Horny Cravings of a Teen Wolf

By Wolfy Bainey

Published on Jul 25, 2011


Teen Wolf: TV Series (2011)

This story is a complete work of fiction and is in no way based on true events or the true sexuality of the actors mentioned. Copyright of MTV and MTV Networks.

Chapter 8: Jackson Gets On Derek's Bad Side

Previously on Teen Wolf:

Scott came out of the room and he walked emotionless over to Stiles and fell into his arms. He started sobbing and held Stiles tight without speaking.

"Whats wrong? What happened? Talk to me baby!"

Stiles said in a worried voice. Scott looked up at Stiles and spoke.

"He... He is alive but barely. The doctors are confused by what happened and they have never seen someone with his blood type and condition. It was the Wolfsbane. It poisoned him. Had I waited 2 minutes longer he would have died."

Scott said trying to catch his breath. He was having a hard time dealing with all of this. Stiles looked guilty and worried.

"Look Scott I am so sorry I lied to you. I... I was just following orders. Derek wanted me to protect you and I wanted to protect you. That could've been you."

Stiles said still holding his boyfriend tight.

"I understand babe. I am not mad. Derek did what he thought was right and you gave your word to him. What you did was honorable. What he did was heroic and stupid but it payed off in the end."

Scott said kissing Stiles. Jackson couldn't hear all of what Scott and Stiles were whispering to each other and he needed to know what was happening. He went over to them and sat down on the floor next to them.

"So is someone gonna fuckin tell me what the hell is going one?"

Jackson said looking at both Scott and Stiles.

"Derek was... He was attacked. He made some enemies in the past and they finally caught up with him. Sorry to have kept this from you but Derek didn't want me talking about it. I hope I didn't freak you out to badly. Your car is safe and sound outside."

Scott said with a smile. Jackson didn't buy the story at all but he didn't press the issues right now. Jackson was about to speak and Scott interrupted.

"Jackson, would you take Stiles home? Derek wants me to stay with him. He really doesn't wanna see anyone else. You know how he is. Please Jackson?"

Scott said with sad puppy dog eyes towards Jackson.

"Uh... Yea sure bud. Call me later or just come over. We'll order pizza or something ok?"

Jackson said with a smile.

"Sounds awesome. Thanks dude."

Scott said putting his hand on Jackson's shoulder and smiling. Stiles and Scott just looked at each other and then Stiles and Jackson got up and left. Scott knew what that look was for. He wanted a text as soon as Scott knew more. Scott then got up and went back to Derek's room. Derek slowly woke up in the hospital room. He looked over and saw Scott asleep in the chair next to his bed.


Derek muttered out in a rough and dry voice. Scott jumped out of his sleep and looked at Derek. he then got up and went and sat next to him on the bed.

"Your a crazy fucker you know that Derek? Don't ever do that to me again! I thought I lost you... I can't live without you... There I said it."

Scott said with a beet red face.

"It's good to see the feeling is finally mutual..."

Derek said grabbing Scott's hand and looking him the eyes.

"I couldn't let you expose yourself Scotty. I will protect you with my dying breath. I hope now you will finally trust me fully. I know I am no Stiles but please let me in Scotty. Don't keep pushing me away."

Derek said with a downcast look.

"Those days are behind us Derek. What you did was heroic. I am proud to call you my friend and my family. There is so much I still can learn from you. And besides I need you. Mr. Argent is still out there and you know he isn't gonna stop until were dead."

Scott said in a worried tone.

"I am not sure he wants to kill us. I mean he almost killed me but he was proving a point. I think he wants us as his slaves."

Derek said as he started to tremble.

"That man is a monster. I will have the last laugh with him though don't you worry Scotty."

Derek said with a smile. He leaned in a started to kiss Scott passionately. Scott allowed it and began to kiss him deeply as well. Just then the nurse walked in. It was Scott's mom.

"Mom! This uh... This isn't what it looks like. I mean I like Stiles and me and him are a couple Derek is just well he is a good friend and..."

Scott trailed off as his mom interrupted.

"Scott hunny chill out. I know about you and Stiles I have for years. I was just wondering when you two were going to finally make it official, and Derek told me what he did for you."

Scott's mom said with a smile. Scott looked shocked and swallowed hard before he muttered.

"He... He did?"

Scott looked dumb founded.

"Yea... You were mugged outside of the movie store and Derek jumped in to save you. I'd hate to see the other guy."

Scott's mom said still smiling at looking at Derek with a smile.

"Oh yea that..."

Scott muttered.

"Yea uh Derek here is a really great guy. I feel so awkward right now. I seriously didn't mean to kiss him mom I know he is older and stuff and we aren't like that he is my mentor and..."

Scott once again was interrupted by his mother.

"Scott it's fine. I know. You have both had a really long day. You are emotional right now and besides he is quite the looker."

Scott's mom said winking at Derek. Derek's face turned red and he looked uncomfortable.


Scott said in a grossed out tone.

"Sorry! I am just sayin. Oh and seriously Scott be safe... I mean you know wear a..."

Scott covered his ears and yelled.

"Got it mom!"

Scott was so embarrassed but relieved at the same time. Scott's mom just laughed as both boys were totally blushing and uncomfortable.

"There is one thing though Scott..."

Scott's mom looked worried.

"Derek here is healing abnormally fast and he has no known blood type. Do either of you care to tell me why that is and what that means?"

Scott's mom stared them both down. Scott looked scared so Derek spoke.

"M'am... I uh... I am special. I was born with a rare blood disorder. My body heals extra fast due to the drugs I took as a boy and it wiped my blood type. It is not on record it is so rare."

Derek said looking Scott's mom in the eyes the whole time.

"Well that is good enough for me."

Scott's mom said smiling. Scott breathed a quiet sigh of relief.

"Derek is all set whenever he wants to leave."

Scott's mom said.

"Thanks mom."

Scott said getting up and giving her a hug.

"I love you so much mommy."

Scott said blushing as he hugged his mom.

"I love you to Scott. Don't stay out to late okay?"

Scott's mom said kissing him on the cheek and leaving the room.

"Well that was awkward."

Derek said in a low tone. Scott looked at Derek and playfully punched his chest and leaned in and gave him a big hug.

"You drive me nuts Derek. Lets get outta here."

Scott said helping Derek up.

"Everything will work out Scotty I promise. Don't worry okay?"

Derek said playfully messing up Scott's hair.

"I am not worried. Though I think Jackson is starting to suspect something."

Scott said looking at Derek as if he was asking Derek to take care of it.

"Don't worry Scotty I'll take care of him"

Derek said with an evil grin. Scott and Derek left the hospital and headed for Jackson's. They took the bus and before to long they were at Jackson's. Stiles opened the door.

"Hey there Scott and big scary wolf dude."

Stiles said jokingly.


Scott said in an angry voice.

"Chill Scott, Jackson is in the shower he can't hear us."

Stiles said as they walked into the living room.

"Where is the bathroom?"

Derek said to Stiles.

"It's down the hall and to the left but as I said Jackson is..."

Stiles stopped because Derek had already walked away towards the bathroom.

"Really? What is with him? Werewolf PMS?"

Stiles said laughing. Scott made an annoyed face and Stiles just left it alone. Derek used his werewolf nails to bust the lock and he snuck into the bathroom. Jackson was just getting out of the shower. He saw Derek and jumped back and covered his junk.

"What the fuck man! Uh a little privacy please?"

Jackson said in a huff.

"Sorry I had to piss."

Derek said in a low growl.

"Oh... Oh yea no biggy. Go ahead I am just gonna get dressed and I'll be out with the guys."

Jackson said uncomfortably as he went to walk towards the door. Derek stood in his way and pushed him hard back against the wall. Jackson was now fully exposed and scared.

"Wha... What did I do? Whats wrong with you man?"

Jackson said shaking as Derek started to strip.

"Look Jackson... I like you I really do. You seem harmless and rather pretty. But here is the thing. I have a colorful past and I do not like you snooping in my or Scott's life."

Derek said now fully nude pushing hard up against Jackson. Jackson was being smashed against the wall. It hurt and Jackson was in visible pain. Derek grabbed his throat and pushed hard. He continued to choke Jackson until Jackson was almost fainting. He then let him go and Jackson fell to the floor. Jackson looked up at Derek with tears in his eyes. He spoke in a raspy and frightened voice.

"Your right... I... I have been snooping. Look dude I am sorry. Let me make it up to you. Here fuck my hole. It's tight and I am a good fuck I'll even be your bitch. Please just let me live and let me be. I will give you anything. You want my ass? Take it man for real it's yours please... Just don't kill me."

Jackson was trembling. Derek smiled and grabbed his cock. Derek spoke.

"Nah... You can keep your ass... For now. I really do have to piss though. So open up whore. And if you ever dig into me or Scott's lives again I will fuckin kill you slowly and painfully."

Derek said in a loud growl. Jackson was so scared he did as he was told. He opened his mouth and Derek began to piss all over his face and mouth. Jackson hated the taste. He was coughing and gagging. Derek was letting loose and pissing all over Jackson. Jackson was swallowing a ton of it and continued to gag. Finally Derek stopped. He reached down and shoved three of his his fingers in Jackson's mouth.

"Suck em. Get em wet."

Derek commanded. Jackson did as he was told. Derek then removed his now spit covered fingers and began beating off just inches from Jackson's face.

"Lick it and tease it, but don't put your dirty fuckin mouth on it slut."

Derek yelled. Jackson began to lick Derek's piss slit and cock head. Derek was jacking hard and about ready to shoot.

"Tell me you want it. Tell me you want my load on you face an in your mouth."

Jackson was crying at this point but he did as Derek said.

"I... I fuckin want your hot load. I want it all over my face and in my mouth. Give this slut what he wants."

Jackson said with a defeated tone.


Derek started to cum hard all over Jackson's piss covered face and in his piss filled mouth. Jackson now had Derek's piss and cum all over his face and all in his mouth and down his throat. Derek got dressed as Jackson finished swallowing it all. Jackson then rinsed off and sprayed himself with Axe body spray. Derek stood there the whole time watching Jackson. Jackson got dressed and looked at Derek.

"Look man I promise. I gave you my word. I won't investigate you guys okay? Please just leave me be man. I actually liked you before you came in here and did this shit. Why would you do this to me?"

Jackson said frowning and sniffling. He was still wiping tears away.

"To prove a point. Oh and I like you to for what it's worth... Just stay off my bad side got me bitch?"

Derek said leaning in and kissing Jackson.

"Got it..."

Jackson moaned out as him and Derek continued to make out. Just then the door bell rang. Jackson pushed Derek off of him.

"That's the pizza lets go out with the others."

Jackson said with a confused face. Jackson and Derek went back out into the living room. Scott and Stiles were sitting on the couch. Derek shot Scott a look and he knew Derek had taken care of Jackson. Jackson opened the door and it was not the pizza instead it was Allison.


Scott and Stiles both mumbled. They both dove behind the couch and held each other close. It was to late for Derek he had been seen by Allison. Jackson and Derek just stared at Allison.

"So which one of you assholes stabbed my dad?"

Jackson looked confused and Derek was just smiling.

"Really Allison? C'mon me and your dad go way back... You really think I had anything to do with that? I heard he was fine anyway so what's your deal."

Derek said in a snarl.

"Don't piss me off Hale."

Allison said in a loud and angry voice.

"Seriously how does Jackson fit into all of this. First he is at the ER with you Derek and now you and him are hanging out? What is really going on here? Jackson?"

Allison looked at Jackson with a mean look.

"L...Look we are friends. Me and Derek have been for awhile. I don't know anything about your dad nor does Derek."

Jackson said trying to cover for Derek out of fear for his life. Derek just smiled. He knew he had a new bitch and he loved it.

"Look Allison why don't you run along and play with your whittle dolly's okay? Give my regards to your dear old dad."

Derek said in a mocking tone.

"Fuck you Hale."

Allison said walking away back to her car.

"I know you or your friends had something to do with this and I am gonna get you guys."

Allison said as she got in her car and peeled out.

"When did she become such a bitch? She is always so sweet in school."

Jackson said now more confused.

"It's safe to come out now guys."

Derek yelled as Scott and Stiles came out from behind the couch.

"Derek how are you..."

Derek shot Jackson a look and Jackson stopped.

"I mean yea that's right sorry staying out of it..."

Jackson said looking terrified. Stiles looked at Jackson and saw his reaction to Derek and looked confused. Scott just looked at Stiles and smiled. Stiles then smiled back and understood without words. They all sat down. Jackson went and sat next to Stiles and rubbed up against him close as he was still trembling. Stiles tried not to laugh. Derek sat Next to Scott and Scott just smiled at Derek. The door bell rang again. This time everyone got up. They left the room and let Jackson answer it alone.

"It's the pizza."

Jackson yelled and everyone came back in the room. They opened the pizza box and everyone looked hungry. Jackson grabbed a slice and handed one to Derek. He was trying to extend the olive branch.

"Is... Is that peperoni?"

Derek said in a disgusted face.

"Yea... Why?"

Jackson said trembling and confused.

"I don't eat meat."

Derek said in all seriousness. Everyone busted out laughing except Jackson.

"I fuckin give up."

Jackson said getting up and grabbing a bottle of Jack out of the liquor cabinet.

"My dad won't mind. Hell he isn't even my real dad."

Jackson said downing a big gulp.

"Whoa slow down there killer."

Scott said jokingly.

"Fuck you McCall."

Jackson said in a angry voice as he left the room and headed upstairs to his bedroom.

"What the fuck is his issue?"

Stiles said.

"I don't know... I'll go see if he wants to talk."

Scott said with a concerned face. He gave Derek a look.

"Don't look at me..."

Derek said with an innocent voice. Scott left the room and headed upstairs.

"Wanna dominate me real quick?"

Stiles said to Derek looking him straight in the eyes.

Derek started to choke on his food, He swallowed and looked at Stiles.

"Like right here right now?"

Derek said in a puzzled voice.

"Yea why not?"

Stiles said smiling and reaching over and rubbing Derek's crotch.

"Your a horny slut. I love it."

Derek said leaning in and making out with Stiles. They stripped each other and continued making out and groping each other. Meanwhile Scott entered Jackson's room upstairs.

"Hey Jackson... What... What's wrong buddy?"

Scott said putting his hand on Jackson's back.

"Don't fuckin touch me McCall. Just fuckin leave. Leave like everyone else in my life does. I wanna be alone. It's better that way."

Jackson said pounding back more of the Jack Daniels.

"That's enough Jackson."

Scott stammered as he took the bottle from Jackson.

"What the fuck McCall! Give it back right now. Your not my dad."

Jackson said red faced and getting up.


Scott said pouring the bottle out the window.

"You shouldn't have done that McCall."

Jackson said stumbling towards Scott and grabbing him by the shirt trying to tackle him to the ground. Scott took over and pushed Jackson down on his bed. Scott was now onto top of Jackson on his bed. Scott dove in and began making out with Jackson. Jackson started to tongue Scott. They could both hear the low moans of Derek and Stiles from down stairs. Both Scott and Jackson burst out into laughter and then stared into each other in the eyes. Scott then spoke.

"Look Jackson I know its hard being adopted. But your adoptive parents love you very much. So do your friends."

Scott said pecking Jackson on the cheek a few times.

"Thanks Scott. I need reminded of that sometimes... Oh and I am sorry I was digging around into your business. As I promised Derek I will stop. Your secrets obviously need to stay buried. I respect that."

Jackson said cuddling with Scott.

"Thanks and I promise I am not hiding anything so please just trust me and everyone okay Jackson?"

Scott said. He hated lying but he knew it was best for Jackson.

"So uh why don't we go back downstairs and join Derek and Stiles before they shoot? After all a foursome could be fun."

Scott said with a grin.

"Okay... But just keep Derek away from me. Like seriously he fuckin scares me. He... He is more of an animal than you are."

Jackson said shaking.

"No promises."

Scott said smiling and grabbing Jackson's hand. Scott lead him down the stairs. Derek had Stiles on all fours on the living room floor going to town on his hole. Derek froze when he saw Scott and Jackson. Stiles looked like he was high and in heaven.

"Mind if we join?"

Scott said grabbing his crotch and rubbing it.

"The more the merrier."

Derek barked out with a lusty grin and saliva dripping down his chin looking at Jackson. Jackson was now trembling and this made Scott and Derek even more excited!

That was chapter 8! Yay Derek survived LOL. He is my fav after all so he ain't goin anywhere =) I had a huge amount of people requesting more piss so there you go you sick fucks LOL. Stay tuned for more Wolfy fun and the legendary foursome!

Next: Chapter 9

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