Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Jun 28, 2000


The usual legal jargon, get the hell outta here if you don't belong or don't care to read :P.

I don't claim to know anything about any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. This is a work of fiction nothing more.

Hot and Humid

Chapter 2

I was still in a daze by the time that I made it back to my place; today just didn't feel right. First I take care of this sweet little guy called Jonathan and then I meet his older brother Justin. The only trouble is that Justin just happens to be Justin Timberlake of *n'sync and Justin just happens to invite me to one of his concerts. What the hell is wrong with that I hear you say? Well aside from the fact that he's almost assuredly one hundred percent straight! I can't think of too much more. Oh by the way did I mention that I'm gay?

"Oh well," I mumble under my breath as I fish for my keys. "He's just trying to be nice." After putting away all of my crap and corruption back into their usual places I collapsed unto my bed, closed my eyes and let the events from earlier that day seep in. I breathed deeply in and out in an attempt to calm myself down.

After about ten minutes I got up, stretched, yawned and decided to go check my mail down in the lobby.

"Everything's in its place," I thought to myself as I got up and grabbed the mail key. "Hmmmmm He did say that I was cute after all," I reminisced," if he's as sweet as his little brother there's a good chance he's pretty cool." Slowly I let a smile creep across my face as the elevator light dinged for the lobby and the old metal doors squealed open to allow me passage. I shock my head and thought of how many teenage girls would sell their souls just for a chance to talk to Justin and here I am wondering if he's interested?

I slid my key into number 103 gave it a small twist and opened the compartment to see what awaited me inside.

"Bills, junk, bills...... And more bills," I said to no one in particular as I thumbed through the stack of multi coloured envelopes without much interest.

"Wait a sec," I mumbled as something caught my interest. One ticket to the *N'sync concert stared excitedly back at me from in amongst all the others. Dumbstruck, I picked it out from all the rest and heard something fall to the floor. I bent down to pick up the backstage pass that was hidden behind the concert ticket off the lobby floor.

"Oh wow," I sputtered, "I almost forgot. "But a back stage pass too..... :) My eyes glazed over as I walked back to the evelator I couldn't believe what was happening. "Should I be very happy or very.. No," I quickly brushed away that thought and decided that I'd have a great time tonight come hell or high water.

With my spirits perked back up again I rode the elevator back to my room and decided to fix myself something to eat tonight before heading out. I glanced over to my bed side clock, six-thirty seven it read. "Perfect," I said to myself, "plenty of time to get ready.

I set all the junk mail (along with those pain in the ass end bills) on the counter top and pressed the play button on my answering machine.

"Hey Ryan it's Emily calling," her voice came through loud and clear. She was never one to be soft spoken :). "It's six o'clock right now and I'll be back home in fifteen so I thought that you and I could go clubbin tonight. I know how much you like to sit on your ass all night and paint," I made a face at the machine, "so how's about you 'n me spend a night on the town? Give me a ring gotta go kiddo ciao."

I felt terrible, I sat down and started dailing her number.

"Hello," a familiar voice cam through.

"Hey Mitsie is Em there yet?" I asked. Mitsie is Em's new rommie. Since they both work at the same company and they were both good friends, the two of them agreed to share a room to split the costs. Mitsie's nice but she can be a little flaky at times (go fig :()

"Ryan, oh yeah here yah go wait one second." I could hear Mitsie call Em to the phone, there was a small shuffle and finally she picked up.

"Ryan, hey, how was work," she questioned, "so whad'ja think about going out tonight, huh."

"Yah Emily that's why I'm callen hun," I started, "we'll you see I met this guy and ...."

"What," she cut me off, "what's his name? Is he cute? What colour is his hair? Eyes? Man you never meet anyone!" she bubbled over. One nice thing about Emily 'n me is that we can easily share the excitement that the other feels and this time was no exception. (We'll except mine was more reserved :)).

"No Em he just said that I was cute, that's all."

"That's all," she spat, "that's all!!!! My last boy friend, Tom, was never that sweet in over three whole months!"

"Yah well it's not my fault that you can't pick 'em," I returned.

"Hey I..."

"No seriously, he's Justin Timberlake and I met him through his little brother Jonathan this afternoon at the gallery. As a little thank you present he envited me to his concert tonight, and get this he also got me a backstage pass for the show as well."

"Wow boyo," she started, "moven up in the world I see."


"No really," she laughed, "isn't he that teen idol from that group *N'sync or somethen?"

"Yeah," I replied, "so......"

"So.... Don't get mobbed by little twelve years old at the concert tonight wanting to be the mother of your friend's children. Wouldn't want that cut face of yours to get trampled to death by their raging hormones. I worry about you yah know."

"Thanks Em," I laughingly replied, "you know that I can take care of myself."

"With all that karate you always go to I should hope so," she stated, "take care hun and don't worry 'bout tonight, Mitsie and I'll hit the bars enjoy the concert."

"Be careful," I cautioned, "I don't wanna be busten your bu outta jail anytime soon."

"Hah," she jeered, "I'd never get caught. But seriously you'd better get ready for your show, love you lots Ryan and be good to your teen idol. Bye."

"Bye Em and thanks." With that I hung up the phone and walked over to the fridge. I still needed to fix myself something to eat and have a shower plus I'd better get a move on if I wanted to find my seat. I had a funny fealing about tonight but I couldn't really place it...

A few minutes later I had caught my bus and I was on my way to the show. In case if you're curious I had on a pair of hunter green cargo shorts and a plain white T-shirt (nothing too exciting as far as I'm concerned :)). Anyhow, the bus driver was a little bit of a pain in the ass towards people in general that night but I didn't think too much of it at the time.

As luck would have it the bus soon became caught in a traffic jam due to (you guessed it) the *N'sync concert that night. Mentally I shrugged to myself, gathered up all my junk and calmly got off the bus.

"It's not that far to downtown anyway," I thought to myself, "and besides it's only seven thirty and the concert wont even think about starting until eight." I slung my bag over one shoulder and trudged on. About five seconds after I'd gotten off the dry, secure bus, the weather shifted and it started to pour with rain. "Gotta love Florida," I grumbled as I pulled out my coat with one hand and covered my open bag with the other. "Sunny one second dreary the next," I started to lightly jog towards my destination.

I managed to squeeze into concert about fifteen minutes later as I came in soaked to the bone with rain. I brushed some of my dark hair outta my face and proceeded to try to fend off the crowd and get to my seat in one piece.

I was so amazed at the turn out. Normally boy band concerts weren't my thing (thank god). But this was incredible; there were millions of screaming teenage girls just waiting to get a piece of their favorite pop icons. There were signs professing their undying love for their favorite member of every size and shape imaginable. I couldn't help but feel a little out of place but then again what guy wouldn't? There were a few parents and a few boy friends all of whom looked very frazzled. Silently I chuckled to myself but I still couldn't shake this feeling of intense foolishness.

"All these girls are just waiting to see, 'them,' what would ever make me think that even if he was gay and that he's A) Came out to anyone; B) Will ever come out and/or C) Will ever want me as a boyfriend. Sign, this is too damn complicated."

Finally I got to my seat, which wasn't too shabby either, and the show began to start. I don't even think that I even listened to Destiny's Child through their opening act; I was too busy lost in thought. After the ladies finished, they disappeared off stage and the lights grew dim.

Suddenly with a flash of fire works five figures were on stage and the screams from the audience grew even more deafening than the music. Each member was decked out in some strange flashy costume and when the music started blaring out each one began to dance.

Soon I was lost in the melody of the experience; the din of the teenage hormones was drowned out by the melody of the five artists on stage...

The concert continued and I soon lost all track of time. Soon the concert was nearing a close and I decided to take this time to leave quietly.

I grabbed the nearest side door that looked like it leaded to the outside world. At this point I felt terrible about even having accepted the ticket and backstage pass. Something just never really felt right about the idolization of stars to me. It never felt like it had any substance behind it and I knew that given the situation I would probably fall into the same trap.

After about two minutes of wondering around I quickly got myself good and lost. I heard the din of the applause as the concert finally ended. I reassured myself that Justin was probably tired anyway and would just be in the way, "that was provided that I could ever find my way out of this rat maze," I thought to myself.

Abruptly the corridor that I had been following for the past few feet branched in two. I looked to the right and could see the never ending maze to which I'd become more than familiar. To the left there was a door about ten feet down with a warm glow coming from the slit between it and the floor.

Just as I started to walk towards the left I felt someone grab me by the hand. Startled, I spun around on my heels and came face to face with my assailant.

God I'm sick of it already. Let me know what you think (This is a first time thing so keep that in mind :)). Anyhow best wishes until the next chapter P.S Thanks for the encouragement (you know who you are...)

Next: Chapter 3

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