How did this happen?

By Gary Moyer

Published on Dec 11, 2024


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----------------------------- It was a bit of a drive to Morgan's parent's place. He wasn't kidding. There was a large iron rail fence around the entire property. There was a 15 foot high steel gate with a decorative crest over top. "Fuck me man! Is your Dad actually Batman?!" I said as the car came to a stop. As I rolled down the window to push the buzzer Morgan asked, "What are you doing?"

"I'm going to hit the call button."

He opened the glove box and clicked a button. The gate swung open. I proceeded down the long winding path through some trees to the house. Calling this place a house would be like calling a tent an apartment. It had to be 30,000 square feet. It looked like the White House but not quite as white. Morgan instructed me to just pull up to the front door and we would park there.

I was about to get out of the car when he grabbed my hand. "Before we go in. You've met Dad. He is down to earth. I know he will love you and you him. Mom on the other can be a bit much. Act like this isn't the nicest house you've ever been in. Act like you belong and she might dial down the amount of questions she will fire at you."

"Relax. I'm sure everything will be fine. And if she's going to be pissed about anything it'll be our age difference. Now I'm going to grab the wine and whiskey out of the trunk and we will go have a nice meal and a good time."

"Wait. Whiskey from where?"

"I grabbed a bottle of Blanton's you had in the fancy liquor wall."

"That's a $200 bottle!"

"Really? Is that too much?" I said pointing at the car.

"Point taken!" We both had a laugh.

Henry opened the door before we were able to knock. He greeted us each with a handshake. We walked into a grand foyer. "You know Henry, Morgan told me to act like I belong and pretend this isn't the nicest house I've ever been in, but I've seen about 200 square feet so far and it is probably worth more than my house. This is amazing." I said. Henry laughed. Then he noticed the liquor. "Let me take these. Morgan clearly remembered his mom's favorite." He said. Morgan gave me credit for picking it out. "Well done. And a bottle of Blanton's! Gary you can pick your booze."

We entered the kitchen where I was introduced to Judy. She was 5'1" 120 pounds. Still in good shape for a woman in her 60s. We exchanged pleasantries and she thanked us for the wine. I wasn't sure why Morgan was so nervous. They seemed like very nice people.

Dinner was great and the conversation lively. It was very clear they were happy to have Morgan home again and seemed pleased with his choice of partner. Morgan still seemed a bit off. It seemed especially noticeable when his mom would laugh and touch my arm. I was a bit confused. It didn't seem odd some people are just like that, and his dad didn't seem to have a problem with it at all.

Later in the evening the guys went into the study and sipped on some Whiskey. I was able to get a quick moment alone with Morgan. "Hey, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"Anyone who has ever been in a relationship knows I'm fine means the exact opposite. Talk to me."

"It's not you. It's just the past and some strained relationships. Really, I'm good."

I smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss. He smiled back and we moved on. I found out about a half an hour later why Morgan had some hesitation. I had used the restroom and as I was exiting his mom stopped me and literally pushed me back into the bathroom. She tried to kiss me but I stopped her.

"Judy. That's not cool. I'm with your son and you're married. This can't happen."

"So what. I'm not asking you to marry me. I just want to play a little bit. My husband doesn't pay me any kind of physical attention and I need some cock."

"Then tell your husband that. I'm in love with your son. That doesn't bother you?!"

"He'll forgive us. C'mon I'll even let you cum in my mouth."

"Stop! This is done."

I walked out and immediately went back to Morgan. I explained we needed to leave. He looked at me like he knew. We thanked Henry and he seemed a bit disappointed that we were going. I went to shake his hand but he gave me a hug. I couldn't get to the car fast enough.

I explained what happened on the way home. Morgan shrugged his shoulders. "That's my mom. She's had sex with two of my boyfriends. I don't know why she keeps doing it. The last time is when I left."

"Well, she ain't gonna get a third one. I wanted to tell your dad."

"He wouldn't have cared. He has proof of her cheating on him with several different men but he just doesn't care anymore. He will never leave her and she won't stop."

"That is dumb! But I'm sorry. I hope you're not mad at me?"

He leaned over and grabbed my thigh. "Not at all. Thank you for denying her."

I pulled the car over to the side of the road. I grabbed the back of his head and kissed him deeply. "When we get home I'm going to make passionate love to you! If you're up for it anyway."

"I am. Very much so. Can I ask a favor?"

"Of course!"

"Treat me as if I was your woman. I mean don't worry about my dick. You don't need to suck it or even touch it. I'd much rather you just kiss me and stick yours in me."

When we got back to the house I took Morgan's hand and pulled him into the bedroom. We kissed a lot. I slowly started removing his clothes. He did the same to me. Running his hands across my bare chest. His hands found my belt and pulled it off. Before we knew it our swords were clashing as we embraced. I grabbed him around the waist and he instinctively pulled his legs up and put them around me. I carried him to the bed and laid him down. As we kissed my cock hit his butthole and seemed to almost get sucked in. I was going to pull out but he stopped me. I pushed inside hard and he moaned. To my surprise the second push in and his cock spasmed. Cum shot from his and drenched our stomachs. He screamed in pleasure as his cock spit the last of his love juice. "Don't hold back. Cum in me. I need to feel you blow!" A few more minutes of kissing and probing and I gave him exactly what he wanted. He shook with pleasure. I stayed on top of him. We kissed tenderly and soon drifted off to sleep.

To be continued....

Next: Chapter 14

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