How I Became His Slut

By Lucas

Published on Feb 4, 2012


How I Became His Slut Part 5

This story is fictional and fantasy, although I would love it to be my reality. I got some great feedback, so thank you to all. I've tried to get back to everyone who commented and the acceptance has been great. I do hope you enjoy this part.

Characters: Jonathan/Pup: Me Master: Lucas David: Master Lucas's Assistant

Copyright 2012

David picked me up from the floor. My hands still locked behind my back in the padded puppy mitts and my ankles also still shackled in the padded puppy paws. My body was sore and I could feel the dried piss all over me. My ass was still on fire and when he got me to my knees. I didn't have enough strength yet to stand up. I started to fall forward towards him. He must have been standing, because I could feel my head hit his crotch area. I kinda bobbed back a bit once I realized I had done it.

"Whoa...easy there...looks like they really gave it to you last night. Hang on, lets get this off first," He said as he started to pull off the gas mask.

"No...stop...," I muttered.


"Stop, Master Lucas said I had to keep it on."

"It's ok, it'll be fine," said David as he pulled the rubber from my face. The fresh air hit me hard, and woke me up a bit bringing back to reality some. My eyes tried to adjust to the light in the room. As blinked and squinted I looked around the room. It was still kind of dark in the room, like early morning just about sunrise. My eyes finally adjusted and I looked up and saw David standing over me. He had set the gas mask down on the couch and had both hands on my shoulders holding me. His crotch was right at level with my nose. He was wearing cargo shorts and a tee and a baseball cap. He looked like a little 18 year old jock boy in that outfit.

"How was dinner last night?" I giggled. He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face, then realized I was asking about his romantic evening with Allison, who I assumed was a girlfriend.

He chuckled a bit, "It was fine, although it seems you had a bit of rough night yourself." I tried to stand up, but it was difficult as I was still sore and weak and my hands behind my back were still locked up. "Wait, this will just be easier, don't move."

David knelt, put both his hands under my arms and lifted me up to my feet. Then he bend over, put his shoulder into my stomach and picked me up and tossed me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. He looked like he had a good build, but he didn't even breathe heavy when he did it. I had to be at almost dead weight, cause I could barely move. He turned around and marched toward the stairs and carried me up stairs. He didn't struggle one bit. He carried me over his shoulder as effortlessly as your would if you had a wet towel over your shoulder. He carried me into the Master's playroom and flopped me down on the bed. Oh no, was he going to use me now? I thought he was straight. He looked down at me, "Where are your keys?"

"In my pants pocket. Why?" I asked.

"I need them, I'm meeting the realtor at your place at 10, and I need your keys" he said as he disappeared from the room. Holy fuck, I had forgotten about that. He returned with my keys in his hand, "Is there an alarm code?" he asked.

"Yes," I responded. I gave him the code.

"Ok good, I'll be back around 12 or so. Tell Lucas to text me if he wants me to pick up some lunch or something," and he started to head out the door leaving me laying on the bed. He stopped and turned around. "Well now, I smell like piss, fuck!"

"I'm sorry" I muttered

"Oh fuck and I almost forgot to put you away." He said, "Come on"

He walked back, "I'll just change my shirt before I leave," He said as he grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me towards him. He lifted me up again like a sack of potatoes and carried me into Master Lucas's bedroom. He walked over to the dresser and fumbled around for a minute. While he was doing that I lifted my head and saw Master Lucas laying the in bed. He eyes were closed and his breathing was shallow. A single black sheet covered his right leg and his crotch, exposing the rest of his gorgeous naked body. You could see his 9.5 inch dick outlined beautifully in the sheet. David found what he was looking for and turned around and headed for the bed. He set me down at the foot of the bed and pulled back the sheet surrounding the bed. He unlocked the padlock and opened the door to the kennel. He whispered, "Get in."

I did my best and scooted in as best I could. I was still locked up. He closed and locked the door. I could only see his legs now, and he walked to the dresser, I heard the key drop and then he walked out the door and disappeared. I was locked in the kennel. I scooted as best I could to the pillows and curled up on them. The silver bowl next to them had water in it. I angled my head and lapped up a few drops which tasted good. Then I got as comfortable as I could and nestled into the pillows and started to doze off.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep. By the light outside when David found me in the living room I figured it was around 6AM. Now that I was in the kennel under Master's bed, and David didn't close the curtain over the kennel door, the sun was beaming into the room. I figured it was about 9AM or so when I heard movement above my head. Master Lucas was waking up. I had an urge to pee. I hadn't peed since yesterday evening when I was showering and getting cleaned up before dinner. I heard Master Lucas's feet hit the floor. He walked around the bed and I saw his muscled calves heading towards the bathroom. I scurried up and slinked off the pillows towards the kennel door. Master Lucas must have heard me, he stopped turned around and headed back tot he foot of the bed. By the time he got to the kennel door, I was already there with my head pressed to the bars. He knelt down and peered those emerald green eyes in at me. His blond hair was tossed and had that sexy bed head look. Guys usually spend time with creams and gels making their hair look like that way and his was that natural bed head. Damn he was beautiful and the site of him made my aching puppy cock straining to get hard despite the urge to pee and the chastity lock that encased it.

"How ya doing pup?" he asked.

"Arf Arf," I barked back and tried my best to wag my ass. He chuckled.

"Have fun last night?" he asked.

"hermmm" I whined back, but still kept my ass wagging.

"Hahaha, I heard the boys using you pretty hard last night. It was a nice lullaby to fall asleep to. I trust you pleased them well Pup?"

"Arf Arf" I barked back, wagging my ass as hard as I can and nodding.

"Good, well let's get you ready" he said, and he went to the dresser and grabbed the key to the kennel. He opened the lock and grabbed my collar and pulled me out. I pushed to help him as best I could so he didn't choke me. He reached around and unlocked my wrists and ankles. "Let's go Pup," He said and headed towards the bathroom. I followed on all 4's like a good puppy should. It was strange, I did it so naturally. The idea of following him like a human never entered my mind. I was so over joyed by being his dog and him treating me like one. I was still so tired and sore from last night but I didn't care how much pain my body was in at that moment I was going to be on all 4's like his dog no matter what.

"PRESENT!" He ordered once we were in the bathroom. I immediately got into position on all 4's, ass up and chest down. "Good boy" he said in a playful voice, and scratched my ear. I felt his finger rubbing my hole, "My my my..they did do a number on you. A lot more than I thought they would do. Little more worn back here than I expected Pup," he said.

I whimpered. I was afraid he'd be disappointed in that. My heart sank, I disappointed my Master. I could feel my throat choking up, and tears starting to well up in my eyes and my body started to shake. Master came over and picked up my head and looked into my eyes, "Don't be sad Pup, I'm proud of you. Those boys can be very rough, It looks like you took it like a champ for the first time. I know they went pretty easy on you, but you must have given them a little challenge and I'm proud of you boy. They blew up my phone this morning with text messages, thanking me for letting them use you and wanting to know when they were going to get the chance to again."

I smiled and wagged my ass some at that. My Master was proud of me. I sat up and licked him on the cheek, "Arf arf" I barked and I was so excited. I got so excited a little piss came out of my cock. I had forgotten the urge to pee for a minute and then with the little piddle, it came back. I squeezed and tried to stop it and I did.

"Oh puppy made a puddle," Master said. He reached back and swatted my ass hard, "Bad dog...Bad, now clean it up!"

I turned around and licked up every drop from the floor.

"Now come here now," Master said as he was standing near the toilet. I trotted over and sat at his feet. "Open up now," he commanded. I opened my mouth, knowing full well what was about to happen. I still had to pee so bad too. Master put his soft cock in my mouth and within seconds, his morning piss was shooting across my tongue past my tonsils and down into my belly. I lapped up every drop, knowing full well that if I let a drop spill, I'd probably get swatted again and having to clean it up off the bathroom floor. I gulped and gulped it down. It was a strong steady stream like from a garden hose. And that stale morning piss too. I usually don't like that kind and it makes me gag, but from him, I couldn't get enough of it. After a few minutes he finally finished. He removed his cock from my mouth, stepped back and looked down at me, "Good boy!"

I barked and gave him a smile. I had to really go badly now. My belly was full of his piss and it was pushing my bladder and I had to piss even worse now. He disappeared into the playroom and came back with a leash. He clipped it to my collar and pulled me along side him. I trotted along as quickly as I good. He kept a good pace and we went down stairs and out the patio door. We went out into the grassy area just past the pool. It had a half pony wall that you couldn't see behind from the house. I assumed it was a barrier to block the pool pumps and such, but much to my surprise it was a nice grassy area. It had a big dog house back there with the word "MAX" written above the door. The area in front of it had a small covering over the ground and two plastic bowls under it. Both were empty. Master unhooked the leash and looked down at me, "Go good potty Pup" he said and swatted my butt lightly. I lurched forward. He wanted me to piss out here? Like a real dog? If my cock wasn't locked up, it would have been hard as a rock. I trotted over to the grassy area. When I got on it, I could tell it was fake. It was that fake grass, not astroturf like the Brady Bunch lawn, but it looked real. I lifted my leg and let my piss fly. I could hear Master start to laugh and he said, "Good Pup"

It lasted a couple of minutes, I had a lot built up. The grass was kind of elevated and at an angle, so the puddle turned into a stream and was running between my legs down the incline. As I was finishing, I heard Master behind me pick something up. When I was done I put my leg down. Suddenly a cold stream of water hit my ass. It was shocking. I screamed. Master was hosing me down. When he was done with me, he hosed down the grass where I had peed. when he was done, I was frozen there on all 4's shaking. He grabbed the leash and walked over, clicked it back on me and we walked back to the patio door. Once we got there, he unclipped the leash and grabbed a towel. From a cabinet near the door. He rubbed me down like you would a wet dog. He pulled me up into human standing position. He put the towel around my neck.

"Ok boy, I'm going to go upstairs and shower. Go into the kitchen and make some coffee. There is some fruit and muffins in there, get some ready for me and I'll be down in shortly. You should be done before I get downstairs. Be a good pup and wait for me like a good pup should," he said. Then he leaned in and pulled me into his arms and pressed his lips to mine. He kissed me so hard and passionately. I got weak kneed, but I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him close to mine. He pushed me against the door, I'd thought were were going to break the glass. Instinctively I pulled my weight up by my arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. He moved his arms down and cupped my ass and pulled me closer. We fumbled through the door and landed on the couch. He sank into me and dove his tongue deeper into my throat. His whole body weight was on me and I could hardly breathe but I didn't care. We kissed for a few minutes and then he pulled up, looked down at me and smiled, "Go get breakfast."

He stood up and took off my puppy mitts and socks and I was completely naked except for the collar and chastity lock. "make sure you clean and dry these boy," he ordered.

He sauntered off up stairs, his perfect ass bouncing the whole way, I had rolled over onto my belly and had my head peering over the couch watching him. He had to know i was watching him. He turned around at the door way and shot me a smile, then continued out. My cock was aching for release from the plastic prison it was in. But the euphoria in my mind was far more powerful, I think I was falling in love with him.

I got up and walked into the kitchen and found the coffee and the food. I brewed a fresh pot and cut up some fruit and muffins. I arranged them on a plate and walked over to the table and sat them down. I poured two cups of coffee and sat down at the table. I stared out the window and watched the morning light bounce off the pool and got lost in my own thoughts. I couldn't believe how good I felt. My body was sore from the raping from last night, but all that still couldn't bring down my high right now. Something about sitting here in this kitchen, naked, cock locked and wearing a chain collar had me so happy. I didn't even hear Master Lucas walk into the kitchen. He pulled the chair away from the table to sit down and it startled me. I turned around and he was standing there wearing only a pair of shorts, his cock outlined in the fabric perfectly, shirtless. I jumped down from the chair and sat on the floor like a good dog should and looked up at him. I was suppose to wait for him like a dog and I had been in the chair, I was sure I was going to be punished. He pushed his chair back in and walked over to me and put his hand on my head. I looked up at him.

"Bad puppy, not waiting for Master like you were told to..." He said.

I bowed my head and started to whine. He reached back and began to spank my ass, "Bad dog...bad bad dog!" he yelled. I pushed my head down and my ass up. I began licking his feet and whimpering at the same time. He freshly washed feet and body smelled so good. Just a hint of clean soap. Not over powering, just the scent of clean and his natural scent of man. He was spanking my ass pretty hard and it stung and hurt, but I didn't want him to stop, the contact of skin on mine was too good. He stopped and pushed me back on my heels, put his hands under my arms and pulled me up to my feet. He got right in my face, put his arms around my waist and cupped my freshly pink ass and said, "Not going to do that again are you boy?"

I giggeled, "Well I might if that's what happens"

We both laughed and then sat down at the table. We talked for a bit about last night. Lucas asked me how I felt and If I liked what happened. Words couldn't express how I felt. It was a dream fantasy come true. The kind you only see in porn.

"It was fun, I was a little worried at first, but after a few minutes I really did enjoy being used by those guys. Who were they? Friends of yours?" I asked.

"Sort of. Employees actually, but we do get along as friends too." He said

"What? Employees...what the fuck....?" I was shocked.

"Yeah, they work for me in various different businesses that I have an interest in. I needed people I trust, plus they are attractive too. And smart too. Very rare to find people like that. Funny thing is, they are almost as submissive as you, but don't bottom" He laughed at that.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"They don't get fucked or suck cock, but they will fuck anyone I tell them and they do it to the letter. I told Danny one time to fuck this really ugly guy once in the bar. Made him wrap his cock up of course, but he did it. Said it was gross fucking the dude. Was really dirty, but he was hard as a rock, because I made him do it."


"Yeah, but they really liked you. They are begging to use you again. Don't think I will let them for a while though, gunna keep that hole to myself for a while." He got up and headed out of the kitchen. "Clean up boy and then go get ready, I put some clothes on the bed for you. We are leaving in 30 minutes"

I scurried around the kitchen, cleaned up the area from breakfast and headed up stairs. I took a shower and cleaned out. The hot water felt good on my body after it was used so hard. I got out the shower. Dried off and went to the bedroom. On the bed was my outfit. A pair of board shorts and a tee shirt and sandals on the floor. I put them on. The shorts were a bit small and with the chastity lock, my cock was very visible. The t- shirt was a bit tight too. My slim body frame was outlined pretty good. I looked in the mirror and the collar was very visible. There was no way to hide it under the shirt, but that's ok it made me proud to wear it for my Master. I headed down stairs and Lucas was waiting for me at the front door. He had changed from his shorts into a similar outfit I was wearing. Of course, he looked much better. Like a stud who just stepped down from an Abercrombie poster.

"Let's go Pup" he said and opened the door. I grabbed my phone and wallet he had put on the table next to the door. We walked out to his car and he tossed me the keys, "You drive Pup." We got into his Mercedes and I adjusted the seat and stuff. I started the car and waited. A few seconds passed and I asked him, "Where are we going Sir?"

"To your place, David is there with the realtor."

I put the car in gear and headed over. Saturday morning with little traffic, the trip was pretty quick. We pulled into my driveway and the black town car was there along with another Lexus, I assumed the realtor. I walked up to the garage which was open and there stood David and what I assumed was the realtor. Lucas walked up, shook the man's hand. I was waiting to be introduced but wasn't. It was strange. I was standing in my garage of my home, yet I felt like the visitor. The three of them headed inside. I followed as we stood in the kitchen, the 3 of them talked. I just stood there. Then Lucas turned around, well he's the owner so get him all the stiff he needs to sign, but work it through David here. The man agreed, shook Lucas and David's hand and headed out. Lucas and David talked for a few minutes. I wasn't really paying attention. I was wondering if I left something embarrassing out in my house. Lucas patted David on the back and then he left.

I went to the kitchen sink as Lucas walked him out. There were a few dishes in the sink. I started to wash them. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my ass. I smiled and pushed my ass back into Lucas's hand. Suddenly, I felt his other hand on the back of my neck. He pushed my head down roughly into the sink, moved his other hand from my ass to my hips, kicked my feet apart then ripped down my shorts. With a hard smack on my ass he spit on my crack, then spit again which I assume hit his cock. Then I felt his cock head pressing against my hole. He was about to spit fuck me, well spit rape me is more like it.

I had to press my hands against the sink to keep from flying forward. HIs perfectly chiseled body was not just gym pretty. Those muscles were for real. Without even trying he can over power just about anything. It was taking all the strength I had keep myself from flying into the back wall of the sink.

"Don't fight me boy, you won't win fucker!" He shouted.

"Wait..wait, it's not wet Sir." I begged him.

"Too fucking bad, you fucking cunt. You're taking this cock all the way, that fucked up cunt hole took it rougher than this last night from those guys. I don't give a fuck bitch, you're taking it"

I could feel his cock head pushing against my sore pummeled asshole. There was a little spit on it, but not nearly enough to slide his 9.5" cock inside my already sore fucked slot. There was no stopping him, he was right. Inch by inch his cock forced it's way inside me. There was no way to stop him. I could feel my cock pushing against the counter. Still being locked in the chastity lock, the plastic was pressing into my stomach and it hurt bad. Finally his cock was all the way in me as I could feel his balls pressed firmly against the ass cheeks. He did it. He hit that spot that so far only he has been able to hit which sent shockwaves through out my body making me feel like I was on fire. I let out a low growl and arched my back pushing my ass out into his hips.

"AHH..that's it, I knew that puppy hole wanted my big cock....yeah....good fucking faggot pup!" He growled.

"ARF ARF ARF ARF" I barked. I couldn't even think straight. The pleasure of his cock pistoning in and out of my wrecked hole was far overwhelming the pain from the lack of lube. Within a few minutes I his paces picked up even more and I could feel his cock swell inside of me, and the lava of his cum was unleashed on my insides and I was no longer dry back there. Ropes of his hot cum were spewing inside of my used and wrecked hole. So much that I could feel it starting to come back along his dick and small drops running out of stretched and wrecked fuck hole. He finished pumping my guts full of his man juice and ripped his cock out of my hole. A huge burst of cum shot out of my hole and covered his cock and then dripped on the floor.

"Clean it up faggot!" He ordered

Before he could even finish speaking, I swung around, dropped to my knees and began lapping up his nectar off his cock. I got every last drop and it tasted good. I ran my tongue down his shaft, to his balls and down his legs. I bent over with my ass sticking straight out and lapped up his cum from the floor. Making sure not to miss a drop. When I was down I sat back on my heels and looked up and smiled at Master Lucas. He was looking down smiling back at me.

"Puppy thirsty now?" He asked.

"Arf Arf" I barked smiling back and wagging my tail.

He stepped forwards and his semi hard glistening cock was pointing right at my lips. I opened my mouth and he laid his cock head right on my tongue and within seconds unleashed his piss right down my throat. His piss had the ever slight taste of his Master cum in it and it was heavenly. I gulped down every drop. When he was done, he stepped back, grabbed his clothes from the floor and started to get dressed. I remained on my heels waiting for his orders. Once he got dressed, he walked over to me and pulled me up by my nipples. I jumped to me feet and yelped.

"Good pup," he said, "get dressed, we are heading back to the house. I have a surprise for you tonight. We are going out."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and starting kissing his neck. He pulled me in closer and I asked, "Where are we going Master?"

"'s a surprise, but keep that attitude cause you are going to need it tonight. If you think last night was rough, just wait" he said and he gave me a handsomely devilish grin. "Oh, pack a few things you might want. It'll be a few days before you come back here." He said as he headed out to the garage.

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