Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Aug 13, 2000


The usual legal jargon, get the hell outta here if you don't belong or don't care to read :P.

I don't claim to know anything about any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. This is a work of fiction nothing more.

Hot and Humid

Chapter 10


I awoke and looked around my motel room. Everything was still a little bit fuzzy and it took me a few seconds for everything to start to come back. My head hurt badly from the accident and my left arm had stopped bleeding. I looked down at the person snuggled up against me breathing softly and I stroked his soft dark hair with my left hand. I couldn't help but smile as I felt the warm glow coming from his body and the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest.

Nature soon interrupted and I had to answer its call. I got up and did my best not to wake Ryan. I slipped away from the warm white sheets and went in search of the toilet. I couldn't believe that Ry had had it in him to do that, I laughed lightly as I closed the door.

"Still," I though to myself, "I wish I could'a seen 'em do it.


The next morning after the movies was interesting. I introduced Ry to Mom as my boyfriend. Soon she was telling him all of my embarrassing childhood memories that I haven't told anyone before. The guys all jumped into their conversations; each one lending another little thang to make me turn a brighter shade of crimson. I chased em all around the house.

On the other hand I was very happy to see Mom and Ryan getting along so well. Both she and the guys have known for quite a few years that I'm..... Different. I should've known that they'd all except him as family. But I'm getting ahead of myself aren't I?

Ryan and Jonathan had quite the little reunion; J wanted to spend the whole day showing Ryan his new toys and how he could arrange them to look like the art gallery :). They were both so cute; Jonathan with his intensive focus on showing off his masterpiece and Ryan with his patient smiles and words of praise.

My quiet moment however wouldn't last long...........

"Ryan?" I called from downstairs, "can you comere?"

"Awww," J complained, "we're not done yet." Ryan just smiled.

"Now Jonathan," I told him, "you can't hog my, "Friends," now can you?" He just pouted; (it must be genetic). "Now get going you," I messed up his hair with my free hand, "go help Mom with breakfast."

"K," he smiled. I watched him go and wondered if I ever had that kind of energy when I was that little. I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist and a familiar face rest against my shoulder. He swayed our two bodies back and forth softly.

"Hi there you," he whispered in my ear.

"Hi yourself," I brushed the side of my head lightly against his warm frame.

"Phhhhh," he sputtered recoiling.

"Whaa?" I asked shocked, "what's wrong babe?" He pulled a long curly hair from his mouth and brushed the rest out of his eyes. I couldn't help myself; I had to laugh.

"Har har har it's just SO funny," he pouted. I grabbed him around the waist similarly to how he had held me moments before.

"What's the matter cutey?" I asked nuzzling my curly head up against his slender chin and neck. "Don't you like m'ah curls boy?" He wiggled free from my grasp and crawled at his face wildly; desperately trying to get the intruding hairs out of his mouth. I almost fell over laughing.

"Ack cooties," he cried, "I've got Justin cooties!"

"Gotta share the luv," I replied smoothly.

"Not while I'm still around you won't," he playfully tried to smack me upside the head, "orgies ain't my thing kiddo."

"Hey," I sniffed, "who're you callen kiddo, you're younger than me! And besides which I was really looking forward to a great big orgy with all the guys." He coughed a little and tried his best to turn a puke green color.

"Grosssss," he stuck out his tongue at me.

"What would you do without me to keep you on your toes?"

"I'd be normal that's what," he elbowed me in the ribs.

"You?" I played along, Normal? Never!" He laughed and shook his head as we headed back downstairs to join the others for breakfast.

"Yeah us normal," he asked rolling his eyes skyward, "what was I thinking?"

He wrapped his arms around my neck and pressed his soft lips into mine for a quick kiss. Catcalls soon came from the living room along with hoots, hollers and the like.

We both almost jumped out of our skin; Ryan fell on his ass and I stumbled over the sofa.

"CHRIS!" I growled as he and the gang exploded once again in gales of laughter.

"Hah hah........h ......ah...aha........" Chris was too busy enjoying his moment of triumph to form anything near a sentence. I took the moment to help my lover to his feet.

"Well this IS a rare moment," Josh remarked as he stepped out of the kitchen wearing nothing but his plaid pj bottoms.

"What's that?" Ryan asked while he rubbed his sore rear end with his free hand.

"Well Justin," Lance said gestured at me while drinking a tall glass of orange juice.

"What about me?" I asked taken a little bit aback.

"Well your not...... With the grouchy....... And the stuff......... Before the cereal....... And stuff," Chris mumbled obviously at a loss for words.

"Gee Justin," Ryan turned and smiled at me curiously, "with all that STUFF I just can't follow can you?" I could only stare at the floor embarrassed.

"What he means is that I'm usually all funky in the morning before I eat my cereal," I replied softly.

"Kinda like coffee but with more sugar I guess huh?" he asked with a smile.

"But what's different abou..........." his face turned a bright shade of red.

"Looks like Curly here got some, "action," last nigh........." Chris tried to say but he was interrupted by an elbow to his gut. Ryan walked right past a stunned Chris and into the kitchen.

"No HARD feelings right Chris?" he asked sweetly as he pulled up a chair to the table. Lance patted him on the back.

"You had that one coming you know." Chris just made a face at Ryan, laughed a little and shook his head.

Soon we all sat down for a small brunch. Mom had already left a little earlier on business (thank god she managed to stay long enough to meet Ry ad joke around or I really would'a been pissed) and after the toy exhibition Jonathan went along for the ride.

We all talked and teased each other without a second thought. I was glad to see that Ryan and the guys were getting along so well. That was until................

"So guys," Ryan spoke up suddenly, "How is it that Emily got Justin's address a few days back and just happened to ask me to ........I dunno............ Deliver a package to his Mom?" Joey almost choked on his Cornflakes. Finally Lance spoke up.

"Well.......Ryan.....Umm," he began rather unsure of himself. "You see that a few days ago Emily found my number.........You know the one that I gave to you to call if you wanted to get a hold of Justin after the night in the club and..............." Lance never did manage to finish his thought. I had already tackled him off his chair and was sitting on his chest. I was not happy.

"You little bitches!" I smirked, "you set us up! You don't think that I'm capable of taking care of my love life without yer help do yah?"

"Hey Justin," Josh butted in, "we know you all too well and we just wanted to......."

"So YOU were in this too?!?!?" I turned around to face 'em, "well now this means war!!"

Soon it was an all out free-for-all; everyone was play fighting and it didn't take long for them to figure out that I was only kidding. After all the fun was over the house was a total mess. Some things never seem to change do they?

For the next day or so (whenever neither one of us were busy) Ryan and I spent as much time as possible together. We went window shopping at night, went out to the movies together and roasted marsh-mellows on a secluded sandy beach. All of our time together and happiness that we had achieved as a couple would soon come to a crashing halt; the next day we were back on tour and I wouldn't get a chance to see his face or feel his kiss for almost an entire month.

We would talk on the phone for hours at a time. I was usually on the bus and he was usually in his apartment with Emily eavesdropping. His job was going good but his heart wasn't into it anymore; I could tell that my absence was affecting him much more than he was letting on. We would talk and talk and talk but it was never anything like the real thing.

I felt terrible going around to our different functions with millions of screaming girls hungering after me. If only I could tell them all the truth....... Would they still like me as a person if they knew that they didn't stand a chance? Would they still like the music for that matter? Would they still like N'sync? I had no way of knowing for sure. All that I knew was that I was not about to ruin my friends musical carriers by telling the world the truth; even if that means that I've got to live a lie for the time being.

All those screaming girls and the only one that I could think about was Ryan. I desperately wanted, needed to get back to Orlando some time soon.

Occasionally I would get a few days off to visit with loved ones and I would fly back the first chance that I got. One time we had Ryan over for a family dinner. Mom was running a little behind schedule and the chicken wound up burnt to a crisp when we got in. It was not big deal really; we fixed up something quick and watched a few movies that were on cable that night. It felt good to hold him once again in my arms, to feel the rise and fall of his chest against mine. But all too soon I had to pack up and leave again.

Challenge for the children went by without a hitch and all the guys had a blast. After everything was taken care of all I wanted was to find the nearest phone.

When I finally managed to find my cell phone (which was charging by the way). I sat down and dialed his number. After three rings his warn and welcome voice answered.


"Hello yourself," he retorted.

"JUSTIN!" he exploded, "how are you? WERE are you? How did the game go?" he asked excitedly.

"It went ok," I laughed. "How's everything with you?"

"Everything's going good," he said, obviously a little more calm and collected. "Oh....Hey..I've got great news!"

"Yeah?" I asked a little curious, "What's that?"

"Gotta guess....."


"Awww," he sniffled, "you don't wanna guess what my good news is? I'm hurt"

"Ryan," I sighed, "I'm hot, I tired and sweaty and you want patience?"

"Well," he considered, "I could'a told you that you were hot anyway." I had to laugh a little bit at his bad pun. "So how're the guys doing?" he asked changing the subject.

"Well Joey tackled Brian McKnight and Chris got into a Gatorade fight with...... Hey!"

"Hmmmmmm?" he asked innocently.

"You know full well what you're doing," I told him while I picked up my water bottle.

"And what's that?"

"You're changing the subject!" I fumed.

"Well ok...... You caught me," he added with mock sarcasm, "I'm taking a holiday around the last part of August and I've decided on coming down for a visit with you when you're in New York." I nearly spat out my water all over the floor.

"WHAT!!" I asked excitedly, "How're you.......... What're you?.........How're you gonna?.....Oh WOW that's so cool!!" I nearly fell off my chair; a couple of the volunteers were giving me the evil eye. He quickly gave me all the details. It turns out that he was going to have to spend a few nights over a this Aunt's place but otherwise he would be free to spend a little over a week with me while we would be filming scenes for the upcoming video.

"That's sooooo cool Ry," I was almost to the point of hyperventilating, "but I'd better let you go before someone comes looking for me for wondering off suddenly."

"Ok cutie," he told me sternly, "but you take care down there!"

"I will luv gotta go."

"By Justin," he said sweetly, "I love you."

"Love you too," I replied. And with that I pushed the off button on my cell, put it securely back in my pocket and rejoined the gang. I was so happy and excited that I could hardly contain myself. If only I knew just how much pain and trouble the next few weeks would really be...................

Ack! I don't' know what to think of this chapter. I just couldn't get into it I don't know what it was but blech I hope that the next one goes better. Anyhow I better let you people get back to your lives and what not.

As usual if you get bored you can bug me at Yada yada yada I aint got much energy right now so until the next chapter when I feel a bit more into it! ^_^

Best wishes

Next: Chapter 11

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