Hot and Humid

By . .

Published on Jun 30, 2000


The usual legal jargon, get the hell outta here if you don't belong or don't care to read :P.

I don't claim to know anything about any of the celebrities mentioned in this story. This is a work of fiction nothing more.

Hot and Humid

Chapter 3

"You ok," a recognizable warm face asked me, "you looked kind of lost". My eyes must have glazed over once again and my brain was still reeling from the eardrum bursting concert so my response must have been a little delayed.

He was standing not one foot from me with a concerned expression on his face and I could tell he was dead tired.

"Actually," I replied gathering all my wits and determination about me, "I'm looking for the..."

"Oh the dressing room," he interrupted seeing the backstage pass in my left hand. "Common this way," he gestured for me to follow in behind him.

"Damn," I thought to myself, "the only thing that I wanted was the way out," I mentally kicked myself. After the concert I really didn't feel like I had the strength or the will to meet the rest of the group, but I figured since I'd already met two of the members already and they both seemed nice enough...

"Oh by the way," he gestured giving me his hand and firmly embracing mine. I'm JC but please call me Josh."

"Thanks Josh," I smiled warmly, "I'm Ryan. You know," I scratched my neck as I continued to walk beside him, "you really didn't need to tell me your name, I kinda already know who you are."

"Sorry," he blushed lightly and laughed, "sometimes it slips my mind." He turned his head and smiled back at me. After a minute or two Josh turned to me again and asked, "So Ryan are you the guy that Justin mentioned had taken care of his brother the other day?"

"That would be me," I smiled, "guilty as charged," I raised one eyebrow in mock amusement.

"Wow," was all that Josh could say as a look of bewilderment spread across his features.

"What," I started, "what's all that exciting".

"Nothing, it's just that Justin's brother Jonathan can be a real handful sometimes," he stated as he wiped the sweat from his brow with a hand towel.

"You must be very good with kids Ryan I know I don't have the patience."

"It's no big deal," I shrugged, "you just have to catch their attention and be sure to keep it for as long as possible."

"Hmmmm, still Justin's brother man ouch," he gestured as he jumped a little, "that kid's hard to live with sometimes."

"Ha," I jeered, "is my little cohort in crime bugging you"?

"Cohort nothin, he's almost as bad as Joey and Chris," he laughed.


"You'll see," he gestured as he reached out and opened the door to the right. "You're gonna get along just fine from what I can tell," he pushed open the door into the unknown and I, obligingly, followed in behind.

I stepped out of the hall and into a brightly-lit room I blinked several times as I tried to shield my eyes with my hand. I could vaguely make out three exhausted forms sitting on a very large couch in the corner as m eyes slowly came back into focus.

"Hey JC who's our mystery guest," a tired voice croaked out as he downed some bottled water. "Oh common you can't be that ugly can yah," he teased.

"Hi Chris," I started, "nice to meet you too". I rubbed my eyes one final time and turned to JC, "I think I can see what you mean," he only laughed lightly to himself as he crossed the room and grabbed a bottle of water off the counter top.

"Hey," Chris started, "what's that mean, oh and by the way, who the heck are you," he asked gesturing at me, I just smiled.

"Hey Ryan, glad that you could make it," a very sweaty Justin spoke up. Turning to Chris and Joey (who was the other member on the couch but the way :)) and said, "Ryan here helped take care of Jonathan for me today before his plane left so I invited him to the concert as a little thank you gift".

"Man, I take back the teasing," Chris joked, "anyone that can deal with that kid is stronger than me".

"You're not kidding," Joey perked up, "that little guy can be a real handful even without all the sugar".

"Hey," Justin smacked Chris upside the head with a pillow and tossed one at Joey. "That's my little bro. that ch'ore talken about man," Justin laughed as he picked up the other pillow and soon an all out war had begun. Joey beaned Justin upside the head, Justin beaned Chris, Chris beaned Joey and so on and so forth until the three of them where even more worn out. All three collapsed back onto the couch while JC looked on in amusement.

"You guys are terrible," I laughed as I found a chair and sat down across from the couch. No sooner had I set down my bag then three pillows whizzed by my head. "Um, not that that's a bad thing," I threw up my hands in mock defeat. "Hey, one, two, three, four," I pointed to each member in turn, "Hmm wait a sec something's missing. I rested my chin on my right hand and did my best to put on my confused sap expression.

"If you're wondering about Lance Ryan we didn't lose him," Josh smiled.

"Although it might be a good idea," Chris added.

"Yeah, that'll mean more work for you though," Justin laughed.

"Um, what I really meant to say was, 'Gee were did Lance get to anyway,' that good enough?"

"I think that'll work," I answered.

"No really," Joey started, "I think that he went to discuss something about the events for the next week with the manager and to see about getting more security for our concerts in the future."

"Hmmmm, that might be a good idea," I raised an eye brow, "considering the fact that I've ran around this rat maze for the past ten minutes and haven't seen any security guards might be a problem."

"I was wondering about that Ryan," Josh said as he looked down at his water bottle. "I'm pretty sure that the guards set up a parameter only after the concert is over but that would mean that you left before we finished the last song," I sniffed and pouted. I got up and punched him arm.

"Sorry I just had to pull myself away from you guys," I stated without any expression and to no one in particular. "But I wanted to give the girls beside me as much room as possible."

"Geese Ryan," Justin looked hurt, "I saw the girls beside you from the stage during Destiny's Child's opening act and they didn't seem too bad."

"Hmm I thought to myself, "he watched me during the show.....

"Sorry Justin I'm not ungrateful or anything," I quickly said, "it's just that they were excited to the point of repeatedly puking all over the seat and well as attractive as that may be..."

"Ewwww," Justin replied as he contorted his face and shrank away, "I see your point gross. Throwing up is definitely not fun," he gestured with water bottle in hand.

"Actually it's one of my favorite pass times I replied in my best air head/space cadet impersonation. "But I have to say," I continued, "I like to do it the absolute most out of moving vehicles, oh you have to try that!"

Josh looked like he was right ready to fall off the counter top, Chris and Joey just laughed and Justin's expression just got more contorted. "Kidding, I'm only....."

There was a noise from the outside, the sound of a key entering the keyhole. The knob turning. The door being pushed open and a tall blond figure stepping through. "He guys I just got a hold of Nancy in costumes and she needs to see us tommor..," he looked up from his stack of papers and looked around the room.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize that we, I thought, oh geese, hi I'm Lance," he gestured extending me his hand.

"Hi I'm Ryan," I smiled and proceeded to firmly shake his hand. "You've missed all the fun," I cocked my head to the right, "I was just telling your band mates the joy's and wonder's of..."

"Ugh," that's enough of that," Justin jumped up, "I'd like to get something to eat tonight and be able to hold it down, please?"

"Aw J you're no fun," I pouted and crossed my arms.

"Ryan I.." he looked back at me.

"Hey Justin don't take me too seriously now, it could get dangerous," I burst out laughing.

"Anyhow I'm starved," JC stated jumping off the counter top he stopped to pick up his keys. "What do you guys say to going out to a club tonight? You're welcome to tag along if you want to Ryan," Josh asked as he opened the door.

"Sure, that is if you guys can stand me," he joked looking around the room.

"No problem here," Chris replied.

"Ditto," Joey commented as he and Chris got off the couch.

"Sounds good to me," Lance added in with a smile, "now what the heck were you guys talking about before I showed up."

"Well...," Josh began.

"Humph I donno Ryan," Justin sulked, "that depends if I really feel like being stuck around you all night."

"Is that right," I muttered, "well then I suppose you'd prefer little miss throw up instead?"

"Oh absolutely," he cheered, "any day of the week, good clean acidic fun."

"Fun for the whole family," Joey added in, "um hey do you guys mind if I invite Cheryl to come along too?" The guys couldn't seem to find any real reason as to why not so Joey grabbed his cell and dialed up her number.

"Who's Cheryl," I whispered to Justin.

"Joey's new girl friend, the get along great," he returned.

"Ok guys where should she meet us?" Joey asked as he covered the receiver with his hand.

Soon all the arrangements were taken care of and well planned out. Being the outsider, I just sat in the corner and waited for everything to come together.

"Common Joe," Chris tugged on the back of Joey's shirt and dragged him out the door, "we'll take my car. Hey guys we'll meet you there in ten, okay."

"Sounds good," Josh added the two disappeared from sight. "Hey Lance wanna come?"

"Sure Josh hang on a sec," Lance grabbed his coat from behind the door. "Hey Justin," he added turning around to face Justin and myself, "we'll take care of the management stuff, how 'bout we meet you guys there later k?"

"Cool," Justin replied.

"See ya there," Josh added as the door closed behind them.

"You ready to go Justin?" I asked turning my head to face him.

"Yep," he smiled, "but I've just got to get changed". He walked towards a side door, opened it and stepped through gesturing for me to follow. "Hang on a sec, this won't take long," Justin called as he stepped behind a changing curtain, "you don't mind keeping me company do you"?

"No of course not Justin, you're a nice guy."

"So Ryan tell me a little about yourself I'm sure you've heard just about every little thing about me and then some," he laughed.

"Yeah being a star has its little quirks doesn't it? Well I guess I should start from the beginning huh?

"That might help," he giggled.

And so I began to tell him everything (well..... Almost everything :))

After Justin finished getting cleaned up (I took a shower as I later found out (damn those places have everything don't they?)) we headed out to his car.

"Isn't it a little hard to wash your hair when it's all done up like that?" I asked.

"Not really no," he shrugged while opening his car door, "you should've seen it before it was really hard to get it to behave."

I laughed, "I can only imagine". I got in and strapped on my seat belt. "Wow J," I marveled, "your car looks a whole lot better in the inside.

"Thanks," he smiled back. Briefly I was reminded of earlier that day.

"So where are Jonathan and your Mother off too today," I asked with curiosity.

"Oh Mum n him are off to Europe for the first part of July," Justin added glumly. "Mom's gone with one of the bands that she's helping out with and J is there for the ride."

"Wow," I commented as the traffic lights streamed by, their greens and yellows a blur with the speed of moving vehicle. "Justin," I inquired.

"Yeah," he smiled as he tried to concentrate on the traffic, "what's on your mind?"

"Hmm I just wanted to thank you," I beamed.

"Don't mention it, when I met you today I dunno I feel like I've known you forever. Does that sound nuts to you," he asked when we were stopped at a traffic light he turned slightly to look at me in the face.

"Not at all," I returned, "I feel the same way. I mean cummon how many people can I openly joke and tease around with after only having known them for how many hours?" I asked. He just smiled.

Justin hit the left turn signal and lightly pressed the bake pedal, we were here.

"I gotta get out more," I thought to myself, "I didn't even know that this place existed. Well come to think of it, it is pretty far from where I live anyway." Justin found a great parking spot because the night was still very young. "Good thing you don't have to work in the morning isn't it," I remembered, "I'm going to have a kick ass time tonight". I'd already promised myself to treat the guys like everyone else, they were all really cool so far.

I climbed out of the car and started walking up to the entrance to the club/restaurant/bar I was too busy to notice someone watching my ass as I went.

Well what do you think? I'm kinda stuck as to what to have happen in the next few chapters and as for sex we'll have to see what I decide on :)

Gotta go my hands'll fall off at any second

Send any comments to Thanks to everyone for their comments and encouragement I means a lot to me. P.S Don't forget this is a first time deal :). P.P.S I haven't looked it over already so I'm expecting a few screw ups!! Oh well


Next: Chapter 4

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