Horny Cravings of a Teen Wolf

By Wolfy Bainey

Published on Jul 5, 2011


Teen Wolf: TV Series (2011)

This story is a complete work of fiction and is in no way based on true events or the true sexuality of the actors mentioned. Copyright of MTV and MTV Networks.

Chapter 5: Full Moon of Fun

Derek stared at his ceiling thinking about Scott and thinking about his next move. Scott had gotten himself in quite a confusing situation. Derek knew he had to help his protege. Scott was more then that to him though. He has been developing a strong and unbreakable connection to Scott. He feels the need to protect him from anything and anyone at all costs. He already saved Scott from the hunters once. Scott had already returned that favor by breaking into Allison's house and getting the bullet that he was shot with. Without that bullet Derek would have died. This meant that Scott cared about Derek too.

Then there was Stiles Derek thought. He has known Scott since the beginning of time. Stiles is totally into Scott and is insanely jealous of me. He is so jealous that he is now literally sleeping with the enemy, or so it seemed that way. Everyone knows Jackson is no good especially for Scott. Jackson is very suspicious of Scott and his new found "strength". If Jackson found out the truth he would go straight to the authorities and everyone would be doomed. So why would Stiles be sleeping with him? Is Stiles trying to hurt Scott like Scott hurt him by sleeping with me? That all seemed very juvenile to Derek.

Derek couldn't believe that this whole situation had gotten so out of hand. To be honest he liked it better when everyone was on better terms. He actually kind of enjoyed the threesome him Scott and Stiles had. Derek had always been more of a lone wolf until he met Scott. He found himself enjoying Scott's company and even Stiles company. He didn't think he was in love with Scott but he certainly felt as though he had a connection with him. Perhaps it was just a werewolf bonding thing. Derek knew that know matter what he had to help Scott get everything back under control. He didn't wanna see Scott suffer and he didn't wanna see Stiles upset either. He couldn't believe that he actually had friendly feelings for Stiles.

Derek knew the full moon was coming. In fact it was here. He knows that the full moon amplifies everything about a werewolf. All of their desires and emotions go out of control. This is the worst time for a full moon. If Scott is upset then the full moon will make him very depressed and angry. That's just how things work in a werewolves world. On the flip side, the moon amplifies their feelings of joy and happiness as well as there stamina and sexual desires. The full moon was always Derek's favorite time. When he mated during those times it felt 20 times better and more intense. Though truth be told he was also 20 times more aggressive as well. Jackson better watch his back, Derek thought to himself.

It was going on 7 AM and Derek had been up all night. He didn't stay long at Stiles house after seeing what was going on with Jackson. He had to leave or he would have burst in and done something foolish. He needs to wait and see what Scott decides to do. If Scott decides to ask for his help then he would take matters into his own hands. If not he will stay backed off. He isn't going to cross Scott. He is like a loyal dog to Scott and Scott is just as loyal to him. They have an understanding. They look out for each other and they full-fill each others needs no matter what those needs may be. It was Monday morning so Derek knew that Scott would be seeing Stiles in school in a couple hours. They also had a game tonight. This was bad timing. Scott nearly lost it the last time they had a game on the night of a full moon.

Derek knew he would need to keep watch over Scott today no matter what Scott decided to do. He can't and won't let Scott get in trouble. He almost texted Scott but decided to let Scott try and handle things first. Scott is a level headed guy and has a good heart. He will make the right choice and he will figure out how to fix what is broken. Thanks to the training Derek had given Scott he is also much better at controlling himself during the full moon. In fact he can even use the full moon for fun and not violence. Derek closed his eyes and tried his best to get some rest. Its going to be a long day for him and for everyone.

Meanwhile at Scott's house

Scott overslept his alarm and realized he was now running late. He didn't have time to shower so he grabbed some gym shorts and a tight red t-shirt and threw them on. He ran outside and mounted his bike and rushed towards school. By the time he got to school everyone was already inside. He ran into school and headed to his first class. He had history first and he always sat in the back in front of Stiles. He entered the classroom and saw Stiles sitting at the usual spot. The only difference was Jackson was now sitting in his usual seat. Scott almost lost it right there.

Scott shrugged it off and found a seat next to Stiles in the back. He went in for a fist bump with Stiles and Stiles just looked at him and gave him a half smile and then looked away. Scott was already moody and this shit wasn't helping. He tried his best to stay composed. Stiles continued to treat him that way all day. Jackson just simply avoided eye contact with Scott the whole day. Scott didn't understand. Stiles had said that he wanted things fixed. How was Scott supposed to do that if they wouldn't even really acknowledge him. By the time lunch came around Scott had enough. He walked up to Stiles who was sitting all alone.

"Hey Stiles, whats up buddy?"

Scott said with a grin. Stiles just mumbled something and kept staring down at his food.

"Whats going on Stiles? I thought you wanted me to fix things? Look man I am trying and I am trying hard but you gotta help me out here. Please talk to me. I can't handle when you are upset with me. It breaks my heart dude like for real."

Scott said this with a sincere and sad face. Stiles looked up at him and softly spoke.

"Scott... I am trying ok? It's just I don't get you anymore. You seemed like you liked me and wanted me to be your guy. Then I walk in on you and Derek. I mean it was ok when we had the threesome. I honestly didn't mind being dominated."

Stiles said this with a sad and tired looking face.

"I don't wanna be your sometimes guy Scott... I wanna be your boyfriend."

Stiles nearly choked as he said this. Stiles was not the best at emotional things and he was even worse at telling Scott how he truly felt. He didn't want to seem weak and clingy. He may be gay but he was no girly guy.

"I told you Stiles, you are my number one. Derek and I are not a couple and will never be. We just bond in a different way. I am way to young to be so tied down. I am an animal after all. No matter what goes down between me and Derek you gotta know I am always coming home to you and only you."

Scott said this as he looked Stiles straight int the eyes.

"I am sorry but this is who I am. Derek helps me in ways you can't. He is a werewolf you are a human. I need him and I need you. Please understand that I want you both in different ways. I don't know how else I can say this. I truly hope you understand."

Scott was being very sincere and serious at this point. Stiles smiled a little and then spoke.

"I do understand. That is why I need to be honest with you."

Stiles had a very serious look on his face which worried Scott.

"Jackson was released early. He got out Sunday night. He called me and asked me to come get him. He was a mess still. He asked if he could stay the night with me. I took him back to my place. We watched a movie and he asked me to cuddle with him. He just needed to feel safe. He has been attached to me ever since I helped him after the incident."

Stiles continued to look at Scott and waited for his reply. Scott stayed calm and then spoke.

"Look Stiles I don't know why you felt the need to hide that from me. I am not mad or jealous. I trust you. You are pure and have an amazing heart. Jackson is trouble you and I both know that. However you were helping a guy who was in need. I think you did the right thing. I never should have done what I did to him. I regret it and I hope he knows that."

Scott looked around quickly to make sure no one was watching them he then leaned in and gave Stiles a quick hug and whispered in his ear.

"I'm sorry babe."

He then gave him a peck on the cheek. Stiles face went beet red, They both just smiled and fist bumped.

"You have to talk to Jackson today before practice. He needs to hear that from you not me dude."

Stiles said this nervously.

"I know. I can't stand the guy and now I owe him an apology. I promise you I will do my best. You have my word Stiles."

The bell rang and lunch was over. There was one period left before practice. They went there separate ways.

Meanwhile at the hunters house

Derek woke up in a panic. He had a very strange dream. He dreamt that a hunter had kidnapped him and drugged him. Looking around Derek realized this wasn't a dream. He was chained up to a concrete wall in what seemed like a dark and damp basement. He was also totally naked. Derek was freaking out. He was struggling to get free. It was no use. He had a metal collar on that had a short chain on it. That chain was attached to the wall behind him. His hands were bound together with thick leather. His legs were free for now. He was able to stand up if he wanted. When he tried to stand he fell right back down. He felt so weak for some reason. Then he realized that he had a circle of Wolfsbane around him. It was making him weaker and sicker.

Derek then heard the basement door swing open with a creaking sound. Down walked the main hunter.

"Hello Derek. My name is Mr. Argent however you are to call me `Master'. I know you are a werewolf and I know you are not working alone. I have been tracking you for some time now. You are good but not good enough. So I wanna know who your other doggy pal is. If you tell me what I want to know I will let you go for now. If not... Well trust me when I say you want to tell me".

Mr. Argent was wearing tight black leather and had a whip in his hand. He was prepared to do anything to get what he wanted.

"I am not telling you a thing. You've got the wrong guy."

Derek tried his best to convince Mr. Argent he was not a werewolf.

"Well I hardly think so. But if you aren't a doggy then when I put this plant on you your flesh won't be irritated right?".

Mr. Argent said with a smirk holding wolfsbane. He leaned in and rubbed it all over Derek's lower abdomen. Derek screamed in pain as his flesh began to burn.

"Looks like I caught me a werewolf after all."

Mr. Argent said with a laugh.

"Now Derek tell me who the other werewolf is. I have no patience with your kind."

Mr. Argent gripped his whip tighter.

"I don't know anything. I know there is another werewolf around. I can smell him sometimes but that is all I know. He is an alpha which means he is stronger then me. That is why I leave him alone and I suggest you stay away from him to."

Derek seemed sincere with his words and he kept a straight face.

"You have been helpful but I think you are still hiding something. I know there is an alpha out there. However, there is another beta out there too. You and I both know that. So who might this beta be? Is he a friend of yours?"

Mr. Argent seemed tense and edgy.

"I know nothing else. Please just let me go. I have caused you and your family no harm. I promise to stay away from you. Just let me be."

Derek pleaded with Mr. Argent.

"Derek, I don't like you or your kind. I am going to let you go with a message. Oh and I am going to teach you a lesson. You need to know that I am your master."

Mr. Argent undid the chain from the wall and Derek fell to the floor. He grabbed Derek's hips and forced them up in the air and began whipping his naked ass over and over again with his thick leather whip.

"Motherfucker! That fucking burns!"

Derek screamed. It seemed the leather was laced with wolfsbane so it burned his flesh as it hit his ass.

"Tell me you like it and then call me master and I will let you go for now Derek!"

Mr. Argent shouted as he continued to spank and whip Derek's exposed ass. Derek refused to give in. This went on for 35 minutes. The wolfsbane was getting to Derek. He was close to passing out. His blood was all over the floor and he felt like he was slipping away. The pain was unbearable. He finally gave in.

"Please let me go... Please I like it. I like when you spank my bare ass, Master please."

Derek whined it out for his voice was almost gone. Mr. Argent stopped his assault and cut the restraints on Derek so he was free. He then threw him his clothes.

"Get dressed and get the fuck out of here. Don't come near us ever. Also, I know you know the other beta. Tell him he better reveal himself. If he does not I will kill you first and then I will find him and kill him. I am betting he is your friend so since he knows you are in trouble he will reveal himself. He has 2 days to come forward or your ass is mine every day for the rest of your life. You will never leave this dungeon. You will rot down here."

Mr. Argent said all of this very angrily. He then left Derek alone. Derek was weak but managed to get dressed and he left. Derek tried to call Scott as soon as he could but Scott's phone went straight to voicemail. Derek was bleeding from his wrist and ass still but he didn't care he had to warn Scott and he had to warn him now.

Meanwhile back at school in the locker room

Scott and Stiles entered the locker room together. They got dressed quickly and then Scott saw Jackson come in. Scott went up to Jackson. Jackson was shaking and had a look of fear and anger in his eyes. He glanced over at Stiles and then looked Scott in the eyes. Scott spoke softly.

"Look man I don't even know where to start. I was way out of line the other day. What I did to you was beyond wrong. I have serious anger issues. You bullied me and Stiles and pushed me over the edge. I was horny and angry and I took both those emotions out on you. I am begging you for your forgiveness. I wanna be a team. I wanna go out on the field and win as a team. Do you accept?"

Scott was trembling and trying to stay positive even though he felt like an asshole. Stiles watched the whole conversation go down. He began to smile as he saw how sincere Scott was being towards his enemy. Jackson looked at Scott and spoke very low and reserved.

"Look Scott. You fucked me up bad but I forgive you. Your friend Stiles really helped me out and I feel bad for my behaviour towards you guys. Lets just leave it at that ok? We have a game tonight. Why not put all that anger and sexual frustration to good use on the field. Its what I do".

Scott was amazed how cool and down to earth Jackson was being. Stiles must have really made an impression on him. Scott was about to walk away when Jackson grabbed him and forced them into a kiss. Scott was shocked at first but eventually opened his mouth to allow Jackson tongue. They made out for what seemed like an hour and Jackson finally backed off. Scott spoke.

"Wha... Why did you just do that?"

Scott was confused and annoyed at what Jackson had just done.

"You fucked me so the least you could've done was buy me dinner and kiss me first."

Jackson said as he laughed. Scott and Stiles both laughed and smiled.

"Now that our homo moment is over can we please go practice? My ass still isn't 100% so you gotta pick up the slack today McCall."

Jackson said with a wink and then ran out. Stiles and Scott embraced and began to kiss and hold each other tight.

"I missed this Scott. I missed this side of you. I missed you as a human. You were so mature and loving. Please don't lose your human side please."

Stiles whispered to Scott before they walked out of the locker room holding hands. Practice went easy and Scott felt refreshed. He had his werewolf under control for now even though tonight was a full moon. Scott and Stiles were leaving school together today. Stiles threw Scott's bike in the back of his Jeep and they left. When they reached Scott's house Stiles was ready to just head home when Scott leaned over and whispered to Stiles.

"So do you uh... Do you wanna come in?"

Scott had that lusty look in his eyes again. Stiles knew what Scott wanted and honestly Stiles wanted it to. He missed Scott and he wanted to make love to his best friend.

"Yea I do. I never wanna leave Scott."

Stiles said with a smile. With that Scott and Stiles headed inside. Scott's mom was not home but his front door was unlocked. Scott didn't think anything of it. Him and Stiles headed up and entered Scott's bedroom. Scott went over to his bed and was shocked at what he found. Derek was laying in his bed naked and unconscious. Stiles jumped in surprise and screamed.

"Why the fuck is there a naked werewolf in your bed? Does he just invite him self over now?"

Stiles seemed angry until he looked a little closer.

"Derek? Hey are you ok? Derek?"

Stiles and Scott both shook Derek. He was out cold.

"Scott I don't think he is breathing!"

Stiles screamed in fear.

"Look at his wrists and abdomen. They look cut and burnt. It looks like he was tied up and beaten".

Stiles said.

Scott became extremely angry and instantly morphed into full werewolf.

"Scott calm down! And take you clothes of next time! You just ripped them all and ruined them dude."

Stiles said trying to calm him down.

"Look I know CPR so stand back."

Stiles said very unsure of himself. Scott stepped back Stiles mounted himself on top of Derek's naked body and began pushing at his chest. He then leaned in and gave him mouth to mouth. He repeated the procedure for 10 mins. Stiles had almost given up when Derek began making out with Stiles. Derek must have thought he was dreaming and didn't mean to be lip locked with Stiles. They made out for a few moments and then Derek opened his eyes. Once he saw Stiles he let him go and stop sucking his face. Stiles was dumb founded. Derek was an AMAZING kisser Stiles thought to himself. He tasted amazing to. Stiles knew better then to let Scott or Derek see how happy he was that Derek was ok and that he totally enjoyed that smooch fest.

"Thanks Stiles... And Sorry about the last part. That was weird for me and I am sure it was just as weird for you. But seriously thanks for saving me dude I owe you one."

Derek said with an embarrassed look.

"No biggie dude. That's what friends are for right?"

Stiles said trying to hold back a smile.

"Oh so were friends now?"

Derek said in a low growl and a half smile.

"What the fuck happened Derek? Who attacked you and how did you end up in my bed naked?"

Scott asked with a confused look on his face.

"Mr. Argent the hunter drugged me with wolfsbane and tied me up in his basement. He was trying to get info from me. He wants to know who the other beta is. He beat me nearly to death thanks to his wolfsbane."

That's not all Derek said in a worried voice.

"He wants the other beta to show himself by Wednesday. If he does not then he will kill me and go after the beta."

Derek looked scared and sad.

"Why? Does he want us both dead or something? Why does he want to know our identities?"

Scott was angry but had morphed back to his naked human form.

"I don't know Scotty but you can't do it. You can't give yourself up. I'll take a bullet for you before that happens."

Derek said that in a sincere and loving voice. Stiles looked at them both with worry written all over his face.

"Stiles don't worry. I am not gonna let anything happen to our Scotty ok bud?"

Derek was being overtly affectionate today. It must be the full moon Stiles thought to himself. Derek went over to Scott and embraced him into a full on naked hug and whispered in his ear.

"Scotty, stay focused on your life ok? I am not going to let anything happen to you. I promise to protect you always. You have my word."

With that Derek kissed Scott.

"You know Stiles... You are the only one with clothes on right now. Are you gonna let 2 naked werewolves get away on the day of the full moon?"

Scott knew what it felt like to fuck on the day of the full moon and wanted nothing less then a wild time.

"It depends? Do you promise do behave Scott? And Derek... I am a fan of you dominating me a couple more times."

Stiles said this as he began to strip.

"Did I just hear right? You like to be dominated? Where have you been all my life?"

Derek said in a joking tone.

"Hey back off Derek. Stiles is my guy."

Scott said with a growl.

"Can't we share him? He has plenty to go around..."

Derek said in a horny tone.

"Oh we can and we will..."

Scott said smiling. Stiles was naked and the three of them began kissing and rubbing each other up and down. They each took turns sucking each other off and licking each other up and down. Derek made sure to lube Stiles ass up nice and good with his hot mouth before he put him on all fours. Scott got right in front of Stiles for some awesome head. Derek thrusted into Stiles and the moaning began. Stiles loved getting it from both ends. Derek loved having power over Stiles like this. He was starting to like that guy alot more. It seemed all had gone back to normal. After Derek shot his load into Stiles he laid back down and let let stiles finish Scott off. Scott decided to switch things up.

"Stiles... Let me mount you. I wanna finish in you. I wanna use Derek's spit and cum as my lube".

Stiles was down for that so they switched to missionary style. Scott was now ramming Stiles while staring him in the eyes and kissing him tenderly on the lips and down his neck. Scott lost it and blew his load up inside of Stiles. Stiles wanted Scott's virgin hole and he wanted it now.

"Scott... Can I make love to you?"

Stiles said in a sincere voice. Derek popped up off the bed.

"Scotty, I get sloppy seconds once he is done. If I can't have you first at least let me have you period."

Derek and Stiles were basically begging Scott. How could Scott say to no to those two studs? Stiles grabbed Scott's legs and pulled them up to his head. He began to lick Scott's hole getting him nice and lubed up. Derek looked at Stiles in a longing way. Stiles motioned for Derek to go ahead. Derek began to rim Scott. Scott's asshole was now soaking wet Stiles lined up and then pushed in. Scott was moaning and groaning. Stiles began making out with Scott as he thrusted his lover. Derek was in the background jacking himself. Stiles didn't last long. Scott's ass was so tight and warm. Stiles was breathing really heavy and then he lost himself in Scott.

"Scott... Gah I am... I am cumming!"

Stiles screamed as he shot his load inside of Scott. He humped his cock in and out a few more times. Derek was ready and waiting. He lined himself up and entered right away. Scott's ass was so wet and full of spit and cum. Derek was thrusting like a mad animal. He even morphed into a full werewolf as he was doing Scott. Scott was quivering and shaking. He was moaning loudly and screaming as Derek pounded him

"Stiles blow me... blow me whole Derek humps me."

Scott hoarsely said to Stiles. Stiles began to blow Scott and Derek went to town on Scott's hot ass. Derek lost it and came inside Scott hard with a growl. All three of them flopped onto the bed covered in sweat.

"I like it better when we all get along."

Stiles said with a smile.


Scott said with a smirk.

"I just like when you let me dominate you Stiles."

Derek said in a typical manly way.

"Your welcome Der."

Stiles said with a big smile and a punch to Derek's arm.

"We need to get up and get clean. Me and Stiles have a game."

Scott said as he stood up and headed to the bathroom.

"Are ya gonna be there tonight Derek?"

Stiles asked Derek.

"Yea I am gonna show up. I gotta make sure Teen Wolf over their doesn't lose it on the field. Besides we still gotta figure out our dilemma with Mr. Argent."

Derek said with a concerned face. With that everyone headed to the bathroom to shower.

That was chapter 5! As always please let me know what ya guys thought! I love to hear from ya guys! =)

Next: Chapter 6

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