How I Became a Bottom

By Matt Cage

Published on Jul 24, 2005


This is my first publication on Nifty and it's my first erotic story series. If you have constructive criticism about my stories, what you liked what you didn't, what I can do to make the story better, or to talk go ahead and email me at This is the first part and doesn't have any of the authoritarian etc themes in it but it mainly is to set up my character. While it has some autobiographical moments in it, it is strictly fiction. I hope you enjoy!

How I Became a Bottom part 1

I think the attraction started at a young age. Of course, I didn't realize it at the time. Joe had always been a friend; sure, he was the exact opposite of me, strong, with the body of a jock, not stupid but definitely not smart, and popular, but for some reason he let me hang around him. We went to different school because his parents were devout Catholics who didn't want public school to taint their innocent boy. My parents didn't care about all that. Joe was a year older than me, but started late at school so we were in the same grade.

St. Mary's was along the same road as my public school, only farther down and so we would normally walk to school together until we reached mine. Then, after school, I would wait for him to swing by before walking home. When I was 10 and in sixth grade, I was hanging around the school waiting for Joe to show up when the local bullies started harrassing me. I have always been a "late bloomer" and at 10 I had a ton of the baby fat, wore glasses and was a complete and utter nerd. Which was the prime target for James, Brady and Todd. When they saw me waiting for Joe, I was the perfect target for their young aggression.

"Hey, tubby" Brady, the leader of this posse, would say.

Then the pushing would begin. I tried to walk away from them, but they would circle me, pushing me. I couldn't defend myself very well and ended up on the ground, with skinned knees. Luckily, it was at this moment that Joe came on the scene.


Me on the ground, the three bullies around me. They looked at Joe and smiled. Brady stepped forward and Joe punched him in the nose. Being 10, Brady collapsed into a tear-soaked mound on the ground. The other two fled. As Brady struggled to his feet, Joe pushed him forward and with a stumble, Brady ran home, bawling and cupping his nose.

"You okay?"

I nodded.


"Don't mention it."

I believe it was at this moment that my friendship took an "awe" swing. I didn't realize it at the time, but I was in love with my best friend. Back then, before puberty, before I knew what love was, it registered as a desire to do everything to live up to Joe's expectations. He became the leader, the alpha male, and I was a follower. I tried everything in my power to make him "proud" of me. At the time, it wasn't anything truly "submissive." It was simply a want to be what Joe was so that maybe I could live up to him.

Unfortunately for Joe's parents, our town only had an elementary/middle school Catholic school. So, when highschool came he ended up going to the same one I did. We managed to schedule most classes together.

I will always remember the first time I saw Joe's crotch. Freshman year, I was 14 and Joe was 15, we had gym together. I hadn't truly hit puberty yet, being the late bloomer that I was. I had started to lose my baby fat and was growing but I didn't even have one pubic hair and my cock was still small. Joe, however, had shot up almost over night. He had the body of a runner and in fact had broken a couple records at his school for the fastest mile. He was about 6', trim with brown hair and eyes. In short, to me, he was a god. We had lockers next to one another and I was always nervous about changing in front of him. I knew I was small for my age and I knew that somehow I wasn't adequate in most of the body departments. Joe was shooting the shit with me when he dropped his underwear. I couldn't help but look down as he pulled his shirt over his head. He had a beautiful cock and a ton of pubic hairy. It was the first time I had truly seen either. I'm surprised I was able to look away when Joe had his shirt off and turned to me with his half smile and said something about a girl he had been dating.

Every weekend it seemed we spent the night at each other's house. My parents always felt as if they "owed" Joe's parents for having me over and so we alternated almost each weekend. My dad had let me watch "The Bounty" with Mel Gibson once. I'm not sure the rating but I was shocked by all the female nudity. There's a scene where girls came running down a beach toward the ship, topless. When Joe spent the night the next weekend, I told him about the movie.

"A ton of tits?"

"Yeah. Huge ones," I said, putting my hands out to show the size.

Joe wanted to watch it. We waited until late, hours after my parents went to bed and popped the VHS in. We watched some of the movie, got bored and skipped to the scene in question. Joe's eyes were stuck on the screen. I would look between the screen and Joe and noticed he kept rearranging his crotch. Joe caught me looking and blushed, smiling sheepishly.


"I've never had one."

He looked surprised.

"You're kidding."

"Nope. Never seen one," I said, totally innocent. The idea that a boner was sexual hadn't ever really fit in my head. Sure guys in gym talked about boners all the time, but I never truly knew what one was and didn't want to risk further embarrassment by saying so.

Joe shook his head in disbelief and became transfixed by the tits on the screen. He kept moving his crotch and I could definitely notice a bulge.

"Does it hurt?"

"it's just pushing against my jeans."

"How do you get rid of it?"

"You have to be shitting me, Matt." He stared at me with further disbelief.

I looked away embarrassed.

"Sorry, don't be mad."

I didn't correct him. If he thought I was angry, that was better than the alternative.

"I'll show you."

I don't know why he said it. Maybe it was hurting so bad, pressing against his denim that he needed to get it out. Maybe he was an expeditionist. Or maybe he was truly innocent like me. Whatever the reason, there was the zip and he was out of his pants and boxers.

I stared at his cock in utter amazement. In the gym it was big, but now it was practically twice the length. In all honesty, it was probably about 6", 7" tops but as far as I was concerned at the time, it could have been 10". It was pretty thick with a perfect mushroom head that was turning slightly purple. It stood ramrod straight, pointing at the ceiling. His balls sat on the couch, loose and full. And, of course, there was his beautiful brown pubic hair.

Joe watched me as I stared in curiosity at his cock.

"You can touch it if you like," he said quietly, embarassed and slightly timid.

It's hard to explain how he looked and sounded. It was almost as if he knew this was "wrong" or sexual but wasn't sure exactly why. It was an innocence that wasn't as deep as mine but still there. I totally thought nothing of it on the surface but I hesitated reaching out.

"You don't have to," he said suddenly, turning red in the face as he reached down to his boxers.

Without second thought, I reached forward and touched his shaft with my pointer finger. That stopped him in his tracks. I scooted closer to him and wrapped my hand around his cock, toward the base. I felt the hardness in my hand, the weird squishiness of flesh and the hardness underneath. It fascinated me. I let go and grab up farther, my hand just beneath his mushroom head. My thumb traced the head gently and I felt him shudder. I looked up at his face, thinking I did something wrong. His eyes were closed so I turned my attention back to his cock. My hand slid down his shaft and he let out a slight moan.

"You okay?" I asked.

He nodded. I brought my hand back up along his cock and he breathed deeply. I could tell whatever I was doing pleased him. So, I kept doing it. Staring intently at his cock, I moved my hand up and down it slowly, feeling the thickness in my hand and the warmth emanating from it. His flat stomach seemed to move in time with my strokes. I didn't pay any attention to what was going on, just on his cock and my hand that worked it. I went down to his base and slowly moved up his shaft, gently squeezing as I did.

"Keep going, Matt," he said once.

Wanting to please him more than anything in the world, I kept going, moving a little faster. His breath quickened. He bit his lip and a moan escaped his lips. I kept going. I looked at his face as he started gasping. I didn't see the explosion of come that came from his piss slit but I felt it, warm and sticky on my hand. I looked down in surprise as I saw more cum shoot from his cock, hitting my hand and his stomach. I stopped what I was doing and his cock throbbed in my open palm, leaking more onto me.

It was then that he looked at me and realized what had happened. Shock, possibly disgust, but underneath it all satisfaction filled his face.

"I-I'm sorry," he stammered, his face turning beet red.

He hopped up and ran to the bathroom. I looked at the white cum on my hand, and moved it between my finger and thumb. I didn't know what it was but I liked the feel of it.

After what seemed like a long time, Joe left the bathroom, pants up, bulge gone. He went directly to bed and didn't say anything. That was the last weekend we spent at each other's house. And, for a while, that was the last time we spoke. He started hanging out with the popular kids and the jocks while I hung out with the more artistic, the theatre, band and choir geeks.

It wasn't until later that I realized what had happened. After getting my own pubic hair, my larger cock, and my desire to masterbate. It was then that I realized what we had done, how it wasn't innocent. And I would jerk off to the memory almost every night.

Then came college and my sexual awakening.

Next: Chapter 2

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