How to Make Love

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 13, 2008




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



"You're kidding me!" Clif said as he plonked down on the bed next to me. "You've never had sex with a woman?" As we were both sophomores in college and twenty years old, his incredulity had some basis.

I shrugged uncomfortably. "I just...well...never got to it."

"So how far have you gone?"


"I mean, have you done any rubbing against a woman, maybe shoot in your pants that way?"


"How about feeling her boobs under her sweater and she's not wearing a bra?"


"On top of her sweater and bra?"


"Lance...have you ever even kissed a girl?"

I shook my head miserably. "I...I figured I'd better tell you. Before you set me up with this weekend."

Clif wanted me to go with a couple of co-eds from the college up to a mountain cabin for a three-day weekend retreat. We would have a lake to swim in, cool weather to enjoy, lots of other people to hang with...and at night, one of these girls would join me in my bed. Oh, she knew who I was, liked my body and face and what she knew of me, thought sex with me would be fun, and was ready to spend three days finding out how much fun that was. If that didn't work out, there would be other girls, they would switch beds or such. Just casual sex, condoms and birth control pills required, fun for everyone.

Only the thought of that scared the shit out of me!

I guess you could say my Mom and Dad really messed me up about sex. Not especially religious, but they sure had their ideas about morality down firmly. Every time I started getting into dating some girl, my parents would pick her apart, she was not good enough for me, she wasn't good enough for the family, she was bad, she was wrong for me...and yes, after a month or so of that, I'd drop her. Guilt-ridden, indoctrinated, subordinated, sublimated me.

"So you don't have any idea of what to do with a girl in bed?"

"I've...I've read some books." I said. "Some."

"Oh, God!" Clif dramatically dropped his face into his hands and shook his head. Clif's a theatre arts major, naturally. With his so-pretty face and nicely toned body, he was bound to catch the eye of the movie studios when he got out. I don't doubt that if the girl chosen for me decided I wasn't fun enough for her, Clif would end up with two girls in his bed.

"I'm sorry, Clif." I said, leaning over, putting my hand on his back and patting him. God, this guy was working out major-time here, it was like patting silk-covered steel! "I guess you should see if uh, Carol, wants you to fix her up with someone else."

"Hey, this isn't all bad." Clif said. "Carla's got herself a chance to break in a certified virgin. You play your cards right, she'll spend all weekend teaching you everything you need to know."

"Yeah." I said. "God, Clif, I want to! You know that I want to! But God, what if I get in bed with her and I...I lose it."

"Premature ejaculation." Clif named the horrid fear.

"Yeah." I said. "Or what if I can't get it up at all?"

"Impotence." Clif commiserated. "God, your family did a job on you, didn't they?" Clif knew about my parents, he was in the bed next to mine during more than one telephone conversation whose intent couldn't be misunderstood. Mom was still trying to run my life from five hundred miles away, while Dad juggled the purse strings to keep me begging for money and doing what they wanted me to so they'd send me the next check.

"Right." I said. "And if Mom and Dad find out...." I couldn't complete that thought.

"Hey, you got to cut the apron strings one day, Lancelot Armbruster." Clif said.

"What I'm saying, Clifton Caldwell, if that I'm going to risk getting my spending money cut off and have to get a part-time job to stay in college, I want to make sure I'm not lying in bed with a limp willy saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry!' as my only memory!"

"You got that right." Clif said.

"So I guess I'd better pass." I said. "Maybe some other time, after I can bag a girl without going on a wild weekend as part of the deal."

"Hey, having sex with a woman is a natural thing to do." Clif pressed me. "This girl wants you, Lance. She gets you in bed, you'll find yourself doing everything right without thinking about it."

"I wish I could believe that."

"So why not try it and find out."

"I said I would, soon as I find a woman here and not in that mountain cabin for a whole weekend." I said.

"I mean, here and now."

"Here and now?" I was surprised by this, as you can imagine. "With who?"



"Hey, I mean, kissing is kissing, and touching is touching." Clif said. "You worried about what it feels like. I'll show you what it's like."

"With you?"

"Yeah, why not?" Clif said. "I hug and kiss and feel up people on stage all the time. I can do it here with you, no problem."

"Well." I tried to see the problem in this, and couldn't. "I mean, you couldn't tell anyone we were doing this." I said.

"Of course not." Clif said. "Now, scoot over here and let's teach you a bit of make-out technique."

We'd been sitting a few feet apart on my bed, I shuffled over nervously.

"Come on, right up next to me." Clif urged me. "I'm the girl of your dreams, the one you've always wanted, and tonight, I'm all yours. Come and get me, stud."

I reached my hands up awkwardly and put them around him and he did the same, my arms around his shoulders, his arms around my waist. He pulled me toward him and I did the same, my arms felt like they were embracing red-hot iron.

"Not bad, so far." Clif judged critically. "Now give me a kiss. Kiss me like I was this really hot chick and you wanted her bad. Go ahead, slip me some tongue, do your best." Clif licked his lips and reached his face toward mine.

I was trembling as our lips touched, and when they did, that red-hot feeling returned, but I realized it wasn't Clif's skin that was was mine.

My arms spasmed and clutched Clif even tighter, and my lips smashed into his. Clif gave a grunt of surprise, but I didn't care. My tongue dove into him like a sword, crashed against his teeth, the teeth parted like the Red Sea parted for Moses, and I slashed into his mouth, and his tongue and mine brushed over each other and swirled around as though they were snakes conjoining in the jungle brush.

Clif's hands began to stroke my back and I did the same to him.

After a time, quite some time, our lips parted. "Okay." Clif panted huskily. "Now lower me back onto the bed. Gently, like a woman you are in love with."

I pressed him back onto the bed and my own body, reluctant to let go, went over with him. Clif's hands were on my sides, and he said, "That's good. See, you know how to do things, you just let your body...go!" That last word was an expelled breath that rushed past my face with a gust like warm fingers.

I was straddle one of Clif's legs and now I stroked his chest. Feeling the strong muscles inside the t-shirt that was all he was wearing, that and shorts, same as me, not even shoes or socks, for we were in the dorm at night and lying on the bed was our standard posture.

"Now what you have to do next is to get undressed and help the girl undress." Clif said to me, his breath heavy with deep promise. His lips stayed apart when he was finished talking, his chest rose and fell in strong waves of deep breathing. "Don't just yank the clothes off her, strip them off slowly and sensually."

My hands went to the base of Clif's t-shirt and my hands wove underneath and onto the bare flesh.

"Yeah, like that, Lance, you got it. Make love to the girl like this, let her feel your tenderness and your desire."

I pushed the t-shirt up with my wrists, the material bunching on the back of my hand.

"When you reach the breasts, just really grab hold of them. The girl might flinch, if she does, you back off. But plenty of them like you to hold them nice and firm."

I found the twin mounds of his chest and I touched the two nubs of his nipples, and they were hard little buttons of skin, I tweaked them with my fingertips from the sides like scissors, and Clif gasped and his hips thrust upward at mine.

"Ooh, ahh, like that, yeah." Clif breathed. "Now you got her under your spell, you grab the top and slide it off over her head."

I did as he ordered, taking the t-shirt at his shoulders, and Clif rose up and his arms were extended straight to let me sit upright and in doing so, pull the t-shirt off of him. He did the same to me, with less finesse I like to think, I mean, he just took the opportunity and grabbed and yanked it over my head. He laid back and the light shone yellow on his body, making arcs and lines that spoke of the finely tuned muscles that lay underneath his skin, drawing for me a map of the lines my tongue could take upon him.

"Now, kiss her breasts, use your lips and your tongue on them." Clif advised me. "They're one of a woman's most sensual areas. But don't neglect the rest of her skin, it's all sensitive, begging you to touch it, touch it, Lance, own it, make it belong to you."

"Yeah." I sighed and I leaned over and Clif's hands caught me by the nape of neck and guided/pushed me onto his right breast. My lips found the nub of his tit and I suckled it like immortal life could be nursed out of it, and then, with Clif going ooh and ahh and oh-yeah, I began to work my tongue on the tip like it was a switch I was trying to turn on with my tongue, back and forth, left and right, and Clif was loving it. I felt the hard shaft of Clif's cock against my leg, and I began to rub myself over it, then I shifted and placed my own pud against his and I began to hunch against him tht way.

Clif's leg wormed out from between mine, and now both his legs were outside both of mine, and this put us in even more direct contact with each other's puds. His legs clutched at the backs of my thighs and his hands came up and grabbed my buttocks, one in each palm, and he moaned and hunched up against me. I ran my tongue along those lines of his body tasting the salty musk of his sweat, my ears rewarded by the groans of his pleasure.

"Am I doing this right, Clif?" I asked him after a while. "Is this how I make love to a woman?"

"Yeah, yeah, Lance, this is how you do it. Now you have to get her shorts and panties off and drop your own trou, and then you can really go to town."

I considered this. "But I have to get up to do that." I protested. "I don't want to do I?" I hastily amended.

"Don't worry, Lance, don't worry." Clif said soothingly. "You got this girl all worked up, I promise, if you've done her like you're doing me. Just rise up, keep her eyes locked on yours, and reach down and slide her shorts and jockstrap off."

I did as he said, the jockstrap he was wearing was old and almost rotten, it slid off easily.

And when I did that, Clif was bare before me, and I put my hands to my own waist and shucked the shorts and my briefs down and I had joined him.

"Now what do I do?" I asked him. "How do I touch her now?"

"Now, you need to get busy." Clif said. "Dive between her legs and present your prong for her to suck on."

I climbed onto the bed as Clif scooted around to lie with his head toward the foot of the bed, and soon we were looking right at each other's puds.

"Now you chow down on her." Clif said. "Really work her over, make her moan and groan. She's got a clit where I got a dick, but the principle is mostly the same, just work up your spit in your mouth, slide it into your mouth and get moving on it."

I looked at the shiny glans and something inside of me...sort of broke. Not something new and precious, but something old and grimy and worn-out, so unwanted and unneeded that its breaking was a relief, I was done with it and now I could just sweep up its pieces and discard it.

"Do I suck her cock like this?" I said and I dove onto it.

Clif groaned as my mouth covered his dong. "Yeah, that's it, you suck her cock just that way." he moaned. "Only suck her faster, really suck her dick fast and hard, she'll moan and love it if you'll suck her cock nice and fast."

I did as he said and when I did, Clif moaned again and this time his mouth fastened on my prick and he let the weight of my body send it deep into his throat.

I groaned as my manhood was enveloped in his moist heat, my dong boiled and threatened to burst into ejaculation immediately. I shivered, shuddered, and Clif began to move...and somehow my body took that as a precaution not to squirt, the need subsided, replaced itself with a warm flow of pleasure up and into me.

I turned my own attentions into sucking on Clif in return, he was gasping and grunting with an alarming sound, I realized he was now much closer to climax than I was. His cock-muffled moans took on an urgency and he writhed and I realized he was wanting to spit out my cock, and I let him do that, and he gasped out, "Oh, man, I'm about to come. I'm going to shoot!"

I held his cock in thrall with my fingers while I lifted off to answer, "What do I do then, Clif? What do I do when a girl is about to come?"

"You have to decide if you want to take it or not." Clif said. "If a girl wants to squirt her come in your mouth, you can take it or you can jerk her off so she shoots either on you or all over herself. What do you want to do, Lance, this is the girl you love, what do you do?"

"I take it all." I said firmly and I buried his cock in my mouth and throat. Clif let out a wail that was the ultimate of all joy embodied in sound, and he caught my pud and he muffled it with my tumescent tool, and I listened to his mounting joy all strangled into whimpers by my dong and I kept on sucking him, come on, Clif, give me all of it, all of it!

Clif hit a high, choking note, his body clenched and his hips bucked upwards, and I rode him like a bronco, and keeping him firmly inside me, and Clif exploded into my throat. Ifelt the hot salty flood rush into my gullet, and I swallowed, and Clif was thrashing about under me, it was like riding a bucking stallion, all right, but I kept my seating, so to speak, and I kept that hard cock inside me until I had nursed out every drop of his spunk, swallowed it down in a warm pool in my belly.

Clif dropped onto the bed like a limp string, a deflated balloon of manhood, and I wondered what to do next, when he suddenly seemed to remember my dick in his mouth, and he began to work me with a frantic, urgent motion. He wanted me to come, and he wanted me to come now!

My orgasm remained elusive, but Clif hunted it with the fervency of a devoted admirer, and he trapped it in the corner of my brain and he forced it to jump through the hoop of my manhood's fountainhead, I sprayed my jizz into his maw, and he guzzled me down hungrily, his lips making wet, greedy sounds as my brain was dazzled with the fireworks of raw climax.

When I was done, I slumped and he rolled the dead weight of my body off of him, and we ended up on the bed, head to toe but side by side, and I nuzzled his thigh with my cheek, and he licked my spent pud for the last dregs of my jism.

"Oh, man, oh, man!" I groaned at last.

"Yeah, man, yeah." Clif said.

"And is that how you make love to a woman?" I asked him, my teacher, my mentor, my friend and my companion.

"Yeah, that's about the way you do it." Clif said. "The details vary a bit, as you can guess, but that's more of a plumbing problem than anything else, you just adjust to fit the circumstances."

"Yeah, I guess so." I said. "You were right, Clif, when I got started, my body knew just what to do."

"It sure as hell did." Clif said. "You were magnificent!"

"You were pretty great yourself." I said magnanimously.

"Seriously." Clif rose up. "You really took to making love like a natural. I'd say you're ready to go on that trip, and if Carla doesn't like you, you won't have any trouble getting someone else."

"Yeah." I said. "But, you know, if I go on that trip, my Mom and Dad are going to notice the charge on my bank account."

"Yeah, they probably will."

"I'd hate to have to keep my college schedule and try to work at the same time."

"Yeah, I can see that." Clif said.

"You got any suggestions?" I asked him.

"Well, yeah, I got a suggestion." Clif said after a moment. "Why don't we both just skip the trip and stay here that weekend instead."

"You could take the time to teach me more about how to make love to a woman." I added with a grin.

"That I could." Clif said. "In fact, I think there's a whole lot more I could teach you about making love to a woman. A whole lot more."

"I can hardly wait to get started." I said. And I took him in my arms. "We start here, don't we?"

And my next lesson began.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM



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