I Got a Feeling

By Jenny Tian

Published on Apr 2, 2012


A few days passed and our neighbors seemed to settle in. I saw John once at college and once I met little Jason in the garden. He just sat under the tree and looked a little lonely. He didn't seem to be the type that found friends very fast and I just felt like I should spend some time with him.

"Hi Jason." I said and he looked up.

"Hi James."

"How are you?"


Geez, he really wasn't very talkative.

"Do you play any sports?" I asked.


"Really? I played soccer in high school."

"Were you good?"

I chuckled. "Not as good as my buddy Declan but acceptable. You want to play some?"


He kicked me a ball and we just tossed it around a bit. He seemed to be more relaxed after a while and actually smiled at me. When Declan walked by he joined us and we had quite a bit of fun with the little guy.

"You know" Declan said when we were back at his house. "We could make something like an audition. Everyone called Jason can come and then you might find the one."

"Yeah sure." I laughed. "You think anyone would come? No guy wants to audition to become some other guy's boyfriend!"

"Who knows?" He grinned.

"Naw. I'll just wait. I have a feeling it will work out okay."

"That's good. Oh, my teacher wanted me to ask you if she should go to Spain next summer."

"She should."

"Cool. I bet she'll be glad to hear you blessed her vacation."

"Yeah. As if I'm the oracle or who knows what."

"Well, everyone knows that you're the person to ask. And as I heard your word is almost like sacred. Two weeks ago that guy asked you about his girlfriend." He said.

"Yes. I remember. They wanted to sleep together and the girl was a virgin and finally said yes. I'm not even sure why he came to me. I'm not a relationship counselor."

"Jane told me that he didn't listen to your advice and now his girlfriend is pregnant. Condom didn't work or something."

"Oh shit. I told him just to wait a few days. Some guys just don't think with their big head."

Declan just grinned.


They sell that great, incredibly yummy strawberry ice cream in a store just next to the canteen. I love their ice cream and bought some. I was licking it while walking outside. Last class was finally over. The day had been way too long and I had a shitload of work to do.

I guess I was a little engrossed in my ice cream and didn't notice the guy at first. When I bumped into him it was too late. He dropped his books and jumped back.

"Hey!" He yelled.

"Sorry." I said and licked some more ice cream.

"What the hell do you have eyes for?" He asked. "Look where you're going!"

Gosh, couldn't he just leave me alone? My head hurt.

"At least pick up my books, you stupid idiot! Bumping into others and then you don't even help nor apologize."

"I did!" I said. The guy was beginning to piss me off.

"Just get down and pick up my stuff!" He almost yelled and he looked at me like he was the big boss or something. His eyes were arrogant and since he was a few inches taller than me he was looking down at me.

"Forget it." I said and wanted to walk by him.

"Hey, where the hell do you think you're going? You're going down on your knees and pick it up!"

"Do it yourself, asshole. It takes two to walk into each other!" I yelled, smashed my ice cream into his face and walked away as fast as I could. Actually, I ran. The guy had muscles!

And my ice cream was gone. But it didn't look too bad in his face. I grinned a little and then spotted Declan who was waiting for me. "I thought you wanted to buy some ice cream?"

"I did!"

"Did something happen?"

"I bumped into someone."

"Oh, why didn't you get some new ice cream?"

"I didn't drop it!"

"Huh?" He asked.

"I smashed it into his face."

"Ouch. Why? I didn't know you had such an aggressive streak in you!"

"He was such an asshole. We should go."

"Okay." He said. But Declan was right, I usually wasn't aggressive at all. He was the stronger guy, I was more quiet and solved problems with my head. But today really had been a hard day and I already was stressed. The guy's yelling had been like the last straw. Straw - aww, my strawberries ice cream. I should have licked it off his face. Nah, I would get myself two tomorrow. It was summer after all.


That weekend we were invited to the Williams for dinner. Declan and his family were also invited. It seems the three sets of parents liked each other. Declan and I also really liked John, Sally and little Jason. Sandra Williams turned out to be a great cook and we all had a great time.

Both Declan and I had a lot of work to do. It was our last year depending on how far we wanted to go in our education and my parents always expected me to give it my best.

I also played with Jason several times and found out that he had a big heart. He was just very shy but otherwise he was a really great guy. If he were a few years older I could find myself falling for him. But fate apparently had other plans for me.

It was Thursday after lunch and Declan and I separated to go to our classes when I met him! The asshole!

I wanted to turn around but it was too late. He had already seen me.

His face just turned red and as he walked over I saw that he had designer clothes and there was this snob-mosphere around him.

"You." He spat and grabbed my collar.

"Let me go." People around looked at us and stopped walking.

"You ruined my shirt!" He said with a dangerous voice and I could see the anger in his eyes.

"So?" I asked, hoping my voice didn't tremble.

"So you have to pay for it. It cost me a hundred and your stupid ice cream ruined it!"

"I was not aiming for your shirt but I'm glad it's ruined you spoiled brat." Okay, I probably should have just apologized but that would have been like admitting that I was the weaker one and he would have won. And I was too pissed to let that happen.

He gripped his teeth, his fists around my collar tightened and looking at his face made me angrier. I could see the fury rising in him and then he ripped - actually RIPPED! - my shirt apart. In the middle of the hallway! In front of everyone.

I was so angry I punched his face and well, there was an ugly sound and suddenly there was blood everywhere.

Someone pulled us apart and he was brought to the hospital and I had to tell the principal what happened. Luckily there had been people watching and everyone saw that it was him who started the fight and not me but I still felt a little bad. I had never been in a real fight with anyone and was at peace with everyone. And that punch, wow, I didn't know where that strength came from. But then the sound of his nose breaking, it sent shivers down my back.

I went home and my mother paled when she saw me. My chest with drops of blood and the ripped shirt in my hand.

"James! What happend?"

"I got in a little fight."

"Are you hurt?"

"No. Just broke the guy's nose."

"Oh my. What did he do?"

"Just pissed me off." I said and went into my room to get a shower.

Word about our fight spread around the school. It was very unusual for college students to get into open fights and Declan was the one to tell me about the rumours. The guy was very rich as I thought and everyone wondered why the two of us would fight.

I didn't see him anymore and I was really glad for that. But I still occasionally dreamed about his angry eyes and the ugly sound of his nose breaking.

A few weeks later, Jason Miller, the professor asked me to stay back after class. Our old professor still had a lot of trouble with his hip and it was uncertain if he would come back to teach. But Jason Miller was a good professor and I was curious what he wanted.

"James, I've come to hear that if one needs advice he should ask you. I've been wondering why. A few of my colleagues told me they asked you things and they all said it turned out very good."

"Well, it's nothing big. I just have feelings sometimes. Like something bad is going to happen or one should do something or not."

"That's really interesting."

"I guess."

"Anyway, I have a friend and he asked me if there were any good students this year. I told him what I heard about you and your grades and he's very interested. If you want I can set up a meeting."

"Is he recruiting or something?"

"Yes. Actually he's the CEO of Carbonax and they're looking for young and motivated people."

"Carbonax! Wow... I..." I was at a loss of words. Sally had said that I might get a job offer but I didn't expect it, or not so soon.

"Is that a yes?" He smiled.


"Good. I'll call you to let you know."

"Okay. Thank you very much."

Declan and my parents were just as excited about the coming meeting and I was getting nervous. A few days after the talk with professor Miller I got a call from the secretary of Cliff Carbons and she told me that Mister Carbons wanted to meet me in a coffee so that it wouldn't be too formal. He sounded like a nice person but I was still nervous. He was after all someone who worked with huge amounts of money and he earned millions.

I put on some nice clothes for the meeting and arrived at the coffee ten minutes early. I was a little surprised when a man asked me if I was James Abbott and when I agreed he led me to a quiet corner and brought me a coffee.

Exactly at 5 o'clock a man walked in and I just knew he was Cliff Carbons. I got up and he greeted me with a smile. "Hi James, I'm Cliff."

"My pleasure to meet you, Sir."

"Do you want some cake? They have a very nice cheesecake here."

"That would be nice." I said. Hey, my tongue was the one that wanted that cake! Not my fault.

Within minutes I had my cake - yummy - and Cliff Carbons had a coffee.

"So, James. You know why I wanted to meet you."

"Yes. Professor Miller told me he recommended me to you because you're looking for motivated people. I heard Carbonax is climbing the stairs rapidly."

"That's true. I usually talk to students in my office but Jason Miller mentioned something about people asking you for advice and I'm very interested in that. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?"

"Go ahead." I said and at first he asked me a little about what I learned, what I was most interested in and about my future dreams. Then he asked me all kinds of stuff about money, where he should invest, was A better or B and so on. I didn't understand everything but I listened to my gut feeling.

In the end he asked a little about my life and my views of it and when we got up I had a good feeling. This man was really nice and I could imagine working for him.

When Sally heard that Cliff Carbons and I went to drink coffee together she was really surprised. As he had said, he usually interviewed people in his office.

For two weeks I didn't hear from him but then a call came and I was invited to Cliff Carbons' office. When I went there he told me that he would like me to work for him now as a part time job. I could work two afternoons and Saturdays. He also said that he wanted me to work directly under him since my judgement was very good. He had tested my advices and they all turned out so well that he was eager to hire me. I was a little surprised at the pay. It was more than I expected but he just explained that this was the pay I'd get first. When I worked there longer and had more experience I'd earn more and I'd also get away from the desk. He said that at first I would be working on the computer but with more experience and knowledge he wanted me to interact with people and stuff. Pretty cool.

I don't know why but the guy really liked me! He told me that he had this office where all the other people worked but he often worked from home and he wanted me to work there! At his home!

In the end he gave me the contract and told me to sign it if I agreed. Two days later I had the job and would start the following Tuesday.

When I arrived at his house I wasn't sure if I should be impressed or scared. His home was a huge mansion! It was near the forest and a little secluded, trees and flowers were in the garden, it looked cared for and beautiful.

When I rang the bell I was almost surprised that it wasn't a butler who opened the door. It was a young boy, about 10 years with big eyes.

"Hi." He said.

"Hello. I'm looking for Cliff Carbons."

"Come in." He said and then yelled. "Daaaaaaddy!"

"Jesse. I told you not to yell." His father said and shook my hand. "Hi James."

"Hello, Mister Carbons."

"You ready?"


He showed me his office and then another one and told me I'd be working there. It was really nice. The first few days he showed me how everything worked and explained a lot. He said he was pleased that I got it very fast and soon I was on my own. It was a little scary because I was working with a lot of money but he said the amounts were small - yeah, sure - and told me he thought I could handle it and to trust my feeling. Hah, that I could do.

For two weeks everything was great. I loved the work and I managed to get my school work done so there was no trouble. But then on Saturday Cliff Carbons asked me to eat with his family. I wasn't too sure at first. He seemed to be so friendly and he almost treated me like family, which, I was sure, wasn't what he treated his other employees like. But when he mentioned that they had an awesome cook who made the best pastries, I agreed.

Damn, he knew my weakness.

He led me into the dining hall and I mean hall. It was huge but if one earned as much money as Cliff Carbons, it was probably understandable. From what the little boy told me they also had a pool and a bowling hall! Oh yes, Jesse was a really cute kid. Very open and trusting. He also had an older brother but I hadn't met him yet.

Anyway, we were in the hall and the door opened. Jesse came running inside and when he saw me he smiled. "Hi James. You eating dinner with us?"

"Hi Jesse. Yup. Today I am."

"Cool." He said and a woman entered. She looked frail but pretty. And then Cliff Carbons oldest son entered and it was like a deja-vu. Yeah, you guessed it! It was the bump-yell-smash-ice-cream-in-the-face-rip-my-shirt-off-break-his-nose-guy!

He turned red and I almost grinned at the irony!

I could see how hard he had to try to hold back from jumping me. His nose was straight, so everything had healed nicely and he probably had had the best surgeons working on it. But I could kind of understand why he hated me so much. The feeling was mutual.

"James, I believe you haven't met my oldest son yet."

"Actually, we go to the same college." I said.

"Yes. But I know that you don't have any classes together. I didn't know you knew each other."

"Oh, we don't. I just saw him one or two times."

If looks could kill I'd drop dead.

"I see. Jason, this is James. He's working part time for me. His judgement is very good and I'm sure you'll be working closely together in the future. James, my son is also involved in a lot of work in our company and one day he'll take over. I wish for you two to become friends and good working partners."

Jason grunted while I just stared at him. Could it be... No. It couldn't, right? I mean, why would fate give me an asshole as a soul mate? What had I done to deserve someone like him?

Or perhaps this was a fluke like professor Miller and little neighbor Jason.

We all sat down and the cook brought the food. It was exceptional. But during the whole time I glanced at Jason, who was still staring at me with a veeery pissed expression. He did look handsome but that frown and those angry eyes...

His father was talking a lot and told his wife that I was very talented and that he had high hopes for me. She was a nice woman. She was friendly, always smiled and when she talked her voice was soft. I couldn't imagine her ever being angry.

I could see that the more Jason's father talked about me, the more pissed Jason looked. When he finished, he excused himself and left.

When I told Declan he laughed. It seems that was all he did lately.

"I should have known. First the old professor-Jason, then the neighbor-kid-Jason and now the stupid asshole-Jason."


This was chapter two. I hope you enjoyed. Let me know what you think. You can contact me at azulasn@yahoo.com

I also have a yahoo-group where I post the chapters first. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/azulastories Azula

Next: Chapter 3

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