Hunter and James

By moc.liamg@2932xetj

Published on Jul 19, 2009


DISCLAIMER: If it is illegal for you to read this material, or if it displeases you, don't read it. This is my intellectual property, a story of my own creation, please don't steal it or repost it somewhere else as your own. For the protection of the innocent the names and locations in this story have been changed. The events in this story are not real, but the boys these characters represent are, as is their still-ongoing relationship. This story is a fictional account of how it could have begun, and continued, had the boys lived closer together.

A note to my readers: Please forgive the delay, if you have any ideas or comments whatsoever, please feel free to email me at, and I will reply as soon as possible. Thank you!

Hunter and James, Chapter 4

James yawned at the sun, the yellow light of morning pouring into his bedroom window. "Wait, I have curtains..." James thought. Then the realization hit him- he was at Hunter's house, he had spent the night. Saturday greeted James with the smells of Hunter's still-quiet home, the low hum of a heater echoing through the hallways and walls surrounding him. Next to him, still lying curled up in a ball lay a small-framed brown-haired beauty, one James never wanted to take his eyes away from... or his hands, or his tongue... you get the idea.

"Sleep okay?" James asked, as he stroked the sleeping boy's warm cheek.

"I was," replied a groggy, slightly immature voice. "but that's okay... what time is it?"

"Your clock says 7:30." James said.

"Okay... so it's 9:15. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Whoa," James said in surprise, cocking his head. "Why is the clock set to the wrong time?"

"Because," Hunter said nonchalantly, "The calculation's easy and I've grown so used to it that if I ever changed it I'd think it was the wrong time!" At this, both boys gave a crooked grin. The loved each other's quirks, but often the boys found them hilarious.

Hunter and James had been together now for three months. Three very happy months that went by very, very fast. School days were a blur- well, the two class periods the boys shared, at least. Neither of them would leave Gym or Microsoft Cert. with any kind of knowledge whatsoever. Neither boy cared.

If you're doing the math, then you know after three months of school, Christmas comes into our lives. Trees get cut and sold, dads hang precariously from ladders as the Christmas lights are hung, and drivers learn that snow is only a beautiful sight in the absence of that tricky ice.

December is a romantic month, and it was as well for Hunter and James. They spent much time at each other's houses, their mothers began to become rather well-acquainted, and after some time the families began to meet together for lunches and dinners; either at a restaurant, or at one home or the other. The boys spent as much time together as possible, and today was no exception. The 5th of December: the sun was out, casting light and shadow into the kitchen like a stage. Hunter struggled to flip bacon whilst burdened by a groggy and very huggy James, the taller boy's arms wrapped warmly around Hunter's waist.

"Is that the bacon sizzling or just you?" James chided playfully, still not letting go of the boy he loved.

"It's the bacon, and you're horny, I can tell." Hunter came back, reaching behind him for James' morning wood to emphasize his words.

"You know me so well." Said James, with a grin. He kissed Hunter's cheek softly.

"I love you too, James, you know that; but unlike you I happen to know you'll be hungry soon, so let me make some breakfast okay?" At James' disappointed and unconvinced frown, Hunter said, with a grin: "And if you want, after breakfast you can eat my sausage."

"OK!" James yelped, perking up. Ever since he'd met Hunter, he rarely was with him one waking moment without an uncontrollable grin plastered on his face. It was just something about Hunter that did that to him- he couldn't control it, he didn't have to actually feel happy- he simply couldn't stop smiling when Hunter was around. Which worked out fine, because Hunter always told him how much he loved James' smile.

Despite the discovery that they liked one another, and despite falling in love, the boys were still both very new to relationships, and struggled occasionally at theirs. They had yet to have sex, both wanting to make sure they were ready, but had only recently- very recently- began blowing each other. Hunter was often nervous about doing sexual things with James, but this time he caught James off guard by taking things to the next level when they were taking turns jerking each other off while they made out. James could still remember that day...

"So, you gonna sit there pointing at me, or do you want me to fix that?" A shirtless Hunter asked James seductively. Not catching on right away to the banter, James looked at his hands. Hunter corrected him by grabbing James' hard member through his pajamas.

"Oh, that." James said sheepishly, turning a rather hot shade of crimson. Hunter came back at him with a grin. It was a naughty grin, the kind that, while invigorating, can scare you just a little bit. A lustful grin.

Hunter's lips met James' own for about the thousandth time since they'd first met. "Kissing- better than sex." James always said. Hunter wanted to find out. Today.

Hunter's fingers rubbed James' cock through his pajamas; they were at James' house, sleeping over. Hunter didn't plan on much sleeping, however. Hunter reached into James' boxers now, his lips never leaving those of the beautiful blonde he so enjoyed kissing. Hunter's tongue tangled with James' while his fingers wrapped around James' warm cock. 7 inches of hard-yet-soft meat pulsated in Hunter's small hand, and he used his other to lower James' pajamas and boxers. James' dick finally free from its confines, Hunter switched his hand around to begin jerking his friend properly.

Hunter could feel James' cockhead swelling, and he knew his head was down and his eyes were rolled back into his head- he was close. Hunter felt like surprising James- and boy was he surprised! James suddenly felt the wet warmth of Hunter's young mouth on his cock, and it wasn't a whole minute before warm, creamy cum flew into Hunter's mouth and coated the inside of his tanned cheeks.

"That... that was incredible Hunter... why... why'd you do that?? You didn't have to, ya know." James said in shock, coming down from his high.

"I know." The immature-voiced boy came back, cutely. "Will you do me now?"

"With pleasure." James said, now with his own lustful grin.

Back to today...

James lay on the couch, watching the news, while Hunter was finishing breakfast. James usually let Hunter cook regardless of whose house they were in- the boys were often up before their mothers, and Hunter not only liked to cook, but James had virtually no knowledge of cooking whatsoever. He could fix a stove, but I wouldn't ask him to use one!

Hunter came over to James without him really noticing, and spun himself to lay facing up on James' developing chest. Both boys smiled at one another, as James watched Hunter run his hands over James' nipples, and into the crease between his chest muscles. James pulled Hunter closed to him, hugging the boys blonde skin close to his own, and whispering softly into his small ear.

"I love you, Hunter."

Next: Chapter 5

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