I Got a Feeling

By Jenny Tian

Published on Aug 25, 2012


I got a feeling - chapter 10

"I've got a signal!" Tina said when she checked her phone and we all stopped. Declan carefully put Timmy on the ground and stretched a little, trying to relax his arms.

Within seconds someone picked up the phone and we heard that it was their mother. I only heard Tina's side but I knew that their mother was crying and that the parents had worried the whole night, trying to get someone to search for them but it had been impossible. Tina asked if they could maybe have an ambulance ready and said that we would soon be down at the station. When she hung up her eyes were a little red.

"Let's go." Kyle said and patted her back. Declan helped putting Timmy on Jason's back and we drove down. We were back on the real slopes and soon we were at the station and everything seemed to happen in a rush, an ambulance waiting, men coming towards us, putting Timmy on a stretcher, carrying him to the ambulance, Tina hugging her crying parents, the father getting in the ambulance and driving away, the mother still crying, thanking us, asking for our phone number, giving us hers, getting in a car with Tina, driving to the hospital and us just standing there, looking as the car became smaller and then disappeared behind a curve.

I think we were all a little surprised and just stood there, looking a little stupefied and then I started to chuckle and Declan started to shake with laughter and we were soon just laughing and I'm sure people stared at us but we just didn't care. We lay down in the snow, still laughing and then we quieted down and started to realize that the nightmare was over.

"I'm hungry." Declan finally said and when we all agreed we went to get us a big meal and went back to our chalet afterwards to take showers and just relax after everything that had happened.

We got a phone call from Timmy's father and he thanked us several times and said that we had saved his children's lives and that he owed us a lot, also that Timmy's leg would heal nicely. The doctors had said that we did a good job and he invited us for dinner sometimes and also said that if we ever needed help with anything he'd try to help us.

We did meet the siblings and their parents three days after the storm in a small restaurant. We couldn't remember how many times the parents had thanked us and after a while we were all a little embarrassed. Timmy was wearing a cast and the ski vacation was over for him. The family had decided to go back, the shock and fear still deeply in their bones and they went home the next day. But they gave us their address and also asked for ours, probably so they could say 'thank you' a few more times.

But I could understand them. They had feared for the live of their children one whole night, probably sure that they wouldn't survive and we were like heroes to them even though we hadn't done much. We wished them well and Tina hugged all of us when they left.

The rest of the vacation was perfect. We spent all the days on the slopes, the weather stayed beautiful and sunny and in the evenings we went out to eat, played games or just relaxed in front of the fire. And at night, Jason and I made love.

We also did a lot of jumping, trying a lot of new things we'd seen on the internet and often there were some people watching us and someone even asked me if I was a professional. I had to laugh and told him we just did it for fun and the next day there really was a pro and when he saw us he came over to talk, saying we all had potential but even though it was fun spending a couple of weeks in the alps, it wasn't what we wanted to do for the rest of our lives. We were all business guys and the city was our home.

Too soon the last day arrived and we only had one week left before the last semester of Uni started. I practically spent the week at the mansion and it was a miracle that Cliff Carbons didn't get suspicious. I was also getting used - or maybe addicted - to sex. We were both guys, both horny and so it happened only a few times that we didn't do anything but cuddling but even those nights were beautiful. I loved sleeping in the same bed with Jason and then waking up with him... and of course there was morning sex, or doing it in the shower, there was just so much to do.

The last semester started and I knew it was going to be hard and I'd be writing tons of papers and then the final exams... it would be stressful but I looked forward to graduation.

February was a cold and snowy month and I spent many cozy evenings with Jason. He came over to my house at least once a week and my parents came to like him a lot, while I sort of dreaded these days. For some reason I was still shy about sleeping with Jason in my own room, maybe because we weren't so far away from their room like in the huge mansion. And of course Jason always did his best to seduce me, to make me go crazy and more often than not he succeeded.

I was sure that my parents heard us several times but they didn't try to embarrass us and I was really glad for that. It was bad enough that Jason could make me moan so loudly, no reason for any more teasing.


"The guys are coming over tonight." Jason said. We were standing in front of the University and people were rushing by. "You up for some swimming?"

"Sure." I said. "Declan's coming too."

"Great. See you later..." He said and then he leaned closer and lowered his voice. "...honey. Wear a speedo?"

Honey? I thought and grinned. "The biggest trunks I can find."

"Oh, please not."

"Want your friends to see my ass?"

"Uh... no, but I don't think they'll be watching and I want to see you wet and almost naked."

"In that case, you'll wear one too."

"Deal." He said with a sexy grin, brushed his hand against my hip and then left and I stood there and just stared at his beautiful, strong back.

"You know him?" I heard and turned to see a guy named Hogan. He was one of those people who were openly gay and also a little effeminate.

"Yes, we're friends." I said.

"He's hot." He said and I felt something inside me when I saw him staring after MY Jason.

"Whatever." I grumbled.

"Hey, can you help me... with your feeling, I mean."


"Can you tell me if he'd be interested in me? You think he's gay? Your feeling can tell something like that, right?"

The feeling inside me became stronger but I tried not to show anything on my face. It hadn't occurred to me that other guys could be interested in Jason too but of course they would be. He was a hunk, really handsome and intelligent. He had the whole package and... he was mine.

"No, my feeling doesn't tell me anything. I guess that's something people have to tell themselves and..." I decided to listen to my feeling and smiled. "I think there's someone else who's really interested in you."

"Really?" Hogan asked. "Who?"

"Well, let's just say sometimes something is directly under your nose but you still can't see it."

"Oh... I see. Thanks, you're a great guy." He said and walked away with a thoughtful expression.


I watched how the guys splashed around in the pool. Cameron, Richard and Adrian were also there and right now it looked like they were ganging up with Kyle against Jason and Declan. They had just accepted Declan and me into their group and it was fun to hang out with them.

But for some reason I wasn't feeling too well and decided to go inside and get some drinks. There was no one in the huge kitchen and I went to the cooler, grabbed seven beers and when I turned around there was little Jesse and his mother.

"Hi James." She said and Jesse waved.

"Hi ma'am, hey Jesse."

"Can I have one?" Jesse asked and I chuckled as he pointed to the beers.

"Nope, you only get to drink them when you're older. They're not for little boys."

"I'm not little." He said with a pout and I just grinned at him. They both followed me when I slowly walked back to the pool and felt like Mrs Carbons wanted to say something.

"Do you boys have fun?" She asked and it sounded like she was talking about 15 year olds instead of us very mature adults and I smiled at her.

"Yes. The pool is great and they're just splashing around right now."

"Good. Hun, go to your room for a second?" She said to Jesse and he left, leaving me alone with his mother. I hadn't talked to her very much, she was very quiet, looked very pretty but frail and whenever I was in the mansion it was Cliff or Jesse talking.

"It's nice that you and Jason have become such close friends." She said and I got the feeling she knew but I also felt she wasn't like her husband, who still needed some time before he was allowed to know.

"Yes, ma'am. Actually at first I didn't like him very much but now he's as close to me like my best friend." Or even closer, I thought.

"That's nice. None of his other friends spend as many nights together..." She mumbled and I decided not to say anything to that. She turned and looked at me. "Why do you like him now?"

"Well, he's a great person, fun to be with, intelligent and you know, sometimes he's like the adult he is but I also love it when he's the opposite, childish and pouting, it's so cute... err, I mean... funny?"

She smiled. "Cute it is. I haven't seen that side of him since he was a child but when he's around you, he seems different, more relaxed, more himself."

"So you don't mind?" I asked.

"I don't. I can see you guys are happy, I just wanted to make sure you weren't using him."

"Using him?"

"Because he's rich. Or his parents are."

"Oh... right, he's rich. Err, don't worry about that, I'm earning a nice chunk of money right now and I'm definitely not after the money. Just him."

"That's good. Now get back to your friends. It was nice talking to you."

"Yes, ma'am, you too." I said and was amazed at how well she took it. Apparently she wasn't at all like her husband who already had potential wives lined up for Jason but just wanted him to be happy. And for some reason she'd just accepted that her son, who had been dating girls in high school, was suddenly going out with a guy. Jason definitely needed to talk to her.

When I walked to the pool I could see that by now everyone had ganged up on Jason. He was sputtering and fighting hard and when he saw me he yelled at me, asking for help. I grinned and held up the beers. "Anyone want one?"

"Sure." Cameron said and they let go of my boyfriend. They all came out soaking wet and Jason plopped down next to me.

"Thanks." He said with a grin.

The guys were all talking about something and Jason leaned a little closer to me. "Is everything okay? You seemed a little bit down?"

"Yeah, it's fine but we need to talk when we're alone."

I could see the worry in his eyes and smiled at him. "It's nothing bad."

"Okay." He said and we both turned back to the guys but I did notice Adrian's eyes on us, as well as Kyle's.


"Wait, let me get this straight. My mom knows?"

"Yes. She just asked me and she seems to be okay with it."

"Oh." He sat and looked at me with a stunned expression.

"You should talk to her."


"But wait with your father. I get the feeling that we'll soon have a great opportunity."

"Okay." He said and still looked surprised at what I had told him.

"So she was threatening you?" He asked.

"No, just making sure her son is in good hands."

"I see." He was quiet for a while and leaned back on the cushions on his bed. Then he smiled and pulled me closer to him. "So, what was this about you being jealous?"


"You know, with that guy at Uni?"

"I wasn't... no, not jealous." I said but I guess the feeling had been jealousy even though there was no reason to be.

"Admit that you were."


"Okay, then I'm going to make you." He said and suddenly started tickling my sensitive sides and I was screaming and laughing and wriggling, trying to get away from him but Jason was just much stronger than me.

Pretty soon I was gasping for air, still laughing and then I yelled: "I give! I give!" And Jason stopped, just looked at me, his expression serious but his eyes twinkling.

"That... was torture... is illegal... but..." I said, still panting. "I love you."

He grinned. "Nice to hear but there's something else..."

"Okay, maybe I was a little jealous."

"A little?"

"Maybe not a little. Damn, Jason!"

"Love you, too." He said and bent down to kiss my lips and soon our tongues were wresting and his hand was now sliding along my sides, not tickling, just making me shiver and feel really good. He was grinding his crotch into mine and I just wanted to get rid of our clothes and started to pull on his shirt and we somehow managed to take them off and then he started to kiss and nibble and lick me everywhere and I felt myself getting lost in the sensation.

I let my own hands roam all over his strong, beautiful and muscular body, I loved feeling his body heat and when he pressed his chest against mine and kissed me long and deep, I could feel his heartbeat and it almost felt like mine was adapting to his, beating with his and almost becoming one.

I wanted him so badly, wanted him inside me and Jason probably felt the same way because his hand went to his night stand and searched for the lube and the rubbers.

His finger touched my ass and the lube was cold but it easily slipped inside and he pushed another one in, started to move his fingers and stretched me and I was moaning but he caught the sounds with his mouth, still covering mine with his. My back arched when his finger rubbed that spot inside me and I groaned, wanting Jason to hurry. He seemed to understand and within seconds the head of his big cock was pressing against my ass. I smiled at him and loved how his face looked and then he pushed inside, waited, let me adjust like always and when he saw me relax he slowly, slowly pushed the rest inside.

"Okay, babe?"

"Yeah." I said and he pulled out, just a little and then back inside. I couldn't count how many times we had fucked but it seemed like every time it just got better. We knew each others bodies better and Jason did a hell of a job satisfying me. He varied the strokes, sometimes they were slow, then fast and sometimes really hard. He knew exactly how he had to move to push that spot and he did it now, making me call out his name and pushing back to him.

He was soon fucking me in a nice, steady rhythm and even without touching myself I felt how I was coming close. But then he stopped, pulled out and I protested but he just smiled and pulled me up on his lap and I slowly impaled myself on his cock again. We were facing each other and I wasn't sure how comfortable it was for Jason, sitting like that, but I loved this position.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Wonderful." I mumbled and tried lifting myself. Jason grabbed my ass cheeks with his hands and I rose until only the head was inside me. Then I let go and just plunged back down, making us both moan.

"Ooooh... that's... amazing..." Jason said and I could only make agreeing sounds.

"Jason... aaaah, so good..."

I loved this position with me sitting up and down, my cock rubbing against his abs, my arms around Jason, his hands on my ass and our faces so close, so perfect for kissing. It was amazing and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.

"Jason, I'm... oh..."

"Love you."

"Oooooh... Jason!" I yelled and then my whole body started to spasm and shake and it was just out of this world.

I could feel Jason holding on to me and he suddenly fell back on the bed, pulling me with him and I was lying on him, a big grin on my face and he was smiling, too.

"I love you so much." He said.

"I love you more." I mumbled and nuzzled to his chest, just enjoying the feeling of being with him, the after sex glow, his smell, his warmth, the love and just everything.


It was at the end of March when I got that really bad feeling. The last month had been hard yet good. We all had tons of work from Uni but we still had some time to spend with our friends and Jason and I seemed to spend more and more nights together. I felt lonely when I was alone in my bed without his strong, warm body next to mine and I slept best when he had his arms around me.

Maybe Cliff was starting to suspect something but he didn't say anything, but I knew that the time to tell him would come soon.

Work went very well and Cliff told me he had very high hopes in me and already offered me a full time job after graduation with a pay that was very high for someone just out of college. I felt that he was too generous but he said that he knew that I would become very important to his company and if he didn't pay me well enough, someone else might snatch me away.

I was happy with the pay and didn't complain and thought that it was probably time to move out. I had lived with my parents 21 years and now that I had such a great job I could easily afford an apartment and maybe, maybe Jason would move in with me. We hadn't discussed it yet but I had the feeling that he was thinking along the same lines. They only thing that was still in the way was his father and the potential wives.

We didn't worry too much about it but the issue was still there and it was a little restraining.

The day when the bad feeling came was a Tuesday and Cliff had a very important meeting in the city. He was just getting ready to go when I had to ask.

"Sir, would it be possible for me to come with you?" I asked. "I'm very interested in how these meetings work and I'd like to learn more about your business."

He looked at me and then smiled. "I like how you want to learn more but I'm not sure today would be the best place to start..."

"I promise I won't say a word and nobody will notice me, Sir."

Cliff considered it for a few seconds and then nodded slowly. "Alright. You can come but you can't say a thing. This is a very important meeting."

"Yes, Sir." I said and grabbed my jacket. We drove to the Carbonax main building in the city and he led me to a rather big room. A man and a woman were already there. Cliff greeted them and apparently the man was one of his most trusted workers and the woman his lawyer. A little later several other men arrived and they started the meeting and it was very interesting to listen but I was still feeling on edge, the feeling was still there and it was stronger than before.

After several hours the meeting was over and I could see that it had gone very well. We said goodbye and left the building and the feeling growing and growing. We walked to his car and suddenly I saw that blink in the sunlight. The thought that this only happened in movies flashed through my mind but my body reacted before I even realized it.

I jumped forward, pushed Mr Carbons down and as we fell I felt something hit me. Cliff hit the ground hard and I lay on top of him. He turned, his face angry but then he saw the blood coming from my shoulder.

"Oh my god." He mumbled and then pulled out his phone. "Hang in there, James." He said and dialed something but everything after that became fuzzy. There were people, sirens, more people and then nothing.


Pain was the first thing I noticed and my mind was struggling, my ears trying to understand the words but everything slipped again. It seemed like only seconds passed when I started coming to my senses the next time. I felt someone's hand on my face and heard a nice voice but I couldn't really grasp it.

It was a weird experience, waking up, not understanding what had happened, not realizing where I was.

"He's awake." I heard and opened my eyes but the light hurt too much and I closed them again. "It's okay, I'm here." Declan, I realized.

"Where..." I tried to say but it was just a croak that left my throat.

"You're in the hospital. You were shot, or rather, you caught the bullet that was supposed to be for Mr Carbons."

"Oh, right the..."

"I'll get you some water. And the doctor should be here soon."

I nodded and seconds later Declan was back, putting the glass to my lips and I eagerly started to drink. It was wonderful and I felt like I was going to be okay.

The doctor came with two nurses and checked everything, then he explained that I had lost a lot of blood and my shoulder had been dislocated because of the bullet. But they had been able to remove it and I should be better very soon.

"You were very lucky, son." The doctor said and I nodded. "But Mr Carbons is even luckier. I'm sure he'll come by this afternoon. His whole family has been coming every day as well as yours."

"How long ago was that?"

"Just three days."

"Why was I unconscious for so long?" I asked and the doctor explained that it was mostly due to the blood loss.

When he left I looked around in the small hospital room and noticed tons, and I mean tons, of flowers.

"Dee, what the heck is it with those?" I asked.

"The flowers? Well, they've been coming nonstop, mostly from Carbonax. Seems like Mr Carbons is very well liked by his employees and they all want to express their gratefulness to you."

"Wow, that's crazy!"

"Well, it smells too girly in here with all these flowers."

"But it looks nice."

"Yeah, very colorful."

Declan shrugged and picked up some of the notes and read them to me. Most of them said 'thank you for saving his live' and stuff like that.

In the evening my parents came by. They were both very worried about me but at the same time they couldn't hide their pride. They both congratulated me and scolded me at the same time for doing something so dangerous. We were talking about something unimportant when there was a knock at the door. I yelled 'come in' and first saw Jesse and then the whole Carbons family. My parents said they'd go for some coffee and Jason sat down behind me on the chair, Jesse on the bed and Cliff and his wife sat down where my parents had sat.

"How are you?" Mr Carbons asked me.

"I'm pretty good. My shoulder hurts but otherwise I'm fine."

"That's good to hear."

"James, we're all so incredibly thankful." Mrs Carbons said with a gentle smile. "What you did was amazing. You saved my husband."

"It was nothing." I mumbled and wished that Jason would sit closer. I craved his touch, wanted his embrace but we couldn't really do that in front of his father.

"James, you are a hero." Jesse said with a big grin.


"You saved daddy! It's in all the newspapers!"


"Yes! There were pictures of you."

"Oh no." I groaned.

"You're officially a hero, Jesse is right." Cliff said. "I owe you my life and I have no idea how I'm going to repay you."

"It really was nothing."

"You risked your own life to save mine. I don't know many people who'd do someting so courageous."

"It was just because I had that bad feeling and when I saw that blink in the sunlight I reacted without thinking."

"James, don't try to talk it down. Our whole family is in your debt, the company is very thankful, it was you who saved me and I want to at least try to repay you. You can ask anything of me. Anything." He said.

I was just about to say no when I felt something. I stopped and the warm feeling spread through my body and I couldn't help but smile a little.

"Anything?" I asked.

"Anything. Be it the best cars, a huge house, millions of money, whatever you want."

I felt my heart beat faster and I turned to look at Jason. His expression was hard to read but he nodded slowly, almost not noticeable.

"Sir, I'm really grateful for your offer and I don't really need money or cars or houses or yachts or whatever. But there's something I wish you could accept, something you could..."

"Yes." Cliff said.

"I want your son. Jason."

Cliff looked stunned for a second. "What?" He asked and turned to look at the tense looking Jason.

"Sir, I wish to be with your son and I really love him. And you promised that I could have anything and that's what I want the most."

"Oh." He said.

And then it was quiet in the hospital for several long seconds that turned into minutes.

"Ok." He finally said. He seemed to be struggling and in the end he just got up and left the room.

"Don't worry boys, he'll come around." Mrs Carbons said with a smile and then took Jesse's hand and left us alone.

"We're out." Jason said.


"He didn't look pleased."

"Come here." I said and lifted the blanket so that Jason could slip into the bed. It was a tight fit but much more comfortable with his arm around me. "He needs time to think, some time to deal with what we just threw at him. It was a shock but he'll come around."

"Your feeling?"


"Good." He said with a smile and I felt how the tension left his body.


"Where are we going?"

"You'll like it."

"But you know I'm curious."

"And I'm not going to tell you."



"Are you kidnapping me?"

"Sort of."

"Ooooh, I like that."

He chuckled. "Seriously? Well, I'm a nice kidnapper."

"Okay. No killing in the end?"


"Good. So, where are we going?"

"James, shut up. I'm not going to tell you."

"You're so mean." I mumbled but I was actually smiling. It was already June and we had finally graduated. The feeling was great and I was now a full time working employee of Carbonax, as was Jason. Mr Carbons was still a little tense but he had accepted it and was very pleased to find out that we worked very well together.

Today was our half-year anniversary and Jason was kidnapping me.

"We're almost there." He said and I nodded. Several minutes later he parked the car and led me outside.

"The lake?" I asked.

"Yes. Come on."

"Okay." He grabbed my hand and we walked to a small boat.

"Tadaa." He said with a big grin and I stared at him.

"We're going on a rowing boat?"

"Just for a few minutes. Get in."

"Okay." I said and climbed inside. I had gone rowing when I was younger in a boat like this. Only one person had to and the other could just sit and relax. Jason got inside and then we were on the way to... I looked up and saw it. My jaw dropped without me realizing it because the next thing I know, I felt Jason put it up with a soft chuckle.

"You like it?" He asked.

"Damn. Sometimes I forget that you're rich."

"Yeah, I don't like to spend money for useless stuff. But this yacht belongs to my father and he was so generous to give it to us for the weekend."

"Wow." I said and still stared at the beautiful yacht. It was bigger than the usual ones you could see on the lake, but it was still rather small, and elegant and beautiful.

"So we're staying the night?" I asked.

"Sure. There's a beautiful suite with a very nice bed..."

"Oh, I like."

"Course you do." He said and laughed softly. I loved the sound and almost shivered. In these past months I had been fucked so many times and I had come to crave it. I loved sleeping with Jason and just couldn't imagine my life without him anymore. He could be so sweet and then so stubborn but he was mine and I loved him so much. And now this, a weekend on this yacht. I couldn't believe it.

We were soon there and the captain greeted us, we were served some champaign and Jason showed me around. Pretty soon the horn blew and the yacht started moving. We went up and just stood there, the wind blowing in our faces, and looked down at the water. It was a perfect, peaceful moment and it just got better when Jason put his arm around my shoulder and leaned over to kiss me.

I was so lost in the kiss that at first I didn't notice the music. But then I softly pulled away, looked at Jason, listened to the music and started to chuckle.

"This is great." I whispered. "Thank you."

"Well, we still have a long night before us."

"Yeah." I said and kissed him while the black eyed peas were singing...

I gotta feeling... That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good night That tonight's gonna be a good, good night...


Hi everyone, this is the last chapter of 'I got a feeling' and I want to thank all those who have written me and encouraged me to continue writing. I feel like I lost some inspiration and this definitely isn't my best story but I managed to finish it thanks to you.

I also want to mention that even though I'm not too happy with this story, it actually made me find a really good new friend.

If you're interested in reading my other stories you can do that on: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/azulastories/

And please let me know if you like how the story ends.

All the best Jenny

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