I Got a Feeling

By Jenny Tian

Published on Jun 27, 2012


I'm sorry it took me so long to write this chapter. I had a stressful week of finals and I rewrote this chapter.

  • There's a grade 5 mentioned and where James lives 6 is the best grade, 1 the worst but it's rarely given (I managed to get it once =P). A 4 is needed to pass and a 5 is good.

I hope you enjoy.


As soon as I saw him all the anger, hurt and disappointment just vanished into nothing. Jason looked much worse than me, black rings under his sad eyes and his skin was pale. When I saw him I just wanted to hug him, kiss him and forget everything but I knew I had to know what happened.

"Hey James." He said and smiled at me.

"Hi. I'll get us some coffee."


I came back with two mugs and sat down. We had a pretty secluded place and there weren't too many people here today. Jason took a sip, I took one and then he began to talk.

"That evening before I went my father came to my room and wanted to talk to me. He looked really serious and so I sat down. He talked about the obligation I had, being the oldest son and future head of Carbonax, he said that it was important that I worked hard and never slacked off and a lot of other stuff. I heard that so often I'm really sick of it. I'm working harder than all of my friends, I never got a grade under a 5*, I've been introduced and worked for Carbonax since I was six years old but never, never has my father complimented me." Jason shook his head as if trying to understand it.

"I'm really doing my best. But the one thing I can't do is marrying a woman. That evening my father said that the daughter of some CEO was pretty and wanted to meet me. He really said I should consider marrying her and stop playing around. I mean, he had no idea about me. Yes, I had girlfriends in high school but now I haven't gone on a date since ever. And he says I have to stop playing around. And that girl... she's ugly, I met her once at a party. And my father wants me to marry her. Sometimes I really wonder if he loves me at all. I mean, I know he does but he never shows me. He treats me so differently from Jesse. And now he has practically arranged a marriage for me. We're in the 21st century. Who the hell gets an arranged marriage in Europe? Anyway, my father was talking about girls and that he expected me to marry someone of status, someone who will help the company and I was just so pissed at him. I still am. And then we went to that party, I couldn't dance with you and that girl was practically rubbing herself all over me and I don't know... I had too much to drink, didn't think rationally, was pissed and the next thing I know we're in that room making out."

Jason sighed and looked at me. "I'm so sorry for that. Really, I wish I could go back and make it right. But all I can do is ask you to forgive me."

I had expected something like that. Jason had to be perfect at home and I think he sometimes had to let off some steam outside, like that first time we met and he yelled at me. When he saw me at his home he couldn't do anything, he had to hold his anger back but outside he could. And right now I wanted to lean over the table, take his face in my hands and kiss him.

"You know, I had the feeling that something was going to happen and when you were suddenly gone I... I suspected it but it was still a shock to see it. Especially since it was so short after we started our... relationship." I saw Jason's pained expression. "But I had a couple of days to think and you explained why it happened and... I do. I forgive you."

Jason looked like a ton of bricks was taken off his shoulders and a smile spread over his face. "Thank you so much. Oh god, I'm so happy. I was really worried I screwed up."

"Just don't let me catch you again."

"It won't happen because I won't betray you ever again."

I smiled at him and I believed him. I just knew it wouldn't happen again. After we finished our coffee Jason invited me for strawberry ice cream even though it was freezing outside. We sat close to each other but not touching and looked outside, while I licked my ice cream and Jason talked. I really loved listening to him. He had good stories to tell, I just gave an occasional comment, laughed when he said something funny and mostly just enjoyed the feeling of being close to him and hearing him talk.

When we parted our ways Jason looked right and left and then gave me a small kiss on the lips. "See you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Can't wait."

I walked home feeling much better, glad that we had talked about it and there was this warm feeling in my gut.

Declan came over and I guess I looked too happy. He grinned at me. "So, you made up?"

"Uh huh."

"No make up sex?"


"It's the best, let me tell you."

"We haven't even tried normal sex yet, horn-dog."

"I know. But seriously, how can you wait so long?"

"Declan, it wasn't all that long since we got together."

"My girlfriend put out on the first date."

"Slut." I mumbled.

"My girlfriend or me?"


"Oh come on. It's normal for guys to fuck everything available."

"D, I don't even want to know what you've fucked, okay? I don't want any details. And if you do, I'll just get even by telling you everything about Jason. I haven't seen him completely naked, yet but I saw him in his boxers and I can tell you he's got a great body and he's nicely hung as far as I..."

Declan put his hand on my mouth to shut me up. "I don't need to know about his dick, James." He said with a grin and I tried to pry his hand away from my face but he was much stronger than me. "But I'm happy for you. Now let's go downstairs. It's time for dinner." He finally took his hand away.

When we sat at the table my father mentioned that he wanted to meet Jason and I agreed to ask him. Maybe it was still a little early to meet the parents but I had already met his.

I had to get to work the next day and I was actually looking forward to it. I liked the work I did in my office at the Carbons-mansion and Cliff was always very nice even though I wasn't too pleased with him planning Jason's marriage. I really wondered if he would force his son to marry someone else's rich daughter.

Cliff himself opened the door and greeted me with a smile. "It's good to see you again, James." He said.

"Good to see you, too, Mr Carbons. I hope you had a wonderful time."

"Of course. I have put some work on your desk and if you have any questions you can ask me."

"Thanks." I said and indeed there was quite a bit of work on my desk. I started the computer and went to work. Time always passed fast when I was in my office and I flinched when someone was suddenly behind me.

"You thirsty?"

I turned and smiled at Jason. He had two cans of soda in his hands and handed me one. "Thanks Jase."

"So, how's it going?"

"Good. But it's a lot of work."

"It's always like that at the beginning of the year."

"I see."

"You're staying for dinner?"

"Am I invited?"

"My father told me to tell you to stay."

"Cool. I kinda missed your cook's desserts."

Jason chuckled. "That's the only reason you're staying, huh?"

"Of course."

"So you won't come up to my room after dinner?"

"What do you have in mind?" I asked with a grin and was happy to see his eyes twinkle.

"Hmm, I'm thinking of seducing that green-eyed guy and having my way with him."

"Oh, I see. I guess I'll better leave then so you can try to seduce him without me being there."

Jason laughed and since the door was closed, leaned towards me and gave me a quick kiss. "You're cute."

"I'm handsome."

"You're cute."

"I'm sexy."

"You're cute."

"You're mean."

"I'm the sexy one. You're the cute one." He said with a grin and I lightly punched his arm.

"Well, get out, humble one. I need to get back to work."

"Okay. See you later." He gave me one more little kiss and then left. I sighed, wanting him to stay here the whole time but I had a feeling that I wouldn't be able to work very efficiently with him sitting next to me. It was soon time to finish and I got almost everything done. Cliff was pleased and we went to the dining room. The rest of the family was just sitting down and soon the food was brought in. It was wonderful as always and Jesse who was sitting next to me was telling me everything about his vacation. It was really cute how excited he got as he told me and I smiled at him.

Jason also had an amused expression on his face and the parents didn't try to stop Jesse's talking. After dessert Jason told them that I was staying the night and I could see Cliff's pleased expression.

As the door closed behind us Jason took me into his arms and kissed me more passionately. We just stood there and I kissed him back. It seemed like an eternity passed before he pulled away and looked at me. "Your lips are like an addiction." He mumbled.

"Your kiss makes me weak."

"Yeah. I noticed that and it's hot how I have to hold you. I can't remember anyone who was like that."

"But it's weird. I mean, it's not normal that my knees just get weak."

"I'm a good kisser."

"You're so modest."

"Sure I am." He said and we sat down on his couch. "There's something I wanted to talk to you about."


"Nothing bad."


"It's just... well..."

"This is about sex, right?" I asked and grinned when Jason looked a little uncomfortable. He was the one with the experience, not me but being with a guy was also new to him.

"Yeah. I told you I've been dreaming about you and since I wasn't sure how everything worked I went on the net to get some information."

"I see."

"And, well. It's just, I mean... we said we'd go slow but I'm not sure how slow I can go. I really wish to take our relationship one step farther."


"Okay? Just like that?"

"Yes. I would have let you do anything that first night I stayed here but I knew you were a little uncomfortable with the idea to be with a guy so I thought we'd take it at your pace. And when you say you're ready I am."

"That's good. Yes, it was a little weird at first but I had some time to get used to it and you really make me hot. But I guess you'll have to lead me since I've never been with a guy."

"We'll just learn everything together. I've never been with one either."

"Huh? But... Never?"


"And neither with a girl?"


"So you're a..."

"Total virgin. I thought you knew."

"No... I mean... you didn't tell me. So I'll be your first? Gawd, that just makes it even hotter. But are you sure you're ready? I don't want to be the one to push you."

"I think I am. Maybe not the whole way. Just... other stuff."


"So..." Suddenly there was an awkward silence and I thought that the first time probably always was a little like that. Both unsure, not sure yet what the other liked and hoping the other wouldn't be disappointed.

I looked at Jason and saw him fidgeting. It looked funny and when I chuckled he smiled. "This is weird."


"Let's just... shower and go to bed early?" He asked.

"Together? The shower, I mean."

"If you want."

"Yes!" I said and he smiled. We started to take our clothes off and I looked closely at him, watched how he took off his shirt, his pants and socks... "Hey, you get naked, too." Jason said and I realized I was still fumbling with my shirt.

"Sorry. I was just watching the show." I said and he grinned. But he waited until I was in my boxers too before he slowly, slowly pushed his boxers down. I followed his motion and when they fell to the ground we both stood still and watched the other. Jason's body was really magnificent and it looked perfect to me. His cock was in perfect proportion to his tall, strong body and I felt myself get hard. At the same time his cock filled with blood, too.

"You're beautiful." He said.

"You're the gorgeous one. So perfect."

He smiled and then walked to the shower, letting me look at his ass. It was muscular and just... perfect. Jason put the water on and we both got wet. Then he took the soap and started to run his hands all over my body. I'd read about washing one another but I'd not been washed since I was a small boy. The experience was amazing, sensual and somehow loving. Jason's big hands were all over my body, soaping me, caressing my skin and I heard myself moaning. He also washed my crack and genitals but didn't linger much longer there. When he was done he rinsed everything off and I gave him a kiss.

"That was wonderful." I said as I took the soap and tried to make him feel as good. I loved to let my hands run over his strong shoulders and arms, his back, his chest and abs... His hard cock poked me and when I knelt down to wash his legs I couldn't resist temptation and gave it a small kiss and lick. He moaned and I then rinsed him off, too.

He pulled me close to him and as we kissed in the shower, under the running water I couldn't help but think of all those romantic movies where a couple kissed in the rain. This was really close to it and it was an amazing experience.

"I..." I wanted to tell him I loved him but then I held back. It was too early and I didn't want to scare him off.

"Hmm?" Jason asked and started to wash my head.

"I want to do that more. It's amazing."

"Yeah." He said and gently massaged the shampoo in my head. After he rinsed it off he bent down a little so I could wash his head. After rinsing him off we dried each other, sneaking little kisses in between and we were both still hard and full of anticipation.

Jason led me to his bed, closed the door behind us and we fell on it, kissing more passionately, our hands now wandering all over our bodies, caressing and then his lips moved down to my neck, my chest, my nipples... My body jerked when he sucked on one and a moan escaped my lips. "Jase..."

"Mmh." He just said and continued to kiss and lick my body. But before he reached my cock I grabbed his shoulders and nudged him to the side. He laid down next to me and I climbed on top of him and proceeded to kiss him. Our cocks were rubbing against each other, leaking pre-cum and I took them both in my hands and jerked us both off.

"Oh, Jame, that's so good." Jason moaned and kissed me again.

"Mmh... yeah..." I just mumbled and continued rubbing my body agains Jason's. We were both really worked up from the shower and so it didn't take very long before I felt myself nearing orgasm.

"Jame... I'm..."

"Me too..." I moaned, not able to slow down and so I moved my hands faster and within seconds my body jerked and I came while yelling out Jason's name. In my daze I realized that Jason was coming, too and after the intense orgasm I just laid on Jason, trying to catch my breath and not caring about the mess between our chests.

Jason put his hands around my back and kissed me with a smile, still breathing fast. "That... was amazing."


"Jame, you're so wonderful." He mumbled and kissed my lips again.

"Sex is tiring." I whispered and felt my eyes close.

"We need to clean up."


"Jame. Wait, let me get up." Jason slowly laid me down next to him and went to get towels. He cleaned both our chests and then snuggled close to me. For some reason I really couldn't stay awake even though it was still quite early. I just enjoyed the warm feeling of Jason's naked body, so close to mine, so safe and was asleep within seconds.


It was like I was a child that discovered a new and exciting toy. Now that I had finally discovered sex I couldn't get enough of it. The morning after that amazing night I gave Jason a blow-job. It was the first time I ever did that and since he was quite big there was no way I could get everything in my mouth but I tried my best, also used my hands and when he came he was saying my name over and over again, which made me even more aroused.

Jason returned the favour. He was hesitant at first but then he got into it and my orgasm was even more intense than the night before. We had to take another shower since we both smelled like cum but that led to more playing around and the morning was almost over before we went downstairs for some breakfast.

The cook had wonderful pancakes and we both ate a lot after all the activities.

"My parents want to meet you." I said when we were back in his room, remembering that I had promised to ask him.

"Oh, do you think I should?"

"Yeah. I already met yours."

"That's different."

"Yeah, I know. But my parents are cool. It doesn't have to be right now, or this week. Just sometime they wish to meet you."

"Okay. How about this Sunday? You can stay here Saturday night after work and then we go visit your parents."

"Right after a night of hot sex, huh?"

Jason grinned. "Yeah, why not? They'll see your just-fucked expression and they'll know it was me."

"Who says I'm not a top?" I asked him. "Actually I was hoping you'd turn out to be a total bottom."

"What?" Jason had a shocked and uncomfortable expression.

"Just because I'm shorter doesn't mean I can't be a top. Mmh, I want you on all fours." I said with a grin.

"James, I don't know if... I'm not sure... I don't think I can..." Jason stuttered and I laughed.

"Don't look so scared. I'm kidding, Jase. I know you're not comfortable with that and I've been dreaming about you on top of me, okay?"

Jason sighed and smiled. "Good."

"Maybe one day." I muttered under my breath and Jason laughed and started to tickle me. Soon I was a giggling, screaming and writhing mess under him. Finally Jason stopped to give me a tender kiss while I tried to catch my breath. "You're so mean." I mumbled.

"Mmh." He just said and continued kissing me.

Next: Chapter 8

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