I Am Here for You

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jun 25, 2002


Ok, so this is pure fiction. Thanks to those reading! Please e-mail me with comments and or suggestions, I'd love to know what you think of the story! Lucianapopstar@hotmail.com ou lionessy@hotmail.com

Brian arrived at the hospital carring Nick in his arms. The kid was still unconscious. Brian was feeling his fear grow fast as he began to look for a doctor.

"Please, sir!" - He asked when he saw a man passing by dressed in white.

"Yes?" - when the doctor turned around he saw the body of a child resting on the other boy's arms. As soon as he saw all the blood on his cloths and the expression on Brian's face he imediatly took Nick in his arms and headed to the next room.

"What happened here?" - he asked to Brian who was following him through the hallways.

"He... he got into a fight." - Brian wasn't sure till what point he should tell the doctor what really happened. He was afraid of Nick's reaction.

"A fight?" - the doctor said looking straight into his eyes. During all this years of being a professional, his experience was telling that boy was hiding something for him. The injurys on the child's body were telling something way worse had gone on.

Brian froze.

"A fight." - he said.

"Ok." - the doctor said taking Nick with him.

"Is he... Is he gonna be alright?" - Brian asked with fear in his eyes.

The doctor's answer had Brian give in to this fear.

"I don't know."

Two hours later Brian was waiting all alone in a room with white walls. Kevin had alredy called and recieved a lame excuse from him for the fact that both Nick and him were gone.

Twenty minutes after that call a nurse came by to talk to him.

Brian stood up.

"Is he ok?" - he asked fearfully.

"We can't tell for sure if is going to be ok. He has inner hemorrhage, due to two broken ribs that kept tearning him up from inside. He got here on time, those broken bones were about to get into his lungs and then nothing could have saved him. Also his stomach was affected, he's under serum right now. Doctor Paul is making a small surgery to correct this bones, but the way he is weak right now we have to pray he can handle this."

Brian broke down onto the chair.

The nurse looked at him pityfully.

"You should trust Doctor Paul. He is a miracle maker in this hospital."

Brian only nodded and sighed. It was hard to swallow.

Six hours after Nick had been taken into that hospital room the doctor came out to talk to Brian. As soon as Brian put his eyes on him he stood up again, his hands and voice trembling.

"How is him, doctor?"

"Sit down, son." - he said indicating the chair to Brian. - "Your friend is going to be alright. He was very strong during the surgery, I'm sure he will be able to recover from this 'fight'. - Brian swallowed hard hearing that word but at the same tive a wave of relieve ran through his body. Nick wasn't going to die. - "But I can't say the same about the trauma." - He said looking Brian straight in the eyes.

Brian kept the gaze.

"We found semen in his body. Your friend was forced into a sexual act, you know that?"

Brian was silent. How did he forget they would probably know about this through the exames? Nick had told him that.

"Yes, I do know."

"Is there anything else I should know, son?" - the man asked warmly to Brian.

"Ok. When I got home I found Nick lying on the bed, I had to struggle to convince him to tell me what had happened. We have, er.. a friend. Nick went out with him during the afternoon, his name is Taison and he is twenty years old. I don't know what happened. When I got back to the room we shared Nick was there alone, in this state you saw. After some moments he said this guy had raped him."

The doctor looked at Brian as if he was trying to decipher the meaning behind his words.

"Is he awake?" - Brian asked.

"Yes. Actually he is, but I think I'll give him something to sleep. He is not talking, not moving... I'm really concerned about what this has caused to his brain."

"May, may I see him?" - Brian asked softly.

"I don't think he wants to see anyone." - the doctor said in a harsh voice looking Brian deeply in the eyes.

Brian understood what he was thinking.

"Oh, God! You think I did that to him? Jesus Crist! That kid means a lot to me! Nick is like my little brother, I love him! I'd never do something to hurt him!"

"Calm down." - doctor Paul said to the boy almost crying in front of him. He wanted to believe in him. He really did. But just remembering the way the kid was brought to the hospital, with blood all over and broken parts of his body made him shiver. He didn't want to allow anyone to see him. He didn't know how this could affect the kid.

"Please..." - Brian begged. - "I need to see him, I need to know if he is ok..."

"I don't know."

"I'd have given my life for him. I just wanna see him, please doctor?"

He thought for a while.

"Ok, come here." - he decided to let him see his friend, but was still unsure whether or not he was saying the truth about the rape.

Brian followed him and they entered the bedroom Nick was in. The boy was curled in a ball, his gaze lost somewhere in that place and his soft blond hair covering his eyes from Brian.

Nick was in shock, Brian could tell. Anyone could tell.

"Nick..." - Brian called his name softly coming close to the bed.

Nick did not move.

"Nick..." - Brian tried again touching his hand.

"Don't touch me!" - Nick screamed leaving his trance and scaring Brian away. He stepped back. Nick didn't even look at the person touching him.

The boy curled even more on his stomach and went back to his trance.

Brian knew the doctor was giving him an incriminating look but he didn't turn around to face him, he was still concentrating on Nick.

"Nick..." - he tried again touching his forehead.

"Don't touch me!!!" - still not looking at him Nick moved away in the bed and rested his chin on his knees.

"Come." - the doctor said taking Brian by the arm and conducting him out of the bedroom. He was sure he had something to do with that, and there was no way he'd let Brian be there perturbating his patient, the poor child.

Brian wanted to protest but he knew he lost it. If Nick wouldn't talk to him there was no way the doctor would allow him to stay.

"Oh..." - Brian sighed heading to the door.

That was when it clicked and something made Nick look at him. Instatly his eyes came back to reality and he took the chance from Brian being still close to the bed to jump on his neck and bury his head there.

"Brian!" - he cried making Brian hold him tight. - "Brian, take me home, I wanna go home!"

Brian looked at the doctor. His incriminating look had changed into a loving one. The boy was right. There was no way he could be the one responsible for the kid's injurys. It was obvious the little blond loved his friend.

"Shiiii, Nick... It's ok my friend, everything is gonna be fine." - Brian said running his hands up and down Nick's back as he was sobbing against his neck.

"I wanna go home. Brian, please don't leave me here, I don't wanna be alone, please don't go away, please, I need you..." - Nick was whining with no intention of loosening this embrace.

Brian looked to the doctor asking silently if he could do what Nick wanted.

"There's no way he can go home today. He will have to be here for at least three more days. We need to know if his broken ribs won't cause any further damages inside his body."

Brian was almost crying seeing how Nick was desperately holding on to him.

"But... you can be here at the hospital, no problem."

"You heard Nick? I'll be here with you." - Brian said making him face him.

"Promise?" - Nick sighed

"Yes, I do. I won't leave you. I could never do that."

Softly Brian laid Nick on the bed again because he was wincing with his broken ribs. It hurt the simple movement he'd make. When he was done he ran a hand through his hair and Nick closed his eyes.

"We'll give him something to sleep. I'm afraid we won't be able to without anything."

"Sure..." - Brian said still looking at his friend.

"Please..." - Nick said this time looking to the doctor and not to Brian. - "Will you tell anyone about what happened to me? You know what happened, right?"

Brian moved away for the doctor to come close to Nick. He did the same thing running his hands through his hair, but Nick feared his touch and instinctively moved away.

The doctor understood his action and took his hand away.

"Yes, friend, I know what happened to you. But you don't need to worry. I'm a professional, you can trust me. No one will know about what you went through unless you are the one to tell them."

Nick nodded relieved, meeting Brian's eyes, and this eyes were smiling at him.

"Again..." - the doctor went on - "There's one more thing I should do. I need to tell this to the police. You understand it, right Nick? Its not right we let this monster who did that to you walking freely. He needs to be punished."

"No!" - Nick screamed. - "You have to promise me no one will know this! I don't want to tell the police! Its not because of me, its because of my future..."

The doctor looked at Nick and after at Brian.

"Argh..." - Nick moaned. He was fealing pain. Suddently he was so weak he could not speak. He rested his head in the pillow and closed his eyes to shut the pain. But it wouldn't go away.

Seeing this the doctor called the nurse and told her to give him some pills to take away the pain and to make him sleep. Brian and him were about to leave the room after she took care of Nick when he whispered for Brian to come close.

"Make him promise. I don't want to tell the police. Please, Brian. Make him promise." - Nick rustled shutting his eyes.

"Let's go." - the doctor said taking Brian away. - "He needs to get some sleep. We can talk outside."

"Ok." - Brian muttered.

Ten minutes later Brian and doctor Paul were sat at a different room.

"So... I don't know what to do. Its my obligation to tell the police."

"I know. I can't stand knowing the person who did that to him will get away with murder. I myself could kill that bastard if he was in front of me right now!" - Brian said almost crying when the image of Nick fainted in his arms came back to his mind.

"Its not the way and you know that. We should let the police take care of him. Do you know what he meant by saying it wouldn't be good for his future?"

"Yes." - Brian sighed. - "We are in a vocal group. We are singers and we want to be famous. Its our dream. We work for Jive Records and we are about to release our first album." - Brian said emotionless looking at his hands. Nothing else mattered after what happened to Nick.

"Oh, that is great, son. Now I understand his concern. But I don't think I can do what he wants. What you say? What would you do if you were me?"

"I... I guess I would call the police. If I were you... But being Nick... If I were him I wouldn't want it either."

"I understand." - the doctor sighed. - "Brian... is that your name, right?"

"Yes, doctor."

"I promise not to tell anyone if you promise me something."

"Sure." - Brian said looking him in the eyes.

"Son, you have to promise me you'll take care of that kid and be always there for him. What happened to your friend was very traumatical, you know that. He is in shock right now and I believe he'll take years to get over it completely, if ever. This will affect his future relasionships. He is afraid anyone touches him. You saw that."

"Yes, I did."

"So. He will need someone to get through to him. It won't be easy. He will need someone to make other people get through to him. Because I can tell over my experience your friend will try his best to lock himself into his own world, where no one will hurt him. And thats why he needs a friend. I saw the way he turned to you. I think he trusts you. You need to make him see that people who eventualy approach him won't hurt him."

"I understand."

"Its up to you and him to tell other people. Is his family here?"

"No, they are in the US."

"Ok. I think they should know about this. Its their son, their right to know what happened. Even if it is to deal with him, to treat him carefully. Can you imagine him getting home and when his mom or dad is gonna hug him he yells at them not to touch him? What will they think? I don't say you should do this now. But in time they will have to know."


"One more thing, Brian. I promise not to tell the police. But you gotta promise me whoever did this to him will never come one mile close to that kid. Because if this man does it... I'm afraid of what will happen to Nick. Not physically, I don't believe he will hurt him again. But I'm saying phycologically. If Nick sees him... He may lose it."

"It won't happen. I'll be always there for him, don't worry."

The doctor looked him in the eyes seeing what he wanted and got up, passing by Brian and stroking his hair.

"If he called you back there in the bedroom be sure you are special to him."

The doctor went away and Brian cried silently. He couldn't help but blaming himself for letting Nick go out with Taison. But when on Earth would he think something like this could've happened? Never was the answer! And now it didn't matter. Nick was alive, and Brian knew the worst part was about to come. Now when Nick loses his faith in people. Worst! Now when Nick is afraid of people.

Kevin called him again and Brian said Nick had ran into an aunt and took Brian to spend some days with her. Right now he couldn't talk, but everything was ok. Kevin got a little pissed but he bought it, which was the most important.

Deep inside Brian knew they'd have to tell at least Kevin, if not Howie and AJ. But right now it didn't matter. Right now he had to think about his little brother. He needed him.

Before sleeping in a room Doctor Paul had set up for him, Brian asked him to see Nick one last time. He knew he'd be aleep, but he just wanted to see his face.

Brian entered the dark bedroom while the doctor held the door opened, bringing some clarity from ther hallway. Brian knew Nick's peaceful sleep was due the drugs he was under effect.

Slowly he leaned over to kiss his forehead and before getting up again Brian whispered something in his ear. He knew Nick wouldn't hear him, but something in his heart was telling him he'd understand it.

"Don't worry, Nick..." - he whispered. - "I am here for you."

Oh, isn't Brian a sweetie? Aw! :o) Please e-mail me coz this makes me update faster! :o) LIONESSY@HOTMAIL.COM

Next: Chapter 5

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