love all night, and into the early morning hours.

As the sun rose, reality set in: Phil lived in Central New Jersey, and Tom lived in New Hampshire. Tom was the first to wake up from a deep sleep, and the first to wake up to the reality of their impossible geography.

When Phil awakened, Tom expressed his concern to him. Much to his shock, Phil just smothered him with kisses, and said, "I've got it all worked out. I'm constantly on the road. I can live anywhere within my territory. I get home every weekend, and I'm home several weeks a year. I just need to visit the manufacturers in New York a couple of times a year to check out their seasonal lines. I'll move to Manchester, and we can be together as much as time allows."

Tom heaved a sigh of relief. "And I can travel with you during school breaks and all summer long," Tom observed.

"I used to be so lonely on the road. I'll never be lonely again."

"Let's shower, and then have some breakfast, before we have to say goodbye. I am so hungry," Phil admitted.

"Good idea. You really knocked me out fella."

During breakfast, Tom looked wistfully at Phil. "You know, love, we'll be separated so much, I wouldn't mind if you got some on the road."

"Thanks for giving me permission, but I haven't enjoyed being with anyone else since our first night together. I grant you the same privilege. I'll bet some of your students wouldn't mind having a go at it with you."

"I think you're right, but I haven't been with anyone since our first night, either."

"Here's the thing. If you do invite a student, or anyone else for that matter, to have sex with you while I'm away, please invite him for a threesome when I'm home, that is if he's cute enough."

"I promise," Tom said with a grin.

"And remember, I said, have sex, not make love. That's for me only. Now let's discuss when we can be together again. I'll go back to New Jersey this weekend, to start the arrangements for closing out my apartment, and moving here. After that we can be together forever."

"Could I come down to Jersey over the weekend, and for however many weekends it takes to move you." Tom pleaded.

"I'd like that very much. May I come to your graduation next month?"

"You bet. It'll give me a chance to introduce you to my folks."

Phil shuddered. "Good grief. I hadn't thought of that. Do they know that you're gay?"

"Of course they do. They'll be happy to see me settling down. We'd better make up a story about how we met. They're sure to ask."

After breakfast they separated, and did not see each other for a few days, when they made love in Phil's apartment on Friday night. It was the first time they made love as a committed couple, and they would go on doing just that far into the future and into their twilight years.

At Tom's graduation, his proud parents met Phil. They immediately welcomed him into the family. Mrs. Hanson kept telling him how handsome he was. Two weeks later Phil was out of his apartment in New Jersey, and happily ensconced in a beautiful bungalow he shared with his beloved, Tom.

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