
By moc.loa@8655otaK

Published on Apr 3, 2005


Disclaimer: This work is the sole property of the writer. It shall not be reproduced in any way, shape or form without written consent. The story below is for personal use only and may not be transferred to any other medium. This story is fictional and represents consensual acts between women. It is not meant to offend or change person's opinions or beliefs. Sorry, it has taken so long to continue. Thank you for the feedback.

Housecall- Chapter 4

The doorbell rang twice. Holly moved from the kitchen to the front entrance hall. She stopped by the mirror and checked her hair. She had on a red turtleneck, a gray University of Maryland sweatshirt, pair of jeans and a pair of black Doc Martin boots. The bell rang again. She knew that it was not Tracey. Tracey would not ring the doorbell. Holly checked the window next to the door. There was a group of four women standing at the door. "Hello." Holly said as she opened the door. Two of the women held twelve packs of beer. "Come in. I am Holly." Greetings were exchanged. There was a very tall muscular built woman, who introduced herself as Yvonne Piper. "Piper." She said as she walked into the house. She introduced the smaller short hair girl with the beer under her arm. "Lori Williams" Holly recognized the name of the girl Tracey used to date. "With the bad hat is Maxie. She thinks that it helps her win at cards." "Tracey `s game that went into overtime. Regional game, so she is not here yet. I have a few friends in the living room." Holly and Piper took everyone's coats. "Its very nice to finally meet you." Holly told Piper as they placed the coats in the spare room. "You too. Tracey is the best person I know." Piper said as she looked at Holly. "I hope you realize that." Holly knew that Piper was a cop and that she and Tracey had been friend's for quite sometime. "I do. I am very lucky." In the great room, there were introductions made. Holly made introductions, her friend from grad school was Nat Lennon. "You played for UMD." Lori Williams spoke up as Holly introduced her. "I thought you looked familiar. Lori." Lori shook Nat's hand. "I dated Fallon McDaniels.. Not very long." "Fallon and I did not get along that well." Nat said with a half smile. "That's why we did not date that long." Lori continued to explain. The other of Holly's friends was Mel Watkins, an EMT. Mel and Pam had worked together but Holly and Mel were good friends. "You're a cop." Mel said to Piper. "EMT stationed on the Southeast side.

I usually run the trauma's to University." "Wow everyone know someone." Maxie said as she took a seat at the end of the couch. "I'm Maxie" She introduced herself to the group. "Have you heard from Tracey?" Maxie asked. "Earlier. Does anyone want a beer or beverage?" Maxie threw her hand in the air. " Cold is good." Holly found herself laughing. "We are going to play cards. You betties play cards don't you." "Is Betty here?" Nat asked. "You have a friends named Betty." Piper chuckled. Nat nodded. Holly nodded. "This should be fun." It was still early and majority of guests had not yet arrived. Those that were there sat in the living room. Lori Williams was still sitting close to Nat. Holly thought it was cute. What surprised her the most were Mel's questions about Piper. "Holly, you did not tell me you knew her. " Mel said as they were in the kitchen. "I don't. She's Tracey's friend." Holly looked at the time on the microwave. Tracey should have been to the house by now. Holly felt cold hands slip around her waist. She felt the familiar weight push up against her from behind. She smelled Tracey perfume. Tracey put her chin on Holly's shoulder.

"What's cooking doc?" Tracey pressed her weight against Holly backside. "Well what was result?" Holly said giving her a kiss. "We lost in overtime. It was a good season but it over. Thank God!" Tracey kissed Holly on the lips again. Tracey smiled at Mel. "Hi. I am Tracey."

"Tracey this is Mel." Holly introduced her friend. "Mel has been asking about Piper." Tracey nodded as she looked towards the family room. "Well Mel, she is very nice. Are there a lot of people here? I think I invited the entire softball team and some of the teachers and Carrie Ryder the coach from the team that just beat us tonight." "We may have to spill outside. I have Mark and Greg coming and friends from school, and work." Tracey went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. " May be we should get a bigger house." She teased Holly with a tinkle in her eyes "Any one need a drink? Well I am going to mingle." She gave Holly's butt a pat as she went by. "Holly, she is really.." "Hot!" Holly said as she sucked the dip off her finger. "Back off there Mel." Holly joked. "She is mine." "I can hear you." Tracey stuck her head back in the kitchen. "And you are correct." "She is a teacher. I met her at the hospital. I think you might have been on the run. School bus verse truck right after New Year's." "I would never guess that she is gay." Mel said leaning to look out to the family room. "I mean it's not like you or I look gay. She is just really femme." "Mark and Greg love her." "What about you?" Mel leaned over the counter and looked at her friend. "I do. I told her already. Its so much more than I ever thought I would have with someone. Pam and I always had issues." "True." There was laughed from the family room and Tracey stuck her head in the kitchen, "You know Nat Lennon. Can she get tickets?" Mel and Holly laughed, "Ask her." Holly said. "She's really great." "Its good to see you happy. Come on lets be social. Poor Nat a bunch of jock lesbian hanging all over her…she loves it."

Holly went into the family room. Her friends were at home and Tracey was making conversation with Mel. Holly could see her out of the corner of her eye that Tracey was watching her. She liked knowing that fact. She smiled and gave Tracey a casual look. They had not been together all week because of schedules. Maxie had on her goofy hat at the dinning room table as a game of cards had broken out. Maxie seemed to be enjoying herself as she raked the pile of money towards her. Outside Piper was smoking. Holly was certain that Mel would be disappointed with that factor. Holly sat down on the couch and Tracey sat down next to her. Tracey put her hand on Holly's knee. "You do realize where you are sitting?" Tracey whispered in her ear. "On my couch." Holly whispered back. She could feel Tracey breast pressed up against her arm. "Oh you are bad." Holly said as she remembered the last time Tracey had been over the house. They made love on the exact spot they were sitting. Holly felt herself getting moist as she thought about the couch. "You are really bad. We have guests. There are more people coming over " Tracey gave her a look and grabbed her hand. Holly smiled and followed her to the bathroom. Tracey closed the door behind them and began to undo Holly jeans. Holly pushed her up against the vanity as she brought a hard passionate kiss to her lips. She felt Tracey urgency as their kiss increased. Tracey's hand was down the front of Holly's jeans and her fingers probed the wet throbbing hood. Holly knew she would orgasm quickly as Tracey's touch sent her over the edge. She muffled a scream in Tracey shoulder as Tracey's fingers slipped into her. Holly moved her hips against Tracey's hand and grew more excited. She needed to touch Tracey. She spun Tracey around so that she was up against her backside. Tracey was pinned between Holly and the vanity. Holly pushed her hand down Tracey waistband and to her swollen wet clitoris. She felt Tracey shuddering as her fingers touched her clit. Her other hand fondled Tracey's breast as they moved together against the vanity. Holy kissed her neck as they continued to move together. Tracey moaned loudly as Holly moved her hand to cover her mouth. Their eyes locked in the bathroom mirror. Holly had a hand down her pants and one over her mouth. They started to laugh. Tracey spun back around and kissed Holly softly on the lips. "You would have some explaining to do if someone had seen that." Tracey wrapped her arms around Holly's waist. "You make me want to do things like" Holly kissed her neck not finishing her sentence. Holly was still aroused. "Like what?" Tracey pulled her closer to her just as there was a knock on the door. "Hey I don't mean to interrupt." Maxie called through the door. "But you got guests coming in." Holly opened the door. "You're not interrupting, Maxie." She kissed Maxie on the forehead and smiled at Tracey. "That will give her something to think about," Holly said to Tracey as they walked into the kitchen. "You're not right." Tracey told her as she went into the living room.

In a matter of twenty minutes, the house went from half a dozen people to three dozen. The mix of friends was about even. Holly had seen some of these people before but she was not sure where. Greg and Mark were there. Mark seemed to be quite at ease with the number of educators in the room. Greg was speaking with Mel. He had always wanted Holly to go out with Mel. There were enough people who knew each other that when Holly would go to make introductions, she was usually scoffed off. Holly found herself leaning on the kitchen counter with Piper next to her. Holly had noticed that Piper was watching her most of the night. "You playing cop tonight or should I be worried about a crush?" Holly asked her as she handed her a beer. "Cop," Piper smiled as she took a sip of beer. "Sorry, she my friend." Piper said as Tracey could be heard laughing in the other room. "Good. It means you care about her. You watching out of her." Holly smiled as Tracey laugh echoed through the house. "I want her to move in. It's fast. I know that. I just want to be with her." "I am all for it." Piper smiled. "You guys are really good together." "You not messing with me. Playing good cop?" Piper put her beer down and turned to Holly. "No. I think that if you and Tracey don't stay together. There is really no hope for any of us. I've known Tracey for a number of years. She is one of my best friends. I've seen her date before. I've seen her hurt. I have never her seen her beaming. Doc, you make her beam." Tracey walked towards them with a big smile. "She makes you beam." Piper whispered in Holly's ear as Tracey wrapped her arm around Holly's waist. "What are you guys doing over here looking all serious and stuff." "Not sure about the serious part, but there is a bunch of stuff." Holly said as she pulled Tracey closer. "When are all these people leaving so I can take advantage of you." Tracey winked at Piper and touched Holly's nose with her finger. "You better stop or our friends will get a sight right here in the kitchen."

Piper spit out her beer and began laughing. "That would turn some heads." Piper chimed in. "Pipe, Holly said that her EMT friend, Mel was checking you out earlier." Tracey gave her a nod. "Not bad looking, I'd say yes." Tracey continued to say as she squeezed Holly's butt. "You better be joking missy." Piper said to her." You've landed a doctor."

Piper walked off into the next room. "Do you want to come over my parents house tomorrow. I was invited for dinner and they asked if you were coming?" Holly felt the apprehension in her body language. She had not met Tracey's family but her experience with her family was not the greatest. "That would be great. I think I should met them." Holly knew that she would be okay. Tracey loved them and they were a big part of her life. Holly did not have that support. She was happy that Tracey did. "I feel nervous and nauseous. I am sure I will be fine." "There are a lot of people here." Tracey turned and observed the guests. " You have been in the kitchen most of the night." "I am comfortable in the kitchen." Holly pulled Tracey closer. "I think we should think about getting a bigger house." Holly watched the color wash from Tracey's face. She immediately regretted saying in. "Someday….we should think about that." Holly said as she walked into the living room to speak with Greg.

The last of the guest, Maxie and Jessie left around 2:30 in the morning. Holly was tired. She felt as if she was standing on eggshells with Tracey after the buying a house comment. She had planned on asking Tracey to move in tonight once they were in bed. She wiped off the counter and pulled another full garbage bag out the backdoor. Tracey came in from the living room with more empty bottles. "I keep finding empties." Tracey said as she put the bottle in the recycle container. "More people showed than I thought would. "Holly opened the back door and set the garbage bag outside. "Are you leaving?" She asked as she saw Tracey 's coat in her hand. "I don't know. I`m not sure." Tracey said as she sat in one of the kitchen chairs. "What is going on? Is it the house comment? I don't know why I said it. You made the comment earlier about needed a bigger house. I just." Holly sat at the table. " I just..I said what I said." "You got weird after that." Tracey said. "I not sure if you want me here.

Or you think I want us to buy a bigger house. I don't want your money." "I don't have money. I have debt. Lots and lots of debt." Holly reached across the table and took Tracey hands in hers. Their fingers intertwined. " I got weird or quiet because you looked freaked out by the house thing." Holly closed her eyes. "I was joking. But I was serious too." "Do you want me to stay?" "I would love for you to stay. I want you to stay." Holly could feel the tears forming. She fought to hold them back. "What's wrong?" Tracey could tell that Holly had reached another level of being upset. "For so long, I was unhappy and lonely. I am talking while I was with Pam, before and after. It got to a point where all I ever did was work. I got some comfort from my job. You came into my life and I thought this is great. Tonight, I was planning on asking you to move in. I spoke to Piper earlier about it." Holly wiped away a falling tear. "I don't want you to think that the house thing tonight had anything to do with it. She wiped her eyes again. "I've wanted to ask, but I thought it was too soon." Tracey walked over and kneeled in front of Holly. She took Holly's face between her hands. "I was lonely and tired of being with the wrong person. We are both worried about "time" and what other people think. I would have been skeptical if the moving truck pulled up the first week. I have friends and I have a family. I did not have someone special. You are my someone special. When I am at the apartment, I want to be here. "Tracey pierced her with her gray eyes. "I want to be home. I want to be here." She looked around the house. "This is home to me." Tracey leaned forward and kissed Holly. Loving and gentle was the best way Holly could describe the kiss. The fears she had disappeared. "I feel like a fool." Holly said as she leaned her forehead on Tracey's. " I am sure this is not the first time or the last time." She saw Tracey concern. "I have some issues. I need to deal with." "Who doesn't." Tracey stood and reached out for Holly's hand. "Come on let's go to bed." "Let me double check the locks and lights. I'll be right in." Tracey nodded and headed upstairs.

Holly double check the lock on the front and back doors. She turned off the light in the spare room and left the night light on in the kitchen. She stopped at the bathroom and washed her face. She blew out the candle on the counter. A few hours earlier she and Tracey had sex in the exact spot. A small smile appeared on Holly's face. This house was the closes she had to a home since her father died during her junior in high school. Her dad was a teacher and her mom worked in a bank.

They were both very devote Catholics. Holly had an older brother that had drown while swimming in a local reservoir. She had been six when Jerry died. He was twelve. Her father immediately threw her into swimming lessons. It had been his way of coping with the loss of Jerry. Holly was a great swimmer. She won state and junior national titles while she was in grade school. When she got to high school, she was given a scholarship to a private school. She won state titles in three events her sophomore year. She excelled in sports and in schooling. She was trying to seek the approval of her parents. Her mother, Anna would never go to the swim meets. Her dad, Robert was always there. It wasn't until her junior year, did she notice that her dad always seemed to be paying attention to Louise Richmond, a sophomore swimmer. The Richmond's were a very wealthy family from another

town, but they went to the same church. Holly had taken longer in the locker room than usual. She had been speaking with a recruiter from Kent State University. Holly had the grades for a scholarship. She also showed the athletic ability that interested division one college scouts. When she came out of the locker room she could see her dad had Louise backed into a corner of the pool area. The bleachers hid them. Holly probably would not have noticed them except for a stifled noise that came from the corner. Louise was having oral sex with her Dad. Holly was completely caught off guard. She stopped just as a female coach from another team walked into her. The coach realized what was going on. She sent Holly on her way and proceeded to intervene. Three weeks later Holly's Dad was fired from his job. Statuary rape charges were brought against him by the DA's office. The Richmond's were pressing full charges. Her mother filed for divorce. Her life had been turned upside down. She blamed herself for catching her dad. If she had kept walking. If she hadn't talk to the scout. There were many ifs she ran through her head. Holly moved in with her swimming coach's family. Her dad tired to apologize to her as she was taking her stuff out of the house. Holly remembered how broken he looked. He had said that he was sorry. Holly was angry and confused. She said hateful things to him. He had ruined her life. That had been the last time she had spoken to her Dad. He killed himself a few weeks before his trial was to start. Anna wanted nothing to do with her former life. She changed her name and moved to Chicago. Holly spent the summer with her coach. She realized that she was a lesbian when she and Monica, the coach's daughter started to fool around. Monica began to follow her around and talk non-stop about her. Holly not wanting to have another family scandal break out, graduated from school early and enrolled at Kent State on a full scholarship. At holiday's she would usually spend them alone at her apartment. Occasionally, she would be dating someone who would ask her over to celebrate. Holly never quite fit in. She did not know how to inter act with a family. She wondered how meeting Tracey's family would go. Holly went into the bedroom. Tracey had left a light on low for her. She sat on the bed and looked at her lover. She leaned over and kissed her. "Hey." Tracey said as she had dozed off. "Are you okay?" She sat up and leaned against the pillows. Holly pulled back the covers and snuggled close to Tracey. Tracey turned off the light. Holly's head rested on her chest. Tracey fingers played with Holly's hair. "When you talk about your family, there is some much happiness in your voice. I never talk about my family." Holly said as she listened to Tracey heartbeat. "I know. Do you want to talk about it?" Their voices were barely whispers. "I never want to bring it up, because I am not sure how to." "I don't really have a family. I have my mother, but I haven' t talk to her since Christmas. I've been on my own since I was seventeen. My eighteenth birthday, I was sitting in a coffee shop with two bucks in my pocket trying to pick up some girl. " Holly leaned up on an elbow. "Its funny the things you remember. You probably had a big birthday party." "I did but I don't remember anything from it." Tracey touched Holly's cheek. "I am lucky. You are part of my family." "I don't know. It's really hard for me to feel comfortable with people's families. I think I've been scared to meet them. Come on, Tracey how many times have they invited me over, six or seven. What happens, I pick up a shift." Holly nuzzled Tracey's breast with her nose. "You did good this time by not telling me until the last minute." "Busted. I know you have been avoiding it. They really want to met you." "Did I tell you that my Dad was a teacher? He got caught messing around with a student. Her parents and the authorities pressed charges against him. He killed himself before the trial started." "Jesus." Tracey's said as she pulled Holly closer. "What about your Mom?" "She wanted nothing to do with him and in a way me. I lived with my swimming coach and then I went to college. When I got into medical school I came here and bought a house." "What did you do for Christmas this year?" Tracey thought how lonely Holly must be. "Went to Greg and Mark's and I worked." Holly saw the concern in Tracey' s eyes. "It's okay. I've been on my own for almost fifteen years. You get use to stuff." "What about Pam? Did you have a relationship with her family?" "I barely had a relationship with Pam." Holly kissed Tracey lightly on the lips. "What Pam and I were complacent. I was not looking to date. She though that it was a challenge so she tried to get me to go out with her. She is all about a challenge. When the challenge is gone. She is gone. That is why she showed up here that day. A challenge to get me back to try to date you" Holly started to laugh. "I thought I had issues." "Come here." Tracey kissed Holly softly on the lips. She touched her gently on the face and ran her hand down her back. "We are going to be together for a long time. I promise you. If you do not want to meet my folks, that' s okay." "I do want to meet them. It's hard with memories and questions are asked and I have really no answers." "Holly, they will love you. You don't have to answer any questions. I'm sure they won't pry. They are military born and breed. Do ask. Don't tell."

They laid in each others arms.. Tracey sensed that Holly was still stressed. Tracey kissed her tenderly at first. Holly began to kiss her back. Their mouths opened wider as tongues met. Tracey straddled Holly's hips as they began to move together. Holly slipped her finger into Tracey. Tracey began to ride Holly. Their hips moved together as the continued to be entangled in a passionate kiss. Holly broke from the kiss and moved her mouth to one of Tracey 's breasts. Tracey pulled her head closer to her chest. Holly felt Tracey jerk as she touched a sensitive spot. Holly decided to continue to assault the sensitive spot. Tracey moaned began to grind against holly's hand. Holly moved her leg over Tracey's. They sat facing, leg across leg. Holly moved her hand from Tracey and replaced it with her pelvic bone. She rubbed her sex against Tracey's. She felt Tracey's saturated pussy against her own. Holly pulled Tracey hair from her face as the sweat had matted it against her cheek. Tracey leaned towards her and increased her rhythm. Holly felt the orgasmic flood wash though her body. She grabbed on to Tracey as her body shook. Tracey cried out her name as her body reached the climax. "Oh God, we have got to do that one again." Tracey said as she laid her face against Holly's shoulder.

Author Notes: Sorry, it has taken so long to continue(real job in real world). Thank you for the feedback. Please let me know if you wish this adventure to continue. Thanks

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