
By moc.loa@8655otaK

Published on Jan 17, 2005


Disclaimer: This work is the sole property of the writer. It shall not be reproduced in any way, shape or form without written consent. The story below is for personal use only and may not be transferred to any other medium. This story is fictional and represents consensual acts between women. It is not meant to offend or change person's opinions or beliefs. Sorry, it has taken so long to continue. Thank you for the feedback.

Housecall/beginings/Chapter 3

Very early on Saturday morning, Holly's shift was finally over. There had been a hundred things that had happen but the only thing she could think of was that she had the next two nights off. She had last seen Tracey on Wednesday. After a basketball game, she had stopped at the hospital to eat lunch/dinner with Holly. They only spent a few minutes together, but Holly was grateful that she stopped.

Tonight would be the first real date they had in a social setting. The hospital and a private group were holding a fundraiser for AIDS research. Dr. Greg Walosky had asked Holly to go to the event months ago. Greg was the co-chair and would be there with his partner, Mark. Holly had been out to dinner several times with the couple. Greg and Holly were very close at work and with both being gay helped forge the friendship.

Holly pulled into the parking lot of Tracey apartment complex. It was still dark but the morning was about to break. Tracey had given Holly a key on Wednesday. She was quite funny about it. "I know you would get off work until late. And I can not guarantee that I will hear the doorbell. So just take this and if you want to come over when you are off work, you can." Holly smiled remembering how Tracey was stammering over her words as she handed over the key. "I'll see you when I get off work." Holly said as she was heading off to the next trauma case. She held the key in her hand as she walked down the hall way and towards the ER.

The key slid in to the lock and the door opened. The apartment was small, but extremely neat. What did Tracey think when she walked into my place, Holly thought. She had been to the apartment once before. She briefly came in as they were going to a movie. They had been dating a little over a month. They had met right after New Years and the month was flying by. This would be the first time that Holly actually slept in the apartment. Every time they would be together it was at Holly's house.

Holly put her jacket on the back of a chair in the kitchen. On the table, Tracey had left her a note telling her to make herself at home. She had showered at work and her hair was slightly damp. She set her bag down on the table. She had an overwhelming urge to just hold Tracey. She wanted her to feel the comfort that she was feeling. The bedroom door was slightly ajar and she could see Tracey sleeping.

She a viewed a number of people sleeping before in her life. None of them would she ever describe as sexy, but that was the only thing she was thinking as she watched Tracey sleep. She lifted the covers and slid into bed. Tracey moved slightly. Holly wrapped her arm around her and held Tracey from behind. Tracey snuggled up against her chest and pulled Holly's arm closer. Holly felt a warmth rush through her as she kissed Tracey temple.

Tracey knew as soon as Holly opened the apartment door. She had been waiting all night to see her. She had cleaned the apartment until it was spotless because she was filled with nervous energy. She saw Holly briefly on Wednesday night. She could tell she was tried and running on empty that night. She gave Holly the key to her apartment that night. Holly told her she would see her when she got off work. Tracey couldn't wait to see her. It had been ten days since they had physical contact with each other. Tracey was doing everything in her will power not to grab her on Wednesday night and kiss her in the middle of the hospital.

She felt Holly slip into bed with her. The dampness of her hair, the smell of her shampoo, the feel of the hospital scrubs, Holly always wore after her shift. She curled into her arm and snuggled up against her body. Holly leaned over and kissed her temple. Tracey's heart was racing. She turned to face Holly. They did not talk. They stared at each other for a second before they kissed. Tracey desired increased as they touched. Her hands began to stroke Holly's back and pull her closer. "I missed you" Tracey said as she gentle caressed Holly's breast with her finger. The areola peaked as a lazy circle was traced around it. Tracey replaced her finger with her tongue and heard the gasp of air from Holly. "I thought you were asleep." Holly whispered as she pulled off her top. Tracey's top slipped off her shoulder. Holly kissed her on the shoulder and on her neck. "I missed you" Tracey felt her shutter. "Are you cold?" Tracey asked as she looked for the comforter. Holly pulled her back to face her. "I'm in love. I love you." Holly spilled the words before Tracey knew what to do. Tears formed in her eyes as she said it. "I love you. I hate when I can't see you. I think about you all the time.

I can't control myself when I am around you. It's 5:30 in the morning and I'll I want to do is touch you and be with you. Don't cry." Tracey wiped a tear away. "I'm crying because I am happy." Holly laughed nervously. "You make me happy." "Well that's definitely more than okay." Tracey pulled off her shirt. Holly grabbed at her waistband and pulled off her sleeping pants. "What's with these?" Tracey teased about the scrubs as she slipped them off. "Free laundry" Holly said as she pushed Tracey back on the mattress. "All my free time is now dedicated to a very special person. No time for laundry."

"What do you have time for?" Tracey teased as felt the wetness between Holly's legs. "You." She silenced Tracey with her lips. ***** ***** ****** ******** ****

Tracey had woken up around ten thirty. She had talked to her mom on the phone. Her family was very accepting of her choice in lifestyle. She had a pretty serious girlfriend, Jenny Cross in college. Once that relationship broke up, She came out to her family. She thought that her father would be very upset since he was a career military man. He was very accepting. Her mother on the other hand, was extremely upset and disappointed. Tracey was the only girl in a family of four children. Her mother's disappointment was more towards experiences that she thought she and Tracey would have. Tracey explained that she wanted to be happy. For her to be happy meant that she would not spend her life with a man. She hoped that she would find some that she would be happy with.

Holly's declaration this morning had been unexpected. Tracey had these feelings that she dared not to voice because of the newness of the relationship. She fell in love with Holly the first week that they spent together. The sex was great but it was the little things that she did. A message on her voicemail at ten thirty in the morning just to say hi and let her know that she was thinking about her. Holly knew Tracey was in class but when she got home from work there was a message just to say hi. Or the email she sent before the big basketball game wishing the team good luck.

These were things that no one prior had ever done. Tracey had dated a few people. The strangest was a former student, Lori Williams that was in her junior year of college. They dated most of the summer that Lori was home. They played on the same softball team and hung out at the bay most of the time. One of the women on the softball team, Maxie had a house on the bay with a boat. Tracey had even gone out with Maxie a coupe of times, but they were better friends. Probably the most interesting relationship had been with a friend from high school, Donna Engle that she ran into at a picnic. She was the first person that her mother actually liked and accepted. The relationship lasted ten months, but decided that it was better that they stay friends.

As of late, she had been too busy with finishing up her master degree, coaching basketball and working. When the accident happened, she was sitting right behind Carl, the driver. Her assistant coach, Andrew Thompson was on the other side of the isle. She and Andy had been talking about brining up one of the sophomore to the varsity team to help give her the experience. She had just finished telling Andy of her thoughts and bang! A truck hit the bus on the driver side. Carl had a heart attack. The girls began screaming. Michelle Stanley had been sleeping with her legs stretched between the seats. When the bus was hit, she broke her leg. Carl had been throw out of his seat and hit the door pretty hard. Andy went with half the girls to General Hospital. Tracey decided to stay with Carl and Michelle since they were the most severe injuries.

Once they were at the hospital and everyone was being taken care of, Tracey was able to breathe for the first time in hours. She had been sitting with Michelle Stanley until her parents got there when Holly pulled back the curtain. It was all business with Dr. Graham. She tried to develop a relationship with the patient by calling Michelle by name. She was attentive to the parent. When she looked at Tracey, there was a flicker of emotion but it was replaced by empathy. She never let Michelle get over worked regarding the break. It was more of a "let's wait and see" attitude. Being sympathetic she offered to assist with the registering of the patients and getting Tracey a telephone to use. As she grabbed a chart and headed to the next patient, Tracey forgot about the students. She wanted to get to know this Dr. Graham. As she stopped and thanked her, she felt a connection to this woman. They barely spoke yet Tracey wanted to get to know this woman.

Although she was not quite thirty, Tracey had done some pretty wild things. Stalking however had not been one of them. Technically, it was not really stalking. She had a guess and took a chance that if Dr. Graham was having the emotion flicker; maybe she would stop at the closes gay bar to the hospital.

She had been to Coco's many times before and at one time during college could have considered a regular. She knew Sheri the bartender. Sheri did not remember her. Tracey was happy about that. She never really cared for the bartender or the way she talked too and about the clients. There was a friend that she played softball with a few years ago. She made small talk as she drank her beer. She was probably there about an hour or so when the door opened and she heard Sheri yell out to Holly.

Tracey heart dropped. She was here. She could be meeting someone at the bar. What if she was dating someone? The thought had never crossed Tracey's mind until that moment. When Holly ordered a drink, Tracey decided to go over to her. That had been over a month ago and was she glad she did.

The telephone rang and Tracey picked it up on the second ring. "Hey what's going on?" It was Maxie on the line. "Where have you been?" Tracey asked her as she checked the clock. "I should ask you that? I was out and about last night and I heard you are dating someone." Maxie laughed. " I said I am always the last to know. What kind of friend are you?" "Who told you? It doesn't matter. Yes, I am and I am very happy. Where were you out at last night? " "Yeah, me and Piper went bar hopping. Some chicks were singing at Coco's and they were horrible. So it reminded me of you! " "You are too sweet. To remind me of how I can not sing." " So Piper and I were telling the story of how you were drunk that day at the Bay and tried to sing some Melissa song." Maxie went on with the story not caring if Tracey wanted to hear it or not. "Some chick is like I know that

bitch." "What?" Tracey was not happy at this point. "That's what I said. So Piper and I are all getting in this chicks face. She starts telling us about how she and ex were getting back together and you popped into the picture. Taking her girlfriend away." "Pam? Is that the chick's name?" "Yeah, that's her. Piper shut her down fast. The damn cop in her, but this chick has a bone with you. She didn't say anything else for the rest of the night, but I wanted you to know." "Thanks Maxie. Holly and I are going to a fundraiser. We should get together and hang out soon." "That's a possibility. Don't worry about it. From what I could tell that chick was just running her mouth trying to spread things that are not true. " "Thanks Maxie. I'll call you later." Tracey hung up the phone and turned to find Holly in the kitchen behind her.

"Hey did you sleep okay?" Tracey set the phone down and gave Holly a kiss on the lips. "That was my friend Maxie, I guess Pam was at the bar telling everyone that I broke up your relationship. "

"You have got to be kidding. You know what. I will call her and let her know exactly where she and I stand…no where….we've been broken up for over a year. It just like her to start crap."

"Let's start over today." Tracey said as she handed Holly a cup of coffee.

"We could start over from this morning or…." Holly smiled at that thought. "Dr. Graham did I tell you that I love you." "Yes, you did but I like to hear it." Holly put the cup on the counter and gathered Tracey up in her arms. "I love you. What do you want to do today? I am all yours. " "Not to be the jealous type, but yes you are." Tracey looked around at her apartment. It was spotless. Holly had never been there other than in the foyer. "You are a very neat person. You probably go into convulsion at my place." "As a matter of fact, I do but I think there are other reasons behind it." She smacked Holly on the ass as she went into the bathroom. "What are you wearing to the fundraiser tonight?" Holly asked. "It's a surprise." Tracey smiled as she stuck her out the door. "Be good. I have seen that smile before. We never even left the house that day." "I will be good. You are the one that is usually bad."

********** *********** ************ Holly had left Tracey's apartment around three thirty promising to be back close to six o'clock to pick her up. A little before six, Tracey watched a large black sedan pull up. Holly got out of the back door looking stunning. She had left her coat in the back of the car. She had on black slacks that accentuated her long legs and black blazer over a light blue blouse that showed just enough cleavage to realize that she was truly female. Greg and Mark also exited the car, but Tracey barely noticed. Her eyes were on the woman walking up to her door.

The invitation had been extended two or three weeks ago. This was a very important fundraiser for Dr. Greg Walosky research group. Holly was going no matter what Tracey answer would be but she really wanted her to be there with her. Although, Greg in some way was Holly's boss, Tracey could tell from the way Holly spoke about him they were more friends than colleagues.

As soon as Tracey accepted the invitation, she called her mother, Amanda. She was in a panic. She had never had to entertain doctors or attend massive fundraisers for AIDS research. Thank God, Amanda was an officers wife. She provided Tracey with a deli that would do a cheese and fruit tray for her. She recommended a couple of bottles of wine. This was nothing like having the gal pals over after softball for a cook out. Amanda asked her what she was wearing. Tracey had no idea. Her mother suggested that they go shopping.

"What do you think?" Tracey had come out of the fitting room, with a form fitting black dress on. The neckline plunged to reveal limited cleavage. The waist was tight but did not disclose to may imperfections. Sparkled sequences were classically draped across the outfit. The dress fell about mid thigh, showing off her shapely figure. "Sweetly you look sensational. She must be special." Amanda could see in her daughter's eyes and face that she really cared about this new person. "She is Mom." Tracey remembered the conversation that she had with her mother less than two weeks ago. "I'll bring her over to the house soon." "Please do."

The doorbell rang, as Tracey was trying to calm herself down. She was trying to latch the pearl necklace her mother had let her borrow. She had pulled her hair up into a French twist. "Its open." She yelled from the bathroom. She wore makeup on a regular basis but tonight she wore a bit more. She heard Holly enter the apartment. " I `m in the bathroom. I'll be right out. There is some wine and " She stopped yelling mid sentence as she saw Holly's reflection is the mirror. "You look gorgeous." Tracey told her as she reached to clasp the necklace. Holly took the necklace from her hands and fastened it. Her hands brushed the back of Tracey neck affectionately. "Are you alright." "I am in awe of how beautiful you are. You don't even know how beautiful I think you are." Holly's voice was heavy with emotion. She kissed the nape of her neck. "You're gong to make me cry…stop. Are your friends here?" Holly stood behind her as they looked at each other in the mirror. "There is wine and a tray in the fridge. Give me a minute." Holly nodded and left. Maybe it was the fact that she had grown up a military brat that every time she got comfortable and was happy somewhere, the family would pick up and move. She was feeling happy and comfortable at this moment. Deep down she was scared that a move was just around the corner.

"Hello." Tracey came out of the bathroom within minutes. Holly had gotten out the tray and the wines. "Sorry, I was still getting ready."

"No apologies necessary." Greg was on his feet and kissing her hand." Holly you are lucky that you saw her first." He winked at Mark. "I am Greg Walosky. It is a pleasure to meet you. My little Holly here has been grinning ear to ear for the last couple of weeks. My suspicion is you are the reason behind it. This is my partner, Mark Nagy." Greg was very pale with light blonde hair that was slightly thinning. Greg was of average build with a little bit of belly. Tracey turned towards his partner, Mark. "I believe we know each other." Mark stated as he shook her hand. "I work for the school board. I am the districts attorney." Tracey felt the color wash from her face. As she recognized the dark hair gentleman with the mustache. She had spoken to him a number of occasions with the school. He was the only man that did not treat her as if she was a piece of meat. "Don't worry honey. The school will never know. Believe me, " He tossed a look towards Greg. " You're the hotty at the office." Tracey turned red. "I am sorry. You just, I just wasn't expecting…" "An attorney for the school board in your home. Let alone a date to an AIDS fundraiser sponsored by the hospital." The men chuckled. "Holly you be good with this one. She is a keeper." "Is this the same hotty all the guys at the office talk about during golf?"

Greg asked. Mark nodded. "Ms. Campbell you have quite a fan base." "Dear God. I need a glass of wine." They all began to laugh. She felt Holly's hand on the small of her back. A glass of wine was slipped into her hand. "Thank you."

There was a great deal of people at the fundraiser. Greg was very proud of the success of the event. Mark was very close to Tracey most of the night. She was very thankful especially when a very drunken surgeon began to hit on her. Holly was mainly assisting Greg with mingling with very important attendees that needed additional pampering. At one point in the evening, Holly stood at the microphone and gave Greg his honors as the co-chair of the event and one of the top AIDS researches in the United States. Through out the night Tracey would find herself staring at Holly from across the room. She was so passionate about her job, her friends, and her lover. As Tracey thought about Holly, she realized that they were lovers, not just a girlfriends, not just someone you called to talk to on occasion or just have sex with. She and Holly had something special. Mark & Greg had been together for eight years. Could that be their future? Three hours ago, she was having fears in the bathroom about being too comfortable. Now she was yearning for an eight years relationship. She had too much wine. "What are you so intensely pondering?" Holly was standing next to her as she posed the question. "Life." Tracey laughed slightly with her answer. "I have had too much to drink." She admitted. "Greg and Mark are really great. Thank you for asking me to accompany you tonight." "I heard that there was a hotty down at the school district that I just needed to meet." Holly whispered in her ear. Even though Tracey could not see Holly's face. She knew she had that teasing grin was on it. "We can probably leave in a little while if you want. I am ready to go home." Holly placed a discreet kiss on Tracey's shoulder. "I see these people majority of time. I'd rather be alone with you." "Let's go home." Tracey said.

Mark and Greg seemed more than happy to leave the fundraiser. They drove the women back to the apartment. Tracey snuggled next to Holly the way home holding hands trying to stay warm with body heat. The exchanged good-byes with Greg & Mark and ran as fast as they could into the apartment.

Tracey entered the bedroom first. She lit a few candles that she had on the dresser. She flipped on the CD player she had put out earlier. She stood in front of the mirror and lifted her hands to undo her hair. Holly stopped her mid reach. "Let me…I've been dying to do this all night. Tracey watched her expression in the mirror's reflection. Slowly and gently Holly began to remove pins from the dark tresses. As Holly took each pin out she gently kissed Tracey's neck. Her hands wove into the heavy locks that now draped Tracey's shoulders.

Tracey turned and faced Holly. She removed her jacket and began to unbutton her blouse. The candlelight flickers across her face as she saw the excitement in Holly's brown eyes, which were wide and dancing across Tracey's face. She slid the blouse open and off her shoulder's. She stepped closer placing her lips on the top Holly's breast. Holly breathing increased. Her fingers worked the bra clasp, leaving Holly breasts exposed for Tracey's eyes. Her lips kissed each breast as her fingers ravaged each nipple. As Tracey took an orb suckled it, she unzipped Holly's slacks. Slowly sliding them to the floor with the rest of Holly's clothes. Tracey stepped back and looked at her lover. She was beautiful. She was long legged, slim in the waist, average size breasts. Her face was soft with fine lines that showed hard work and determination. Her eyes looked like a small deer at this moment. Wide open and watching for movement. She loved to watch Holly's emotional reactions. Other people would not be able to tell what the doctor was feeling, but Tracey had learned to read the flashes in Holly's disposition. Tracey widened the distance between them. Slowly she reached behind her and unzipped her dress. In one fluid motion, the black dress slipped from her body and on to the floor. She had on a black lace bra with matching panties and garter belt that held up the sheer black stocking.

In one stride, Holly covered the distance between them. She lifted Tracey in her arms and set her down on the bed, as she no longer held back her desire. She was taken back by the lingerie that Tracey had on. She had never seen someone look so sexy and desirable. An urge to posses her was overwhelming. They kissed deeply as Holly spread Tracey legs. She felt the smoothness of her thighs and her hips. She pushed into Tracey's genital with her own thigh. Tracey tightened her muscles around her upper leg. Holly pushed eagerly. Tracey's lace bra pressed up against her own chest and the fabric tickled her nipples. She pulled a strap off of Tracey's shoulder and let one of the peaking nipples free. Her lips immediately greeted the orb. She could feel herself climaxing by just touching this woman. Tracey pushed her away for a moment as she freed her bra from between them. Her panties were permeated with her own secretions. She leaned back on the pillows. Her legs were spread with one of her knees bent and open. Holly watched as Tracey moistened two fingers in her mouth than she touched herself with them. Her eyes never left Holly's. Holly had never seen another woman touch herself in this way. If possible, she was turned on more by it. She moved between Tracey's legs and began to kiss and lap the juices that spilled freely. She rolled her tongue across her clit. Drowning was the thought, Holly had she could drown here at this moment and she would be forever grateful. Tracey pulled her towards her. " Holly, let me touch you." Holly lifted her head to see the steel gray eyes piercing her " I need to touch you. I want you." Tracey leaned down and began to kiss her. She could taste her own juices that were still on Holly' s lips. She slid her fingers into Holly's vagina. She stoked with her fingers as her thumb found her clitoris. Tracey had rolled on top of Holly. She stared down at the blonde as her fingers massaged the smooth walls of her vulva. Their bodies began to grind in a frantic motion together. Tracey's rhythm increased, as she struggled not to climax. Holly's body shutter and a scream of pleasure came from the woman beneath her. She felt the overwhelming shutter cease her body as a ripple of pleasure filled her. She collapsed on top of Holly. They lay there very quiet with small touches between them. Tracey nuzzled into the crook of Holly's arm. Their breathing was shallow and fast. Tracey could hear Holly's heart racing. "I loved your outfit." Holly said as she played with a lock of Tracey's hair. "My mom helped me pick it out." Tracey leaned on an elbow and kissed Holly' s lips. "Remind me to tell her what excellent taste she has. Especially with the garter belt, school teacher my ass." "Don't you dare." She screamed and slapped Holly playfully on the ass.

Author Notes: Sorry, it has taken so long to continue. Thank you for the feedback. I hope that you enjoy the next chapter.


Next: Chapter 4

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