Hotel's Can Suck

By Rob Hoek (Bob Hook, Storyguy22)

Published on Aug 11, 2006



The following depicts male/male sex. If that is not your content of interest, please make another reading selection. Otherwise, enjoy, and please feel free to comment at the email listed below.

Some years back, as a part of my company's so-called career pathing program, I was assigned to a stint in our Corporate Training Department. The career path thing was a kind of pet program of the executives, with the idea being to fast-track young managers that were considered promotional candidates through various departments of the state wide company. It was thought that this multiple department experience would serve to round out the manager being groomed, and, at the same time, provide the opportunity for broad exposure of the candidate to upper management in various company departments, and locations.

Upon checking in with the training department boss, I was tasked to travel the state over the next year, or so, and provide training to all employees who's jobs were migrating from the soon-to-be obsolete manual processes, to the new computer based processes. After a couple of weeks of intense training of the trainer, ie, me, I worked out my training and travel schedules, loaded my supplies in my car, and hit the road.

It turned out to be an interesting assignment, and I enjoyed the travel, and the meeting of tons of people within the business, and, for the most part, I was loving the assignment. The part that quickly grew old, though, was the near-living in hotels and motels. A steady five, or six day a week diet of living out of a suitcase, and eating coffee shop meals loses it's charm rapidly, and night after night of tv viewing in a lonely motel room can leave a lot to be desired, as well. In the beginning, I had fallen into the pattern of returning to my room after work, changing into more casual clothes, and finding a place for dinner. After eating, I would generally adjourn to the hotel bar, or a nearby pub, and while away the evening sipping drinks, and seeking fellow roadies to chat with. It didn't take very long, though, to reach the conclusion that this was an expensive habit, and, also one that eventually was going to have a seriously negative impact on my liver. So, in deference to my wallet, and health, I abandoned my pub crawling, and resigned myself to endless evenings of rather boring television in a series of equally dull rooms.

That tack had seen me through the dark, and wet winter months well enough, but now, as Spring rolled over to summer, and the weather grew much too nice to waste in front of the television, I once again altered my evening tactics. It became my pattern to return to my hotel after work, and hit the pool for an hour or so, which gave me some break from the bleak hotel rooms, and the opportunity to get a good workout swimming laps. Following my swim, I would usually shower, and go forth in search of an evening repast, then, return to my room, and the tv, until bedtime. The evening that altered that routine came on a Saturday, when I had needed to squeeze in an extra training session in order to cover a large number of people by conducting a Saturday session. My next weeks schedule had me in a nearby city, and, given that one day off did not justify a trip all the way home, I decided to just stay another night where I had been all week, and travel to the next city on Sunday.

I returned to the hotel Saturday evening, and did my normal trip to the pool, then dinner. As I walked from my car to the room, I realized what a truly beautiful, warm evening it was, and as I entered the small, stuffy room, I decided that it was just too nice out not to enjoy it a bit longer. I changed back into my swim trunks, grabbed a towel, and pushed two beers into the ice bucket, and walked back over to the pool area. I put the ice bucket and beers on a table, and dropped my towel over a chair, then, dove in, and swam some slow, easy laps of the pool. As I got out, I decided to spend a few minutes in the hot water of the spa, and walked over there, and eased myself down into the frothy, steaming water, and settled back against the spa wall, closing my eyes, as I relaxed totally.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled, when a voice suddenly broke my reverie, saying,

"You make that look really inviting....mind if I join you?"

I opened my eyes, and looked up, settling my gaze on a guy who appeared slightly younger than myself, maybe mid-twenties. He was nice looking, very clean cut, with a slight build, maybe 5' 10" or so, and I guessed maybe 160 pounds. He was smiling, and I noticed his stunningly white teeth, and his sandy-blond hair, topping what appeared to be a smooth, and nicely developed chest, and trim waist. I returned his nice smile, and nodded my head, saying,

"Hi...sure...come on in...and your feels great.."

He eased himself down into the froth, and settled back, sitting off to my right about three feet, and exhaled deeply.

"Oh man....nice....damn nice...!" he sighed.

We chatted back and forth, exchanging names, and sharing our stories of how we came to be sharing a hotel hot tub on a beautiful Saturday evening. His name was Brian, he told me, and he had been in town a couple of days attending a vendor product show for his company. He hailed from the neighboring state, and worked in purchasing for a large retail corporation there, and would, like me, be leaving the following morning. I told him my name was Rob, and how I had come to share this hot water with him on this particular evening, and during the course of our conversation, I went over and retrieved my iced down beers, giving one of them to Brian. We sipped at the beers, lapsing easily into comfortable chat, and I found myself genuinely liking him, and happy at having a friend to talk with for a change. At one point, Brian stood, and stretched widely, and for whatever reason, I suddenly found myself staring at the impressive lump in his clinging trunks, as well as amiring his trim, swimmers body. As he came out of the stretch, he half turned to retrieve a towel from behind him, and my gaze focused on his firm little butt, nicely defined by the wet trunks. He brought the towel to his boyish face, and swabbed at the sweat there, and my eyes once more zoomed into his nicely bulging crotch. The passing thought that he was either nicely hung, or half erect, or maybe both, surprised me, and I nervously cleared my throat, forcing my gaze away from his well packed trunks.

What the fuck, I chided myself, since when are you a crotch-watcher, Rob....Jesus...I haven't had an interest in another guys cock since I was, what, sixteen maybe...but still...well...I had to admit it did look...interesting...! Brian settled back into the water, closer this time, and our bare legs made contact as he sat down next to me. My cock was suddenly very aware of his presence, and I felt it thicken, and push at the soaked material of my trunks, and my pulse quickened, as he looked at me, and flashed his dazzling smile, as he said,

"Man, Rob, this is great....way better than just killing a nice evening with the tv, or whatever....I'm really glad that we met this way."

I smiled back, and nodded, my mind racing trying to understand my sudden, and serious interest in this young guy, and not only interest, but a definite sexual awareness as well. Wow...go figure!

"You certainly have that right, Brian...I get so damned bored with hotel rooms, and really is great to find a new friend to share the evening with." I replied.

More minutes passed, and neither of made any attempt to break the leg contact that we had going on, and after a bit, Brian shifted slightly, adding pressure against my thigh, as he slid his arms up into the spas edge, one of them snaking behind my shoulders. I heard my pulse pounding in my ears, and was shocked to realize that I was now sitting there with an erection that I could have driven nails with, and I all but jumped out of my skin, when Brian ran his hand over my shoulders, and neck, giving me a firm squeeze, as he commented,

"Man, really stay in shape, dude...nice tone here, although maybe a little tight...tense..."

I shuddered, my cock throbbing in my trunks, and gulped, searching for my voice, and finally muttered,

"Um...thanks...I try to get in some exercise every day...and yea...your right...I am kind of tensed up right now..."

He chuckled softly, still lightly trailing his fingers over my skin, and I actually felt dizzy, as he moved his hand to my bicep, and stoked his fingers up and down, kneading my arm, as he said quietly,

"Tension will ruin your sleep, dude...seriously...tell you what...I have some brews on ice in the about we head up there, have a cold one....and...I'll see if I can't massage away some of that tension for you...?"

Well damn! There it was, and about as subtle as a head-on train wreck, too. I had just been fricking propositioned, and by another guy, too! Feeling as if I was about to plunge off a steep cliff, I sucked in a deep breath, and released it, as I looked into his smiling eyes, and said, just above a whisper,

"You know, as much as it totally surprises me, I really think that I would like that...damn...I really, really do!"

Brian chuckled again, his head nodding slowly, as he gave my bicep a firm squeeze, and replied,

"Oh, I guarantee you will definitely like it, Rob...I'm told that I am actually very good at relieving will sleep like a baby tonight...!"

I nodded dumbly, my ears roaring with the sound of my hammering heart, as I flashed back over my sixteenth summer, when I had taken to playing sexually with a buddy from school. It had been amazing at the time, my first real outlet for my raging teen hormones, and I had plunged into sex play with him with unabashed gusto, continuing the mutual jacking, and sucking with him for most of that summer, until school reconvened, and I managed finally to hookup with a member of the fair sex that possessed hormones equal to mine, so equal in fact that the sum total of my sexual energies were centered on her, abandoning my boyhood foray into the boy/boy play. Yes, I bravely told myself, been there, done that, but man, that was, like, fifteen years ago, and I was just a horny kid. What then, was this, I asked myself, then answered my own question, as I realized that at this moment I was pretty much exactly the same, only a horny adult, instead of the kid.

I looked into Brian's eyes, and he nodded, gripping my arm, as he stood, and pulled me up with him. As we stood there, he continued to stroke my upper arm, as his eyes dropped to survey the totally obvious protrusion poking at the front of my trunks, and he licked his full lips, as he said,

"Oh my...yea...that is definitely a lot of....tension...!"

He stepped out of the spa, and I followed as moth to the flame, and before I knew what was what, we were rapidly traversing the patio, and climbing the stairs to his room. He stopped in front of the door, and keyed it open, then led me inside. He shut the door, and said,

"Why don't you open us a beer, over there....and I'll be right back."

He walked into the bathroom, and I moved over to the table, and fished a beer out of the ice, and began twisting the cap. For the second time of the evening, I damned near climbed out of my skin, as Brian silently eased in behind me, and slid his arms around my waist, his hand moving directly onto my erection as he gripped it, and stroked it's length.

"Hmm...nice....very very...tense...!" he whispered behind me, and I shuddered, as I groaned,

"Oh shit....Brian...dude....damn, that's so good...but's kind of over the top, too....uh...oh man...!"

Still gently gripping my now throbbing erection, he continued to stroke me, and I could feel the warmth of his breath on the back of my neck, and shoulders, as he said quietly,

"No Rob...not over the top...just focus on the they say, if it feels good....right....?"

I inhaled a deep breath, and slowly let it go, my body completely aware of the warm pleasure that was spreading over my groin, and my mind racing with mixed messages about what was going on here, one part telling me this was just wrong, way too gay, but another part was equally loud in telling me it felt awesome having him touch me this way. If push actually came to shove, I suppose that aroused, and raging hormones will win every time over logic, and I suddenly knew that this moment was definitely not going to be an exception, as I shuddered strongly, and leaned back into Brian, as he continued to knead my rigid cock, as his other hand moved slowly over the bare skin of my stomach.

He sensed my subdued acceptance of his advances, and he released his grip long enough to slide his hand inside my swim trunks, and grip my bare cock with his soft hand. I shuddered again, and groaned, as his palm moved down to gently cup my heavy ball sac, his fingers gently probing my balls, as he said softly,

"That's it Rob...good...just relax, and enjoy...let me...I want to make you feel wonderful....just trust me, and go with it..."

I exhaled again, and closed my eyes, letting my muscles relax, as I sagged more heavily against him, forcing the alarming thoughts from my brain, as I focused all my senses on the intense feelings of pleasure that coursed through me. Brian seemed to sense that too, and took it to mean my resistance had melted, as he moved back slightly, and slid his hand out of my trunks, and gripped my arm, as he steered us toward the bed. He sat, guiding me to stand in front of him, as he ran his soft hands over my chest, and stomach, his slender fingers gliding over my sensitive nipples, as I looked down in mild amazement at seeing him touch me that way. He hooked his fingers in the elastic of the trunks, and with a quick glance up at me, he tugged them out over my pulsing erection, and pushed them down my legs, until they puddled at my feet.

My cock sprang free of the confinement, and stood rigid, poking off my groin at sharp angle, as Brian stared at it, his face so very close that I actually felt his warm breath on my cock head. Slowly, he moved his hand lower on my stomach, and let his fingers slide through my pubes, before once more closing them firmly around my turgid shaft, and stroking it. My knees went rubbery as he worked the flat of his thumb across my oozing cock head, and I shuddered once more, feeling a dull aching sensation deep in my balls, and he moved his other hand down to once more cup my scrotum, and finger the orbs within. I rolled my head back, more soft moans escaping my chest, and I felt my precum drooling from my slit as he stroked me in a slow, steady rhythm.

"You have a great cock, Rob...awesome...and these nuts are loaded, big much precum...nice...!" he muttered, each word sending another mist of warm breath across my very wet cock head.

The whole experience was mind-bending, and I was so turned on by his expert ministrations that I was actually trembling. I could feel my balls tighten already, and I knew I wasn't far from popping, so intense were the sensations he was providing, along with the concept itself of what was happening. I felt him adjust slightly, then grip the base of my cock between finger, and thumb, as he suddenly leaned into me, and slid my rigid cock inside his warm, wet, mouth. The sensation was so totally intense that I almost buckled, and fell, as my hands shot out to grip his head to maintain my balance, as he began moving that incredible mouth over my raging hardon, settling into a sucking rhythm that was rapidly driving me to the edge. His delicate finger surrounded my balls, and my hips began gently bucking, as he moved that warm, silky mouth over my drooling length, and pumped his fingers at the base of my shaft at the same time, and in minutes I felt my balls draw up, and my shaft flexed in his mouth, as I released a deep growling sound, and exploded, my cum ejecting into his sucking mouth in rapid volleys, as I gripped the sides of his head to avoid falling.

It actually seemed like I was never going to stop shooting, as jet after rapid jet spewed into his mouth, and he stayed right with me, gulping my creamy load as fast as it flooded his mouth. Finally, it ended, and my legs seemed to turn to Jello, as I staggered back slightly, my wilting cock slipping from his lips. He grabbed onto my hands, and tugged me toward him, where I collapsed onto the bed, my chest heaving, and gasping loudly, as I gulped in new air. Brian rolled onto the bed, and stretched out beside me, his hand closing over my spent cock to milk the last dribbles of my incredible discharge. He released me then, and smiled at me, his handsome face slightly flushed, and a small trickle of my cum drooling from the corner of his mouth. I blinked several times, my mind still reeling from the intense orgasm, and he winked, and said,

"Wow, stud...I figured you were pretty charged!"

I just looked at him, still somewhat incredulous from what just happened, then, nodded somewhat sheepishly, and mumbled,

"Uh, yea...guess so....but man...Jesus, that was intense...amazing...!"

He chuckled, nodding his agreement, then rolled over beside me, and dropped his head on a pillow. I looked over his trim, smooth body, and for the first time noticed that he had apparently taken off his swim suit when he had gone into the bathroom, and now only a snow white towel was wrapped around his slim waist. The towel was struggling to contain his powerful looking erection, and I watched it pulsing against the material, then, slowly savored his toned legs, and golden tanned torso. He was virtually hairless above the waist, with a light dusting of fuzz on his lower legs, and his nipples were dark brown dots that contrasted with the tanned skin of his chest. Intrigued, but tentative, I ran my hand over the smooth skin of his chest, and let my fingers graze over his erected nipples, and he mewed softly, as my hand trailed lower, caressing the flat of his tummy. He opened his eyes, and smiled again, as he said quietly,

"Nice...really nice....but, don't really have to, you know...?"

Still making small circles on his soft tummy, I let my fingers trail slightly lower, just running a finger along the edge of the towel just above his pulsing erection, as I replied,

"Yup...don't have to, I know...but...I'm going to, anyway...!"

With that, I surrendered all pretense of not wanting, badly, to explore this very fine specimen of youthful manhood that stretched before me, and wound my fingers into the towel, and tugged it free. Brian lifted his butt a little, allowing me to pull the towel from under him, and I dropped it to the floor, my eyes feasting hungrily on his rock hard cock where it lay against his lightly haired groin.

And, a beauty it was, too. A good six or more inches in length, it was so perfect as to nearly be sculpted, a healthy pink skin tone, smooth as a rod of glass, and topped with a slightly flared head that was shaped as a perfect helmet. He was expertly circumcised, the ring of trimmed away foreskin circling his shaft just under the head a slightly darker tone than the rest, and his balls were plump, and held tightly between his toned thighs in a crinkly, and mostly hairless, little pouch. I walked my fingers up the inside of his thigh, and gently probed at the snug scrotum, and prodded the firm orbs within, and he moaned softly. Trailing higher, I ran my fingers up the underside of his pulsing shaft, and over the damp, smooth head, teasing at the tiny slit that freely oozed his excitement. Closing my fingers around the shaft just below the shiny head, I lifted it away from his groin, and leaned in, as I extended my tongue, and lapped across the slick head several times. Brian tensed under my assault, and made repeated purring sounds as I tongued the silky smooth head of his cock. His nutty flavored precum invaded my taste buds, and I worked the tip of my tongue into the tiny, leaking slit, then, closed my lips over his crown, and sucked, capturing a new dollop of the slippery fluid as it emerged.

I slid his cock head from my lips, and licked all the way down his rigid shaft, then lapped wetly at his snug scrotum, and gently sucked each ball in turn, as my fingers continued to dance lightly over his erection. He was squirming some under the onslaught, and I saw his fists ball up, as he grabbed at the bedspread, as I licked my way back up his shaft, then, opened wide, and engulfed the entirety of his pretty cock inside my mouth. In spite of the years that had passed, I was instantly transported back to my teens, as the once familiar sensation of having a rock hard, and fully 98.6 degree, penis filling my mouth flashed over me as if it had been just yesterday. My taste buds exploded with his freshness, and I sensed the faint lingering chlorine from the spa on his satiny skin, and my mouth flooded with saliva as I relished the taste, and feel, of his hardness in my suddenly hungry mouth.

Brian gasped loudly, as I engulfed his cock, and captured his plump balls in my fingers, and I began sliding my drooling mouth up and down his rigid meat, relishing the firm fullness of it gliding over my tongue. His breathing turned loud, and ragged, as his hips bucked in rhythm with my movements on his oozing cock, and his fists hammered down on the bed, as I brought forth my `A' game, eager now to relive the explosive power of the orgasm I relentlessly drove him toward. I sucked him with a fervor that actually surprised me, my long forgotten youthful experiences suddenly filling me with desperate desire to make him cum, to feel, and taste his warm, creamy essence as it flooded into my mouth.

And Brian certainly did not disappoint, as in a matter of minutes, he reached his crescendo, and I felt his rigid cock swell, and jerk in my drooling mouth, as his balls ejected their nectar, and his throbbing tool erupted into my mouth. The first burst was so intense that it fired directly into my open throat, and I felt it slide smoothly into my gullet, as his second, third, and fourth ejections rapidly followed, flooding my already stuffed oral cavity with such volume that I could feel trails of the slimy fluid drool from the stretched corners of my mouth as I struggled to swallow his still draining ejaculate.

Finally, he was spent, and his tensed body collapsed like a well worn rag doll, as his tight fists relaxed, and he sagged into the mattress like he had been shot. I continued gently sucking his rapidly shrinking penis, coaxing the last dribbles of his offering, then, released it from my cream coated mouth. I ran my tongue over the roof of my mouth, savoring the slightly acrid taste of his thick fluids there, then, untangled myself from his wide splayed legs, and moved up to lie beside him. Our eyes met, and I noted the flush of his cheeks, and the fine bead of sweat on his forehead, and he flashed me his killer smile, as he moved his head slowly side to side, as if in disbelief, and muttered,

", am I ever glad that you wanted to do that...that...was...fucking...incredible...!"

Suddenly, I felt every bit as sheepish as I had before I began, and I felt the heat of a blush crawl over my face, and I smiled shyly at him, and managed to croak,

"Yea...I'm glad, too...and yea...incredible, is right..!"

So, Brian and I finally got around to having that cold beer, and then another, before our renewed desires inspired us back to the rumpled bed, where we mutually enjoyed a more subdued, but equally satisfying 69 that culminated in yet another serious mouthful of creamy cum. Sated then, and tired but happy, we said good bye, and I returned to my room to sleep better than I had in a long while.

I slept later than normal that Sunday morning, and when I went down to the desk to check out of the hotel, I was handed a note that Brian had left for me when he checked out an hour before. I paid my bill, and once in my car, I opened the note, and read,

"The evening, and you, were unforgettable, and it's quite likely that I will never again look at the usually dismal prospect of a night in a lonely hotel in quite the same way...thanks for the memory!" Brian

I chuckled, totally in agreement with his assessment, as I started the car, and headed off to my next assigned city, and yet another hotel, but with a completely different outlook on the new upcoming possibilities it might bring my way.

The End

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