
By Walsh

Published on Apr 28, 1996



I hope this makes it, it's my first attempt at a story, hope you all enjoy it and if I offend anyone you shouldn't be reading this any way.

ADULTs over 18 only past this point

Reading GENIE.TXT the following paragraph caught my eye as well as my fascination: "Take me to the guy who has made the most number of women pregnant by rape in this country." POOF! He was standing next to an athletic looking guy about 30, in his bedroom, as he was packing a bag with lockpicks, a ski mask, and a 9 mm pistol. Stud zapped him without delay, and he fell over the bed. Stud undid the rapist's belt, unbuttoned the pants, and saw that this stud was not wearing underpants. He also had a girl's pussy now. No more bumping up of the bellies. The transformed bastard was fully awake, and Stud spoke to him, although invisible. "Well, Hoss, you're a bitch now. No more baby making, no more ramming a big dick up tight little cunts. Now you're the one with a tight little cunt. Lotsa luck."

Below is my attempt to describe what happens after Stud leaves.

+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=++=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+= I'd been casing the place for a couple weeks now and had decided tonight would be the night I snuck in and helped myself to the jewelry I'd seen her wearing. I knew her pattern pretty well and knew she'd be down at the gym working out, all of her jewelry would be safely locked awayin her house. If I was wrong I had no doubts I'd be able to handle her complaints and it had been a couple days since I'd had a piece of ass. And I must say she had a nice tight ass. I'd just read that the last lady I'd raped while robbing her house was expecting twins, me a proud pappa.

I was checking my bag, ensuring I had the necessary tools, lock picks, ski mask and pistol when I sensed someone had entered the room. Being a cat burglar you develop a 6th sense about when your not alone, so as I turned to see who it was I felt myself suddenly go limp and had no strength. I fell across the bed and laid there, helpless and afraid. I could sense someone close to me but I couldn't yell or speak above a whisper, nor could I see any one. Suddenly I felt something undue my belt and unbutton my pants and pull them down so my 8 inch cock was surely exposed. I was terrified, what was in the room with me, this invisible thing, yet helpless to move. A male's voice suddenly spoke to me from the clear air " Well Hoss, your a bitch now.No more baby making, no more ramming a big dick up tight little cunts. Now you're the one with a tight little cunt. Lotsa luck". With that the presence in the room vanished and I knew I was alone, yet I still couldn't move or shout.

It seemed like hours that I laid there with my pants pulled down exposing my cock, but was only one based upon the clock on my dresser before I could again move. While laying there I kept repeating what the voice had said, "I'm a Bitch now?" "I have a tight little cunt?" what could it mean?. As soon as I could move I pulled my pants up and checked the room out, ensuring I really was alone and that nothing was missing. Everything was in place so I finished packing my bag and going to the bathroom to drain my lizard, never go on a job with a full bladder, I discovered what the voice had meant. Unzipping my pants I reached in and found my cock and balls were gone, I was shocked, and pulled my pants down was surprised to find I had a pussy. I just stared at it, then standing up looked in the mirror and saw that other than a pussy I still looked the same as before. What was I going to do I wondered? I can't have a pussy I'm a guy for goodness sake. Realizing that there was nothing I could do right now and knowing that she would only be at the gym for another hour I did the only thing I could, I sat and drained my newer smaller lizard. Standing I felt very damp so I took some toilet paper and dried my pussy off as best I could. I decided I really didn't like squatting to pee.

Getting in my car I drove over to my targets house, walking up to the front door I quickly determined she wasn't home. I quickly picked her door lock and entered her house. While examining the layout of the house I found her jewelry box in the back of her closet. Looking at her clothes I cringed to think I now had a pussy, would I be wearing slinky dresses like this too? The idea was revolting, I looked like a guy I could bluff my way through life as a guy, no one ever needed to know I had a pussy.

Sneaking out of the house with her jewelry I went down to the bar and had a couple beers, it was great and the cunts dancing on the runway sure looked good in those g-strings. The only problem was that the only thing happening was that my new pussy was getting wet, looking down I was shocked to see how wet my pants had become. I pretended to spill a beer in my lap and quickly headed to my friendly fence to get rid of tonights haul.

Jimmy smiled when he saw what I had brought him, and asked if I was still working out. I told him I was, that I could now bench over 250 lbs, and had no problems lifting my own 165 lbs up balconies and things. He laughed and paid me maybe 10% of what the stuff was worth, but even so a $1000 was good money for one night of work, and a couple hours of watching. I left Jimmy and headed home with my earnings.

Now that I was home I had time to think, somehow I'd been given a pussy, the voice must have been something like a God and I was being punished for something, if I could figure out why maybe I could get an 8 incher between my legs again. I thought about it for a long time before finally falling asleep.

When I woke the next morning I was sure it had all been a bad dream until I reached down to stroke my old friend and found my new friend. I was still unsure of what to make of it and felt around, deciding to try giving myself my standard wake up call, by stroking, er rubbing my clit. After rubbing for awhile I felt the pleasure blossom and explode in an orgasm of pleasure. As I laid there trying to decide which was messier, the puddle under my ass from my dripping vagina, or the old cum on my chest I examined the rest of my body. I appeared to still be myself, other than the pussy.

Getting up I quickly showered and shaved and getting dressed ran down to the gym to work out. The gym was a private club, men only and felt good to me. As I reached into my locker and pulled out my equipment I grabbed my extra large jock strap, guess I won't be needing you any time soon I thought as I put it back in the locker. Mike and Pete came in just as I pulled on my sweat pants and joking around asked it I'd checked out the new babe down at the diner. I hadn't seen her but stood talking to Pete and Mike as they changed into their work out suits. As Pete pulled his pants off his 8 inch cock flopped out and I found myself fascinated by it. It was strange but I didn't want him to put it away, I actually wanted to touch it. Me! Actually wanting to touch another man's cock, I hope this pussy wasn't affecting my thinking. Pete and I had a handball game today, and going in I couldn't think about anything but Pete's cock. Pete soundly beat me in the game, truly a first, I was by far the better player, but today was completely distracted.

Life continued pretty much as normal for the next week or so, I cased a couple places and made a couple hits. This morning however I work up aching and sore, not sure what the problem was I went into the bathroom. After peeing and wiping I noticed a tint of red on the paper. On my I'm bleeding.......

After examining myself I realized I was having my first period, this was a shock, but there wasn't anything I could do about it, I made a pad out of some toilet paper and went down to the local store for some Kotex. While there I realized I'd need panties for the panty liners once the major flow stopped, being a virgin I didn't think I could use a tampon. Getting some panties in pastels and the kotexs I went to the front of the store to pay for them. The lad at the check out smiled and made a comment that I was probably glad I didn't need these things. I just smiled and left the store, "If only she knew I thought".

Using the kotex and liners wasn't as bad as I'd feared, but was definitely something I wanted to avoid in the future. I continued to try and figure out what I'd done to piss that God or wizard or whatever off that he would do this to me. I also found myself dreaming that he would come back and while I laid helpless use my new pussy for his enjoyment. I even started going to church every Sunday, and sitting through both services. The benefit of this was that the ladies of the church had a great time setting me up with the single women of the church. I was always the perfect gentleman, they even commented that I never seemed to get a bulge in my jeans at all.

Yesterday was a strange day, working out at the gym I noticed that I couldn't seem to bench 200 lbs to save my life, couldn't budge the bar. Moving the weights down I found that 130 lbs was about the best I could do. What was going on? Pete even commented that I seemed to be loosing weight, my shirt and pants seemed looser on me than before. This morning I noticed another change, my nipples had grown to the size of those I'd seem on many teenage girls I'd screwed growing up, I also appeared to have size A breasts now. Thinking about it I realized my nipples had been sensitive lately, but not like this. I also realized that my body hair had pretty much disappeared, even my beard was lighter. The thought of becoming more of a girl was terrifying. I didn't know what to do so I continued to wear loose fitting clothes.

As the days turned to weeks and the weeks to months hiding the changes became more and more difficult. I found that men's pants didn't fit right any more, and had to finally swallow my pride and buy some Chic jeans. I hate them, they make my tight ass look so good, I find myself getting wet just looking at it in the mirror. People are now calling me Miss, or Ma'am, and guys are holding doors for me. I hate it!

I decided today to pull one more job, and take the money down to Mexico and get a sex change.This is killing me, so tonight I'll break into one of the big mansions and get a lot more. Well, things didn't work out quite the way I'd planned it, I was caught and taken down town. Seems my new weaker upper body wasn't able to pull me over a fence as I was making my get away, and the 16 year old boy was able to easily hold me. The Jail Matron performed a strip search and body orifice check, she chuckled when she found I was a virgin. Don't worry sweat meat, the Dykes in there will take care of that for you. They issued me jail house clothes, panties, bra, dress and pumps and told me to get dressed. This was my first experience in a dress and girls shoes and she chuckled as I struggled with the bra. The Matron chuckled and said "You liberated women need to learn to wear these things, otherwise your going to have problems latter when you sag to your knees". The trial was short and sweat and I was sent away for 3 to 5 years on the breaking and entering charges. They tried to lay the rapes on me as well but as a girl it's pretty hard for me to have been the big guy who raped them. They figured I had a boy friend who did it, since I wasn't giving him any, but it didn't matter.

In prison my cell mate, a hugh woman called Bertha decided she liked me and she forced me to be her girl, I ate her pussy whenever she wanted me to, and she taught me how to dress pretty for her and the guards. I hated it, she wouldn't let me wear anything but skirts and dresses, and G-String panties. All I could do was endure, live with it and some how count down the days to my release. I told her once that I'd been a guy and that the Gods were punishing me, she loved it and humiliated me more. She called me her little girl and had me beg her to let me please her.

Being forced to dress pretty for her had another problem, the male guards liked how I looked and tended to pat my ass of touch my exposed tits. I hated it, but what could I do, I wore heels and acted the slut.

One day my old friend Pete, who was a guard was transferred to this prison. He looked me up, and sitting there talking to him he said "Timmi, I never would have guessed you were really a girl when we use to work out together. But seeing you now I just want to screw you". I was surprised, I was getting out next week and told him so, he said great, do you have a place to stay? I didn't and he offered to let me stay at his place, the price would be we shared a single bed. What could I say, I had no where else to go so I agreed. He smiles, kissed me and as I turned to leave he patted my ass.

A week later I was released and issued a just released from prison dress suit. As I walked out I was glad this experience was over, Pete was there waiting for me. I swallowed my pride as I realized I was soon going to be sleeping with this guy, my virginity would be a thing of the past. Pete drove me home and took me up to his house. I kept telling him I'd only stay until I found a place of my own and got a job. He smiled and leaned me over the kitchen table. Timmi, I've wanted to do this to you since I first found out you were really a girl. With that he pulled up dress and pulled down my panties. His 8" cock ripped my virginity away in a moment and he was happily pumping away in my sore pussy as I moaned on the table. He exploded, his cum filling me and running down my legs along with my own juices, and I could only moan as I felt his cock stretching my virgin vagina. He turned me around and smiling said now Little Girl, lick me clean. I knelt before him and proceeded to lick his cock clean of my juices, his cum and the blood from my torn hymen.

As I licked him clean he amazed me by again getting hard, he smiled and said, Little girl you have a great tongue, lets see if your mouth is as good. With that he shoved his cock into my mouth and I sucked it like a lollipop. He moaned as I worked his cock around in my mouth, I gently squeezed his balls and felt him again tensing as he yet again exploded, his hot cum flooding my throat. Hating myself I quickly swallowed and cleaned his now shrinking cock with my tongue. Good girl he said as he put his cock away. So Timmi, now that you know where you stand in this house do you still want to stay he asked. Where could I go I thought and decided this was the only choice in town. He smiled and said good, I took the liberty of buying you some new clothes, there in the bed room, go get changed, I want to take you down to the gym and play a game of hand ball with you.

In the bed room I found the clothes he had bought for me, the exercise clothes were all out of a males wet dream and the other clothes consisted of thongs panties, mini skirts, sheer blouses and heels. I was naked when he walked in, he smiled and tossed something to me. Catching it and standing there naked, he admired my body while I unwrapped the present. I was shocked, it was my old extra large jock strap. Pete walked over, picked me up and carried me to the bed. He removed his clothes and smiled as he saw me looking at his hugh cock. So what happened Tim, you used to be this big, how'd you become this little girl laying naked with legs spread on my bed? I started crying and told him the story, he laughed when I told him I prayed every night that I'd someday be forgiven and have an eight incher between my legs again. With that he laid on me, I could feel his cock between my legs and he whispered "What do you feel between your legs now little Girl?" I answered your cock. He laughed and said "Your prayers are answered, you now have an 8 incher between your legs, with that he parted my lips and shoved his 8 incher to the hilt in my sore vagina. I cried out and started to moan as he slowly pumped away in me.Suddenly I felt myself explode all over, he kept pumping and I kept exploding. This was great, I moaned and cried out, and squeezed him with my legs. We never did get to the gym that day.

Since that day my life has changed significantly, I'm now content as a woman, Pete married me about 6 months after we moved in together. He still will occasional remind me of my life as a man, and insists that I hold and aim his 8 incher when he pees, he knows this is one thing I truely hate not being able to do as a girl. Most mornings I now awaken with an 8 incher between my legs, the Gods must truly have forgiven me. This morning I found out I was expecting Pete's baby, and it's irritating to watch him strut around like the cock he is, but not much I can do about it, I'm his little girl and loving every minute of it.

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