I Am Here for You

By Lady Misterious

Published on Sep 21, 2002



Again he looked around. There was no one there and right now he didn't feel like calling anyone.

He sighed.

"Thats it ladies and gentlemen, Nick Carter is b-ack." - he smirked

Slowly he stretched on that uncomfortable bed getting more and more shocked with all the sorts of machines and needles and tubes connected to his body.

"How long have I been sleeping?"

Nick asked himself. Right now he was asking himself so many questions... what happened after Taison shot him? That was the last thing Nick could remember. Taison shooting him and Nick falling down the stairs. After that everything went on blank. He heard some voices, but right now he couldn't say what they had been saying.

Nick was very unconfortable, he wanted to move, he wanted to walk, he wanted everything, but right now his thoughts and doubts were keeping him from calling a nurse.

If he was at an hospital it probably meant they got there on time to save him. And if they did this they probably found Taison. And again if that happened where was him right now? Not that he actually wanted to know...

Nick thought of Taison. He didn't hate him. After all he felt pity about him. Taison was sick. He needed treatment. But above this he was a criminal and Nick could only pray he was getting what he deserved right now.

Nick knew what had happened to him. He knew Taison had come back and tried to kill him. He knew he went through hell again hearing all those stuff he said trying to hurt Nick, the things he said about his little brother... Nick hated him for that. And only because of that. His brother's name in his mouth sounded nasty. And that was the only reason why Nick felt hate towards Taison. Otherwise he didn't give a shit.

Nick smiled again and laughed a little.

"I'm alive!" - Nick exclaimed silly.

He was so happy... All the pain he went through before going unconscious didn't seem to matter at all. Nick was happy, Nick was in peace, Nick was in love...

Every time Nick thought about Brian his heart would get bigger inside his chest and he would smile so widely and feel so good that tears of joy wetted his eyes.

He knew Brian had been there not much time ago. He could still smell him.

Nick remembered the dreams he had and how Brian's face had always been there for him. First they had agony, his dreams were fulfilled with clouds... and slowly they turned into something passionate... that face trying to save him, that voice, that perfum... Nick knew it was Brian. And he realized he had dreamed of that just so many times... He began to worry. How long had he actually been in this... coma? Had he been in coma?

Oh, God, Nick felt an urge to catch up to the world, to know what was going on outside that white walls, to live again!

But, hey... Once more. If he had been there for more than one day... maybe one week? Then the world, the press probably knew about it. Did they know about Taison... of course, if they found him at his house! But... did they know what Taison did to him...?

Hell with this. Nick couldn't care less at this point. What if everybody knew? What if people felt disgust of him? What if he lost everything, his career, money, friends? He had the most important thing ever! That thing Brian told him about in the country house... that person. That feeling.

Nick had love. He had Brian, who could ever want more?

No matter what sort of bad things he would think right now nothing would get to him. Nothing could get him sad. Because Brian was in this world.

"Oh...!" - Nick groaned.

He just couldn't wait to see Brian again. He missed him so bad! Nick needed to look into his eyes, he needed to tell Brian how he felt!

Oh... again. One more thing to think about. Slowly Nick remembered what he found out about Leighanne that night. She was the one responsible for making Taison look for Nick... She wanted to screw with his life! Probably even kill him!

Nick gasped. Did Brian know that? Did Brian know what kind of person he married? Leighanne was mean... In certain way she was worse than Taison. He wouldn't do anything behind your back, Taison was the one to go to you and hurt you in front of, making everything clear... Nick shivered. No more Taison in his life. But Leighanne... did she have blood on her veins? She predicted it all! She sent Taison's father a letter, she gave him his address... Nick was amazed how far could someone go because of jealousy. Betrayal can be even worse than physical injury.

Nick was right about that. In his life everything that had made him suffer the most wasn't caused physically, it was mind games played for cruel people. Psychological games of making you feel bad, fooling you...

"Oh, damn, let it go."

Nick didn't want to think about her. He just had to talk to Brian. For now he would be happy only in seeing him...

Nick wondered what time it was. He knew it should be late coz he couldn't hear any noise coming from the hallway. From time to time someone waked by his door.

Nick was just too hustled to try and sleep. He just closed his eyes and waited till someone come to his bedroom. Sleeping would be impossible once his heart was beating faster and faster on the perspective of seeing Brian again.

Brian had told AJ he was staying at Nick's house until he could figure out where he was gonna live. He told Leigh she could keep the house and she also got a great amount of money from their divorce. All Brian wanted was to pack his things and go to Nick's house. From there he would find a place to go, but that wasn't really important right now.

Brian was sleeping in Nick's bed and the door bell began to ring. It was nine o'clock in the morning, Brian hasn't been able to sleep and all he wanted was to shut his eyes and ignore that noise. When he realized it would be impossible he finally stood up, got dressed and went downstairs to open it.

"Kevin...? Whatcha doing here now?" - Brian asked still a little sleepy.

"AJ told me you were here. You just forgot you have a cousin that likes to know where on Earth you are, right?" - Kevin seemed to be angry before melting in a large smile.

"What is it? What happened? Why you are here anyway?"

"Brian!" - Kevin looked him in the eyes, a huge smile on his face as he grabbed Brian's arms to be closer to him. - "Someone wants to see you!"




"Nick woke up, Brian! In the middle of the night! He's been up since seven o'clock talking to his family, right now his parents are there just like AJ and Howie... I tried to call you but you left your cell off, I was so carried away talking to Nick...!" - Kevin was excited.

Little by little Brian began to understand what he was saying.

"Nick... is... back?" - Brian asked innocently.

"Yes! Yes! And he is so happy, he is so fine! He begged me to find you! He wants to see you Brian, he can't wait to see you!"

Brian let go a deep sigh as tears came to his eyes. He couldn't believe it... Nick! He is awake? He wanted to see him?

"Oh, my God, Kevin! Take me there, please!" - Brian cried.

"I'm going to, if only you stop crying and get a move on! My car is right in front of us!"

Brian smiled and followed Kevin to his car. He couldn't believe it. Nothing of this... He could barely control his heart as they were getting close to the hospital. He felt like he could faint at any moment. He felt just like some little girl that won a contest to meet the Backstreet Boys and is now heading to her final destination to get her prize.

Nick was in the room talking with his parents, AJ and Howie. Aaron and his sisters had been there earlier, and now he was almost dying in expectation to see the person he sent Kevin to get.

By this time Nick knew they were close and he just couldn't concentrate on anything his parents and friends were saying. His heart was just beating so fast he feared it would escape his chest through his mouth.

Nick was getting all emotional. His heart was about to explode and those same butterflies were making it impossible to hide the silly smile playing on his lips. He had to say something to keep himself from screaming and singing in joy and expectation.

Nick turned to Howie.

"So, what happened to Taison?" - up till now all Nick knew was that the police took him and he was condemned. - "Did you hear anything else after the went to jail?"

Howie grinned.

"The police officer called me and he told the men in Taison's cell that he had raped a kid. The policeman told me that Taison would keep the other prisoners busy for a looooong time..."

Nick smiled completely satisfied.

"Taison will be their bitch." - AJ laughed and everyone in the room followed him.

This couldn't have been better. Taison was getting exactly what he asked for. But talking about him was such a waste of time! Soon they changed subject again.

"Can't believe I've been here for a month..." - Nick sighed and looked at the white sheets.

"A hell of a long month!"

Nick's heart raced and immediately he turned around to see Brian saying this to him. He looked amazing... Just as Nick could remember. His eyes shining in joy and a little moisten from tears forming on them.

"Brian!" - Nick half screamed half laughed.

"Nick!" - Brian did the same approaching to his bed.

Without anymore waste of time Nick threw his arms around Brian and they hugged tightly for a long time. Everyone watched with light hearts as Nick laughed and Brian cried, their heads buried into each other's shoulders, Brian running his hand desperately through Nick's as hair, as if to be sure he was really there with him.

"Oh, my God, I missed you!" - now it was Nick's turn to cry. It had been almost two months he didn't see Brian! Before the coma they hadn't seen each other for more than twenty days...

"Oh, Nick! Don't cry, you are back now!" - and it was Brian's turn to laugh.

Slowly they let go of the embrace and Nick sat again on the bed, this time he had Brian's right hand between his, as his friend kept standing up by his side.

Brian looked at everyone in the room. Nick's parents were in heaven... He couldn't remember the last time he felt so happy, so complete as now when he could feel Nick rubbing his hand softly between his.

Brian looked into his eyes and Nick stared back. Although Nick couldn't read Brian's eyes he felt that same shivers up and down his body and he had to look away not to smile widely like a silly guy.

Kevin was standing next to the door, and when he entered Nick's parents said they were gonna leave and let Nick with his friends for a while.

As soon as they left both five guys kept quiet. They were saying so many through their looks! Nick could read the fear of his friends in losing him, and the happiness in seeing him back. He could also see in both AJ and Howie that they knew what Nick went through, and their eyes were saying they'd be always there to help Nick, just like they wish they could've done before.

"I love you guys." - Nick said.

The next moment the four other boys reached for the bed and hugged Nick at the same time.

"We love you too." - Howie said.

Kevin kissed Nick's head.

"We are happy to have our little brother back..." - he said.

Slowly they let go of the embrace and Brian pulled away too. He was feeling all sorts of confusing emotions, he just couldn't help but smiling at Nick.

Nick looked back at him.

"So, AJ said you are staying at my place." - Nick smiled. - "Thats cool, Brian. You can be there living with me, it is gonna amazing!" - Nick smiled widely.

"Yeah..." - Brian agreed. - "I'm just there till a find a place to be, ya know... Leighanne..." - Brian swallowed and looked away.

Nick looked at him understanding.

"I know, the boys told me. But I want you to live with me Brian! And... and I'm sorry about Leigh... I know you two got a divorce."

Brian looked at Nick concerned.

"No! Don't say you are sorry, Nick... Oh, my God! I feel so bad... I'm ashamed to even say it... but you don't know, you have no idea what Leighanne did to you, Nick... I can't even tell you what, but..." - Brian sighed sadly.

"I know, Brian. I know what she did. She gave my address to him and sent a letter to Jordan."

"Who told you?" - Brian looked at AJ and he shrugged. He was the only one to know what Leighanne did.

"Nobody. I knew. Er... Taison kinda told me... I figured it out joining the pieces..." - Nick looked down.

"I'm so sorry..." - Brian said coming close to him again.

"No, Brian, I am the one who is sorry for you... I'm fine! I can imagine how hard its been being for you..."

"I wish we could talk... I have so many things I wanted to tell you..." - Brian said, they were almost like ignoring the other three people in the room.

"Me too!" - Nick exclaimed. - "But... oh, God! I'll be leaving in one hour and today I promised mom and dad, and Aaron and the girls that I would spend the day with them... Ya know, go to my family's house, hang around with my fellows..."

Brian sighed and ran a hand through Nick's hair. He could feel how much Nick wanted to talk to him.

"Thats ok, I understand and I think you are right. We'll have all the time in this world to talk!"

Nick smiled at him and they looked to the other guys.

"Thats it. All the time in this world." - Kevin said.

Brian went back to Nick's house after having lunch with Kevin, Howie and AJ. He could barely wait to see Nick tomorrow, once he would spend all this day with his family. More than fair, but still Brian wished he was there.

The guys offered to stay there with Brian but he said he'd be ok. He needed to straighten up the house, it had been almost like a total mess. Not that Nick would mind... He definitely wouldn't! But Brian wanted everything to look good when he came back.

It was three o'clock, the sun was shining bright but it wasn't a hot day. The breeze was wonderful, and although Brian had a light T-shirt he could shiver at the chill brushing on his skin at the terrace of Nick's house.

Brian sat on one of the chairs there and looked at the sea. He sighed. He was happy. Happy and at the same time completely torn... this feelings were fighting inside of him.

"What you thinking, Frick?"

Immediately Brian turned around to see Nick bringing up a chair and heading to where he was to sit by his side.

"Oh, God, Nick! What are you doing here?!" - Brian's eyes widened.

"Hey, you want me to leave?" - Nick joked. - "I thought this was my house..." - Nick giggled.

"No, of course, its just that... I thought you'd be spending the day with your family..."

"Oh, sure. I was there with them, I missed Aaron and the girls, but they saw in my eyes I wanted to be somewhere else. I mean, we'll have all the time to be together, but right now I had only one person I really wanted to be with." - Nick finished with a large smile.

"Awwww!" - Brian pulled Nick into his arms and stroke his hair. - "Thank you so much! All I wanted was to be with you right now..." - Brian said letting go of Nick as he sat beside him, being able to stare at the sea too.

"Me too." - Nick said.

Brian buried his head on his hand and began to cry.

"Oh, oh, oh! Whats it buddy? I'm here, Brian, please don't cry!" - Nick said running a hand over his back.

"I'm sorry, Nick... I'm just so happy you are back! I mean, you are my best friend and the best thing in my life right now... It's been being so hard the break up with Leighanne! I can't believe she could be so jealous about me and you..." - Brian sobbed and Nick quietly Nick ran his hand through his back and the back of his neck. - "I thought I loved Leighanne, Nick... I did everything to make her happy, I devoted my life to her because I thought she was the one... You remember what I told you in the country house?"

"Yes..." - Nick nodded.

"Well, I married Leighanne because I knew she was this person, she was the one that I was meant to be with! And I failed Nick! The most important thing in my life was to find that special person, I told you, the one who would make me forget about rules, about life, about everything... The one who would give me love... And the one I'd love till my life is through... I gave my all to Leighanne... I loved her, I did everything and now look what happened! Its all ruined..."

Brian lifted his head and looked at the sea.

"It was killing me inside, first not having you, and then knowing that the thing I wanted so bad in my life and that I was actually living for, knowing that this person betrayed me... That she wasn't the one... I feel terrible, Nick... do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Yes, Brian..." - Nick did understand. The most important thing to Brian was to find the love of his life, that special and magic person that would make his world complete, that would make everything else fade because he was loving and being loved back. And now Leighanne did this to him, and Brian felt like she was all he had. Brian felt like Leighanne was this person.

"I'm broken, Nick... I couldn't find love... My life was in vain..."

"Don't say that!"

"But its true, Nick! I know nobody will agree with me, but deep in my heart, all the money, fame, dreams I made come true, all this is nothing once I couldn't find my soul mate... What I wanted the most was to find the one, and I failed. I couldn't find that person, Nick, I failed."

Nick's heart was hurting. He couldn't stand it anymore.

Softly he cupped Brian's chin and made him look at him. Nick stared into those blue eyes reflecting his own.

"Maybe you didn't, Brian..."

Awww what's gonna happen now???? Oh Gosh! E-mail me if you wanna know! Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 22

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