How the Mighty Have Fallen

By Luvkev JC

Published on Apr 23, 2002


How the Mighty have Fallen


Disclaimer: Ummm this isn't real. This is fiction. Completely fiction. I do not know the Backstreet boys or Nsync either. As far as I know Kevin is happily married to Kristin and JC well he is a mystery but I do not know his sexuality nor do I claim too. Oh yea. Adults only!!!! If you are minor than go to the back button and back your way out!!!!!! Oh yea and I am new at this so I really really really hope that you like the story.

Part Three

Justin pulled up to Kevin's gate and pushed the button. A sleepy sounding voice sounded over the speaker. It was JC.

"Hey JC!" exclaimed a hyper Justin. "Let us up!"

"Is Tyler with you?" JC asked.

"Yo Josh!" Tyler exclaimed. "Let us in!" The gate slid back and they drove through. After they stopped the car Justin looked over at Tyler and saw the worried expression on his face.

"Hey," Justin said softly. "JC is a great guy. He is going to be ok with this."

"I hope so," Tyler said just as softly. "Cause I really love you and I really want JC to be ok with this." He heard the door open and saw JC running towards the car. Tyler got out and ran up to his brother. Soon they were hugging each other. Kevin walked out on the porch too and smiled at the sight.

"Man it is so good to see you!" JC said as he looked at Tyler. He noticed that Tyler was really filling out. And he noticed that his eyes were alive with fire and a spark that wasn't there before. He looked at Justin and saw him looking at the ground. 'Hmmm I wonder,' JC thought to himself. "Come on in guys, you are just in time for breakfast!"

After Breakfast Justin looked over at Tyler and nodded. Tyler nodded too and got up and sat next to Justin. "Umm JC?" Justin said in a nervous voice. "Umm we have something to tell you."

"Yea, and it is really important to us," Tyler said as he grabbed Justin's hand under the table.

"Ok I'm listening," JC replied as he quickly kissed Kevin on the cheek.

"Ummm JC," Justin started. "Umm I would umm like to umm ask your permission to ummm--,"

"We are in love and we want to date!" Tyler blurted out. Justin grinned at his over excited lover. The grin soon disappeared as a dark and angry look crossed over JC's face.

"So that is it," JC said in a deadly calm voice. "You couldn't ruin me so you're going after my brother."

"JC it is not like that,' Justin said as tears started to form. "I love Tyler."

"Fuck you!" JC shouted. "You don't love him! You want to use him to get back at me! It is never about love with you! It is all about control! Well not this time! You are not going to use my brother to hurt me."

"No!" Tyler shouted back. "I love him JC! And I am going to with him!"

"Does mom know about this?" JC shot at Tyler. "Does she know that Justin is trying to get into your pants?"

"No mom does not!" Tyler shot back. "But I'm over eighteen and I can make my own decisions. I love him! He loves me and we are going to be together!"

"I forbid it!" JC shouted at him.

"Fuck you JC!" Tyler screamed as he fled the room. JC went to go after him but Kevin stopped him.

"You stay here and talk to Justin. I'll go after Tyler," Kevin said sternly. Kevin left the room and JC glared at Justin. Justin was sitting there with his head in his hands. Tears were running down his face.

"You bastard!" JC hissed. "How could you do that?"

"Do what?" Justin sniffled.

"Use my brother to hurt me!" JC shouted at him.

"Ok!" Justin shouted back. "You want to know something? I was going to do that! I was going to bring Tyler out and fuck him and toss him back at you all used and dirty!"

"I knew it!" JC said as he got up and started walking around the table. Not a good sign.

"But something happened," Justin said softly. He knew that JC was going to beat the shit out of him but he didn't care. "Something happened JC. Last night when I was ready to do just that I saw something I haven't seen before. I saw love. For the first time I saw real love! JC I fell in love with your brother. All I wanted was to make him happy and make him feel loved and special. Now I can't help it if you think I am out to use him to get back at you. But I am not going to stop loving him."

"Did you do anything?" JC asked. Justin blushed and looked down. "Bastard!"

"No it wasn't like that," Justin screamed at him. "It was beautiful and loving and so special. I sucked him off and knowing that I could make a man feel that much pleasure was the greatest feeling in the world. I knew at that moment that I loved him and I would do anything for him. Even letting his older brother beat the crap out of me."

"Did you fuck him?" JC demanded. "Tell me the truth."

"He wanted me to but I said no," Justin whispered. "I wanted to get your approval to date him first." JC sat down heavily on the chair facing Justin.

"What?" JC asked shocked. Justin never asked for permission to do anything. He usually took what he wanted. "Say that again."

"I wanted to ask for your permission to date your brother," Justin repeated. "JC I love your brother but I'm not going to carry through with this unless I have your permission."

Out on the front door step Kevin found Tyler sitting on the stoop looking out.

"Hey," Kevin said softly as he sat next to the younger man. Tyler let out a sob and grabbed onto Kevin. Kevin held him and soothed him by rubbing his shoulders. "JC is just upset is all."

"JC is a ass hole!" Tyler sniffled. "I love Justin and I want to be with him!"

"Tyler," Kevin started. "Do you know what is going on?"

"With JC and Justin?" Tyler asked. Kevin nodded. "Yea Justin told me the whole thing. He was very honest with me even the part about wanting to use me to get back at JC."

"Justin told you this?" Kevin asked surprise.

"Yea Justin told me what he was planning. He told me he wanted to be honest and truthful. He wants to love me. I Love him too. He even broke up with Britney too. He was so upset when he did that. He did it all for me!" Tyler was sobbing again. "I don't want to live with out him. Can you talk to JC?" Tyler looked up at Kevin with pleading eyes. Kevin looked down at him and sighed. Tyler had the gift of looks too. He could no more refuse him than he could refuse JC.

"Ok Tyler," Kevin smiled. "I'll talk to JC and see if I can get him to see the light." The door flew open and Justin came storming out. His eye was black and his lip was bleeding.

"And stay the fuck away from my brother!" JC shouted as he ran after Justin.

"What the hell did you do to him?" demanded Tyler.

"He was only out to hurt you Tyler," JC tried to explain. But Tyler was to mad to listen to JC. He swung his fist and hit JC in the nose.

"We are through!" he shouted at JC as he turned and got into the car with Justin. "Come on Justin," Tyler said as he gave JC a hateful look. "I don't want to see him ever again!" Justin put the car in reverse and left Kevin's property. Once off he pulled of to the side of the rode and started to sob. Tyler moved quickly to pull him into a hug. "Hey," he said in a soothing voice. "It is all right. I love you and that is all that matters. Do you want me to drive?" Justin sniffled and nodded. They changed places and Tyler put the car in gear and drove the rest of the way home. Once there Justin headed up stairs. Tyler followed him and watched him strip out of his clothes and head into the bathroom. Tyler stripped off his clothes too and stepped into the shower with Justin. Once in he found Justin crying again. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Can't he see that I love you?" Justin asked looking into Tyler's eyes. "I love you Tyler and I would never ever hurt you."

"I know that baby and I love you too," Tyler replied as he pulled Justin to him. He loved the feeling of Justin's naked body next to his. He could tell that Justin loved it too because his huge cock was getting very hard. "Please Justin?" he asked looking up at him. "Can I suck you?"

"I don't want to push you into anything," Justin sniffled.

"You're not," Tyler said as he knelt in the shower and took hold of Justin's cock and slipped the head into his mouth. Justin let out a small hiss of pleasure as Tyler tried his hardest to please Justin the way he had pleased him last night. He tried to engulf the entire length in his mouth but gagged.

"Relax and remember to breath," Justin said softly. "You are doing fine." Tyler nodded and opened his mouth wider and this time he was able to take more in his mouth. He remembered to breath too. Soon he was sucking and bobbing at the same time. He could tell by Justin's moans and groans and the fact that his hands were in Tyler's hair and his hips were gently thrusting in and out of Tyler's mouth. "I'm close baby, do you want me cum in your mouth?" Tyler sucked harder and held onto Justin to let him know that he wanted Justin's seed in his mouth. "Are you sure?" Justin asked as he tried to hold back. Tyler growled at him and inserted his finger up Justin's ass. "FUCK!" Justin shouted as he blasted his load down Tyler's mouth. Tyler tried really hard to swallow it all but there was so much of it. It came out the sides of his mouth. But Tyler loved the taste and feel of Justin's seed shooting in his mouth. He loved the way it splashed around his mouth and tongue. He loved the feeling of Justin's cock jerking and twitching in his mouth. He kept on sucking hard even after Justin was done shooting. Finally Justin gently but firmly eased Tyler's mouth off of his very tender cock. "Wow!" Justin sighed as he looked down at Tyler. Tyler was licking Justin's cock clean. Justin had to admit that Tyler looked so hot kneeling at his feet and licking his cock clean.

"Did I do good?" Tyler asked as he looked up at Justin for approval.

"Oh baby," Justin sighed as he helped Tyler up and enveloped him in a hug and kissed his lips and drove his tongue into his mouth hard. He spent the next few minutes kissing and licking Tyler clean. After he was done he looked at Tyler and giggled at the dazed look on Tyler's face. "You are so cute," Justin said as he kissed Tyler on the nose. "But now you are hard."

"I'm ok," Tyler said softly.

"No it is not fair for me to cum and not you. Please Tyler?" Justin begged.

"Please what?" Tyler asked.

"Make love to me?" Justin asked. He was shocked to hear him say it but he wanted to feel Tyler up him so bad. "Please baby?"

"Umm ok I guess. But you are going to have to show me what to do," Tyler stammered. Justin grinned and quickly finished his shower and drug poor Tyler out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. Tyler reached for a condom. "No!" Justin said. "I know you are clean. I want to feel your cum in me."

At Kevin's house

"I don't want to talk about it!" JC hissed at Kevin. Kevin was shocked. He had never seen JC angry like this. His blue eyes that were once loving and peaceful was so full of anger that it scared him. "He is out to use my baby brother. I know it!"

"All I am saying is that just maybe you have it wrong. Maybe that Justin really has turned a corner here. Maybe he does indeed love Tyler like he says. Don't you think we should at least give them a chance?"

"And risk hurting Tyler?" JC asked glaring at Kevin. "Hell no! That jack ass is not going to get away with this!"

"JC!" Kevin finally shouted at him. "Tyler is a big boy! And he is old enough to make his own decision and you trying to stop him is not going to work."

"Than what the hell am I supposed to do?" JC shot back at Kevin.

"Leave them alone," Kevin said as he reached out and touched the side of JC face. JC jerked away glaring at him. Hurt filled Kevin but he pushed it aside. "I didn't deserve that," Kevin scolded him lightly. Tears filled JC's eyes and he fell into Kevin's strong and comforting arms.

"I'm sorry," JC sobbed. "I'm a horrible boyfriend!" Kevin smoothed out JC's wild hair and ran his hands down JC's strong back. After a few minutes of silence he looked up at Kevin. Kevin slowly moved his lips down to JC and kissed him gently and easing his tongue into JC's mouth. JC let out a small whimper and wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck and pulled him so that he was lying on top of him. "I'm sorry," JC said after they were done kissing. "I just don't know what to do."

"Leave them alone," Kevin said softly. "Go over and apologies and make nice. In the mean time we will keep an eye on them. If Justin is really out to hurt him than some time he will slip up and show his true colors. When that happens than we are going to have be there for Tyler because his heart is going to be broken."

"Ok I guess that is a good idea," JC sniffled. "But I want to fool around first before we go over to his place."

"Really?" Kevin asked with a smirk on his face. "So what does my baby want to do?"

"I want you to fuck my brains out," JC simply stated. Kevin grinned his usual naughty grin as he reached for JC's belt.

At Justin's place.

"Ohhh man!" Tyler whined as he tried to put it in for fourth time. "This is not working!" Poor Tyler was getting all frustrated as he tried to make love to Justin. Justin was patient and calmly explain to Tyler what to do. "But I don't want to hurt you!" he whimpered.

"Tyler baby," Justin said. "For the fifth time. It is going to hurt at first. I'm your first and you are my first. I've never been fucked before. Don't worry I'll get use to it and I want it too." Tyler nodded and looked down at Justin. He was shocked when he saw that Justin was completely surrendering himself to him. He relubed up his cock and placed it at the entrance.

"Try pushing like you are going to take a crap," Tyler said as he suddenly remembered the conversation that JC and he had a long time ago. Justin nodded and bore down. Tyler's head of his cock popped in and Justin grunted with pain and closed his eyes tight. "I'm hurting you!" Tyler yelped as he tried to pull out. Justin moved quickly to keep him in.

"I'm fine baby," He said softly. "I just need to get use to it. Go a head and push all the way in. Go slowly." Tyler nodded and slowly shoved the rest of his cock up Justin's tight hole. This time Justin moaned a moan that could only mean one thing. Justin was feeling good. "Ok baby," he gasped out. "Leave it in a few minutes before you start. I want to get use to it." Tyler nodded and laid down on Justin's rock hard chest and pressed his trembling lips to Justin's. He opened his mouth to accept Justin's tongue. He may be on top right now but he always loved the hard and fierce way that Justin would kiss him. Justin took Tyler bottom lip in his mouth and bit down lightly with his teeth making Tyler moan. Finally they broke apart. "Ok sweetie," Justin panted with his eyes glazed over with lust. "Go ahead and start thrusting in and out. Tyler nodded and pulled slowly out and than thrust back in. Justin's body went nuts with pleasure when Tyler's cock rubbed up against his prostate gland. "Oooooohhhh fuck!" he groaned out. "That feels to good. Do it harder and faster." Tyler grinned down at Justin and started to slam into Justin. "Harder!" Justin ordered him. Tyler happily complied with Justin as he started to fuck him with all of his might. Soon the two new lovers were engrossed with the art of making love. About thirty minutes later a very hot and sweaty Tyler slammed into Justin one last time and flooded him with his cum. The hot cum slamming against Justin's prostate gland sent Justin over the edge and he blasted his load in between the two of them. They lay in each other's arms trying to get their breaths. Finally Justin spoke first. "Wow!" he breathed out. "I had no idea that being on the bottom was so great!"

"Was it really that good?" Tyler asked blushing. Justin reached up and moved a wet strand of Tyler's sweaty hair from his eyes.

"Ohh baby," Justin sighed. "It was beautiful! I can't wait to show you just how much! But right now I am so tired and I need a shower."

"Umm I think we both need a shower," Tyler said as he looked down at the mess that Justin had made in between them. "You are a messy boy!" Justin giggled as he slid out from underneath Tyler. Tyler followed Justin into the shower.

Later that afternoon Tyler heard a knock at the door. He sighed and put his book down and got up and opened it. It was his older brother. He went to shut it. "Please Tyler," JC pleaded. "I want to apologies." Tyler tried to close the door again but this time Kevin put his hand out and stopped him.

"At least listen to us," he said in a stern voice. Tyler nodded and let the couple into the house.

"Ok what do you want to say?" Tyler asked without even offering them to sit.

"Can we sit?" JC asked.

"Yea go ahead," Tyler replied. "Now what do you want to say?"

"I'm sorry," JC said softly. "Is Justin here?"

"He is upstairs sleeping," Tyler replied. "I umm kinda wore him out."

"You guys umm you know umm--," stammered JC.

"Not that it is any of your business but yes we did. We made love," Tyler said.

"That bastard! He fucked you?" JC seethed. "I'm gonna kill him!"

"No you ass hole that is not what happened. I made love to him!" Tyler shouted.

"What?" JC asked shocked. "You fucked him?"

"No ass! We made love! There is a difference!" Tyler shot back. JC sat down as he thought about what Tyler had said. Justin would never let anyone fuck him! That was not in his nature. Unless--.

"Oh God," he gasped. "It has to be true."

"What?" Tyler asked clueless.

"He loves you!" JC said softly. "He would never allow you to fuck--, I mean make love to him."

"What is going on?" a sleepy voice sounded from the stairs. Tyler grinned widely when he heard Justin's voice. "Tyler? Who's here?"

"JC and Kevin stopped by to apologies," Tyler said as he got up and walked out in the entrance way. Kevin looked at JC and saw that JC was upset. He followed JC's eyes and watched as Justin walked into the room. He watched as Tyler walked up to him and into Justin's arms. Justin leaned down and kissed Tyler lightly on the lips.

"Did you have a good sleep?" Tyler asked.

"Wonderful but I woke up and found you were gone," Justin said with a small pout. "I missed you."

"Well I'm here now," Tyler said as his kissed Justin on the nose. "JC and Kevin are here. Do you want to talk to them?" JC cringed when he saw the fear in Justin's eyes.

"I'm here to apologies," he said softly "Please Justin, I'm so sorry for hitting you like that. I had no idea."

"No idea about what JC?" Justin asked. "No idea that the Great Justin Timberlake could fall in love?" JC hung his head in sorrow. "Well get used to it, because I am in love. I'm in love with your brother. And I don't care if you accept it or not. Do you know why?" JC shook his head no. "Because Tyler showed me there is more to life than control and lust and power and fame. He made love to me! He made love to me! A day ago I would've laughed at the idea of a man inside of me like that. But with Tyler I loved it. I welcomed it. Why? Because I love him! And nothing you can say will ever change that!"

"I know that now," JC said softly. "I'm ok with you and Tyler dating now. I really am."

"Well I don't care if you are or not. We are going to---," Justin stopped as JC's words sunk in. "Wait a minute. Did you say that you are ok with me dating your brother?" JC nodded. "Did you hear that Tyler?" Justin said with a huge grin on his face. "We can date!"

"I know sweetie," Tyler said grinning at the hyper Justin as Justin picked him up and starting bouncing around the room. Soon Kevin and JC were laughing at them.

"I wanna tell the rest of the guys!" Justin said as he sat down pulling Tyler down with him. "We can tell them the good news at rehearsal."

"Yea that sounds like a good idea," JC agreed. "Than we can also tell them that you are ok with me doing a solo project with Kevin."

"Man I am so happy that everything is working out," Justin grinned. "I get to have my songs released and I get to date Tyler and you get to date Kevin and do your solo project. Man this is great!"

"Umm JC?" Kevin asked softly. JC turned to Kevin. "Umm we have to go and get ready for our rehearsal."

"Ok Kevin," JC smiled as he quickly kissed Kevin. "Justin we have to get going."

"Umm how about you guys coming back for dinner?" Justin said with a grin. "I'm going to invite the rest of the guys over and Kevin why don't you invite the rest of Backstreet too. We'll make it a cook out."

"Sounds great, say 7:00?" Kevin asked. Justin nodded. "Good see you than."


Will the rest of Backstreet support Kevin in his choice for a lover? Will the rest of Nsync buy Justin's turn around? Will Tyler really be happy with Justin even after he meets a certain Backstreeter?

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