How the Mighty Have Fallen

By Luvkev JC

Published on Apr 21, 2002


How the Mighty has Fallen


Disclaimer: Ummm this isn't real. This is fiction. Completely fiction. I do not know the Backstreet boys or Nsync either. As far as I know Kevin is happily married to Kristin and JC well he is a mystery but I do not know his sexuality nor do I claim too. Oh yea. Adults only!!!! If you are minor than go to the back button and back your way out!!!!!! Oh yea and I am new at this so I really really really hope that you like the story.

Part Two

Kevin walked into the room that night without his clothes on. Kevin slept in the nude. He giggled when he saw JC ogling at him. Kevin slowly turned around giving JC time to see him completely. Kevin knew he had a beautiful body and he knew JC loved to look at it. So he gave JC plenty of time to look at it and get all horny because Kevin had plans for him tonight. "See something you like?" JC nodded like a kid spotting an ice cream cone. He got up and started walking towards Kevin shucking what little clothes he had on. Soon he was as naked as Kevin was and standing right in front of him. His cock was sticking straight up and touching Kevin's rock hard stomach. Kevin went to kneel down in front of JC but JC stopped him.

"I want you in my mouth shooting your load down my throat!" JC rasped out. He knelt on the soft carpet and gazed up at the gorgeous man standing over him. He thought for a few seconds and than stood and than headed over to the bed and laid on it with his head hanging over the side. "Straddle me and slide your cock down my throat."

"I don't want to gag you," Kevin said softly as he complied with JC's request.

"You won't if we do it this way," JC replied as he shivered at the thought of being completely helpless and submitting to Kevin like this. "Now slide it in." Kevin slowly started to slide his cock into JC's mouth. He watched in amazement as the entire length disappeared down JC's throat. He than pulled out and slid back in. He looked at JC's face, his eyes were closed and had an expression of complete peace and love on his features. Kevin had set up a pretty good pace. He was slamming in and out of JC like he would if he was fucking him up the ass. He couldn't believe that he wasn't chocking JC. But JC kept breathing through his nose and sucking hard. Kevin knew he wasn't going to last long. He went to pull out but JC stopped him by sliding his hands up around Kevin's but cheek and holding him in.

"UUUUHHHHHH!" Kevin groaned out as he started to shoot his load right down JC's throat. JC started swallowing fast and hard. The throat muscles working on Kevin's cock drove Kevin completely nuts and he shot even harder and longer than he had ever done before. Finally he pulled out his still twitching cock and let JC gently lick it clean. He than got up and let JC up. Kevin saw that JC was hard as a rock. He moved quickly to Suck him off. He loved to suck JC's cock. JC was a wild man when he had an orgasm. His entire body would go nuts. Soon Kevin was sucking down JC's load too. After he let JC's cock go he looked down and saw that he was rock hard again. He looked at JC and JC looked up at him and turned over so that his ass was up in the air. "JC?" Kevin asked. He was shocked that JC would submit like that. They had made love before but not like this.

"Pllease Kevin," JC begged. "I want you so bad." Kevin got up and slid on a condom and than got back in bed. JC watched Kevin and marveled at how casual Kevin was. Here he was getting ready to fuck JC's brains out and he wore the look of someone who was going to do something very ordinary. Kevin looked down at JC and plunged into him. Kevin loved to look into the eyes of his lover whenever he first plunged in. The expression on his lover's face always set the pace for the rest of the evening. With JC it was heavenly. JC would let out a whimper and his eyes would shut tight and a few small tears would flow out and his mouth would opened and with just a hint of his teeth showing. Kevin would than kiss away the tears as he quickly pulled out and plunged back in. JC entire body would shiver at the sensation. Kevin usually fucked hard and fast. That was how he liked it. JC loved being ridden hard and fast. He loved the feeling of a man on top of him fucking him. Kevin didn't last long. Soon he screamed out JC's name as he blasted his load into the Condom. He quickly pulled out making JC whimper again at the sudden loss. After sliding off the condom he slid back in and held JC until JC went to sleep. JC loved to go to sleep with Kevin's cock resting in him. Kevin looked at the clock and saw that it was almost four in the morning. He had kept JC up to late. But it was worth it.

The next morning at Justin's house.

"Tyler?" asked Justin as he grinned. "What are you doing for the rest of the week?"

"Justin?" asked Tyler as he tried to calm himself down. "Why?"

"I want you to come down to Orlando for a while," Justin replied.

"I'm free but I'm short on funds," Tyler replied. He sighed in disappointment. He always liked Justin but thought he was unapproachable.

"No worries," Justin fired back. "I've got you covered."

"You sure?" Tyler asked worried. "What about JC?"

"Don't worry about him. He doesn't have to know that you are even here," Justin smirked. 'At least until I'm done popping your cherry!' he thought to himself. Justin had figured out the best way to get back at JC. He was going to seduce Tyler, JC's younger brother. He was going all out too. He was going to make Tyler fall in love with him and fuck him and than cast him aside. JC would be so mad at him if he did that. And that is what Justin wanted. He wanted to hurt JC. And he wanted to hurt him to the core. No one ever stood up to him. At least not the way that JC had. JC had taken everything that Justin had a beef about and threw it in his face. Justin had never accepted the fact that JC was older than him and had more talent than him and to cover it up he made it his mission to keep JC in the background as much as possible. Now JC had finally had enough. He was fighting back. The nerve of him! He was just supposed to accept the fact that Justin was better than he was and get on with his little unimportant life! But NOOooo! JC had to get all high and mighty on him. Coming out and flaunting his big bad Backstreet Boy Toy in front of him. And letting him know that he was doing a solo project whether Justin liked it or not. What a jerk! Right? JC had no right to a life after NSYNC right? Now he was out for blood and he was going for the jugular, JC's younger brother. Justin had seen Tyler before and liked Tyler. He was hot little cuss and Justin had made it his mission to bust him wide open.

"You sure we aren't going to get into trouble with JC?" Tyler asked.

"Come on Tyler," Justin whined. "It will be so much fun. You know how I feel about you."

"Yea you said you were into me," Tyler said shyly feeling a blush coming to his face.

"You blushing?" Justin asked using his gentle voice. "I love it when you blush."

"Justin," Tyler wined blushing even worse. "Ok ok, I'll come down."

"You won't regret baby," Justin said using his most adorable voice he had. He heard Tyler giggle. "Before I go I want you to think of this."

"What?" Tyler asked shyly.

"Think about me and you naked in bed and me making sweet love to you," Justin whispered seductively. He laughed softly as he heard poor Tyler whimper. Justin laughed as he hung up. "Yea Tyler," he sneered at the phone. "I can't wait to have you on your knees sucking my cock! Than I fuck you so hard up your cherry ass!" Justin quickly picked up the phone and dialed the airlines. "Yea this is Justin Timberlake. I want one first class ticket."

At Kevin's place.

"Good morning sweetie," Kevin said as he wrapped his arms around the sleeping figure of JC. "We got to get up baby."

"No," mumbled JC as he snuggled deeper into Kevin's arms. "Don't wanna." Kevin chuckled as he climbed out of bed and headed into the bathroom. He was the only one who really had to be up. JC had the day off so he decided to let his sweetie sleep in. "Kevin?" JC whined looking up at Kevin. Kevin looked back and busted up laughing. JC had the worse case of bed head. "Why are you laughing at me?" Kevin hopped back in bed laying his long hard body over JC's. JC wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck and pulled him down. "Hi!" he said brightly. Kevin growled as he pressed his lips to JC's driving his tongue down his throat. JC let out a soft moan as he ground his cock into Kevin's crotch.

"You horny?" Kevin asked as he nibbled on JC's chin. JC whimpered in reply. "Well than I guess I'm going to have to take care of you." In a flash Kevin had JC's cock down his throat bobbing up and down causing JC to go nuts with pleasure.

"Do you have to go?" JC asked still basking in the glow of the blowjob that Kevin had given him. "I'll be lonely!"

"I'm sure you will survive baby," Kevin smiled down at him. "Get some more sleep cause I know that you didn't sleep very well last night."

"Ok but I will thinking of you all day," JC replied as he gave Kevin a hug as he walked him out the door. He watched as the love of his life walked over to his car and climbed in. Kevin started his BMW and backed out and put the car in gear and drove off. JC was about ready to head back in when he saw Justin's silver BMW Roadster squeal wheels around the corner and slipped into the gate before they closed. JC rolled his eyes not wanting to deal with him this morning.

Justin put his car in park and got out. "Ok Timberlake," he said to himself. "Time to put plan b into affect."

"What do you want Justin?" JC asked as he glared at him. "I don't want to fight with you!"

"I'm not here to fight either," Justin said using his most humble voice. "I want to patch things up." JC looked hard at him trying to see through Justin's wall. He looked into Justin's eyes and saw hurt and sorrow in them. He nodded and waved him into the house. "You get all settled?" Justin asked as he ran his hand over the polished wood.

"Yes I got all settled," JC replied. "Now what do you want?"

"JC?" Justin asked. "We're brothers aren't we?" JC looked hard at him for a few minutes. "Well are we?"

"I don't know Justin," JC replied. "Brother's don't treat each other like you treat me. I mean for the past few years you have life pretty hard on me. You've taken advantage of my nice personality. You know I am more apt to forgive and forget than cause a fight." Justin nodded while he looked down at his feet. "A true Brother don't take advantage of his other brothers and for the last few years you have been taking advantage of me."

"I'm sorry ok?" Justin looked up as he willed tears to flow down his face. "I just got all carried away ok? I want to patch things up. I want us to be friends again. Please JC tell me that it is possible."

"What about Kevin and I?" JC asked. "Will you accept our relationship?"

"Are you happy?" Justin asked looking up at JC. "I mean really happy. Does he really make you happy and complete?"

"Are you kidding?" JC blurted out as he grinned like a kid on Christmas morning. "Of course he makes me happy! I love him and I can't wait until I can spend the rest of my life with him."

"Than that his all that matters," Justin said. 'Yea but you won't be happy for long!' he hissed to himself. "Just as long as he makes you happy and takes care of you than I'm happy for you and I will support you."

"What about my solo project?" JC pressed onward.

'Man you are really asking for a lot,' Justin hissed to himself. "I'm so sorry I jumped on you like that. I had no business trying to stand in your way." Justin put on the slightest pout. "Please say you will forgive me?" He saw JC cave and the tears started to flow. JC threw himself into Justin's arms. 'Bingo! Mission accomplished!' he shouted to himself. He worked up some tears for him self too. After all he had to keep it working good. After a few minutes he broke apart and smiled down at JC. "It is good to have us back on the right track," he said softly. "Now what do you want to do for the rest of the day?" JC choose this time to yawn widely. Justin laughed at JC. "You are always sleeping."

"Hey!" JC said with a pout. "I can't help it if Kevin kept me up too late last night."

"Who there buddy," Justin giggled. "I don't want to hear the details." JC laughed. "Ok ok I'll leave you alone so you can catch up on your sleep." He gave JC a quick hug. "Oh by the way I invited Tyler to spend the week down here. I'm supposed to pick him up later this evening. You want to ride with me to the airport?"

"How did you work that out?" JC asked with a grin. "Man I'm so glad that Tyler is coming to spend some time with you. I know how much you two like eachother."

"He is off from school this week so I decided to fly him out," Justin grinned. "I miss him so much."

"Well make sure you bring him by to see his older brother," JC smiled as he opened the door for Justin.

'Yea I make sure I drop his used and marked ass by after I get done fucking his brains out!' Justin thought to himself. "Ok buddy, I'll make sure that I drop him off." Justin got into his car and drove off. His plan had worked, or so he thought. Little did Justin know how his life would be turned upside down.

At the Airport.

"Tyler Tyler!" yelled Justin as he jumped up and down waving his arms. Tyler stepped out of the gate and looked at Justin and laughed. He headed over to the hyper Justin just in time to see the sea of Girls running towards them.

"Girls!" Tyler shouted as he grabbed Justin's hand and drug him up the corridor. After running into the VIP lounge they plopped down on to soft leather sofas to catch their breaths. "Man!" Tyler sighed. "How do you put up with that?"

"Well it does help to keep us in shape," Justin giggled as he struck a pose. Tyler watched as the six foot plus singer flexed his muscles and posed for Tyler. Justin knew how to work his body to get any reaction that he wanted. And right now, he wanted to drive Tyler crazy with lust. "See some thing you like?" he asked grinning at the gaping younger Chasez.

"Ummm what?" Tyler blurted out blushing as he realized that he was staring at Justin like a love crazed school boy.

"You are so cute," Justin giggled as he leaned in and kissed Tyler on the lips quickly.

"Umm aren't you like umm dating Britney?" Tyler asked.

"Baby," Justin said. "You know I have a thing for you. It is not about being gay or straight or even bi with me. It is all about if the guy or girl is happening at the time. And right now baby, you are so happening!"

"So I'm not just a means of getting your rocks off?" Tyler asked frowning. Justin ran his finger along the side of Tyler's face. Tyler shivered at the touch.

"Baby," Justin cooed. "I would never do anything that would hurt you like that. I know how you feel about your virginity. I'm not here to push you into anything. If you don't want to make love than say so."

"Ummm no I umm really want to hook up with you," Tyler said shyly. "I really really like you! Ohhh man that sounded so stupid!"

"That didn't sound stupid," Justin grinned at him. "It sounded sweet and cute just like you."

"Umm Mr. Timberlake?" asked a deep voice behind them.

"Yea?" Justin asked back.

"The crowd has thinned out and Mr. Chasez's belongings are in the limo," the body guard said. "We can leave when you are ready."

"Good let's go," Justin answered back as he stood up and walked towards the door. 'The quicker we get home the quicker I can fuck his brains out!' he thought to himself. 'Poor sap, he doesn't even know what is happening.' He looked back to see if his victim was following him. Sure enough like an eager puppy Tyler was following.

"So how was your day?" Kevin asked JC as he spooned some salad out onto a plate for himself.

"Justin and I patched things up," JC smiled as he swiped a crouton from Kevin's salad. Kevin smiled at him and handed him another one. "I'm so happy that he is finally coming to his senses."

"Are you sure he is?" Kevin asked skeptical. "I mean he is a manipulator and he might be trying to pull something."

"I don't think so," JC replied. "I usually can tell if Justin is covering something up."

"Well please be careful sweetie," Kevin said as he handed JC the Ranch dressing. "This is a good salad sweetie."

"Thanks," JC replied. "I just tossed together what you had in the refrigerator."

"Well it is good. So what else did you do?" Kevin asked.

"I did some work in the studio," JC replied as he poured him a glass of white whine. "I got a writing urge and had to get it down on paper."

"Can I see it?" Kevin asked.

"Not yet, I'm still working on it," JC took a drink of the wine. "I usually don't let anyone look at my unfinished products."

"Can I be your exception?" Kevin pleaded.

"What do I get if I let you?" JC asked waggling his eyebrows. Kevin leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. "Uh uh," he giggled. "Not good enough." Kevin chuckled and leaned in and whispered something in his ear. "Ok deal!" Kevin threw back his head and laughed.

"You are such a softie," Kevin teased him.

"For you anything," JC laughed. "I can't help it. You bring out the worst in me." The rest of the meal was in silence. They sat at the table enjoying each other's company. After they finished they washed and dried and put the dishes away and than headed into the living room and lit the fire place and stretched out on the sofa. JC picked his usual spot cradled in the arms of Kevin. Kevin lazily stroked the side of JC's arm. JC spent the next hour giving Kevin little love bites and kisses on his neck and chest. Finally JC drifted off to sleep and Kevin carried his lover upstairs and placed him bed and crawled in under the sheets and spooned him. He watched as JC slept soundly and marveled at the beauty of him.

Mean while in a spider's web.

"So how do you like it?" Justin asked.

"Nice place," Tyler said as he gazed around the spacious house. "You live here alone?"

"Yea ever since JC moved in with Kevin and Chris moved out I'm all alone. You want to go upstairs?" Justin asked.

"Umm yea umm sure," Tyler stammered. He was dying to get Justin alone and try something. He wasn't sure what he wanted to try but he knew he wanted to try something. Justin took by the hand and led up stairs to his room. Once in side Justin stretched out on the bed and motioned Tyler to do the same thing. Tyler laid down next to Justin.

'Now the fun begins!' Justin said to himself. "Please Tyler," He said as he pulled Tyler to him. "Let me take you to heaven?" Tyler moaned as he melted into Justin's arms and he knew from that moment on that he would do anything to be with Justin. 'Get ready to get laid!' Justin said to himself as he slid off Tyler's shirt. 'Take that JC!' "You are so beautiful!" Justin cooed at Tyler. Tyler blushed and brought his hands up to his chest. Justin gently took his hands in his and held them away from his body. "Uh uh sexy!" he grinned as he licked his lips. "You are way to hot to cover up your body like that." Tyler swallowed hard as Justin reached for his pants. A small whimper came from Tyler and Justin stopped. "Am I moving to fast?" Justin asked with a look of concern and love in his eyes. Tyler looked down and nodded. "Well how about if we get naked and just hold each other and explore each other's body." 'Better to make a seduction a long process. Don't want to make it look like I'm just after his body,' Justin said to himself as he reigned himself in. He reached up and pulled off his shirt exposing his cut chest. Tyler gulped and ogled Justin as Justin reached for his belt. "Go ahead," He coaxed Tyler. "This is your night. You can do anything you want. If you want to watch than go ahead. If you want to do something than go ahead." Tyler swallowed hard and reached out and pulled Justin's belt apart and reached for the button. 'Bingo!' Justin exclaimed to himself. With shaking fingers Tyler worked on Justin's pants. Soon they were off and Justin was standing at the bedside with Tyler kneeling at his feet looking up at the partially naked Justin. "Go ahead and take it off," Justin coaxed him. "You know you want too." Tyler licked his lips and pulled Justin's boxers down exposing Justin's huge cock. Tyler gazed at it like it was a lost treasure. He reached for it but stopped and looked into Justin's eyes. "Go ahead," Justin grinned. "You can touch it if you want." He moaned softly as Tyler's hand closed around the tender shaft. "OOOOhhh Tyler, that feels so good." He looked down making sure he that he had a loving expression on his face. Tyler was like a kid with a new toy. Tyler kept rubbing it and exploring his cock and balls. "Can I see yours?" Justin asked softly. Tyler let go with a small pout. "Don't worry baby," Justin giggled. "We've got all night." Tyler grinned and quickly shucked his tight jeans and reached for his boxer briefs but Justin stopped him. "uh uh," he scolded lightly. "This is something that should not be rushed." Tyler blushed and looked away. "You are so beautiful Tyler, don't let anyone ever tell you any different." Tyler jerked as Justin took hold of the waist band of his boxer briefs and eased them down. He gasped at the sight of Tyler's cock. It was about the same size of JC's and it was leaking Precome like crazy. 'This little dude is so fucking horny!' Justin thought to himself. 'I wonder what it would belike to suck him off?' he asked himself. 'No he might not be ready for that,' he said to himself. 'What?' he shouted in his head. 'What do I care if he is ready or not.' He ran his finger along the inside of Tyler's legs causing Tyler to twitch with pleasure. "You like that?" Justin asked softly as he laid down beside Tyler making sure his cock brushed up against Tyler. Tyler jerked at the touch. "Shhh," Justin soothed him. "This is your night baby." Tyler nodded. "Can I touch you?" Tyler shrugged and Justin smiled as he took hold of Tyler's cock. It was so hard and hot. Justin could feel the pulsing of Tyler's heartbeat. This boy was horny as hell. "Tyler?" Justin asked looking up at him with an innocent expression. "Can I suck you?" Tyler gulped and nodded. Justin leaned down and began to tongue Tyler's tight chest and abs. He bit down lightly on Tyler's nipples causing Tyler to whimper in pain. Finally he reached the pool of Precome that had pooled in Tyler's rock hard abs. Licking it up he savored at the untouched flavor. He than looked into Tyler's eyes and brought his lips down and in contact with the one part of Tyler he had dreamed of touching. His tongue snaked out and flicked the head of his cock.

"UUUHHHHH!" Tyler moaned out as he arched his hips as he tried to burry his cock into Justin's mouth. "Plllleeeaaaasse?" he whimpered out.

"Please what?" Justin asked grinning up at him. 'God he is so sexy!' Justin thought to himself. 'What the hell are you doing?' He screamed at himself again. 'Get a fucking grip! You are here to bust his cherry and hurt Josh. There is on way you can have feelings for him.'

"Suck me?" Tyler pleaded looking down at Justin with pleading eyes. At this point Justin knew that the tables had just turned. He looked into the eyes of JC's brother and knew he would do anything the young virgin asked him too. So Justin did the only thing he could do.

'Fuck the vendetta!' Justin's mind screamed at him. In one swoop he engulfed Tyler's cock and started to suck hard and bob at the same time. Tyler went nuts moaning and groaning and digging his fingers in Justin's hair. Justin actually loved the fact that Tyler was enjoying himself. "Give me your virgin seed!" he demanded as he smiled up at Tyler. "I want to swallow it!" That did for Tyler he let out a scream and his cock exploded shooting huge spurts of his semen down Justin's throat. Justin swallowed as quickly as he could. All thoughts of revenge fled his mind as his senses were overloaded by Tyler's taste and smell. Finally the flow of cum stopped and Justin cleaned him up and scooted back up so that he was eye level with Tyler. Poor Tyler was trying to recover from the massive orgasm he had just had. He had jacked off a couple of times but nothing compared to this. Justin kissed him lightly on the lips and Tyler thrilled at the fact that he could still taste himself on Justin's lips and tongue. Justin broke away and for the first time Tyler saw Justin blush shyly. "So how was I?" He asked in a small voice.

"Ummm wow!" Tyler stammered. "Is it supposed to umm feel like that?"

"Better," Justin said softly as he kissed Tyler on the lips. Only this time it was a kiss that came from the heart. His tongue ran the into Tyler's mouth and his arms surrounded Tyler as he pulled him close to him. His rock hard cock brushing against Tyler's limp cock. 'Man!' Justin asked himself feeling guilty. 'What do I do now?' He broke away suddenly feeling tears in his eyes. "umm Tyler?" he asked sniffling. "umm can we talk?"

Across town.

Kevin was still up watching his lover sleep. He frowned as JC tossed and turned. It was obvious that JC was having a bad dream. He kept moaning Tyler in his sleep. Kevin remembered him saying that he had a brother named Tyler.

"Tyler!" JC screamed as he sat up right in bed.

"JC sweetie?" Kevin asked concerned. "You had a bad dream."

"I gotta to get to Justin's!" JC said. "He has Tyler."

"But honey!" Kevin said as glanced at the clock. "It is three in the morning."

"Tyler is at Justin and Justin is going to hurt him!" JC shouted as he ran around the room putting on his clothes. "Please Kevin! I know it sounds crazy but trust me on this."

Back at Justin's house.

Justin is holding Tyler in his arms as they are stretched out on the sofa.

"Umm I have to be honest with you," Justin said softly. "Please let me finish the whole story before you say anything." Tyler nodded. "When I first called you it wasn't to get you out here so that we could spend some time together." Tyler looked confused. "I had just gotten in a huge fight with JC and he left the house. I was stupid and had arranged to have all my songs on the release list. JC came out to us and introduced us to his boyfriend. I got pissed and decided to get back at him for standing up for himself. So I decided to get you out here and fuck you and toss you aside." Tyler tried to move away from Justin but he held on tight. "Please!" he pleaded. "I'm not done. Please hear me out." Tyler nodded but Justin could tell he was mad. "You see for the last few years I've been making a real effort to keep JC in the background as much as possible. I would interrupt him when he was being interviewed. I would jump in and shove him aside and steal the mic from him. I was being a huge ass. On top of that JC continued to support me and treat me like a brother. Finally he had enough. He called me on it and I got mad and lashed out. That is why I brought you out here. I brought you out here to hurt JC. But something happened Tyler."

"What happened?" Tyler asked. Justin looked up to see the unshed tears and hurt in his eyes.

"I fell in love with you," Justin whispered. "I saw you all naked and sexy and beautiful and incredible and I couldn't help it. I love you. I don't care about the vendetta anymore. You made me see through past all that. Please Tyler. All I want is to be with you. Please Tyler?" he pleaded. "Can I be with you and love you?"

"You were going to fuck me?" Tyler asked hurt. Justin sobbed and nodded. "You were going to hurt JC?"

"I'm sorry ok?" Justin pleaded. "I know now I could never hurt you like that. I love you." Tyler was quiet for a few minutes. "Tyler?"

"Umm I have to think about this," Tyler said. "Give me until tomorrow morning." Tyler got up and walked up stairs. Justin looked up as he watched Tyler walk upstairs.

"Man!" Justin sobbed. "What is happening to me?" he asked. He got up and walked to the mirror over the fireplace. He looked in it and found a scared little boy staring back at him. "I'm in love with a guy! What the hell am I going to tell Britney? Screw her! I'm in love and this time it is for real!"

Later a pounding at the door wakes him. He had fallen asleep on the couch. He got up and walked to the door and opened it. JC pushed his way in and grabbed Justin and slammed him against the wall hard.

"What the hell have you done to Tyler?" JC demanded.

"Excuse me?" Justin asked. "I haven't done anything to your brother."

"Where is he?" JC demanded. "So help me God! If you have hurt him!"

"JC! I haven't hurt him! I would never do that to him! He is upstairs on your old room!" Justin shouted. "Go check if you want!" JC barged passed him and ran upstairs and ran into his old room. There he found Tyler in his old bed sleeping soundly.

"I told you I wouldn't hurt him!" Justin said as he watched a meek and humbled JC walk back down stairs. "Why would you think I would ever hurt Tyler?"

"I had a bad dream and I thought Tyler was hurt," JC stammered. "I'm umm sorry for barging over like that."

"Hey," Justin replied with a sympathetic smile. "If I thought my brother was going to be hurt I would do the same thing too. Don't worry about JC."

"Is everything all right?" Kevin asked as he stuck his head in the door.

"Yea," Justin replied. "JC was just worried about Tyler is all."

"I'm really sorry," JC stammered as he walked down stairs and into Kevin's arms. "I'm such an ass!" By now tears were flowing. "Here you go and apologies and everything and I don't have the common courtesy to accept it like I should."

"Hey I did a lot of things to you," Justin said as he put his hand on JC's shoulder. "I have to earn your trust back. Trust isn't something that is given freely. I have to earn that. And someday I hope to earn it back."

"I'm so sorry," JC sobbed into Kevin arms. "Umm we're going to get going umm now and let you get back to sleep." JC and Kevin walked back to their car and started it up and drove off.

Justin watched JC and Kevin drive off. When they were out of sight he turned and headed back upstairs. He was going to go into his room but changed his mind. He instead walked into Tyler's room and laid down beside him on top of the sheets. He watched the younger version of JC sleep. He thought about the happenings of the day. He had woke up this morning with only one thought on his mind. Get JC back. Hurt JC. And now he was watching the object in which he was going to do all that sleeping. And he was feeling love and longing for him. He wanted to hold Tyler so bad but he knew if he ever wanted it to work with Tyler he would have let Tyler come to him. Sighing he got up and walked back to his room and slid into bed.

The next morning Tyler woke up feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. He remembered last night. Justin had made him feel so good. Made him feel special too. But at first he wanted to hurt JC and was going to use Tyler to do it. But than Justin said he didn't care about all that and that he had loved Tyler. Loved him! Tyler had never had anyone love him before. At least not like this. Tyler decided to get up and look for Justin. He wanted to tell him that he wanted to try this thing. He got up and walked over to his door. He paused when he heard Britney and Justin shouting.

"What?" Britney shouted. "You love Tyler! JC's brother? What are you a faggot?"

"Please Britney," Justin pleaded. "I didn't mean on this happening! It just did. I'm sorry but I love Tyler. I don't love you."

"Well that is just fine! Cause I don't love you either!" Britney shouted as she stormed out. "You remember that hunk from the video I did?"

"Yea what about him?" Justin asked.

"Well we've been fucking ever since we met! So there!" Britney shouted as she shouted and left the house. Justin sank to his knees sobbing.

"Man I've lost everything now!" he sobbed. "I've lost Tyler and Britney and JC."

"You haven't lost me," Tyler said as he knelt beside Justin. Justin looked up and into the eyes of Tyler and saw the love pouring form them. "I love you Justin. And I want to try this crazy thing. That is if you want to, I mean if you don't want to just let me know and I'll be uuuummppphh!" Justin pressed his lips to Tyler's to shut him up. "Why did you do that?" Tyler asked grinning.

"Cause you are so cute and I couldn't resist myself," Justin said with a grin as he leaned forward and kissed Tyler again. After breaking apart Tyler reached for Justin's Boxers.

"Tyler?" Justin asked softly. Tyler looked up at him with lust glazed eyes. "Are you sure you are ready?"

"Please?" Tyler asked.

"Than let's do this properly," Justin said. "Come on let's get dressed and go to JC's and Kevin's. I'm going to ask JC's permission to date you." Tyler looked up at him in shock.

"You would do that?" Tyler asked.

"Of course I would," Justin said. "I don't want to hide our relationship from anyone."

"I love you," Tyler said.

"I love you too," Justin giggled out. "Now come on! Let's go tell your older brother the good news!"


Will JC accept the fact that Justin is in love with Tyler? Will JC let them date? And is Justin really over the vendetta? Stay tuned to find out!

Next: Chapter 3

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