I Got a Feeling

By Jenny Tian

Published on May 19, 2012


For a second I was confused but then I smiled as I remembered where I was. Jason had put his arm around my chest and I felt really comfortable and warm. I closed my eyes again and just enjoyed the wonderful feeling of being so close to him. His chest to my back, his crotch to my ass and my head on his strong arm. Declan was wrong. We did withstand the temptation. And I also felt that Jason wasn't ready, yet. It was new to both of us but he had more to struggle with. He had been with women and I could tell that he wasn't up for wild sex yet. Perhaps I wasn't either but I knew that I loved sleeping with him. I felt fit and really relaxed. If only I could wake up every morning in his arms.

"Mmmh." Jason mumbled something and I turned to face him.


"Need to pee." He said, his eyes still half closed. Definitely not a morning person. He got up and walked to the bathroom. A minute later he was back in bed.

"Slept well?" I asked.


"Not very talkative today."

"Go back to sleep."

"No way. It's almost nine."

He grumbled something and pulled the cushion over his head. I grinned, got up and took a leak myself. Then I grabbed my bag and took out a present. Perhaps it was stupid to get something, and it was actually more of a joke, but when I saw it I just had to get it.

"It's not really Christmas yet, but Jase, I got something for you." I said and he peeked out from under the cushion.

"I like that." He said and managed a smile.


"You calling me Jase."

"Oh. Well, this is for you."

"You really got something for me? I don't have anything." He said.

"Doesn't matter. It's nothing much and not really a present. Open it."

"Okay." He said and took the wrapped up box. He carefully opened it and this gave me the opportunity to look at his chest. He really had muscles and I was sure he worked out. They probably had their own gym somewhere in this mansion. He had that amazing washboard abs and his arms. I loved his strong arms. And of course his beautiful smile and his dark blond hair and his blue eyes.

Jason finally had the paper off and opened the box. He flinched when a figure jumped his face.

"Fuck, what's this?" He asked and when he looked closer he chuckled softly and then gradually laughed louder until I joined him. The figure that jumped from the box was still wiggling back and forth on the helix. It's mouth was open and you could see it's red tongue. In his hand it held a bottle of coke.

"Like it?" I asked with a grin.

"Absolutely. Just reminds me of my own stupidity with that tabasco-coke." He suddenly looked at me with intense eyes. "I always wanted to ask you, how come you always knew something was up?"

I shrugged. "I just had a feeling. And you know what they say, harm set, harm get."

"Yes. You sure proved that true but you still didn't explain me how you always knew."

"Let's talk about that another time, okay?"

"Sure." He said and I wondered why I was uncomfortable telling him. In a split second I changed my mind. I wanted our relationship to be really honest. "Jase, it's not really a secret."

He nodded and I continued. "Your father knows and many others do as well. I get these feelings that tell me if something is wrong or they tell me what to do. That's one of the reasons your father hired me."

"So that's why you always knew what was up."

"That's right."

"I see." He said and then frowned. I knew what was coming. "Fate is on our side. You said that yesterday."


"So you had the feeling that we'd end up together?" He asked.

"Not at first. I had the feeling that I'd be with someone named Jason but I met two other Jason's at first. One is an old professor and the other just a kid. And then you came and at first I didn't want it to be you and later I wanted it to be you but I was scared of listening to my feeling."

"But you did."


"And your feeling tells you what?"

"That we'll be happily ever after."

"Fuck, I hate this." He said. "This sounds like it's predestined and we don't have a choice."

"We do. You can just..." I swallowed hard. "You can just say you don't want to see me anymore and we can stop it if you don't want it. I won't hate you if you do."

Jason was quiet for a long time and I just sat there, wondering what he thought about all of this, wondering if he'd say no to me just to defy my feeling, just so he wasn't a part of some predestined plan. But I never thought of it as predestination. My feeling usually just told me whether or not something was good or not and the decision was still in our hands. Like the guy that didn't listen to me. He became a father at his young age but that just meant that he went the harder way when he could have prevented that from happening.

"This is so stupid." Jason grumbled. "But... I really like you and I'm not just stopping what we have just because of a stupid feeling. So... we try this boyfriend thing."

I smiled and he pushed me back on the bed with his hand. "So, what do you think I'm going to do now?" He asked.

"You wish."

"Sure do. So?"

"Shouldn't we go eat breakfast or something?"

Jason grinned at me with a suggestive expression and I pushed him off me but laughed. "Nope, I'm not your breakfast."

"Too bad." He said but followed me in putting on some clothes and then we went to the kitchen.

"You're not eating in the dining hall?" I asked.

"No, that's just for dinner and sometimes lunch when we're all here. When we eat individually we just go to the kitchen."

I nodded and when we sat down in the huge kitchen the friendly cook brought us our plates with wonderful food. After we ate we went up to his room and just sat down on the couch, our feet lightly touching and neither of us saying something. For some reason I didn't feel uncomfortable and just enjoyed sitting there peacefully with him.

Jason was the first to break the silence. "Tell me a little more about yourself. I only know that you have a best friend named Declan and that you have those weird feelings."

"Let's see, my birthday is on the 24th of January and I'm a single child. I like cats but I've never had a pet because my mother is allergic. My parents are okay and they know about you. After I got the feeling I told them that I'd meet someone named Jason."

"How did they react?"

"Surprised, probably a little shocked but they know whatever I say is true."

"That's pretty amazing."

"I guess. Declan and I go away during summer and winter breaks. Beach in the summer and mountains in the winter. We're both snowboarders. You?"

"Me too." Jason said. "So you'll be gone. When?"

"In a little less than a month. You know, you could come as well."

"I don't know. Wouldn't I be intruding?"

"I don't think so. Maybe you should meet Declan first but if he likes you it should be cool. We sometimes take other friends with us and once or twice he brought his girlfriend of the month."

"Girlfriend of the month?"

"He changes them like... like his shoes. Yes, he has new shoes almost every month."

Jason chuckled and the sound sent tingles through my body.

"Now you tell me a little about yourself." I said and he did. He told me about his family, how he really loved his little brother Jesse, about his friends that I already met and then we talked about music, movies, sports and things that went on here and in other places of the world. I really began to like him more. The time passed fast and around noon we went to get some snacks and watched a movie. I didn't concentrate on the movie though.

I always thought it was stupid to go to the cinema or watch a movie to just make out. Whenever Declan went to the movies with his girlfriends he never really knew what the movie was about and I always made fun of him. But now that we sat next to each other I felt myself getting nervous and my heart beat faster.

Perhaps I'd have paid attention to the screen if the first few seconds were really catching but they weren't so I just stared at Jason's leg that was pressed against mine and then looked up, saw the bulge at the front and let my eyes wander up on his chest. I gazed at his strong chest and then his neck, his Adam's apple and his lips. They turned into a smile and I looked up to see Jason grinning at me and blushed. I couldn't believe I actually blushed but he probably couldn't see it because we'd shut the light and only the screen was lighting up the room.

Jason didn't say anything and just put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer. For a while I stared at the screen and enjoyed the feeling but then I couldn't just sit still anymore and again turned to look at him. Jason was now the one staring at me. His intense eyes almost made me shiver.

His arm on my shoulders pulled me closer to him until our lips touched. Just softly, like the touch of a feather. But then I put my hands on his back and we made out for real. His tongue asked for entry and I opened my mouth, letting him inside. Jason was an amazing kisser and I got lost in it, I let my hands caress his back and just enjoyed it. I felt myself getting more aroused but I didn't try to take it one step further. We were taking things slow and Jason was probably still working things out in his head. So we just made out and well, when the movie was over I had no idea what it was about. Jason and I were both flustered and out of breath when we stopped kissing and I smiled at him. He just smiled back and we stayed close together on the couch.

When it was time for me to leave I really didn't want to. I wanted to stay here with Jason and make out some more and talk some more. Since I didn't have work the next week he said he'd call me so we could see each other sometime after Christmas.

I was probably floating home and when I walked by my father he grinned at me with a knowing smile.


I really didn't have a good feeling about it. As soon as he mentioned it I knew it would be unpleasant and I didn't want an unpleasant new year. But not going would be even worse.

The last week was really great. We had a small Christmas-party with just my parents and me and we talked a lot, about everything, we enjoyed the beautiful and peaceful time of the year and ate good food. The next day, the 25th we went to my grandparents where all the other relatives were. That meant another set of grandparents, an uncle from my mother's side, one two more uncles and an aunt from my father's side and many cousins. I was totally stuffed in the end and could barely walk to the car because my tummy was so full.

The next day I hung out with Declan, we had presents for each other and we went out for a drink. I always enjoyed spending time with him and felt very lucky to have such a wonderful friend. Who else had someone like Declan, who never judged me, we never really fought, who really loved me and cared about me. We were more like brothers than friends.

Declan definitely wanted to meet Jason and I told him that I'd try to set up a meeting. Declan's opinion on that matter was really important to me, no matter what my feeling told me.

And in those days Jason and I were texting each other. Just a few messages a day and before going to bed he called me and we talked for a while. I felt really close to him and he was constantly on my mind and in my dreams. When I finally went over to his house it was the first time that I didn't go there for work. Only seconds after I rang the doorbell Jason opened the door with a huge grin on his face. "Come in." He said and I followed him into his rooms.

He closed the door behind me and pushed me against the wall to ravish my mouth. I didn't resist and just enjoyed the kiss.

"Missed you, too." I said when he finally stopped attacking my lips.

"Sorry." He said with a smile.

"I'm not protesting, am I?"

"No. So did you bring your swimsuit?"


"Great. Let's go."

They had a big indoor-pool. At the end there was like an opening that led outside if they opened the room and probably led outside. It was amazing to swim in the big pool when there was just the two of us. We changed and took a quick shower and then jumped from the diving board into the water.

When I came up I saw Jason's wet hair, drops of water dripping down, his shoulders glistened and he looked so incredibly sexy I wanted to jump him. But instead I went under and grabbed his foot. If I attacked Jason somewhere else I'd probably stand no chance since he had much more muscle and was taller than me. But I was a good swimmer and even though it was him who had the pool I trusted my abilities to make him suffer a little.

Jason struggled but I held on to his foot and pulled him under. We fought underwater and when we came up we were both breathing hard but laughing. And then he tried to attack me and we just fooled around in the big pool. When we were exhausted we laid down in the seats next to the pool and talked a little about the week and other stuff.

"Are you free on Saturday?" I then asked him.

"My friends are coming over. Why?"

"I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet Declan then. Tomorrow he isn't free so I thought the day after tomorrow. But..."

"You can both come over."

"Are you sure? I mean..."

"You already met my friends." Declan said. "And besides, Kyle has been asking about you. He thinks you're a good guy. I know better, of course."

I slapped his arm and he looked at me with a mock hurt expression. "Ouch! That's exactly what I'm talking about. Violent for no reason! Ouch! Hitting others! Not a good guy, definitely not. Ouch! You're so mean!" I hit him for the fourth time and he grinned. "So, you coming over on Saturday with your friend?"

"Sure." I said. I was sure that Declan would do the you-hurt-my-friend-I-come-after-you-speech and I should probably warn him about Jason being in the closet and having to stay there.

Jason and I spent the rest of the day in his room. We made out, we watched a movie (we really watched it) and then I ate dinner with the Carbons-family. Cliff Carbons was happy to see Jason and me becoming friends and Jesse was a sweetheart like always.

So everything was wonderful and great, I felt like it was the best time of my life but then came Saturday.

Declan and I went to the mansion and when he saw where Jason lived, Declan's jaw dropped. For a while he just stared at the mansion and then looked at me, back at the mansion and again at me. "He lives here?" He asked.


"Damn. That's one rich family."


"You have a rich boyfriend."


"Can I have him?"


"Too bad." Declan grinned at me and I went to ring the doorbell. I could see that Declan was surprised that not a maid opened the door but Jesse. That really reminded me of the first time I ever came here.

"Come in, they're all in Jason's room." Jesse said and just then his mother came, greeted us with a friendly smile and led Jesse into another room.

"Fuck, why are they so rich?" Declan whispered as he followed me upstairs.

"You build your own company and if you're lucky you'll live in a house like this too."

"Yeah, sure. No, I'll just marry some rich girl. Do they have a daughter?"

"No, idiot." I slapped his arm and he grinned at me.

Jason and his friends were sitting on the couch. I saw Kyle and Cameron and Adrian if I remembered his name right. But the fourth one wasn't present.

"Hey guys." I said and they all said hi. I introduced Declan to them and noticed him staring at Jason, who was looking hard back at him. I really hoped this was going to go well because both liked me and both had that protective-macho-thing. They were both really built and a fight between the two of them was something I really didn't want to see. I wasn't sure who would win.

But they behaved and Jason then smiled at me and I thought I could see the hunger in his eyes. I so wanted to kiss him, let him ravish me but we were surrounded by friends.

Kyle said we should go bowling and so went down to the bowling hall. We all played at the same lane and while one played the others sat back, drank and talked. I got to know Kyle better and the more I heard about him the more I liked him.

He was very good at bowling, as was Declan. I could see that Jason was doing his best and never wanted Declan to win. Jason won but it was close. A while later the two of them went out and I wondered if I should follow them but I let it be and just hoped they would become friends.

The rest of the day was really nice and we all enjoyed the company of the others. Even Jason and Declan were friendly. And then Cameron mentioned the new years party. As soon as he said it I felt that unpleasant feeling and I hoped Jason would not go but he looked excited about it.

"Are you guys coming, too?" He asked.

Declan shrugged and looked at me. "Why not?"

"That's great. I can come get you two." Jason said and they all began to make plans, Cameron and Adrian telling how great the party would be and I just felt bad. I would go. For one because Jason really wanted to, and second because I felt that if I didn't go it would be even worse.

Whatever was going to happen on New Year, I was not really looking forward to it and I braced myself for a shitty party.

This was chapter five. I hope you enjoyed it even though it isn't exactly the best chapter. Let me know what you think. You can also join my yahoo-group where you can read my other stories. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/azulastories

All the best Azula

Next: Chapter 6

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