Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Jun 24, 2000


The usual legal jargon, get the hell outta here if you don't belong or don't care to read :P.

I don't claim to know anything about any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. This is a work of fiction nothing more.

He strode out into the night are and paused momentarily to orientate himself with his surroundings. He wasn't used to the humidity of Florida and as such it still bothered him slightly. The bar had been quiet tonight and no one was all that interesting anyway so without a word to anyone he returned to his apartment room and in the process he managed to knock over a good many useless things before finally collapsing in a sweaty heap on his bed.


I awoke early the next morning without much of a hang over. I'm not a heavy drinker (although shooters can be nice :)) but mostly I just go to the bar for the dancing. In case if you haven't figured it out by now I'm gay and lonely as all hell! I'm Ryan Collier I'm roughly eight teen years old and I've been living in Florida for about three months now so I'm still getting really lost, a cabbage has more of a directional sense than I do anyway!

The other night I went to a, "straight," bar to unwind and mingle into the crowd. Oh and before I forget I'm 5 11 dark brown hair with warm brown eyes, I've been told by both sexes that I'm sharp and sexy (don't ask) I'm nicely built and love going to the gym (swimmer's build). Anyhow I've been living in Florida like I already said for about three months seeing as I've taken a year off school before continuing on.

I recently landed a very nice job at a near art gallery (hey I'm into art I'm just not an art fag (no pun intended)). Anyhow I'm the tore guide so to speak, wannabe secretary and the odd job kinda guy. Hey it pays the bills and besides which I love it. (Back to reality)

Grogilly I looked over at the clock it was almost six thirty five. I turned to face the window and I'm still amazed to see palm trees staring back at me considering where I'm originally from... I managed to pull myself together in time to stumble across the floor of my small apartment and fall headfirst into the shower (metaphorically that is). Almost at once the warm pulsating jets of clear water over my tense skin began to ease me to awake mode.

"Dear god," I thought, "this was not where I thought I'd be when I turned eight teen." Life seems to be funny that way it has a habit of dumping you off the last place that you'd ever expected to be. I should be happy if it wasn't for my family connections and the fact that the art gallery was in need of extra staffing I might still be back home. I silently sighed to myself and finished up in the shower.

I packed up all the stuff I'd need for work that day and a few things extra.

"Maybe I'll try that new club tonight," I wondered to myself. "I'll have to call Em after work to see if she'll like to tag along. I threw my bag over my shoulder and locked the door on the way out, keeping in mind to check for anything that I'd forgotten and headed for the elevator. Emily and I got to know each other through work in the last few months; she works for a preferred courier service of the art gallery and the two of us soon became good friends. She would show up once a week with a shipment of paper work or something er other to be put on display! Hey! Don't even think that, I can hear the wheels going round in yer heads :P it's nothing like that!

Back on track. Emily needless to say found out about my sexual preference as of last month and she's been trying to set me up with just about every male friend of hers that might even in the slightest bit swing to left or even both ways if you catch my drift. Yes, yes I know she's just trying to help me out but her taste in men leaves me sour, to put it as diplomatic as I possibly can. Sigh!

With thoughts of my plans after work in mind I began my morning walk to work.

My day was, for the most part, uneventful. Only half way through the day did anything really happen. I mean sure I busied myself around the place a bit and took care of planning a few events but wee haw! At around four o'clock an elementary class came in to take a guided tore of the artist's works on display.

"Good afternoon, you must be Mr. Collier," she smiled warmly and extended her hand which I promptly shook.

"Pleased to meet you, you must be Mrs. Atwood and you," I gestured to the children, "you must be her little band of munchkins for the tore." I surveyed the children wearing my best, excited expression. A few of the little ones shied away with squeals of laughter and giggles. I could tell that this would be a pretty good day after all. I've always love to play with kids and try to keep them happy and interested as long as possible. One thing that I try to do most of all is treat them like they're just like everyone else and not to talk down to them. (I always hated that when I was still a kid myself)!

The children were very well behaved under the supervision of both their teacher and myself; however, one little boy hung back from the group. He looked a little worried and out of place next to so much curiosity and excitement.

"You ok over there," I asked coming over and kneeling beside him.

"Yeah," was all that he managed to say. His eyes were downcast I felt my heart sink.

"You sure you're ok," I repeated, "cause I'm sure that all your friends over there would love to have you join in the fun."

"No it's not that... It's about Justin." He mumbled in a quiet voice, almost to no one but himself. I put my hand on his little shoulder and asked.

"Who's that," I replied in my best innocent happy voice.

"He's my brother," replied the boy, "he said he'd be here to come with me on my field trip, it's the last day of school and I don't get to see him too much, -sniffle-." The little boy had started to sob lightly and I was a little taken aback. I was expecting that this Justin had broken his toy or something, boy was I wrong.

"Hey I'm sure that he's just busy and maybe he can't get away, I'm sure that he's REAL sorry for missing your field trip," I stated as I placed a finger under his chin. "Now let's catch up to your friends and I'm sure that your older brother will be along at any minute," I smiled as brightly as I could. Inside I knew that I'd be hurt too if the roles were reversed.

"Wow okay," the boy replied is face suddenly brightened as he ran to catch up to his fellow classmates.

For the rest of the day Jonathan, I later managed to squeeze a name outta the little guy, got to be my special helper while Mrs. Atwood allowed the children to explore the premises for themselves (don't worry everything was nailed down and, "kid proof"). Jonathan got to help me clean up the display cases and I showed him what the fake bear looks like behind the glass. He got to clean his nose with impressed my little cohort in crime to no end.

Finally the end of their visit neared. Apparently all of the children had arranged with their parents to be picked up at the gallery after their visit seeing as it was the last day of school. I guess riding on a bus in the middle of the day in downtown Florida would'a cooked the vast majority of the little oompa loompas in no time flat.

My little companion and I went outside so that he could catch his ride home along with all of his fellow classmates. One by one each child got picked up by his or her loving parents. Soon the only ones left were Mrs. Atwood, Jonathan and myself.

"You know Mrs. Atwood, you..."

"Please Ryan call me Joan, Mrs. is way too formal, especially after helping me out so much to day with my class. They can be a handful at times," she firmly stated.

"Ok then Joan, why don't you head on home? Jonathan and I can take care of ourselves, right buddy?"

"Right," he replied with a bright smile. It was nice to see him in higher spirits.

"We'll wait here until someone comes to pick our little guy up, won't we?"

"Well okay then, thanks for all your help Ryan and take care," with that she walked out to her car and took off down the highway.

It wasn't very long before a very nice car (I'm terrible with the makes/kinds because I really don't care :P) came speeding into the parking lot. A tall roughly six foot tall youth stepped out of the bat outta hell box on wheels and came running up and embraced Jonathan warmly. The boy once had hair but now it was tied or braided down into an interlacing pattern that reminded me of a soccer ball.

"You must be Justin I take it," I grinned it was nice to see the little guy's face light up.

"Yup that's me thanks for taking care of my little bro, I hope he wasn't too much trouble," he grinned, "It runs in the family".

"No he's been great," I replied, "haven't you," I questioned as I knelt down to Jonathan's height and smiled.

"Yeah," he piped in excitedly, "We had lots of fun, thanks Ryan".

"Huh, you're welcome kiddo," I smiled warmly, "just be good to your older brother hey?"

"I will, Bye Ryan," he called as he got into the car. After the door was closed Justin turned to face my direction.

"Listen," he started, "thanks a bundle for taking care of him after all this I'm just sorry that I didn't get to show up to be with him something came up." He looked off into the distance as if deeply thinking of something while stealing looks in my direction. Were my eyes going all wonky? This guy was probably straight anyway besides which I've only just met him. But he is damn cute...

"Ugh," Justin started (with downcast eyes just like his younger brother :))Aaaarrgghhh stop with the cute thingy already, "Um as a little thank you for your trouble I'd really like it, that is if you're not doing anything...

I'd really like it if you could come to one of my concerts, you know as a little thank you. Justin was at this point a little embarrassed to say the least.

"concert, wha.." I replied with a perplexed expression on my face.

"What you mean to say that you don't recognize me?" Justin asked with a hurt expression on his face.

"Ummmm," was all that I could relpy. I was racking my brain for an answer I mean I know that this guy looks familiar but I can't quite place it. As for brain farts this one was a doosy. After a small period of silence Justin explained.

"Justin Randal Timberlake," he questioned.

"Ryan Maxwell Collier," I shrugged really perplexed.

"N'sync..." he put in. (Don't ask me how he said the little "" go figure) I nearly fell over with embarrassment.

"Sorry," I replied, "It must've been the hair," I laughed. "It's enough to throw anyone off."

"Hey, don't diss the new do," he whined as he covered up his head in mock embarrassment.

"Don't worry, don't worry," I hastilly replied, "I have a triple crown I know what it's like. But hey if we don't hurry it up your little brother could cook in the car," I pointed to the nice new car that Justin had driven in in.

"Oh don't worry the AC'll take care of him, besides the poor little guy's plan leaves in just over two hours I gotta get him home to start packing." He gestured with a thumb back towards his car.

"In that case you'd better be going pretty quick."

"I'll take that as a yes,"Justin I'll come to the free concert," then?" He giggled. I blushed three shades of crimson, innocent to the fact that this guy that I just met was asking hitting on me as he asked me if I'd like to go see a sold out concert tonight with him performing. Cute, sexy and could sing? Oh baby I've got it made! You wish said a little voice in the back of my head, you're living in a dream world.

"We'll see," I thought to myself as Justin and I made plans as to how he'd get the ticket to me.

"Gotta go though Ryan it's been really cool meeting you, thanks for not freaking out when you found out who I am and um for taking care of my little brother too, take care," he flashed me a killer smile.

"Thanks Justin I'm sure I'll love your concert, even if I am out of place and you did twist my arm too..." I trailed off wearing my best fake pouting expression.

"Heh you're cute you know that," Justin replied. He turned red as soon as the words were uttered.

"Thanks, you too though, see yah toight Justin and thanks." With that Justin drove off and I made sure to wave to them both as they passed by. I'm gonna have to tell all this to Emily when I get back (I feel bad that I'leaving her out though :)). It looks like my plans for tonight have just changed for the better. Even with the screaming twelve year old girls I'll still get to see Justin perform. Damn he's too cute it'll never happen...

Let me know what you think. Best wishes (Email

Next: Chapter 2

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