Hunter and James

By moc.liamg@2932xetj

Published on Jun 26, 2009


DISCLAIMER: If it is illegal for you to read this material, or if it displeases you, don't read it. This is my intellectual property, a story of my own creation, please don't steal it or repost it somewhere else as your own. For the protection of the innocent the names and locations in this story have been changed. The events in this story are not real, but the boys these characters represent are, as is their still-ongoing relationship. This story is a fictional account of how it could have begun, and continued, had the boys lived closer together. A note to my readers: Please forgive the delay, I had to make a trip to see my dad on father's day, and could not write while I was there. I will try to better keep up with this story from now on. If you have any ideas or comments whatsoever, please feel free to email me at, and I will reply as soon as possible. Thank you!

Hunter and James, Chapter 3

James woke up the next morning in his bed, smiling. "That was a nice dream." He thought. It never crossed his mind that last night could have been real. About this time, however, he did notice a pleasant yet unfamiliar taste in his mouth.

"Mornin' sexy" Hunter said, walking into the room in a towel and a smile. "Sleep okay?"

"This is real..." James gasped in soft shock.

"Of course, silly." Hunter replied, grinning.

James smiled too, and the two boys stayed grinning at one another for a long time, until they heard, "James; Hunter; you two awake?"

"Yes mom!" James called back, laughing. "We're fine." He patted the side of the bed next to him and Hunter, towel and all, hopped on the bed next to him. He wrapped his arms around James and James held him tight, relishing the smooth caramel skin and the youthful muscles he felt underneath. James' hands wound their way slowly up Hunter's spine and rested in his hair, softly tossing it to and fro with his fingertips. Hunter just let go and sunk into James, enjoying the affection and warmth from the larger, stronger boy. James' head slowly moved up to kiss Hunter, each boy's heartbeat out of control. James' warm, soft lips gently touched Hunter's own as sparks flew and chests tightened. Hunter's pink tongue now moved to part James' lips, which earned Hunter a taste of the mouth he'd been thinking about for days.

James' hands found Hunter's soft globes as their kissing grew more passionate, James pulling the younger boy as close to him as he could, yearning to be even closer to the soft caramel boy he felt so strongly for. Hunter reveled in the sensations, and he wanted more, but felt uncertain. Unlike James, this was Hunter's first time doing anything with a boy, and he told James so, pulling away. James softly whispered "okay," before letting go of his apprehensive lover, wishing only to make him happy.

The sun beat down on the two boys a few hours later, as they sat on the hood of James' 2003 Ford Mustang, ice creams in hand.

"So how long have you lived here?" James asked in-between bites of ice cream.

"Four years... after my dad died, we moved away from Seattle and came here." Hunter replied, looking sad.

"Oh, gosh; I'm sorry about your dad, I didn't mean to bring it up Hunter..." James said trailing off, scared he'd said something terribly wrong.

"No, its okay, really." Hunter said, trying to reassure the tearing boy. "I'm okay now, really." Then, changing subject, "how long have you lived here?"

"Since Freshman year." James said, his fear dying down and regaining his composure.

"Where were you before?"

"Pittsburgh. Lots of family there still."


The boys talked through several ice creams, until the sun fell over the green rolling hills and cast the red and orange bursts into the sky that signaled it was time to go home.

Next: Chapter 4

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